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Growing up was tough.  Mom kicked Dad out of the house when I was just four and a half, mainly because he couldn’t keep his cock in his trousers.  He was always chasing tail and getting caught. My sister, Amy, took it hard when he was forced to leave.  She was, after all, daddy's little girl.  I guess Mom wanted to keep her from becoming daddy's little conquest or slut. To say Mom hated men or didn’t trust them was a understatement, and as I got older it became more evident she didn’t really care for or trust me, but as or trusted me, but Amy was there to act as a buffer between Mom and me.  I loved my sister for being there for me when mom would go on her weird tangents.


I turned to sports and became the guy that all the girls wanted for their boyfriend, but I also noticed the guys drooling over me and wanted to return the attention, but feared I would be harassed for it, so I stuck to my fantasies and went through a lot of Kleenex.


A lot changed though when I was about 17.  Amy started seeing a hot jock type guy she had met in a PE class over at the JC.  They 'dated' for about nine months, during which he took Amy to an out-of-town wedding, only to break it off with Amy about a month later, telling her it wasn’t working for him.  That’s what she said he had told her, but I knew it was because he was gay.  I was just past my 18th birthday when I confronted him, well more like seduced him to jack off with me.  Then a couple dates later I got him to suck me off, and towards the end I was trading blow jobs with him.  I was hooked on the taste of cum and couldn’t get enough of his sweet nectar.  I just wish I could have been the one he took to an out-of-town family wedding, instead of Amy.  I figured she had done something to piss him off.


About 8 months later Jeremy came into this world.  I loved my little nephew, especially knowing who was his father.  I helped  raise the little tyke and always offered my baby sitting services even after I had gotten drunk and accidentally knocked up a sorority girl at a frat party.  Mom told me I had to marry her since she wasn’t having two illegitimate grand-babies.


That was almost 18 years ago.  I brought up my boy as well as Jeremy and his other two cousins who somehow managed to appear after I would go out and get some dick and man cunt.  My little side affairs caused fights with my wife.  She never knew I was into guys, but rather assumed I was after one or another floozy who hung out at the local bar, and with whom, my wife thought I would have sex while in a drunken stupor.  


Well Tom, Hank and Mario were born about two years apart.  Jeremy was only five when Tom hit the world screaming, seven, when Hank was born, and nine when Mario made his debut.  So Jeremy was old enough to provide light babysitting duty with Mario. 


I had a job supervising landscaping crews out on the road so sometimes I wasn’t always around but I could count on my nephew to help out my wife, when I was gone, then Amy started getting sick and she needed Jeremy around the house more, it was a good thing we lived in the same neighborhood so I could watch over her the way she had done for me. Jeremy hit junior high and high school a total hunky Jock and I felt bad because I would find myself thinking about him the way I thought about his dad. I knew Jeremy was like his dad and even took him to a gay 18 and over club the day after his 18th birthday, he was so excited, he ended up creaming his pants when this hot 20yo hunk started feeling him up while kissing him. He went off to college but would keep in touch, even calling to give my boys pep talks about staying the course and getting into good colleges and stuff.


Then he called me this morning and told me he had found his daddy. I thought at first he had found an older man who he connected with then he explained to me his neighbor that he met, and had coffee with turned out to be his biological dad. I thought life comes full circle, I was already coming up to visit my nephew for the evening when he told me Matt had planned on cooking dinner and Steven, Jeremy’s roommate would be in attendance as well. I always enjoyed hanging with my nephew and his hunky roommate, although Steven had been absent on the last couple of trips up.


I picked Jeremy up from work after spending time with Steven at the mall and we drove back to their apartment. Jeremy wanted to freshen up a bit then we walked over to Matt’s apartment.


