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Everything posted by Sfmike64

  1. Also, if you can afford it pay for a VPN. THey're not expensive. I use Windscribe. It's about $5 a month if you pay for a year at once.
  2. Cum is the best lube. Always.
  3. And with a sexy ass like yours you should NEVER DO SO. 🙂
  4. It's really hard to know why you were banned. They won't tell you why and there is not really a "they" in any case, because you can't contact a human. I do think it's important to flag content that's clearly underage, there is sadly a lot of it, but trying to engage people beyond that might've been too much. Someone could have reported YOU for underage stuff as retaliation. In the future, I would not advertise that you've done so. Basically when NewTumbl works it's good. When you run into a problem they just nuke you and do not care. If I get nuked again I'm not going to try again. I now have to use a VPN to post to NewTumbl (or respond to messages) because they blocked my IP and those don't change very often from cable companies.
  5. I think it all comes back to the ultimate problem with most porn (gay, straight, whatever) and that is that NO ONE IS HAVING ANY FUN. You can tell when models are bored. Sadly, this is 80% of all porn. No one is enjoying it. It looks rote because it is.
  6. I am one of those 82,000 people. I was an Explorer scout in 1976-1978/9 and was abused/raped by the scoutmaster. He was absolutely, utterly brazen. He was a graduate student in my father's department (the sponsoring organization for our Explorer Post) at the midwestern university where Dad taught. He knew my father well. Once time on a camping trip when I was 12, in 1976 he sucked my dick after everyone else had gone to sleep. The next day I sucked his and soon we were off to the races. I had an on/off sexual relationship with him until I was about 15. He was the first person who fucked me. I knew this was wrong, but I was a shy, nerdy, fat kid and Rob paid attention to me. He was handsome then (and only 26 when it started). He was a manipulative person (typical for a sexual abuser/groomer) and I'm SURE he abused other boys. He might still be doing so, though he's in his 70s now. I later met another random stranger when I was living in Boston in the late 80s who had also been abused by Rob. That was a super mind fuck and very strange. I take some pleasure that Rob did not age well and now looks like a very ugly toad. He absolutely did NOT identify as gay. Clearly his orientation was pubescent boys. His LinkedIn Profile says he's an "inspirational speaker." Excuse me while I throw up. I spent a great deal of time and money on therapy dealing with these issues (mostly in my 20s) and have put them to rest. Filing for the compensation has brought up some ugly memories but it will also literally pay for that therapy, retroactively, 30 years late. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I'm pretty open about what happened to me and long ago put it away emotionally. The compensation fund has been set up, but there may still be appeals against the bankruptcy court decision by insurance companies who don't want to have to contribute, but it seems likely that people will begin getting compensation in the next year or so. The BSA itself is putting in money, as well as an array of insurers, the Mormon Church (the largest sponsor of scout troops, their money will only fund kids who were abused in Mormon sponsored groups), and local councils and maybe some other churches. The list was long. There will have to be a lot of real estate sold in order for the fund to get some of its money.
  7. The first times I bottomed I hated it. I was a teenager and the person doing it wasn't gentle and didn't use lube, just spit. So I hated getting fucked and mostly topped and sucked dicks. It wasn't until I was about 20, it was 1984, and met a guy through an old fashioned print personal ad. I took the train into NYC and spent the weeknd with him. His name was Chuck. Oh god was he hot. Short, furry, a bit muscly, I was SMITTEN. He was SO my type. In an alternate universe I would now be married to a dentist since 1984. Anyway, we smoked some weed and I was so into him that I finally was able to relax and take his cock. He bred me all weekend (and took me to see Whoopi Goldberg's original one woman show!). I always wondered what happened to him. 🙂
  8. Just be sure not to leave the cake out in the rain, ok?
  9. Seeing my 7th grade gym teacher naked in the shower. It imprinted a desire for short hairy men on me. (Mike Torcia if you're out there, I hope you're still hot!) He was probably 5'6", lean, very furry and had a nice cock I wanted to suck SOOOO badly. I just had to accept jerking off over him all the time (and all my naked classmates in the showers).
  10. “I love your furry belly,” while rubbing it. Hot otter boy at burning man. I recently hooked up with him again off scruff over 15 years later. Sexy man and very nice.
  11. And come on guys. If you're as slutty as a lot of us are, EVERYONE should be regularly tested for STIs. Every three months or so. It's often free at your local health department. You should be screened for Chlamydia, Syphilis and Gonorrhea, at least. Take care of your health. And if you find a doctor or nurse judging you or being rude, don't go back to them and report them to the clinic where they work. Public health clinics have seen it all and just want you to be healthy and not spread STIs. Antibiotic resistant STIs ARE out there. They're not super widespread but they do exist, and you do NOT want one of those. A friend had Stage 2 Syphilis (not that uncommon since you don't always get a lesion) and had to be hospitalized so they could give him penicillin. Turns out his childhood allergy to it was no longer a problem. But he did have to wear an antibiotic pump (basically a small backpack) for two weeks. You don't want that, either.
  12. MRSAs are nothing to fuck around with. My husband got one in his knee when a clothes hanger at work stabbed him while moving a rack of clothing. I got one on my scrotum (while partying for several days). Having someone inject lidocaine into my nuts is not my idea of a good time. I had an abcess that had to be drained. Don't wait GO TO THE DOCTOR if you suspect a skin infection. Especially if you party with crystal. If you do, take a break, take a shower, make your play partners shower, change the sheets on the bed, wash the toys. If they suspect a MRSA they will ask you to take several antibiotics and then stop one or more if your infection is resistant.
  13. You can always take the condom and unload it in your ass or mouth if you want.
  14. Pittsburgh from San Francisco. Met the guy at MAL in Washington and we dated long distance for a few months. He was a dirty little pig. 🙂 He had nice small hands.
  15. Look at you....welcoming refugees. Just like Jesus wanted.
  16. Thanks. That’s about what I expected. So do not reblog exposure posts. Good to know. Sure wish that had been clear all along. It was not. And I find their obnoxious tone rude at best.
  17. I also think that if straight men were in touch with their butt holes, there would be no more war. They'd be too busy taking it up the ass.
  18. The older I've gotten the more I think these labels are useful but should not be constraining on people. We've all sucked off a "straight" guy or fucked him. Is he less straight because you fucked his butt and he went back to his girlfriend (maybe she won't peg him or he's too ashamed to ask her). I think that we would have less conflict about orientation if people dumped their religious nonsense (ha! good luck with that, although younger generations are definitely becoming less religious overall in the US and Europe) and just did what makes them feel good and makes their partners feel valued and gives them enjoyment.
  19. This is so true. You have to tell people. A hookup told me that once and I respected it. Mid fuck. I just veered off into other things.
  20. It annoyed me at first. Then I realized I’m covered in mostly gray hair now and lots of boys like daddies.. so now I embrace it.
  21. Further proof that irony is not dead. The worst part is that they don't even give you a warning or tell you what you did wrong. They just delete your account. And there's no way to talk to a human to ask. It's super weird.
  22. Another question. Did any of you that got purged also get your IP address blocked? In order for me to post with my new account I have to connect to a VPN. And of course there's no way to fix this. My cable company won't just change the IP address of my router (which is allocated by a server, not static). The entire thing is absurd.
  23. One of the problems of sites like that is there is no human to interact with. BDSMLR I think is probably less harassment of users, but the interface isn't as good and there are less people using it.
  24. You do NOT want to get Monkeypox. A friend of mine got it and he was pretty sick and it was very painful. No lasting damage, though. Luckily gay men seem to have nipped that in the bud.
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