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Project 2025

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I'm from the UK living in Ireland and although I've  visited the US many times, have no other connection. Looking in from the outside I find this situation extremely concerning, even frightening. It sounds like the fascist policies of the Nazi party in pre war Germany. With the rise of the far right in in Europe it seems like the world is moving in a troubled and volatile direction driven by false stories and rumour largely emanating from social media. Additionally I've noticed a backlash against the LGBTQ community and rights achieved over the last few decades, also promoted on social media. It seems fairly minor at the moment but once the seed of this type of mentality is planted it can gather momentum quickly. 

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5 hours ago, BadBob214 said:

I'm from the UK living in Ireland and although I've  visited the US many times, have no other connection. Looking in from the outside I find this situation extremely concerning, even frightening. It sounds like the fascist policies of the Nazi party in pre war Germany. With the rise of the far right in in Europe it seems like the world is moving in a troubled and volatile direction driven by false stories and rumour largely emanating from social media. Additionally I've noticed a backlash against the LGBTQ community and rights achieved over the last few decades, also promoted on social media. It seems fairly minor at the moment but once the seed of this type of mentality is planted it can gather momentum quickly. 

That's exactly what it is.

The whole "kick out all the immigrants" thing reeks of the "pure Aryan blood" fetish of the Nazis, as is the concentration of power in the hands of a few who will never have to face an election.

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Indeed, the trajectory towards authoritarian governments globally is on the upswing.  Perhaps an understandable reaction to increasing strife and famine as climate change predictions of 20 years ago are manifest today.  The warnings then really were "more extreme" weather, not necessarily warmer.  While we see bad weather days throughout the 160 or so years we've been tracking weather facts.  From my POV what I am experiencing now vs half a century ago are much larger storms, more frequent; and simultaneously.  The classic fires and floods are more frequent and more severe.  Many metrics are clearly on the upswing year over year now vs "every few years".    

Is our base human mentality to have a king who promises to take care of us as they know best? 

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On 7/11/2024 at 10:01 AM, PozBearWI said:

Indeed, the trajectory towards authoritarian governments globally is on the upswing.

Well said, PozBearWI.  

One event that happens historically, usually spaced out by a century or so, is that as the population of the world increases to the point (thanks to advances in medicine, technology in food production, etc) that conflicts arise that result in mass death (the advances in technology apply to instruments of war-making as well, of course).  Up until the last century, the technology of war-making didn't kill populations wholesale, as has become the inevitable result in advances in military technology.  Humanity almost got there in Europe, with mass bombing, and did crack open the door to total destruction in the skies over Japan.  Prior to the beginning of the last century, it was mostly earth-bound armed-forces of one nation against armed forces of another nation. marching in military units attacking/defending other, opposing military units.  

Presently, and since WW2, the scale of mass murder in combatant nations has reached gigantic proportions, and the weaponry of todays various armed forces seems capable of sending the world back to the 18th Century.  With increasingly scarce resources, burgeoning populations everywhere*, the ancient bent towards killing one's (perceived) enemies carries a greater and greater threat to the world. 

The self-centered notion of "to the powerful go the rewards" now means greater food resources, greater industrial power, or, put another way, survival of the fittest, and the extermination of the less fit.  It's the authoritarian governments that lead the way to the brink of human destruction, in the name of preserving their populations at the expense of the less powerful/advanced. 

Today we see that same, ancient rise taking place, with the conservative (in the sense of conserving scarce resources for one group of a nation's population, at the expense of others).  Clearly, this ancient trend is apparent in the US presently, with (apparently) millions of Americans resurrecting ancient, pseudo-religious magical beliefs to justify the mass-murder of those they perceive as their enemies, as opposed to their friends, family and neighbors.  

Given the historical outlines above, it's expecting a lot of any particular generation to overcome the instinct for self-preservation (assuming that notion has merit), and learn to share rather than kill.  Learn to advance the notion of 'we're all in this together', and similar sloganeering.  That said, we currently have a substantial portion of the population in the US that has fallen into the ancient mindset of killing off - either actually or metaphorically - a substantial population of the US.  Notice that the head of Project 25 actually threatened this very action, when he recently said "it will be bloodless, unless the Left prevents it" - or words to that effect.  