Matt greeted us at the door and invited us in, after Jeremy made quick introductions and rushed into the kitchen to get everyone beverages. The tension was thick as we began with small talk but we all soon eased up especially after the first couple of drinks, dinner was put out on the stove and we all prepared a plate and sat down to eat. Pleasant dinner conversation continued on and stories were exchanged back and forth until Jeremy noticing the time called it a night, Steven and Jeremy started out the door and I was about to follow after asking if I could crash on their sofa, to avoid the long drive home and feeling a little dizzy from the many drinks we had consumed. Matt suggested I use his Spare room saying his day bed was much more comfortable, I accepted the invite and hugged my nephew goodnight as well as Steven. Matt showed me the bedroom and the bath and bid me goodnight as well.


I lay there naked on the day bed fantasying about Matt in the other room before I finally got up the courage and walked quietly down the hall, seeing Matt covered in just a light blanket, l lifted the blanket and slid in next to him spooning him and my hardening cock wiggling up between his cheeks.


“I thought you were married?”


“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her”


Matt chuckled, as he pressed his ass back into me


“Still the same old horny Tony”


We cuddled some more then we both nodded off to sleep. I was woken up from a great dream of having sex with Matt around 6:30 then realized it wasn’t all a dream as Matt was gobbling down my cock with three fingers up my ass working their way inside me. I was in heaven as I felt my hard 9 incher hit the back of Matt’s throat, and him trying to slide a fourth finger into my loosening mancunt


“Oh you finally woke up now the real fun can begin”


He pulled off my cock and removed his hand from my ass and scooted up on the bed embracing me his lips intertwining with mine, his cock sliding into my prepared hole


“You know it’s been almost thirteen years since I’ve had a dick up there” I whispered in his ear when our tongues stopped warring in our mouths. He had done such a good job of stretching and loosening me up there was little pain just an overwhelming pleasure of being filled by a large cock as it kept bumping into my prostate causing me to spurt pre jizz from my piss slit. Matt began a gentle fuck of my hole, slowly speeding up till he was pounding me fast, then he stopped suddenly thrusting as deep as he could go. I could actually feel the pulsing on both ends of his cock, the tip jerking and spraying his seed into me and the pulsating of his root as the jism was pumped up the shaft. He collapsed on top of me and held me, his cock still hard in my rectum my sphincter gripping and pulsating him as I shoot my load on the sheets, my chest, my face, the wall behind us, my cum was flying everywhere.


His cock shrunk in size and slipped from my hole finally releasing me from his tight grip


“Guess we need a shower now, so I can send you back to your wife”


I chuckled and agreed, we both got up and Matt went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, then came back for me. Kissing me passionately but gently he escorted me to the awaiting flow of water and then climbed in behind me. I allowed the water to cascade down over my body as he grabbed a loofa and gently started washing my chest and back , then moved down to my hardening again cock. His was semi hard again too, we both just laughed and I thought how perfect for my fantasy man to be bathing me like this. After he had finished rinsing us off he turned off the water and grabbed us some fresh towels to dry off.


“So after we get dressed you want to head over to school and surprise Jeremy by eating at the cafeteria, I know they used to have some kick ass Sunday brunches.” Matt inquired, I was up for it and I always was in the mod to see my hunky nephew even if he was at work. We rode over in my car and did indeed surprise Jeremy and he actually took his break with us and snacked on Matt’s plate. After brunch I dropped Matt off at his place and headed home to the wife and kids. My life was not going to be the same now that Matt had entered it again.

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I can’t believe my luck, I met up with a hot Dad and son, a couple of nights ago, the son was a guy I had lusted after in my first year of high school, and now he was sitting in my section of the restaurant I worked in. They were flirting with me all throughout their dinners, then the son hit on me when I asked if I could get them dessert, they ordered the Molten chocolate cake one of my favorites, I couldn’t believe how hard it was to keep getting a boner while working. Then when I went to take the check back to close it out with tip I had to call my manager over, they had left me a $150 tip on their bill, they also offered me a ride home, how could I refuse, but I kind of felt like I was a hustler being paid for sex. I guess I shouldn’t have worried. Jeremy and Matt were extremely nice to me and I realized they were taking me to their home not mine, I pulled out my phone and texted my Dad I was spending the night with some friends, and that I’d see him on Sunday when he got back from his business trip.


