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Old troll creaming the athlete

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I play quarterback on my university's football team. Im tall with a large frame, but I’m not fat (6’2, 230 lbs). Gym and practice are what I focus on most. It was only my freshman year, but I had played all throughout high school too, so I was well on my way.

During spring break, I went home to visit my dad. We lived in a rougher part of town, so it had its fair share of shady types, but it was still home to me. Dad and I got along well. Typical guys. We talked about sports, girls, work, argued about politics. It never went anywhere too seriously, so we just ended up shooting the shit like we usually do. What I did look forward to was my dad’s new hot tub. Well, sort of new. He took it off the hands of someone who wasn’t using it anymore.


It was later in the evening that we were going to try it out together. Neither of us owned swim trunks, but that didn’t matter. We’d just skinny dip since it was in the backyard and there was plenty of privacy. We set out a case of beers and were getting the tub ready. Just as we were stripped down and about to go in, there was a knock on the front door.


"Ah shit, just a moment, Ryan. I’ll go see who that is." Dad threw on some shorts and went to answer the door. I was sitting on the edge of the tub, naked in the night air. I was dipping my fingers in the hot water and casually playing with my dick. I wasn’t trying to get it hard or anything. I just tend to play with it when I get bored or space out. Eventually, dad came back with company.


"Hey Ryan. This is Mr. Wilson. The guy who gave me the tub. He wanted to take it for another spin." I looked over and saw an older man in his late 60s or early 70s. He was terribly thin and pale. He was bald on top with a gaunt face. He definitely fit the profile of one of the shady types.


"Oh hey. Thanks for hooking my dad up." He walked on over and started getting undressed. I was used to showering with the other guys after practice, so being around other naked men didn’t bother me.


"Nice to meet you, Ryan. Hope you two have been enjoying the tub."


"Not yet, we were just about to jump in." I looked toward my dad. But he didn’t get undressed.


"I can’t this time. I need to take care of a few things I forgot about. Plus, the tub would overflow with all three of us in there. You two have fun." And with that, dad left me alone with Mr. Wilson.


Mr. Wilson was down to his underwear and leaning up against the hot tub on the opposite side of me. I figured I’d step in since I wasn’t waiting for dad anymore. I sat up on the edge with my legs dipped in. The water was hot but felt good. Mr. Wilson did the same. As he swung his leg around, I saw his dick. Damn, it was big. I thought he might have had an erection at first, but it was actually flaccid. I wasn’t interested in imagining what it looked like, but damn if I wasn't a little envious. We both sat down in the water at the same time. Sinking into the hot water up to our chests. It felt good.


"It’s nice to dip in after a long day. Johny tells me you play sports?" He talked pretty fem. I could tell he was one of those flamboyant gays back in his day.


"Yeah, quarterback at university." I grab a couple beers and crack them open. I offer one to Mr. Wilson, but he just waves it away, not interested. So I sip mine down and keep the extra near by.


"I can tell. You’re a large young bull from what I can see."


"I gotta keep the muscle mass up; it's good for tackles."


"I’m sure you’re great at tackling. For me, it’s difficult to keep my weight up. I'm quite ravaged away, as you can notice."


"Do you diet? Do a lot of cardio?"


"I get my cardio in other ways, but I’m not thin from dieting. It’s standard wasting from advanced AIDS."


That last sentence made me feel uncomfortable. The guy was sick with something pretty bad, but I tried to play it cool and not let it get to me. There was a large gay community near by, so I shouldn’t be too surprised.


"Sorry to hear that man."


"It’s fine. I’ve been on home hospice care, and it’s hard for me to get around. Which is why the hot tub is very relaxing for me. I hated giving it up, but the maintenance was getting too much for me. Too many wild parties kept clogging up the filter. But it’s nice to come by and take a dip every now and then. I can at least make the trip next door here."


"That’s good, I suppose."


"And my viral load is in the millions."


