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Thanks for all the replies! Glad it's coming across as a truly accurate bathhouse/sex club vibe. Sorry if any of you have messaged me privately and are expecting a reply. I'll try and get to them soon. I always appreciate feedback and as always hope you all enjoy!




Part Two- Anticipation 


Mike entered the sex club, puffing away on his pipe, giving a slight grin and nod to the attendant as he was buzzed in, not even needing to pay. He’d been coming here for years, having had sex with probably every single regular, the attendant included, breeding them deep while smoking.


With tonight’s theme being ‘Bareback, Smoke and Leather’ night, he was damned sure he would be making a nice long appearance tonight. With it still being a bit early, he decided to walk around, taking in the various people there, recognizing nearly every single person as either someone he’d personally topped, or personally turned from being a non-smoker to a full-blown smoke pig.


He made his way over to two such people, one in a sling hauling hard on a fat cigar, as the other guy lit up a fresh Red, before continuing to work his hairy fist and forearm up the cigar smoker’s greedy hole.


“Fucking perfect night for it, ain’t it gents,” Mike said, walking over to the man fisting the other, grabbing his ass, drawing a huge inhale of pipe smoke in before exhaling it all over the scene in front of him.


“Fuck yeah, Mike,” the man in the sling groaned, taking the cigar out of his mouth, letting the thick acrid smoke roll out, “Knew you’d be here tonight.”


Walking up to the man in the sling, named Grant if he remembered correctly, Mike took another puff of his pipe as he ran his fingers along the fresh tattoo just under his navel. He let out a satisfied growl as he felt the other man’s fist moving around deep in man’s guts.


“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Finally got your new ink, huh?” he said, sliding his hand up to the man’s pierced nipple, giving it a slight pinch, knowing the act would cause Grant’s stretched-out manhole to tighten up slightly.


“Fuuuuuuuuuck…” the other man said, letting out a huge nose jet, letting his cigarette dangle in his lips as he talked, “Your ass just fucking started sucking in my arm.”


“Ugh……” Grant moaned, sticking the thick cigar back in his mouth and sucking hard, “Deeper!”


Grinning, Mike stepped back, adjusting his now hardening dick in his pants.


“I’ll leave you two love birds to it then,” he said, taking his pipe out of his mouth briefly before nodding at them.


“I’ll be looking for you later,” Grant said, exhaling another cloud of cigar smoke, his ass squelching as the other man began to pull his fist out, standing up and stroking his dick, before working it in beside his fist.



Mike walked a bit more around the sex club, taking the various sights in before finally deciding to go over to the locker room so he could strip and partake in the festivities. Looking around he noticed a few of his fuck buddies in various states of undress. That’s when he saw the boy.


Early to mid-20s at most, fit but not over muscular, headful of thick reddish blonde hair, and stunning blue-grey eyes. His skin was milky white, framed in a black leather harness, and his juicy ass barely contained a jockstrap, with not a tattoo in sight.


‘Until I’m done with him’ Mike thought to himself, ‘Fuckin’ love fresh meat.’


Puffing on his pipe, he slowly walked towards the redhead, who was now eye-fucking him from across the room. He stopped next to him, leaning against the locker, and let out a large cloud of smoke over him, grinning as he saw the redhead breathe the smoke in deeply.


“How’s your night going, boy?” Mike asked, looking up and down the boy’s body, taking his pipe out of his mouth, and rubbing his right nipple with the bowl.


Looking flustered, he watched as the boy tried to come up with an answer. ‘Pretty fucking hot in his own right,’ Mike thought to himself, ‘Definitely has a nice lump of meat threatening to pop out of that thong.’


“O-okay…” the boy said rather unconvincingly, a bright red blush spreading across his cheeks.


“First time at a sex club?” Mike asked, taking another puff of his pipe and blowing it in the boy’s face, again satisfied to see him breathing in the smoke.


“It’s that obvious, huh,” the boy asked, looking down, an almost dejected look on his face.


“Nah,” Mike said, putting the pipe back in his mouth and letting it rest on the corner of his lips, “I’m a regular here and didn’t recognize you is all. I’m Mike by the way.”


“Dillan,” the redhead replied, shifting his legs slightly, likely to accommodate his hard cock in the leather pouch.