I had lived with my Dad since I was 12 after they divorced, Mom said he was never there for her, in a way she was right always traveling for business, it wasn’t easy growing up with nannies when dad was away but he always seemed to make it up to me when he spent time at home with me. Lucky for me my Dad has a few contacts as well and he helped get me this Restaurant job when I was 16 as a busboy/dishwasher, granted it wasn’t the most glamourous but for a 16 year old spending 4 hours after school one day a week and a couple 5 hour shifts on the weekends got me so spending cash and I got along with all the wait staff. On Friday nights I could walk out with an additional $50 in tips from all the waiters I had cleared tables for. A couple months ago the manager started training me on waiting tables with the promise of being promoted shortly after my 18th birthday. My birthday had come and suddenly I was off the schedule. I went up to my manager


Mgr: hey there Sam


S: what gives I have no hours and there’s a new bus boy on the schedule?


Mgr: Don’t worry we gave you some time off to enjoy yourself


S: so I’m not being let go


Mgr: Sam I made a promise to you you’ll be back on the schedule next week


S: Whew I thought I did something wrong


I was relieved and my manager handed me an envelope with a bonus in it. I decided to go shopping and that’s when I saw him, my fantasy boy from high school, seeing him again at A&F brought back the lust I had felt as a freshmen and my jerk off sessions became ritual fantasy scenarios. I soon got back to work then they walked in, I was hard all night as I waited on them, not sure if Jeremy would remember the scrawny little red head that used to hang out with the Lacrosse team and spy on them in the locker room when he was just a senior in high school. Now I was a senior finishing up soon no longer scrawny as I had started working out and buffing up, I still had a curly mop of red hair on my head but I was now the one the girls and guys drooled over. Suddenly he was flirting with me and so was the man he was with, a little older than I was used to lusting for but still a hot hunk, maybe in his late thirties I guessed, then I overheard their conversation that the guy was Jeremy’s Biological father and my dick stiffened in my pant, he was dating his own dad, I know taboo but in my opinion also very hot. When they took their time and ended making me miss my bus I was a little pissed, although I got along with my manager I really didn’t want to wait for him to close the restaurant and I suspected he had a thing for me, and now that I was over 18 I thought he might try to make a move on me, he was hot just not my type, more like a big brother.


Matt and Jeremy showed me such a good time but I was a realist and knew they might come by and see me every now and then at the restaurant but that night was most likely a fluke, Then this afternoon I get a call from Jeremy asking me if I wanted to meet him at the mall and maybe go over to Matts for dinner with him and his roommate. When I told him I’d love to do that but the buses ran a weird schedule on Sundays he offered to send his roommate for me. How could I pass up a opportunity like that, and it most likely meant I wouldn’t have to jerk off to the memory or fantasy of him, I might just be able to have him that night.


I gave Jeremy my address since we had dropped him off first before Matt drove me home Saturday morning, about half an hour later I was waiting outside for some guy named Steven, when a yellow Acura pulled up, the window rolled down






“Hop in Jeremy’s waiting on us”


I climbed in the passenger’s side and I was hoping I wasn’t drooling, Steven was beautiful, Marvel comics super hero pretty. We drove to the mall and met Jeremy at the Central food court then after gulping down a quick bite cruised and window shopped at the mall for about 2 hours before getting back in Stevens car and heading over to their place. I hoped Matt was a good cook, because I was a Foodie, a picky eater you might say, but my fears were quelled when we entered Matt’s apartment, it smelled delicious. 

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 Well to say I sparked an old flame might be an understatement, finding out that Tony had a secret crush on me when I was seeing Amy was a revelation I hadn’t expected, Sure we fooled around together, giving each other hand jobs, sucking each other of and such but I always thought it was innocent fun. This morning though I think I fulfilled his fantasy, then had to send him home to the wife, interesting turn of events, actually to tell the truth he was one of the reasons I kept seeing Amy was so I could see him.


