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Everything posted by Niceroundass

  1. pnpguyny: "I was attracted to alcoholic men and their rapid mood swings. One minute they were kissing me and next giving me a black eye (true story). Most people hate walking on eggshells but I love it knowing I could say the wrong thing or put the TV too loud and punches start being thrown. I won't get into all the straight guys who I supported their habits loving the more they used me" This was and still is me today!!! If you ever want to chat let me know..
  2. Absolutely need to drink the GOLDEN NECTAR !!! Love being pissed on and drinking from the tap, bottles, bowls etc.!!! And as a BOTTOM PIG, need to have the TOP to give me all of his body fluids! AS TRUE PIGS we accept all of a Man's FLUIDS in whatever form they may be!!!
  3. Another good one, Thanks!!! Love that he still with old men especially the fat old ones!!!
  4. That AIDS FUCK PIC is HOT!!!

    Wish he was fucking me!!!!

  5. So GREAT, this is amazing and every new bit just adds more and more!!! I loved the: "As I moved round, I was shocked to see it was David, the fat old poz guy from downstairs. His arm was around the lad's waist wanking his cock into time with his thrusts. He saw me, grinned and pulled back so I could see his bare cock entering the smooth, pale bottom. Then he licked his lips" THANK YOU
  6. Just came across this piece, excellent work!!!
  7. Amazing, TRULY AMAZING !!!! Thank You! " Don't...don't ...oof...care who you are. "He grunted. "Just a pig taking my poz cum...ahhh " "He took out one of the condoms. I could see the tip was filled with yellowy cum. He pointed at the old man's cock and raised an eyebrow. The old man grinned and nodded and pulled his cock out half way. To my horror and disgust, he tipped the condom and poured the contents over the man's cock then laughed as it was shoved back into me." " Author Posted 7 hours ago Simon pulled out and I felt hot sperm trickle over my balls. He scooped it up with his finger and stuck it in me, then got off the bench. "All yours," he said to the old man. "See you later." He climbed the steps and disappeared. As he went, I saw the biohazard sign on his left buttock and shuddered with fear and loathing, but the old man took a snort of poppers and stuck them under my nose. I sniffed and felt the fear wash away to be replaced with luxurious sexual feeling. "Come on," he said. "Lets go and put you in the sling." He helped me off the bench, smearing the cum leaking from my hole over my bottom. We went around the screen wall into the fetid darkness. After a few moments, my questing hand felt a chain and then a leather seat. He helped me lie back into it, raised my legs and put my feet in the stirrups. I couldn't see him in the darkness. "My..my name's Ian." I said, feeling nervous and needing to make some kind of connection with him. After all, I was about to take his toxic seed. "Yeah? So what." He grunted. With that, I felt his cock probe me, the metal prince Albert cool and hard in the tip. He pushed harder and opened me up. "Oh yeah!" He gasped and then his cock slid right up inside until his belly was against my balls. " Don't...don't ...oof...care who you are. "He grunted. "Just a pig taking my poz cum...ahhh " Suddenly, I saw a flickering light and heard someone coming. A man round the screen carrying a torch and a bucket. He was one of the guys behend the counter upstairs. He flicked the light over us and said "Just cleaning up. Don't mind me. Seen it all before." I was embarrassed but the old man continued to fuck me as the guy picked up a couple of used condoms and put them in the bucket. He came over and watched us for a moment, noticing the bare cock fucking me in the light from his torch. "Sleazy fucker, eh?" He took out one of the condoms. I could see the tip was filled with yellowy cum. He pointed at the old man's cock and raised an eyebrow. The old man grinned and nodded and pulled his cock out half way. To my horror and disgust, he tipped the condom and poured the contents over the man's cock then laughed as it was shoved back into me. "Nice one!" He said, taking the bottle of poppers and making me sniff. I sagged in lust. Had I just had spunk from a dirty condom put in me? What was I doing! But I felt soooo filthy. "Open up." He said, producing the other condom. I didn't know what he meant until he turned my head, squeezed my mouth open and poured the content into it. "Ahh! ..What...ooh no! I gasped and gurgled as the cold sperm filled my mouth. More poppers and my mind gave way. I was just a pig and that was my fate. ""Swallow" He breathed and I could only do as I was told, closing my lips and swallowing as the old man grunted with pleasure and I felt his cock harden and throb as he came in me. "There you go!" Laughed the man with the torch. "Back to work!" Beautiful scenes!!!!
