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Everything posted by boypole

  1. it’s not NYC so it has that going for it. you can mark that down as a “yes” after living there for close to three decades, I had a decidedly love-hate relationship with that city. I go back to visit every so often but my problem is that I can only spend 3-4 days there before I remember exactly why I left in the first place. (I would have left even if I hadn’t met my husband; it would have just taken me longer.)
  2. Seems appropriate.
  3. That’s part of the problem. The focus on winning. Some of us remember negative campaigning from years ago. If Bush Sr. hadn’t run that Willie Horton ad, our history may well have been different. Both sides run these ads because they work. They work too well, I think.
  4. Maybe. I’m an independent and the easiest way to turn me off is to tell me what you’re against, regardless of which side you (not you per se) happen to be. The effects of negative campaigning have been well documented and have been shown to reduce voter engagement in participatory politics over time, such that we now have a reduced and greatly polarized electorate. And that’s not solely the fault of only one side either. During the 2016 election, more than 55% of all televised ads released by both Trump and Clinton campaigns were negative. 55%! There is something wrong with that model. Source: [think before following links] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/ajos.12610 (you can read that at your leisure; it’s research published by the American Journal of Political Science)
  5. He has to do that to mollify his base. Doesn’t mean he actually believes it. VA is effectively purple, same as AZ and CO. I guess we’ll see what happens. TM (McAuliffe) didn’t run a good campaign imho. It’s a job interview and he failed his audition, so better luck next time. His mistake was not running on kitchen table issues but trying to tie his opponent to Trump. Trump isn’t president anymore, so I’m unsure why he focused on that other than an attempt to turn out the vote. ETA voters don’t want to hear what you’re against; they would rather hear what you are for.
  6. oh please, you realize that nothing has changed in VA, right? the Democratic candidate didn’t win…ok, whatever. but realistically, nothing has changed. the Republicans don’t unilaterally control VA’s state government so what will happen — if the legislators want to get anything done … and they will (if they want to be re-elected) … — is that the GOP and the Democrats will have to … wait for it … they will have to work together and compromise to pass legislation. surprise! that’s how governing works. and by the way, McAuliffe wasn’t my preferred candidate, so it doesn’t bother me that he lost. too centrist for my liking. and even if he won, he would still have to deal with a divided state legislature. Youngkin will probably not govern like a typical Republican like the previous four years. he’s not a fool, he knows he has to work with the opposition to get anything done. that’s not “hate”, that’s discussion with your eyes wide open. LOL.
  7. I wouldn’t worry too much about Virginia anyway. The Democrats control that state’s Senate chamber so any legislation that Youngkin dares to propose or that the Republicans in the state House pass will be met with stiff resistance. SWEET!
  8. A survey only measures the thoughts of the people that participated. The survey didn’t ask every single voter in Virginia so it’s technically 64% of the voters who participated in the Fox News survey think that the country is headed in the wrong direction. Yes, it’s a technicality but these details matter. When you think if it that way, the actual number of voters who have that opinion may actually be much smaller. Italics for emphasis.
  9. *shrug* I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say. I don’t enjoy it, it’s not my favorite position or even a desirable one. I produce A LOT of spit and sometimes that can turn into a real hazard. And I get dizzy, so when that happens, swallowing a dick is the furthest thing from my mind. Sex is supposed to be enjoyable for both parties, otherwise it kind of misses the point. I suppose I could lie and say I enjoy it but it’s better for me to “keep it real” as the saying goes. YMMV.
  10. getting to the point where you can post freely without undue restrictions doesn’t take very long. in my case, it was 2-3 weeks. (eta to say that it may be that my post limit has only been slightly increased, but that’s ok, I don’t need or necessarily want to post lots of times a day.) just requires a bit of patience and perseverance.
  11. haven’t used paid tiers for several years, but having said that, when I did use them, paying for the service was my default because I didn’t like to be limited by what I could do. make sense? never really liked scruff/grindr due to the amount of s&m (stand and model) that occurs there. I tend to be direct and vastly prefer apps where people get to the point with a minimum of fuss
  12. I don’t use any of those since I’m in a closed (i.e., monogamous) relationship. If I weren’t, it would likely be either Manhunt or BBRT. But really, I prefer in-person meetings…and that means live sex spaces like Steamworks in Berkeley or other venues in SF.
  13. not my favorite position if we’re being completely honest
  14. I prefer “dick” especially because it sounds more primal to me.
  15. it’s the knowledge that my dick lives inside your hole, where it belongs
  16. When I was dating, I would disclose right away, preferably on the first date. It’s best for me that this information is right out there in the open, and if my date couldn’t handle it or had cold feet, then we could part ways and move on. Yes, rejection stings but it’s like a needle jab. Over and done with, and eventually, barely noticeable. I eventually got around that barrier by only dating poz guys - which is how I met my hubby. Anyway, good luck and let us know how it turns out.
  17. it’s all about the motion of the ocean, and if you’re like me, that’s something you love to keep going. IOW I’m not a fan of quickies
  18. well, I was just starting my career so you could say that it couldn’t have come at a worse time for me. daily life was just average back then.
  19. girth. preferably, so you can feel it for hours afterwards 😍
  20. I’m a sucker for vintage porn, so for me it would be Al Parker, Chad Douglas and Lee Ryder. And Jeff Stryker. Can’t leave him out, lol. And B.J. Slater. Always had a crush on his giant dick. <g>
  21. Going commando has gotten me great results. +1 on the nasty pig baseball cap. Think of it as “targeted advertising”
  22. I’d be happy to take care of that problem for you. 😉
  23. I came out when I was 21; i didn’t get to disclose to my family until much later, when I was in my early 30s. A few knew (they basically put two and two together). My parent didn’t want me to mention to my grandma that I’m gay (because of the concept of ‘face’; in my mom’s eyes, she thought she would lose face with her mom and her siblings if it became known that her son was gay). But I didn’t have to lie to my grandma…she asked me “do you have any friends?” I said, “yes, Lola”. Then she asked me, “guy friends or girl friends?”, while smiling. My grandma is a smart cookie.
  24. you don't say that we're not limited to porn stars from the present, so for me it would be Al Parker
  25. hmmm, I'll have to file that away and remember that. thanks for the tip @poptronic - when I do a deep clean, I usually give myself a few warm water enemas and that can turn into a hot sesh (with the right top of course). takes me a few hours (2-3 hours) to get everything ready.
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