Jeremy texted me just after 1 asking if he and Steven could come over and have dinner again. I went to the store and got a nice roast some salad mix, Yukon Potatoes, Fresh broccoli and some frozen Pepper strips. Just as I was getting home from the store he texted back “can Sam Come too?” I texted back that there would be plenty of food for everyone. They arrived just after four as the food was finishing cooking, by quarter of five I had carved the roast and placed out the mash potatoes, salad and vegetables on the counter and instructed them to dig in. once again Jeremy sat close to me only now he was much more enamored with pawing and stroking me as we ate, I think he was scared his uncle would have disapproved of us having intimate relations, Sam seemed interested in Steven and was fondling him throughout dinner.


After we all finished we all cleared our plates and Jeremy helped me rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher. When we emerged from the kitchen Sam was straddling Stevens lap and had his tongue buried in his mouth. His hands caressing his chest and Stevens hands fondling Sam’s cute butt cheeks. Jeremy reached over and slipped his hands beneath my tee shirt and pulled it off over my head, then unbuttoned my chinos and let them drop to the floor, as I had gone commando I now stood in the living room naked, as Jeremy led me to the love seat he undressed himself on the way.


We were wrestling on the love seat and caressing and fondling when I looked over Sam and Steven were bare ass naked as well and Steven had his tongue buried in Sam’s hot ass. Alternating between his tongue and his manicured fingers he slowly opened the boy up I tossed him the lube and he slicked up his pole then out of nowhere pulled out a condom and slipped it on just moments before Sam’s hole slid down it, I grabbed the lube and wet my cock and Jeremy followed suit and sat on my engorged phallus, Steven and I started fucking our respective boys. I was the first to blast my cum deep in Jeremy then Steven lifted Sam off his lap tore off the condom and Stood up and blasted on Sam’s face and chest a huge load of cum then proceeded to lick it off the boy. Jeremy ran to the Kitchen retrieved each of us a beer then we sat and shot the bull as we downed our refreshment When we had finished Jeremy grabbed Sam and started making out with him so I wandered over to Steven and round two was under way Sam began blowing Jeremy before they worked their way into a 69, not easy for two athletic guys close to six feet tall on my loveseat I let Steven suck my cock before I started eating out his ass then he turned me around and was slipping on another condom and lubing up my ass. As if in anticipation of my “What the Fuck” look on my face he leaned in and Whispered


“It’s for your protection, I just tested Poz a few weeks back and I’m not on meds”


I had a wrapped Poz cock up my ass and I was suddenly excited and frightened at the same time butt started bucking back on his big cock to get as much of him inside me, hoping the condom didn’t break and at the same time wishing it would. I was in pig heaven, conflicted but enjoying every thrust and retreat of Stevens’s large tool in my ass. I heard Jeremy start grunting, his breathing became rough and I knew he was breeding Sam’s tight hole, the sound an smell of man sex permeated the room and soon Steven was shooting deep in my as his toxic seed into the reservoir of the condom. He finished his nut, and slowly pulled out, I spun around before h could remove the condom and slid it off him myself then sucked in his cum streaked cock, putting the condom to the side, I cleaned off his cock then went over to clean up Jeremy and rim, feltch out Sam’s hole. When no-one was looking I went in the kitchen and deposited Stevens Used condom in the freezer.


 It was getting close to 9 when I sent the boys home, Sam was going to spend the night with Jeremy and Steven was going to drive them to their respective schools and work in the morning. Sam was about the size of Jeremy so he asked to borrow an outfit for school, Jeremy was only too happy to oblige.


