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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. I am neither D or R myself.  I am locally elected in a village which by charter is non partisan (I suspect Teddy Roosevelt trial influenced that when we incorporated in 1915).  I also am a local election inspector (one of the folks who check records, id, and hand out ballots to qualified voters).  

    When we have just local elections less than 10% turn out to vote, even though local is what most impact individuals on a day to day basis.  I would love to see the tides change and people read info local candidates write and vote local.

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  2. Indeed there is nothing wrong with BBC or BWC.  (I imagine we could add BHC, BCC, BPC etc).  Or we can stop paying attention the skin color and enjoy the entire fellow human.  I'm in agreement with @NWUSHorny.  

    This said, for reasons I've never understood humans have done this throughout recorded history.  

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  3. 3 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    Do you mean Pramila Jayapal, AOC and the far-left Progressives?  

    Just as the R extremists are wreaking havoc, the far-left Dems are handing the R's plenty of ammunition.  In fairness, each political party has it's extremities, whether left or right.  As I see it, there's no problem with that, however I would note that there aren't far-lefties advocating the fall of the US Government.  I think there's room in the Government for everyone to have a chance, with the proviso they're not advocating anarchy, quoting dictators (past and present), etc.  

    Promoting one's view is fine.  If the majority of voters in the district don't care for those views, they won't be elected.  Repressing the views of others isn't fine.  Bernie didn't make it either; a moderate leftie did. 

    No, I was referring to NON Party people whose behavior gets conflated to the Democratic party.  Not limiting but for example terminating people for a accusation (not a conviction); or wanting to limit what we can or cannot say.   

    • Thanks 1
  4. To be honest beyond our awareness Johnson and Jr Johnson monitor each others porn behavior, that didn't say they weren't viewing it; just their dad/son pact to monitor each others usage.  As head-up as Mr. Johnson seems to be, he probably does know what a burner phone is, and it would not shock me if we learned he has one or more...

    I truly hope the R party stops it devolution into advocating dictatorship as the only way to go.  But so far it seems they are hell bent to accomplish that.  We know from prior experience that R's will do their best to block whomever Grandpa Joe selects for SCOTUS

    I listened carefully to Halley/Sununu interviews yesterday.  They did a fairly skillful job of riding the ridge.  I am hopeful albeit not optimistic they will prevail and begin to swing the R towards centerline.                   

    While not necessarily the D party, social liberals are doing their own damage to society which hopefully will not make it into D party platforms.  While, for example, I am not in favor of abortion as a method of birth control, I strongly advocate for Our bodies, our choice regardless of whether or not we have a penis or a vagina.  

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