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Everything posted by PERVERSATILE

  1. BareBackBrotherhood with no "the"
  2. A Cock hungry cum hole and a Brain- I like ur style lil' buddy
  3. Thank you RawTop- I genuinely appreciate all the work that goes into this site. May the New Year bring Health Wealth and Prosperity in all Your endeavors! as always, i am your humble servant
  4. Hey JizzDumpWI- was there some football guy on here recently quacking about the lack of erotic content in this particular thread, criticizing us/me/you/the world for being a buzz kill, too preachy and overly biased?!?! I don't think I imagined it- 2 reasons. 1) my snarky response to his criticisms 2) He would have been a CowBoy or a Viking Now he seems to be gone- and I'm left as, "Angry Man shakes fist at clouds". Did you happen to notice him too?
  5. Once again- GermanFucker I am in awe. You are intelligent You have a code of honor I admire Your total lack of bellicosity, the preciseness of your observations, the conciseness of your arguments. Your use of "cognitive dissonance" makes me humble. I bet you're a "sehr guten Fick"
  6. so sorry to gives offence, was it because I quoted a cartoon character or perhaps my over exuberant use of italics? Oh and BT fuckin W- How do you know I'm not HARD and turned on right now- Intellectual Discourse is SEX . PS Ur Rockin Hot geared up Man Makes my Dick leak when I can see a blokes Jock strap showwin thru his game pant
  7. sadly- lack of understanding, oversimplification, a keen sense of entitlement and an almost manic ambition to experience instantaneous zeitgeistic connectivity; without effort without risk a temporal state of grace the starvation of the soul- famousity a HappyMeal w/ a prize who sre you wearing? Order by Number DRIVEaround Check List Causalities UnFriending Personality Testing -Please Stand By Actually, I Love Living in the Future. -tho sometimes I do get a little bored " Yes! Words are useless gobblegobblegobblegobblegobble too much of it dahrling -too much!" -edna mode
  8. Devils advocate here- Everyone anticipatin' Christmas w/ *****? I mean "holidays" -Hell I dudn't even rhyme, --as a young man I was completely Cognisant and totally Cavalier ( LUV that word ) about AIDS/HIV (both my parents are DokTORS) I was even a Sex Industry Worker (that means Whore) and seriously enjoyed my non-vocational sex (that means whorin around) Oddly enuf I didn't ketch the HIV until I was 35, and Praise Jebus I have responded to treatment w/ text book success. Today's sexually active teen on the go isn't ignorant about HIV just a lil apathetic, It's not that he doesn't know, it's that he doesn't care. Factor in General Malaise, indifference and sum of that trendy nihilism w/ a secret tiny tiny bit of sparkly sunshine candy corn rainbow magic that sez, "It ain't no big thang ~ a pill will fix it. if i git IT, when i git IT" Fuk it all ta Hell Man -gimme that Load -CumDump my faggothole Daddy! How can I point a finger ~I invented "Give A Fuck Factor Minus Ten"
  9. Hey Matias- when Dad's got that "college boy cock suck lust" goin on- whose car are you in? just wonderin- Thanks
  10. Ive been told my aura is the color of an atomic explosion and is several city blocks large- tho the guy that said it, was punch fucking my chakras in to place at the time...
  11. The extent of my social/sexual/cruising skills is - make eye contact- then say, "Hey, you wanna go fuck?" You can well imagine how ineffective that would be in the metaverse. BTW HMR89 ~ If you show me your aura-I'll show you mine
  12. I think it's cute that ur old enuf to count and young enuf to take it:2thumbs:
  13. Well said joethomas- good advice based on experience.
  14. Buddy - Hire an escort to bang ur cherry out . or get outta town -go somewhere you are not known, Get a video booth at an ABS and grind that Hungry ManKunt against the gloryHole, and don't leave until you're Knocked-up Rock Solid. Other wise I fear you may be in the process of destroying a personal belief that I hold to be true and dear: '"Fucked in the Head - Good in Bed" Please don't make me change my Coat of Arms. Thank you & good luck w/ becoming well rounded xxoxo
  15. even at a table full of sweaty nasty raw fucking spun sex pigs, once again I'm the persona non grata; a fellow guest ( a right nasty pig whore himself) insist we all take turn and speak out for what we're thankful- my reply, "I’m just waiting for the Black Friday fight videos"
  16. If anyone is on the fence about going to MAL- One of the best runs in the US. Well organized and located, low to no attitude and the only thing easier than gettin laid at MAL is making Jell-o
  17. coyotesmiles- as a Trickster & Vile Seducer, I hold you in the highest esteem
  18. I'm 48 and for the past 35 years it 's been an 'all ages skate party" you get what I'm sayin? The only numbers in my life are: the time the date the money and the speed limit
  19. I like Kunt sluthole gash ManHole ShitterCritter ShitHole pinkeye as in 'bend over and wink ur Pappy sum pinkeye"
  20. Bestest Fuckin Fuck Ever- goes to the guy that posted this ad, and me for answering it ;@> "Not lookin to make a friend- just need to fuck this load out. Raw and right now."
  21. Yeah- cause I'm easier than Jell-o
  22. [The problem is that we've lost an entire generation almost who would have taught today's 20/30 year olds how to fuck/get fucked ] Hear-Hear Mister an excellent point- I'm very grateful for ALL the teachers I had growing up
  23. "American Me" 1992 Prison Rape involving a 50lb bag of rice I dare you not to bone up
  24. hey Tiger- check out "Logan's Run" to see how ya bust one in the future (how the future looked in the 70's) ;@)
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