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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. 6 minutes ago, viking8x6 said:

    Of course not. Nevertheless, there exist people who do want that (at some level or another). And it is perfectly rational and reasonable for the OP and the rest of us (including, I expect, some of the bug chasers) to wonder "why?" "What is the nature of that insanity?"  "Where does it come from?"  "Could it happen to me?"

    Because justification and rationalization are all well and good, but at the end of the day we are all glorified monkeys and reason and civilization are a thin veneer.

    Exactly.  My body my choice.

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  2. 13 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    What I meant is that compared with, say, a single shot of an antibiotic, or a brief 7-day regimen of an oral antibiotic (which is standard treatment for many bacterially-caused STI's, and which ordinarily actually cures them), HSV is managed, not cured. And that management depends on where the infection is, and whether the prescriber is aiming to treat an outbreak or keep the virus suppressed. In the former case, the treatment is more like that of a bacterial infection, except it only knocks the virus back "this time". Any number of things can trigger another outbreak, and some people experience few while others have outbreaks on a recurring basis, sometimes multiple times in a year. That's typically how HSV-1, which has primarily been spread orally, has been treated, but now HSV-1 is spreading by oral-genital contact on an increasing basis.

    In the case of HSV-2 (the kind normally spread by genital contact), suppression treatment is more common because the virus can shed even when there are no visible symptoms. One area of concern is whether (as is believed) HSV-1, when spread genitally, can shed without symptoms as well.

    So treatment is much more complex (at least in terms of choices made by the prescribing provider), and as HSV-1 becomes more widespread through genital contact, we may see a substantial number of cases being shifted to "suppressive" treatment rather than the traditional treatment of outbreaks only. Those who are already on suppressive treatment, of course, won't see anything new.

    And let's face it: adherence to daily medications is something an awful lot of people seem to have trouble with. 

    Nodding as I write this @BootmanLA.  Yes for me thrice daily medication to keep HSV-2 under control.  And I definitely follow.  My hubby would be awful at following med schedule were it not for me counting it out and putting them in front of him.  

  3. Oh man, "hours afterward"?  I definitely enjoy a cool down period which sometimes leads to subsequent rounds.  But unless it is late night where I fall back asleep; certainly within half an hour after; and many times immediately I am ready to disconnect and do something else with a guy.  In particular when that guy is a trick; which seem to be more in the "kum and go" camp.  

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  4. 4 hours ago, viking8x6 said:

    I'd call those "artificial insemination vids"

    Most definitely.  The classic "lesbian turkey baster" but the "pregnancy" is different.  Also, HIV is a pretty weak virus; exposure to LIGHT and AIR render it ineffective pretty quickly.  You can imagine the challenge of collecting that much cum, in the dark and absent air would more likely than not render any virus ineffective.  

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  5. These things combined with a never ending stream of "breaking news".  The orange clown ensures by his misdeeds that he is at the top, or near the top of every news story.  It's time to put him at the END of the newscast.  

    We've a genie out of the bottle of too much news.  Bad weather is no longer news.  It is part of everyday life.  Ditto shootings.  How about actual new things that happened, and then updates on open items once a week?  

    Here in Wisconsin it seems all the networks care more about how we feel and less about reporting facts.  

    Is there a way, socially, politically and in our media to quiesce the noise and get back to more personally productive pursuits?

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  6. On 7/26/2023 at 12:56 PM, DirtyFckr said:

    And it’s done folks! Just got back home from the salon now. The process was literally 100% less painful than for my nips and I don’t even feel it now, 30 minutes after having it done. The piercer talked me through the process very professionally (I admit, I was very nervous) and everything went. Now it’s nicely wrapped, I’ll show it when I’m able to!


    @DirtyFckr congrats on your PA!  My experience matched yours.  Nip piercings way more painful.  PA was maybe one second of "yikes" and then nothing.  Comfort from then on.  

  7. Plus the state of heathcare good or bad is not a reflection of any one of us - even IF we were in positions as healthcare leaders in our respective states.  (which to be clear is not the casre for me).  What happens in our respective states isn't the metric to evaluate our individual knowledge.  

  8. @DirtyFckr I've not once regretted getting my PA.  At this point I don't wear it every day; and thus appreciate more the days that I do.  It is a pleasure when a bottom let's us fuck them with it in.  I fear there are huge misconceptions on the amount of damage from it.  And certainly there is some spikey jewelry out there.  But on balance it all seems to go with no perceptible damage and a hell of a lot of prostate pleasure for the lucky bottom guy.  

    I always encourage tops with PA's to enjoy my hole with the PA in.  

    One thing that has puzzled me; from time to time I've run across fellows on Proximity Aps who refuse any play just because I have a PA piercing; whether or not I am wearing any jewelry.  

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  9. On 7/12/2023 at 4:04 PM, LetsPOZBreed said:

    Also, I'm sure a certain subset of those "negative" responses might be poz in disguise.  Not necessarily intentionally, of course, but I remember being warned in my younger days about the guys who are poz and don't yet know it - prob due to a recent infection.  These were the more dangerous ones, as their VL wouldn't be tempered by meds yet.  I'm 95% certain I got converted by this type of guy.

    Indeed, there were a ton of friends who took the position "I don't wanna know".  

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  10. Very true @hnthole.   I pretty much knew when my buds were going to pass in the 80's and even the 90's.  I pretty much automatically pulled in the range of my fuck circle as much as I could.  A half assed serial monogamy sort of thing.  As knowledge of HIV and treatments emerged in the 90's my inner slut came out to play more.  I always have had poz friends and we taught each other.  Still do....


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  11. 1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

    Maybe not the first time, maybe not the twenty-first time.  But they cheated-on guy always knows at some point. Reactions can be nothing apparent (i.e. completely internalized) to Showdown at the F.U. Corral. I wonder how 'hot' the cheating is then. 

    To each his own, I guess.  But at some point, they always, always know. 



    True.  I've been the one in a purportedly monogamous relationship who discovered his partners outside dalliances quite by accident.  I tend to agree at least more times than not, the cheating will be found out.  In part because the one cheating needs to be found out; and in part because I think thay want to be discovered.  Part of their thrill.  Or at least in my two "at bats" for this they were.

    My current 23 and continuing relationship; we had both experienced that.  And rather than put that artificial constraint on our lifelong relationship; we decided to keep it open.  We have fun when we share our experiences with each other.  To us it has proven better to discover and accept who we are with all our foibles and qualities.  

    A good half of my fuck buds are on the DL.  Their relationships, their problem.  I am not forcing them into my dungeon and I am not the keeper of their relationship.  Some of my buds and I discuss their rationale.  In the ones I know of, they love their partners, have asked for openness; and been given a flat no without discussion.  In those circumstances I can understand their "fuck it" approach.  In my couple decades doing this; the majority of those relationships fail; and when the next one emerges for them this stuff is agreed to up front.  


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