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Ronchipig last won the day on June 2 2023

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About Ronchipig

  • Birthday 11/22/1950

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Lake Havasu City, ARIZONA
  • Interests
    BrBkng, rimming, sucking, W/S, Leather, Very experimental, all versatile
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Retired to Arizona to care for my father. The plan was to return to Texas after his death. After two years of caring and one year of grief I came to realize that 110 degrees in the desert was SO much easier to tolerate than100 degrees in Hot, Humid Houston, Texas. So I stayed. I'm 3hrs from Phoenix, 3hrs from Palm Springs and 2.5 hrs from Las Vegas. That is driving time because we have no air carrier service.
    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
  • Porn Experience
    I wanted to be in a porn doing anything. I had LOTS of practice and was (and still am) very good at Many sexual activities.
    FYI.....I chickened out..........
  • Looking For
    Prefer older guys with lots of play time experience.....or any really sick pervert will do. If they don't do chems then they at least have to be tolerant knowing I do.

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  1. I would luv rimming ass with my tongue......see how far it goes

    It's my favorite thing to do to warm an ass up for my cock................mmmmm, mmmmm

  2. I believe that we sometimes think of "Biggest cock" as the one that is very nicely endowed from a girth standpoint and leave out those that are nicely endowed from a "Thinner more lengthy" standpoint. Now both have their advantages, especially to those who can swallow a very large sausage and enjoy the entire the entire episode with a "Great Deal Of Enjoyment" to both the giver and receiver. But what about those of us who were given a somewhat smaller "entry point". Now there are those who can remove their dentures which gives both the giver and receiver a GREAT deal of pleasure of which I can very much attest to. And there are those who love having their cock nearly scraped raw. However those of us with a smaller mouth can only hope that the first words heard upon entry of their appendage is "Ooh, Ahh" and not "Ouch, Oh crap.". That has almost always been cause for a cessation of "activities" on their part and usually an end to the fun for both parts. So what to do, I long wondered, until one day several years ago I was playing with someone who wanted me to deep throat them, and all I could think of was OMG how can I get out of this. Well we had been having a really fine time so I thought ..."well get ready to choke and gag and fake enjoying it' until after a somewhat MUCH longer time than ever before I was actually enjoying the Hell out of it. He pulled out and I immediately pulled him back in and enjoyed it til I nearly turned blue. I finally reallized that much larger can sometimes just mean much longer and thinner. What an epiphany! So now whenever someone asks me for a blowjob I will tell them if you have a long slender cock you can fill my throat til I turn blue or suffer the pain and agony of a good scraping....................which do you prefer? It's made my cock sucking a thing to be admired....:)
  3. I have a question concerning "points". How are they earned? What things can I do to earn more. Also.(going to show my age here...) what is the difference between a forum and a blog?

    Ronchipig (Kirby)

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      Points? A new content (personal message, status, post or images) give you 10, and a reply to a content gives you 5. But this just changes the rank -community member, fanatic, etc- not the new/junior/senior member; this one depends on an algorithm which is not public. I know folks who interact less than me and are senior members... [you can feel the taste of envy from distant] LOL

    2. Ronchipig


      Thanks......That gives me me a better understanding...I think.

      I'll just see what I can do. We old farts are sometimes way behind on the learning curve. I think my mine is more like a right angle.

