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Mom died when I was little and I barely remember her. Just vague memories that come up when I smell a certain perfume they still sell at the higher end stores. Dad mourned for an appropriate time then used “widowed father for family values” sympathy vote to win his first election running for county commissioner. 


I still have nightmares about the first time I was trotted at barely seven years old out in front of all those cameras to stutter through the little speech Dad had made me say over and over saying “This is important kid. If you get it right I just may win!” putting all that pressure on my tiny little shoulders “Vote for my Daddy Billy so he can protect kids like me from the bad people who want to hurt us” still haunts my dreams to this day


 Dad always called me “Kid” or “Kiddo” because he hated the name my mom had given me which was Eliot (Everyone but dad calls me El) and hated the man she had named me for, her father, even more because he never approved of their marriage saying my dad was a huckster who would sell out his own mother which turned out to be a fair statement when Dad got his mother to sign a Power of Attorney when she was diagnosed with cancer and sold he house and all her possessions while she was in the hospital for treatments. He planned to hide the money and skip out on all the medical bills


Then Grandma made a full recovery but somehow Dad got her declared incompetent though every doctor testified she had her full faculties and forced her into the cheapest nursing home he could find. 


Her revenge was living long enough to eat up every dime he had gotten from the sale. She died the day the last check cleared leaving eight cents in the account. I loved Grandma but she was a spiteful old lady. Who can blame her though? Till the very end ever time dad was in an election she would call the local newspaper and then give an interview saying “If you vote for my son you are a fool and you deserve what you get!”


Like I said I loved Grandma. 


My Grandpa (mom’s dad) was great too! He had an awesome name and basically raised me because my father was to busy taking bribes and making backroom deals to take care of his son. The only time I saw him was when he wanted to trot me out for the cameras at election time and that stopped when at 14. He had me learn another speech but when he introduced me and I stood in front og the camera, on live television turned to him and said “Who are you Mr.? You kind of look like my father but I’m not sure since I never see him and I live with my Grandpa and Uncle John. From what they tell me he  doesn't even help support me financially”  Then I looked at the camera and said “So much for Family Values Huh?” 


Grandpa also  pissed off my Dad by remembering to change his will when mom died leaving everything to me and hiring the best lawyer in the state when his health started to fail to make sure my Dad never got his hands on a dime of it, After Grandpa passed the lawyer and Uncle John looked after me 


“Uncle John” was not actually related to me, He was Grandpa’s stepson from his 2nd marriage his mom who I called Mary at her insistence passed a couple years before Grandpa. She was kind of stuck up but kind to me.


Uncle John and I shared a secret. We were both gay. He was the first person I came out to when I was twelve and he was the most wonderful supportive uncle he could be, He didn’t tell me was gay till I was 16 saying he didn’t want to confuse me while my hormones were out of control, I had always loved and lusted after him so it was probably for the best.


 When I was young John was the most handsome man I had ever seen, he was Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio rolled into one with a little old school Tom Selleck thrown into the mix for good measure. He always wore the coolest clothes and seeing him in his bathing suit awakened my first truly sexual fantasies but I will fight anyone who suggests he was anything other than a 100% proper adult when it came to me. Much to my frustration. 


By the time I was almost 18 things had started to change, He was still handsome but he was thinner and seemed to be sick more often. 


It was 1995  and the AIDS epidemic was raging. They even had a man com to my high school right as I was about to graduate to talk to us about the importance of safe sex and not sharing needles (I didn’t get that 2nd part at the time). My Dad had been against it I recall.


I was on the student council so I met him personally. Just before he shook my had a little beeper went off in his pocket and he took out a prescription bottle with the name “Retrovir” (better known as AZT I learned later. Popped a pill and stepped to a nearby water fountain to help it go down, as he returned to me I noticed a janitor rushing to spray the water fountain with something that smelled like bleach and wipe it down with gloved hands. 


