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Everything posted by muscmtl

  1. I've always wondered about people who can have sex with the same person more than once. For me it's like Hefner said : show me the most beautiful girl in the world I'll show you a guy who's sick of fucking her. Take away the hunt and you take away the drive. Anyone out there who can still get hard doing the same guy year after year? Steve
  2. I would have hit the gym at 15 yrs old instead of starting at 27. Looking back i can assure you that the issues of desiring to be slutty or bareback from the start don t mean a thing if nobody want you The question is never "how many guys you willing to do' but "how many guys are willing to do you" Had i been a muscle stud at 25 I would have never needed to fantasize; I'd simply did it
  3. Breeding zone is the best All your answers don't only make me feel good its fukin therapy Steve
  4. Seems this is happening more and more. At sauna last night, this muscle guy ignored me (used to it). He found some drugs and an hour later he was high, ass up in the bed. I went it and he let me slide it in (suddenly his "too-hot-for-you" ego had left the room) . I fucked him, then flipped him over and we we kissed (only way to seed, mouth opened, saliva drooling, no time to breath, eves locked and wide open), he even kissed back wiht interets, then I seeded him. I`m about to step out and he grabs my wrist and says in panick "you clean ? right ?" Of course, no worry I said, fuckin pleased with myself. I'll never lie before the fact. but after, HELL YES How about you guys Steve
  5. I`m on the other end of the spectrum. An orgy that has at least one strict-top is a one top too many (maybe why every orgy you see in porn is awlays a let down since you`ll always have the guy who thinks he is too-hot to bottom). In group -sex, I wanna fuck every single guy, if one escapes, it`s not an orgy, it`s a suburbian-basement sex thing for immature teens. Of course, I`ll give up my ass (even though I hate it) to anyone who wants. Bottoms who only want to bottom are never an issue, they`re the solution So not a top/bottom ratio, but the conviction that every man there is sexally mature man (aka, willing to do it all.) Steve
  6. Quick word to say how much I fuckin love reading all your posts

  7. Www.pinkroof.com tried years ago with mixed results. Problem is there's not enough gays around to generate the volume required for a gayrbrb to work
  8. Have Star Treck`s Holodeck available at all time Steve
  9. Been using Androgel for 3 years, the poor man's excuse to real testo. I usually use three gel before going to the gym, and can`t tell that I ever found a difference between the days I use it and those I don't. I never got the musc juice look (and hell I tried.) I keep using it, like some bad habit . Steve
  10. Jake Andrews, some 20 yrs ago, met him on the street, NYC. We found some empty space behind a church, climbed over a high fence (he got stuck and helped him down, that was hot) No fukcin cause had no condom and back then bb was not popular. The hottest guy I`ve ever had (at least kissed ans sucked).
  11. You are all preaching to the choir. And man! thanks for the great reponses. NOTHING BEATS A HOT FUCK and I mean passionate fuck, fuck with interest... Nothing is worst then a guy, be it a God, who won t look at you or kiss you. But at the end of the day, no matter what we say, now matter how many good points we can raise for the normaldickguy, it doesn't matter. The "I deserve a bigdick" modern homo is reproducing to fast for Darwinism to shut it down. Steve
  12. A reply from the boss himself! Thanks. What's annoying as hell, is that ANYONE thinks he is entitled to get a bid dick. To the question how hung are you, you should always answer "Very hung. And you better be hung as well because, like you, I don't go for non-hung guys...." I know, just ranting here. By the way, big boss, loved your post on your bad sex experience in Montreal. We should all move to NYC
  13. I am lucky enough to go to sex parties where the bottoms are face down and ass up. Nobody is refusing any cocks there. I'll keep this one for the books! You must leave in one big horny hot city to have available not A sex party, but sex parties.
  14. I fucked this huge dick guy in an orgy last summer. I just went for it, never bothered to ask, thinking that he'd turn around and say no. He was so happy that he kept telling me to seed him. There is nothing hotter than grab the big dick like a shifting gear while you fuck. Hope you get your fix soon, and lots of them. Still, from my end, hearing you call having a big dick a problem is a tiny ;)problem.
  15. Wow! Nice diplomatic move (my dick did not shrink, I got bigger!). You should work for the UN*. " As long as you're able to get hard, stay hard, and cum? Most cocksuckers will be happy." I'd love to believe you.... Just for fun, but do a test, check craigslist, or any cruising sites, and count the number of guys who actually did not use the words hung, huge, big... I blame the web and porn. Years ago, when all there was were bathhouses, guys were not so dick obsessed. But today, after years of bigdick porn, everyone believe they are entitled (as some god given right) to have their grocery list 100% fulfilled.
  16. Fuck! Everywhere I go, saunas, peepshows, it always feel like they all have bigger dicks then me. I used to think I was normal (and there was a time when I was normal) either it shrank or all the dicks got bigger. I seriously don't care about dick size, but in this "are you hung" world, I must be the only one living on a deserted island. I have a killer face and 210 pounds of beefy muscle, but that don't count for nothing. I think something else is going on. Because of the "are you hung" shit, normal dick guys may have given up on cruising (saunas, peepshows, manhunt, bbrt) or even sex because there is a limited number of "forget it " one can take in his life. I'd love to get your feedback, but then, who'd want to answer this post with "me too!'" Gorgeous Musclebeef.... not hung
  17. If the guy doesn't kiss, he`s an jerk, and jekrs are ALWAYSassholes are always a waste of time. If a guy doesn't want to kiss me it means he don't want me. First rule in life: if he doesn't want you, then don't want him back.
  18. check squirt.org.

