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Your Personal Politics (Aside From Lgbt Issues)


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Guest whoremonger

If I was to briefly describe my personal political views, I'd say that my position is founded on the belief that all people should be treated equally. Equality is paramount. Whatever differences there are between people, these should not generate conditions of domination or subordination, let alone discrimination. Next, I believe politics should be about working out how to ensure the most favourable circumstances with regard to the well-being of everyone. There should be a 'baseline' - and the State should guarantee that no one goes hungry or homeless, or without education, or without healthcare. Once the State has achieved that (!), it should allow people to live their lives as they choose - without interference.

In a way, I'm pro-State (for human welfare) and anti-State (in terms of interference in our private lives). It's finding the right balance that's difficult. I'm part socialist, part anarchist, part classic-libertarian.

My view of politics isn't confined to 'parties' (I simply don't care for any of them).

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  • 9 months later...

For as long as  I can remember, the Repugs have been joined at the hip to the Religious Right, which as far as I'm concerned is neither!  Reagan, their hero never even mentioned HIV or AIDS while in office.  Still, there are exceptions, notably Ted Olsen who fervently argued for marriage equality.  To define my political identity, I'd call myself a radical progressive, a QUEER Abbie Hoffman and even if they're weak on certain issues, the Democrats have always gotten my vote.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think both parties are terrible. The government is the worst. So if you follow that political compass chart, I'm somewhere close to the bottom right hand corner. Not full Anarcho-capitalist, but still some reservations about going full anarchy

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  • 1 month later...

When I was younger and sleeping with women (18-20) I was very much a liberal centrist. Discovering the sexual open-endedness of cruising parks and alleys in Montreal made me attuned to how urban public spaces are policed and physically configured in the interest of rising property values, and that prompted the line of research and action that turned me into the slutty communist faggot I am today :)

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The liberal/conservative divide is pretty clear to me. Throughout modern history we can see that republicans almost always propose or implement a huge step back on social issues, often taking society back decades. While liberal parties tend to be progressive. This divide is most clear in the UK/US.

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I'm not a single issue voter. I'm more concerned about how the government spends my money than I am about them trying to stop me from having gay sex. No law they can pass is going to stop me from having sex with men, but a lot of laws they pass do affect my wallet.

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When meeting new guys, I try to avoid politics, religion etc as much as I can. At best I start 'scoping them out' but quickly changing the subject when I sense the 'thing is going south'.  The guy who calls me his 'best friend' (a sexy law enforcement guy) and my most regular fuck-buddy both have similar political views that totally clash with mine. AND hate each other! AWKWARD! Meeting new people, it's gone bad for me  for telling 'too much about myself' (career, favorite candidates Bernie etc) and then be accused of absurd 'contributing to the exploitation' of this and that or being a 'racist' or whatever. Never saw that coming. Instead of my boner growing and getting to next base with little cumdumpster here I'm 'defending myself' against absurd allegations by a political half-wit or self-described animal rights activist!

Learned about benefits of STAYING NEUTRAL early on though as a 144 lbs freshman at UCLA, going out into the gay world as a gay freshman, so green, I hadn't even gotten a full bareback anal bonding yet. Here I am trying to make small talk with party-boys and barflies, getting too 'smart' and not being understood about my deeper 'ponderings' about i.e. political change in China (post Mao) and what that all could mean for the future (1990s) of the world.  Older gay guys, the kind that were totally self-absorbed with their West Hollywood microcosm would give me puzzled and irritated looks and say: "Why do you concern yourself with STUFF like that! It doesn't have anything to do with us!"  (bar-flies? gays? Americans ?)

DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL is always a good policy when you really just want to get laid. Some political convictions and dogmatic RELIGION to me are about as much a turn-off as bad breath. Hopefully I'll get to consummate my SEXUAL needs before learning more about the guy.... sometimes I discover on facebook who they really are "Oh shit, let's skip Margharita night plans we discussed!" (he might show me a new swastika tattoo) Had some of the best sex with a former Jehova's witness and a 'straying' Mormon though!

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I’m a SINGLE ISSUE voter...Civil Rights! I’d like to vote on all the other issues, financial/monetary policy, international policy, or healthcare policy (which is my field), but I have to place civil rights ahead of all that. If one group in are society in under attack and/or denied their rights; then we’re all potentially denied are rights.  I’m so tired of fighting and getting one step ahead and then the republicans take another giant swing at other rights. So sad, but’s its where I sit.

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I’m a libertarian. I want as little government as possible. Collect my taxes, keep my roads well maintained, protect my country and our borders and leave me the fuck alone to live my life. The government that governs least is the government that governs best. 

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I can find SOME common ground with almost anybody. 

You might have discerned that I believe we are pretty deep into the Book of Revelation right now, and when it all comes down your relationship with Jesus will be WAY more important than how many guys you have had sex with, although like everything else we do the “why’s” are often more important than the “what’s” to Him. 

Even “small government” has its disadvantages  when it comes to shielding us from Multinational Corporate Fascism. 

Oddly, Russian prez Vlad Putin, although no friend to Gays, protects his people from the NWO Banksters better than “DJ” Trump spinning his 78 RPM records of endless pro-business fuck-you’s.


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Guest takingdeepanal
1 minute ago, Pozlover1 said:

I can find SOME common ground with almost anybody. 

You might have discerned that I believe we are pretty deep into the Book of Revelation right now, and when it all comes down your relationship with Jesus will be WAY more important than how many guys you have had sex with, although like everything else we do the “why’s” are often more important than the “what’s” to Him. 

Even “small government” has its disadvantages  when it comes to shielding us from Multinational Corporate Fascism. 

Oddly, Russian prez Vlad Putin, although no friend to Gays, protects his people from the NWO Banksters better than “DJ” Trump spinning his 78 RPM records of endless pro-business fuck-you’s.


Please correct me if I'm wrong - but isn't the NWO pro-globalization and anti(any specific country)-first? If so, how does that mesh with DJT's "America-first" stance?


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9 hours ago, takingdeepanal said:

Please correct me if I'm wrong - but isn't the NWO pro-globalization and anti(any specific country)-first? If so, how does that mesh with DJT's "America-first" stance?


Because he is a liar. Sarah Palin will often tell you the truth so it’s your fault at Judgement. There is no such country as “America”. Reagan had the same slogan and his minions were quietly telling Academics of a wondrous land from the Arctic Circle to Terra Del Fuego. America is a CONTINENT and one of the Zones decided on at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. 

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