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The Wizard of Poz

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Dorian Gale looked down the long yellow road ahead to the now-familiar sight of the Emerald City club rising out of the distant landscape. He gripped the object they had been sent to retrieve in his hand, and exhaled. Maybe this this would be over soon. He turned to look at his fellow travellers, all now resting against trees or rocks. Toto, his twinky boyfriend, whose escape-artist antics had started all this. Leo, the timid blond bear who never seemed to fail to find courage when he was horny. Scotty, the dishevelled hobo-looking moron who still seemed to be able to outsmart when he needed to. Steele, the cold and gruff hunk with the metal fetish that seemed to care more than he ever let on. They were a ragtag mob, but had been through a lot together.

For Dorian and Toto it had, of course, started when they arrived here. Lost in the heat of the moment, they had not noticed the tornado sirens going until Dorian had finally erupted inside his boyfriend, and when they looked out of the window they realised in horror that they were seconds away from a direct hit. Dorian had barely pulled the mattress off the bed before they were violently thrown across the room, knocking both teens out in the process. When they awoke, they had found themselves somewhere truly alien. Colours, sounds and beings like they had never encountered in their little town near Wichita.

Somewhere in the melee of the foam party going on outside, an auburn haired drag queen called Glinda Glitter had eventually emerged from the bubbles and shown them where to go. She had taken her time though, and both Dorian and Toto had been subjected to a near gang-rimming of their holes from the pack of little men running around who seemed to call themselves the Munchkids. Not the worst way to be welcomed to a new land, but certainly very unusual.

Anyway, they had eventually extricated themselves from the orgy and set off up the road, following the path of the rather smelly watercourse they had been told was called the Golden Stream.

Scotty was the first of their pack that they met, with Dorian and Toto taking pity on the man. This pity was perhaps misplaced, as a bottle of rum had knocked out Toto and left Dorian with his inhibitions lowered. Normally a strict top back in Kansas, he was left dripping cum from his stretched hole by the following morning.

Steele was their next encounter, and from the get-go he made it clear he would help the boys if they in turn helped him. Toto had since taken the brunt of that duty, his little frame being tossed around like it was made of feathers by the burly chain-clad hunk whenever they stopped to rest along the way. Dorian’s athletic, muscled body had apparently been of appeal too though, and he had found himself having to give up his hole as well.

Leo was their final encounter, and while he was initially afraid to accompany the men, catching site of a wet patch in the back of Dorian’s tight jean shorts had convinced him it might be worth it. The trip thereafter had gone slowly, given the amount of time that Steele wanted to be pounding the living daylights out of Toto. Scotty and Leo made the best of all the stops though, as they worked together to turn Dorian from a closeted jock top to a cumhungry spitroast-craving bottom.

Of course, there had also been the Monkey Men. These crazed furries had kidnapped Dorian one night, and the jock had endured two days of being chained up in a cell while being gangbanged round the clock until his fellow travellers had found him and paid the ransom. Only then had this army of furry-fetish freaks agreed to take them to their goal, the dungeon complex of a hoodlum known as the Biggest Bitch of the West. Here, both Dorian and Toto had been forced to get into slings for gangbang breedings from all the military-fetish guys in attendance, providing enough of a distraction for the others to slip away one by one to search the place for their bounty. Somehow it took the equivalent of 20 loads in each of the Kansas boys before Steele located the giant dildo that the Biggest Bitch was apparently so famous for riding, which they had been sent to retrieve to add to the collection back at Emerald City. As they had tried to make their escape, the complex’s owner had nearly caught them but Dorian’s quick thinking had resulted in the Biggest Bitch slumping on the floor into an involuntary high, doused from head to toe in poppers.

So now they were back in sight of Emerald City, but would need to wait some hours for it to open. Everyone else was resting, and Dorian eventually decided it was time to do the same. He made his way towards a vacant rock, but as he did so he saw Scotty stirring. Knowing the drill by this point, Dorian instead pulled down his jeans shorts, pulled off the tattered remains of his gingham shirt, and got down on all fours. He wasn’t sure what awaited the group, but for now he settled in for another afternoon of taking cock.

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The doors of the club opened, and the gang headed in to its palatial interior. It all seemed to be silent and abandoned, and they gathered in the centre of the giant entrance hall to look around. After a few minutes, their attention was collectively caught by the sound of one of the giant sets of double doors at the side opening, and they nervously edged towards the passageway beyond. They had still not caught sight of anyone else, but Dorian purposefully strode forward nonetheless, giant dildo in hand, with the rest of them behind him.

