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Everything posted by muscmtl

  1. My book is coming out today on Amazon, along 2 million others this year. Need a miracle to break through so will do both Lourdes and Roswell

    1. breedbaltimore


      what's the title/name you authored it with?

  2. I don`t get this obsession with soccer men (or European football). These men are skinny and barely have one once of muscle on them, and all they do is run run run like girls in a school yard. I don`t get why there has not been a Rugby calendar done, 1000% muscle beefs with tree trunks legs; just watching both teams walk on the field at the beginning of a game is the only thing worth watching as televised sports are concerned (of course if you don`t count the 4-men-bobsleigh start at the Winter Olympics.) Steve
  3. Any muscle beef dude that takes the dick and cum in his ass. Rare as well, but the best is when the muscle beef finally gives up his status of strict-top
  4. Hope to hear from your trips studs. I found that Montreal is attitude lalaland and that even if Gijoe is packed, everyone keeps walking and walking and walking waiting for the perfect 10 they feel is their birthright. Still hope your trip is bb filled Steve
  5. Love it On the topic of escort, been getting a bashing on a discussion site for gay escort (lots of members, and quite busy.) I asked about the best site to find escort that bareback and I got attacked from all sides, fukin hilarious. Apparently, you are now supposed to talk bb sex with male escorts. Got loads of emails from guys saying that I should be banned. The best reply was from some fun guy who said "move to Europe, here you have to pay for them to put it on.: If all the the escorts move to bbrt then hell, that would be perfect cause you would never have to ask "do you bareback?". I say hurry fort rentb-y`s downfall and and long live bbrt Steve
  6. I go to sauna often (Steamwork, Toronto, or Gijoe, Montreal.) and on Saturdays at 2 everyone is fucking everywhere bareback. So I`m wondering what`s different with a CumUnion party than a regular staturday? Hate Steamwork, you got to be a absolute 10 to get any, and I keep getting CumUnion at invitations at Steamwork. Would love to go, but if the same guys, why bother. So, is CumUnion really diffrent? Thanks Steve
  7. Bing is way better, sadly Don`t know why, but Google took out the advanced search with operators in 2013, which is the ONLY way to find exactly what you want. Natural Search (like Google calls it) gives you everything. if you want to find a bareback muscular male escort in new york who posted something in the last 24 hours, google will give you 1000 hits, while bing (with operators) found the only results you want which totaled 5 There is a petition for Google to bring back the advanced search with operators, hope they listen Steve
  8. all I need is to see the dominant-muscle-strict-top be forced to bottom and has a smile once the seed is in his ass. but hell, that never happens in porn, too fukin bad
  9. sounds a lot like the Henry Vinson story whose gay escort got shut down years ago. Feds pretended it was a money issue but Vinson said that there were too many high profile men (Washington) and that the FBI got scared. There are at least 5 male escorts websites right now, with millions of hits a year, so why only rentb-y, unless some senator asked for a favor. Steve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G-zHTFBvKg
  10. I have had 2 stalkers over the years. A woman who called me everyday and showed up everywhere I was. Changing the phone number did nothing. Then about 9 months later she just disappeared. The other was a guy I said no to in a bar. He would show up at my workplace when I would leave or on my street or around my car but always too far for me to confront him. Police did nothing. I managed to catch the guy late around 3:00 a.m. one morning and beat the hell out of him and that's how I got rid of him. My advice, Be violent. Stalkers can't handle when their prey start fighting back
  11. Hot, but staged. Seen the original there is something to say about true spy where the guys don`t know or just don`t care.
  12. Anyone feels it`s over. With all these porn stars barebacking, everyone doing prep, and most of us pozies on drugs for so many years that we could not give the virus away even if we were paid? Been hit by all these hot Prep guys wanting "viral loads", so many of them that it feels it is no longer a taboo but The in-thing to do, and they`re all pissed when they hear that I`m undetectable (real problem is that they hit on inshape guys and inshape-poz just don`t have a viral load). I keep telling them to seek guys that looked like junkies or have shooting scars on their arms (which I find fuckin hot) since they`re the ones most likely to have a viral load, but they won`t because these guys are not hot. Next year by this time, every porn studio will be doing bb and Prep will have made Gilhead stocks like gold. I miss the good old days (the mid 90`s) where I was actually dangerous, like some kind of witch with life/death powers, that being poz meant something, now it feels more like I have diabetes. Steve Musc
  13. A muscular body
