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Everything posted by Sfmike64

  1. Look online. Sniffies shows outdoor cruising places here in NOLA as well as cruisy bathrooms and such around town. www.cruisingforsex.com used to be a thing, but it may be long out of date. ([think before following links] https://listings.cruisingforsex.com/united-states/florida/tampa-bay-metro/saint-petersburg-9245/)
  2. It's easier to suck loads out of a gang banged loose cumdump. I want it all over my face and beard.
  3. I'm shocked no one has wanted to open up your hot ass. Here's my advice. Do it sober first. Then you know what your body is telling you. LISTEN. Don't try to power through. Don't be afraid to tell the top that you want a break or want to stop. Any top that pressures you to keep going when you want to stop is not someone you want to shove his hand in your butt. Do you know the web site asspig.com? You might have more luck there. And BE clear with people that you're not a novice bottom but you are novice to FF.
  4. That's because you're a filthy cumdump faggot.
  5. Down my faggot throat, please. Fisted this hot beefy latino dude today and he came in my mouth while I was fisting his cunt (and banging on his prostate) SO hot.
  6. These are not real. They're not in a real doctor's office. There's just no way.
  7. I think that's how I found it too. I was looking for other stories than nifty.org. It's been 10 years now at least, so I don't really remember clearly..
  8. Once more, WITH FEELING! (With apologies to Buffy, though I would've fucked Xander in a hot second.)
  9. I'd rather fuck him than you. I never ever fuck Republicans. I have pride. I never fuck people who vote for those who want us dead.
  10. Gross. And don't say retard. It's completely rude and insulting to people with disabilities. I'll be unfollowing you.
  11. Someone just proved himself to be a complete moron who doesn't take science seriously. Please go fuck off. This bullshit has been going on since the 1990s with people like Peter Duesberg and other charlatans.. It's not clever, it's not truthful, it's not remotely backed up by science.
  12. Sex addiction is not a thing. It's not a psychological diagnosis that any reputable therapist or psychiatrist would make. It's not the same as being an alcoholic or drug addict. Compulsive behavior certainly exists in all sorts of realms (sex being one of them), but it's not addiction. Many links here: [think before following links] https://www.google.com/search?q=sex+addiction+is+not+a+thing&oq=sex+addiction+is+not+a+thing&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigAdIBCDMzMDJqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  13. They're probably all bitcoin scams!
  14. Is it just me or have the phishing scams with Asian guys exploded in the past few months on Grindr ? They have weirdly bad English syntax. Then usually want to switch to WhatsApp. That's the giveaway for me.
  15. I remember reading a porn story in Honcho or Mandate back around 1979-80 called Teddy the Hook. All about a dude with a curved cock.
  16. A-fucking-men. A couple weeks ago I went to a guy's house in the suburbs (should've listened to my brain not my cock) and he bailed when I got out all the way there. Asshole.
  17. It could’ve been worse, the initial message could’ve just said “s’up.”🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  18. Let's just say I had a really good time. 🙂 Ask Luis....he's the only one who's name I knew.
  19. I'm a bad Daddy. I have to go back and read the last section so I can write another one or two. I have promised several of you privately that I would add more to this story, as it's the only one of my stories that I didn't wrap up neatly.
  20. I am SO NOT that guy. I'm 100% gay both romantically and sexually. The only pussy I ever touched (besides the one I came out of at birth) was the trans dudes I've fucked. I surprised myself by LOVING IT. But it was because it was attached to a dude. I think I"m the only one of my friends who really enjoyed cunnilingus (to me, the lube tasted like oodles of pre-cum which was delicous). The world is so deliciously complicated. 🙂
  21. I'm really verbal (more so now that I'm older). Love spinning a story with a bottom. I once fucked a guy who literally did not make a sound while I was fucking him. It was weird.
  22. I've never understood people who freak out when they get a little shit on their dick. Dude, you're fucking an asshole. Yes, we should endeavor to be clean when we get fucked, but....LITERALLY shit happens sometimes. You just have to roll with it and move on. He didn't deserve your hole.
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