Mike almost felt for the kid. The first times were rough. And this kid was like a lamb to the slaughter on a night like tonight. As much as he’d love to completely corrupt the cute shit, he also didn’t want to scare the kid off with all the twisted sex that would be happening later. Better to let him ease into it on a different night. Damn my kind side, he thought to himself.


“Look, kid…” he began, standing up and taking deep sigh, “I think you might be out of your element here. Not really sure you know what kind of hot depraved shit will be going on here as the night goes on. Might be best if you leave now. Come another night and ease yourself in a little.”


Flustered and cheeks now fully flushed, the kid began to shake his head.


“No, I do know. I… That’s why I wanted to come tonight,” Dillan said, fidgeting with his harness as he talked, “I want everything this place has to offer tonight. Everything.”


It was Mike’s turn to be left momentarily speechless as he listened to the kid continue. 


“I want to be fully corrupted and turned into a smoking, ass-gaping, cumdump piss pig. It’s kind of been a fantasy of mine for so long, and I…” he said, trailing off slightly as he thought of the words to say, “If I leave now, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do it.”


Mike was at first shocked hearing the words coming out of the boy’s mouth. However, it made him harder than ever before. An evil grin formed on his lips as he wrapped them around the pipe, drawing in another mouthful of smoke.


“Well, fuck…” Mike said, smoke drifting out as he spoke, and reaching down and rubbing Dillan’s hard cock through the leather jockstrap pouch, “I definitely think we can make that happen.”

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Thanks again to all the comments on here. I really do appreciate all the feedback and really welcome any input from people on here.


However, I do need to make a bit of a side note to a few people on here. I have a busy life outside of this website. In fact, I just got off a 12 hour shift before posting this. If I don't respond to a message, or post on here fast enough to your liking, I'm sorry, but there are other stories on here to read. Pestering me won't get you a faster story. I like to take my time and really flesh out a story, and some people probably don't realize I re-read, edit, double and even triple-check each chapter for days after writing it. Also, I have my reasons for not replying daily to DMs. I try to reply to them at least once a week. So please don't take it personal if I take longer for DMs. For those who know me a little better, they know where to find me when I'm online. 

Anyways, enjoy! It's a longer chapter!


Part Three: Acceptance


My heart started thumping hard as I told Mike my deepest, darkest desire. Would he reject me? Worse yet, laugh in my face? 


Time felt like it had slowed down until I looked up at his bearded face and watched as what had to be one of the most evil-looking smiles spread across his face. It was at that moment that I knew without a doubt I had hit the figurative jackpot.


“Well, fuck….” Mike said, letting his smoke drift out of his mouth in the sexiest way, before reaching down and beginning to rub my hard dick through the pouch of my jockstrap, “I definitely think we can make that happen.”


I couldn’t help but let out a slight moan as I felt his hand groping my dick and balls.


“So, boy,” he said, taking another puff of his pipe, and then blowing the smoke in my face, “You smoke?”


“Not really…” I replied, again nervous that this sex god in front of me would laugh in my face or decide it wasn’t worth his time, “I mean I’ve tried to smoke cigarettes while drunk before, and a cigar once… but I didn’t get very far. I was kinda hoping that maybe you’d be willing to teach me and shape me into a smoker.”


“Damn,” he said, grinning even larger, “So I essentially got myself a real smoke virgin?”


I nodded, not sure how else to answer.


He let go of my dick and balls and stepped back.


“Well, I suppose I could turn you into a real smoker tonight,” he pondered aloud, “Hell, I’m more than willing to turn you into the twisted little piggy you want to be. But that means you’ll do everything I say, no argument.”


Again, I nodded. I was speechless, this man, the smoking sex god of my dreams, not only was going to make me a smoker but also turn me into a full pig. Had I died and gone to heaven? Or was I going to wake up from a wet dream at any moment?


“Yes or no, boy,” Mike demanded, taking his pipe out of his mouth and pointing the stem at me sternly, “I need an answer.”


“Fuck… um, yes!” I exclaimed, drawing the attention of the other men in the dressing room.


“Good answer, pig boy,” he said, walking away.