"That’s pretty cool." I had no idea what that meant, but it sounded impressive. Mr. Wilson raised an eyebrow, like I said something interesting.


I finished my first beer and was burning through my second. Mr. Wilson and I chatted about random stuff. Small talk. It went on for quite a while, with a bit more beer. As he trailed on about something, I was trying to act interested, but the beer was getting to me, and in my obliviousness, I ended up playing with my dick out of boredom. Mr. Wilson must have noticed because he started playing with his. It started to get semi hard in the water, and I couldn’t help but notice it getting bigger.


"Hey Wilson, don’t take this the wrong way, but how fucking big does that thing get?" The alcohol was definitely making me less tactful.


"Oh, this old thing? It can get up to 11.5 inches."


"Woah really? Bullshit. You’re such a small framed dude. It can’t really get that big."


"My condition doesn’t shrink my cock. If anything, the lack of body mass only accentuates my length more."


"Oh sure, whatever, I call bullshit."


"I can prove it."


"Fine dude. Prove it." A ridiculous challenge. Now Mr. Wilson was standing up and playing with his cock in front of me, stroking it. I was chugging more beer, waiting to see if this guy was all talk or if he could really get his dick large.


"Oh, I’m getting a little winded. I need to hold on to something." Mr. Wilson let go of his cock and put his hands on my shoulders.


"You okay, man?"


"Yeah, I just need a little extra support. Would you mind giving my meat down there a hand?"


"I’m not gonna jack you, dude."


"You’re not jacking it. Just getting it hard. It was your idea." He had a point. I did want him to prove it that he had an 11.5-inch dick.


"Fuck it." I put my hand on his cock and started stroking it.


"Yeah, just like that young man."


His thing was getting bigger in my hand. It quickly grew to full length, with thick veins and his cock head poking out from his forskin. The tip was looking at me.


"Yeah, that’s nice. What do you think? big hu?" His cock was definitely large. I could feel it throb in my hands as his hips rocked back and forth. The tip of his cock started oozing, and it was dripping down into the water.


"He he he, shit man you were right. It’s definitely huge." I was laughing it off. My curiosity satisfied. I let go of his cock and it slapped down between my pecs like a hotdog in a bun. He slid it up and down like he was trying to slowly titty fuck me.


"Now that it’s hard, what do we do with it from here?" I looked down at it between my pecs. He twitched it up towards my face, pointing it just below my nose. I thought this was just to prove he had a big one. I wasn’t expecting it to go any further.


"Uh, I’m not gay. I’ve never sucked cock before."


As I opened my mouth, Mr. Wilson let his tip rest on my bottom lip.


"I never said anything about sucking it. But that sounds like fun."


I pulled away and got up, changing the subject.


"This thing has jets, right? How do I get those on?" I was drinking more beer as I was bent over fooling with the control panel on the side. Then I felt something warm poke my asshole.


"It’s this button over here." Mr. Wilson was leaning over on top of me. Reaching around to the proper button.


"Uh, is that your dick?"


"Oh this? Yeah, couldn’t help myself. Your large, muscular ass was too tempting not to give it a poke. Hope that’s okay."


"That’s alright. Guys in the locker rooms dick slap every now and then, so a little poke doesn’t bother me. It’s not like you’d be able to get into me anyway. I do legs twice a week, so my ass muscles would be too strong for ya."


"Is that so? I could push in and you’d keep me out?"


"Go ahead, try it." The beer was definitely affecting my judgment. Mr. Wilson grabbed his dick and started pushing towards me. I felt my ass getting pushed in, but his tip wasn’t making any progress. I was clenching tight.


"You are tight. What a big mountain of meat you are." He started stroking his cock as he pressed up against me. "Let’s get some natural lube on that ass." I felt my ass getting slippery from his pre. He was digging around, getting me greased up, and pressing harder. "Push that hole out. Open up for me."


