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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. HIV is rather difficult to contract in recent years.  It has always been a pretty whimpy virus out of the body.  PrEP and ARV's have reduced the pool of individuals who "could" infect that one's odds are remarkably good they can rawfuck with comparative impunity.  

    Knowledge...  Indeed we've long relied upon a model that what a fellow tells us is truthful.  If you absolutely, positively do not want HIV; the best way is to get on PrEP.  The odds are remarkably low.  None of us live forever so if not this it'll be something else...  I don't think PrEP has ever actually been studied up to "the whore of Babylon" standards (makes ones home in a slutty bathhouse, never leaves.).  But it is quite effective.  

  2. Indeed.   For the Wisconsin Primary I have to pull a party ballot.  This time I am likely to pull and R if Christie is still in the race.  I want us to get back to classic R ; but maybe both parties can learn something and stop the partisan bullfeathers.  What's going on now in DC is just disruption.  A different form of Jan 6.  Enough already.

    • Confused 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, viking8x6 said:

    This has been a problem for a while. The chat page runs on completely different and separate software from the main site, and it has some database glitches that @rawTOP has not been able to fix yet.

    As far as I know, you can not "see people sending you chats" without being logged in to the chat. Perhaps you are referring to private messages on the main site (which are a separate and unrelated thing). New members don't have the privilege to send those, but they do gain that privilege when they get promoted to Junior Member. That will happen automatically after you have participated in the site a certain amount by making posts in the forums.

    All that said, Breeding Zone is a discussion forum. It is not really a chat or hookup site, and it's actually not all that great for those purposes.

    Indeed we're following more of the old bulletin board model here; but enhanced with links and images.  

  4. 1 hour ago, BootmanLA said:

    They could, but like almost any other subscription model, it's likely doomed to fail from a financial standpoint.

    Subscriptions survive as long as customers perceive they're getting more value from paying a flat, ongoing, lower price that covers typically unlimited use than from paying for actual usage. It works when it's something we can't really effectively do without (like a cell-phone plan with unlimited data and minutes). It falls apart when it's something we can easily opt out of (like meal subscriptions, which just can't seem to turn a profit no matter what they try). You can only get cell service, ultimately, from one of the big providers (even if it's via a smaller provider reselling their network). You can get food almost anywhere (quality varying, of course).

    For the average gay who doesn't travel to cities big enough to even have a bathhouse in the first place on a semi-weekly basis, or whatever, there won't be any value in a subscription. Pay the $50 for the holiday trip and be done with it. The handful who do use such facilities on a steady basis will end up paying even less to support an already under-supported business.

    As is often the case @BootmanLA I am tracking with you on this.  

    The local nude mens club I administer does charge dues and a door fee for our events.  Because our members are hosts, we only pay for consumable for the event; and a gratuity to the host for expenses we cant see (utilities, setup/cleanup).  I don't see how I could do this if I rented any sort of space (which has to have HVAC in our climate) and make it work.  I think the host gratuity is our "expense" for the venue.  

    In my largely rural state we're reasonably popular with our events well attended, and providing our local equivalent of what a bath house would.  I am one of the hosts and do my best to give some bath house flavor with my dungeon one of the playrooms when I host.  I am unusually aware of local commercial market and how local public safety works; and thus some of the things which might put us out of commission.  Confidentiality is a pivotal value.  

    I'm aware there are similar clubs in other states.  In fact we might do well to develop a directory of "local clubs".  We vet our members before bringing them in.  I'm sure that puts off a few; but it let's us make sure we know who is entering (ID verified) private homes we "rent".  We can't run successfully and be "anonymous".  That said; given the few things that make us different from a bath house, it's similar enough and is the closest "next thing" I can think of for fostering tactile human interactions.  


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  5. As well it should be @Tsjul.  Our species seems to have this weird relationship with sex - or at least many do.  Why we look at something so fucking pleasurable as sex as dirty is just twisted IMO.  I hired a porn star once.  Damned glad I did although honestly we spent most of our time talking and me learning more of his life to date.  It was as much meeting another human as a human as it was sex.  So not one regret.  That said, for me sex is something to be shared freely so I am as uncomfortable paying as I would be getting paid.  Still I pay for a massage and why should I look at any other sex work differently??

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  6. I certainly hope some will hang on for years to come @BootmanLA.  We have a definite social shift towards virtual and touching people can be problematic in some circles.  We are becoming it seems a much less tactile species.  In my part of our country I'm one of the guys who provides an occasional play space for my group (typically 40 show up).  I try to replicate to some extent the bathhouse theme in my play areas.  The closest bathhouse to me now is in Chicago, more than 2 hours away.  

    Here in rural America the prevalent POV is NIMY (not in my backyard) which precludes populous areas.  Rents in cities, even small ones, is surprisingly high which could push entry fees up quite a bit.  Are we willing to pay $200 for a night of play?  I suspect yes, but across a smaller pool - which adds to the difficulty; Does $200 need to become $500 to enter because monthly rent and triple net is $50,000; plus utilities which could easily be in the 10,000 a month.  And as much as no one wants to admit it, the sexier our purpose the more exposed we are as businesses to social harassments in one form or another.   At a point what I need to charge to pay a staff with benefits to run a 24x7 operation "health club".  

    You draw an excellent comparison I believe with Drive In Theatres.  Hell locally theatres which don't have jumbo screens are following in drive in footsteps.  

    • Like 1
  7. For openers, it is interesting RNC decided to hold the first debate in a distinctly Democratic city.

    I recorded it so I could scroll through all the BS parts from the incompetent Fox News as well as all the RNC crap.  I just wanted to listen to the candidates words from their mouths.

    WRT votiing, I am non partisan but tend to vote more for Democratic candidates than R.  In the upcoming primary, as Democrats do not seem warm to having options beyond Biden, it makes no sense for me to waste my one and only ballot option on a D, ballot.  Especially when I might influence the R outcome.  Right now Christie is, for me, the frontrunner I am likely to vote for.  But bear in mind, this is just ONE debate.  Lots of stuff to occur before this coming April.  So while these are my leanings, too soon to make a decision.  

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