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  1. PART SEVEN I couldn't wait for the taxi to arrive. As much I loved being with Sam, I couldn't wait to have another guy's cock inside me. "Cool, the cab's about 5 minutes away" Sam said. "You'd better get some clothes on" "Why?" I begged. "I'm fine to go like this" "Not in public you're not," Sam laughed. "Put your damn clothes on" I let out a giggle of delight as the cab's horn tooted just as I put my pants on. Sam hurriedly put some things into a backpack as I dashed out to the cab. As we went outside the sun was almost up, Sam must've been fucking me for hours! The cabbie was a fat 50 year old guy, but most importantly, he was a guy. I told him my address and then whispered in his ear, "We're having a party at my place, wanna come?" and gave his earlobe a little nibble. He looked at me with disgust. "No matter, you've probably got a small cock anyway" I replied and relaxed in the seat as we got to my place. I swung the door open and dashed inside, tearing my clothes off as I dashed to the bedroom to get it ready for our session, throwing the dirty clothes off the bed as I did. I made my way back to the kitchen and Sam had a couple of glasses of water. He handed me a glass with a smile, "Here have a drink. We've been going for a while" I downed it one gulp but it tasted so terrible! "Urgh, don't you have any. The pipes must be playing up." Sam put his glass on the table just as there was a knock at the door. "That must be him!" I clapped my hands & dashed to the door. The MC came in and I could tell he was horny. "I didn't catch your name" I purred as I rubbed his cock through his jeans. He told me his name (I think it was John) but I didn't care, I was more intrigued my the extra lump that he seemed to have in his pants. I undid the fly and belt of his jeans and pulled them & his briefs to the floor. As I knelt down in front of John I saw that he had a cock piercing! I'd heard about them but had never seen one up close. I had to take it in my mouth. Mmm, I loved the taste of the metal in my mouth as I swirled the cock head with my tongue. "Been having a good night?" John asked. "Best night of my life" I replied with a smile. "But I thought the two of you just wanted to be one on one tonight?" "Things change" Sam said as he moved over towards John. Even though my head was swimming I couldn't help but feel jealous as I looked up to see John & Sam making out. They looked so natural though, I couldn't wait to please both of them at once. As soon as I got John's cock hard enough, I needed that PA inside me. I knew that desire deep in my hole would be helped by his cock and that big PA in my ass. I turned round and presented my aching hole to him. "Please fuck me stud!" I begged. "Are you sure?" he asked as he knelt down behind me. "I'm positive" "So am I" I could hear the smile in his voice, he was that excited to fuck me. I bet he didn't know I'd even been with a man before tonight! I could feel every inch of his cock entering me, and, even better, his piercing scraping the inside of my pussy as his cock filled me. Sam pulled his cock out and started jerking off. "Don't waste it for me babe", I pleaded. "Bring that cock over here" I saw Sam's beautiful cock in front of me & started to suck his cock again. Though John's cock was nice & thick and had a PA, it wasn't as big as Sam's. It felt so beautiful having a great big cock in my mouth and a pierced one in my ass. As these guys double-teamed me, I couldn't help but think back to my college days. There were so many sorority girls that me & the other guys had in the same position, fucking their pussies and their mouths. Those frigid bitches wouldn't let anyone near their asses though, and we called them sluts! Those amateurs couldn't hold a candle to a true slut like me. I'd show them how to treat a couple of college boys properly, fuck that, I'd show them how to treat a whole fraternity properly! All that thinking about sexy college guys must've had me really working my ass muscles as I could feel John's cock tensing inside me. "You want me to cum in your sexy ass?" "Of course I do stud" "Yeah, finish him off so he's ours" Sam yelled out. I wanted to make my man happy and finish John off so it made me feel so good when his cock hardened like a rock inside me and he shot his load. There was so much inside me, it felt incredible as he came through the piercing. While his cock was a bit smaller than Sam's, he came so much more. He pulled out and stood up next to Sam. I saw a bit of blood on his dick as I cleaned his cock up, must've been not using lube once again. John whispered something into Sam's ear and they started to make out again. Whatever it was, Sam must've loved it and he came almost straight away, all over my face. As I looked up with cum in my eyes, Sam said to me with a big grin, "By the time we're finished with you, there'll be no doubt". I knew that meant that they'd make me a slut and I couldn't be happier END OF PART SEVEN
    5 points
  2. I too took my medication cautiously. I had the bottle for several weeks before I started taking it, coordinating it with some time off from work in case there were side effects. I had some very, very minor nausea, that could have been something else for a day or two after I started and that was it. I just got my first refill and started taking the 2nd month's dosage. Most things I read said 7 days was all that was needed to be effective but I waited a full month. Now, knowing I can take any load has me so horny I can't see straight, a side effect that wasn't listed on the paperwork. lol In the past, I've serosorted a lot and remained negative so it must have worked. This coming weekend I'm renting a room, placing some ads and taking any and every load offered to me. When I've done this before I've passed on what would have probably been some pretty good tops because I had doubts about their status or truthfullness. This time I'm going to be the slut I've always wanted to be.
    3 points
  3. Hit the gym with a friends friend, pretty damn hot but needed some help with some presses and had no one to work out with. We got to the gym and got a good pump in. By this time theres about 45 minutes before the gym closes so he tans while I do some cardio. Both pretty done so head to the lockers and the showers. About 25 before the gym closes, pretty damn empty so just undress and get into the showers. Hot friend comes in behind me, starts kissing my neck. Can feel his hard thick cock againt my muscle ass while he pushes me against the wall. Starts to go in, head first and slow since he's THICK. Almost all in when he starts pounding my ass, trying to keep quiet so no one hears. Couple minutes of ass pounding goes by and I can tell he's almost done. Moans a little in my ear, slows down and I start to feel his cock pulsating in my hole. Stay still for a couple seconds then he slowly pulls out his huge cock. We finish showering, get dressed and I start heading out with his seed still deep in me.
