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Sorry, I think our discussion went a bit sideway - from the main topic , and unfortunately I cannot think of any book that has captured the whole history of this important topic. Most of knowledge about those times exists mainly in history and magazine articles. If i come across something, I will definitely let u know.
There isn't a whole lot of books out there, since the Jesuits and the Protestants did a superb job of burning native American libraries and temple records, and a whole lot is not known about it, at least in the English speaking world. Perhaps there are more historically accurate accounts in Spanish sources, but I am not sure. There is one book that I am currently reading that I think is worth a look, American Holocaust by David E Stannard. Maybe I might have to dive into it... and try to find out more..
You are most welcome! One of the challenges that you are going to have, just as I found out, is finding authentic material. The problem is for the past 500 years, the Europeans, both the protestant and the catholic "missionaries", where hell bent on getting their sorry & poor white ass out of Europe into this wealthy continent- America, and once they got here, systematically destroying all traces of American civilization, culture and identity and appropriating the wealth and the lands. The Native Americans after repeated programs of the Europeans, have lost a lot of their culture and civilizational knowledge and treasures and what we find now, is from us trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. However, mercifully not all is lost...yet...
I don't intend to make you question the validity of your experience, but was just posing some questions for you to consider before you judged the man. 1) the harshness that you refer could just be a reflection of the racial injustice and deep oppression that native Americans have been subject to, but is largely ignored in the United States. 2) some dominant men do seem to like to spit on their bottoms. sometimes i find it so sexy, and sometimes I would be scared if someone did it to me, if i was not in the right mood, or rather did not "connect" with that person. 3) His associated actions seem to emphasize the warmth and welcome that Natives are know for. if he really had any kind of real racial animosity towards you, wouldn't he have left, rather than have sex with u? 4) Striking u sharply on ur back and ass, and grabbing u, are things that are unhelpful and can be excessive -depending on the context. The fact that he seemed to be more comfortable in a native American language and spoke in it rather than in English, while fucking you, tells me that there is also a cultural confusion. He obviously did not know enough English to realize that you did not quite trust him and that he probably should have asked you, or won your trust before engaging in such behaviours. Sounds like this noble native man assumed u where into him and wanted to try some masculine S/M dom-sub kink with you. However, since u had already become suspicious of him, in the beginning because of his language - that you urself admit you do no understand- the hook up made u feel strange. And as you rightly say,
Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Going Global
brnbk replied to Fickloch's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
yup. Since 2010, the United States has removed all anti-HIV discriminatory laws from the immigration process. wohoo! 🌹 Final Rule Removing HIV Infection from U.S. Immigration Screening : Additionally, effective January 4, 2010, CBP officers shall not consider a lack of HIV test results when making a determination of admissibility on an arriving immigrant or refugee. -
Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Going Global
brnbk replied to Fickloch's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
Thanks for filling us in! I had no clue... about this disgusting policy. This is from their website - Canadian Government HIV Surveillance Alert General overview of the policy All permanent resident applicants who are 15 years of age or older, as well as children who have certain risk factors, such as having received blood or blood products, having a mother living with known HIV or showing failure to thrive are required to undergo an HIV test as part of the medical examination. As part of this medical examination, the responsible panel physician will provide post-test counselling to applicants who test positive for HIV as per the Canadian Panel Member Guide to Immigration Medical Examinations. The panel physician will have the applicant sign the Acknowledgement of HIV post-test counselling form [IMM 5728E (PDF, 528.39 KB)]. HIV positivity does not make a client inadmissible due to public health concern. In some cases, it may lead to inadmissibility if their health care costs would exceed the excessive demand threshold. Since when did having a HIV mom, make a child a "risk factor" to the Canadian government and Canada ! Such a discriminatory and stupid policy needs to be thrown in the dustbin right away. HIV Positive people contribute to society far more than what circumstances has challenged them with, and all these inflated costs are any way a big money gain for big pharma companies anyways and is not a sufficient reason to justify such a discriminatory policy. It reeks of Nazism- separating the abled from the disdifferently abled towards and end that could harm their well-being. -
Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Going Global
brnbk replied to Fickloch's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