“Hey, my uncle John takes those vitamins!” I said 


He tried to hide it but the look of surprised sympathy gave it all away and I knew. Uncle John had HIV. When I asked him why he had not told me he said he didn’t want to worry me and he was almost done. He wanted to get me to 18 when my inheritance would kick in and then he could go 


The party my Dad belonged to, The R Party,  maintained that people with HIV were all perverted degenerates who were being punished by God. Even the little kids with blood disorders and caught it deserved it somehow according to them. 


A plan started to form in my mind. One every bit as evil as anything my money grubbing Dad could come up with. Over the next weeks the parts came together more and more. 


I talked to my friend Diana who was the prettiest lesbian you ever met and we started being seen together I took her and her “best friend” Vicky to the prom and we spread rumors about a drunken 3some in a hotel room afterwards. I was going to be quite well off when I turned 18 and the plan was to be seen together for a couple months more then a quick trip to Las Vegas and we would be married. Vicky would move in as her “personal assistant” and I would live with Uncle John (He was unaware of that part of the plan for now)  it would be the perfect cover for all of us. 


That lawyer Grandpa had Diana sign some papers when she turned 18 to protect my assets and she had no problem with that, 


Uncle John had been getting even thinner and he was more and more depressed. He told me many of his friends had died and the ones who had managed to stay HIV negative stayed away from him. He was lonely and had no release other than his hand. 


“I used to be the hottest Top Man in the city. I would fuck three and four pretty boys a night but I think it was the one time I shot up that got me" We were sitting by the pool and the bulge in his swimsuit looked even bigger against his thin frame as he talked about his glory days


Finally the big day arrived and 10 minutes after midnight on my 18th birthday I pushed John’s door open, He had his eyes closed and didn’t hear me. He was in bed stroking his huge cock, 9 ½ inches I would later measure, and moaning “El oh my beautiful El I want to be in you so badly, to make you mine. Oh I love you my El, you are so beautiful” 


Maybe I should pause a moment to describe myself at 18, You have to realize that though my dad was a scumbag he was exceptionally good looking with classic Greek features a hairy chest and piercing green eyes. Pair that with my mothers deep auburn hair and full sensuous lips, a thick 10 inch cock I never did learn which side of the family gave me and  my athletic state champion quarterback 6 foot 2 body and I java to admit I was a little more than handsome but back to our story


I watched John for a couple minutes with his eyes closed stroking and moaning my name then I quietly knelt next to his bed bent over running my tongue around the head of his cock and then opened wide and took it in my mouth 


His eyes flew open “El! What the hell are you doing? That’s dangerous!” 


“We are going to things that are a lot more dangerous tonight John” I told him firmly 


“What are you talking about?” he asked covering himself with a pillow 


“You are going to become my life partner for as long as we have together and you are going to make love to me all night to consummate our union. After what I just heard I know you love and want me and I have loved you since I was about twelve” I said looking into his eyes 


He looked conflicted, struggling with himself so much he actually started shaking a little and finally looked at me with tears in his eyes “Yes I love you and I want you but dammit I will be lucky if I have six months left. I can’t do that to you! Besides you should have someone as young and as handsome as you are. Just look at me” And he threw the pillow aside 


His body was thin but not what you would call wasting quite yet. His tall frame equal in height to mine exaggerated the thinness. His now only slightly aroused cock lay across his balls and they definitely did not look thin in fact they seemed to pulse with a light all their own and make me want it in me even more 


“You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen and never more so than now. I love you and I want, no I NEED you inside of me” I said hotly 


“I can’t be inside of you, I don’t even have a condom!” he protested but he was weakening I could tell 


“All the better because I never want you to wear a condom or pull out when you fuck me” I said calmly 


He sighed “El I am one step away from full blown AIDS and love won’t protect you from it. I’m sorry but it's true” 


“I know what you have and I don’t want to be protected from it. I want you to infect me as a sign of our love and for another reason” and I explained my full plan to him 


He looked at me with awe and pride and an evil glint in his eyes “You are a diabolical, twisted, sick fuck and I love you for it” then he thought about it for a few minutes and finally said “Ok I’m in” 


