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If it was up to you to set a new age of consent, what would the age be and why?

What age of consent would you choose?  

1,801 members have voted

  1. 1. What age of consent would you choose?

    • No age of consent - just stiffen penalties for rape if victim is under 18
    • 12
    • 13
    • 14
    • 15
    • 16
    • 17
    • Keep it at 18

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On 7/24/2018 at 9:43 PM, FatSnuffPig said:

I can't and won't say what should be the legal age of consent for others. It's not for me to decide.

All I know is that MY worthless faggot rape hole should of been destroyed whenever guys wanted to. With no consequences to them. I should of been a legal way to fulfil dark fantasies with no regards to my safety.

this is so true. i was used at 5 and from then on i knew what my purpose in life is . i seek our dominant sadistic rapists n love iteveery time. 

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Sydneybbfucker
On 12/22/2016 at 7:46 AM, funkmeup said:

13! All boys should get pozzed at 13 and grow it through their body as it grows from boy to man - aids wasting many before they reach 18

This is an inevitable and twisted fantasy I'd support


I cannot do anything about the current age of consent.   I just know I started sucking cock at 14, and getting fucked at 15.   It was not forced.   I wanted it, and I knew I did.   I sought it out.   Unfortunately I wanted men and not  boys my own age.  Because of the existing laws I often placed myself in high risk situations in order to find willing partners who were not afraid of breaking the law or seducing and taking advantage of others (like my father when he was drunk and passed out) who could not consent.  

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On 9/6/2016 at 12:42 AM, barebbrer said:

I would have voted none but even though I started very early I was 9. I was ready for it and was with a man that taught me how to have sex with older men and took over two years with dildos and plugs training my ass. I think a good average would be 12. At 12 I absolutely knew what I wanted and really genuinely enjoyed it too. Any earlier and a top could significantly damage a boy under 12 if he doesn't train him gently first.


im going to inbox you

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Guest whoremonger
On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2010 at 1:55 PM, rawTOP said:

The laws are imperfect because they need to set a single age for everyone … So what age would you set and why would you choose the age of consent? Or would you get rid of the age of consent completely and maybe just stiffen penalties for rape when the victim is young. But isn't there some age that's always too young? Personally I don't know - all I know is the current system doesn't work very well.

I fully agree - the current system doesn't work very well.

As a Brit, I'm far more familiar with the UK situation. And as someone who's studied sexuality, I've been fascinated by the problem of the "age of consent" for some time.

Until the Middle Ages, we simply didn't have an 'age of consent' - it wasn't an issue that people gave much thought to. And children as young as 7 were seen as being sufficiently old enough to make the decision to have sex. The first piece of major legislation (passed in 1275) on this issue set the age of consent at 12. And that's how it stood for centuries. It was raised to 13 in 1875 (mainly as an attempt to control underage prostitution). Then, a decade later, it was raised to 16.

Of course, homosexuality was a criminal offence in Britain for a long time, and so the notion of the 'male homosexual age of consent' was nonsensical - until the passing of the Sexual Offences Act (1967), which decriminalised homosexuality and set the homosexual age of consent at 21. It was lowered to 18 in 1994, and lowered to 16 in 2000.

In the USA, the age of consent has changed over time (and been different in different states). For instance, until the late 19th century the age of consent ranged between 10 and 12 in most states (with the exception of Delaware, where it was 7). Today, the legal age of consent in the USA ranges from age 16 to age 18.

Put simply, at different times and in different places, the age of consent has been understood and reacted to differently. It's not something fixed - and doesn't reflect or express some 'innate' or 'essential' aspect or feature of what it means to be human. It's an entirely socially constructed cultural phenomenon.

