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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. The urge to reflect one's accomplishments by owning spectacular, expensive vehicles is commonplace in Washington DC. Manchin is the last thing from "crazy" - after all, enormous cabin cruisers, upon which he often entertains other members of Congress with quiet (yet apparently always well-attended) extravagant parties, and his Maserati Levante parked on the dock just below) don't buy themselves, do they? He's not crazy, he's an effective Congressperson that places his constituents interests above all but the most pressing national interests. He's a Democrat not by dint of his political beliefs, he's a Democrat because he can play both sides of the aisle effectively. footnote: Some time ago in a previous thread, I think I wrongly credited Dan Rostenkowski, powerful chairman of Was & Means, with coining the phrase "all politics is local". It was, in fact, Tip O'Neill. My apologies.
  2. Agreed. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot - maybe most of them take a little shovelful of dough on the side.
  3. Neither Kirsten Sinema nor Joe Manchin are "crazy". Neither are loyal, down-the-line Democrats, either. Manchin is reflecting the needs of his constituency first (big coal), and the nation secondly. It's so noticeable because the of the narrow margin in the Senate. Sinema seems to have at least semi-cogent answers to why she votes the way she does, which doesn't make her crazy. What does make her somewhat questionable though, is her taste in clothing. Maybe one of her commercial sponsors is Ringling Bros/Barnum & Bailey .....
  4. I'm curious; Which Dems belong to "their own brand of crazies"? Which Dems don't believe that all citizens should be equally valued? The R's have celebrated the removing of health-care involving pregnancy virtually across the board, wherever they can. Millions of the R's actually believe that they can decide for everyone else which deity to (pretend to) worship, and insist that this must be a "Christian" nation, (as defined by that group only - hardly reflective of the Original Message), thereby forcing their religious/cultural viewpoints on their neighbors. Which Dems are doing anything like that? The R's are doing it in their millions, burning books, attempting to erase actual American history with a white-washed version. Which Dems are doing that? If you're a "Rockefeller Republican", then great - but sadly, that political party no longer exists, having died for lack of sustenance. I could go on, but ....
  5. I guess you're more of an "in the heat of the moment" type guy than I am. Sometimes, bottoms who do perform the required ritual, and still a little remains - which I don't blame them for. Accidents happen, no to make a big deal out of it. I won't make it a point to give it a re-run either. That said, if the effort hasn't been made at all, I'll just step over to the next one. It's happened a couple of times at my favorite fuckjoint, that 1 guy who hadn't prepped cleared out the entire darkroom, and in one fast hurry. Maybe it's related to the availability of Holes in general, well-prepped Holes in particular around town, maybe something else, but I won't knowingly shove it to an unprepped Hole. If it becomes apparent that I inadvertently have, I head to the washroom the moment I become aware.
  6. I think that in the backrooms/fuckjoints, guys are more driven by their Lusts than anything else (oh - for instance, "I wonder how/ if I should this or that ?" A lot of Tops think all they have to do is show up and rut - but this is an example of the numerous details that Tops should be aware of, and take steps to make it a hot group scene as it can be for all the guys.
  7. ... yesterday's 100% melt-down shit-show in the US House of Representatives should have convinced you. I know there are fair-minded Republicans, fiscal responsibility, all of that, but the crazies have taken over to such an extent that it's impacting everyone's life in a serious way. Since legislation must originate in the House, does anyone think they're going to get the budgetary items agreed upon, and the government funded in a matter of mere weeks? They can't agree on so much as when the potty breaks are allowed. This has become a modern example of neither the Emperor or his gadflies have any clothes, at all. I'll lay down 10 - 1 that this won't be completely over until next year - with millions needlessly harmed in the process. All fair-minded folks simply must vote this clowncar load of tunnel-visioned children out of office. Get registered. Become active in the political life of your neighborhood/town/city. Volunteer in the process. Get your friends/neighbors registered. Vote as if your life depended on it, because chances are increasing daily that it does.