I hit the bedroom and watched a movie on-demand then drifted off to sleep, waking around six in the morning to the alarm clock. I got up and fed the cat then went in and brewed a coffee in my one cup coffee maker climbed on the bed and opened the laptop, scrolled through the various job hunting e-mails and then was disappointed I hadn’t heard back from either lawyer, but then again it was still early on a Monday, I grabbed my phone and pulled up growlr looking for a special person, a contact I had made about 2 years prior, who happened to own a real estate office, I also looked for him on A4A and BBRT. I had lost touch with him a bit and he hadn’t been very active on any of the sites recently. I finally found him and sent a message “hey stud contact me I have a Challenge for you, this is a professional request” I left it at that knowing when he got the message his interest would be piqued. I pulled up my bank info and saw that my account was getting close to being overdrawn, noting the contact information for later that day, set the alarm on my phone for 9:30 so I could call the bank and let them know that the lottery deposit would be made sometime in the next 7-10 days and they wouldn’t think it was an error. I also checked all my credit cards to see how close I was to maxing them out as I might have to start living on them until the lotto deposit cleared. I scheduled each of them to pay the full balance on the Friday after next giving time once again for the lotto moneys to clear. I paid my Electric and cable bill along with a couple other payments that were due. Then headed out to the gym. Having a good workout I noticed several of the younger guys actually paying attention to me, was it my new attitude had they been, cruising me all these months and I never knew it, were my senses just heightened since meeting Jeremy, or had they seen my picture on the news as the winner of the multi-state lottery. It was hard to tell and I didn’t have the courage to ask, not really wanting the answer especially if it was my new celebrity status  which attracted them to me, I hadn’t changed I was still the same guy I was last week at this time.


I finished my workout and headed back to the locker room a nice soak in the Jacuzzi and a sit in the steam room was what I needed to soothe my muscle pain and to relax all the tension from my body. I was sitting in the steam room enjoying the warm vapors swirling around me, most likely with my eyes closed, when I heard the door open then close, I felt a body sit down close to me but couldn’t make out much through the steam suddenly a hand brushed against my leg and I opened my eyes and saw the silhouette of a guy just off to my right stretching


“Sorry dude, how’s it going? By the way the names Miguel”


“It’s alright Miguel, no harm done”


Miguel started caressing my leg and working closer and closer to the hem of my gym shorts, now this was a family gym but we were the only two in the steam room and the place was close to deserted in the pool area, so I let him massage my legs. The steam had cleared enough I could see Miguel was a young Latino with a really cute face and a couple tats across his upper chest. He turned around a bit and ran his hand up into my shorts, being commando my hard cock was soon tenting the flimsy fabric, Miguel reached up and pulled it out the leg hole then engulfed it into his mouth. Oh my god I was getting blown in the steam room and loving it, the anxiety of getting caught and that I hadn’t gotten off since last night soon had me shooting a load down Miguel’s throat.


After leaving a load in Miguel’s throat I went back to the locker room and got changed after showering. I left the gym and headed over to the bank, figuring it was better to talk to the branch manager in person and I also wanted to open a savings account and a secondary Checking as well as set up accounts for Jeremy. I arrived at the bank and asked to see the manager then described my situation to him, he helped me set up the auxiliary accounts and we arraigned for them to be funded shortly after the big funds arrived. Having got those details out of the way I headed over to the University to see if I could catch Jeremy between classes for a quick lunch, he had given me his schedule so I knew he had about 45 minutes between his classes, I texted him asking if we could meet up in the union for lunch. I arrived on campus, paid for a 2 hour parking pass and headed over to the student union, by then Jeremy had texted back and asked if I could pick him up a chicken sandwich from one of the venders and he would be there shortly. I got his food and some for me and found a table, Jeremy joined me about five minutes later, and started eating like it as his last meal, I slipped the documents from the bank envelope and asked him to sign


“What’s this? I told you I didn’t expect you to support me”


“Well I have come into some money lately and I want to share some with you, after all you are partly responsible”


“I’m confused but alright”


I explained to him that we would be receiving the debit card in the mail about 10 days after the accounts were opened and we enjoyed pleasant conversation during the rest of our lunch together, Jeremy telling me about his morning class and what had transpired with one of his cute classmates. I sent him off to his afternoon class and headed out to the car, I had a few more errands to run before returning home.