“No you aren't but you will be soon” I joked "OK repeat after me" and I took his hand in mine “I pledge my life to you for as long as we share this earth together, I will be faithful to you in my heart though I am free to share my gift with others, Our enemies will fall before us and get what they so richly deserve, This I promise to my one true love” and John repeated each line starling into my eyes 


He pulled me to him  his thin strong arms wrapping around my youthful body practically glowing with health and potential for a long life. I was sacrificing that to our love and his virus voluntarily and we kissed with an urgent passion as the the desire to breed took us both


He rolled on top of me then rolled me onto my stomach and used his knees to push my legs apart. “You are MINR! This ass is MINE! Do what you want with your cock but for as long as we both live no one touches this ass but me! I love you too much to share this ass!” He groaned, his dripping toxic cock head rubbing up and down my crack seeking it’s new home, finding it and sinking in 


I bit my lip to keep from yelping as he roughly took my virginity, to caught up in passion and emotion to be gentle. Within a minute I felt his huge virus filled balls flop against mine as I ground ten rock hard inches into the sheets beneath me then he pulled out and slid back in and I moaned as this felt better than I ever imagined it could.


John was a consummate top man. Years of experience pleasing bottoms came into play as he moved in and out of me plowing my virgin inner walls and getting them ready to be inseminated by his fertile virus, running his thin fingers over my well fleshed muscular body only of legal age for less than an hour and now to be offers up o our lust and his disease 


His thrust became frenzied and his cock battered my insides as my balls tightened and finally we found that release together me soaking his sheets and he firing wads if cum and HIV into me and sealing my fate 


We lay together my head on his chest and his fingers in my hair “Now you are marked as mine forever, Even when I pass part of me will live on in you” 


“I’m the luckiest man in the world” I replied 


We made love twice more that night and he lasted longer each time. I think if we timed it he was in me about 3 hours that night. That was a record we broke many times. 


The very next afternoon John got a call from his Doctor about a clinical trial for a new class of HIV treatment drugs. John agreed to participate and had one of the best results in the study. Over the next couple years with healthy living, lots of physical activities he gradually recovered becoming the man I remembered again  and on his 30th birthday he got the news that his HIV viral load was undetectable 


I on the other had was very toxic and a couple years into my plan. I will tell you how it started when next we meet 


I hope you enjoyed the beginning of my new story. Let me know 

I am going to let “Somebody to be mine forever” rest for a while but I’m sure Jeff. Mike and Family will continue to make cameo appearances in “Zeke’s Tales” which will continue 



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Your stories are the best. The only constructive thing I would point out is that sometimes I have to read a line a couple of times because of a missing comma or misspelling to understand. I am sure this is due to your huge output... hehe. This in no way diminishes your extremely talented writing. Please, please keep going and I love the different narrative arcs and side stories. I get 'excited' when I see a new one drop. Hugs from Minnesota.

  On 4/28/2024 at 2:00 PM, MNNegHole4Poz said:

Your stories are the best. The only constructive thing I would point out is that sometimes I have to read a line a couple of times because of a missing comma or misspelling to understand. I am sure this is due to your huge output... hehe. This in no way diminishes your extremely talented writing. Please, please keep going and I love the different narrative arcs and side stories. I get 'excited' when I see a new one drop. Hugs from Minnesota.


I will be more careful though each chapter is spell checked twice as it is 

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I must agree that you can write stories that are truly amazing and arousing! Your words bring the characters to life in my mind and take me along in their journey(s).  Please keep sharing these stories.  They are some of the best erotica on this site! 😀

  On 4/28/2024 at 5:54 PM, barebackrnb said:

I must agree that you can write stories that are truly amazing and arousing! Your words bring the characters to life in my mind and take me along in their journey(s).  Please keep sharing these stories.  They are some of the best erotica on this site! 😀


Thank you! Hearing that means a lot 

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  On 4/28/2024 at 11:36 PM, shinelover said:

Fuck, that's a beautiful story. I would have done the same thing!