I stood there stupidly for a second. Why was he leaving? Was he just joking? What in the actual fuck? All those thoughts and more raced through my head as he continued walking away.


Suddenly, Mike stopped, looking over his shoulder.


“You coming or not, fucker,” he asked, taking a massive draw on his pipe before shooting a massive nose jet.


I jumped with a start, and after quickly making sure I had my key and had shut my locker, rushed to follow after him, enjoying the smell of his smoke drifting behind him. Soon enough, we were at another set of much larger lockers in a different part of the locker room. I watched as Mike reached into one of the pockets on his vest, procuring a key and opening what I assumed to be his locker.


I stood silently as he began taking off his pants, revealing what had to be one of the biggest pierced and uncut cocks I had ever seen. 


“Like what you see, slut?” Mike asked, grabbing his dick and shaking it at me.


“Jesus, your dick is… just wow,” I said, imagining that monster pounding away inside of me, destroying my insides before unloading deep in my guts.


Mike let out a soft chuckle, before turning around and setting his pipe in the locker. Behind him, I could see several bottles of poppers, some toys and plugs, and what looked like a few jars of pipe tobacco, several large bowled pipes, a carton of Marlboro Reds, and a small humidor full of cigars.


I continued watching as he stripped out of his jacket and hung it in the locker, revealing even more tattoos. Fuck, this man is so fucking sleazy and sexy, I thought to myself, slowly letting my hand drift to my cock. I looked at all the different tattoos, imagining myself getting covered in them as well. 


“We won’t be having any of that now, boy,” he said, turning around and holding up a stainless steel chastity cage, looking at me touching myself, “I figured we’d keep you nice and horny all night. The only way you’re going to cum is from your ass getting wrecked.”


I could only nod, as he continued to rummage around in the locker, grabbing one of those familiar red and white packs. Suddenly, a slightly older, hairy, and slightly overweight but still muscular Hispanic guy walked up, his face covered with a five-o-clock shadow, and smoking a cigarette. He took a quick look at me and then slapped Mike on his back. 


“Hey, fucker,” he said, a slight Hispanic accent coming through in his deep voice, “ ready for another fuck fest tonight?”


Mike laughed, grabbing the guy’s beefy ass and shaking it.


“I’m sure you already have a few loads up there already,” he said, before nodding over at me, “This here is Dillon. Dillon, this twisted fucker is Pedro.”


I smiled at Pedro, not sure what to say. As I began to look at the tattoo on his stomach, Pedro suddenly walked up to me, Red dangling in his mouth, and in a split second, pulled me into a bear hug, his hand quickly making its way down my back to my asshole. 


“Damn baby, you’re one cute little fucker, eh,” he asked, slowly massaging my entrance with his rough index finger. I couldn’t lie, it felt amazing. So much so, that I started to moan.


“Hey now,” Mike said, slapping away his hand, “This slut is mine. I’m gonna be turning him into the smokey cum pig of his dreams.”


With that comment, Mike winked at me, before opening a pack of Reds himself and lighting it up.


“Damn,” Pedro replied, quickly releasing me and drawing hard on his Red, “Too bad. Would have loved to sample that tight fuck tunnel.”


“Don’t worry, fucker, you’ll get to do more than just sample it later tonight,” Mike replied, slapping his hand on Pedro’s shoulder, “This one wants the full experience.”


“Fucking nice,” Pedro laughed, “I’ll definitely save a huge load of my special sauce for that sweet ass.”


With that, Pedro walked away, leaving only a cloud of smoke in his wake.


“Follow me,” Mike said, snapping me out of my slight fuck haze, and we began walking to the bathroom part of the locker room.



Quickly, we walked up to one of the urinals.


“Going to need to get that dick calmed down,” Mike said, showing me the chastity cage as he talked, “Then we can get this on and let the real fun begin.”


“Oh, um, how do we do that,” I asked, unsure.


“Consider this lesson one, pig,” he said, grabbing my dick and aiming it at my chest, “Try and piss.”


Suddenly, it made sense to me. Pissing would make me soft, and thus be able to get the cage on me. And I’d also get to experience piss play in the process. I nodded and slowly began to relax, trying to will myself to start peeing.