    3 points
  4. My fantasy was finally coming true. A gay couple I had known for a few years was having a party and had agreed to have me be the party favor. I would be put on a bed in the spare bedroom, naked, and the guests would be told that if they needed relief during the party to pay me a visit. When the first guests knocked, I went to the room, put on the blindfold and got on the bed. I could hear more people coming, the music started. It seemed like it was hours but I had no idea how long because the clock that was in the room had been unplugged, probably on purpose. Without warning, I heard someone tap on the door a couple of times and it opened. I didn't move. Whoever it was shut the door behind himself and I heard it lock. Guess he wanted to make sure our meeting stayed one on one. I heard him undress and then his hand was on the back of my head, pulling me towards the edge. As I eased to the side I felt his cock touch my lips. I wrapped my hand around it, opened my mouth and sucked him in deeply. It was a nice mid-sized cock and I could already taste precum leaking, which made me suck harder. I blew him with a good rhythm until he pulled his cock out of my mouth and crawled on the bed behind me. "Ass Up" he said, and I immediately got on my knees. I heard the lube open, he smeared some on my hole and pressed his cock against it. It all happened within a few seconds which made me realize he hadn't put on a condom. I relaxed and he eased forward, slipping completely in me in one slow stroke. It hurt a little but I kept quiet. He started fucking me with nice steady deep strokes which felt incredible. I moaned without meaning to and he sped up at a little. It must have turned him on to know I was enjoying it. He kept up the pace longer than I thought he'd last until he stopped on an instroke, sighed heavily and I could tell he was cumming. I tightened up my hole around his cock to milk him dry. He shuddered a couple of times, pulled out, smacked my ass and said 'thanks'. I was in slut heaven. I was just bred by a guy I never saw and wouldn't know it if I saw him on the street. The breeding was a surprise too. My friends had said most guys would be safe and there was a bowl of condoms on the nightstand by the lube. I trusted them because they know I'm negative, and just decided to go with it. I don't think I was alone very long before the door opened again. I heard the second guy undressed and he got on the bed behind me, all without saying a word. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me up so I was once again on my knees, ass in the air. I head the lube open and felt his cock touch my slick hole. He eased forward and just as his cock head popped in, I realized that he was a good bit thicker than the first guy. He held up a minute for me to get used to it. I guess he felt it when I pulled forward a little. To let him know I was ready, I pushed back against him, taking the rest of his dick in my hole. What his cock lacked in length, he made up for with girth because I felt the slight burn of being stretched good and tight. When he felt me push back, he grabbed my hips and started a steady jack hammer rhythm. He had good control and must have been in good shape because he fucked me like that for a good 15 minutes nonstop. I noticed his strokes get a little harder and thinking he was close I started moaning a little and pushing back again. That did the trick because he fucked me really hard for about 30 seconds, growled and went all the way in me. His cock was thick enough that I could feel it jerking as he pumped his cum into me. I didn't think he'd put on a condom either and reached back to check. Sure enough, I now had two loads in me. When he pulled out, my hole didn't close immediately from the thick pummeling he had given me. I clenched a few times to work it shut and keep the cum in me and got back on my stomach. The next guy had me get off the bed and suck him, which I eagerly did until he pumped the first load of the night in my throat. Over the next couple of hours, I was visited five or six more times. I swallowed three more loads and got fucked by two more guys, both of whom decided to use condoms. I could hear the party winding down and was wondering if it was over when the door opened and an unknown guy announced "There is one more guest who needs some attention but a few of the guests want to watch the show." Since I love to be watched I had been a little disappointed that all of the use I'd had up to this point had been one on one. And now I was going to be a public display too, as if the night could have gotten any better. I heard a few more people walk in the room and felt the bed move as someone got on behind me. I instinctively raised my ass up. I heard a condom wrapper being fumbled with, then the lube bottle clicked open. Some lube was squirted on my already slick with lube and cum hole. Then I felt a cock head rubbing around my ass. My first impression was that this might be the thickest of the night. It felt very blunt. The head moved some lube around then pressed against my hole. I relaxed and waited but nothing happened. The pressure increased as the guy leaned forward, but still nothing. Shit, this guy must be hung like a beer can. I pushed out slightly and pushed back a little and felt my ass spreading wide around what had to be the thickest cock I'd experienced. The head had started in, but I could feel I hadn't gotten all of the width yet. I eased forward, wiggled my ass around and pushed back. The rest of the head finally popped inside and I froze. If I hadn't been blindfolded I think my vision would have blurred. The thickness had pressed against my prostate, which thankfully gave me some pleasure to mix with the pain. I didn't move, hoping my ass would relax and stretch, not knowing if the guy would stop if I had to ask him too. The guy did have some mercy. He didn't move for a good minute or so, during which my ass did relax a little. He pulled back and the head popped out. I heard and felt some more lube being applied and then the blunt tip touched me again. I pushed out hard and eased back as he eased forward and the head went in followed by an inch or two of the shaft. I froze again; actually feeling like I might cum from the pressure on my prostate. After a short pause, he eased out, and back in, each time, giving me another half inch of so, and then I realized that while I was concentrating on the width, I hadn't considered the length. I felt stuffed so full of cock I could burst and I still hadn't felt his balls touch me. On the next in-stroke, it felt like he hit bottom and the pain started to overcome the pleasure. He kept making slow deliberate strokes, now hitting bottom on each one and I unconsciously pulled forward. This seemed to tick him off a little because he pushed me forward the rest of the way until I was flat on my stomach. He put his arm under me and kept fucking. Going forward was a bad idea because now I couldn't pull away. All I could do was lay there and take it. The pain did ease some with the new position and after a few dozen, ever deepening strokes, I could feel his balls against my ass cheeks. I almost smiled to myself knowing I had taken it and didn't have to tap out. My hole burned and I could feel the head of his cock in my guts but figured if he didn't last too long, I'd make it. He kept fucking me in a slow, steady rhythm and my ass kept relaxing until the pain was nearly gone. Needing him to come before my hole was completely torn up, I let out a moan and lifted my ass up to meet his thrust. His rhythm never changed, but the feeling inside me did. As my hole started burning more from being stretched so wide, the pressure on my prostate kept me feeling like I might cum. I'm one of those guys who, after I've cum, I've gotta stop, which made me know I had to prevent myself from having an orgasm at all costs. I felt his fingers run up my neck and into my hair as he gripped a fist full and used it to pull me back against him. I groaned loudly and kept raising my ass up against him, but still his rhythm never changed. I tried tightening up my ass but I was stretched so wide it didn't work. My hole was shot but still he kept fucking. My last resort to make him cum was repeatedly beg "Please give me your load." I might have begged, but still he fucked me. There was no change in rhythm, just an increasing soreness in my hole. I listened and sensed even the breathing of the observers hadn't changed. His hand was still in my hair and his cock was still so far in me I swear I could feel it in my chest. "Take my ass, Sir", I groaned, and as if my body were listening, I felt an enormous orgasm coming on. I tried to stop but felt the contractions start. I groaned loudly and my stomach was suddenly soaked with my own cum. I thought I heard a giggle as the fucking suddenly stopped. The massive cock was slowly pulled from me, one inch at the time. When the head exited, I could actually feel the cool air on the inside of me I was gaped so big. The blindfold was removed and after a few seconds of my eyes adjusting I looked back. Behind me on the bed was a female with a strap on that looked the size of a horse cock. Now it all made sense. The guy who had nearly ruined my ass, who I couldn't make cum, no matter how hard I tried, wasn't a guy after all. I swallowed hard knowing she could have gone on much longer, wondering at what point I would have used my safe word. Clapping broke out from the ten or so guests who had crowded into the room to watch..
