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  1. I would not complain with you fucking me......I would be begging for more..
  2. I've been good and havent hooked up since getting the news that I have syphillis....I am due to get my next test the end of June and will see where its at.
  3. No condoms allowed I only take it raw....
  4. I like a verbal top and one who groans when he fucks me hard......love alot of dirty talk...adds to the excitement...
  5. Barefucker44 open me up like that and then ride me hard and long...
  6. As a bottom who is a tight ass (lol the pun) I prefer to have the top take his time an pull out an then try pushing in again...But do not force it in as that will cause the bottom to tense up and tighten up....I would suggest using more lube and maybe finger the hole a bit to get it to loosen up...
  7. Wow Njn0mc, you had it really bad if it impacted your joints...I did feel some joint pain in my ankles but I thought it was something I must have done either running or walking...My next visit is my physical in May so ill see if they can test it then, if not then my next follow up is the end of June.
  8. Yea I feel the same way, I want to wait until I feel confident that I wont pass this on to others..
  9. Started developing a rash on my body about 2 weeks ago, I thought it was an allergic reaction to something. Last week went in for my annual bloodwork and on Friday was advised that I tested positive for syphillis, on monday morning i got the penicillin shot in the ass...My rash is starting to go away in some spots, but still see it in other parts of my body. So questions for those that have traveled down this path.. 1. How long did it take for the rash to go completely away? 2. My titters were 1:64 when am i safe to engage in sex again? BB sex, I dont want to pass this on to others? thanks in advance for you help..
  10. Me before this guy pounded my ass good and filled me with his seed.
  11. I switched from Independent to Republican so i can vote in the primary...My vote is for Nikki Halley as I think to be honest she's a better candidate than Trumpie...
  12. What is scary is that he's leading in the parties as the Republican front runner....I just changed my party to Republican so I can vote in the primary and vote for Nikki Haley...II know some are thinking I just be crazy but I feel if more people get out and support Haley then maybe this will shake up the Republican party and get him out as their candidate...
  13. That's perfect I love wearing my harness and having the top use it to ride me hard....I love wearing my harness and my jockstrap....giving my ass up to the top to breed me....
  14. Barefucker44 we would get along great...I dont like to play with my cock while getting fucked I like to focus on my top's cock and him breeding my ass...I like to use my ass muscles to to tighten up around his cock while he's fucking me...
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