I arrived home around 3 and went in and stripped off my clothes then opened my laptop and checked my e-mails, both lawyers wanted to schedule a meeting so I arraigned to meet one on Wednesday and another on Thursday, I’d check both out and see which one offered the best deal for retainer services. I then checked out my BBRT and BZ accounts I had a new message on BZ, it was from a new user and it said


“ Hi this is Steven would love to get together with you, also left message on BBRT” I went over to BBRT and checked my messages and there it was a message from Steven “ Hey dude can I come over before Jeremy gets home, Need to talk with you”


I messaged him back that I was home, come on over, a few moments later I heard a knock on the door, it was Steve, he was almost in tears, when asked what was wrong he indicated his sugar daddy had dumped him for a younger guy he wanted to convert, and use as bait to get guys to sleep with. I consoled Steve and after we talked for a bit convinced him he had been used by the sugar daddy, after all it was the Sugar daddy who tricked him into the Conversion party and got him pozzed up then used him to lure negative boys back to get loaded with toxic seed, he even was used to lure the newest twink into a conversion party so he could be trained to be a lure. Steve then told me he loved Jeremy like a brother and was worried that his tales of erotic exploits twisted his mind and made him a bug chaser. I told him that I knew that he and Jeremy were both on BZ and that I thought maybe Jeremy’s reading of bug chasing stories were more to blame. He say there and wept a bit saying he always thought Jeremy was a hot little number and he had hoped that someday to be able to have the kind of relationship with him that we were beginning to have, that he fantasized about breeding him


M: so you want to be able to Breed him


S: yeah I’ve wanted to be his first as I was really starting to fall for him then I got lured into that party where I got used as a cumdump


M: so then you were afraid he would hate you if you knocked him up


S: yeah I didn’t want him to be upset with me if he really did Poz up


M: would you breed us both if we asked you too?


S: if you guys were sure, it would be my honor to knock you up


I went over to Steve and sat next to him, I told him about my encounter in the complex’s laundry room and gym and what Eli and Jess said to me, rubbing his thighs getting him turned on. He said it sounded as if they might have tried to knock me up, but it was still too early to tell, that I didn’t know their status or how toxic they were, if at all. I told him that we would have to wait and see then he kissed me and said he was going to keep on fucking me like he did last night for the next two to three weeks then the condom was coming off and he was going to do me bare if that’s what I wanted. I told him I knew he was a slut with a big heart and I wanted all of his used condoms and asked he would like to cum over daily to help me make cumcicles. He said now that he was a free man he would love to jerk off for me daily, and would collect his toxic semen for me. I felt so evil and dirty but it felt great having someone else in my twisted plan.


I sent Steve home and made myself dinner finished up some cruising on the internet and watched a sappy movie. Over the next couple weeks


I worked around Jeremy’s and Steve’s schedules and  had them over several  time even managed to have Sam over quite a few times as well and I soon found that we had corrupted little Sam and he was turning into a cum pig like the rest of us, Steve kept his promise to us and always played safe with us and I think Jeremy was talking to Sam and even taking loads from him although he now said he was a 75% bottom he seemed to enjoy it when we had him top us. I got word that the lotto deposit had been made and I was enjoying not having to worry about what I was going to do next.


My friend Sean finally contacted me and inquired what Professional task I had for him, since we only chatted on a sex site he thought it was something down and dirty, when in reality I needed him to find me a home, a house for me and my boys to live comfortably in to have fun, maybe open it up to young college guys. And he suggested we could meet up and see a few he had in mind, I made a date with him and told him that we would have to get together and discuss my needs and wants.


It had been just over a month since we met and Jeremy was still very much infatuated with me, our circle of friends was tightening and we were happy, I still hadn’t fully disclosed to him or any of our friends just how much I had received from my lotto winnings but he knew we were fixed for a time, summer was fast approaching and we started to make plans to travel and have some good times, Sean had found us a 8 bedroom fixer upper mansion in the foothills and I was in the process to having it remodeled. Jeremy and Steve moved in with me to save on rent for now and I enjoyed frequent visits from Tony. Of course this was just the beginning , but that’s a different story altogether

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Book II



It had been just over a month since I got the message from Jeremy, and we had coffee, a lot had happened in that time, my little family had grown some, Jeremy, Steve and Sam had grown closer, They all but lived at my apartment and then Jeremy and Steve moved in with me, thus saving them some rent money. Although money was the least of our concerns as I had won the multi-state lotto and was now well set for the rest of my life, even after setting up a trust funds for Jeremy, Thom, Hank and Mario, my son and my nephews.