    2 points
  5. Matt We had a fun night with Sam and even though we each had about 6 hours sleep it wasn’t continuous, so when I dropped Sam off across town he looked exhausted. Now it was time for me to go home and catch a nap Jeremy had to work the evening shift again at A&F and I wanted to be rested up, he was coming over my apartment when he got off so I also wanted to some cleaning. I’m not really a slob or anything but I can get lazy when there’s no one coming over and it’s just for me, I let things lie where they fall, I noticed Jeremy also had some stuff that he had obviously shuffled to the side so I could visit, you know pizza boxes, dirty dishes, clothes and the sort. So when I got home I grabbed a large trash bag from under the sink and started collecting what looked like stuff from the last party, but it was just an accumulation of thrash I had been too lazy to pick up. After picking up the trash, then the dirty clothes which had gotten strewn about I put together a load or two of laundry and wheeled it over to the laundry room, I might add I had thrown on a clean pair of sweats and a muscle shirt, as I intended to do a light workout while waiting for the wash cycle. I tossed the trash bag in the dumpster on the way over and then proceeded to load the washers, damn I ended up with three full loads, I waited till I was sure they were agitating then entered the workout room, the equipment wasn’t anything like my gym had but it was adequate for today’s needs. I stepped up on the elliptical and started a cardio set. I was just finishing up on the elliptical when to hunky back boys came in, I had seen them around the complex but never really paid them much mind. They were both very buffed and mid-twenties, and you could tell they were both packing nice sized cocks, I always had a thing for large black cock, makes me drool a bit and not from the mouth, if you know what I mean. I had started doing squats and they started in on the bench press spotting each other, noticed the thinner one starting to show some growth as they both seemed to studying me, I moved over to do some barbell curls as my member was beginning to fill out as well, by the time we had each completed a couple exercises there was three hard cocks pitching tents “Hey dude how’s it going” the larger buffed guy said “Looks like you’re ready to do some heavy lifting you need a spot” The thinner, shorter one added in as they motioned for me to lie down on the weight bench, which I did. The larger one stood at the top where I took the bench press bar in my hands my head on the bench just below his crotch which I had an excellent view he was commando in his loose fitting basketball shorts. I started to lift the bar up, it was close to my maximum weight so I struggled a bit, so he squatted a little to help me lift it in doing so his cock dangled inches from my mouth “I’m Eli, and this here is Jess you game for some action?” He asked as I placed the bar back in the stirrups, lifting his shorts leg up and allowing his floppy hard cock to fall onto my lips, I opened my mouth and let the drop of precum hit my tongue as my lips encircled the bulbulous head, jess had gone to the doorway to play lookout as I slowly let Eli slide his large cock into my mouth. He was leaking a lot of precum and I soon had almost half of his 12 cut inches sliding into my throat. “Damn boy you’re a good cocksucker for a white boy” “Someone’s coming” Jess piped in as Eli pulled his cock from my mouth and I sat up on the bench, making my own hard-on less noticeable from the casual person walking by. “Want to go back to our place for a bit? We’re just on the other side of the driveway” “Sure but I need to throw my clothes in the dryer first” “Kewl, were in 36 upstairs, see you soon” I hurriedly changed my clothes from the washers to the driers and headed across the drive, took the steps two at a time and was about to knock when the door flew open and I was pulled inside by jess. “Don’t want our nosey neighbors getting any ideas” I laughed as Eli shoved his tongue in my mouth and began roughly kissing me, Jess had my sweats pulled down and was attempting to get me to lift my legs so he could remove them, Eli wrapped his arms around me and picked me up and carried me into the bedroom, well not quite a bed room but more a playroom as they had a sling, fuck bench and a St. Andrews cross set up. He set me down on the fuck bench and lifted my legs, diving into my ass with that magnificent tongue. Jess began to feed me his 12+ inches of thick cock, he too leaked gobs of precum on my tongue, I was at once in pig heaven, I was so concentrated on the waves of pleasure they were giving me that I hadn’t noticed that Eli had replaced his tongue and fingers in my hole with the head of his cock, Jess was holding a brown bottle under my nose and as I breathed in deeply my head began to glow and I was in a stupor “pssst” a cloth was held over my mouth and nose and I began to spin into a higher plain of popper bliss. As the high began to settle and my senses returned I found myself impaled on Eli’s thick cock as he was pumping in and out of what only could be my wrecked rectum. “Oh fuck yeah that big black cock feels so good inside me” “You like that white boy, you like your big black son fucking you white daddy ass?” “Oh fuck yes fuck your daddy, give daddy your hot black cream” “Not quite yet, your boys are going to take turns fucking your hot ass” With that he pulled out and Jess moved in and shoved his cock in, it was longer than but not quite as thick as Eli, who had moved around and was shoving his cock into my mouth and down my throat making me gag a little. I could taste his precum and my ass juices with a little bit of blood. He offered up some more poppers and as they hit I could feel Jess push deep into my ass past the second ring then he started pumping faster each time probing for deeper depths. Jess pushed in deep and held it there, I could feel it pulsing on my second ring blasting his cream deeper than any cum had been pumped into me. “Oh fucking hell, you got a sweet cunt daddy, filling you up with my gifts” He pumped in and out for another five minutes and then pushed in again and unloaded a second round of cream, this time long dicking my ass spreading his seed throughout my rectal walls. Then he finally pulled out my ass was a sloppy mess as Eli the pushed back into me and pounded my hole for another 15 minutes then exploded in my guts pounded some more then blasted another volley into my hole They let me up and each kissed me, I could feel cum dripping from my wrecked hole, this would be interesting to explain to Jeremy. Eli left the room as Jess licked and slurped around my sphincter, Eli came back in with a warm moist towel and my sweats, and he wiped off my ass and held the soothing cloth up to my hole then helped me back into my sweats “guess it’s time to