    They have the best and latest info on these types.


  19. way hot! musc bbkers are thebest

  20. Jake Andrews, some 15 yrs ago. Met him on the street, NYC. We found some empty space behind a church, climbed over the fence (he got stuck and helped him down,, that was hot) He just put it in and when he saw I was ok with it, he layed on his front and I seeded him. I felt like a million buck!
  21. Banged 3 twenties (separately, sigh...) this week (24, 25, an 27 yrs old.) It`s a lucky week cause this never happens. They each asked for my status and my answer was: "If you have to ask, don't BB." They laughed, and each told one me he was poz. This was a surprise since I believed that with the meds, hardly anyone was converting these day. So I asked for more details. All 3 had the same answers: they got it from guys who told them they were neg (which means that a bunch of negs out there still have no idea they are poz.) In a funny way, all 3 studs were happy to be po and would never go back. Still, can't shake the feeling that if you think you re being a safe barebacking for a top who said he was neg, then you re a fool. Steve
  22. Well, thanks to all of you, HIV will keep on spreading. HIV thanks you for keeping all the rights, honesty, it is an emotion, thou shall not lie, crap alive. Of course, as a virus, HIV cares about these issues and will not transmit itself if it feels its host is being dishonest. The only message that should be passed along, and that works, is to take the donor out of the equation and make the receiver 100% responsible. "If you need to ask for the top's status before you bareback, then don't bareback." And to end on a happy pig note: was at the peepshow last night and fucked bb two hot guys, one after the other... They just sucked me, pulled down their pants and shoved my dick right up there. Too bad these types of things don't happen to me all the time.
  23. By the way, how the hell do you find bbkers on craigslist? All the adds, at least in my region, in men-for-men or m4m have DDF or safe in them, as if no one on craigslist barebacked
  24. All good points, but never address the real issue. Words coming out of someone`s mouth may all be fair and good and honest, but at the end of the day, it s the neg guy who will have deal with what happens. What if I lied when saying "don't worry, I'm neg as well," and the bottom decided to go for it. The bottom can scream, take me to court, sue and cry... it won't change the fact that he is now poz. What I m saying is that when you drop all emotions from the equation (trust, lies, honesty and all that bullshit) if you are neg and allowing a guy to cum in your ass, you can`t blame the other guy for making you poz. No repeating to everyone "but he told me he was neg" cause it won't unpoz you.
  25. Not on BBRT, but when cruising on chat sites or manhunt, a4a, gay411. etc. I just don't get how a guy can ask for my status once I said that I bareback. Clearly neg guys who are horny but don't want to risk it! I love that they are willing to believe in my answer and that if I say neg, then I can co over and shoot in their ass. I haven't lied so far, but tempted to start. I'm undetectable but hell, why is it that it is my responsibility to assume the risk! Especially in anonymous random sex encounters, if you willing to get juice in your ass, then manup and understand the consequences. if you insecure, then just don't bareback! Just ranting here, since posting here is like preaching to the choir (but hell, preaching to my choir feels good.) Steve
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