  14. 6'2" and 240 lbs. So you are a big guy, and that changes everything. HIV has no impact on muscle mass, none whatsoever. Just remember that. I`ve got 30 years of gym in me, with all the frustations and discoveries i accumulated. I could give you a 50 pages answer, and still have more to say, so some key points. The NUMBER ONE reason that guys quits is because of the absence or results. Bodybuilders are not created, they are born. Muscle gain is 100% genetics. Trainers and magazine will tell you otherwise but research has proven it over and over again. One of the best comparison is height. Imagine a 5`8" guy asking you to show him how to grow to 6`2" because clearly, you were 5`8" once and you sucessfully grew another 4 inches! You are tall (the taller you are, the less you gain muscle mass, one of the unbroken law in gyms is "anyone who is more muscular than you, is always shorter than you) and you can gain fat, which to me means a muscle beef rather than a lean fit guy. There so many sites and books on muscle gain out there that you can find all the info you need. My wisest advice to you is to go back to the gym, even if you are not seeing any changes. I could spill my 30 years of frustration with a body that just won`t gain muscle mass (steroids, professionnal trainers, food, supplements: nothing worked) but it`s not the topic. Youre poz, tall and big, so just go back, 5 days a week, 6 if possible. Even if some days you train like shit, and you do only 10% of what you have done the day before. Just go back. Hope you keep sharing your "shape" journey. I will read every posts. Steve
  15. Hey Seaguy CG... I meant CL. Craigslist
  16. Only in New York This guy gave me the address of an orgy and told me to show up at 2 am. I would have never made the cut had I gone through their invite on CG: too old, not enough abs, not to mention that I committed the “crime punishable by death” of having less than an 8 inch. New York is the toughest place in the world for gay muscle strict tops who need tones of money every day, so they work nonstop and end up with soft dicks by the age of 30 from all the drugs to keep up and the daily Viagra. Door was opened as my friend promised. There were some 25 gods, all high, barely moving, lots of big non-erecting dicks. Mine was up and because nothing had happened for hours, I got some attention. Next thing I knew, a strict top (saw his profile on bbrt) dragged me to the bathroom and closed the door, guess he needed his reputation intact. I did all the “ego ass licking” this guy thought was his God-given-right and ended up seeding him. Then something weird happened, he turned all lovy and appreciative. Half an hour later my dick was up again and I fucked this guy`s clone, another huge dick strict top bodybuilder. I ended up lying in bed with these two giants cuddling me, like some Alpha wolf. I felt so huge that I was ready to punch the first guy that looked at me funny on my way back to the hotel. The only one who did ran to the other side before I had time. Fuck! So to any of you out there who have made it by pure sex alone, no Tina (or any other in-drug) or Poppers or Viagra, it will pay off, but of course, only in New York. Anyone else into conquering strict tops! Steve
  17. My take is that everyone think they deserve a 10, even though they are barely a 5, and will rather die waiting for one than to have sex with another 5. I`ve been cruising and fucking for over 35 years and things have changed. It used to be that a hot guy was enough, now the hot guy has to be the absolute hottest god with at least an 8 because anything below is a waste of time I see this when I cruise for an orgy or a 3way with guys I just met (during my travels). These guys maybe hot, but nothing like the bodybuilder-dropdead-gorgeous-type that stops traffic. but when we cruise on bbrt or sruff, none of the available guys in the area are good enough. True story, two weeks ago (and this happens all the time). In my hotel room in Miami with this other guy (somewhat hot guy around 45 yrs.). I get this guy (exactly like the photo, I got if from bareback station on FB, not the actual guy but he could be his fuckin twin) hit me on scruff. Around 25 yrs old, bb and ready to come to our room in 20 minutes. The asshole I was with actually asked the guy “dick size?”, because somehow a "10/10 muscle and willing stud" was still not enough for him. I kicked the asshole out and had the 10/10 come, and he was like the pic. All this to say that sex is dead in major cities because everyone think they are worth so much better than what the other guys have to offer. Fuck I miss the early 80s Steve
  18. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=f1TSN-G397-&cl=1#.VWiOqW5yfEc muscular beefy and hairy, dick in his ass and eats cum,and you see his face it doesn't get any better
  19. damm... to breed a muscle guy like this fitrawjock is one impressive breeder http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=KZ5E3-G399-#.VRxaMvnF_iM
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpHdb-q1Mow Man! So many died of aids. Makes us the "pozzed-in-the-80`s" lucky ! And more amazing that so many killed themselves or died of an overdose. That you can wake up with the body of a Hercules and the face of a God, and still feel that life is sooo bad that you got to kill yourself... is beyond me. Who ever put this video together. great work Steve
  21. I envy you people who can actually have sex with the same guy, let alone get a hard on. I understand that it might be more enjoyable which repeats but the issue with me is that it's just unatural it's unthinkable. once I've done a guy he's damaged gooodS So my hat off to all you repeaters.
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