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Covid Vaccination, are you?


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5 hours ago, bbzh said:

Maybe I've missed it, but I haven't seen any of them say you can't contract the virus or transmit it once you're vaccinated. All I'm hearing is that if vaccinated, there is a good chance you won't get very sick, which if true, is already very positive. However, I'm afraid we're going to be masked up and largely terrified of each other for the foreseeable future, which is sad. 

You’re right, we don’t know this yet, but it’s being looked into. There’s a part of the virus called the n-protein, which is separate to the spike protein the vaccines mimic. So if someone has antibodies to the spike protein, that could have come from either a vaccine or from infection. But if someone has antibodies to the n-protein, that can only mean they were infected.

So if we test a large number of people who got the vaccine for antibodies to the n-protein, and also test a large number of people who got the placebo, and compare rates, we’ll be able to tell whether vaccinated people can still contract the infection. This is going to be done as part of the ongoing vaccine trials.

Technically that’s not the same thing as studying whether vaccinated people can spread the infection, but studying that would require lots of point-in-time swabbing the noses and throats of vaccinated people with no symptoms, so it would be a lot more difficult. The n-protein method should give good data regardless. 

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On 12/18/2020 at 11:48 PM, blkoraltm said:

I agree. I tested positive for Covid on 12/1. For unknown reasons I didn't get too sick. But I gave it to almosy everyone in my family, and many of them didn't do as well. My mom and Sister got really sick.  I didn't do anything fun either.  if I was out taking dick from strangers in bars or clubs alright.  I was going to and from work. Thats it. 


if I want to get back to taking loads. I will be taking the vaccine

After jacking off 3 loads during MeWe Zoom sex parties, it's become abundantly clear I need sex and therefore the Vaccine sooner rather than later.  

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I’m definitely planning to get the vaccination as soon as I’m able to.

With questions still unanswered about whether you can still catch and spread the virus once vaccinated, the way I see it is that the vaccine(s) essentially put you in the position of a 20-year-old: you yourself will be safe from getting seriously ill, but you will still have to be careful about how you interact with vulnerable people in society until all those people have been vaccinated too.  But as I’m fairly low on the priority list, I should imagine that most of those people will have already been done before I get it anyway.

For a while, this may create some fairly unusual situations, eg: my parents (once vaccinated) will have to be careful about transmitting the virus to me (still unvaccinated).  It’ll be almost a reverse of the current situation.

So, masks and social distancing for everyone for a while, but hopefully, once all those at risk groups have been done, we can start living normally again.

As for those who choose not to get vaccinated, that’s fine.  But choices have consequences, and they cannot expect society to remain in a permanent state of lockdown to protect them when there is an alternative available. They will need to take measures to protect themselves as best they can.

And as for those who can’t take the vaccine for medical reasons- well, that really does suck.  But again, we cannot remain in lockdown forever.  Eventually a degree of herd immunity will be reached through natural means, and if nothing else, widespread uptake of the vaccine should help speed that process up.  But until that point, they will just have to be shielded and take extra precautions to guard themselves against infection, in the same way that immuno-suppressed individuals have been doing for years.

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Most likely will have to get it (due to my job); however, when it is actually available for me to get is another thing.  The roll out is painfully slow and definitely unorganized.  I'll have to hold my breath and see.  

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34 minutes ago, GeorgeGrove said:

I;m thinking of buying a fake vaccination card

Unless I’m missing something, I can’t see the point of vaccination cards in the first place.  Until it’s proven that the vaccination means you can’t catch and spread the virus, then you remain just as much a risk to others, whether you are vaccinated or not.  You could still be carrying the virus if you get on a plane or walk into a crowded bar, so why bother with a “proof of vaccine” card scheme at all?

The only person the vaccine is protecting is you.

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The vaccine cards are probably important to have for the anti-vaccine crowd who would probably try to sue if they came down with it, claiming you gave it to them.  We live in a litigious society where I could see that scenario play out.   

I will gladly take the vaccine as soon as it’s available.  I want to get back to normal life soon. My cumhole is hungry to get back to taking lots of cock and loads. Covid has really gotten in the way of that happening in 2020. 

Edited by norcalraw
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22 hours ago, norcalraw said:

The vaccine cards are probably important to have for the anti-vaccine crowd who would probably try to sue if they came down with it, claiming you gave it to them.  We live in a litigious society where I could see that scenario play out.   

I will gladly take the vaccine as soon as it’s available.  I want to get back to normal life soon. My cumhole is hungry to get back to taking lots of cock and loads. Covid has really gotten in the way of that happening in 2020. 

it's to get into places that require vaccination

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