"I’m not trying to let you in. If it can’t go in, it can’t go in."


"But I’m an old man; I need a little help to penetrate your strong young ass. What if I do get it in?" His pushing persisted.


"It won’t."


"I think it will."


"Ha ha. If you can get it in, then you can do whatever you want to."


"Is that a promise?"


I was still drinking beer. My buzz a full on drunk by this point.


"Heh, I’ll do whatever you say if you can manage to jam that big thing in me."


"Oh, I plan on holding you up to that. This old queen is going to pop that neg cherry."


"Then do it, man." I rocked my ass back into his dick as he kept trying to push it in. His movements got more enthusiastic as he was stroking his cock. His tip trying to dig into me, oozing out more pre on my hole. I thought it was pretty funny, this skinny old fem grandpa attempting to fuck me. I would die of embarrassment if any of the guys from the team saw me like this. Bent over with some random wrinkly old gay dude digging into my ass. But we were well secluded in the backyard in the dead of night. So I figured it was harmless to let him have his fun. The beer was getting me cocky, and I decided to tease him.


"Come on grandpa. Jam that cock in my jock ass. Fuck me senseless. Make me your bottom bitch."


"Oh? You want this poz cock to fuck a load in you?" He kept humping away at me. I knew the guy had a dangerous cock, but I was confident in myself. I was rocking back into his humping. Mr. Wilson not making any progress on penetration.


"It's not going in man. You’re gonna have to call it."


Mr. Wilson stopped his efforts but reached over to the hot tub filter.


"True, guess I’ll have to use something to smooth it along." He pulled out the filter and reached in the container, pulling out a handful of a globby yellow-beige substance.


"What’s that?" I asked, a little disturbed by the sight of it.


"You know, I’ve had many parties in this thing. The filter always gets clogged with cum and sex juices. I’m glad to know there’s still some left over." Mr. Wilson slapped a handful of the slime on my ass and stroked his cock with it. It felt sticky and gross, but I had serious doubts over how well that would work.


"He he, gross dude. But hey, if you think that will help, you’re welcome to try again."


"Spread your ass for me."


I grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled them apart.


"Good, now push that hole out."


I puckered out my asshole. Wilson smeared more goo on my hole. Then I felt a jab as he stuck a finger in me.


"Oh shit, your finger is in me, dude!" His finger went in while pushing the tub cum goo in me.


"Yeah we need to get your ass used to things going inside it. My finger is much thinner than my cock, so it went in no problem. How does it feel?" Wilson was finger-fucking me. It felt strange, but not bad.


"It’s kinda weird."


"Then let’s get more in." He then pushed another finger in. My ass felt like it was getting stretched a bit. The goo helped the process along. Then came a third finger.


"Ouch, that’s getting tight. Think you can ease up?" He didn’t stop. His fingers kept digging into me and twirling around.


"Just a moment. You’re definitely a virgin down there. But it’s starting to feel like you’ve been prepped enough." He pulled his fingers out and slapped more goo in my ass. He then repositioned his cock at my hole. It was coated in the cum goo. "Now push your hole open for me and spread your legs more."


I did as instructed. He didn’t have any luck getting into me before so I didn’t think he’d be able to do it this time even with the fingering. He started to push. It felt like my ring was hugging his tip. Not fully keeping him out. But then I started to open up more with his pushing.


"Oh shit. That’s really slippery." Wilson leaned down. Grabbed my pecs and whispered in my ear.


"Such impressive muscles you have. I can’t wait to see how this disease of mine devours them all away."




Wilson gave a hard thrust, and to my shock, his cock slammed all the way up my ass. My cheeks slapping his pelvis.


"OUH! FUCK!" He actually got it in! I didn’t think he could, but it was definitely all the way up in me. He wasted no time getting to fucking. His massive meat drilling away at my insides.


