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Place take this as respectfully as possible, given the circumstances. Speaking as a gay man who loves anal sex far more than most, you're giving gay men a very bad image. Playing to the stereotype of nameless, faceless, cumpig sex is, quite frankly, disgusting. And since you have anonymous sex you more than likely are committed to a life of std's. Yes, I adore bottoming for my man. MAN, as in singular. We are devoted to each other, in love with each other, and we trust each other. Sex between us is far more intimate, more fulfilling, more comforting, and more rewarding than, most likely, anything you've ever experienced. I do feel sorry for you that you feel the need to fill your life with disgusting, dangerous behavior, and would strongly suggest you see a therapist before your life ends badly.


Well look who's TALKING...if you're so against what guys on here do..then why the fuck are you reading and looking at everything on this site? Because you're a damn HYPOCRITE....and I hope your MAN is out fuckin around on you..which I'm sure he is...you're an idiot,and I'm sure you'll be blocked from this site anyway..moron

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Different strokes for different folks. What you think of as "disgusting" sex is perfectly consensual. One of the points of this site is to get people to understand the sexual choices they make. There have been quite a few threads here about the downsides of being poz. Yet it's a risk/reward decision and the people here have decided the risk is worth it for them personally. You need to accept that choice because you can't ask for other people to accept your choices you until you accept other people's choices.

IMHO, you lack perspective. Barebacking is probably less dangerous than most "extreme sports" plus more routine things like bungee jumping, skydiving, or race car driving. Yet no one calls those "disgusting". In fact smoking kills something like 5 times more gay men than HIV/AIDS - where's your outrage for those things?

Bottom line men are biologically wired to want sex. The VAST majority of long-term gay couples have open relationships. Even straight couples often aren't monogamous after 10+ years.

Guest bbosouno
Posted (edited)

I've heard remarks A LOT from these "anti-bareback nazis squads" out there like this man. As someone posted - what the fuck are you on this site in the first place? This guy needed to register first to go on this sight so he's obviously looking for "something." I have met guys like this before - and these are the types on Craigslist and BBRT looking for "discrete" bareback sex and/or are looking for "barely legal" twinks to fuck raw...so yes he's a self hater barebacker wanna be period.

I agree 100% with rawtop. Life is about choices and consequences and just remember...you need to be alive to be dead...so anyone one of us can die at any second of any day...I've known perfectly healthy people drop dead in seconds of brain aneurisms so life itself is a risk. Also ALL long term gay couples I know are in open relationships including the "legally married" ones. I've known "straight" long term married men into other men going online to find hookups. I've also known str8 married men using prostitutes. Bottom line, as the saying say, those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones - and its obvious this man is one of them.

O yes one more thing - you want embarrassment to the gay community? Have you attended any of the majority "Gay Pride" parades? Gay men behaving like freaks, reinforcing every single stereotype of gay men out there AND be watched by the "general" public - now that embarrassing and respect is then demanded by guys like you? Really now

Edited by bbosouno

in my opinion, a disclaimer like like 'with all due respect' means the speaker feels that none is warranted.

so, with all due respect.....

to whom are we giving gay men a very bad image?

stereotypes save time. The Onion said so years ago.

nameless, faceless cumpig sex is disgusting to some. to others, it's just a regular saturday.

when anyone asks if they can be frank with me, i reply 'only if i can be barbara with you.'

how does knowing a guy's mother's maiden name guarantee that he won't give you the clap?

just because you trust him doesn't mean he isn't cheating and you're too blinded by smugness to realize it.

it's cute that you think you know how intimate, fulfilling, comforting and rewarding everyone else's sexual experiences are. especially mine.

i think you doth protest too much, but if you keep it up maybe someday you'll really believe what you're saying.

i also noticed that at no point does this guy say that he and his singular, devoted, trustung lover are practicing safe sex.


You don't state your reason for joining this site, but my guess is you have repressed desires to do exactly the things you rail against us for doing. Are you such a saint that you have the right to judge us? Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they're often full of shit.


"the gay community"??? i really don't think there is such a thing.... just as i don't think there's a heterosexual "community" or a bisexual "community" or a white or a black or a yellow or a brown "community." wanting to lump tens & tens of millions of people together into some kind of "community" is just lazy thinking, IMHO.


we're not a community, we're a set of niche markets. my problem with self-appointed watchdogs/spokespersons is the self-appointed part.