They started descending some spiral stairs, and as they did so they heard the sound of the double doors they had come through closing again. Undeterred, they continued down until they reached another passageway where there was light ahead from an open door. They proceeded until they entered another enormous room, around the edge of which were a series of black and red curtains. Once again, they gathered in the centre of the room to await whatever came next.

“Welcome!” boomed a voice out of the many speakers around the room. “You have succeeded in your quest, and now you will receive your rewards.”

The gang nervously looked at one another during a long pause that followed. Then, at the side of the room, one of the sets of curtains opened.

“Scotty, come forward!” boomed the voice.

After hesitating for a moment, the dishevelled man eventually started edging towards the open curtain. As he did so, he noticed a large book sitting on a table in the centre of the space beyond the curtain.

“You wanted brains” boomed the voice, “but you always had them. Your reward is this encyclopedia, so that you begin to gain knowledge. Go forth and learn, and cut your hair while you are at it!”

Scotty approached the book, and as he did so the curtain closed behind him.

Another curtain then opened on the other side of the room, catching the rest of the gang’s attention.

“Leo, approach!” boomed the voice, prompting the blond stud to walk towards the space that had opened up. There he saw a large medal sitting on a plinth, glinting from the spotlight above.

“You wanted courage, but you have proven yourself to be as brave as a man can be!”

Leo smiled as he reached for the medal, the curtain closing behind him as well.

A third curtain then opened in the room.

“Steele, now it is your turn” boomed the voice.

The hunk strode over to the space, his eyes drawn to the giant silver chain sitting on a cushioned stool. As he got closer, he saw a huge and heavy heart-shaped pendant was attached to it.

“You wanted a heart, but you have already shown you do truly care for others.”

Steele smiled as he reached for the huge chain, lifting it over his head to add to the collection round his neck. As he admired the massive pendant on his chest in a nearby mirror, the curtain closed behind him too.

Finally a fourth curtain opened, revealing clearly two big frames with leather slings hanging from them.

“Dorian and Toto, approach!” boomed the voice. Nervously the boyfriends took each other’s hands and walked towards the space, a little bewildered as to what their reward was going to be.

“You both want your freedom, and to get home. Soon you will be back in Kansas, but first we must set you free.”

The curtain closed behind them, and then a door opened in the side wall. Eight large men emerged, all wearing an array of leather harnesses, collars and cuffs. They split into two groups of four, and proceeded to surround the two lovers. Without a word, they began to undress the men from Kansas, before turning them around and lifting them into the slings. Neither Dorian or Toto said a word as their wrists and ankles were attached to cuffs suspended from the sling chains, too surprised they were by the pace at which they had been stripped and manhandled into position.

Only once they were in position did a ninth man enter the space. He was small and fat, and dressed in leather trousers, a black leather vest, and a Muir cap decorated with various gems. His arms were covered with tattoos of spiders, scorpions and the hazard symbol that the Kansas boys were used to seeing on a lot of the chemicals they used in their farm work.

“Good” said the man, giving himself away as the one who had been booming out through the speakers. “You are ready.”

“Ready for what sir?” asked Dorian.

“The final conversion” the man replied. “Since you arrived, you have both been receiving special gifts, from your friends out there, the monkey men I sent after you, or the Bitch’s army of fanatics. But now you will be treated to mine, and those of my boys here, to seal the deal.”

“Wh…what do you mean?” Dorian asked, his stomach twisting in knots as realisation of what this was about dawned on him.

“I am the Wizard of Poz” said the fat man. “All who live here are carriers, but I keep the most potent strains contained here at Emerald City for special occasions. This is one such occasion.”

Dorian looked over at Toto, and was shocked to see his boyfriend’s cock fully erect and a huge smile on his face.

“Your little twink here seems ready to accept his fate” said the Wizard.

“Please sir” squeaked Toto, his eyes filled with lust.

“What about you?” the Wizard said, turning back to the former star high school quarterback. “You arrived here a top, but I can see from the state of your hole that that’s no longer true. Are you ready to make your conversion a certainty?”

Dorian felt tears forming in his eyes, but his own cock involuntarily growing hard helped him realise that he wanted this. He didn’t know why, but he wanted this. With every breaching of his hole since he’d arrived here, he had felt himself sliding more and more towards his true self. Now, with the revelation that he’d been getting pozzed the whole time, he almost felt liberated. No more of the act, no more of trying to be this athletic jock hunk who satisfied his secret gay desires by keeping a twink of his own. His true purpose seemed to now be clear, and this toxic man standing in front of him was planning to make it all a reality. With a deep breath, Dorian found himself nodding at the Wizard, giving his permission for what was about to happen.

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