Jeremy and Steve shared the guest room when they weren’t sharing my bed, Steve’s queen size bed made it a tight fit with the day bed in there but they somehow made it work. Sam loved to come and spend the night on weekends mostly because it was closer to his job and Steve was almost always willing to pick him up and bring him back to cuddle with us.

Even after my tryst with Eli and Jess, I had remained healthy, no fuck flu, and although I still had a bag of cum ice cubes hidden in the freezer, I still had a fantasy about chasing. As Sam was showing more and more interest in Steve who would only fuck him safe, he so wanted to feel his cum inside his hole, so on Monday of the week before Spring break I rounded up the boys and we all went down to the clinic, and got tested for HIV, it was no surprise that Steve came up Poz, but we asked them to test his VL and his CD4 counts Jeremy, Sam and I came back negative and the doctor recommended PReP for all of us. I got the prescriptions and we took them to the pharmacy along with all the prescriptions for Steve to start on his meds, his test had shown a viral load of just under a million and his CD4 counts just above 300, it was time to keep our Norse god healthy. That night I asked the boys to take their PReP and started Steve on his drug cocktail. I sat Sam down and had a serious heart to heart with him, explaining that he was to take the pills every morning faithfully and then he could have as much sex with us as he desired, even take Steve raw if that is what he wished. He was overjoyed, and promised he would stay true to his PreP regimen and we would be proud of him.

The boys had asked for the time off from their jobs and I had promised them a journey during spring break so after sending them to bed I started doing research of what things we could do. After making an itinerary I started booking flights to take us to our destinations. The next morning the boys were up and getting ready for school and work, Steve would drop Sam off at his high school then go to his own classes before reporting to his job, I would drop Jeremy off at school where he would attend his three classes before catching the shuttle to the mall and doing a 4 hour shift at A&F. I came home and had a meeting with Sean scheduled mid-morning out in the foothills, he had already shown me a dozen properties but none of them had fit exactly what I was looking for. I drove out to meet Sean, it was a gated estate so had to wait till he arrived where as he entered the entry code and we drove in his car up to the house on the property. It had a high fence surrounding the entire property and the drive was curved and had enough trees that shielded the house from the view of the gate, I was beginning to like this house.

“Let’s take a quick stroll around the property, before we go in”

He began his Real estate spiel and I followed around the side of the house it was a grand mansion built in the mid-fifties for some bank big wig who wanted his privacy so it was already 60 years old but showed potential. The back yard housed a couple grottos and a large swimming pool which needed repair but was nicely landscaped. I could picture having parties for the boys out here, Sean escorted me into a grotto and suddenly he no longer was the professional real estate agent but a starving boy in need of sexual gratification, the grotto was adorned with an old sofa and chairs, what appeared as a counter that could be used as a bar and a fire pit for those chillier nights. Sean loosened his tie

“So you know all those times we chatted about hooking up at a vacant property and having sex, well now’s your chance”

“Oh so you want to sway my opinion of the place but luring me into a sexual situation”

“Yeah you have a problem with that”

I answered by taking his face in my hands and passionately kissing him, unbuttoning his shirt and sliding his sport coat down over his shoulders and onto the sofa, removing his belt and unbuttoning his fly, sliding his pants down to his ankles he then dropped to his knees and pulled my cock from my pants, he sucked my cock for about 5 minutes to get me hard then spun me around and started eating my hole, I always love a good rim job and he was doing a really good job of getting my hole wet. He stood up and placed his dripping penis in my crack and started rubbing it up and down my hole while playing with my nipples and whispering in my ear

“You want this big dick in your mancunt don’t you, you want to feel me deep inside you”

About this time the head of his cock found my pucker and was pushing in slowly impaling me using just his spit and his pre-jizz to lube my hole it hurt just a little then he was inside and my hole was beginning to accommodate him

“You like that big cock in your hole don’t you, you like being bred with a hard toxic Poz cock with a fresh batch of the virus don’t you”

I stiffened up , tightening my hole around his cock then started riding him harder, making sure he got his pre cum in all my cracks and crevasses, he had said he was chasing in our various chats over the past couple of years and now he was  giving me his bug or at least attempting to knock me up, he pounded me standing, doggie on the sofa then flipped me over on my back so I could see his face as he was shooting his Poz cum up my ass. He shot what seemed like buckets into my guts then pulled out and had me clean his cock off.

