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Everything posted by NastyRawBottom

  1. I’ve been fucked in clubs, parks, restrooms, gyms, subway trains/stations, sleazy motels, behind dumpsters, among others. A few places I’d love to get fucked/ take loads in, but haven’t yet. • Sexual Health Clinic(Can’t elaborate) • Airport/Airplane(Never had luck 😕, but it would be especially hot during an international trip) • Truck/ Rest stops(I don’t drive so it’s logistically hard, but I’d love to take random loads from passing drivers/travelers)
  2. My hole is used enough that I never ‘need’ lube. I can’t even remember the last time I bought it If the Top insists, then cum/spit are the best lubes. I virtually never use artificial lubricants anymore.
  3. It’s ironic, but I think part of it is just that I feel more comfortable getting used by strangers. There is no awkwardness and things get straight to the point. Strangers just see me as a hole and nothing more, which I like. I can definitely be nastier with strangers because I’ll probably never see them again and if I do, I likely won’t remember. Anon guys themselves are usually into hotter, kinkier scenes as many of them are also closeted or DL. Having random DNA inside me is also just a hot feeling. It’s fun to think that the guy that just bred me could live across the street or on the other side of the world.
  4. I started doing this not too long ago. I don’t think the risk is too high as STIs don’t survive very long outside the body. 😕 But I still like to use them as lube for breeders. Random cum is obviously the best lube.
  5. Having a Piss Dom would honestly be pretty nice. Someone who regularly makes me drink his piss from the tap, saves his piss in bottles for me, and thinks of creative ways to satisfy my piss cravings. Having him use me as a urinal for his friends/strangers would be cool too. I know it’s definitely a possible fantasy, but I’m still on the lookout. 💛
  6. Poz, no meds at the moment
  7. That’s just the natural order. Comfort and convenience for the Top. Burden and risk for the bottom. 😊
  8. I definitely have more luck in Jersey. A lot of motels there have exterior corridors which makes it way easier to avoid detection and I’m sure it’s less intimidating for the Tops, so more get to come. I wish NYC had motels like this. It would be messier to host as it can be hassle traveling to Jersey and back without a car.
  9. It is a way hotter scene in freezing weather(no pun intended). The cold makes me feel even more naked than I am and it’s nice to be warmed up by a good load.
  10. I agree it makes the power difference much stronger. I love how much more risky the situation is for the bottom and how convenient it is for the Top.
  11. Do any other bottoms find it hot to be completely naked while the Top just has his pants pulled down but is otherwise fully clothed? I love to be completely naked when I go cruising and am getting fucked in public spots. I love that Tops don’t really have to undress much to get off. I’m not sure why I find it so hot. Maybe it’s the risk factor or just because I feel like a slut being fully naked while Top has all his clothes on. Do any other bottoms feel this way? Do any Tops like fucking a totally naked bottom while keeping your clothes on?
  12. Thank you! This is pretty helpful. I definitely prefer motels in sketchy areas, as there’s usually more anon action and less vigilance from staff or the public. But of course, I will remain cautious. Thank you again!
  13. Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows/ has experiences, as a cumdump, with motels in NYC. I’m hoping to find good motels to be a regular in(I’m a bugchasing cumdump). I think the best cumdump motels are cheap, in a sleazy location, and where staff doesn’t bother/cares who enters. Please let me know motels in NYC you’ve had good experiences in. I’m specially curious about the outer boroughs(Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens). Thank you. 😊