get your clothes out of the drier, by the way hot ass, when you’re ready for more let us know, we have some friends who can help you become a brother in the brotherhood” I left their place and retrieved my clothes from the driers, pondering what Eli had said, he used words I often read on BZ and wondered, oh enough pondering, and I had work to do. I returned to my apartment and folded the clothes I had just washed and hung up my shirts, after putting them away I did the dishes and decided it was time for lunch, it was just past 1:30, Jeremy would be here around 8, I looked around the place was looking almost presentable, as my lunch was cooking in the oven I dusted then vacuumed. I transferred the food onto a plate and grabbed the envelope the lottery lady gave me along with a pen and pad of paper and headed to the bedroom, switched on the Television and settled on my bed sitting and eating my lunch, I browsed through the helpful hints on the first page of the literature, one of the thing it suggested was to get a lawyer on retainer so as to avoid if possible any legal problems and to review ant contracts I might enter into, it also suggested that a lawyer would be able to help set up wills and trust. It had a list of lawyers throughout the state organized by county and metropolitan areas. I looked through the list then grabbed my laptop and turned it on. I opened my browser and searched for rainbow pages, got the link then opened their page the searched for “lawyer” A short page of entries appeared and I cross checked the ones on the lottery list and found two which matched, I e-mailed them both asking for a consultation with both. I read on through the helpful hints and then got bored. I texted Jeremy and asked him what he might want for dinner, I was determined to work my culinary charms on my son, sounded kinky but then again we both were. I browsed through my BBRT and BZ then A4A and a couple other sites, realizing I got loaded (knocked up) but I never came myself, now the dilemma do I jerk off or just edge saving myself for my boy. I decide I’d just edge the seat of my sweats were getting damp so I reached in my drawer and pulled out a medium plug and slid it into my bottom stopping any more cum from seeping out. Went back to BZ and pulled up “where did you receive your last load and once again found my little slutty son had posted of his exploits. I edged reading his account of how we seduced Sam and then plowed his virgin ass, I was hard reading and remembering the evening’s events reflecting back on us breeding our new friend, I edged pretty close then felt my ass spasm around the plug, I gushed precum on my cock, so it was time to stop if I was to save it up for my son. I looked over at the clock and it was already 4 o’clock and I was still hot, sweaty and ripe, I decided to hit the shower, washing last nights and this morning’s sex from my body, I removed the plug and without thinking placed it to my lips, my tongue snaked out and licked the cum and ass juices from the device before I thrust it into my mouth and cleaned it off it was tangy and had small red streaks on it but it tasted sweet with a hint of acrid saltiness. I rinsed it off and set it aside while washing my hair and body with a masculine scented soap. I climbed out of the shower and scratched the cat on the head before she ran off to do what cats do. I dressed and then headed out to the store, I needed supplies to cook Jeremy’s dinner. While out I received a Text from him saying he had a ride home and would it be possible for one or two more guest at dinner, he had a surprise for me. I texted back sure, then I gathered up more supplies to prepare. I got home and did some basic prep then set the table for four, it felt weird preparing for guest I rarely did it and even rarer when there wasn’t sex involved. I watched some dumb movie to pass the time then went back to the kitchen and finished up the meal it was just before 7 and I placed everything on warm to hold it till Jeremy and his special guest appeared. At about 7:30 a quick but quiet knock on the door. I got up and answered the door, there stood Jeremy, a Norse god and a older fellow of about 40ish. It took me a moment to realize it was Tony, Jeremy’s Uncle, I still had no clue who the Norse god was but I was still in a state of shock from seeing Tony. “hey Matt, not sure if you remember him but this is my Uncle Tony and my roommate Steven” I invited them in and gestured to my sofa, I took the recliner and Jeremy sensing my shock went to the kitchen searching through the cabinets for glasses and then poured us all some drinks. We started talking while he was in the kitchen “Tony it is good to see you again” “Ah the prodigal Dad resurfaces” Oh shit is he pissed still about me dumping his sister “Um, Tony, um, I’m sorry about your sister, I had no clue she was pregnant when I left her” “Shit dude I wasn’t pissed at you for leaving my Amy preggers, I was sad I thought I’d never see you again” “What? I don’t get it” “Dude we had some good times shooting the shit and stuff, not to mention our marathon sessions of tossing the ball around, while you waited for Amy” We did have lots of fun passing time, while I seemed to always be waiting on Amy, I was no Joe Namath or anything but I did have a pretty decent passing arm too. “I don’t know how Amy ever got to work or school on time because she was always running late on everything else” I suddenly realized we had been leaving Steven out of the conversation about the time Jeremy re-entered the room, finding a large charger, he used it as a tray, he brought the drinks out to us “So Steven how did you and Jeremy hookup” As soon as it was out of my mouth I knew it was a bad choice of words “Um, actually we were paired up by the Resident hall computer and were assigned to the same dorm room” “Sorry for my bad choice of words, so you have been roommates since freshmen year then” “Yeah and he thought I was straight almost halfway through the year” Jeremy piped in, laughing “I think he finally got the hint around Halloween when he woke to find me swinging on his cock, on one of his rare nights when he didn’t bring some frat boy back to the room to service” “Shut the fuck up, I wasn’t that Slutty” “Oh yes you were” They both broke into hysterical laughter “So Tony what you been up too?” Tony explained he was Married with three sons 13, 15 and 17, the seventeen year old about to turn 18 and would be joining Jeremy at college next semester, and most likely living with him as well, wink, wink, and they lived about an hour away, he whipped out his phone and started showing pictures of his family, lots of pictures of his hot athletic sons shirtless playing around, wrestling and such a couple of his wife. “Well boys dinner is ready if you want to grab a plate I will set it out and you can dig in” With that we each loaded up a plate and took a place