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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. On 11/21/2023 at 10:27 AM, ellentonboy said:

    Wouldn't it be fair to say that thirty  years ago it was more likely HIV would progress to AIDS than today? My reasoning is this - more routine testing and advances in medication.  If you were poz in say 1993, that's 30 years ago, the chances of your HIV status advancing to AIDS was probably higher because you would run out of medication options.  In other words, if you became resistant to a certain "cocktail", your choices to go to something else were limited.  Today, there are many different routes you can take an if you have an experienced, dedicated infectious disease specialist he knows what they are.  The key is taking your medication as directed, and have your doctor run your labs quarterly, as is  my case.

    Now, I left out things like lifestyle choices. I didn't want to get into a discussion with those interested in having unprotected sex with a multitude of men.  Nor did I even want to touch the subject of the use of enhancements.  We could debate if these decisions do or do not contribute to your illness progressing to full blown AIDS.

    I'll say this. If you are newly diagnosed today, you have so many options.  Your t- cell count and viral load are crucial at the time you are diagnosed, and it's important you find the best infectious disease specialist in your area, or that you can travel to.  Of course, insurance  becomes an issue, but with the additional funds allocated to ADAP, most guys I know who are newly infected can get on some type of medical treatment.

    Now, if you are into "bug chasing" and you want to get full blown AIDS, that is your decision.  For those of you who wake up, and understand what you are doing to yourself, you do have options.  That is my 2 cents...

    Thanks.  Indeed I am fairly newly diagnosed and found out quickly that traditional medications would be prohibitively expensive for me.  But all that is Part D medicare (drug plans).  The injectable is covered under part B, so might very well prove the affordable option for me.  Genotyping revealed no resistance so right now any should do.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    Just a bit of morning silliness .....

    but I liked mango's up until just now ... I have a dwarf mango tree in the back yard, and they're sweet as can be ... and now I can't eat them anymore with that hellish connection being made.  

    However, I will do my best to erase that mental picture, and continue to enjoy the mangos.  I have a starfruit tree too, so please don't mention anything about them.  


    I just transfer that thinking to pumpkins rather than mangoes.  Not gonna fuck with my love for mango....  Off now to do the mango tango. 


    • Haha 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, BlackDude said:

    The fact that Dems claim they can never get anything passed, except when it come to focusing on IRS/tax enforcement for smaller businesses tells me where their priorities are. 

    We all know "Dems" have gotten lots of bills passed, well beyond IRS/Tax enforcement.  Which Dem is claiming this?  (and why are they not voted out?)

    • Upvote 1
  4. Do any of us ever forget the first guy who fucked us?  Or we fucked?  Or sucked?  

    Jack was a neighbor.  After a fire in 1977 destroyed the apartment building I lived in, the apartment complex gave me a temporary place, off in a corner where the walkway was used by people north of me.  One evening Spring 78 I met Jack when we walked by.  We got to talking.  Time passed and we became friends, and eventually we got in bed.  He lubed up with whatever hand cream I had on hand and fucked me.  These were pre condom times so neither of us gave condoms a thought a all.

    Indeed my ass felt invaded, but he talked me through it, how to relax, and fucked his cum deep into me.  That of course hooked me and we started to fuck each other pretty often.  It turned out we worked at the same place so from time to time we found quiet work places to play too.  

    • Like 3
  5. 4 hours ago, VistaCaBB said:

    I dislike American politics.  I feel the country would be so much better off with less politicians. 

    I don't believe the number of politicians is the problem.  Rather many feel the other side is their sworn enemy and they keep repeating that, so that more and more believe that.  We're woefully out of balance.  It used to be that the push / pull between parties helped balance legislation.  Now we're lopsided and people are treating it more like a football game (as if the consequences were similar).  

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  6. 4 hours ago, viking8x6 said:

    I got pretty pissed off once when a former Grindr hookup (which hadn't been repeated because it was pretty lousy TBH) showed up at my door after dark one evening without any notice or contact whatsoever, on Grindr or anywhere else. Creeped me the fuck out. I told him in icy tones that it was NOT OK and that he needed to go away. Which fortunately he did.