  60cent said:
Place take this as respectfully as possible, given the circumstances. Speaking as a gay man who loves anal sex far more than most, you're giving gay men a very bad image. Playing to the stereotype of nameless, faceless, cumpig sex is, quite frankly, disgusting. And since you have anonymous sex you more than likely are committed to a life of std's. Yes, I adore bottoming for my man. MAN, as in singular. We are devoted to each other, in love with each other, and we trust each other. Sex between us is far more intimate, more fulfilling, more comforting, and more rewarding than, most likely, anything you've ever experienced. I do feel sorry for you that you feel the need to fill your life with disgusting, dangerous behavior, and would strongly suggest you see a therapist before your life ends badly.

Shows me nothing but ignorance and immaturity. smh at this silly f****t...tisk tisk


I don't like using the term "Gay Community" because there's no such thing. From all "the men who have sex with men" some self-identify as gay, others as bisexual, and others self-identify as straight. Then there's men who only masturbate and never have sex withe neither men or women, men who choose not to share their sexuality with anyone. Waht joins men in cruising place is the fact that they are men and not their sexual orientation.

I agree with rawTOP that men like SEX, and we like pure SEX without necessarily any kind of love or emotionl connection. I've had sex with men with whom I shared emotional conection and I've enjoyed these encounters very much. But I find that I enjoy much more having anonymous sex in saunas, darkrooms, etc. Because I don't percieve anonymous sex as disgusting, anonymous sexual encounters bring me a lot of emotional peace.

The only aspect of anonymous sex that could perhaps be called "disgusting" is the high probability of transmission of infections. In this area each man must decide for their own which risks he is willing to take to fulfil his sexual needs. I know that ONE man will never fulfil my needs.

  60cent said:
. Playing to the stereotype of nameless, faceless, cumpig sex is, quite frankly, disgusting. And since you have anonymous sex you more than likely are committed to a life of std's. Yes, I adore bottoming for my man. MAN, as in singular. We are devoted to each other, in love with each other, and we trust each other. Sex between us is far more intimate, more fulfilling, more comforting, and more rewarding than, most .

Ok, I'll play along with the troll . I've had your type of relationship, and if it lasts, you will be an exception. You've made assumptions, and been judgmental based on your ideas of what love should be. It's always a bad idea to apply your moral. As an openly Bi-male, I have indulged in sex with literally several hundred people over the past 25 years when not in relationships, and guess I've been lucky, because I've never had a single STD . Personally, it sounds likd you just found out your lover other intersts and you are lashing out at them.

Guest lamby1959

its all down to personel choice..I don't smoke or drink but do chems..again personel choice..but I would never consider telling someone who does smoke or drink that they shouldn't because again its personel choice..

Guest JizzDumpWI

Hmmm... So what I see here are my brothers posting intelligent, inciteful posts in response to our brother 60cent. To me, this reflects very well on our "community"...

Many have been in 60cent's position and understand his current indignation; and I suspect collectively we've nailed the cause of his post. There is likely more to know about this guy; but for now...

60cent; please stick around. Your broad uninformed judgements reflect THIS time in your life. But this time will morph into other times of your life; and your current view of what is right; and how relationships work; will morph into more understanding given years and experience. You have neither the moral high ground here; nor the moral low ground. You just have what you know right now.

I for one am glad to see you've cracked your door open far enough to even LOOK here. Congratulations. Now, what I hope you'll do is explore the incredible dimensions here right now on rawTOP's site. You have an opportunity here to find a broad range of human experience. Some of that isn't for you right now in your life. But it might be; after all, you're here looking...

Even IF you decide to cast a wide net of judgement to US here; what I hope you'll do is take a hard look at your judgemental approach to others. No doubt your "MAN" has already discovered this. He might not have told you yet; but at a point; this judgemental approach of others will come back to haunt you. WHEN that happens, post about it here and your brothers; the same ones you think are a disgrace to the "gay community"; can help you step through it....

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  JizzDumpWI said:
Hmmm... So what I see here are my brothers posting intelligent, inciteful posts in response to our brother 60cent. To me, this reflects very well on our "community"...

Some of the nicest guys I know are total cumdump whores. Taking loads from just about anyone demonstrates that you treat everyone equally and always look for the best in everyone you meet. To me, those qualities reflect very well on our community.

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