John is based off someone I knew as a teenager. He used to wear spandex shorts with no underwear and he had to be 8 inches soft. He died before I turned 18 through. I still beat off thinking about asking him to poz me on my 18the birthday 

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We spent the next four months fucking almost constantly and for at least the first month of that John was full on toxic. The initial tests done for the beginning of the trial put his viral load at nearly one million and he shot at least 4 loads a day into me.


 We got ahold of a couple of the little blue pills and he spent almost 6 hours inside of me without pulling out once. He was teaching me the pleasure of pain and my sore, raw ass just turned me on as I absorbed more and more virus. I set up a video camera and we filled dozens of video tapes with what looked like Death fucking a young auburn Greek god 


Just before he started the drug trial I could feel his pelvic bones slamming into me when we fucked. He was so fucking beautiful I remember I had bruises on my ass from the it and my nipples ached from being twisted by his bony fingers 


He took to the medications so well though that he was putting on weight within a month.

Thank God but I miss that terrible wraith like “Death John”. He lives on in my VCR through and we still  watch the tapes while we fuck occasionally all these years later and eventually had them converted to digital so they will live forever


At 4 months I was married to Diana. She and Vickey were happily living in the attached guest house and pretty much out of my hair. Her part would come later 


I was also confirmed HIV positive and toxic. It was time to start my plan. My father was target number one


I called him and said I wanted to talk to him about Grandpa’s money and me joining the R  Party. 


I drove to his gated community house, It was much too expensive for someone on a county commissioner’s “public servant” salary but no one ever seemed to notice that.


When I arrived I  noticed that all the servants were Latino, male and between 25 and 35... Certain things started to occur to me at that point 


They were confirmed when I saw my dad pat one of them on the ass when he thought I was not watching. My hypocritical son of a bitch (and as you know grandma was a spiteful old bitch)  father was not only gay he had a thing for Latino men


 If there were two things my father hated publicly it was gays and “migrants” which was his catch all phrase for anyone with skin between lily white and African. I think the fact that his well tanned body was darker than any of these men totally escaped him. It was not really skin tone it was heritage and the perceived voting pattern that came with it, pure and simple


As we sat waiting for dinner he offered me a drink indicating the fully stocked bar


“I’m only 18 dad. I’m not allowed to drink” I said thinking alcohol would just get in the way of what I intended to do later 


“Like the rules apply to people like us” he snorted 


“Water or Coke will do” I said, stressing the word “Coke”” just to irritate him. I was a confirmed Coke boy. None of that Pepsi crap like my Dad. You had to have SOME standards after all 


“Do you make every choice in your life just to spite me?” He asked 


“Pretty much” I said pleasantly with a smile 

Dad rolled his eyes ”Why do I even bother? Give a kid everything and they turn on you” He apparently believed the lies he told when he was asked about me. He always talked like he had won 18 consecutive “Father of the year” awards. I didn’t even blink. I was used to his delusions 


“Rum and PEPSI Jose” he snarled to his “butler”. “And PEPSI for him!” he added looking petulantly spiteful 


Jose looked like he could be Ricky Martin’s much edgier brother. As he moved I noticed his black pants were skin tight and the bulge in the front was more than substantial. Was my dad not only gay but a bottom? What an amusing and sick thought for a son to have about his own father


As Dad turned away Jose pulled a bottle with a red label and white letters I could have sworn read “Coca-Cola” from under the bar and poured me a glass over ice. Then he topped off the mostly rum and ice shorter glass with a splash and returned the bottle to it’s hiding place with such practiced ease that I was sure this was the norm in this house. 


He was on his sixth “Rum and Pepsi” by the time dinner came 


“What’s this about the money and you joining the party?” He asked slurring his words 


“I just wanted to confirm that now that I am 18 and  have control  you will never see a dime of it. I am going to join the party and use the money to support your primary opponent” I said with casual maliciousness


“What?” he roared trying to stand then he slumped into his chair and passed out. 


