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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Well, we were remembering a couple of gh joints from decades ago back in Chicago ... I don't think much remains of anything from those days.
  2. The way I see it, every Hole is different - which requires that it get the personal attention it deserves. Whether it's "hammer" time, "gentle" time, or a mix in-between, it's up to the Top to know what to do and how to do it responsibly.
  3. Well, I don't either ...... If some folks fall for this silly business, then they also need to know that I happen to own a bridge over to Brooklyn, and that I just happen to be taking offers on it ......
  4. That's been the case around here for at least a year. I don't receive mail every day, but on the days I do there are always "come-on's" offering me that much and more. This without any inspections of anything other than a photo taken from the street. And believe me, this is not a swell neighborhood. Every time I get one of those phone calls, I "block" the number, but they keep calling from other numbers. They even stop and take pictures of my house, paste it on a postcard, and send me a postcard with my house pictured. The realtors are like crocodiles around here.
  5. and .... as I recall it was next door (south) of the New Flight (on the corner) - which I only went to once. Far too many silly twinks for my taste, but we all start somewhere, right?
  6. Ahhhhh .... of course. I remember that one well too. It was an easy stop on the way home from work downtown. The joint I described was on the West side of Clark, just North of the Clark St. bridge over the river - kiddie corner from the Gold Coast. It was one of Renslow's joints, but I just don't remember the name. Maybe we know each other better than we think ..... 😁 Thanks !!
  7. I haven't heard guys talking about Buford, SC, but thanks for mentioning it. Interestingly, Asheville North Carolina is being talked about by guys here in Ft. L. that know the writing is on the wall, weather-wise. One gay guy on the next block moved up there, and I know secondhand of several others (friends of friends) that have moved there recently. I just don't want to start all over again somewhere else, but who knows what Mother Earth is going to do - after all the rapacious behavior we've visited upon her?
  8. Of course. That would logically extend to the "down-ballot" races (State or local positions), not just the Presidential/Veep, Senate/House nominees. My apologies for not being more clear in the first response.
  9. I remember a small storefront abs down on Clark St in Chicago - maybe 10, 12 booths in a row - that had "glory/ass holes" so big you could step through to the next booth - right through the dividers. I think the name was the Machine Shop, but it was a long time ago. To be clear though, the dividers (cheap, 1/8th inch plywood) weren't built that way - customers with a real sweat on their brows 'created' the walk-through's.
  10. First, thanks for that excellent response. I completely agree. It's the inclination to "make things better" that has motivated the Dems for many years, and an inclination to "be less generous" that has moved the R's into the wilderness. Sure, there are a lot of them wandering in that wilderness, but it's their own myopia that allowed Tin-hat Trump to hook them by their noses and lead them there. Attempting to force their ill-considered social programs upon every other person in the country was, in effect, a clarion call call to decent-minded citizen of all stripes to sweep them out of office en-masse next year. While other outrages have surfaced for the press to go on about, the women are seething with rage, along with a substantial portion of the men. Forbidding books? How far down the garden path are we going to allow these misguided folks to take the country? Inserting their personal religious beliefs directly into the lives of every other citizen? We're seeing what happens when that happens in the Levant right now. If we can't hold our own religious beliefs (or none at all), and allow our fellow citizens to do the same, we're going down the same path. At least the ongoing war news has kept ShitMouth off the tv for a while, but I'd rather suffer through his daily diet of filth than see daily massacres on tv.
  11. Not very versatile. If a regular (of which I don't have many at all) really really really wants to, I'll consider it more as a favor (and an acknowledgement of my caring for him). It's got to be a guy that I care about. Fortunately, I'm almost never asked.
  12. Do you mean the cultural arts? Galleries, symphony, theatre, etc.? About the only thing I really miss about Chicago is the richness of the above there, vs the relative absence of those attributes here in Ft. Lauderdale. There is a symphony orchestra down in Miami that appears in the local Arts complex downtown, and at least the conductor avoids the larger works they couldn't pull off. It's at least something .... but what tries to pass for "theatre" is deplorable. The weather is great, it does get hot/humid in the summer, but at least you don't have to shovel it, and your car won't get stuck in it.
  13. Many thanks, BootmanLA & DallasPozzible, for those enlightening responses.
  14. Wellll .... some L-88's were built in St. Louis - around 200, if I recall correctly. Since the introduction of the Corvette in 1953, with a gutless straight 6 in it, it wasn't until a few years later that the first V-8 was available. That said, we better let go of this, before we get our knuckles rapped. Of course, pm's are welcome if you'd like. I don't think we'd get a demerit or whatever if we chat about cars in private messages. Lots of guys that fuck other guys are also car-guys. There's no limit to the innuendo available to cruise guys relating to cars. I remember going to Mammoth Cave as a kid on family vacation. I don't remember much, other than how huge it was., but coming from the "flatlands" up north, it was fun to experience the mountainous vistas. It's a most beautiful part of the country.
  15. I agree with you. Without knowledge of ones self, we've failed to open the valve to honesty, which makes giving/receiving love a tough nut to crack. You strike me as a guy whose thoughtful pursuit of self-knowledge would make you all the more attractive to a man needing more than just himself in his life. Regardless of the unfortunate events in your past, that's where they are now - in your past. You've learned from them and come out the other side a better (pardon me, but ...) Man because of it. If there's any one issue, it's probably the severely limited pool of out/confident/no-bullshit gay men in your area. You've got a lot going for you - except the numbers of guys to draw from. When the time is right, you already know what to do.