at the table, Jeremy sat near me and Tony and Steven took seats on the other side of the table, there was a light banter as we ate Tony shared a little more of his exploits with his Family, Steven filled us in on things Tony and I didn’t know about him, his childhood and his coming out when he was 12 to having to hit the streets when his parents threw him out and ending up in foster care and eventually getting involved in a program called guardian scholars or something which help him get into college and succeed. The hour was getting late and the beers had been flowing all through dinner and Jeremy said he had an early shift at the cafeteria in the morning, Tony asked if he could use their couch to crash on since he didn’t want to chance a DUI and he was beat, I suggested he use my guest room since I knew the day bed in there was a lot more comfortable than Steve and Jeremy’s sofa. I pulled Jeremy into my room and kissed him passionately, having played it cool, not knowing how much he had told his Uncle. He kissed me back and rubbed me through my jeans, getting me rock hard then he led me back to the guys and gave me a peck on the cheek “Night dad, See you tomorrow” as he and Steven went back to their apartment. I showed Tony the guest room and where things were in the bath and I bid him a good night. I retired to my room and undressed and climbed into my bed, reminiscing of how I had spent the last four days with Jeremy, and Sam, as my mind wandered back to the days of waiting for Amy to get ready and the fun that Tony and I would get into, of sucking his cock in the kitchen to jerking each other off, and yes tossing around a football admiring each other’s naked torsos. I was just about asleep when I felt the bed sink over on the other side, then a warm body cuddle next to mine, it was too hairy to be Jeremy and the cock was a bit thicker as it wiggled between my cheeks “Tony what are you doing?” “Making up for lost time” “What about your wife?” “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, will it
    2 points
  6. Just gave my poz load to a bottom who told me he was undetectable before I fucked him, but after told me he was neg. So fucking hot!
    2 points
  7. I watched Jake abuse the boy's stiff dick like the expert, seasoned cocksucker he'd become. Tanner was completely lost in the sensation, being edged almost continuously and not being able to cum. I had to admire my handiwork as the two hot little studs made out with other, feeling each other's tight little bodies, massaging, squeezing, exploring as their tongues embraced. I took a final hit, sauntered over to the boys, put my mouth next to theirs and exhaled, watching the boys breathe in the white cloud as it dissolved around them. I joined them in a three way kiss, sucking on Tanner's tongue then moving to shove my tongue down Jake's throat. "Can I fuck him ?" Jake whimpered I patted him on the head, "Not yet...I'm gonna replace the seed you felched out of him" "Ok daddy" Jake replied, my dick stiffened. "Tanner, daddy's gonna fuck you...when he cums, clench your ass...I don't wanna see his vim leak out...I don't want to punish you" Jake commanded, in between sweetly kissing the boy. "Turn around, turn out your ass and spread your cheeks boy" I said Tanner complied instantly, straddling the chair. Jake went round the back, stood on a Stoll and shoved his cock into the jocks throat one thrust and his 8 inches vanished without so much of a cough from Tanner. I rubbed my now concrete shaft on the boys hole... "Open it boy" I said, he complied...his tight boy cherry parted ever so slightly, pulsed open. I took the opportunity to shove my index finger in at its most open. It was like hot silk up there and I had to moan. "Its going to be rough boy, I'm going to Fuck you into manhood" I fingered his prostate and I swear he nearly swallowed Jake's ball sack as well as his entire shaft. "You'll thank me later when some of my friends Fuck you into oblivion....you won't want to be tight in an hour boy, and you won't be" I ran my nail along his pleasure button and felt him spasm uncontrollably.... another anti-orgasm swept over him. I ripped my finger out and delighted as he hole stayed open just a little bit longer. "1..." I said, spitting on my hand. "2..." "Here...we...go" "3" I shoved my entire shaft up his gently open cum-lined shoot...this time he moaned hard and Jake pulled out of his throat. "Just in case" he laughed. He took a hit of poppers, and watched me as I pressed into Tanner. He was way too tight for what I had planned and he'd have to loosen up quickly, 3,4,5 inches pushed past his hole's resistance. The boys shared the amyl and, in no time I was buried to the hilt in his hot little ass. My hands gripped his hips tightly as he breathed deep and hard. No help waiting, the boy needed it hard if he was going to make it through our party. I started pulling out, I thought he was about to scream but he moaned deeply instead. "Yesssss" he sighed in a thick baritone I'd have to thank Bruno, my dealer later...whatever he'd given me, was working magic on Tanner. Even as his ass lips tugged against my invading cock, blossoming on my being shaft, he still wanted more. I shoved back in. "Whoah" Jake clapped, "Fuck that's hot" "Can..." Tanned started as I shoved in and out of his de-virgined cunt "Can...I...uh....please....uh...God...suck your cock!" He cried, head up back low, ass out. Jake looked at me with sheer glee, took a step forward, eyes still fixed on mine and planted Tanner at the root of his dick...matching my thrusts into the Adonis' throat. Bit by bit, I felt Tanner's hole stretch but, not quick enough. He'd make all our guests cum in seconds in this state....I was only lasting so long because of sheer, mental diligence. I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and pummelled the boy's pussy like it was going out of fashion, in out, feeling it tense looser and looser around me. The the fog of my discipline of not cumming, I felt Tanner move slightly, backing up towards me. Then another set of legs by mine. I slowed down, opened my eyes and saw that Jake was sitting in the chair, under Tanner...cock primed. He smiled at me over Tanner's shoulder. "Need some help?" he asked, pushing his cock head ever so slowly against the underside of my shaft. "You read my mind fucker" I said..."Here though" I pulled completely out of Tanner, rubbing my pre cum, ass juice coated shaft on Jakes, then shoved back in. Jake smiled, bit his lip and pressed his dick against Tanner's stuffed cunt. As Jake applied pressure, Tanner's head flew up "Yea!!" he cried..."Fuck me...uh...together!" You gotta love jocks, I thought. Always up for the challenge. I heard Jake grunt loudly, felt a piercing rip shudder through Tanner's body and then, Jake's cock head pop through the outer ring, lodged next to the base of my already ball-deep shaft.