  8. Hi, Philip Introspection is always a good thing; it allows us to progress to another level of awareness. I have no idea who that guy is, and I don't envy him his choices. To me, the relationships one forms are the real deal, not some pie-in-the-sky contrivance that may be somewhat true, but who knows whether it's all even true? More, who really cares? What's important are our own experiences, how we learn and grow from them, and thus enrich our own lives through our own beliefs and resulting actions. If these folks who put their lives (real or not) online don't make much sense to me. There's not enough value in it to grow and expand one's life. The important thing is, we do our best to be the best man we can possibly be, and you're a fine example of that journey. Thanks for the post.
  9. This is a good point. More times than not, the Cock wanting to spitroast a bottom (who already has a Cock rutting in his Hole) inadvertently pulls the bottom onto his Cock, instead of getting his belly right up to the bottom's nose. The bottom already has a Cock up his gut, which is a "pre-existing" event that the spitroaster wants to join and magnify the fun. It only stands to reason that closer all three men are to each other (I mean proximity), the hotter the scene. SOME guys are swinging huge Breedmeat, and may not notice an inch or two being stolen by the spitroaster - but the majority of Breeders will - so huddle in, spitroasters - your turn will cum up shortly.
  10. Really ...... "more experienced" would have been a smidge better 😇
  11. I concur. The level of action varies tremendously, depending on where one lives, and therefore the risks of picking up the lesser bugs. The risk is always there, of course, but mitigating them in favor of Breeding Holes seems manageable. Having lived in areas with a heavy concentration of the gay community (meaning, the "pig" quotient) all my adult life, I'm surprised how seldom I pick up a bug, but the risk is always there, which is why I got on PrEP as soon as it became available, and get tested monthly rather than every 3 months. The sooner detected, the sooner it's treated, and it happens a couple of times a year. Then, I just have to take the meds and wait it out. The way I see it, it's merely the price to be paid for fucking raw Holes in the backrooms, fuckjoints, any time my Cock takes a notion to do it. To me, that's a very cheap price indeed for the sense that I've taken every step possible to protect my health, and still maintain, exercise, deepen my Lusts for wet, raw Hole.
  12. I only ran across your post just now, so if you and your buddy hooked up, fucked, and you took the load raw, that first experience is accomplished now. If that's the case, I hope you loved it so much you've already taken more loads off other Cocks by now. I only hope you took the obvious precautions, got on PrEP, and protected your health as much as possible. It's your decision, of course, but depending on how you're defining "young", protecting yourself to the extent possible will only guarantee you decades more of thrilling raw sex. Good luck; we hope to hear more from you.
  13. Sounds like you enjoy Topping most .... for the bottoms, there is one rather crucial (to me, anyway) component, which would involve "planning ahead". Once that ritual has been performed though, every guy is empowered to rawfuck every other guy that wants loads up his gut, and it's one of the most liberating, exciting aspects of our lives !!
  14. Fortunately, I'm pretty healthy, but when I've got a cold, or just not feeling right, I'm not interested in sex at all. Of course, when I'm being medicated for one of the occasional fuck-bugs, I lay low until the doc tells me that it's over. I just don't understand guys that think purposely passing along a cold or flu or whatever is acceptable. Yeeeeeeessss, I know that there seem to be quite a number of guys after one particular illness; I mean just plain old run-of-the-mill stuff like a cold, or whatever. That said, feeling "off" is a fairly rare event for me.
  15. Congrats, Flared. You've come quite a distance from when you first posted above. There are any number of reasons you didn't enjoy the fuck. You're what we call a "novice" as far as sexual acts go, and I'm not at all surprised you didn't find the first fuck thrilling. We're conditioned to associate the ass with unpleasant functions, and that could be part of it. Others (I mean bottoms) on BZ can offer you advice on the prep-work, if that's what was bothering you. Or, maybe it was nothing more than learning how to relax your Hole properly. I'd call it a small issue, soon to be overcome with some practical advise and taking more Cocks up your gut. Generally, I think it's the Top's responsibility to "open" the bottom, and make sure it's ready (after the usual preparations are accomplished). You'll learn fairly quickly, I think, to accommodate the Cock, and thrill to the sexual freedom that's in your future. It could be nothing more than a sense of not knowing what to do, and that wouldn't be a surprise at all. Again, congratulations on your first "natural" fuck. Now, go forth, young man - and experience everything you need/want to experience. Make the years count, in all the richness they offer. Good luck !!!