At first, nothing happened. As time slowly went by I began to get worried that I wouldn’t be able to perform, and that would be the end of the night. But then, I felt Mike grab my balls tightly and squeeze almost to an uncomfortable level. Suddenly I felt my bladder win the battle, and with a force I didn’t even know I had, began spraying myself in the face with a steady stream of hot, yellow piss.


“Open that toilet mouth, boy,” Mike commanded, “Get a nice taste of that boy piss so it doesn’t go to waste.”


I complied and felt as my piss was quickly aimed at my mouth. Salty and a tiny bit bitter was the first thing to come to mind, with a slightly sweet aftertaste. Not too bad really, something I should have tried sooner. Filling my mouth fill up, I closed my mouth and gulped. I was doing it, I was drinking my own piss. I continued to fill my mouth up, with Mike aiming my slowly softening dick, and then gulp down each mouthful. Soon enough, my bladder was empty, piss barely dripping out of the tip of my now soft dick.


In a flash, Mike deftly put the cage on my cock, locking it up almost before I even knew what was happening. It looked rather hot in my mind. My dick was slightly too small for the cage, but not overly uncomfortable. Just enough to remind me it was there.


“Good boy,” Mike said, checking out his handiwork before moving his hand up to my stomach, rubbing it, “Daddy didn’t even have to tell you to gulp your piggy piss.”


I smiled at his showering of twisted affection, proud of myself for having done what I should on my path to being a total pig.


Standing up, Mike pulled me close, wiping a few remaining drops of piss from my face before he took a deep drag on his cigarette. He leaned down and locked lips with me. At first, I didn’t know what to do. Then I felt his tongue licking at my lips. Opened them, and felt as he began to slide his tongue over mine, breathing a lung full of smoke into me.


He began pulling away, and I immediately missed his smoky tongue rubbing against mine. Breaking the kiss, he smiled at me.


“Hold the smoke in boy,” he said, rubbing his thumb on my nipple.


I did what he said, and just when I couldn’t hold it any longer, he continued.


“Now blow that smoke in my face, pig.”


I did, marveling at how much thick smoke poured out of my mouth and nose. I was doing it. I was really smoking.


“Fucking nice,” he exclaimed, pinching my nipple and causing me to moan. I felt my cock began to stir again, only this time it was stopped, held in the metal confines of my cage.


“I don’t think we need to go slow,” he continued, pulling out the pack of Reds and getting another in his lips. Pulling out the lit one from his mouth after putting the pack back, he held it up to the unlit one, puffing it quickly to life. He then pulled it out and put it up to my lips.


“Open up, boy,” he said, rubbing it on my lips.


Part of me was screaming in the back of my mind, saying I should stop. That smoking is such a bad habit. That I could just stop everything and go home. Mike though grabbed my nipple and twisted it hard.


I opened my mouth, and let him place it in, before wrapping my lips around the cigarette.


“Last time you hesitate, boy,” he growled, releasing his grip on my now throbbing nipple, “Don’t forget, you said you’d do everything I tell you. And in exchange, you’ll become the pig you dream of being.”


I nodded, mentally kicking myself for nearly blowing it. 


“Now boy, I want you to take a mouthful of smoke in and hold it in your mouth,” he said, holding me against him, rubbing my ass gently.


I complied, surprised at how much I enjoyed the taste of the smoke filling my mouth. I had no idea why the last time wasn’t nearly as good as this unless the kinkiness of the entire situation was adding to it.


“Now open your lips just slightly, and take a breath in,” he continued, grabbing my ass and massaging it, “Don’t let it fall out of your mouth. Once you take in your breath, I want you to hold it and let that smoke saturate your virgin lungs.”


I followed his instructions, feeling the slight burn as the harsh smoke flooded my lungs. Holding the smoke in my lungs, I felt the urge to cough slowly disappear, and my dick begin to stiffen even more, now trapped and throbbing almost painfully in the cage.


“Now let it out through just your nose. Give Daddy a nice nose jet,” he said, his finger slowly drifting to my asshole.


Again, I did exactly as he said, amazed at the amount of smoke billowing out of my nose.


“Now keep doing that over and over, pig,” he said, smoke billowing out of his mouth as he talked, “I want to see you smoke that whole thing to the butt.”


