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If it was up to you to set a new age of consent, what would the age be and why?


What age of consent would you choose?  

1,751 members have voted

  1. 1. What age of consent would you choose?

    • No age of consent - just stiffen penalties for rape if victim is under 18
    • 12
    • 13
    • 14
    • 15
    • 16
    • 17
    • Keep it at 18

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HOT question !  I know I started earlier ( 12 yrs old ) with my family I was raised by - the neighborhood but I think 15 or 16 might be a perfect age ! Love and Adore young males - huge dicks and tight sweet pussy cunt holes !  I hope I can hear from others !  Thank You !  single and vers here !

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I think

1 hour ago, MorganStar said:

There was a time in our not to distant hisstory that girls were being married off at 14 or so...The American praririe was filled with teen parents..

Yes, i mentioned this too earlier on, about how some cultures did start marrying at younger ages, mentioning the "vigin Mary was likely 14 when God insemminated her, making God a pedophile by todays standards."

i think morality is largely a cultural construct.  When it comes to morality (or just about anything) i prefer science to what a priest or religious book says. Just because our, or any other culture, has accepted something as 'normal,' doesn't necessarily make it a good idea. There was a time that doctors bled people as a treatment, or removed a big chunk of their lungs and rib cage as a treatment for tuberculosis (the list goes on).  i like science because, at its best, it acknowledges that this is the best knowledge that we have so far.  As far as we know, life is infinite, so how can we know anything absolutely?  To me the best bet is to take the approach: "this is what i believe right now, based on the evidence, but that could change as we discover more...."  

In that vein, check this out:

The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so.

In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgment and an awareness of long-term consequences. Teens process information with the amygdala. This is the emotional part.

Given this piece of evidence, should culture be making the age of consent higher vs lower?  The age of consent is also the age our culture is willing to send people off to war as well. 

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Well, this has been an interesting thread to read through. Lots of different opinions (not judging either way).

I placed my click on 'stay 18', despite the fact that when I was younger I did want the age of consent to be lower. Actually, maybe because of that fact rather than despite it. At the ages I wanted to have sex, I'll admit I was not mentally or emotionally capable of an informed, consenting relationship. That's not going to be the case for everybody obviously, but it was for me. Somewhere between 17-20 seems an appropriate age for most people in my mind, though if the age of consent went up I would think that the 'Romeo and Juliet' laws would have a bit more leeway for the cases of individuals who actually are capable of informed decisions at a younger age (they know what it is, what the risks are, and are making the choice without coercion).

That said, I also think the age that it's legal to obtain pornography or sex toys should be lower... Safer to use a made-for-purpose toy than something around the house.

My filthy opinions, as always.

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Age of consent and child pregnancy are necessarily linked. Japan, with an age of consent of 13, has the lowest rate in the world. The US, where AOC is at least 16, and often higher, has one of the highest rates. I think AOC is pointless. We live in a country where people go to jail for having sex with someone who claims to be 18, has (fake) id to show he's 18, and meets guys on websites that require members to be 18. None of that matters because in most states statutory rape is a strict liability crime. Doesn't matter if the victim looked 30, acted 30, and had ID that said 30. Girls can decide to have an abortion regardless of parental wishes at an age where supposedly they're not competent to decide to do what caused the need for an abortion begin with. Let parents and their kids work out when it's time for the kids to have sex. Somehow, we think kids are bright enough to say no, but too stupid for yes. And parents? Nah, they just need to follow the rules. The way we're going they'll raise the age to 30 to be sure and frustrate millennials who still live with mom and dad. And as we make the penalties for statutory rape the same as those for forcible rape, those preying on children won't bother with consent. The whole system is nuts. People get longers sentence for view underage porn that was produced 50 years ago than they would for murder even though some of the performers in the now illegal porn were of legal age wgen it was made. Raise the age to 21 and we can start arrest people for watching Helix. Make it 25 and there goes Corbin Bernson. Better to scrap the system entirely.

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In the news today, France has proposed setting their AOC to 15 after two acquittals for rapes of 11-year-olds because it could not be proven that the sex was forced. There has to be some system to protect children from monsters.

@BillyBareback -

7 hours ago, BillyBareback said:

Let parents and their kids work out when it's time for the kids to have sex. Somehow, we think kids are bright enough to say no, but too stupid for yes.

I don't think you meant for me to, but I actually agree with both of these sentences. Well, the first one in principle, except that far, far too many parents aren't engaged enough in their children's lives to do this successfully, or are just woefully inept - the sum total of my sex education from my dad - and I shit you not - consisted of "muttermuttermutter keep it in your pants." Somewhere around 13. I had no clue what he was talking about. All my sister got from our mom was "Don't sit in men's laps." Now, for my part, dad's advice was no problem, because I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about my ass...