  14. Well, I don’t know my dad. But I sure hope I have. Even by accident.
  15. I would have loved to have you as my father growing up. 😍
  16. Douching should NOT be your main line of defense as bottom. It’s not meant to be. It’s really just meant to finish things off, after you complete a proper plan. Unfortunately, bottoming does require some prior planning. We do not have the luxury of being able to fuck spontaneously, as Tops do. On the bright side, as bottoms we can last much longer and fuck in higher volumes. Which totally makes up for it IMO. Anyway, here is my protocol if I plan to bottom or be cumdump on a specific day. It took plenty of experience and frustration to get it just right. The day before: - Eat healthy and whole meals, with plenty of fiber. Use fiber supplements like Psyllium Husks, Metamucil, or FiberOne, if necessary. - Avoid greasy, oily foods. No fast food whatsoever, sorry! - Also try to avoid foods that trigger digestive issues for you. Such as dairy, gluten, complex spices, etc. Replace meat, which is slow to digest, with quicker digesting and filling carbs such as potatoes, rice, or semolina pasta. - Absolutely no eating after 6PM!!! (4PM, if possible.) - Drink MiraLax or insert glycerin suppository to induce evacuation overnight. Drinks lots of water. Go to bed. The day of bottoming: - When you wake up, go to the bathroom and take your morning dump with patience!!! Do not try to push or squeeze anything. It will stress your body and force it to tighten everything. Just let it fall out naturally. Invest in a squatty potty, if you can. - ABSOLUTELY NO COFFEE OR ORANGE JUICE. Too acidic. I use to think coffee would help at cleaning me out, since it’s a diuretic. But it just makes things much worse, especially if you add dairy to it. - Workout, take a shower, or just move around to agitate your bowels. - Now you can douche. Give yourself 3 hours before you plan to bottom, to douche. With all this, it should just take about 30 minutes to be empty, but some days our bodies just betray us and it takes longer. - If goes without saying, but you probably shouldn’t eat or have carbonated drinks before bottoming. It will make you bloated and make the experience uncomfortable for you. I recommend Gatorade for energy and to replace electrolytes lost while douching. ***If you want to be fully safe and confident. You can take Imodium. I still take it sometimes. Just don’t make a habit of it.**** And that’s it. I know a lot of people online try to glamorize bottoming, as just this magical thing. The bottoms you see online cruising and taking countless loads will never show what an arduous and conscientious process it is. But it is rewarding. If a Top wants to meet right away, and you’re not physically ready. Forget it. You won’t enjoy it. Better to plan and bottom with complete confidence. Honestly, I can’t think of a better experience than being able to erase your thoughts and worries, and just take all the cock you want.
  17. It really comes and goes. No pun intended Sometimes I can still post, sometimes it’s just impossible and demands payment. Can’t even see other posts Really hope they realize no one pay to use it and just give up or find an alternative business plan.
  18. I will do that! Ordering piss yellow socks and jockstrap now. 😅
  19. This is such a cool system! Can’t believe this isn’t more taught/ widely known. Thank you.
  20. I personally don’t wear my chastity to sex clubs. Too cumbersome and I like wearing as little as possible. But my dick also can’t get hard, so good luck trying to do anything with it. 😂😂
  21. It’s very true that Topping is much exerting than bottoming. So it’s just unrealistic for a Top to run through as many bottoms as vice versa. I guess the way I was thinking when asking this question is that from experience, Tops tend to be more discerning about what hole they are willing to put their cock in. As a “No Load Refused” bottom, I really don’t care if the Top is old, young, fat, thin, poz, neg, or his cock size. There’s just no discriminatory tendency in my body when it’s comes to taking loads. I’m not sure if many Tops could say the same about fucking any hole. To some degree it makes sense. I don’t have to see the guy who is loading me up at all. Whereas the Top very much has to see where to put their cock, and so has to see the bottom he’s using. Still, I wonder if Tops like that exist. Ones who just think a hole is a hole and nothing more. Doesn’t matter who it belongs to. Likewise, I’m curious to know if anyone on here is like that
  22. Hey guys, We know there’s plenty of “No Load Refused” bottoms(I identify as one). But is there a Top equivalent to this. That is, a “No Hole Refused” Top? Do any of you Tops consider yourself like this? I mean, would you fuck any and all holes presented to you? Obviously, as No Load Refused bottoms, we don’t discriminate. No matter the guy, Poz or not, no questions asked, all that matters is taking the load. Would it be the same for a No Hole Refused Top? Or are somethings just different between Tops and bottoms? I’d love your insight. 😊
  23. Hardly sounds like a punishment to a true cumdump. Haha. Sounds more like what I hope heaven is like. Getting used as a hole and taking random loads.😇
  24. The load is the only way I am sure the Top is satisfied and got what he wanted. Which is what’s most important to me. And of course, it stays with me, even after he’s gone. Load count is much more important to me that any fuck. As a cumdump, a satisfactory(high) load count feels much more pleasurable than the best fuck I can think of. That’s not to say the fuck doesn’t matter. There’s very few things that feel better than having a cock sliding in and out of my hole. 🤤 I wouldn’t be such a bottom if it didn’t feel so good. However, my proudest and most memorable moments are when I achieve a good load count. That’s when I reclaim my status as a cumdump, and not just bottom.
  25. I’d love to visit a club where I can do just that. 😊 Any in particular?
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