    2 points
  8. Jeremy Oh my god as I worked that day I had a hard time, both figuratively and literally keeping my mind on work, so many hot guys came into the store, many with their girlfriends or other female companions a few by themselves, all made the ever present hard on retain its stiffness, I swear some were actually flirting with me Working at A&F didn’t help with all the pictures of sexy men and women frolicking to show off the sexy side of clothing and some of the clothes really did turn me on. Of course my morning job was one where many dorm students would roll out of bed and throw on whatever they found on the floor before heading over for breakfast, seeing jocks in loose but clingy basketball shorts and tee shirts, many going commando their cocks flopping around for all to notice. Time was crawling I finished my morning job then attended my Friday lecture class then headed home for lunch before heading out to the mall for my A&F shift dressing especially formal for my retail job, but I not only thought it would impress my boss wearing the nicest from our formal line, but would impress Matt as well, I hadn’t realized it would end up attracting so much attention from the shoppers. Finally it was getting close to 7 and my anticipation was building, I was so caught up in trying to figure out what Matt wanted to talk about. I walked right past him on the way out of the store. I stopped dead in my tracks as it registered that I just passed a hot well-dressed guy that resembled Matt, I turned and did a double take then walked back towards him, reached out and took his hand pulling slightly in my handshake and said let’s get out of here softly under my breath we strode to Matts car and I couldn’t hold back any longer I clutched him and we kissed, passionately we kissed then he opened my car door allowing me to get in, walked around to the driver’s side and got in, five minutes later we were pulling up to a valet stand and he was handing the car over to some strange cutie in a white shirt and black pants, he ushered me into the restaurant and we were soon seated. He ordered us wine and appetizers then asked if I wanted a soda or water, I said water. The waiter, who was a very cute red head, looked kind of familiar but I couldn’t place him, maybe I had helped him in the store or knew him from college, and brought us bread sticks with marinara. Then Matt dropped the bomb, he slid a large envelope across the table towards me, I looked at him and he indicated I should open it I did and pulled the contents from the package. I stared at what was in front of me, it was a smaller version of my mom’s photo attached to a paternity declaration I looked it over then looked at Matt then back to the documents in front of me. I was confused and elated all at the same time. If I had to pick someone as my dad Matt would be a good candidate. I had planned on starting the search for the mystery man in the photo after I graduated next year and this beautiful man landed on my doorstep solving that problem. I asked a couple questions then looked at the document again, the date of the request and the results was Wednesdays date. Matt had known when we had cuddled last night, when he pissed on me this morning when he fucked me in the shower that he was my dad. It shocked me and made me a little angry, but it turned me on more it was so kinky, it feed into my wild side, I think Matt thought I was going to explode and start yelling at him in the middle of this semi crowded restaurant, but I wasn’t and to calm his fears I pressed my leg into his I wanted to press my palm into his bulging crotch or his into mine to let him know how turned on I was but I noticed that the waiter was watching us he seemed to be getting a small tent under his apron and there were a couple tables which were still full of other patrons. I started picking at the appetizer and Matt seemed to relax. I realized that this couldn’t get much better and started asking questions I wanted to ask mom or Uncle Tony, but here was Dad and maybe he could give me the answers that had bugged me for years. We started talking as the entrée arrived and he told me what he knew of my mom and about things he and Uncle Tony had done, I was rock hard, as we finished and the waiter cleared our plated I got bold and not only ordered the molten chocolate cake but made overt suggestion to the waiter. He scrambled away the delivered dessert and the check, it was obvious he was disturbed by me hitting on him as he was very nervous all of a sudden I noticed him watching and stroking his bulge beneath his apron as Matt and I played and devoured the cake feeding each other, by now the restaurant was mostly empty Matt smiled as he looked at the bill the flipped out his credit card and closed the cover over it setting it on the edge of the table, when the waiter returned for it he looked flustered and quickly sped away after turning down the opportunity to join us at the table as he was technically off. Sam was his name and he was smoking hot, after returning with the charge slip to sign he stood for a moment talking with Matt and it was decide he would get a ride home from us since we made him miss his bus. Matt had signed the charge slip and Sam went to take it back for processing the final amount with the tip. Suddenly we heard him exclaim loudly then come running out to us, asking if we made a mistake, Matt indicated he checked his math and it was correct. Sam sat with us till we were ready to leave which wasn’t that long. Matt grabbed the envelope and we all stood to leave, we were all sporting wood and had large wet spots over our cock heads in our pants. We all strutted through the mostly empty restaurant out to the car. Sam sat directly behind me and as we pulled out onto the street he reached around and begun playing with my chest tickling my nipples. Matt