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connor marched confidently down the sidewalk, his shoulder length black hair in the breeze, counting the houses along the way as he imagined his perfect first date.
"abby" he nodded, fondly remembering the profile online.  as he climbed the steps to the wood clad shotgun house he no
sooner rapped against the door as it suddenly opened.  "hey."  remarked a sandy redheded guy in baggy jeans and a
sleeveless shirt.  "is...abby here?"  the boy smiled in response. "oh yeah! come on in my dude."  Connor followed the
young man down the narrow hall and into a living room as the television blared.  "she literally just got into the
shower.  takes fucking forever...girls right?"  connor nodded with a smile.  "feel free to hang out and wait."  Connor sat back on
the futon and opened his phone.  "Beer?  its the end of the week, i always go for a cold one."  The redhead thrust a can
toward him. "sure"  connor smiled as he sent a quick message to abby, letting her know he was waiting patiently, and settled back to watch the nonchalant
redhead pick up his controller and dive back into whatever game was on the flatscreen.  the minutes seemed to crawl
slowly by as his once passing interest in the game gave way to struggling to even keep his head up.  "Hey what did you say your name
was again?"  the boy remarked coldly as he stood up flipped the TV off.  Connor struggled to dumbly squeeze out the first
syllable of his name and as he slowly tried to rise from the couch, the red headed boy suddenly appeared before him face
to face.  "doesnt matter..." he muttered as he gently pressed a finger into the dazed boys chest, sending him crashing
back onto the couch.

Connor roused wide-eyed and with a sore head at the distant tintinabulation of oldies music. squinting in what appeared to be...another room?  his heart
began to pound as pieces of his situation came at him full speed.  his eyes darting around, he appeared to be shackled
to a..sling? stripped of his clothes.  "someone fucking help me!!" he wailed, panic setting in as he rattled in futility against
his padded restraints.  but there came no response, only a low humming from the dark corner hall.  "I'm as corny as
Kansas in August.."  Connors head darted about to try to locate the source of the oration.  "High as a flag on...the
Fourth of July..."  came a slow refrain once again from the alto voice.  "Hello?!?! who
are you!?"  Connor again strained his wrists as the trod of footsteps grew nearer.  "No more a smart..."  peeked from
the darkness a 6'4 blonde boy with piercing green eyes and a shoulder bag, making his way closer.  "little girl with no
heart..." he strut forward theatrically a few steps, paused, and standing tall at the side of the sling leaned in to whisper, "I have found me a wonderful
guy."  Connor once again bellowed a cry for help, which was mockingly roared back with a smile, silencing his
protest in shock.  "It wouldnt be much of a dungeon, if people could hear you.  Please try to calm down."  the shapely boy
stepped back to open his bag, sorting through various objects.  "who are you? what is this? where is Abby."  connor asked pensively.
"Oh Im Corbin," the boy smiled a cheshire grin back to him once again, his pierced lips and nose glinting in the light.  "Is that what we called her
this time?  how basic.  Tiffany, now thats a name.  I guess we didnt want to scare you off with too much formality."
Corbin set his bag on the stand next to the captive young man and continued. "so...there never was
one.  My friends and I post these heartfelt little profiles online, and nice young men like yourself jump at them like
flies to a bugzapper..."  Corbin idly tugged at one of the chains as he continued.  "See this weekend youre what we call
the fuckstick.  a free cock anyone can jump on and a hot little hole they can fill, no questions asked, and drain their balls all over you.  I mean compared
to online dating its perfect.  no awkward hookups or small talk or status, just strrrrraddle the fuckstick and make it happen."
Corbin beamed as he began unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his toned alabaster abs, firm chest, and little black scorpion tattoo
nestled just below his bellybutton.  "im not gay."  Connor protested obstinately.  "I dont care mr..."  Corbin fished
out a wallet and peered into it, "connor.  it doesnt matter."  Corbin tossed the leather bifold aside and slid off his
pants, picking up a large black marker.  "I dont fuck dudes."  connor roared once again in protest as the boy
smirked, looming over his writhing form with ease and gripping a fistful of the boys long hair.  "You fuck what i tell you
to fuck, fuckstick."  Corbin quickly sneered into his ear.  "my name is Connor"  the boy spat back as he was greeted with a slap
across the face.  "wrong.  Connors not here this weekend, what is your name?" Corbin paused to watch the boy spit on
him.  "yummo..but not the right answer.  what is your name?"  Corbin wiped the spit
from his face and into his mouth before winding up and slapping the boy again.  As anger gave way to frustration, Connor
shouted one last time in desparation, only to be rewarded once again with the sting of the boys hand across his face.
"Baby, all you need to do, is just tell me your name..."  Connors hopelessness momentarily gave way to blubbering as
the dominant man gently brushed his cheek.  "Fuck...stick."  Connor whispered through clenched teeth.  "Thats right such
a pretty little fuckstick, now lie still.." Corbin brushed aside an errant tear from the boys face and ran his hand through his hair one last time before uncapping the marker and
slowly stenciling his new name across his chest.  "there we go.  wouldnt be a very good fuckstick if people didnt know
you were one."  Corbin lectured at the defeated boy, gently pulling his long clear piece of plastic tubing nearer, "we're
all hooked up and ready fuckstick, so this will only take a second."  Connors heart began to race as he took immediate
notice of the IV line in his arm. "what is this please dont do this.."  he blurted one last time as Corbin began administering the needle into his line, "nice deep breaths for me
fuckstick, the medicine is good for you..." Corbin slowly stroked the boys chest as a dim expression washed over his face.
"see im really what you call more of a compliance officer or a coach i guess?"  Corbin smiled as he felt the boys pulse slow and the struggling end  "it doesnt matter.  I help you get nice and
ready."  the ringing in connors ears was distraction enough as he felt the soft warm hand on his chest, Why was he here
again? he sighed as the lights in the room seemed to dance about, only eventually gazing down to see corbins tattooed
fist pump away at his uncut cock.  "there we are fuckstick nice and high. nine whole inches! just like your profile said isnt
it?  im so glad you werent a fibber.  does it feel good in my hand? lie back and let it leak a little for me slut im just getting to know you. we have all night."

