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Everything posted by PERVERSATILE

  1. I love some good fone bone, there are some extra twisted freaky ass fuckers out there, for whom a real-life association with would get you on at the very least, a watch list of some sort. Not giving INTERPOL another reason to keep tabs on me is a plus plus.
  2. As a 5 year old, I was desperate to have James West from ''The Wild Wild West'' be my daddy.
  3. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/glory-hole-pigs/ 2 guys (a long lean pig and his humpy fuck buddy) in a double hole gloryhole booth. Lots of sucking cock, eatin ass & sloppy wet butt fuckery.
  4. "Loose that shit on up! Open your hole! Stop tryin' to trick me with that tite bussy. I know you're a whore." -Retired MLB Player I hooked up with at an Adult Book Store
  5. Damn Mister -you've got world building nailed down rock solid. If you ever do a screen treatment "Mike & Brian: Pure of Heart. Dumb of Ass." would be a great working title.
  6. You got some mad skillz son. Truly exceptional storytelling.
  7. "Memory and Imagination are the luxury goods of a minimum wage reality.'' -Skinny Pete
  8. Raunchiest? I could not say. But I do remember one of the first raunchy things I ever did. I carved out a couple of peepholes into a well-functioning gloryhole in a men's room stall at the farmer's market conveniently located next to the gas station I worked at every weekend and after school throughout my entire adolescence.
  9. The first time I got all the way, Balls Deep and wrecked the shape of my Dick up in my FuckBuddy's Sweet Man Hole I thought, "God-Damn. I've paid cash folding money for Prime, Grade A Hollywood Street Hustler Pussy that won't even half as good as this." Fortunately I refrained from saying that out loud.
  10. [think before following links] https://dn1.newtumbl.com/img/305320/192654877/1/255010462/nT_5ej27qce6tdqp6iv8dt0kcik.mp4 TWO Big Cock Rockin Beefy Dad Types Tag Team the Fuck Out of a Lean, Young & Very Eager Butt Slut.
  11. [think before following links] https://dn2.newtumbl.com/img/206843/184717554/1/259655188/nT_gbrnx5a0igk3et6hn0j3txzq.mp4 Sloppy Wet Free Range Cum Catch in His Natural Environment.
  12. Smokin Hot Dildo Ridin' Redneck Out [think before following links] https://dn2.newtumbl.com/img/1072293/184557274/1/187965525/nT_b5kne42i2vt6qdgyzyp8e5t5.mp4
  13. Well just dip me in Cotton Candy and Rainbow Unicorn Farts. This is the Way Gayest recommendation you'll ever see. From Me. On BZ (that doesn't involve my Penis). Sorry Not Sorry
  14. Dedicated & Penetrated: Hot Lil' Fukker gets his CumDump Loaded at the Adult Book Store. Hot Anonymous GloryHole Action [think before following links] https://dn2.newtumbl.com/img/1072293/166280146/1/194163265/nT_n0q2a28ypc79z77badypbv0z.mp4
  15. [think before following links] https://dn1.newtumbl.com/img/1000579/150180637/1/211597461/nT_ad2q67h9v5ckjxirbp94exud.mp4 I can say with absolute and total candor I'd Push a Busload of Nuns off a cliff just to make out with this Man's Hairy Butt Hole 😈
  16. Nothing says ''I'm easier to make than Jell-O'' like a Nintendo GameBoy Bag. Instant classic [think before following links] https://www.ebay.com/itm/123322137860?hash=item1cb6927d04%3Ag%3ARr8AAOSw0rRbem1Z&LH_BIN=1
  17. Up until about 3 seconds ago I was pretty sure my favorite writers were Chuck Palahniuk, Neal Stephenson & Balzac. You fucked up my trifecta. You are One Bad Ass Literary Beast. “Human speech is like a cracked drum on which we tap crude melodies for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that would wring tears from the the stars.”- Gustave Flaubert
  18. You having a loss for words would be a terrible tragedy. -xoxo
  19. Well... the line between relatable and culpable might have some skinny wiggly slightly Vennish overlap.
  20. As far as the subject of Porn Actors Behind Bars goes, I feel like I have, at most, maybe three total minutes this year to devote to the topic. And I'm giving every fuckin second to Nacho Vidal. This shit is too weird & juicy, and frankly, on the list of Top 100 Things That Will Never Happen To Me Or Anyone I Know *Licking Toads *Penis Shaped Candles *Sex Magick *Money Laundering & *Manslaughter Charges (Hi Mom) are way more relatable & likely to occur than ''I'm a failed insurrectionist with faulty processes and poor impulse control who tried to violently overturn the government because I got totally slickered by one of the most odious & clumsy rat-fucking grifters on this planet.'' Spanish Porn Star Charged With Manslaughter in Connection With Toad Venom Ritual A Spanish porn star was arrested and charged with manslaughter late last week in connection with a mysterious death following a drug ritual involving toad venom. Nacho Vidal, 46, was one of three people arrested in connection with the July 2019 death of Jose Luis Abad, a Spanish fashion photographer. Abad died after smoking dehydrated venom from an endangered toad, reportedly as part of a ritual over which Vidal was presiding as shaman. A prominent adult film actor, director, and penis-shaped candle entrepreneur, Vidal has appeared in more than 1,500 films during his career, though more recently he has largely transitioned to directing. In 2012, he was arrested and charged with tax evasion and flight of capital in connection with an alleged money laundering ring orchestrated by the Chinese mob, though he maintained his innocence and was released on bail [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/nacho-vidal-toad-venom-dmt-death-1010196/ [think before following links] [think before following links] https://finance.yahoo.com/news/spain-porn-star-held-man-dies-toad-venom-200004558.html [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.avclub.com/spanish-penis-candle-mogul-accused-of-causing-death-by-1843896758
  21. Dark Haired Fit Muscle Cunt makes the purdiest goddamn faces while gettin' pounded out on the mensroom floor. [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://dn0.newtumbl.com/img/1105527/141854144/1/169104029/nT_zzskqxr67yhxy3sv1hcuh9zt.mp4
  22. What annoys you most about gay porn? The general lack of Robot themed storylines When the title is totally misleading. Like "Be Gay! Do Crimes!'' it's just a bunch of Random Butt Fuckery instead of Hot Guys in Disguises Stealing Jewels. Or doing other Felonious Activities like faking your own death & Committing Insurance Fraud When the guys in the porn are watching porn of guys fucking and watching porn. And I'm watching them all fucking and watching porn and then Stephen Hawking shows up and tells me I broke Time again, and he's really getting tired of this shit. That Cockman & Throbbin wasn't a hugely successful franchise. When somebody starts to wax poetically about their childhood and the screen goes all wobbly and cuts to a sepia-colored shot of the same actor, but he's wearing Garanimals and a funny propeller beanie hat, getting Butt Fucked on a Tricycle by a Clown at his little sister's birthday party, and that is what passes for Narrative Exposition these days! I'm still rock hard but now I'm also pissed off and confused. Bennie Hill Music
  23. I've got a Big Time Boner for Bluto & Popeye
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