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Everything posted by Sfmike64

  1. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm really enjoying writing this one but have had a little writer's block. I promise I'll get back to this one soon.
  2. I’d slam you up and Whore you out…..
  3. Send it to me
  4. Me too. Would love to hear stories….
  5. Ass to Mouth. Sucking a dick after it's been in an ass. Can be risky even if the ass is clean. No one wants Giardia or intestinal amoebas.. TRUST ME on that one.
  6. A friend told me yesterday about someone hitting him up on Manhunt (back when that was a thing) and sent him a photo. The photo that was supposed to be the trick was a picture OF MY FRIEND. Needless to say they didn't hook up. 🙂
  7. This is an explanation of benefits for my latest generic Truvada prescription, which arrived yesterday. My truly awful insurer is Anthem Blue Cross (NEVER CHOOSE THESE HORRIBLE PEOPLE IF YOU HAVE CHOICES OF INSURANCE). ======================= Show Me the Math Average Retail Price $3,680.35 Our Discounted Price $71.43 Amount Plan Paid -$71.43 Your Responsibility $0.00 Plan Savings $3,680.35 ======================= Instead of simply saying "this prescription costs $71 for a 30 day supply there's all of this absurd discount nonsense so you feel like you're getting some kind of bargain. To someone from Europe this must look completely bonkers. Because it is. It's complete lunacy. But Americans LOVE A BARGAIN. So it looks like I got a 99% discount! But of course I got nothing of the sort, and neither did the insurance company.
  8. Yet another way that American health care is completely insane and ruled by insurance bureaucracy instead of actual medicine. We spent $800BN on health care administration in 2017. Four times per capita spending in Canada. It's a completely insane amount of money. 1/3 of overall health care spending is administration. [think before following links] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-costs-administration/more-than-a-third-of-u-s-healthcare-costs-go-to-bureaucracy-idUSKBN1Z5261
  9. I believe that the no charge for the drugs only applies to generic (i.e. Truvada but in generic form). Yes, that's correct: "Plans and insurers can, for instance, opt to cover only the generic version of PrEP without cost sharing while requiring cost sharing for branded versions (e.g., Truvada)." You should sign up for the Gilead co-pay assistance.[think before following links] https://www.gileadadvancingaccess.com/copay-coupon-card They will cover the co-pay for you. You should NOT be charged any co-pays for labs required for continuing to take Descovy (or Truvada/generic Truvada) for PREP. If you are, your insurance and provider are doing something wrong.
  10. "I love your hairy belly."
  11. Sfmike64

    Swing Low

    Fuck, son. That's really fucking hot. Hope you got your boycunt loaded up full of jizz. Would've loved to have sucked their loads out of your hole and fed them back to you.
  12. I'm really happy to report that my libido seems to be coming back. It's been a long road. Several people have emailed me about my prostate cancer experience, and I'm happy to share what happened to me if you have this experience (as many of us will, particularly if it runs in your family as it does mine). If you have questions about your diagnosis, you can DM me. Anyway, I've been checking out Sniffies lately, and it's been hit or miss. Apparently no one wants Daddy to suck their cock (I've been in a cocksucking mood lately)....I messaged a guy on Growlr when I was done with work yesterday and he messaged me back and knew my name. Oh shit. I'm terrible with names, and this can be embarrassing particularly if I've had sex with someone before. He reminded me that we met at burning man in 2004 (holy shit!). Of course I remember him. I was just getting my shit together from having a crystal problem and he helped. We spent a few days on the playa together, got high (not crystal) and had really fun sex. He said one of the best things ever to me (and one of the nicest things you can say to a bear). "I love your hairy belly." 🙂 He was in town for work, and I went to meet him at his hotel. He looks just as sexy as he did 17 years ago. Short, thick, very muscular legs and ass (both of which I love) and beautiful curly hair and infectious smile. We quickly got naked and rolled around on the bed. I asked him if he wanted Daddy to fuck him and he said "FUCK YEAH." We really got into the role play and talked about me breeding him and knocking him up and getting him pregnant (I'm finding the Mpreg thing really horny lately) and fucked and rolled around for about a half hour. It was really really fun, and I finally came in his mouth and we were both out of breath. We cuddled and talked for a long time and it was amazing to reconnect with someone so sexy and so nice.
  13. You're right. But also, anyone who finds out their doctor (or the doctor's staff) has been gossiping about them should immediately report those people to state medical boards. EVERYONE has a right to privacy about their medical care, small town or no. No one who works in a medical office should be talking about patient information and needs to strangers.