“You get to cum when you are in the brotherhood”

He pulled up his pants, buttoned his shirt, tightened his tie and adorned his sport coat, walking out of the grotto he looked over his shoulder

“You coming for the rest of the tour?”

I pulled my pants up and tucked in my shirt, I could feel cum seeping out of my hole staining my new pants with spooge and ass juice. I soon caught up with Sean and he proceeded to show me the acre or so around the exterior of the home then showed me the inside. He house had some good bones but had seen better days, a lot of patching and painting would be required. The rooms though were of perfect size and it was a 8 bedroom 5 bathroom house with a large kitchen and open concept family room it even had a separate playroom and den I was impressed but I was non-committal to Sean at the time, I wanted to bring Steve and Jeremy here to get their opinion, I arranged for an evening showing for the boys to view our next home, I especially wanted Steve’s input since he was studying construction design and interior space designs this semester. He wanted to become a architect and interior design space specialist.

On our way out I kissed Sean and thanked him for his gift. It was already getting to be late afternoon and I had a cocktail date with Sam’s dad at 4:30 in the valley not far from their home. John and I had met up several times since my first session with Sam, not sure if his dad had let him in on our encounters but I knew I enjoyed having drinks with John and discussing Sam. John was about 6 years younger than me and was a prime specimen of a man, he had kept himself in top form, even though he did so much traveling, he must have an international gym membership. In all the times we had meet up I still couldn’t tell what team he played on, he would talk about seeing this girl or that then his attention would be drawn away for a second when a hot guy entered the bar or restaurant we were meeting in. Today I was going to discuss taking Sam with us on our Spring break get away. He greeted me as usual then he got a serious look on his face

“I know you wanted to talk to me about taking Sam with you and Jeremy on spring break but I wanted to ask you something”

“Ok go ahead”

Almost under his breath

“Have you been fucking my Sam? I found a bottle of travada on his bathroom counter this morning, and I wanted to know if you and Jeremy been fucking my boy”

I was stunned that he asked, but I figured he was a smart man and was able to put two and two together, that and he didn’t seem angry

“Um, yes we have, I hope you are all right with that”

“Thank you for helping protect my son, think I might be able to come to dinner sometime with him I’d like to get to know Jeremy better if they are going to be Boyfriends, fuckbuddies or whatever”

With that he started confessing to me on how he was sorry he couldn’t have been there more for Sam, but he felt if he was around his son as much as he wanted to be than something might have happened to make their relationship become strained, he didn’t come out and say it but I had the feeling he was trying to say he would like a opportunity to explore his sons sexuality more

“so is Sam expected home soon?”

“Actually Steve is picking him up from swim practice to take him to the mall”

“Want to go back to your place for a night cap”

I knew it was still Happy hour but I wanted to get back to Johns and test a theory, and John seemed interested in the idea. When we got to John and Sam’s apartment, I had barely made it in the door when John turned around out of the public’s view and kissed me rubbing his hands on my chest and groin, then he began undressing me as I fumbled with his clothing as well, we were soon naked in the living room making out and caressing each other. John dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth and began sucking, soon we were in a 69 position and we each had the others cocks buried in our throats, I was getting close when he rolled over and asked me to fuck him like I fucked his son. I worked my way around John then lifted his legs and positioned my penis at his back door, spitting on my palm I applied some to his sphincter then pushed my mushroom head into his ass, John moaned then I pushed my whole shaft into him, he looked up at me and smiled. I proceeded to slow fuck John slowly increasing my speed till I was jack hammering into him then I thrust one last time and exploded in his intestines coating them with my dick slime, he was moaning and talking dirty to me the whole time.

I left Johns a little after 7:30 and headed home, a busy day indeed

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