My own view: (1) The issue of 'consent' is problematic, as it ought to involve a person being properly informed and aware of the consequences of their actions. From my own personal experience, I wasn't a rational, conscious being - able to make informed decisions - until my mid-to-late teens (and even then, only tentatively). (2) The human body isn't really evolved in such a way as to properly have - and enjoy - sex until puberty. As such, pre-pubescent sex is - in my view - wrong. And (3) Each person develops at a slightly different pace, rather than adhering to some politically decided 'norm'. One person may be sufficiently physically mature and able to give consent at 15, while another person many not arrive at that position until they're 18. So stipulating an "age" is far too arbitrary.

It's a complex issue, with no easy answers. But it's important that it's debated and discussed - as it affects everyone.

Guest whoremonger
14 minutes ago, whoremonger said:

 It's an entirely socially constructed cultural phenomenon.

I was going to add: Similarly, notions of incest are also cultural constructions. Incest is criminalised in many countries, but not prohibited in the Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and elsewhere.

How we approach the subject of human sexuality tends to express dominant modes of thought prevailing in a given contemporary society. Issues like 'age of consent' and 'incest' may appear - at least to some - as reflecting some definite standard, but history informs us of something different altogether.  

  • 8 months later...

I think it should stay at 18.  There is too much to understand about sex and relationships for anyone younger to fully comprehend, in my opinion.  I was raped at ages 9-15, and while I was certain I was attracted to men, I was in no way prepared for how complicated everything was.  Even when I had sex with others besides my rapist in my teens, I still didn't fully understand everything I was getting into.


Puberty, like it was for thousands of years.

A wide disparity of ages and sex with children was frowned upon except in the decline of the Roman Empire and certain religions run by SarahPalin. 

The Bilderberg Group  invented the “teenager” after WWII. Any movies or songs that mentioned “teen” got pushed ahead if more deserving efforts all through the 50’s. This backfired on them when the kids by and large ignored the flag waving and rebelled against being sent to Vietnam. When they came of age  they brainwashed an entire population in government schools to accept a totalitarian  State and a One World Government run by a few fascist corporations. 


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Guest Sydneybbfucker

I think there's a significant difference between the concept of two 14 or 15 yo's having sex compared to a 40yo having sex with 14 and 15yo's.

Kids develop and mature at very different rates and whilst 18 is a reasonable compromise there's no way to test for sexual responsibility at 15 (like passing your provisional drivers licence) and I remember being totally frustrated as a 15yo because I was basically scared into celibacy by the law.


In Norway it's 16. It seems about right to me. Most European countries has 15 or 16.

If I was gonna change anything, I would probably make it 14, but that you had to be max 16 to have sex with a 14 year old, i.e. no more than 2 years older than the 14 year old. Also max 17 to have sex with a 15 year old, and even max 19 to have sex with a 17 year old. From 18 it would be no more limits.

It's uneccessary to say that no matter what age, sex is supposed to be voluntary from all participants, otherwise it's rape.

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48 minutes ago, bberik said:

In Norway it's 16. It seems about right to me. Most European countries has 15 or 16.

If I was gonna change anything, I would probably make it 14, but that you had to be max 16 to have sex with a 14 year old, i.e. no more than 2 years older than the 14 year old. Also max 17 to have sex with a 15 year old, and even max 19 to have sex with a 17 year old. From 18 it would be no more limits.

It's uneccessary to say that no matter what age, sex is supposed to be voluntary from all participants, otherwise it's rape.

Most US State laws put the age of consent at 16. In Kentucky it is 16 unless the older person is a “person of authority”. Nationwide it is 18 and taking an underage person across State lines may violate Federal law ( the “Mann Act”) even if they are above the AOC in both States. Some like Massachusetts have a complicated but fair graduated scale to keep a young couple from becoming outlaws after one birthday. 

In most Mexican States, and Mexico City it is 12, resulting in some single illegal aliens and legitimate teenaged couples running afoul of the laws in the USA. 

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12 minutes ago, poztwink said:


Yep. As late as the 1930’s males went directly from short pants to a job, females that weren’t married by 18 were considered odd. During the War quite a few kids were able to enlist. Others worked. 

Shoe shine boys were often male prostitutes who would give head to their seated customers, especially if they set up in a dark alley. 

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