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About carl1982

  • Birthday 08/27/1982

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  • Gender
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
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  • Background
    quite new to all this, i joined here because i have only recently started getting taking cock from other men, my first experience was 2 months ago, was my first time being fucked and the guy didnt where a condom on the two times he fucked me that night and then told me after he was poz. i was a little confused and unsure of myself for a bit but seemed to end up going and seeing this guy again.i soon realised i actually liked being fucked and we meet up on occasion now and love taking his poz loaded jizz in me. I found this sight and thought i would join and see what others have to say
  • Porn Experience
  • Looking For
    not sure yet as still learning who and what i am now

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  1. I'm very new to this site, and so far have not found anything I find offensive, well except on comment that was made regarding a.post I made, ok I didn't handle it well at first but with the help of Dr Scorpio it was sorted and post deleted. On the whole i would say the mods have a hard time policing this site but do try their best. If you see something you think is offensive or illegal flag it up to them to decide and deal with it. If not as others have said pass by the posts that you do not like, after all we all have a choice. No one has forced you to read anything you are not comfortable with. If the site is not for you then delete your account and forget about it. Whilst I do accept you may have a right to voice your opinions as I think that is what this site is about, maybe you should also accept your opinion is not that of others. Long and short of it is if you don't like it then get out of Dodge and find somewhere that you are more comfortable posting on. I will add that since joining this site i have got a better handle on my own situation and have been able to move on and accept a lot of things i was having a few issues with.
  2. a very interesting and twisted story, thanks
  3. up until 2 months ago i always considered myself to be straight, one drunken night with a toxic top changed that for me. fter a bit of panic and uncertainty i gave in to my urges and now enjoy both men and women. Who would have though going to a party at my mums place would have changed my life so much.
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