drove to my place and we parked the car the fifteen minutes it took to make the trip proved informational as we discovered that Sam had been at high school with me and had a crush on me during his freshmen year. Now hear we were four years later and we were at my apartment, damn fate plays some interesting tricks on you. After I opened the door we all entered, for the first time since I met Matt, we didn’t start making out the minute we got into the door. We all sat on the couch with me on one end and Matt on the other with Sam in the middle. Sam was blushing as I got up and went into the kitchen and got each of us a beer, I was about to give Sam one, then asked you sure you want one you can’t tell anyone where you got it he answered “My dad’s been letting me have a beer since I was 15 as long as I kept it in the house and didn’t go out and do something stupid” I told him “well this isn’t your house, and I won’t guarantee we won’t get crazy and wild” Sam just laughed “I’m kind of counting on that” I sat back down beside Sam and he reached over and caressed my thigh while taking in a gulp of his beer, he set down his beer then leaned into me breathing in my essence “You know I have fantasized about this for four years, I never thought it would ever happen” he whispered into my ear I covered his lips with mine and put my hand behind his neck pulling him for the kiss, his hands roamed over my chest finding my nipples and unbuttoning my shirt I moved around without ever losing the lip lock I had on the boy, I returned the favor and unbuttoned his shirt exposing the undershirt beneath, he unbuttoned the cuffs and slowly slid it off his shoulders then removed it altogether “You certainly are not that scrawny redhead that used to spy on us in the shower after La Crosse practice anymore” I pulled the hem of his tee shirt out of his pants and worked my hands across his pecs then lifted the tee off over his head as he raise his arms, his strong boy musk hit my senses, Mat who had been watch us then moved in and began caressing Sam as well, I couldn’t resist as I held his arms above his head to dive in and bury myself in his armpits licking the days sweat from his boy pits, he didn’t use deodorant because he tasted of pure boy, hot sweaty boy who had worked hard pleasing others since his last shower, most likely just before reporting to work. As I tongued his ripe pits, Mat began kissing and tasting the boys nipples and his other pit working Sam into a frenzy, he pulled Matt into a hot passionate kiss with some sloppy tongue play, I worked my way across Sam’s chest and added my own tongue to the mixture of mouths colliding. I had managed to work Sam’s pants unfastened and unzipped reaching into his briefs and pulled the boys straining cock to the waistband, he was large it poked past his belly button, I stroked the head and he wiggled his ass letting Matt remove his pants, he lifted his ass again and the briefs slid down as well. Sam sat there naked before us as we both looked down on him, he was sporting a good 9.5 -10 inch piece of meat not incredibly thick but we were sure it would please anyone who got the opportunity to ride it. “No wonder you spied on us in the showers swinging with that piece growing in your pants” I quipped, we all laughed just before he took my shirt off of me then managed to strip Matt out of his clothes as well, we all sat, fondling each other jerking each other off on the couch, Matt and I both leaned in and kissed Sam at the same time and ended up kissing each other, then transferring those kisses to Sam’s beautiful lips, we worked our way down his body till one of us took his cock into our mouths, we worked our tongues around the boys shaft then Matt lifted a leg and started licking his balls, taint and finally his puckered hole, Sam started moaning as Matt rimmed him drooling large amounts of precum, I lapped it up and Matt backed off slightly, I knew what I wanted from Sam I wanted to take that ass “So you ready for me boy you ready to take my cock up your sweet virgin hole” Sam just moaned louder and rolled over on all fours offering up his ass, I fingered his hole, Matt had done a good job of loosening up and wetting the boy’s hole I just slid my finger in and wiggled, not that he was loose by any means but had great muscle control. Matt applied lube and spit to my cock and I slipped the head into Sam’s hole “you sure you’ve never been fucked before” I asked “Not by a real live cock, I’ve used a dildo quite frequently though” “Damn” I slid more of my cock into Sam and he began bucking back onto my rod, before long I was pounding him hard and fast, I wasn’t going to last long in this hot hole, I slowed down my thrust and Matt helped distract me with kisses and playing with my nipples and such but that just sent me into overdrive and I was soon blasting my seed into our new friend. As I pulled out Matt slid in, I offered up my cock to Sam to suck off the remnants of my fucking and he accepted with glee, by the time he had me cleaned off I was rock hard again and ready to go for seconds on his ass. After Matt and I had seeded Sam twice each it was really getting late and Sam decided to addend his text to his dad and tell him he was staying over at a friend’s house and would see him Sunday. I lead Sam to my room where he climbed onto the bed with Matt and me. We were soon snuggled into another round of sex but after playing for a while we all drifted off to sleep I awoke the next morning at around 8 with a hot body pressing into me with their cock and my cock buried in Matts asshole, I wiggled my butt a bit and the precum Sam was spewing was enough to ease the entry of his monster into my receptive rump I woke Mat in a similar way as I penetrated his sphincter and began fucking my dad as my new boy fucked me. What a way to start a weekend and end a week.