The attitude of the household staff changed as soon as he was out. 


“I know how you feel about him so I  made his drinks extra strong tonight” Jose said with a slight accent. “Besides if he goes to bed sober enough he tries to fuck one of us and with his little “Vienna sausage” that’s usually a disaster”


So if my cock came from dad’s side it skipped a generation I thought with a smirk


“When he’s passed out like this we all fuck him. He’s a racist bastard but he pays well and he’s got a nice furry muscle butt” He said and gripped the bulge in his pants”


“Why are you telling me all this?” I asked 


“Your Uncle John was a close friend of my first Daddy and after he died we kept in touch. I would warn him when your dad was up to something. He called me and told me what to expect tonight and to look out for you” he replied calmly he and 3 other men expertly got dad to the bedroom and stripped. They were right he did have a nice ass and a tiny cock.

They took turns rolling condoms on their huge brown cocks/ all four a match for mine, and fucking him like a bitch or choke fucking him while they snapped polaroid. They had hundreds of them.


Dad was not as out of it as I thought at first, he was definitely sucking and pushing his ass back for more. Occasionally he would reach out a hand and snag a drink he knew would be there and gulped it down then pretend to be passed out again. I’m fairly sure this was so normal for him he didn’t even know I was there  


When they had all fucked him and torn his ass up for me I dropped my pants and mounted my own father ramming in bare. “Make sure you stay absolutely safe with him from now on” I said to the watching men around us


“We are all quitting the day you arrange for him to lose his primary or when he drops out. We already have a lawyer and will file a sexual harassment lawsuit against him as well. We can keep him like this every night till then but that will be a bad day for him I think” and I shot my first toxic load into my father just thinking about that day and the look I imagined would be on his face as his life crumbled.


 He had made so many enemies he would have trouble finding a job and that meant no health insurance… The images of what I was doing to his life kept me hard and soon I bred him again with my toxic cum


I was 18 and “healthy” so I just kept going,  infecting the man who had started me and then walked away four more times, filling him with millions of HIV viruses before pulling out and zipping up.


Leaving him to the tender mercies of his house staff as they were rolling on new condoms to grind my seed into his blood as I walked out with a folder full of the best polaroids. Most showing him fully aware and sucking Hispanic cock. There were a few I would always treasure the most. Pictures of me destroying my father’s life with my cock and my HIV


The next day I told John every detail as he fucked me. It got him off just as much as it had me and it was some of the best sex of our lives 


Tomorrow I would meet dad’s opponent for the R Party nomination and start setting up his fall as well but you will have to wait for the next chapter for that story



I hope you are enjoying El’s story as much as I am, Let me know!




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Two days after I had planted the seeds of my father’s downfall, literally planted with my cock in his ass, I sat talking to John who had put on 15 pounds since the start of his drug trial and looked healthier than he had in years.


“I want to continue my plan but I when I find gays like my dad betraying people just like themselves for power and wealth I am going to do my best to destroy them as thoroughly as I'm destroying my dad. I just can’t forgive that”


“A lot of them have to hide who they are. Even you are hiding who you are” John said trying to mollify me


“I am only doing that to bring them down” I said “I’m not actively working to make the lives of every gay person worse”


He could not argue with that 


I went into Grandpa's office, my office now I guess and called Brad Guthrie, Grandpa’s best friend and the state leader of the L Party since Grandpa retired from politics fifteen years ago. He picked up immediately 


“So is this John or little Eliot? The caller ID says Eliot Jordan but he’s been dead for two years now” came the voice from the receiver 


“It’s Eliot Mr. Guthrie” I said “Though I’m not so little any more. I’m 18 now”


“Oh God” He said “Is it about John? I know he’s been sick and I know why” Mr. Guthrie said in a frightened tone. Mr. Guthrie always knew everything about everybody and besides,  he and John were close 


“No, no! He’s fine! More than fine actually!” I said telling him about the drug trial and John’s rapid improvement 


“Oh thank God!” Mr. Guthrie said and I could hear the genuine emotion in his voice. 