"What’s wrong, jock boy? Can’t handle this old man’s dick?" His assault was rough and hard. My guts were hurting, and I wanted him out. I was moving around. Trying to get out of the tub. I ended up stumbling out on the ground. Wilson’s cock popping out of me.


"Wow, that was wild. I didn’t think you’d be able to get it in." I got to my feet rubbing my ass. Wilson got out of the tub and got behind me, rubbing my shoulders. His hard on poking my ass.


"I recall you saying I could do whatever I wanted if I could get it in you." He rocked his hips around, sinking the tip of his cock between my cheeks and meeting up with my hole again.


"Well yeah, but wasn’t that just a joke? You can’t expect me to let you fuck me."


"Now now, you need to be a man of your word." He gave another thrust and popped his dick back up inside my ass as we were standing up.


"Oh shit! I told you man, I’m not gay." The intoxication was making me feel wobbly. Wilson was happily fucking me where we stood. He then started walking forward, herding me back towards the house.


"Doesn’t matter if you’re straight or gay; my cock still fits nicely inside you. Damn, you are tight as hell. Let’s go in the house and have some proper fun." Each thrust made me walk forward, going further and further into the house.


"Wait, dude, we can’t. My dad is in there. He can’t see me like this." I whispered. But it didn’t stop Wilson.


"Then we will just have to be quiet. Where is your bedroom?" He was whispering to. As we quietly walked through the house, I was trying to lead him to my bedroom so we didn’t alert dad to what we were doing. That’s when I saw him on the couch in the living room. He was facedown on the couch with an empty bottle of whiskey next to his laptop. He was totally passed out. Wilson stopped us where we stood, his cock still inside me the entire time.


"Oh, look at this. Instead of your bedroom, let’s go over there. We should spend some quality time with your daddy." He turned us around and was now ushering me towards my past out father on the couch. He was still only in his shorts and nothing else, snoring away.


"No! I don’t want to wake him."


"Then don’t wake him up." My dad was now just a few inches away from us. "How about you get down and pull those shorts off of him?"


"Why? We can’t do anything like that."


"You have to do anything I say, remember? If not, I could just cum inside you now. Do you want to get infected with my AIDS because of your insubordination?"


"Fuck no." We both got down to our knees. Wilson never let go of me. Never taking his cock out. I reached over to my dad and put my hands on his hips, grabbing his shorts and slowly working them off of him, revealing his hairy ass. Dad also played football a long time ago. He had quite an impressive build from what I had seen in his old photos. But now he had gained weight on top of that. He was a mixture of muscle and chub. So his ass was quite large.


"That’s a good boy. Now spread your dad‘s ass open and get your tongue in there."


I couldn’t eat out my own dad‘s ass. That's  sick and wrong. I had my hands on his large round ass; I didn’t want to spread it apart to find out what its greasy hole would look like. Wilson, picking up my hesitation, gave a sharp thrust inside of me, jabbing his cocktip deep into my guts, causing a jolt of pain. He put a hand on my back and pushed me down. My face plapping against my dad‘s ass cheeks. He hadn’t showered today yet. He was musky and sweaty, with a hint of BO on him. I didn’t want to do it, but the painful cock in my ass wouldn’t relent unless I did what this old troll said. I spread my ass cheeks apart, revealing a juicy, dark pucker looking up at me. God, it looked so masculine and grimy. That's where his shit comes from. I’m supposed to lick that?


"Lick it or don’t. I’ll just have my fun back here." Wilson started going to town on my ass. Fucking me in front of my sleeping dad. His cock reached deep, sliding in and out of me. It hurt, but it was also strangely good at the same time. His pace was faster than before. He was really getting into it. "Oh God your muscular ass feels so good. You’re squeezing me so tight, oof, I’m not going to last at this rate. Fuck boy you must really want me to blast my poz cum in you."


Wilson emphasized ‘poz cum’ reminding me that I was getting fucked by something that could absolutely destroy my life. I looked down at dad‘s ass, considering what I should do. Wilson fucking me hard. His hips slamming into my ass.