I smiled and nodded, repeating everything he had told me. While we smoked, I felt him slowly working a finger into my tight asshole. Occasionally, he’d motion at me to follow him in removing my smoke, and we’d make out, swapping the smoke back and forth as I felt his rough finger slowly probe deeper into my virgin ass. It was quickly followed by a second, and as he worked them both deeper, his fingernails catching occasionally, causing me to wince slightly each time. 


“Fuck yeah, smoke that red down while I rough up that sweet boy hole,” he growled in approval, pulling out his fingers only to spit on them and then go back to fingering me.


Suddenly, I felt his fingers curl slightly, rubbing up against what I could only guess was my prostate. I instinctively sucked hard on the cigarette, flooding my lungs with smoke. I fought back the urge to cough, grabbing at my caged dick in a futile attempt to relieve myself somehow. 


“Hold in that lungful, pig,” he muttered, his fingers digging deeper into that magical spot deep inside my ass, “No coughing. Don’t forget we’re making you a real smoker.”


I nodded, looking down at my cock trying to distract myself. My cage dick was leaking a steady trail of precum, which was slowly puddling up on the ground. Finally, the urge to cough passed, and I let out a massive cloud of thick smoke from my mouth and nose.


“Yeah, bud, flood those virgin lungs,” he said, continuing to work his fingers deeper, scratching at the walls of my guts, “We’re gonna really fuck those lungs tonight.”


I groaned at his assault on my ass, taking the hint and taking one direct lung inhale after another. I began to really feel a buzz, and before I knew it, I realized my Red was smoked down to the butt, the heat just licking at my lips. 


Pulling the butt out of my mouth, Mike removed his fingers from my ass and began to gently push down on my shoulder.


I looked quizzically at him, letting him push me down to the floor, my knees resting on the cold tile.


“Daddy’s gonna empty his bladder in his boy, and then we’re gonna move to the next lesson,” he answered, shaking his semi-hard cock at my mouth. Relaxing my jaw, I let him pull my jaw down with his thumb and waited until his piss began to spray into my mouth. 


“Here it comes,” Mike groaned, grabbing both sides of my head as his piss was suddenly spraying the back of my throat, “Gonna make you a real human urinal, you fucking pig.”


My mouth was flooded. It was different from mine, but for some reason, I felt like it tasted better, even with it being a lot stronger than mine. I quickly wrapped my mouth around the head of his cock, eager to catch every drop. I felt my stomach slowly bloat out as I kept gulping down as fast as I could, amazed at the sheer volume he had in him. 


Finally, the stream started to slow down, and I felt him running his hands through my hair.


“Gooooood boy…” he cooed, Red dangling out of his mouth and he looked down at me, a happy expression on his face, “Daddy didn’t even have to tell his pig boy not to waste any precious piss.”


I smiled around the large dick in my mouth, proud of myself in a perverted way. Convinced that he was done, I pulled off his cock, and wiped my mouth. I gladly accepted another Red, which Mike placed into my mouth. Bringing a lighter up to it, I drew hard as he brought the flame to the tip, bringing the ember to life as smoke streamed down my throat and deep into my lungs.


I let out a deep sigh, smoke billowing as I felt the familiar rush of nicotine flooding my body. I grabbed his semi-hard cock and began to stroke it, relishing the heat and heft in my hand.


“Come on fucker,” he said, helping me up before spanking my ass hard, “You passed the first round of becoming a nasty fucking pig. Let’s keep going.”


I followed him happily, leaving my own trail of smoke as he led me out of the bathroom, and on to my next trial. 

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You don't owe nothing. So, feel free to write when you're in the mood - there's nothing worse than a story written without wanting it totally, something written just to please others wouldn't be spontaneous. 

I am an author too, I know someone is waiting for next part, but it's a hobby and must be treated as such.

Feel free to continue it whenever you want. Without an expiry date.

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Quality writing takes time and it very clear that you have spent a lot of time to bring these characters to life. What you have written so far has been spectacular! It's rare to read a story here that combines all of my kinks. Thank you for adding another chapter. I particularly loved that Mike is also training the young pic to become a smoke and piss pig too. 🚬🚽

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