Had it been minutes? days? connor could barely keep track of what was happening in the room as his dick seemed to throb
and ache all on its own, rock hard.  "never shaved here?" Connor came back to earth just long enough to notice his dick
had been marinating in a pool of its own precum.  "whah?" he slurred curiously. He couldnt remember why he had to be here anymore, but Corbin seemed
oddly familiar.  "im not surprised, most straight guys dont..."  Corbin remarked as he draped a warm wet towel over the
young mans cock.  "First rule of being a good fuckstick, people need to see your big pretty tool"  filling his palm with shaving
gel he idly remarked, "my daddy mostly taught me to keep shaved, see?"  Corbin pulled his jock open to reveal his six
inch pierced and tattooed uncut cock.  "not a hair anywhere.  now you..."  Corbin pulled back the towel and began
lathering the squirming boy up.  "are you ticklish?"  Corbin asked amusedly as he held the boys hips in place.  "I
remember my first time too, a little conscious, a little not, like a nice dream you cant wake up from.  but! i was a good boy just like you fuckstick." Corbin
smiled and Connor couldnt help but return his expression.  "Sit still now." Corbin whispered and carefully razored the boy as he hummed along,
removing his once full bush to expose the soft bare flesh below and as he wiped the last of the shaving cream he gave
one final inspection before nodding to himself proudly.  "now for the jewelery.  not that youll need it since you were a
very good boy and took your medicine.  its just nice to see around a cock."  Corbin reached back into his
shoulder bag and produced a steel cockring.  "this might be just a little cold at first, but it keeps that big greasy
fuckmeat where people can appreciate it."  Connor barely registered as he felt his prick, followed by each nut
slowly slide into the ring which was pushed firmly against him.  he briefly felt exposed as the metal seemed to do just what was
advertised and push his genitals lewdly from his body.  "I never know what our party guests prefer, fuzzy wuzzy or
shaved...its so hard to really get it right you know?"  Corbin tugged the boys hips closer, exposing him further as he
pulled his cheeks apart, "not like your dosage.  your weights right on your profile! it makes it so easy to keep you
flying first class." Corbin looked up at the boy as he ran an index finger across his virgin asshole, eliciting a soft
gasp.  "thats right.  feels so naughty doesnt it?  am i the first boy to touch it for you?  i suppose a little hair is okay fuckstick.
youve got a very pretty little hole."  popping the top off a tub of vaseline he held his greased fingers just at the precipice
of the boys soft, forbidden entrance.  "I know you probably dont trust me right now, but i promise, in just a few
minutes youre going to open up like you never thought you could.