As for kids being bright enough to say no but too stupid for yes? Yep. Well, not stupid, perhaps, but not savvy enough for yes. "No" in the case of sex preserves the status quo; "Yes" always introduces a whole raft of potentially life-changing circumstances each time, and kids, by definition, don't have enough life experience under their belts to make an informed decision about whether any of those potentials are a good idea for them at that moment, especially when their hormones may be screaming GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!

I will say that your sentence about vintage underage porn misses the point - whether the child performer was of legal age when it was made is immaterial; the pedophile watching it now is contributing to a market for it now that puts children at risk for exploitation now when he gets tired to fapping to the old stuff and wants fresh material.

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For a partner, I wouldn't have wanted someone underage (whatever age that may be within either the law or the confines of this poll), however with me as a bottom, my answer would be very different. I would love to have been broken in at a very early age - 12, 13 or 14 - it wouldn't matter. Just the idea of taking cock that early is a real turn-on and to be inducted and trained into taking lots of cock at a young age - well, it's how I wish things had gone for me.

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Guest takingdeepanal
10 hours ago, ErosWired said:

@BillyBarebackIn the news today, France has proposed setting their AOC to 15 after two acquittals for rapes of 11-year-olds because it could not be proven that the sex was forced. There has to be some system to protect children from monsters.


There's been a certain cultural/religious shift in France (and Germany) since the Arab Spring. I've been speaking to a couple of Europeans who I've met over the last few weeks - and they say that they can't see themselves going back to their home countries for at least a couple of years because of it.

Hopefully, my above reply won't get me in trouble. Only speaking the cold hard reality of the situation.

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On ‎3‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 7:43 AM, ErosWired said:

In the news today, France has proposed setting their AOC to 15 after two acquittals for rapes of 11-year-olds because it could not be proven that the sex was forced. There has to be some system to protect children from monsters.

@BillyBareback -

I don't think you meant for me to, but I actually agree with both of these sentences. Well, the first one in principle, except that far, far too many parents aren't engaged enough in their children's lives to do this successfully, or are just woefully inept - the sum total of my sex education from my dad - and I shit you not - consisted of "muttermuttermutter keep it in your pants." Somewhere around 13. I had no clue what he was talking about. All my sister got from our mom was "Don't sit in men's laps." Now, for my part, dad's advice was no problem, because I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about my ass...

As for kids being bright enough to say no but too stupid for yes? Yep. Well, not stupid, perhaps, but not savvy enough for yes. "No" in the case of sex preserves the status quo; "Yes" always introduces a whole raft of potentially life-changing circumstances each time, and kids, by definition, don't have enough life experience under their belts to make an informed decision about whether any of those potentials are a good idea for them at that moment, especially when their hormones may be screaming GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!


I will say that your sentence about vintage underage porn misses the point - whether the child performer was of legal age when it was made is immaterial; the pedophile watching it now is contributing to a market for it now that puts children at risk for exploitation now when he gets tired to fapping to the old stuff and wants fresh material.


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On 3/21/2018 at 11:58 PM, BillyBareback said:


Suppose the question is do you want me to stop? Saying no preserves the status quo in that case too. Preserving the status quo may or may not be a good thing. And it's the person being asked who needs to figure that out. No means no is as useless as telling someone who asks how much gas is in the tank that all of the gas in the tank is in the tank. As to your final paragraph,  there's no preponderance of evidence to support the claim, so we can simply reject it. Meanwhile, there is a great deal of evidence that people who get murdered suffer harm at much greater levels than people whose old porn loops get viewed. The punishments for either CP or murder are disproportioate. Possibly both.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I love energetic young tops and giving them willing and receptive holes to enjoy so they stay tops.  the younger a good bottom slut gets hold of a young top the better - 13 for me.

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You can’t lay a blanket age over everyone and say you are ready for sex at this age and not ready before it.  It is an individual thing.  If the kid is really young it should be up to the parents to decide if it’s okay.  

Edited by Subbitch
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14 hours ago, Subbitch said:

You can’t lay a blanket age over everyone and say you are ready for sex at this age and not ready before it.  It is an individual thing.  If the kid is really young it should be up to the parents to decide if it’s okay.  

I agree. Parents decide all sorts of things for their kids, including whether or not the kid will even be born. That was common when I was a kid going to a nudist camp. Some kids were not allowed to have sex at all, while others could have as much sex as they liked. Some that were not allowed were 16 or 17, while some, like me, were allowed to have sex at 5 or 6. I don't think it was an issue for me. I asked permission, got permission and that was that. It was the kids who were told no that complained.

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