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hntnhole last won the day on February 16 2023

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About hntnhole

  • Birthday 05/02/1964

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    S. FL.
  • Interests
    First, the only aversion: I don't like fucking guys that are using. I've seen too many flush their lives down the drug ditch. No drug users - Firm Aversion.
    Love Breeding Hole. Particularly enjoy group action, every Hole filled, every Cock drained, every wet Hole sucked dry, sharing my lust for raw Hole with like-minded men. Not necessarily a chaser, not necessarily an avoider. I just don't reaally care one way or the other. 90% T, 10% b. (if the Cock isn't too big - how often do you see that in a profile ...lol)
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    I've been Breeding raw Hole for a long time, and love the thrill of deepening my lusts, your lusts, every guy's lusts. Mostly Top, experienced and good at it. Nothing against taking a hot, hard raw Cock up my gut, but it can't be too big. It just doesn't happen all that often. I'd much rather eat the Hole that other Cocks breed in. 7+x 6, 6',150, Caucasian, completely disinterested in racial hangups. Prefer slim, non-Caucasians. Raw Hole is Raw Hole, and all of it deserves to be fucked full. Expecially love hairy Hole, since Holehair helps hold the spit and sperm in place for the next Cock to enjoy.
  • Porn Experience
    Only home-made stuff.
  • Looking For
    Men that love their Lusts, love their perversions, love their thirst to mate with other men. Be open to wherever our Lusts take us. Mating with our Brothers is important, it's productive, it's necessary, and it's fun. Pumping our Seed up our brothers guts is important, just as being open to taking Seed up our own gut is important. Our Lusts deserve to be honored and acted upon. It's all about Cock, Hole, Sperm.

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  1. I voted for #1, since I think that'd be the most productive, but #'s 4 & 5 would be close runner's - up.
  2. Do you mean Eastlake Terrace ??? There wasn't anything particularly "gay" on that street when I lived in R.P. ..... Please tell more !!!
  3. Well, I do - but almost exclusively on the local level, and only via sitting down and writing a check. As Tip O'Neill so famously said; "all politics is local". Frankly, I don't trust either party to be completely honest about the amount of dough they've raked in. There are plenty of rascals in the Dem party too; the Senator from NJ being only the latest. I'm getting "beg-texts" several times a day lately, and I never ever ever give money via texts - I don't care who it is - I'm not gonna do it.
  4. Strumpet is such a pussy I wonder if he'd even have the balls to pull the trigger. Much more likely he'd get one of his minions to do it ....
  5. Well said, BootmanLA There are several threads I never bother to read, since I have zero interest in the subject matter.
  6. And all you had to do, Bottom Jim, was agree to a proposal. The mother of the son who might join in must have her suspicions about her kid, and only want him (and obviously her husband) to be happy. Even better, the women kept their undies on, allowing the men to do what they most needed to do. Sounds like a win-win all the way around.
  7. Sticks and stones .... what's in a nickname anyway ??? Of COURSE !!!
  8. I suppose it was in a junkyard somewhere in Ohio. While it wasn't "disgusting", it was a bit daring. I was traveling with a good buddy to an event in NY State, and had heard via the "old-car" grapevine about a particularly good junkyard in rural Ohio, full of decent old (mostly postwar) cars with lots of good parts still left, and we actually found it out in the sticks on an older two-lane highway. Pulled in, grabbed our toolbags, paid and went in. The employee that we paid to get in was a decent-looking guy, seemed really friendly, all of that. Just inside the fence, sitting in a growth of tall bushes was a '49 Buick FastBack that looked intriguing. My buddy was into Mopars, so he went on further into the junkyard, but I wanted a sniff of that Buick (it was in pretty good shape), and there were a couple of other old cars in the area too, but most of the cars were further on. So, I went to investigate the others right in that area,, intending to stop and give the Buick a look-over on the way to the rest of the junkyard. My buddy had gone further down into the junkyard. When I got back there (to the Buick), the kid behind the counter was actually standing on top of that Buick, barely visible among the bushes and tree branches, doing a "bump-n-grind". Well !!! I'd never expected to see anything like that ... but apparently my Cock had been expecting it, because my "brainless buddy" got as hard as the "teeth" in that Buick's front bumper. The trees/bushes looked like they hadn't ever been trimmed, and I crawled right up that "slant-back" car and fucked that kid like crazy. I don't think anyone could have seen, and it was so outrageous (to me - a "big-city-guy") - that it was a really hottttt fuck. After I pumped my load up his gut, he turned around and shot a huge load all over my t-shirt & jeans. After that, I picked up my tools and went further into the junkyard and found my buddy - who looked me up and down and just said "you didn't !!!" And then he said "of course you did ...". It turned out to be a really great junkyard, we found quite a number of old MoPars and got some great parts. When we hauled our treasures back to the office to pay, the clerk - maybe still full of my load - just smiled, took the money, and said cum again, guys, accenting the "cum". And we all had a good laugh.
  9. If you haven't already left for Paris, I'd try some of the bars - Scheune, for instance. They all have basements where guys fuck, and some of them are rather dark. The attributes you think you reflect won't be so noticeable, and those fuckjoints are often packed, even on weeknights. Good luck !!
  10. and I thought I'd heard it all by now .....
  11. I would pay dearly to be there, watching if that ever happens ... I would even make a weak attempt to control my mouth ...
  12. Ya think ??? I'll lay you 10 to 1 that she's got more dough squirreled away than that fat fart of a husband does ...
  13. I'm not so sure ..... It's not inconceivable that she got to the US, figured out a way to meet Orangie, waggled those tits, smiled and had it all planned out. Some say she was a bit of a high-class tart back when she was building that "modeling" career in Slovenia ... just sayin ...
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