“Mr. Guthrie, John and I are together now, we are lovers” I said “it happened for the first time on my 18the birthday so there was nothing illegal on John’s part! Please don’t ever think that!” 


I didn’t hear recriminations or accusations all he said was “If it makes you both happy then I am glad but why are you telling me this?” 


“Because soon you are going to hear that I joined the R Party and that I’m working on the campaign of my Dad’s Primary opponent and I want you to believe me when I tell you why”


Mr. Guthrie was a political genius and he said “You are doing it because Al Kelper would be far easier for the L Party to defeat than your dad would. You are also letting me know so we can put up a serious fight this time. You working against your father publicly within the R Party might just sway things enough. It would be better if we had something concrete on your dad though” 


“Like pictures of him sucking four different brown skinned cocks?” I blurted out shocked that he figured out that part of my plan that quickly 


There was silence on the other end of the line and then “You are  not serious! Billy Mathas is gay? And with Hispanic men? It’s just not possible!” 


“I have the pictures and I personally talked to the men” I said keeping the rest of it to myself 


“I’m going to have an investigative reporter friend contact you. We can time this to come out a week before the primary… of course you and I never discussed this and this phone call never happened, right?”


At this point I want to take a step back and say that in our state and particularly our county if you looked at the methods of the R Party and the L Party you probably could not have told them apart. It was what they did once they won that made all the difference. Enough said 


“What phone call?” I said 


“Keep me posted El” Mr. Guthrie said and hung up 


That afternoon I drove to Al Kelper’s campaign headquarters that doubled as his development company's office. 


I went in the front door and lets just say it was not a beehive of activity. There was no one there. Through an open door I could hear someone moving around so I poked my head through. Al Kelper himself sat going over some papers he looked up and I thought I saw surprise on his face 


Al Kelper was a man about 40ish, jock type still in shape, blond hair, green eyes nice even features


“Hi Mr Kelper  I’m…” I started 


“Oh I know who you are. There is only one person you could be looking so much like your father but with your mother’s hair. You are Eliot Mathas. It’s nice to meet you Eliot “ He said and stood holding out his hand his eyes roaming up and down me and seeming to linger on my crotch 


I shook the proffered hand and then sat as he indicated a chair and sat back behind his desk 


“What can I do for you Eliot?” He asked 


“Well Mr Kelper, as you may know I inherited a lot of money from my Grandfather so I will never have to work. I have decided to dedicate my life to public service and I would like to start by working on your campaign” I said trying to sound a bit nervous 


He laughed “Billy Mathat’s son working on my campaign. Won’t that get them talking? Oh and call me Al. I always heard you two didn’t get along but this goes above and beyond” 


“Yeah I pretty much hate the scumbag” I said 


“I worked for him in the County offices for years and scumbag about covers it. I mean we all make deals that may not be on the up ad up but he doesn’t even try to hide it anymore. People are going to figure out what is really going on!” Al said confirming he was just as big a scumbag he was just more subtle 


“So can I help out?’ I asked 


Al looked at me for a minute then rose and went out the door. I could hear him locking the front door and lowering the shades then he came back and sat on the corner of his desk just a few feet from me “I can think of a lot of ways you can help me Eliot” he said and looked directly at my crotch “It looks like your hair isn’t the biggest difference between you two” 


Was everyone in the R Party secretly gay?


Sighing to myself I smiled and stood unzipping my pants and pulling my cock out 


“You mean this?” I asked and he nodded his eyes locked on my “fresh” young meat 


“Get on your knees and suck it Al” I said firmly 


He dropped to his knees with a “Yes Sir!” and dived onto my cock sucking like a starving man. He was good I will admit he had me rock hard in less than a minute then kept me on the edge for so long that when I finally came I saw stars 


He stood and without me even telling him too he dropped his pants and bent over his desk, The nice thing about R Party guys is they have never even heard of safe sex so I just bent my knees a little and rammed in balls deep. He loved it. I fucked him for over an hour breeding him three times. 

