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The night everything changed


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Hey guys, I've started something new and I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1

I can't say that I really knew what gave me the courage to do it but I guess it always goes back to being 19 and horny. In high school, I went out with girls because that was what was expected in the town where I grew up with my mom. There were guys who were out at my school but thats how they were defined and I didnt want that. I was also afraid of what that would mean. I was an athlete and I heard what guys said in the locker room about "fags". It was enough to keep me in the closet.

Freshman year of college felt like the time to explore but the fear was still there even though no one I met really expressed anything close to homophobia. So I kept it to myself. I downloaded the apps but couldnt put a picture of myself up. The idea of guys who were close felt too dangerous.

My parents divorced when I was 9 and when my mom was awarded custody of me, dad moved to New York. I mostly saw him a weekend here or there but nothing consistent. I always felt like I was an inconvenience to dad because of that even though he never treated me that way when we got together. So it seemed like a great opportunity to get to know my dad better when he told me he was able to get me an internship in New York and I could stay with him for the summer.

I was "the kid" in the office and given that I didnt even have a major yet, I knew this was a job that I didnt deserve. I tried to keep my head down and do what was asked as best I could to make good on my privilege. I was pretty much on my own for dinner because dad's hours were pretty erratic. He always left money for me to order something and there were lots of good options. On Thursdays, dad was even later getting back because of his weekly poker game. For the first couple Thursdays of the summer, I was asleep before he even got home.

With nights mostly to myself, I decided it was time to explore. I was determined to lose my virginity this summer. I set the bar low for what that meant. Giving or getting a handjob or blowjob would count. I tried the apps again but I was too scared to meet anyone. Who knew what freaks might be in this city just waiting to murder me. It also didnt seem like a good idea to invite anyone over to my dads place. Watching the same porn over and over was getting old. So one night as I was eating a slice of pizza I did a search for hook up spots in the city. There were some places that I found randomly like library bathrooms but I wanted something that wasnt so public and dangerous. I knew that would be hard to find but then I found some sites that mentioned bath houses that were places for guys to hook up. From what I read, they looked like places where guys hooked up and didnt have to worry about getting arrested. You could rent rooms and the pictures showed that there were beds in them. The pictures definitely made it look a little sketchy but I was too horny to let that trouble me enough to avoid what seemed to be the best option.

I didnt know what I would actually do if I met a guy there. I thought maybe I could just watch some guys play like real life porn. That would be safest too and really hot. Maybe there would be other guys there who were also looking for something easy like a handjob. After giving it some thought though I figured I should just go with the flow and not decide beforehand what was going to happen. The sites said that these places were never very busy any more and some nights should just be avoided because no one ever showed up then. So I picked a Thursday evening so I wouldn't have to worry about dad asking me where I went. I would be sure to get back before he did. I got home that day from work and showered and shaved and then lay in bed deciding whether I should really go or not. This is what I wanted but there were so many unknowns that I was worried that I would regret it, especially since it was my first time. But I had to go. I would probably regret it more if I left New York with my virginity intact. I checked out the website again to make sure I had the address and then headed out.

I dont know exactly what I was expecting but when I got to the address it was a pretty non descript building. Like any other building in the area. No signs. Nothing. You just had to know it was there I guess. As I stood outside I noticed two guys coming out of the elevator both fit looking but older than me, probably in their 30s or 40s. They were attractive and both looked me up and down before walking in opposite directions down the block. This must be the place, I thought. If there were more guys like them upstairs I would be ok. They didnt look like they would try to harm me. I took a deep breath and walked into the lobby and the elevator whose doors were still open. As the elevator began to climb up to the higher floors, I could feel myself getting nervous. I was getting shaky and my stomach lurched even though it had nothing inside it. I could just get to the floor and then press L to go back downstairs and then home. The last thing I wanted was to throwup here. Not sexy at all.

The doors opened and what I saw was still pretty non descript. It calmed me actually. It made me think the place was just as discreet as I wanted it to be. I walked out of the elevator and saw a window that was like the one you see at a drive thru but without any glass and a door just beyond it that I assumed would take me into the bath house. I looked into the window and there were two guys standing and talking to each other. They completely ignored me. I saw that in their office there was another window inside that I would have to go through the door to get to. Maybe they needed me to pay at that window, I thought. So I opened the door to get there.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I let go of the doorknob immediately and let the door close. I turned to the two men who were now very much not just casually talking to each other.

"Oh I thought I had to go in to pay?"

"You trying to get in for free? Whats your fucking problem?" This guy was clearly upset like I had violated a sacred rule that everyone knew. He was taller than me and had at least 150 pounds on me. Given that I was 5'11 and a fit and athletic 170, it meant that this guy was just generally intimidatingly large. I started to wonder how much he probably hated his job that he could snap so easily.

