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Everything posted by SecretCumWhore

  1. I remember an old long thread… “Adventures of Mr. X.” Or something like that. Something with Mr. X. Man was that hot.
  2. Yes, unfortunately I did post something I thought was in the right section of the site and didn’t verify before hand and received a penalty. So very cautious before typing anything out now. My assumption was if it had a lock on the forum topic, it was a secure part of website (Site rules still applying) that any fantasy or other backend topics are fine there. I’ll checkout that link again and reread the rules. I like this site a lot and don’t wanna lose privileges to it.
  3. I’m always afraid to post my links cause of the 1 person who may report them (not their cup of tea) and then it be taken down. But there are some hot ones linked here so far.
  4. I'm the same way. If they have a larger body size then me its hard for me to stay in the mindset for play.
  5. Absolutely report the profile on grindr and snap as many shots of the chat as possible. (Any photos since what they were insinuating, blacken out or cover in the photo) but for your records of chat and how the convo went. I usually get these red flags and try to snap pics before they end up blocking me. A buddy of mine was honey-pot trapped by a cop posing as a child and entrapped him, before they had a lawyer he was convinced to sign a document admitting guilt of attempting to meet a minor and provide them with recreational substances and this person is now on 10 years probation and a registered offender. For never meeting an actual underage person and by a cop who physically created a Grindr Profile, accepted the terms of service which state you must be 18 years of age or older, and lied about who they were and got an old crusty judge in the county to throw the hammer down on him. Newspaper also demonized my buddy and made him sound like a crazy predator after their children and definitely was fueling that whole lgbt - bestiality - ____philia are all the same thing from a moral perspective. Please please (all u guys out there) messaging anyone 19 years or younger on these apps. Grindr, scruff, whatever. If you have doubts, dont exchange photos, explain you want to meet in a public place face to face first to verify id (if you are serious about meeting them) and ensure your ducks are in a row first. Legal system is 'not' favorable' in conservative areas.
  6. Couldn’t agree more. The thought of a sweaty jock ass gyrating on my spunned up tongue is hard to resist for a nice ass.
  7. Me too stud. There's something about hot guys in a dark seedy piggy room, with only the small flame light reflecting off their sweaty bodies only to go dim again with sights and sounds of sex. My heaven
  8. @Rawslave29 Here's my old story, before I took a brief break from breedingzone. Didn't realize it got so many comments after I finished a few parts... so again, big fan of your story and right up my alley too. Love to see more. This was a cross-over story from "Double Conversion" in chem sex section as well since the "Dolf" guy in his story was too good to leave out of it.
  9. I have videos that differ from that statement of armpit hairs grinding against a btm's lips lol and they lived to see the end of course. All fun and games.
  10. Hot fucking story man!! I’m only on paragraph 2 and I already need to leave my living room to go jerk in my bedroom to continue this story. Hands down love this kinda theme and it gets me raging hard too. Definitely keep it up. May motivate me to keep going. Not sure if my old stories were pulled down during some rule changes. I’ll have to check.
  11. Not only that, he has kept this community and user base mostly safe from delving too far into fantasy / stories that can attract unwanted legal attention and get the site shut down. I think he finds that fine line pretty well for the variety of topics ppl discuss here and having permissions for users who don’t wish to see certain things. I’ve been here for many years too.. since maybe 2010 or earlier? Even though I ended up making a new account cause I asked my old one being deleted when I tried to go back to being vanilla and realized that was a useless endeavor. But again here I am and couldn’t be happier that this site loads when it auto fills on my browser every other day.
  12. Hot profile stud.  Let’s connect soon and chat 

  13. Sexy man.  Woof.  Love the photos

  14. So freaking hot. Love those pure and seduction parts in story as the pigs get more into it. Love the story. Keep it up.
  15. Results are about what I expected. Prime exploration phase. I was very very active in seeking it at 15. Curious at very young age with someone I was close with we explored something. At 15 I actually sought out and had the guts to follow through with it.
  16. Nice. Love those closets men giving it up on a whim to be used like a cheap whore. They crave that stuff
  17. Fuck. Hot story. I love when the top has his gear ready to turn even the most cautious slut into a fully fledged bb whore. I’m down for a part 2 and 3 🙂
  18. I’d like posts but it seems that feature is disabled for me or I’ve gone BZ illiterate lol.
  19. Damn they got a ton of good stuff. All over barebackbastards for sure. Just look at related videos.
  20. I’ve beat off to that second clip so many times. I’m completely stoked now I have two others of same group. Never knew they did more. Also hoping to find them!! Thx for the post.
  21. I’m ganna delete the post. It was not available for view in the US. Most likely for legal reasons or someone requested it be taken down.
  22. He had a hot pornhub channel and like I said, his videos were taken off pornhub. Was curious if anyone else had seen his videos or know if he went to a different website? If the videos lost, its lost lol. Was just a good channel. It was the top left and bottom right videos I believe. Same guy. Forget his old channel name though on Pornhub.
  23. Can chat/discuss hosting at my place in San Angelo (Sling/toys/rim seat/fisting lube trough/liquid proof bed sheets/dildos-double ended too/massive ones/fist toys/harnesses/masks-blindfolds etc…. Can travel on weekends to Austin/San Antonio/Dallas/Houston Vers/Btm. (To top i need a very open and verbal play partner, and we both see eye to eye on kinks and stuff.) otherwise btm’ing is normally what I gravitate too. (Cool with jerking to porn as well and talking bout wild fantasies)
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