Edited by mass1ve
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corbin readied his steady fingers to pierce the young man before pausing to run a tattooed hand up his leg.
"youre tense.."  he mumbled and thought for a moment before inhaling deeply.  "you know..." he remarked,
returning the glistening glob of lube to its tub and setting its aside, "our first toys..fucksticks..they only lasted
about twenty minutes.  i wont lie, its a lot of cock..."  Corbin returned his grip to the boys pulsing prick, softly pushing the foreskin back and forth
over the sticky pink head.  "its so hard making boys take care of their toys.  you see a juicy fuckhole, and you need to
fuck it...push deep and let every inch inside.  its just natural."  Corbin traced his thumb around the boys glans and
over the head, smiling at his soft little groan before continuing.  "boys are supposed to fuck boys connor and i cant
change that, they fuck and cum."  he remarked flatly.  "anyhow, i sort of updated a lot of the rules.
pretty holes are like fireworks.  If you set them off all at once, its just no fun."  Corbin
shifted his hand to grip and massage the boys balls as he freed his own cock to stroke.  "no, what i decided was a lot
more exciting.  the medicine i picked helps make you feel yummy all over and get nice and hard"  Corbin squeezed a drop
of precum from the boys captive prick, "that was my idea.  But tonight the parties on a schedule, from little to big.
it makes you last longer." corbin slowly knelt between the boys legs, placing his thumbs and spreading the boys hole.
"but i guess i got ahead of myself, because the first thing you need is a nice big kiss."  Corbin leaned in, gently lifting the boys heavy ballsack
as he pressed his tongue against the hot manhole and was rewarded with a surprisingly effeminate whimper.  each
boy was different, most jumping in surprise at the hot wet touch even with a heavy dose of party drugs, but Connor
betrayed something different and rare.  Corbin continued, mating his lips against the boys ass as he began gently
swirling his tongue and sucking at the boys soft little fuckhole.

Connor flexed his hands and clenched his jaw as Corbin pulled his hips closer and his unstoppable violation slowly continued.  his protests, although hard
to form, were frequently punctuated by grunts and whimpers as Corbins mouth gently opened him against his will.  the
various "no" and "stop" he had managed to mumble were ignored for so long he had given up.  his mind screamed to get
out, to run, to fight, anything, but the boys dreary eyes could hardly find the floor let alone the door.  squinting
into the air he saw a familiar sight which took ages to register.  two boys, someones head bobbing? arms and legs...It finally dawned on him, he was watching his
own reflection.  he groaned one last unheard "no" as he craned his neck to take stock of his situation.  his cock had spilled so
much precum it now formed a shimmerming pool in his belly button.  Corbins thumb and forefingers remained gently
suspending his heavy balls as the boy pushed his tongue now effortlessly in and out of his hole, its soft warm caress only
further serving to disarm the obstinate straight man.  Collin furrowed his brow and gazed on silently, as the cacaophany
of sucking and slurping continued.

"Beautiful"  Corbin dragged the boy back to earth with his remark as he pulled back, admiring his handywork.  the once tiny pink
pucker had become a swollen, puffy, soft boyhole.  "like i said..."  Corbin stood, reclaiming the lube and pressing a
generous amount against the hot hole, "we're on a schedule, so everythings taken care of.  relax for it..."  Corbin
smiled into the boys eyes and as he softly whined, his hole gently gave way to the boys middle finger.  "there we go,
thats our first little friend tonight."  corbin plunged his finger deeper as he registered the boys discomfort before
gently confirming his prostate.  "Say hi now..." he whispered, gently leaning into connors ear as he pressed against his
virgins forbidden prize.  The singular groan that came from the boy was an unmistakeable, unholy, succulent symphony Corbin delighted in hearing.
this was the soft song only a virgin could sing to him.  "very good fuckstick very good...lie back now and let it
happen..."  he encouraged the captive young man.  pumping softly into him, his shoulders relaxed, sinking into
the sling.  corbin delighted in his slow deflowerings as they produced the hungriest fucksticks.  babbling, writhing,
eager straight boys that craved penetration were so much more enjoyable than his run of the mill idle fuck zombies.  pulling out fully he
slid a second digit in, almost effortlessly, and smirked at the brief expression of question on Connors brow as he
continued to massage and tease the boy.  "isnt it nice?  I know just where you need it fuckstick, just where to touch.
let me show you how good it feels baby..."  Corbin hissed as he continued probing the boys ass.  connor just grunted
softly as the expert top worked him to extacy.  he felt full, hard, like something inside him needed more.  like his
whole body wanted to be touched inside.  Finally satisfied with the supple texture of the boys pussy,
Corbin slowly pulled his fingers from the puffy pink ring and took his place.