The other guy walked up to the window. He looked older, maybe 50s or 60s, and looked like he couldnt be bothered, like he'd seen it all before and I wasnt worth wasting his energy on. "Did you want a locker or a room? We're cash only."

Before I could answer the large guy said, "He wants everything! For free! Fucking idiot." I wanted to turn around and just leave. This was not how I thought this was all going to play out. I decided this wasnt meant to be. I should take this disastrous beginning as a sign and leave.

"Ok. Uh yeah I didnt bring any cash so I'll just go..." I turned towards the elevator.

"See? He did want to get in for free. It says on the website cash only you stupid fuck."


I froze and hesitated before I turned around. Who could possibly know me at a place like this? What paralyzed me though was that I knew the voice immediately and was stunned and horrified all at once. I wanted to shrivel up and die at that moment but instead I turned around to respond to the person calling my name who I now saw was standing topless with a towel around his waist in the window of the office.


Edited by earlystart
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Chapter 2

There was a silence for a moment that was probably a lot shorter than it felt. The large guy in the office was the one to break it. "This virgin is your son?" Could everyone tell I was a virgin? He looked back and forth from me to dad and I could see the realization in his face. When we were together it was hard not to see the resemblance. In just the couple weeks of the summer that had passed, strangers at the grocery store or in the elevator in his building would casually refer to dad as my dad, just assuming without asking. One woman said that dad looked like he had traveled from the future so he could spend time with his younger self. So for the office guy, things clicked pretty quickly and he turned to dad and said, "This is pretty twisted. Can I watch?" He broke out in laughter. I looked over at dad and he looked like he was frozen in shock not knowing how to respond to any of this.

"Give me a break Freddy," Dad finally said. They knew each other by name? "Do you mind if I talk to my son for a minute? Can I bring him inside to my room?"

Freddy shook his head. "You trying to get him in for free too? Gotta pay up."

"I'm in just my towel Freddy. You know I'm good for it. Let me just talk to him." He looked back at me and motioned me over. I had no idea what to say. Things had taken such a crazy turn. I had thought through some scenarios as extreme as guys trying to kill me. Seeing my dad at a bath house where I was hoping to hook up for the first time was nowhere near being a possibility. That's when it hit me and I just blurted it out loud as it came to me. "Youre bi dad?"

Before dad could respond, Freddy cut in. "Oh shit. Yeah go ahead. You two have a lot to talk about. Go through the door kid." There was a little humanity in his voice. "Like you tried to before you little shit." And then he had to make that last remark. He said it in a sneer but I followed his direction and this time walked through the door.

It was much darker on this side of the door and even though I expected it, it still felt like a surprise. I held onto the door as I let my eyes adjust a little bit but then I heard dad again. "Coop. Come on. It's ok." I turned and saw dad bare chested and in a towel. I knew he was in shape. We both ran and we had a couple times in the past done 5-7 mile runs together to catch up. It killed the awkwardness of sitting one on one in a restaurant or something and trying to come up with things to say. But we weren't going on a run now and we werent even going to a restaurant. We were going to a room he rented in a bath house. I followed dad down the hall but in every way I had no idea where I was.

We turned into a hallway and the first room we passed had a TV playing porn against one of the walls. There was no door and two guys were sitting across each other watching the porn and stroking. I only peeked my head in and then kept walking to keep up with dad. The next thing I noticed was a door that led to a sauna or steam room, I wasnt sure. We didnt stop so I didnt get a look at the sign. Dad turned a corner and this hall had a series of doors that I figured must have been the rooms. Some doors looked open but most doors were closed. This was the first sign of other people being around besides the TV room. I thought there would be more guys out in the hallways but there werent yet. When we passed the first open door, I looked in. The light was off in the room but from the hall light I could see someone laying in the bed stroking looking out I guess waiting for someone to come in or watch. As we approached the next open door, we could hear the sounds of sex. As we passed by, I saw two guys in the bed fucking doggie style. They were both facing the door and I made eye contact with the top. From what I could tell from the glimpse of him that I got, he was probably in his 30s and had a muscular torso with a sleeve tattoo. I almost wanted to stay and watch but I couldn't shake that I was here now with my dad. Awkward wasnt the word anymore. It was more than that and it was stopping me from exploring this place the way that I had thought I might be able to if I were alone. Dad just kept walking so I followed. He turned another corner down another hall of rooms. I started to feel like I was totally lost like if he left me there I wouldnt know how to get out.