"Oh shit boy. It’s coming. Either eat that ass or swallow up my AIDS… I'm good for either one. Oh my… oh my."


Wilson was grunting and moaning. My ass felt wet and sloppy as he pulled all the way out and slammed all the way back in. His angry cock was definitely doing a number on my insides. Sliding throughout my tunnels, working its way up to spew its toxic poison. I could imagine his cock head inside me. His piss slit opening on the plunge forward and closing on the pull out. I was staring at my dad’s asshole. One question in my mind. Get AIDS or commit incest?’


Out of desperation, I dove my face into my dad‘s ass and licked his hole. It was salty and bitter, but juicy and moist. I dug my tongue inside while his ass cheeks hugged my face.


"That’s a good boy; enjoy the taste of your father's ass juice." Wilson’s fucking slowed down. He was no longer working up to orgasm but just giving me slow, gradual thrusts. I had an old queenie gay dude fucking me raw while I had my tongue deep up in my dad‘s asshole. It was like something out of a dark, sick, twisted porno. Wilson’s slow fucking was stimulating me in all the right places. I felt my cock getting hard. I was even getting used to the taste of my dad‘s ass. I think I was even enjoying the taste of it. I grabbed my dick and started stroking it while I was getting fucked. Damn, I really didn’t want to enjoy what was happening, but I couldn’t deny the old fuckers technique.


"Nice, looks like you’re starting to enjoy yourself there. Let's aim you up a little further." Wilson pushed against my hips, dislodging my face from my dad‘s ass. We repositioned further up, and now my cock was resting on my dad's ass cheeks. "Now how about you dig that young, virile meat stick into your dad's slobbered up hole?"


"I can’t do that. I can’t rape my dad in his sleep." Both of us were still whispering to one another, although it probably wasn’t necessary. My dad was out cold. He’s usually a rock-hard sleeper, especially after he's been drinking. I’m sure he could get slapped in the face a few times without waking up, but I didn’t want to take my chances on him possibly waking up to see his own son‘s cock directed towards his ass.


"Let me help you." Wilson reached around, grabbed my cock, and pointed it down between his cheeks. I felt my tip hit his hole. Fuck, it was so wet and hot. I felt myself leaking. Wilson fucked my ass harder and drove my hips into my dad. Each thrust plunged my hips forward more and my cock deeper into dad. His ass was so tight and hot. I could tell I was taking his anal virginity. Dad didn’t respond at all. He was still sleeping, unfazed. Gently snoring as the two of us were above him doing unspeakable acts.


I didn’t need the assistance anymore. I was all the way inside him and figured I might as well start fucking. I drove my cock in and out of dad while Wilson fucked me. The cock up my ass and the hot, tight ass gripping my dick were driving me insane. Dad's ass felt so good. I’ve fucked plenty of pussy in the past, but nothing was like this. Holy shit, dad's ass was better than anything I’ve fucked before.


I didn’t know if it was from my ass getting drilled or my first time fucking a guy's ass, but I was getting close to cuming. I could feel myself building up, and I was ready to blow. I looked down at my dad. His face in the couch pillow. I felt a little guilty over what I was doing, but I was overcome with the carnal desire to shoot my wad. I buried myself deep into his ass and my dick exploded.


"Ah fuck.." I grunted and came deep inside my dad. My balls squeezed out a massive load. Several ribbons shot out my cock, working it’s way up inside him.


"Beautiful. Such a naughty boy, molesting his vulnerable father." Wilson was still inside me, slowly fucking. His hard on never ceasing to calm down. The post-nut clarity was making me feel shitty but I was still drunk. I wanted a break.