  14. Anyone who is afraid to talk about their doctor about their actual risk of disease needs to get a new doctor. I'm absolutely not kidding. If you can't talk to your doctor about your medical issues then there are other, serious problems going on. Because you must keep monitoring things like your liver function while your'e taking anti-viral drugs. The medical tests are covered with no co-pay as well, but you must do them. There are other online services that can help you. MISTR isn't the only one. Web sites run by Gilead will point you toward doctors with experience prescribing these drugs. Take control of your health. Be proactive about it. Don't just let stuff happen to you. So many people (including important people in my life) hate doctors. But I'm living proof that early detection of disease (in my case prostate cancer) means treatment is straightforward and not difficult. If you're over 50, get a PSA test (so there is a baseline and have a test yearly...that's how they discovered I had cancer) and a have a colonoscopy. If you have a uterus, have a Pap smear regularly. Both women and men can get breast cancer. Get a mammogram if you are at risk (family history). If you're younger? Get the vaccine for HPV which prevents anal and throat cancers in men, and cervical cancer in women. You can do this up to age 45 now, which is much higher than previous guidance from CDC.
  15. That's a really sexy cumdump son. I'd love to fuck it when it was already loaded up. Come over to my house and let me whore your pussy out.
  16. Sigh. Fine. Be annoyed. I don't really care. Your system is massively different than ours (and generally better, our health care system is a complete nightmare for many people). So comparing one to the other is ridiculous. My original post was about free PREP in the USA. In fact, high US prescription drug prices (for all sorts of prescription medications) subsidize those drugs in the rest of the world because our government is in the pocket of Big Pharma and its ability to negotiate drug prices is limited by law (Biden and other progressives are trying to get Congress to change this). You're welcome.
  17. Because not treating HIV infection costs a massive amount more money than anti-viral drugs which are relatively inexpensive these days (particularly the ones that have gone off patent like Truvada). I can't believe I"m explaining all of this to you guys. Am I just a policy wonk? Or am I just old and watched all of this play out for the last 30 years?
  18. Who among us hasn't licked a load of cum off a floor or a glory hole wall?
  19. While that's true, you're completely missing the point. Which is to make out of pocket cost $0 so that people will actually go on PREP and not get infected with HIV which ends up costing more money to the entire health care system.
  20. I've gone through a long dry spell because I had prostate cancer in 2019 which did a huge number on my libido (all cured with radiation) and then the pandemic hit. I had to make a quick trip to Atlanta and thought I'd give Sniffies a try. Being new meat is great. TBH my confidence had taken a hit and I wasn't feeling sexy at all. In addition, I was there for a funeral so that was extra weird. Anyway, a hot man hit me up who was exactly my type. Short, compact, beefy, furry and with a sexy blonde beard (I love those) and a big hungry ass. He wanted Daddy to fuck him. He also wore sexy tighty whities to meet me, came to my hotel and we made out and he was super into my Daddy bear body and hairy chest. Within a few minutes I ripped his underwear and was fucking him on the bed while he wore them (which I think is super hot) and he was begging daddy to fuck him harder. So of course I told him he was a filthy little faggot whore and fucked him harder. I ended up coming and we collapsed in a heap. It was exactly the experience I needed. An ego/confidence boost when I had been feeling unsexy and low desire for a while. Thanks J for a great time. Just what Daddy needed.
  21. Fuck that ass is perfect…..you’re a sexy whore.
  22. PART 5 Adam was breathing heavily from two more men using his cunt and I told him to go rinse off, but not lose the plug or use much soap. Wanted him to smell sexy but not rank. He quickly jumped up and went into the bathroom again and I could hear him running the shower. Josh said, “fuck man, that was so hot. I loved watching both of them breed him. They just…..used him like a hole.” He came over and sat next to me on the bed and passed me a shotgun from the bong. I laughed “he IS a fucking hole, dude. He knows it and every other man does too. He lives for dick in his ass. It’s his favorite thing in the world. You should try it sometime.” Josh laughed nervously and said “I dunno. It looks like it hurts, but he sure loves cock in his ass. This stuff is making me so fuckin horny.” He reached down and played with his cock, which was rock hard. The cialis was still working. I leaned over and gave him another huge shotgun, while reaching down to touch his hole. He moaned a little bit but I looked in his eyes and I could see a bit of fear. Josh wanted everyone to think he was a butch top (he sure looks the part, big shoulders, beefy, big dick) but I liked the turn this conversation was taking. He was afraid of what his deepest desires were and how the drugs were unlocking them. With any luck I was going to have my fat cock in his pussy for the first time tonight. The first of many nights to come. Adam reappeared and sat down on the bed between Josh and I. He leaned his head on my shoulder and Josh leaned over to give him a shotgun. He passed the smoke to me and then looked at me and said “Do you have more cocks to breed me, Daddy?” We all three laughed and I grabbed my phone. It was full of messages from guys wanting to come breed my whore. I quickly