Finally, he stopped and went into his shoe to grab a key. When he got it, he stood back up and unlocked a room door. "This is my room." He opened the door and stepped inside. I followed him to the door but once he turned the light on, I saw how small it was. It fit a twin bed and a small table with a lamp on it. He sat down on the bed and noticed that I was still standing outside the door. "Come in. I think we should talk."

I walked in and shut the door.

Dad was seated on the bed. I just stood against the door not sure where to move. I became very aware of two things: how small the room was and how naked dad was. The towel around his waist was your typical gym towel which is to say that when he sat down his entire right thigh was exposed and more of him was at risk of becoming uncovered.

"I guess there are things we have to talk about Coop. Do you wanna sit down?"

I hesitated. "Do you mind if I just stand for now?" I was processing my feelings of embarrassment not just for me but for dad. "So is this your Thursday night poker game?"

"Yeah about that Coop. I didnt want to get you mixed up in anything. Inviting guys over and all. I wasnt trying to keep anything from you. Really."

"Its ok dad. You dont have to explain. Im just shocked I guess and to find out this way is just--"

"Yeah" dad chuckled.

"Does mom know?"

"What? That I'm bi? Yeah. She knew from the start. She didnt think it was her place to tell you. She said when I was ready I could tell you. I guess I'm ready now." He chuckled again and thats when I realized it was his response to his nervousness. He didnt actually think anything was funny. "Does mom know that you're bi?"

"Dad...I'm gay. I went out with those girls because I felt like I had to. Mom doesnt know yet. Just trying to find the right time."

There was silence now. It was hard to know where to go from this point.

"How did you find this place?"


Dad laughed. "So you were looking for...what in particular?" I could feel my body getting clammy having to explain this to my dad. He could tell. "It's ok Coop. You found me here so there's no reason to be embarrassed." So I explained it to him. I was standing in a rented bath house room with my half naked dad telling him about high school and freshmen year in college and finally wanting...needing to be with a guy. Dad just listened quietly nodding.

"I get all of that Coop. I'm sorry we havent spent a lot of time together the past few years so that we could know each other better and you would feel safe sharing those things with me."

"Thanks dad."

"For tonight, let me give you a couple of options so that we feel ok with how this turns out. If you are too weirded out by seeing your dad here, you can walk out now no questions asked. If you want to stay but you still feel weird about me being here, I can leave and I promise I wont be upset by that. Or we can both stay and just try not to get in each others way. Up to you kiddo." Dad laid the choices out really matter of fact but I felt for one of the first times that he was really caring for me in that moment. Looking out for me. And I wanted to give him a hug which I would have done if he was wearing more.

"Actually dad. Since you seem to know this place and the people who work here, would you be ok with staying and showing me around and stuff?" I couldnt bring myself to look dad in the face. I was too afraid of the rejection. I had never come close to being this vulnerable with him before and just wasnt sure how he would take it.

"I'd love that Coop." I looked up and the look in his eyes and face almost made me cry. "One thing you should know before I take you around though. You gotta put this on." He held up my towel. "You cant go around fully clothed. Youre gonna need to get naked and put this around you like me and then we can go." We looked at each other for a long beat. Dad and I had never seen each other naked before. This was the most I had seen of him and now I had to go fully naked in this small room. There was no escape now. I had to just suck it up.

"Uh...ok" I pulled off my t-shirt and then my shorts and realized that dad did not look away. He was watching me get naked. This wasnt for him but for some reason, when only my boxer briefs were left, I made eye contact with him again and did not turn away as I pulled my last stitch of clothing off. I could feel my cock stir and for the first time since I got to the bath house I became aware of how horny I was. Seemingly at the same time we both sensed what was happening and I quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me.

"You ready Coop? You ok?" I nodded and didnt say anything and I think he could sense my nervousness. "Its ok. You dont have to stop anywhere or do anything. we can just take a circle around the place and come back to this room ok? No pressure. You gonna be ok? Im not gonna let anything happen to you...unless you see something you like." He smiled. I nodded again and as he stood up to move to the door, he pulled me into a hug. Our bare chests pressed against each other and as our towels met I could tell that dad was getting hard. Feeling that was getting me harder and I pulled out of the hug and turned to the door. I needed to walk this off.

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What a wonderful Dad, wish mine was that understanding and honest. My sex education from my dad was a letter that said “in, our, in out, repeat “. Never mentioned  whether it should be with women or men because sex with women was implied.

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Great story so far.  Good character development.  Dad seems caring, understanding, and genuine.   However, I hope dad wants a virgin twink and the son wants to lose his virginity to mature tops.  If he is like my father, after having my ass to himself a few times, he had no problem whoring me out to his poker buddies and bar owners where he had tabs. 

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