"Wilson I need to take a moment." I pulled my cock out of dad, and a small bead of cum dripped down his ass, the evidence of my evil deed. I got up off the couch and got Wilson out of me. He sat on the couch next to my father, stroking his cock. He was so skinny and frail in comparison to dad; it's hard to believe this guy orchestrated such a fucked up night. He picked up one of dad's legs and brought a foot up to his mouth. He looked me in the eye as he started sucking on my dad's meaty toes. Wilson's cock stroking sped up as his tongue laced between the toes, his moans euphoric. "I need to go to the bathroom."


I hurried to the bathroom and locked myself in. I was dizzy and couldn’t think straight. What the hell was I doing? I let some old gay dude fuck me, and then I fucked my own dad? This night is so fucked up. This isn’t what I planned on when I came home. I felt nauseous, so I did what everyone does when they drink too much. I took care of my business in the toilet and rinsed my mouth out, brushed my teeth, and gargled a lot. I felt a lot better, but I was still heavily boozed up. I inspected my ass, and it was sore and sloppy. Ugh, no more cock going in me tonight. I need to send Mr. Wilson on his way.


I staggered out of the bathroom to rejoin Wilson in the living room. But when I got there, Wilson was on top of my dad. He was violently slamming his hips down into him, fucking him. His cock going in and out of his freshly creamed ass. I saw my dad's cheeks ripple with each balls deep thrust.


"Dude, what the fuck!?" My whispering voice getting a little louder.


"Don’t mind me, Ryan. I’m just finishing up here." Dad was still out cold but seemed to be moaning like he was having a bad dream. Wilson had an evil look on his face as he raped my dad's ass. I stumbled to my knees and crawled over to them, putting a hand on dad's ass.


"Mr. Wilson, pull your dick out! You can’t fuck my dad!" I watched his cock go up and down. His meat pole was glistening from all the juices inside, partially from my load I contributed. It was a horrifying sight to see such a long dick pulverize his defenseless, hairy, round ass.


"I still need to cum. It needs to shoot in something. You didn’t let me shoot it in yours, so now I’m going to knock up dear old daddy here."


"Please stop. Get your old AIDS dick out of him. You can’t give that shit to him!"


"Then make a choice, Ryan. Either you sit there and watch me poz up your dad or you surrender up your ass to me and take my load."


Is he serious? I have to choose? Mr. Wilson looked like he was getting close. I had to do something. I was too drunk to stand up straight. All I could do in the moment was watch this diseased creep plow away at my dad. I had to make a choice: save myself or save my dad.


"Fine, fuck me." I reluctantly gave in.


"Nope, not good enough. I’m too close to stop now, oh fuck, oh yes."


I got on the floor with my ass up in the air, spreading my cheeks apart.


"Fuck my ass Mr. Wilson. Come on, grandpa. Jam that cock in my jock ass. Fuck me senseless. Make me your bottom bitch."


"If you insist. But first, before I fuck your ass, your dad has a dirty foot I didn't lick. Clean it with your mouth." I crawled over to my dad's leg and grabbed his large foot. It was dirty and smelly, but I didn't hesitate to get my tongue on it. I'm doing this for him. As soon as I started licking, the taste and smell brought back memories from when I was really little and would play with dad's feet as a kid. I felt nostalgic and warm. Dad's feet were making me feel good. "Oh, that's a hot sight, Ryan. Keep licking that man foot. Savor the taste. Fall in love with it, oh fuck!" 


I sucked dad's toes and ran my tongue up and down his sole. They were dirty but soft and smooth. I was surprised to find out how much I was enjoying it. My mind blanked out for a moment.


"Yeah... lick that foot... suck those toes...oh! Shit! Here it comes, fuck! FUCK! AAAAHH.......


...... ohhh..."


I snapped out of it and noticed I was no longer licking my dad's foot but Wilson's. His toes were in my mouth. Somehow he managed to swap out dad's foot for his. I looked up at them. Wilson stopped thrusting. He was still, his back arched, his boney ass pressing hard into my dad and making a contorted face. Then his clenched ass relaxed.