There is simply no reason the citizens of the US should fall into this ancient "fatal flaw" of humankind.  We don't need to kill each other off.  We need to co-exist, share our technology with the world regarding food-production.  We need to be magnanimous in our "plenty", and take care of our fellow human beings.  We don't need craven billionaires, dictating through their donations, what kind of Government, Federal Courts, Voting Rights, Human rights on and on, we should have.  We need regular folks deciding what's best for the country, and exercising their right to vote.  I don't care of the President is having difficulty speaking in long, cogent phrases.  I care where his heart is, where his mind is.  How his Government functions for the betterment of all, not merely the few.  

Simply put, we aren't required to listen to the ancient messages of hatred being repeated, we need to listen to the voices of hope and generosity-of-spirit.  This time around, it's living vs. not.  

*Everyone on Earth wants to fuck - at least it's not us that's contributing to the explosion of human population 😉

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On 7/10/2024 at 5:29 PM, BootmanLA said:

That's exactly what it is.

The whole "kick out all the immigrants" thing reeks of the "pure Aryan blood" fetish of the Nazis, as is the concentration of power in the hands of a few who will never have to face an election.

Nor will they have to face a judge jury or firing squad for the many heinous acts they have committed already and will continue commit.

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I love how the Right wants to put the 10 Commandments in schools but their own candidate for President cannot adhere to even one of them:

I am the LORD your God; you shall not have strange gods before me. (He worships money)

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. (Often invokes the Lord’s name through speech but not in his heart)

Remember to keep holy the LORD’s Day. (Regularly golfs on Sunday instead of attending service)

Honor your father and mother. (He hates his mom)

You shall not kill. (Incited a riot, in which people died)

You shall not commit adultery. (…..)

You shall not steal. (Grifts people for decades)

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (Falsely accused people of commits acts they did not do)

You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. (Openly brags about bedding other men’s wives)

You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. (Again, grifted people for decades)

The Right wants to concentrate on two things are are obscure, at best, in the Bible: homosexuality/LGTBQ+ and abortion. No verse in the Bible comes out and explicitly says that they are illegal. Yes, when it comes to “Love your neighbor as thy brother.”, they rather espouse hate rhetoric. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's some info about Vance, Trumps chosen running mate, thinks and feels about project 2025.  

"...Vance’s authoring of the foreword to an upcoming book by Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation who has advocated for a “second American revolution” he hopes will remain “bloodless.” Roberts is the head of Project 2025 — a far-right policy blueprint from which Trump has fought to distance himself.

In a review of the book, Vance wrote: “We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lie ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.”

“I’m a little surprised they didn’t vet him as thoroughly as they should have, or if they did, did they not know he was writing the foreword to Kevin Roberts’ book,” said a Republican strategist and veteran of multiple presidential campaigns, granted anonymity to speak freely. “So, you’ve got Trump trashing this Project 2025, and Vance writing the foreword.”"

[think before following links] https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/26/republicans-jd-vance-attacks-00171473

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If the Dems manage to blow it this time, it'll be the end of the US Government as we currently know it. 

Even if a general war manages to break out in the Middle East (which usually encourages the voting citizenry to 'circle the wagons" and support the current Administration), for which possibility there are US Navy ships on the way, loaded with fighter jets, gawd knows what else, as well as US troops, ostensibly to support all the US troops already in the general area.  

I've liked Walz since "the search" began a while ago, and I appreciate that choice.  It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that Shapiro and Harris came to some sort of agreement about the election cycle after her two terms as President are completed, 8 years from this November. 

 He needs to be in situ in PA, which state is crucial to a Harris victory.  His "warm-up" speech last night was the first time I've heard Shapiro in a complete speech-ette, and it was one damn fine barn-burner.  

I also find it surprising that the orange-utang's stumbling replies to the Walz announcement are so weak, so "scatter-shot" in nature.  I thought that even he could offer at least some measure of a cogent response.  He's such a damn coward, and a truly stupid one.  It's a damn waste of perfectly good Big Macs that he bothers to feed himself.

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17 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

If the Dems manage to blow it this time, it'll be the end of the US Government as we currently know it. 

Even if a general war manages to break out in the Middle East (which usually encourages the voting citizenry to 'circle the wagons" and support the current Administration), for which possibility there are US Navy ships on the way, loaded with fighter jets, gawd knows what else, as well as US troops, ostensibly to support all the US troops already in the general area.  