Connor glanced around, visibly annoyed.  the dull fullness in him had abated and he felt frustratingly empty now.
"connor..."  The guiding voice seemed surprising, welcome, as he looked up to see a tall boy wrap one hand around his
hip and another around the base of his prick.  "remember me? our second guests here...."  Corbin slid himself gently against the boys well worked asshole and was
rewarded with a tight kiss against his cockhead as the steel from his piercing slowly slipped inside.  This was the moment,
the exquisite instance when he would gently flex his hips to deflower another helpless young straight man.  "Say hi
now..."  he whispered, gazing into connors eyes.  without protest he sighed, slowly easing all six inches into the boy as a deafening silence enveloped
them.  gripping the chains of the sling, he tugged the last inch of his cock into the boy as they both gasped and
sighed.  "sshhhhh its okay, its okay.  im inside now."  Corbin soothed the confused looking boy as he ran his hands
across him.  "see how nice that is? youre such a good boy.  i told you id make it easy."  Corbin gently swirled his hips, planting his cock in
and out of the newly deflowered boy.  "now the next parts super easy Connor, all you need to do is relax while I
fuck...just for a little bit..until your hole makes me cum."  Connor groaned in response as the cockhead inside
him seemed to stroke all his cares away. "Connor?"  the boy grunted as he bounced back and forth on the sticky cock.
"sorry about that"  Corbin sighed, watching the boys hole easily milk him over and over, "I must have been thinking of
someone else, fuckstick.."

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

"look at you! giving up that pussy like a good boy should. I knew you could do it fuckstick." Corbin cheered the boy as he continued to open him, occasionally glancing up to appreciate his work. The mirror, some cheap dorm room accesory picked up ages ago, was perhaps the best accessory to the evening. a fifteen dollar constant reminder for every straight man who found themselves in the sling that their purpose was to serve as a greased cumhole. "can you see it fuckstick?" he remarked slowly as he dragged the length of his tool out of the dripping wet boy. Connor watched the boys shiny cockring as it slipped from his asshole and hovered above him, only registering the emptiness he felt and the cool air on his wet hole. "look up baby...look at your hole. isnt that neat? my whole dick fits up inside you where it belongs now fuckstick, and this pretty cock? its greasing you up full of my pre. here, watch it fillllll you up..." Corbin teased as he effortlessly slid back into the warmth of the boys virgin hole, grinning as he watched him softly grunt. "Thats the way. you feel me dont you, feel it deep in you..I know it doesnt feel like youre doing a whole lot but trust me that naughty little cunt is. youre making my cock feel so fucking good." Corbins words seem to drip in the boys ears as he rocked along, obediently accepting the hot cock. "the first time so special fuckstick. a little different, a little scary i know, but before you know it i promise that litte holes going to be your most favorite thing in the whole wide world." Collins mind wandered. this was it? this is all he wanted? he felt for sure there was something else he wasnt aware of as his ass met the boys hips again and again. he felt pleasantly full, like a thanksgiving dinner, only more? the drugs made it impossible to focus on any complex emotion or opinion other than the immediate sensations. his butt felt slick from all the lube, and for a minute he forgot why any of this was important at all. Corbin seemed to speed up and slow down at his own pace, sending the occasional tingle through his own cock as he mashed into his g spot. he huffed as the toned pigs balls slapped harder at his ass, but the dick inside him didnt seem to so much as pinch, it just pushed deeper. Corbins dick felt like it belonged, like a secret, evil little toy that tickled his insides.

"god i could rape this hole all night fuckstick...wouldnt that be nice? spend the whole night with just me inside? just me and you and your little pussy sucking the jizz right out of me" he remarked, checking his watch, "but like I said we have a schedule and lots more cock needs to breed you." Corbin picked up his pace again as his balls tightened. "bread?" Connor grunted aimlessly as the boy between his legs let out a chuckle. "no fuckstick not bread, breeeeeeeed..." he moaned, "you dont know what that is i guess so ill spell it out because im real close to showing you. You lay here all nice and dreamy while that greasy little fuck hole milks a big hot load of cum out of whatever cocks inside it." corbin looked down in concern. "just...fucking...watch..." Corbin grit his teeth and made a few final thrusts before pressing tightly to the boys soft ass. throwing his head back, he groaned in satisfaction as his cock began its familiar dance, pumping the boy full of his first deep hot load of seed. "thats..." Corbin huffed, catching his breath, "thats...just perfect. see? thats breeding, thats what youre here for fuckstick, just a nice pretty asshole to drain your balls into." Connor felt the thick cock inside him as it seemed to slip just a little easier now with so much cum in his butt. "god youre fucking greedy." he hissed, jamming a finger into the boy and wiggling, "come on, come on, at least let me see a little bit drip out of you..." Corbin smiled, yanking his finger out as a milky white ooze reluctantly seeped from the hole. "such a beautiful little fucking whore you know that? god its like your pussy knows to keep that cum inside..." connor blushed in response, not sure if he was doing something wrong or right as stared at his own ass.

