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Everything posted by muscmtl

  1. fuck truvada. just bb and fuck what happens
  2. another douchebag or said would never bareback and now says its ok
  3. remember when a fully clothes guy was hot enuf, that u did not have to confirm dick size before hook up
  4. what u talking about j just tried it and it worked
  5. hell.. u need to run for congress but it will break, porn is waaaaaaay to lucrative to to have any restriction last for too long. damm u articulate?
  6. why would u. having your name turnup on google is awsome
  7. There is a simpler solution: move all your sites out of the US. The US cannot close rentmen because it is not a US site. CL and backpage were US sites. I understand that migrating from a to a non US host is hard as shit, but it would solve all these problems. Take your pick, move your escorts sites, maybe even breedingzone to Canada, Uk, France, Australia... the list is long. And know that money will talk. If a new UK hosted CL brings back the escort tab (remember, 2 yrs ago) and makes shits loads of money , I guarantee that some US lawyers will argue that this lost of revenues is unTrumpian. I have read so many comments on forums, FB and Twittter, and seems that everyone is forgetting that we live on Planet Earth, not planet US. Sesta shit is only a US issue, so just think "outside the US box." I'd kill if breedingzone disappeared because of some fuck aftermath from sesta/CL/backpage. Do like the French Hugenots who could no longer practice in France, so they all moved to the Netherlands and becamae fitlhy disgustingly rich.
  8. craigslist backpage rentm-n... for the rest of the world is fine.. only in the us.. so no. craigslist will not close because what happens in the us does not affect the rest of the world
  9. sooooooo fuked up too bad for all of us non US users
  10. not for me. all the most woofs are always fukn safer... until i m a mostwolfed that is
  11. 667?
  12. no need to rent just look for the chemsex Liam cole thred and it's going to take you to the video
  13. look for "chemsex" thread . documentary
  14. his documentaries are even better
  15. so for europ planetromeo is btter than bbrt?
  16. all...alll allllllll tot tops that pozzed have bttmed, but their douchebag egos prevent them from aknowledging, and in some extreme cases remembering
  17. if i can t see the guy, i cant get hard
  18. be muscle
  19. i dont pull out once i seeded, need to make sure it stays in
  20. agree and concurr
  21. it would never make it as a hard copy. sorry
  22. http://www.xvideos.com/video29390533/o_melhor_banheirao_ja_visto
  23. well hell, if i m a success then gonna do a bb book tour... that would be a first
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