  16. Perfectly put, Iker80. When there are no "barriers", there simply are no limits to how deeply we're able to "connect", and that's simply the entire reason we Breed each other in the first place. It "felt" liberating because that's exactly what it was. Liberty to act on our Lusts, any time, any place, and become the men we were born to be, even if for only a short while. It's the wanton behavior - the ability to be completely free - in every aspect of our sexual deviancy - that is so liberating. Plus, using PrEP only enhances that sense of freedom to behave as sexual beings first, and ordinary citizens secondly. It's not necessarily the act that's so empowering, it's the Freedom to fuck/connect with any guy, anywhere, anytime, but the the actual performing the mating ritual is co-equal in importance. I don't know what the banned word is, but I bet I'd like it. I see you're a new member, so welcome !!! We hope to hear more from you.
  17. Everyone feels "off" occasionally, and I share your thoughts. I don't use apps, so at least I'm spared that part. I don't have a lot of fuckbuds, but if one calls/texts and I've got a cold or whatever, I merely explain, they know that I mean it, I'm not "up" for it, and that's that. Sounds like the guy who was pressing you is either self-centered beyond reason, or just plain myopic. Hanging up on him (after a brief explanation) is fully justified.
  18. There was a substantial discussion of ways (techniques) to do this some time ago. If you can find it somewhere in the previous posts, there are a number of methods and ways to use/enjoy the fruits of (previous) labors of yourself and whoever else stopped by. This isn't some kind of oddity - it's fairly common.
  19. I'd say you answered your own question in the first sentence of your post. For the sake of discussion, let's reduce that to 95%, which leaves a paltry 5% for everything else. There are many, many men that love to eat Hole, and do it often. Generally a precursor to Breeding, but not necessarily, as you (and others) point out. I think you're just following your Lusts; doing what you're driven to do. If that's "piggy", great. If it's not, also great. The point is, you're doing what you need to, in order to satisfy your Lusts, and in a considerate way for your partners. In a nutshell, it's just you being you.
  20. Interesting perspectives re: this issue. In the end, business is business - we wouldn't invest our time, money in a business unless we were fairly certain of a decent return. That applies across the board, and it seems that one "industry" is fading in the face of another in the m4m sex marketplace. Nothing is surprising about that; it's merely identifying an underserved market, and figuring out how to service it, while charging what the market will bear. Commerce has been around for millennia, and probably will be until one day when we finally blow ourselves to smithereens, and every market dries up in an eyeblink.
  21. When I started fucking, everyone fucked raw; hiv had not yet arrived. There were a handful of guys that had fetishized using rubbers, but they were few and far between. Everyone fucked everyone else - it was totally commonplace, it was just the next step after shaking hands, saying 'hi, let's fuck' ...... and it was all raw.
  22. That's for sure .... since they got women's health-care canceled, thus enraging millions of women, they'd surely vote to hang us all without a second thought.
  23. There may be one more: the advent of the hook-up apps? Around here, there are guys getting run down almost weekly because they're staring at their (presumably Grinder) apps, paying not whit's worth of attention to what's around them. It must be similar to the much-decried "addiction" that teens across the bored (!) have to their telephones. Recently I had to buy a new telephone, and I still get every kind of ad, offer, "come-on", every day. I've deleted as many as I can find, but they still keep coming. And, who ever anointed some people as "influencers" anyway? I wish there were still those old, black Bakelite telephones on a stand in the corner - when it rang, you picked it up and hollered "hello". If you weren't home, too damn bad - whoever it was would just have to try again.
  24. So do I ..... but you can have my share of the Krispy Kreme's .....
  25. That would not surprise me. Years ago (well, make that decades ago), she was a bit on the fleshy side, She married Ed McCaskey during WWII, and the Bears Lockeroom talk referenced some of the players playing with her. There was gossip about visits to the plastic surgeons, all of that, while her husband was away fighting in the war, but who knows? That was all well before I was even born. It could very well be that her soul died long ago, and her carcass lives on - but in the world of the rich and famous, that's fairly common, particularly these day.
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