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Everything posted by BBArchangel

  1. Have your husband lock you up in a cock cage. There’s something about being locked up that just really focuses you on sex. I know. I’m locked up right now. 🐷🐷🐷
  2. What a day. I’m finally able to walk again. Longer and longer distance without too much assistance. Yay!  So I celebrated today with a friend. We got high and fucked like I was making up for lost time - which I was. Just smoking. Then he started looking at some of my toys. The cock cage I got for my birthday caught his eye. So he locked me up before he left with the key. So here I sit: locked tight, full of cum, and still horny as fuck! Not a bad way to celebrate!

    1. ejaculaTe


      Congrats on the recovery....

    2. BBArchangel


      Thanks! It was kind of scary for a while!

    3. gingerdaddyG


      Great to hear about your recovery!  And good way to celebrate! 😜

  3. Fantastic story! One of the hottest on here!
  4. Me gusta mucho esta fantasia erotico!
  5. Remember when parks and playgrounds used to have those little push merry go rounds? You would push it running around and around as fast as he could, and then hop on and grab hold? I met a man some years ago. He was considerably bigger and stronger. He told me to hop on the merry go round, drop my pants and hold on. Now I’m always up for an adventure, and this one sounded fun. I did as he said, and he started pushing the merry-go-round and running as fast as he could, and when he was ready he hopped on and shoved his dick up my ass. It was a fantastically wild fuck with the world spending around us.
  6. Is there any guy anywhere, no matter his preferred position, who wishes he had a smaller cock?
  7. I’ve seen smaller and average dicks shoot incredibly big loads. I think the most reliable factor is age. And I’m not sure how reliable that is.
  8. Very hot story and well written!
  9. Awesome story. The tina descriptions were well done, and about halfway through I started doing a few hits, myself. Thanks!
  10. Of course he's going back on Saturday. But first he'll email the guy again and ask him directly if he's poz and gqve him two poz loads, and the guy will tell him yes. Nevertheless, through days of fear and terror, the kid will go back to get pozzed again and again.
  11. I was raped repeatedly by my older brother when I was between the ages of 12 and 13. I did not enjoy it at all and I tried to tell my parents. They did not believe me until one day I put an arrow in my brothers throat, and they believed me then. Several court cases followed, the results being, my brother was given the choice of prison or the military. He opted for the military. He should’ve opted for prison. It would’ve messed him up less. Am I attracted to him? Do I want to be like him? Fuck no. The experience messed me up in a lot of ways too. It was a long time before I could come out or make any kind of relationship with a man because I equated homosexuality with weakness, and I am not weak. In the ensuing years a lot of people asked me if I thought being raped by my brother made me gay. No, I told them, it did not make me gay. It just made it a lot harder for me to accept that I was gay.
  12. Allowed myself to get filled with chem piss. So hot.
  13. I would love to be fucked by Ed Hunter. He’s older, muscular, dominant, and just oozes pure masculine sex.
  14. I love to be fucked, so Enemas are a religion for me. As I fill my ass with water, I pray, “Please Jesus, make me to be clean…!”
  15. Amazing hot story. The kid is so excited and aroused, I wonder how he would have reacted to learn his top-buddy was not on meds.
  16. This is a hot and beautiful story. I admit was waiting for the two brothers to finish the story by having sex together. But still, a perfect ending.
  17. This is a fucking awesome story. I love the game motif and the idea that at every moment Bobby was complicit in his own pozzing. I'll be rereading this one regularly.
  18. And to the question: I use both “cock” and “dick.” When I’m soft and not being sexual I have a dick, but when I’m aroused and hard, I have a cock. It’s like a mutant power, I guess. Like when meek Bruce Banner transforms into the raging Hulk.
  19. Hah! When I’m on my knees and have both his balls in my hand, he’d better believe I’m his equal.
  20. This story is scorching. I really do hope you'll continue it!
  21. I hope this is just the beginning of a really hot tale. you have a gift ... with words.
  22. Fucking hot story! Time to reach for my pipe....
  23. Bet your ass it’s required. If you’re gonna stick your dick in me, or I’m gonna stick my dick in you and you’re fine with that, excited, even, but you’re too squeamish to take a little tongue? That’s a sure sign that you’ve got too many hangups and insecurities to be worth more than a quick fuck and then say goodbye. In my opinion.
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