I went and checked their website, just to make sure it is true, coz it sounds like something from 2002 and not 2024! Yes, you are right: the Australian government requires anyone above 15 yrs of age and wanting to relocate to Australia to be tested for HIV. I can't believe that a western government could follow such a shameless, ruthless, inhumane and homophobic policy. I wonder what the HIV experts esp. gay-rights advocates have to say on this issue. Being gay is SUCH a difficult thing to deal with in Asia, and most Asian gay men, including east, west and south Asians always hope to escape to a western country where they can live their lives in peace. I always thought Australia was a bastion of gay rights and freedoms in the Asia-Pacific but finding out about this policy of theirs, has dented their image in my eyes. It is time to hold them accountable for this blatantly homophobic law. -
Fair Enough! To the issue that u raised about Nikki Hailey dodging the issue of slavery, with the added implication that she somehow harbors anti-black sentiment; could it be the case that she is being misunderstood? She never really thought that anyone would question that the Civil War was primarily about slavery. After all, you yourself state that slavery wasn't the direct cause of the war! Just to be clear. I am not a fan of Nikki Hailey. I personally think she is more white than the Whites! She is an anti trans, selfish, rich, self serving person who totally forgets that there was a time, she was the child of an immigrant and was treated really badly in the southern state, that she now seems to think is some kind of christian heaven on earth and a light to the rest of the United States and indeed even the world. My point is, is her response being misunderstood or misstated?
May I ask, how you are so sure that the Native American guy was saying "hateful things". Do you speak or understand some Lakotan or any Native American language? Is it possible that he was doing "dirty talk" in Lakotan; since it is a foreign language, and often people can misunderstand speakers of a language that they don't understand as hostile, aggressive or even malicious. Also, could be doing some native American spiritual chant — and asking the American gods to bless your homosexual sexual union, as there are no Judeo-Christian like injunctions against gay people in the traditional Native American culture; they where always seen as being spiritual and part of the religious life of the community. The White arrival and presence in the Americas brought a lot of anti-gay attitudes and programs that where not part of the Native American fabric, both North and South.
The issue i wished to raise was how there is a complete erasure of Native American history and heritage, as if this was a continent that was bereft of civilization before the White European god with his army of beggars on a boat landed at mythical Mayflower to "christianize" the Americans; and boy oh boy, has this been a profitable endeavor of genocide, murder, loots and robbery for the "Christians!". The Native American has entirely been eradicated from his own continent and both the South and the North Americans are practically slaves of the Europeans who now determine where they can live(reservations), what gods they are allowed to worship(conversion to "Christianity"), how much of their own historical knowledge, whose achievements in science and technology rivalled the Europeans, they are able to transmit - thanks to the Inquisition of both the Catholic and Protestant "missionaries". America i.e. the United States is founded on someone else STOLEN land and WEALTH.....
I am grateful for the invitation to look at your 'record' on Native American issues, and am happy to report that, I think, you do acknowledge the plight of the Native Americans and the truth of the Americas. Indeed as you rightly state, ever non Native-American is an immigrant in this beautiful continent.
Thank you so much!!!!!!! and I feel like a fool, for not figuring that i could probably search the term! I now do know why I keep coming back to this site, though. Very interesting discussions and sweet moderators. Much appreciated 🌻🎉
I tried doing a "Search" on your profile, and it will only show the last 5 or 7 posts you made, and thus, unfortunately, I am not able to access any of those where u referred to the Native Americans. If you would like to, please, feel free to either send me a link to those posts, here or in a message. It is not my place to sit in judgement of anyone, and when I raised the issue - It wasn't personally directed at you and again apologize, if it came across that way. Thank you for your generosity, in engaging with this important question.
I did not intend to make it sound personal — i.e. these where your personal views or actions — and apologize if it came across that way. I appreciate the invitation to go through you previous comments on the issue, and will take it up.
Well turns out that our site and its barebackers are quite able to discern what the next move of the Pope is going to be! 66% voted that the pope had said yes to same-sex blessing and about a months and a half later, the pope hands it out as a new year gift to the world. Who would have thought that the catholic church which is a fairly conservative organization, would break through its history of suppression and discrimination, and finally embrace gays. So my next question is... does anyone plan on getting blessed by the local catholic priest. I don't believe there is a criteria for who is a "bf", and any two ( or perhaps more if your priest is truly open minded) could seek a blessing!
Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Going Global
brnbk replied to Fickloch's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
If only governments and the pharmaceutical industry that they enable, would act as soon as the problem starts without waiting until it become a nightmare- we would be in a much better place. Sadly many governments are still stuck in moralistic judgements at disease especially sexually transmitted diseases and seem to lack the Will to Act. The historical record of the US government in dealing with the HIV-Aids crisis is something we need to keep in mind. LGBTQ organizations needs to demand greater actions for our respective governments. To quote that powerful phrase, those who fought resiliently when AIDS was devastating the gay world - Silence equals Death. -
I fear you are looking at the mote in thy brother's eye i.e. Ms. Nikki Hailey and fail to see the mote in thine own eye; your account of the formation of the United States fails to even utter a word about the Native Americans. When the the British tribes landed up in North America, the Native Americans and their continent was far richer than Europe with a standard of living, science and industrialization that was the envy of Europe. No wonder u wanted to come to someone else's homeland and once u got there, the deliberate policy of disease and destruction, saw around 95 % of the Native American population die and their wealth, industries and farms seized by the Europeans on the claims that the white Christian god hates the heathens and has sanctions this villainous carnage. Neither the U.S. or any of the white governments in America have ever compensated the Native Americans in any meaningful way for the loss of their person, property and wealth, and the Natives todays are one of the poorest people in America, in their own continent. Why the silence when it comes to the real and continuing victims of the formation of the United States??
It is very interesting to hear the perspective of a gay doctor. 👨⚕️ I would say it can influence a medical practioner but i am not convinced it interferes with medical practise, at least it shouldn't. I am assuming, you chose not to become a gynecologist, for the simple reason that female genetila is not what you prefer to work with, it actually puts you off. As a gay man I am not interested in it either. Not every medical practioner or doctor specializes in all parts of medicine and I would think that most doctors are comfortable with the area of practise including the specific body area that they usually deal with. Also, I Imagine different personality types likely make different choices. Some people might prefer to work with females just coz they find the male body too attractive and don't like the distraction or interference it may bring. while others might feel more comfortable working with the gender they are attracted to rather than avoiding it. I believe it is a VERY IMPORTANT issue. From what i read, atleast according to a Havard Study, regular ejaculation reduces your risk of prostate cancer especially as you age. I do believe scientists and clinicians should be more open about this and be forthcoming as it affects the health of general public.
Same here Thank you for informing and I believe you are actually right. I do remember the term transvestite and not sure why its considered offensive as transexual seems to be pretty close to that term, and is considered socially acceptable. I still believe that gay men do have a right to a gay male bathhouse and the presence of trans men can introduce heterosexuality or perhaps to be accurate transsexuality into the space. I think more information needs to be available such as how many FTM i.e. trans men are gay. i.e. prefer men and how many are straight , i.e. prefer women. To some gay men, having sex with a FTM trans man or their presence in a bathhouse might feel like straight sex, having sex with a women instead of a man. People do feel the way they do and i think bathhouses are about sexual freedoms, live and let live. I will give u an example that I am sure many folks here would have encountered. The tops that love to share a bottom and the Top that does NOT like to share. the moment he realizes u are into group or more than him, he wants nothing more to do with you... Is he bigoted? No, i just think people are wired differently including in terms of sexual tastes.
I assumed that Trans would include both transgendered( men and women who identify with the opposite gender but do not feel the need to have a sex change surgery) and transexual ( people who wish to have a sex change operation).The key difference between the two is the former want to live only occasionally and intermittently as the other gender i.e. one opposite to what was assigned to them at birth, while the latter, transexuals wish to live as the other gender, all the time. Hope that clarifies things a little bit more. My friend does identify as a guy who like to cross-dress (Trans) and has a wife but does like to cross-dress occasionally. He does seem to take pride in his male body and does workout quite a bit. The term term Trans is wide and should include all those who identify in the broad umbrella of Trans.
