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Everything posted by BBArchangel

  1. I’ve always considered that a “trick” was anybody you picked up for sex. Basically a hook-up. “I went home with h a trick last night.” “I picked up a trick at the bar.” Now “side” is so completely new to me that I had to look it up in the Urban Dictionary just a few weeks ago. Somebody who just wants to cuddle and kiss, but not actually have sex? If this describes you, please post it prominently on your profiles, because that’s not what I’m looking for. Well, unless you grow on a really great massage. Then maybe.
  2. I’ll take spit.
  3. Terrific story. I read this in one sitting working my glass pipe and my meat pipe the entire time. I can put them both away happy now!
  4. Totally enjoying this right up to its non end
  5. This is one of the best stories I"ve read on here.. Well written.
  6. Hot beginning. I hope more follows,
  7. Every now and then you meet someone and you just know within a minute you could spend the rest of your life without ever meeting them again.
  8. So it’s been a terrific weekend. First, an unexpected 3-way with two really hot guys, one of whom came back over tonight for more. Secondly, for the first time ever, I tried Molly. That was pretty amazing. 

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  9. happy halloween! more.
  10. This is a great story. I hope it continues. I really liked Steve's journey through doubt to acceptance. and would love to know if their relationship continues.
  11. Interesting story. I love the characters so far and hope we see more of them. This Story needs to continue.
  12. Hot and ruthless. Great story.
  13. Hot story!
  14. Fucking hot story. I smoked a few fat shards and jacked a load. Hope there’s more to cum%
  15. Aids did not forced me back into a closet. Orphans in my early teens. I didn’t really I have a closet to go back into. And because I was already studying dance and ballet with some pretty major companies, I was used to people assuming I was gay even before I was ready to except myself. but my oldest and closest childhood friend, had the misfortune to be one of the first people in KC to die from aids. It galvanized me. I helped establish the first AIDS service organization in in KC. Later, two more such groups. Still underage, I carried baskets of condom and informational materials weekly to the two bath houses. I drove patients to their (primitive) treatments, and other chores for them. And I raised money. Corporate cash and involvement was not really a thing. At that point and aids services were supported one dollar at a time on the talents of drag queens. I didn’t do drag, but I emceed countless shows and did whatever I could. It all became unbearably ugly. I watched a lot of friends die horribly. Attended to many funerals. I debated focus on the family founder, James Dobson. I listened to a Pfizer representative pronouns that there was absolutely no money in a cure, and we shouldn’t expect that. And a lot of other hellish stuff. Then I hit burn out. I took a long breath and looked around me, and I realized that I had not had a significant relationship or really sex with another man at all for a long time. Aids did not keep me in the closet. It did something worse. It made me afraid of sex. It froze me emotionally. I did not even want to form relationships. I was just in too dark of a space. it took me a long time to work my way back into some thing that looked like light. I’m not sure I’m there yet.
  16. Just don’t mix it with cocaine. Chemically, they combine in something potentially lethal.
  17. Great story! I really enjoyed this, all the various twists and turns. Well done!
  18. Have a great time doing Leather pride. I missing it for the first time in 12 years. I usually stay for about 15 days or so to take him Halloween parties and Gay Pride as well. The city is, like, in party mode for that entire period.
  19. I have. The very first time I met my meth daddy, he gave me both a slam and then G. The G didn't overcome the tina-dick, but fuck I was hornier than I had ever been. It was amazing! This is a really amazing story! I guess we can assume Christopher is no longer straight. g
  20. I have. The very first time I met my meth daddy, he gave me both a slam and then G. The G didn't overcome the tina-dick, but fuck I was hornier than I had ever been. It was amazing! g
  21. I’m 57, and my sex knife is through the roof. My intro to Tina may explain part of that. My partner, on the other hand, is 76. His drive is definitely in low gear
  22. Like champagne or coffee, cum was an acquired taste for me. I seriously did not like it. Little by little, however…
  23. Great story. Always love the bondage element
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