  4. Okay this is an official reiminder..Shaving is the word of the day..among a lot of other things. I'm going to take you to a gay bar in Palm Springs, we will split up, I'll start cruising and find you and pick you up. That is unless someone else has already done so..........................:)
  5. Well I live in a fairly remote small desert tourist town with absolutely no gay anything. The nearest gay bar is in Las Vegas about 130 miles away. So with rare exceptions I spend a lot of time getting Hi and going through the "Gayternet" web sites. Turns out there are several piggy types within 10-50 miles. Ah yes...!
  6. I do like that!. The smoother the better for me but I also luv playing with guys who are hairy or even REALLY HAIRY works. One time I played with a guy who had a beautiful hairy chest and abdomen. His crotch and balls had a perfect model like look. He wanted me to shave him bald. He wasn't high when he asked but definitely wanted to get high. So we got HI and it took about an hour and a half. After I was finished shaving his chest he wanted to be hanging upside down for the rest of the shave...so he was and I did. I put a collar, leather jock and the boots he had worn on him. I put on my leather (not much) and we hit the lthr bar. Needless to say he was the hottest man there and went home with three really sleazy looking guys I knew. My baby had a very hot time.. I would have been jealous but I was too busy being raunchy with a different group.....what can I say.............
  7. I'd luv for you to sit on my face while I tongue your ass......mmm, mmm. I'd luv to eat your dirty ass........Oh Yeah! Do you like playing with guys who like playing real dirty....I'm one of them. Heck I would drive to Nw Olns to get Hi and play sleazy and dirty with you. And I love playing with big men............fck Yeah
  8. My youngest brother...who is no longer with us sadly enough. When I was about 25 I found out that when we were kids our next door neighbor and his son started having some very good times with my brother..........very good times...! I was 13 yrs older than my brother so I got to see him grow from a baby to an adult. I remember one time when he was still in diapers I was changing him and there was his little penis with a baby hard on. Well my mouth just had to lick and suck it for a short time. That was the only time I ever did anything sexual with him but...DAMN...he grew up to be a gorgeous man. Then while visiting my family for Christmas several years ago someone knocked on the door. I didn't know who it was until he told me his name....he was our former neighbor there with his grown son asking to see my brother. So it seems that the fun between them had never ended. I was so mad.......the neighbor, his son and my brother going out for a "visit"........and I couldn't go. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty for fantasizing about wanting to have wild and crazy sex with my brother. On the other hand I think that wherever he is now that he would get a hard if I told him about sucking his little baby cock.
  9. And from u I can say it is a very reliable suggestion....................I was going to say recommendation but wasn't sure about the spelling.....lol how are you doing
  10. Sorry 😞 you missed the chemd filled group awaiting your holes 

  11. So.....SO.............SOOOOO........👀 HOOOTTT💥
  12. Yeah let me know a couple of weeks ahead.........we will party like pigs!

    1. Fillitup57


      fuck I would really like to do so- get so fucking spun.  Do you slam or smoke ?

    2. Ronchipig


      Usually smoke but slam if my bud does

      Mmmm mmmm

    3. Fillitup57


      fuck I love but do not  get a lot of chances to do so.   Will be in Vegas arriving the afternoon of March 9 and  leaving the morning of March 13- so that is 4 nights and have the room to myself

  13. Damn you have a hot profile---------I need to take a trip to Canada

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ronchipig


      you know me already...........luv to do that

    3. Badguy56


      Fuck Im so horned up now

    4. Ronchipig


      Yeah me too.........I'm high as a kite so who knows what I'll do tonight.............Maybe start driving to Toronto...lol

  14. Hot profile---VERY Hot

    Would luv playing with you...OINK

  15. My initiation into piss play was a surprise. I was playing with my fuck buddy and we were in our third day. I can tell you for sure we were definitely wasted. I was still a new player and my "Trainer" was the guy I was playing with. He had taken a clean cut vanilla sex guy and in one night turned me in to a cum sucking leather whore dog. We had been playing weekly for about three months and on this night he said I would be getting a surprise. Well I was all a twitter about it . Being very much "adjusted" made me like a little kid at Christmas. Finally he asked me if I wanted anything to drink and me having been sweating like a dog in heat naturally said yes. He went to the kitchen and returned several minutes later with a bottle of "beer". I took it and immediately took a large swig of the contents. It was not beer and at first I thought it was some kind of power drink. Then I realized what it was. My buddy started laughing and said I had to drink the whole bottle or pack up and go home. I hesitated for what seemed like an hour (it was about 15 seconds) and started drinking. After several swigs my dick started to get hard. I was a piss drinking convert. My buddy came to me grabbed the bottle which was still about half full and poured it over my head. I loved it. It wasn't long before I was getting piss down my throat, up my ass and pissing in and on my buddy. I love being a Nasty Piss Whore Dog.
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