I appreciate your taking the time to put forward you viewpoint. I am not aware of the details of this and honestly I wouldn't've have suspected that was the case, though I did know that the Nazis disliked any kind of "imperfection" in the Aryan race and did try to exterminate disabled people. I am going to try to read up more about it. I think the way a society treats its sick and special needs people, tells a lot about who they are as a people. I personally like to include both disabled differently abled people and regular people in special needs because I think anybody can be special needs. For e.g. A woman can be special needs compared to a man when it comes to physical strength. I disagree with treating autism as mental illness and imagine autistic people have mental illness just like the general population, and people who have mental illness need instinctive support not visceral repulsion. Sadly People can react with cruelty to people who are different. 'Crazy' people need our support not rejection.
Thank you everyone for your spirited discussion and honest sharing of your views. Just wanted to jump into the pan myself. is exclusion from a public place ever acceptable? For e.g. libraries might only be open to members, and I might be denied rights to access a book, even though i am a member of the community but not a member of the library. You have a very valid concern about inclusivity and true acceptance but even as members of the LGBTQ we do bar lesbians from gay bathhouses. Could it be possible that barring Transgendered men from gay bathhouses be on valid grounds? Of course barring people is very tricky as given the history of abuse, phobia towards anything that wasn't white christian male being a reality of the US, - barring can sound and be a very negative experience for those who are being denied entry. I mean while say for eg refusing to go to a restaurant coz it allows inter-racial dinning is clearly bigoted, could someone be allowed to say i don't like mexican food or chinese cuisine or french food for that matter — too fancy! and choose not to go to those restaurants. i totally agree that trans people are probably one of the most hard hit minority at the moment and they face the maximum violence and sheer hatred for who they are. Bigotry against them is still socially acceptable and people are very slow to change. Even trans people have sexual preferences. believe me, a very handsome man that i know knew, is trans and was in the US Marines and he told me he was once out and dressed as a women and a guy made a pass at him, he was going to beat up the guy who made a pass at him. I was very confused when he related the story to me but explained He is trans but is attracted to women not men! it doesn't need to be an Olympic of Oppression and there doesn't need to be a hierarchy even but i think, categories always remain. Racial bigotry is unique and while disability can bring hostility and perhaps even hate, but can it really equal hate- such as those towards another race(Cowboys vs Indian), gender – that women, religion (catholic vs protestant etc) ?
Thank you so much for responding, Bootman. I actually did wonder if the gentleman who i responded to had posted after his initial post, but the thought only occurred to me, after i had hit the Post button! The decline in stigma in 2015, that u mention, would u say it was for HIV, being gay or both.? I feel sad that anybody could be so mean, that they are horrified at the thought of sex with a poz guy. As an Asiatic guy, I usually find two groups within western homosexuality: The first group of people who are very much into Asians and another set of western gays who seem almost horrified at the thought of having sex with an "Asian". It is sad when gays behave in such bigoted and bullying fashion, but i guess homosexuals are subject to the same faults that straight human being are. Much of the rejection/horror is just an act, thought , coz if u are having casual sex, then how do u know if the person is truly neg? I personally think that being gay is itself a big issue for some gay men, who come from homophobic family backgrounds and often fear that HIV would make their homophobic family and/or friends reject them more or see it as a punishment from God specially as a punishment for homosexuality, as believed by many evangelical-fundamentalist "Christians".
I know some others might misunderstand my question, but seeing your full response, makes me confident, that you will not. I am wondering if u have ever faced any kind of hostility – even horror – as a gay person, i.e. for being gay; and how would u compare that with people's response when u tell them you are poz.
parts of Islam can be scary just as parts of Judaism. Some object to the seemingly exclusive parts of Christianity, and find it offensive and even violent spiritually. Of course, most jews, muslims, christians and westerners consider their religion most peaceful. Why do u think that people who oppose Trump: his autocracy, anti democratic tendencies, lie, demagoguery, racism, financial fraudulence etc. — don't oppose Islam and parts of its culture that are anti-modern and against freedoms of the world. They are less likely to be vocal about it, simply out of politeness since Islam is a non western religion and they don't know everything about it and want to avoid criticizing it unfairly and wrongly?
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