  8. Beautiful last two pieces!!!! How you create the scene and use the most appropriate words!!! Like these powerful statements: "Then I felt David's heavy body move on to my back and his arms went under my armpits." "I could barely breathe beneath the thrusting old man as he worked his cock in me. Simon fed me poppers and I was lost in a swirl of lust and fear and excitement." "I could only gasp and keep sucking Simon's cock, giving myself up to it. I knew what would happen, knew they were going to poz me and yet...and yet... Taking my silence for acquiescence,"
  9. Excellent Falls, I have many experiences like yours!!!
  10. Slipitupme, GREAT WORK, I know it is under fiction but this is a true to life experience for many us, being taken by our Penis to those places we should not go!!! You tell it in a way we are there, almost seeing and smelling the experience through your words!!!
  11. Most Priests are sexually charged animals; I got fucked by so many in my years. Spent 2 years in a novitiate Program for a religious order; so much sex day and night especially at night!!! Falls727, we should talk message me...
  12. I have had some GREAT Homeless Men fuck me as they like; I have brought Homeless Men home to my apt to fuck me and there have been occasions where they have actually stayed from 1 day to 3 or 4 days and had thoroughly used me for their pleasure... However; the best were about the ones that I encountered and di not want to come back to my apt; so some just fucked in alleyway; a couple used to fuck in behind dumpsters behind buildings; some I took to the Bookstore to fuck me or a Bathhouse (at the Bookstore it was pretty hot due to all the others there looking at me with these Men and taking them into the Booth with me - mot times left the door open so they could see.... Of all these there were a few who took me to their encampments and some just did one on one but there were occasions where it turned into a little group session and I was the Guest Pig Bottom... And even on more than one occasion I spent the entire night at camp with them.. I have even paid them for their Homeless COCKS!!!
  13. I have posted before in this one, it a few pages back now, LOVE GRANDA PORN!! Started with a Grandpa (not mine) and loved every minute of it.. Anyone want to talk about it, message me!!!
  14. Do it all the time whether alone, or someone having me do it!! I have a posting on May 2024 on here, check it out, it is what I believe in!!!!
  15. Amazing Great piece, I hope there are might more you would like to share when you have time to do so !!!
  16. Absolutely Amazing!!! Great story telling it was as if we were there with you, so beautiful!!!! I know you feelings, I also have had sex with homeless men!!!
  17. Absolutely Amazing !!! Thank you for this chapter and for continuing the story. You are an amazing writer and the thoughts and how you deliver them, makes one feel to be right there with them in the rooms, and hallways!!! I know it must take time to develop these thoughts, so when you can and are able to please continue on, when you have the opportunity!!
  18. Because it deserves repeating! It is a Mantra of Piss Submissiveness... Go bully someone else...
  19. YES; Both are great, I have had both, nothing better than a Golden Nectar Enema and a pure Natural Golden Nectar Shower!!! And also you should always swallow a Man's piss and enjoy the natural nectar that he is providing you!!!! It is a duty and honor for a Good PIG to always take any fluid a Man gives you!!!!
  20. YES!!! THANK YOU!!! Another piece of Master Story Telling, Love it, you bring us as if we are there in the living room with them all!!! Also love the fact you jeep the Older and Fatter Men in the story!!! Thank you, looking for to the next when you have time...
  21. Great Piece!!! You can feel being there with them!!!!
  22. As a True Bottom, always start out, face down sniffing poppers, on all fours, knees together to present myself as the true submissive to the top's desire and penis!!! Then let me take whatever and however he needs !!!!
  23. I also started with Older Men, My fist was in his 60s, while I was a Boy, loved every minute of it!!! Later on Used to belong to a group where all the men were 50 up, what a great time, most were in their 60s to late 80s!!!! If anyone likes to chat about these things please DM me and we can phone chat!!!
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