I made him suck my cock clean then we straightened up the office. When we got back out to the front door and he pulled up the shade two faces looking like younger versions of Al stood there peering in.


As Al opened the door one said “You only close up for one reason during the day so we didn’t bother knocking. This one looks worth it. How much did he cost you?” 


Al flushed but tried to cover “This is Eliot Mathas, Billy Mathas’ son. Eliot these are my twins Calvin and Salvador” 


“Cal and Sal” They said together 


“Nice to meet you” I said shaking hands “How much should I have charged him?” I asked with a wicked grin 


“That depends on who fucked who” Cal said. 


“I fucked him: I said watching Al turn so red he looked like a blond strawberry 


$200 at the minimum then probably more” the Sal quipped 


“Can we not talk about his on the sidewalk?" Al hissed and we all troupe back into the office 


I liked the twins and from the eyerolls they gave their dad when he said something particularly regressive and a few not so R Party phrases they dripped I got the feeling we might be of similar minds. They had a better relationship with their dad than I did obviously but they did not miss a chance to needle him. He didn’t like it but he never complained. Something was odd here but I had to get home. I had a date with John!


The old theater down town. The one that hadn’t been redecorated since Art Deco was in style was screening “The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert” and we both wanted to see it.


It had come out in Australia last year and was just making it’s way to independent theaters in the States now. The lights dimmed and the curtain [pulled back to reveal the white screen hanging above the stage. The movie started and the story of three drag queens played out and I had a huge boy crush on Adam by the end.


 It was the first time John and I had been out as a couple. The first time he had been healthy enough. We held hands  in the dark and even gave a quick kiss to each other as the movie progressed. He nudged me and pointed out another gay couple doing the same in front of us and I smiled. 


As the movie came to an end we made our way toward the exit  and the couple in front of us went the same way. When we stepped into the isle they turned and we came face to face with Cal and Sal 


After a moment of shock Sal said “There is an all night diner across the street why don’t we go talk?”


The diner was attached to the bus station and was done in the same style as the theater. We took the big corner booth and I introduced my “Uncle John" 


“Oh we know John” Cal said “He used to date our uncle Greg though we were not supposed to know they were dating” 


“How is Greg?” John asked 


“He’s great! He’s on that new drug trial and it’s a miracle! I thought he would have passed by now but he just keeps getting better and better!!” Sal said happily 


“So is John!” I said excitedly “I thought the same about him. Thank God I have not lost him!” And I grabbed his hand and brought it to my lips kissing his palm, then blushed realizing I had revealed to much 


“Uncle John huh?” Cal said 


“You were in that theater kissing your twin brother” I shot back “I don’t think you have much room to talk. Besides, John is not blood related! He just raised me! Oh! That sounded so wrong!” 


All four of us laughed. 


I looked at John and he nodded and I knew he trusted these two. We needed friends to keep us sane. 


So I opened up to them trusting my gut. I told them everything over pancakes and milkshakes. I told them my plan and how far I had gone to make sure I could make it stick. I told them what I had done to my dad and then what I had done to theirs


To my surprise they didn’t even blink 


“If he hasn't caught it already from some call boy he would have sooner or later”


 Cal said. “One of the things he wants to run on is cutting funding for the drug study that is keeping our uncles alive despite knowing it would kill his own brother. Don't worry. It’s an empty threat because the funding is federal but still. If you want some advice. If you are going to continue fucking our dad to further your plan insist on playing safe from now on. You don’t know what you might catch from him”  


Then they excused themselves and went to the bathroom together coming back a couple minutes later one sitting next to me and the other scooting aground to sit next to John 


They each leaned closer to us kissing us gently, then Call said “We want to help and we want you to infect us so we can REALLY help"



Next Chapter: A Double Infection Injection

Let me know what you think!


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