Another eternity passed before a hand waved in front of his face. "hey there litte guy.." It was the redhead from upstairs "dont mind me, just need to take a few pretty pictures to show the party guests..." Connor stared blankly as the teen snapped pictures of his face and dribbling cock, "Corbin did you barefuck him?" the teen kneeled down to photograph the boys freshly fucked hole a few times. "sure did. his pussys got seed in it but hes not exactly oozing it. fucking slut." the pig smiled, "your turn isnt it?" he groped the redhead through his shorts, "I gotta finish this post..." the boy protested as Corbin slid the phone from his hand and lined him up between Connors legs. "plenty of time for that later. dont fight it, take care of this firrrrst...i promise this one is fantastic" the redheads cock was now visibly thickening to the touch, tenting in his shorts as he grumbled. "fine." the pig smiled with glee as he leaned in to his prey, "Connor this is Dalton, hes got a nice big eighteen year old cock that he strokes all day long, but todays special because hes about to push it inside you instead. sound fun? a nice big load of...teen..." Corbin cringed and paused as Dalton finished rolling on a long green condom before pushing his cockhead against the boy. "ugh, kids. you know, you really know how to ruin a good time young man." Corbin scolded as the condomed teen slid into connor. "its safer this way besides i dont want your cum all over my dick you fucking pig" Dalton shot back as he found a rhythm and connor moaned under him. Corbin glared as he fished through his bag again. "fine then!" he grinned, walking past the couple before pausing behind Dalton, "but he DOES feel really good though doesnt he? no fibbing now..." Dalton grunted as he slid his shorts down a little lower, "yeah, this ones tight.." Dalton remarked as though Connor didnt even exist. "yeah he is. hey here, let me help you make it feel better..." corbin pushed the little brown bottle of poppers under the inexperienced teens nose as he recoiled, "ugh ew what the fuck is that..i dont want to do anything tonight." continuing to apply pressure, Corbin held the bottle to the squirming boys face, "relax its just a little pick me up, makes you feel good you know? just breathe..." Corbin waited for him to tentatively inhale before pulling the bottle back, "oh...whoa...dizzy" Dalton wobbled as corbin gave a laugh, "thats it! there...keep fucking him it'll pass..." Corbin held the boy closer as the poppers clearly had their intended effect: dalton was now stroking faster into the connor, "that a boy! let me hear those balls slap...breathe it for me again.." Corbin whispered, returning the bottle to the teen again and again to ever less protest until he could barely stand. "its so good isnt it?" Corbin didnt wait for an answer before gently wrapping his hands around Daltons hips, "pull it out and ill make it feel even better, promise..." Corbins tattooed hands directed the boys hips in protest as his cock slid out. "dont....i wanna fuuuuck." Dalton protested as corbins hand slid around the teens shaft, "its okay youll fuck dont worry, just relax already. let me jerk it..." Corbin slowly and methodically stroked the boy, inching the condom up his shaft "look at that big pretty cock...so wet and yummy....lets see the rest of it..." corbin pushed the last little ring of latex off the head of the teens dripping prick. "stop it..." dalton grumbled, reaching for the greasy rubber on the floor before he was abruptly stopped, "sshh, its okay its okay, here comes mister feel good, nice big breath for me..." Corbin sang into the boys ear as he obediently inhaled the poppers, "there ya go lets make those big juicy balls bounce." As he worked the boys shaft he leaned in, each hit of poppers slowly pushing him closer to the tight hot hole in front of him until at last the boys mushroom tip leaked and oozed against Connors unprotected hole. "back inside now, give him your cock..." Dalton needed no coaching, with a head full of poppers and a firm tug from Corbin his dick slowly vanished into the hot cunt for what looked like the most deliciously sensual fuck he had seen in a long time. two or three pumps later betrayed the boys youth as he gasped, "i gotta pull it out im gonna cum!" Corbin grabbed the boys shoulders and humping against him pushed Dalton over the edge with a long groan as he struggled against Connors ass. "theeeerre we go thats a good boy, pump it all out now, cream that pretty hole nice and deep." satisfied the teen had managed to dump every drop into Corbins new litle toy he stepped back and watched as the redhead pulled out with a plop and a warm ooze of jizz. "youre a dick Corbin." The pig just smiled and returned to the couch, "feel free to dump another load in him later tonight when you get hard again."


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