    @viking8x6 do you have a Purple front door????  LOL

  7. @viking8x6 Man  I agree.  My husband and I started our relationship open, having concluded from prior ones that to put arbitrary monogamy requirements made no sense.  We were fuck bunnies in our early years, but as often happens, that gave way to affection.  Permanent?  No, one of us is going to die first.  And that is gonna be a crappy time for the one who doesn't.  But we built our private little empire and whomever survives will do OK enough until his end.  

    Now, perhaps this sounds morbid and depressing.  It is not intended that way.  It is simply a fact, we humans have this annoying habit of dying.  And there aren't ever exceptions.  Meanwhile we enjoy our lives and the things we do, build, make happen; and those little acts of caring that pop up a few times a day.  

    • Like 1
  8. PSA: Not everyone gets the fuck flu (seroconversion illness).  Most do, but about 20% don't.  

    @BootmanLA brings up excellent points.  If your encounter with "scorpion man' was less than 48 hours ago; and you don't want to be poz yourself, PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) will generally do a good job stopping infection.  

    PrEP is an excellent choice although be diligent about your 3 month checks.  Depending on how active you are, 2-1-1 Truvada can minimize side effects while protecting you from HIV infection.  Newere PrEP Discovy has fewer side effects for daily use.  

    HIV infection symptoms take weeks to show up.  


  9. 1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

    I've noticed in news reports lately that there are apparently substantial demonstrations on College/University campuses against Jewish folks.  Surely University students have enough wherewithal to comprehend that "The Jews" are not responsible, it's the current Government of Israel that's wrought all the destruction, with more on the way.  Similarly, it's not "The Americans" that are responsible for our current policy-problems in the US - it's a group within the Government within that entity that is the problem.

    I think these demonstrations are more against the current Government/Prime Minister of Israel, than against Jewish people in general.  While it's true that Israel had a right to answer the 10/7 event against their nation, the response has been exponentially multiplied, with inexcusable consequences for non-combatants. 

    Yet, "the Jews" are being blamed, as though the response to 10/7 was voted on and approved by a majority of registered voters in Israel.  As we all know, occasionally "a mickey" weasel's his way into power, and wreaks havoc in all manner of ways.  I consider Mr. Netan-yahoo to be among this sad group of world leaders.  Mindlessly (or perhaps worse) killing thousands of civilians is simply inexcusable. and doubtless his political career is deservedly over.  

    The question remains, however:  Who is going to rebuild Gaza, and all the other destroyed population centers?  I doubt that Mr. Biden has given carte-blanche to the Prime Minister, but he does want to give him a ton of dough.  

    I hope the "you broke it, you fix it" mindset is being floated around the White House.  

    I am concerned of the continued expansion of the anti-Semites we saw early in Mr. T's administration.  Typically this sort of tribalism comes from scarcity; and our planet changes are certainly causing widespread shortages, food and water specifically so as not to get caught up in supply chain issues.  

    Mr. N of Israel demonstrates some issues.  That said, he keeps getting elected so it follows that the external simplified view sees him as the Jewish Proxy.  And regardless, all this seems like core ideology rather than immediately political response.  

    Regarding the "I hope the 'you broke it, you fix it'" mindset is NOT being floated around the White House.  That mindset itself is part of the problem.  This is our nation.  ALL of our nation, not us vs them.  For those who were in power whose future should be prison, I hope we've the gumption to follow through on that, with after a period of strife, might get is back as a unified nation.  

    Global response seems to ignore the significance of 10/7 to those whose home is Israel.  

    • Thanks 1
  10. Honestly I think it all started with the whole Santa Claus myth...  At least in Eurocentric societies.  We teach our kids that Santa will bring them crap if they're good, and that sets in motion a whole like of irrational thinking.  We combine that with bible studies which are essentially teaching the whole Santa thing but now wrapped up in a more superior mythological being.  Be good or you'll get worse than coal....

    Mythology is our attempt to explain the unknown.  But it isn't truth, it is just a POV.  

    I am hopeful at a point we can all achieve freedom FROM religion.


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