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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. Thanks @viking8x6  That page opens with this:

    Following a comprehensive review of evidence, the NBHW concluded that the evidence base for hormonal interventions for gender-dysphoric youth is of low quality, and that hormonal treatments may carry risks. NBHW also concluded that the evidence for pediatric transition comes from studies where the population was markedly different from the cases presenting for care today. In addition, NBHW noted increasing reports of detransition and transition-related regret among youth who transitioned in recent years.

    NBHW emphasized the need to treat gender dysphoric youth with dignity and respect, while providing high quality, evidence-based medical care that prioritizes long-term health. NBHW also emphasized that identity formation in youth is an evolving process, and that the experience of natural puberty is a vital step in the development of the overall identity, as well as gender identity.

    In light of above limitations in the evidence base, the ongoing identity formation in youth, and in view of the fact that gender transition has pervasive and lifelong consequences, the NBHW has concluded that, at present, the risks of hormonal interventions for gender dysphoric youth outweigh the potential benefits.

    As a result of this determination, the eligibility for pediatric gender transition with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in Sweden will be sharply curtailed. Only a minority of gender dysphoric youth—those with the “classic” childhood onset of cross-sex identification and distress, which persist and cause clear suffering in adolescence—will be considered as potentially eligible for hormonal interventions, pending additional, extensive multidisciplinary evaluation.

    For all others, including the now-prevalent cohort of youth whose transgender identities emerged for the first time during or after puberty, psychiatric care and gender-exploratory psychotherapy will be offered instead. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis, and the number of clinics providing pediatric gender transition will be reduced to a few highly specialized centralized care centers.



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  2. 17 hours ago, viking8x6 said:

    I tend not to talk up my skills. The endowment (which is substantial, but not absurd) gets enough attention, and (as I always say) I can't take credit for it, it's just my luck. I usually say, "I try to use it well." To my mind, the subtext is, "I actually put effort into doing this well, and therefore I have significant skill," which is in fact the case.

    I'd rather have people be pleasantly surprised by my skills than disappointed by them. Often, it seems that they are; I certainly get plenty of repeat custom.

    The downside is that I might not get as many interested parties up front, I suppose.

    As for my take on other people's bragging (or stating simple facts about their abilities), I'll put a moderate amount of credence in it if they don't seem otherwise narcissistic or arrogant, but honestly, I'm hoping I'll find out soon enough.

    The exception is people who brag about their oral skills (which for whatever reason seems to be the most common form of bragging in the MSM department). Since receiving oral is very far from my favorite sex activity (it's usually doing more for the guy giving it than it is for me), a guy passionately arguing that his oral skills will change my mind (after decades of experience) is only annoying and indicative that he hasn't read my profile.

    If I ever got the chance I would love to play together with you

  3. 2 hours ago, BergenGuy said:

    Once in place, laws like this are unlikely to go away.  You know, "think of the children".  Those four words cause a lot of irrational behavior.


    I've already experienced ebb and flow of public opinion.  That said I agree with you; those four words often are the source of undesirable behaviors and our trajectory hasn't turned yet.  History is filled with periods of tolerance and intolerance.  And look globally; so many are still under the thumb of religion.  And while certainly much social good has come from religion over the millennia; a whole lot of the evil foisted upon our fellow man has been at the behest of organized religion.  


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  4. On 10/14/2022 at 9:57 PM, sthrnguy said:

    Trust me, my nephew will never be homeless.  He knows that we will take him in at any time if it’s needed, but that means he has to cut strings with his life there, just as I did.  Not that we’d force him, just that it’s the only way he can be who he is.  I know from personal experience.  Unfortunately, after a quarter of a century, I’m being dragged back into it (family business) even though I fled 900 miles to get away.

    Nice months have passed, how has this evolved @sthrnguy?

  5. 12 minutes ago, StillNeg1980 said:

    From a sub bottom perspective, I don’t believe in withdrawing consent during fucking. I would certainly never cry rape if I was happy and consenting at the start. I like guys that get fully into the moment, so wouldn’t expect them to stop until they’re done

    Honestly if it was the first time I played with a guy, even if we had discussed his desire to not have a safe word and clear instructions to not pull out no matter what; as I would not know him very well I might stop anyway.  Unless, perhaps, I had a signed document in hand from him.  

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  6. 8 hours ago, Vbguy said:

    I live in a group, row, townhouse whatever you call it. House next door just sold and was told to an investor. Expected a crew to be working there. Finally saw an older black guy working and started talking. He introduced himself as Reverend ____,  said he was the owner and this was his first try at this. Told him I did construction if he had any questions. Few days later went over and gave advice told him to ask if he needed more.  Was off for a few days and got super  horny. Left my kitchen door open and was sitting naked with a hard dick while cruising online. Wasn't  paying attention till I heard a noise at door and there was the reverend just watching.  A little embarrassed I turned to face him and apologize but his eyes were fixated on my hard dick. I stroked and shook it while he just watched. I invited him in and saw a bulge in his pants. I said go ahead and play with it. He said been a long time since he's been around another hard dick while he started stroking it. I said join me and get naked. In a flash I have a hard black dick in my hand.  I invited him to suck on mine and he greedily did. I started playing with his ass and as soon as my finger touched his hole he let out a moan. I knew where we were going! I got down and en gulfed his dick with my mouth while getting a finger in his ass. Bent hm over the stool and slid in his ass with a bit of work. He now started getting really wild, pushing back and telling me to cum in his ass.  Didn't take long till I flooded his ass with my charged nut. I pulled out, said...my turn and bent over the stool. He slid up in me and pounded away till he quickly busted balls deep in my ass. I put my arms around him kissed him and said let's do it again soon.


    Sounds like a lovely thing to have happen...  

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