sorted through them while Josh and Adam made out and smoked some more T. I picked the ones with the biggest cocks and the ones I thought were hot. As long as they had a hard cock, Adam didn’t really care what they looked like. Three more guys said they were on their way and another couple sounded tentative. If they show, they show. Otherwise, I’ll fuck the whore some more myself. A few minutes later, I broke up Josh and Adam’s makeout session and tossed them each a bottle of gatorade. “Stay hydrated, pigs. And don’t piss in the toilet. Got a much better place for your piss.” Adam laughed. He knew it was all going to go up his cunt. Josh didn’t really get it, but nodded while he gulped down the gatorade. A little while later, I’d gotten confirmations (for what those are worth) and told them both “The next guys are coming over, so get ready, whore. Josh you help me keep an eye on things. Make sure it doesn’t get out of hand, OK?” “Sure,” he said. I reached over and rubbed his sexy chest, and watched Adam get situated on the bed. “Leave the plug in until your next breeder customer gets here, OK, whore?” “Yes, Daddy, it feels amazing in my pussy, but I can’t wait to get more loads inside me.” I tapped the end of plug and Adam moaned again. We all laughed and Josh sat back down on the sofa after feeding Adam one last shotgun. Fuck, these boys were SPUN. But Josh’s cock continued to be as hard as Adam’s was shriveled and small. He was lying on the bed with his plugged ass in the air, moaning quietly to himself, playing with his little tina prick. The doorbell rang again, and I went to answer it. This time there were four guys on the door step. All different ages and sizes. I’d warned them that this would be a group thing, and they were all enthusiastic about it. The whore only cared that their cocks were hard and they dumped a load in his pussy. “Hey guys. You ready to breed my whore?” They all laughed and said “fuck yeah!” “Shuck your clothes in the living room, the whore’s in the bedroom in the back. Just follow the smell of sex.” I laughed and they all followed me into the living room where I watched them get undressed. They introduced themselves as Joe, Dave, Tim and Nick. Apparently they all arrived right at the same time but only Joe and Dave knew each other. They were another pig couple wanting to breed a whore. My whore. Joe was about 5’5”, muscled and compact with thick swirls of black hair on his chest and a sexy buzz cut and beard. Dave was taller and thinner, maybe 5’10” and 160, blonde and also furry. They both sported fat uncut cocks, ready to breed the hole. The other two guys didn’t know each other. Tim was tall and thin, smooth and a nice 8” cut dick, Nick was older, a hot hairy daddy about 50 with a thick piece of daddy cock to dump a load in Adam’s pussy. I led them to the bedroom and let them know that we were partying pretty hard. They all laughed and said they were too. Joe asked me if I minded if he and Dave slammed. I said “of course not, you got a spare rig for my whore?” He was carrying a small zippered pouch and pulled out the orange capped rig. “Course I do. You wanna give him a boost?” I laughed along with him and said “Sure. The whore has his own stuff. Let’s do it.” We all walked back into the bedroom where Josh and Adam were on the bed making out and Adam was lazily sucking Josh’s dick. Introductions were made and Adam immediately scooted to the edge of the bed and took the nearest cock (Nick) into his mouth. “FUUUUUCK. This whore is good. You’re gonna be so much hungrier in a minute, kid.” We all laughed and I knew that soon Adam would have at least four more loads in his pussy. But first, Darts. I grabbed Adam’s bag of T off the bed and handed it to Joe. “You decide how much.” He sat at my desk and pulled a tiny scale out of his pouch. He quickly got the point ready and handed it to me, along with an alcohol wipe. I pulled Adam off Nick’s cock to moans from both of them. “Don’t forget, Daddy man, all loads go in his cunt. Nick laughed and said “I’ve got two or three if you’ll let me wait around and breed the whore again.” I thought about it for a second and said “Sure, man, hot bear like you? I wanna watch him take your cock.” He laughed and said “Deal.” He sat down on the sofa next to Josh, who was mesmerized by Nick’s furry, beefy body. He offered the bong to Nick who took it and waited for Josh to warm the bowl. Then they passed the shotgun back and forth several times and made out. Josh liked older men. Lucky me. Joe handed me a strap and I pulled it around Adam’s arm and clicked it into place. He moaned, though his mouth was full of cock, because he knew what was coming. I noticed that Joe and Dave were waiting for Adam’s slam before they did their own. I also noticed a spare, full rig. Hmmmmm. Who was that for? “You ready for a nice fat slam, whore?” “Yes, DADDY! Please give it to me!” “Fucking meth whore.” “Fuck yes, Daddy! I sell my pussy to make money for more T. It’s what my hole is for!” I quickly found a nice plump vein, wiped it clean and then quickly in, pull back, press, out, SNAP. The strap popped off, and Adam started to cough heavily under me and I knew we’d just sent the whore to the next galaxy. I saw Joe and Dave expertly slam themselves at about the same time, and they were coughing hard. “On your knees! Cunt in the air, whore! NOW.” I slapped Adam hard on his ass and he immediately moved to the edge of the bed near Nick and Josh and put his ass high in the air. I reached over and pulled the buttplug out quickly to a moan from Adam. “Gentlemen, the whore is open for business. This round’s on me.”
  23. This might be my all time favorite story on here now. This made me think of it. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_muOVVjtZ50q1
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