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Everything posted by mancuntt

  1. Abolene creme. It is a lighter version of Vaseline
  2. Lately i started to get skin burn /rash on the bottom or under my nose. My poppers is like 5-6 months old. I even tried not to get the rim of the bottle touches my nose but the next day it is still burnt.Then i started to put vaseline or antibiotic cream around it but it still happened.Is it because of the new formula or something? By the way the popers that i always use is jungle juice black platinum. Has anybody had the same problem like me ? Thank you
  3. This is a fucking joke right?
  4. Yesss A4A has bareback option now. Awesome ?
  5. Moving out to Chicago maybe ???
  6. Lol Ray Charles...or maybe Stevie Wonder hahahahahhaha
  7. Don't do it man !!!! Please.....Be Smart. Don't get tangled with straight man especially straight male stripper !!! Just use him when you need sex.
  8. Try Ebay. I got mine from them last month
  9. My preferences are white and latin cock . I know most people here are into BBC
  10. Milkass is a troll .He should live in Saudi Arabia. Anyway Life longer and Have fun guys
  11. Instead going to Cuba why don't you just go to Miami if you like Latin men. It's closer and safer.
  12. drscorpio Which website did you buy that poppers?
  13. Hi Guys Do you know where I can get the necklace where you can hang your small bottle of popper? I saw some of the bottom have it in the movies. It looks more convenient and safe carrying/using bottle of popper on your necklace than holding on to it while you are having sex. Thanks
  14. Totalasspig your advise is true.Getting Benzylpenicillin regularly is a really good move to prevent you from getting the Syphilis. If you are a sexual active person and you think you might have been exposed to it , don't hesitate to ask your doctor to give you this shot . The pain only last like 2-3 days. Not too bad.It just hurt to do the leg exercise( for 2-3 days) but you can still train your upper body in the gym or going your dalilyy routine.
  15. Hi If the guys don't put no answer under the "Practice" in Adam4adam does it mean they are into bb?
  16. I am total bottom.That is what i enjoy but i don't mind getting fucked by fellow hot bottom.
  17. Not me . I am picky bb btm.My top has to be in-shape and has good hygiene.A little bit man smell from the armpit is fine and sexy but not a stinky feet or bad breath .
  18. I use Magic razorless cream shave for my my butt and anal area.That stuff is really good.Ka ching
  19. How about in the dumpster or septic tank truck? Lol
  20. I feel sorry for the bottom.I hate blood.If it isn't taken care it can lead to anal fissure.OH MAn you don't want to get that.It is worst than internal hemorrhoid.Just saying.
  21. Ok ok let me chime in.I always put the poppers in the checked luggage.It is fine.If you still want have piece of mind do like Pig Bottom does or just take off the label b4 you put it on your checked bag.You will be fine and Happy hunting.
  22. Is it ok if I put "You will be responsible for the admission" on my sex party ad? I just want to make sure they are not expecting me to pay for it. Thanks.
  23. Latest news..the website that I ordered the streemmaster is out of that product..so the refunded my money.Bummer.Well I guess they are extinct now . Btw the one that fortroff has looks good but has one problem.It doesn't have the valve to control the stream.Some of the shower knobs only can control from cold to hot setting not the water stream.
  24. I like him...he is Hot, White and have a huge cock...One of my problem watching him is that he can not fuck his partner hard . It seems that he lack flexibility in hip area to bang the bottom harder. He need to improve that skill by doing Kegel exercise. Just my 2 cent.
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