"Ah fuck... fuck that was big...." I took Wilson's foot from my mouth and hurriedly repositioned myself, ass open towards him.


"Fuck me dude!"  


Wilson pulled out and got off my dad. He quickly hurried over to me and immediately slammed his cock in me to the hilt. His fucking was as aggressive as it was with dad. He was grunting and breathing heavily. Taking the full length of his cock felt unbearable, but unfortunately, it wasn't quick. He took a long time to work up his shot.


"Oh shit, here it comes. My toxic poz cum deep in your ass!" He slammed hard several times. "Oh fuck, fuck! Oooooooh yeah!"

I felt his cock spasm deep in me. He was cuming inside me. Plow after plow, he shot his sick cum deeper and deeper in my no longer virgin ass. After several ribbons Wilson calmed down to catch his breath. "Ahhhhh. That was good. See? Things are so much better when you do as you're told." He slowly pulled his cock out. His tip still dripping cum on my hole and balls. I was scared. I took poz cum from this old creep. Fuck, will I need to see a doctor or something? I didn’t know what to do in this situation.


"Fuck… my ass hurts." I rubbed my ass. My hand coated in cum and sweat. Wilson sat next to dad on the couch again.


"Heh. This life is going to be pretty rough for you. I have a rarely aggressive strain. Most guys I fuck turn into me within a year or two. Guess your football career is done, he he he." He was rubbing dad's ass, casually fingering it, and sucking the juices off his fingers. I was only paying attention to every other word he was saying. My head was spinning.


"Whatever dude. Just not my dad."


Mr. Wilson chuckled. He reached between the cushions and pulled out a 300-ml marinade injector. The one dad used for marinading large briskets. He must have gotten it while I was in the bathroom. It was loaded all the way up with a murky, pale yellowish-brown jello substance. He stuck the tip in dad's ass and put his hand on the plunger.


"What the hell is that?"


"It’s the remaining cum sludge from the hot tub filter. Your father needs a good basting."


"You can’t put that crap in him!"


"He has far worse in him than this."




"Oh, my dear boy. You were in the bathroom for a long time. I've already shot a load of cum in him. You walked in on me working my way up to a second load. And of course, while you sucked my toes, I shot a second load off."


And with that, he pushed the plunger down and filled dads's ass with the rest of that foul stuff.


"I think it’s time I called it a night. The two of you will have plenty to discuss in the morning." Wilson gathered his clothes and left us for the night.


I was sitting there with a sore ass, looking at my passed out dad. His sweaty ass sticking up in the air filled with all sorts of cum from who knows how many guys. Mine included. I was scared for my dad. I didn’t want him to suffer for my mistake. I crawled over to him and spread his ass. It was sloppy, mucky, and beautiful. I didn’t think this would work, but the only idea I had was to suck on his ass like venom out of a snake bite. I planted my mouth on his hole and sucked. I used my tongue to loosen him up. I tried my best to drink as much cum out of him as possible.


"Ryan?…. Is that…you?" Dad was walking up. I kept his ass firmly attached to my face, holding him tight. I kept eating him out. Dad was only partially awake and still drunk, like me. He was noticeably rejecting my efforts, but I wasn’t letting him up.


"Just push it out, dad. Let your ass shoot it out in me." I continued sucking his ass.


‘Stay still, dad’ I thought to myself. ‘Let your son do what’s best for you, and let him eat the cum out of you.’


Dad was too out of it to stop me. But he did what I instructed. He pushed and filled my mouth with cum. I ate his ass all night. I had to be thorough.


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On 10/17/2023 at 4:30 AM, BBArchangel said:

Thiscis an amazing story - and an amazingly twisted story. I thought for sure Ryan was going to end up fucking his dad again while dad continued to sleep.

Old trolls do seduce and change you.  They break you down for even older and uglier trolls.  This happened in college to me.  

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