I've liked Walz since "the search" began a while ago, and I appreciate that choice.  It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that Shapiro and Harris came to some sort of agreement about the election cycle after her two terms as President are completed, 8 years from this November. 

 He needs to be in situ in PA, which state is crucial to a Harris victory.  His "warm-up" speech last night was the first time I've heard Shapiro in a complete speech-ette, and it was one damn fine barn-burner.  

I also find it surprising that the orange-utang's stumbling replies to the Walz announcement are so weak, so "scatter-shot" in nature.  I thought that even he could offer at least some measure of a cogent response.  He's such a damn coward, and a truly stupid one.  It's a damn waste of perfectly good Big Macs that he bothers to feed himself.

i don't think Trump has ever used or relied on substance to get a following. He uses short trigger phrases that appeal to his followers and sort of unites them: "immigrants are bad,"  "Joe is bad,"  "Kamala is crazy,"  etc., ad nauseam.  He hasn't come up with any phrases that appeal to his followers with these new people, but i don't think he's never relied on evidence or substance, he just makes stuff up on the fly. He's on unfamiliar turf now and at a loss for three letter phrases.

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Indeed @tallslenderguy  

In reviewing a well done CNN series on 1968; that was a form of a civil war I think; and I believe we'll AT LEAST see that this Fall.  @hntnhole the operation of our government will dramatically change.  A full on civil war might ensue.  The Orange One is going to claim he won regardless of the facts; and how his people act might make Jan 6 look rather tame being in just one location.  

I think we need to be prepared for some difficult times.

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News outlets are reporting that Project 2025 will not be officially released until after the election because "it's time to fight for our country."  Bullshit.  It's because they know it negatively affects Trump's chances.

How do you know when Trump is lying?  His lips are moving.
How do you know when JD Vance is lying?  He has pulled his head out of Trump's ass - and his lips are moving.

**rant over

[think before following links] https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/project-2025-leader-postpones-launch-of-his-book-with-vance-foreword-until-after-the-election#:~:text=WASHINGTON (AP) — As Project,after the November presidential election.

[think before following links] https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/project-2025s-new-leader-kevin-roberts-postpones-book-112646446

Edited by pupHawaii
add the links
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17 hours ago, pupHawaii said:

**rant over

Nooooooo ...... DO continue - please ..... the mental image of Vance pulling his head out of that mass of congealed fat, complete with still-moving lips, summons forth a particularly disgusting mental image of two horrifically disgusting men, committed to sinking into the deepest well of human depravity imaginable.  I wonder how much farther either of them can fall before they hit the bottom of the pit, but we'll find out in a couple of months, I guess.  

I think you could patent that mental image, if that were possible, and sell it as a weight-loss program .... you'd get rich quick !!! 

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21 hours ago, PozBearWI said:

Indeed @tallslenderguy  

In reviewing a well done CNN series on 1968; that was a form of a civil war I think; and I believe we'll AT LEAST see that this Fall.  @hntnhole the operation of our government will dramatically change.  A full on civil war might ensue.  The Orange One is going to claim he won regardless of the facts; and how his people act might make Jan 6 look rather tame being in just one location.  

I think we need to be prepared for some difficult times.

Sobering, frightening points that must be considered. 

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3 hours ago, BBBxCumDumpster said:

how his people act might make Jan 6 look rather tame being in just one location.  

As far as I can tell, this Project 25 is anticipating exactly that scenario.  Apparently, there are already - today - quite a number of Trumpettes in place on the state and local level in a number of States. 

Mutterings about 'civil war', all of that should be taken as a clear and present danger, to resurrect a time-worn phrase.  That said, I'm assuming the generals in the Pentagon are already planning for some degree of insurrection.  The way I see it, if every kid that's ever been insulted in middle school can get one of these rapid-fire, hand-held machine guns, things could go south really quickly.  That disaffected kid that almost shot off Big Mouth could get one, or grab his dad's unlocked-up gun.  There are accounts of this kind of bullshit almost daily. 

Now, Travis Kelsey's girlfriend* has had to cancel 3 shows in Austria because of threats to blow stuff up during the concerts.  These are dangerous times.  

*can't quite come up with her name - no insult intended, ya'all ...

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