  16. Thanks for officially joining up, MACOUPLE. Might as well make it official, right? We look forward to hear more from you guys.
  17. LOL .... well, these days they're not what they once were. You can still buy a Corvette with respectable "street-cred", but it sure ain't an L-88. Actually, Chevy built them for the racing community (I mean legitimate/professional racing), and discouraged dealers from even offering a walk-in customer from buying one. That said, any Corvette is special, considering the rolling grocery carts clotting up the streets these days. But then I've never lived near their (holy ground) birthplaces either.
  18. Hopefully only temporarily, but - figured I'd give you guys the warning: As most know, the official word is that fucking is no longer allowed (or even getting your Cock sucked) inside the bar. The reason given was that because of all the physical plant upgrades, there are city inspectors coming and going. This was delivered by one of the employees back in Pig Alley - that I'd never heard of city inspectors working at 11:00 pm - but, the employee went on to say we could actually play "feelies" through the pants, but no exposure of any kind. B F D. So, guys would go around the corner by Decades and fuck, and until a couple of days ago, it went on until dawn. Now, however, the cops are rounding up pervectly innocent Pigs doing what they need to do. In the past couple of days, there's PLENTY of parking over there, which is highly unusual. I hope they get it back to normal soon, but figured I'd let all my fellow Pigs know ..... Hopefully we'll get our PigPen back soon - but for now, it's not a good idea to fuck anywhere near the corner of 4th & 15th. ☹️
  19. Some cultural beliefs deserve to be transgressed upon. We're glad you made it out of that cultural rut in the road of life !! It's not only liberating, it's your personal Truth - and what's more important than that?
  20. Thanks for that interesting response, backdoorjimmy. I think the R's dash to the "right" is due to something else, that being a sense of loss over their perceived threat to their assumed position on top of the cultural pyramid. I know there is a smidge of presence in the Republican Party of non-Caucasians, but given the advancement in very recent years of equal rights for all, Mr. Big-Mac-Ass gave these folks that take an inordinate amount of pride in what they consider their birthright: namely, to be on top of the social pile without having earned any respect beyond being born. I have no argument against the Overton Window you reference; inclusiveness is the goal, which means the position of that window is relatively fluid. I would define social progress as life get better for all citizens (including the most recent, citizens-to-be), not merely those who inherited an assumed dominance by accident of their birth. To me, that is the very definition of moral turpitude. If Mr. Jordan does become the next Speaker of the House, we're in for a helluva ride. Kevinette was/is a reed in the wind, but Jordan is a dedicated believer. I just hope he get's "outed" (per a different recent thread) as a result of an investigation into his "wrestling" history. Even that might not be enough though, in today's Republikanische Partei.
  21. I don't disagree with one word you've written, with the possible exception of the definition of "crazy". If the definition is "mentally deranged; demented; insane." (Merriam Webster), I don't believe he fit's that. I definitely believe he's focused solely on his own ass, and to keep that focus razor-sharp, he ignores any other issue, and certainly the "Greater Good". He's simply one of the most craven vermin in Congress, and I'll lay you 10-1 that he's got gold in his pocket from Egypt too. He's nothing but a self-serving, soft-spoken excuse of a greed-encrusted man, pulling every ounce of wool over his electorate's eyes - so it's no wonder he's been in office these past years. To our collective sorrow, he's just one of many in Congress. There's a handful that aren't outright thieves, but that's weak praise indeed. (btw - I think the attack on what gets taught in pubic schools is just another attempt at keeping the eventual citizenry stupid) Even if we don't admire the current President for everything he says/does, he's only got a Corvette - not a Maserati. Not that Corvettes are cheap - I had an L-88 for a while (until the other half insisted I peddle it, afraid I'd croak myself and probably others in the bargain).
  22. Yes, it's that at the very least. On the less-dark side though, and despite the recent resurgence of hatred on the part of other citizens fearful of their loss of status, sorrows come to us all at some point. What counts is how we deal with them, come to terms with them, and continue to move on with our lives. The other half of coming into this world is leaving it one day. It's what we do, who we aspire to become, how we live our daily lives while we're here that counts.
  23. I'd want other Tops to pump their Sperm up the Hole I'm waiting in line to Breed in ....
  24. Thanks, Cumbustion, for sharing this sad story. I too am sorry it took him so (too?) long to come to terms with his truth and live as an "out, proud, and most worthy" man. I'm even sorrier for your loss. Once we accept ourselves fully, practice the art of being a decent, honorable man and also a gay man fully capable of love, honor, the loss must be particularly difficult. There are fewer examples of this kind of needless loss these days, but it doesn't diminish the hurt one bit. You've honored his memory with this post, which is small comfort, but there's a chance that some other guy in a similar situation might read it and make his decision to live openly. You'll probably never know it, but it's something that may give you some small measure of comfort. At the very least, you can move forward, knowing you've held him up to his brothers-in-the-life as a real Man. Again, my condolences.
  25. I guess it definitely helps, and so does the diet of celebrating your Lusts freely, without guilt, without cultural / religious encumbrances. Merely the thrill of "connection" with countless other men that celebrate their sexuality in like ways - i.e. no barriers - is enriching to the soul, satisfying to our in-born nature, and worthy of constant, continuing celebration. Freedom rocks !!!
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