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Everything posted by BBArchangel

  1. I hope t hey fucked each other at least once before the end of that conference.
  2. hope this story continues soon.
  3. I have an average, right-on-the-mark six-inch dick. For the longest time I tried to think of myself as small, because I have a tendency to shrink up when I’m not aroused. The old “grower not a shower” thing. But after a while and with more experience with other men I came to realize all the worry about dick-size was just wasted energy. Big-dicked men would not be so big without smaller dicks to compare themselves to. Be grateful for smaller dicks. And yep, there’s a new lesson here for me about other perceived body flaws…
  4. Lm this group can’t be displayed….
  5. “And if you don’t march down (to Congress) and fight like hell, then you won’t have a country!” sounds like election interference to rational people.
  6. Pence, himself, says he did not have this option. He even consulted another former vice-president about it - Dan Quayle, who reportedly laughed. The vice president’s role in the certification process is purely ceremonial.
  7. I’ve heard this particular piece of bullshit over and over, almost as long as there has been a gay rights movement. At least in earlier times the haters justified their hatred in religious terms. Many still do. But the blunt truth is that preserving gay rights will have no effect on foreign policy, nor national security, and certainly not the economy. No effect. And you definitely -should- be thinking with your cocks. And your marriages. And your right to walk around free. Ian’s if anybody -anybody- ever asks you to sacrifice your rights for “national security” ask them just what the fuck they’re willing to sacrifice. And when they sputter, that’s funny.
  8. Just a deep thanks to those of you who knew about and were so supportive during  the past couple of years (especially Astro and Nastymontanaboy) through multiple surgeries, recovery, physical and therapy, etc while I recuperated and learned to walk all over again. I’m happy to say PR is finally over. I still can’t run or ride a bicycle - but C I can walk on my own again. (I’m sorta tearing up as I write that.)
    i also  confess that when I walk I sometimes walk like a drunk b manI’m tearing up as I write that.  And yeah, not being able to run makes me an easy catch. Something to keep in mind for the future thanks to all of you offered encouragement and support Along the way.

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      Hi, we never talked to each other; well, this is mostly a sex-related site but I think we are all humans with our own joys and pain. Sharing them and supporting each other is such a good thing! I couldn't even guess what you were experiencing, wish you could get better and better. Good luck.

    2. BBArchangel


      Thank you! It is sort of interesting that you can meet so many fascinating people on a site like this site where you can show your brain off in discussion as well with your dick off. Just got talk to everybody, but I don’t think you ever make a post anywhere that I don’t read and generally, I really appreciate the things you say. I have recovered to the point or I can walk pretty much on my own and not embarrass myself too much by looking like I’m drunk lol. My next goal is to be able to run again and I’ve just started working on that , believe me I appreciate all of your well wishes. 

    3. PozTalkAuthor


      So, you just have to do what you feel to. Push further, then take a rest, but listen to your body. That's important! As for me, I did not expect to find someone interested in talking; I have many sexting buddies but with many of them I have also good conversations. Always considering that I don't come here mostly to talk about serious matters LOL

  9. Is intense enough that I can’t even write about it without making confusing mistakes. Sorry for the errors.
  10. Prostitutes. Like I was told when some of the community decided to “reclaim” the word “queer.“ Just embrace it, and that will strip it of its power to hurt or offend.
  11. It’s been a few years since I visited DeSantistan, formerly known as Florida, but this might be a good time to show up in hoooge (huge) numbers.
  12. Heads up, guys. There are some real weirdos on this site. Someone messaged me asking me to meet them in the woods at midnight for a Satanic ritual, and then they didn’t even show up!

    1. TaKinGDeePanal


      Some people have no sense of impropriety!

  13. My bad. It’s called David Made me. Right now it’s on page 63z.
  14. “Made by David.” It’s a reprint from the old Bugshare Sir. You can find it up around page 63 or maybe 64 or so. The ending is rather tragically rushed, but the rest is very professional quality. And hot as fuck.
  15. What drives you nuts with a fuck machine isn’t the size of the dildo, but the speed at which the machine is set. also, from my own experience I just don’t see how this would work. Something isn’t visible in this vid - namely is hands and feet. The guy the sling must somehow be putting up resistance or fuck machine would push him away and the dildo plop out. A human sex partner will provide that resistance by grabbing your thighs or the chains or your harness.
  16. I love to be rimmed. I can say that enthusiastically too - now. I’ve had guys sort of lick around my ass before, maybe roll their tongues around a little bit inside. But it seldom seemed like many of them were …how to say? … fully committed. Just yesterday, however, I spent the day with a gold-medal Olympic rimmer. And silver and bronze, also. This was not mere commitment. This was a super-power. It set a high bar for you fellas to reach - but I really hope you’ll try. (Hmmm. Maybe we need a BreedingZone Olympicsimagine the categories!)
  17. For me, across the gamut of apps, I’m getting Russians. They’re all gorgeous, all young, all desperate to escape before they get drafted. And all looking for that total interest-killing “long-term relationship. Or words to that effect. All I have to do is help them get to America. “And do you have an account on Telegram?”
  18. Because it would be really rude to push it out on the carpet?
  19. Heads up, guys. There are some real weirdos on this site. Someone messaged me asking me to meet them in the woods at midnight for a Satanic ritual, and then they didn’t even show up!

    1. Gaygeekhorny


      Typical.  And whatever happened to worshiping Dagon and Cthulu.  Lets take back tentacle sex from the Japanese.

    2. jjxlo


      Okay. This made me laugh lol. But on a serious note - yikes! Be safe out there.

  20. I’ve been a big fan of Swiss Navy for sometime, but just recently I tried boy, butter, and I’m kind of one over.
  21. Although I have bought various pieces of fetish wear via Amazon - singlets, jockstraps, etc. - I will not buy Leather leather accessories that way. I bought a harness once and it was just chunk. (I gave it to my boyfriend’s boyfriend.) I tried a pair of manacles and they were crap. The letter is apparently made just for show and not for actual use. I want my brother to hold up under the duress of hardcore play, so I prefer to see it myself, handle it, and try it on -or out.
  22. If they are seeding me, they are not straight, no matter how much they want to pretend otherwise.
  23. First cock? Weird question I’ve only ever had the one and wasn’t aware that I had the option to trade it in on the second or third!
  24. We’ve already had one nutbag president who thought he was smarter than doctors, and look how that turned out. Now along comes Robert Kennedy wanting to be president and play doctor. His name doesn’t entitle him to anything, not even to be taken seriously. The bullshit about poppers originated the earliest days of the aids crisis. Scores of researchers and doctors determined that poppers was not a causative agent. That didn’t stop ignorant, jackassed politicians from enacting bans and other crap legislation, not in any serious attempt to fight AIDS, but rather in an effort to crack down on homosexuals and their shameless behavior. Next thing you know, Kennedy will start invoking the old 4H Club. Homosexuals, Hemophiliacs, Heroin users, and Haitians as the sources of AIDS. That, by the way, has also been debunked.
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