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Everything posted by BBArchangel

  1. Very hot story! I'm eager to see how it concludes.
  2. Hot!I hope this story continues!
  3. A really hot story!
  4. Good story, but I hope you continue it to the point where the curious straight is in the sling getting the "straight" fucked out of him.
  5. This story is a rarity here: it's both hot and sweet. Almost romantic. Well done!
  6. Hot story! I hope you continue it.
  7. On a park merry-go-round late at night. Totally Unexpected. And the merry-go-round wasn’t the only thing spinning.
  8. Too short!Boy, once that noose came into play, I popped a load all over my desk.
  9. Really hope the story gets continued. Excellent, set up.
  10. This is an amazingly hot story! Just sorry that it stops there. I'm hard and high and hungry for this to continue!
  11. I love this story and keep coming back to it.
  12. Great beginning. I hope there's more to comd. So to speak.
  13. Fascinating set-up. Waiting for more!
  14. I love low-hangers and hate cliff-hangers!
  15. .Hot story! zLoved the eager compliance of this bottom.
  16. I’m not sure if I am bothering to post this here. Just talking to myself actually I guess. But three weeks ago. I had some major spinal surgery. The good news is, I’m finally walking again, if somewhat jerkily. The bad news is I finally got a look at the incision without any bandages any bandages over it. And I can’t say that it’s very attractive. It is a stupid concern, I admit, but we all have our vanity. And as I am pretty much a bottom, I wonder if it’s going to turn people off. Nothing really to be done about it. And there are certain benefits to walking again. Life, you know. I’m probably blowing the smallest worry into something bigger than it really is.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gingerdaddyG


      That’s the spirit BBArchangel - we’re looking forward to hearing all about your first sling session! 😈😈😈

    3. ytowndaddybear


      For every guy that may be turned off by it there will be two or three that are either turned on by it or are more willing to approach you as they see it as an easy way to start a conversation.

    4. BBArchangel


      Thanks, daddy bear.  I’m crossing my fingers that what you say is right and I'm worried over nothing.

  17. Ack! what a place to stop! I've read this all in one session, and it's hot as hell. Please don't stop!
  18. Great story! really intense and imaginative . I'd love to see at least one following chapter in which he seduces the man in the gold mask.
  19. Excellent story! I really enjoyed it. You could feel all the character's conflicting emotions.
  20. I really enjoyed your story. As a bondage enthusiast myself can tell you that part of the thrill is the risk of putting yourself in a situation that perhaps you weren't prepared for.
  21. Fascinatng set-up and a fun story. Hope it continues.
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