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Everything posted by AuCurious

  1. Feet, sneakers, socks and boots here. The raunchier the better!
  2. Definite Sneaker Fetish here. I've actually lost count of how many pairs I've got these days. Everything from Airmax 90s, Airmax BW, Shox, Tuned/TNs, Jordans and Air Force, Dunks etc.
  3. Glad this topic is still going, Much like my smoking habit! It does seem like there's more people coming into this as a fetish lately too.
  4. Wow. Great story. I also know that uniform very well so can picture it easily. Well written too. Thanks!
  5. I have tried that in the past from Indonesia. 2 Cartons of Marb Reds (Indonesian Reds as Strong!) - Unfortunately they got caught at Customs and I get sent a $150 invoice ($150 per carton) to release them. I believe the law has changed since then and if caught, it's a straight out $6,000 fine now, from my understanding. Even our Duty Free allowance into Australia is only 50 cigs (might be 25 now)
  6. Thanks dude -- It was just kind of a way to try and cut down on my spending. (Pack of 30 Reds here is about $50 now) but kinda failed. I'm back to the point of trying to ignore how much I'm spending. Plus you need a doctors prescription to get Nicotine for vaping stuff here now too. Appreciate the encouragement though 🙂
  7. Only way to smoke!
  8. Wow. That's a really high VL for such a recent conversion -- but judging by your name, it's what you wanted, so congrats!
  9. That's how I smoke -- It's always been a bit on the expensive side since I started and regularly goes up in price and I've never managed a big increase beyond an average 20-25 a day, so I tend to make sure I deep inhale to get all I can out of each cig.
  10. Wow. This is an amazing short story. Love this. Welcome to the site. 🙂
  11. Damn. I need to spend more time around you guys. I've never really gotten past 30 a day.
  12. Definitely love Adidas and Nike gear myself (See my avatar) I'm a bit more into Sneakers myself (Airmax, Shox, Jordans) but definitely love the shiny Adidas gear!
  13. I've commented in the past that I've got a smoking fetish. I cut down and switched to vaping in February but I've had a relapse and I'm smoking near a pack a day again and loving it.
  14. Would love to see more on this too. Excellently written!
  15. Hey mate. Chucked you a follow on Twitter. 🙂

  16. Curious2Chase Here. Just made it.
  17. Living the dream, dude!
  18. Interested but can't PM anyone and don't want to post my ID on here as I use it quite widely across other media.
  19. Definitely keep going. Excellent writing for a first story!
  20. Invite here: [think before following links] https://t.me/joinchat/xENu9arLqYI5ZDg9
  21. I dunno if anyone's interested here but I'm in a new Tele group for Sneaker lads.
  22. Sneaker Fetish here, so definitely agree!
  23. I’ve never tried being fisted myself but after seeing this thread and looking at photos I have to admit I do find this very hot! Good luck in your endeavour, I hope you find some way to get it permanently if that’s your goal!
  24. It's a hot look -- Definitely something I'm interested in trying with an experienced hand.
  25. Woof! Smoking fetish here too (cigarettes) - Love a heavy smoker with a cough.
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