    2 points
  9. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 7 Zak sped down the interstate checking out truckers as he cruised past their cabs. A while later my phone dinged with a text message. “I’m home, babe. Had a great weekend together. Miss you already.” “Me 2.” During the week we made plans to meet in Chicago to continue my sleeve. I drove down Friday evening and arrived at Zak’s shop around 6. I opened the front door and the bell jingled as I walked in. Zak’s face lit up when he saw it was me. He rushed to greet me with a big hug and kiss. “God I missed you, babe.” “You feel so good, Zak. Happy to see you.” “Come on in. Ready to get started?” “Yeah.” “Get comfy.” With a devilish grin he said, “Take your clothes off….or your shirt, which ever you prefer. I’ll set up.” I chuckled as I pulled my shirt off and plopped into the chair. “Your arm looks awesome, babe. We may finish it today…..Hey, what’s that on your abdomen?” He continued to set up his work station. “Umm, they’re just scratch marks. I was a little itchy this afternoon.” “Are you allergic to anything I should be aware of? Feel ok?” “Nope to the allergy, and I feel fine.” “Ok, then let’s get started.” The buzz of his tattoo gun filled the room like a swarm of bees around a hive. After several hours, my arm was on fire, but my tattoo was finished. “Wow, Zeek…..check it out. It looks awesome.” Looking into the mirror, “I love it!! Beautiful job, Zak. Thank you so much.” “My pleasure, babe. Want to celebrate with a drink on me?” “Actually, I don’t mean to be a party pooper, but I’m feeling pretty exhausted. I know it sounds like, ‘not tonight honey,’ but I have a bad headache started.” “Are you sure you’re ok?” “Yeah….I’m just tired.” “Ok, well, let me do a quick clean up, and we’ll head to my place.” He gently caressed the top of my head and kissed me. At Zak’s place I no sooner laid on the bed and I was out like a light. I woke in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat. I rushed to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before vomiting my guts out. I was burning up, and nauseated. I curled up in the fetal position on the cool floor next to the toilet aching all over my body. I must have dozed off, because I woke to Zak tapping me on the shoulder. “Are you ok, because you look like you’ve been hit by a truck, babe?” I half grinned, “Oh, good, cause that’s about how I feel.” “Think you needed one more tattoo tonight.” Half out of it I mumbled, “What are you talking about?” “A biohazard tattoo, cause I think you’re converting, Zeek.” “Ah, so that’s why I feel like shit.” Then I smiled and laid my head on the floor again. “Let me help you back to bed.” “I think I need to lay here for a bit, Zak.” He disappeared and returned with two pillows and a blanket. “Then I belong here too.” Zak placed a pillow under my head and curled up next to me on the bathroom floor. He put his hand on my hip and whispered, “I hope joining the club turns you on as much as it does me.” I smirked and pulled his hand to my crotch. I rubbed his hand across my boned up cock. “Does that answer your question?” “That’s my boy.” His hard death dick brushed against me as he kissed me on the shoulder, and we eventually drifted off to sleep. In the morning Zak carried me to the bed and tucked me in. “I know the conversion can be rough, Zeek, but it’s an honor to be proud of.” “I love knowing that you’re my gifter; that your DNA is in me, your virus is taking over my body.” “We’re connected forever, babe. Feel my disease coursing through your veins as your system surrenders to S****** disease. Relax. Let it flow. Experience your conversion. It’s intense, but oh so erotic. I’ll be back in a bit. I’m running to the store to get some things for you.” Zak kissed me on the lips. “I love you, babe, and I love that I’m the one that infected you.” I spent Saturday in bed battling the symptoms of my initiation into the poz brotherhood, welcoming HIV into my life. As sick as I was the urge to fuck and celebrate my new found status was relentless. I stroked my newly poz cock to climax several times, but again I found myself horny with a raging hard on craving more demon seed. Zak appeared in the bedroom doorway naked. His monster fully aroused, drooling toxins from its mouth. Poison dripped from his PA ring onto the floor. “I can’t stop thinking about you, babe. I’m so boned that you are poz. You need a recharging.” He walked over to the bedside, his throbbing monster swaying side to side as he approached. He slipped into bed beside me. My body was aching and soaked with sweat mixed with coatings of my poz sperm across my abdomen and chest. Zak lubed his cock with spit and pressed directly into my HIV infected hole. He grasped my throbbing cock and impaled me with his death stick. I lay there like a limp rag, but so horny for more of his virus. Zak thrust his venomous weapon into my guts again and again….slow and deep. “I want to flood your system with my disease, babe. Reinfect you over and over.” I just groaned with chills flooding my body. My cock throbbed repeatedly as Zak’s monster caressed my prostate. “Oh, Fuck, babe. I won’t last long. You have me so fucking turned on.” I reached across his body and pressed against his ass with what strength I had, trying to bury his death stick deeper inside me. “Give me more of your disease, Zak. I want my hole flooded with your virus.” “Fuck, you got it, babe. Here it comes. More of S****** seed.” Zak’s cock erupted with a flood of toxins filling my cunt with more HIV infected sperm. His cock remained in me pulsing and throbbing. As his meat slipped from my gut a gush of venomous cum trickled from my wrecked hole. Zak turned me onto my back and straddled my body. “I want to be the first to take my demon seed from your infected cock,” and he sat down on my hard shaft, burying it all the way in his ass. I let out a loud groan of pleasure, and we looked into each other’s eyes. It only took a few thrusts of him riding my dick, and he quickly pushed me over the edge. My cock pulsed over and over, releasing its disease from my piss hole as I filled his ass with my poz cum. Zak’s hole tightened around my shaft, milking every drop of virus from my pole. “Fuck yes, babe. We’re now sharing demon seed full circle. We are one.” I lightly caressed his chest and smiled. A tear trickled down my cheek. This man stole my heart completely. “I love you, Zak.” He crawled off me. He kept all my poz cum in his gut as my meat slipped from his hole. He stood next to the bed, his proud infected cock dangling before my face as he tucked me in. I quickly drifted off to sleep. Later that evening I woke to Zak carrying me to the bathroom. “You’re awake. Welcome back, babe. You slept all day. I ran you a hot bath.” He set me down in the tub, then stood up, unzipped his pants and whipped out his dick. He stood above me at the edge of the tub and pissed all over me. I licked the salty taste of his urine from my lips. “You can soak in more my fluids….sharing all of me with you Zeek….my hot little pig boy.” While I laid in the hot water and piss, Zak cleaned and dressed my tattoo. “Relax and soak it in for a bit, babe. I’ll make you a little bite to eat. You need to keep your strength up.” Zak returned a little while later. He dried me off, carried me to bed and propped me up with pillows. A tray of soup and Gatorade presented in front of me. “You need to try to eat, babe. The conversion is draining.” Zak fed me some soup, and I took a few sips of the Gatorade, “I can’t eat right now, Zak. I just want to rest.” “Ok, babe.” He took the food away then returned and curled up with me naked in bed. I woke in the morning with my head resting on Zak’s chest; curled up against him with his arms wrapped around me. My hard cock throbbed, pressed firmly against his leg. He squeezed me gently in his arms and kissed my forehead. “How are you doing, babe?” “I feel horrible, but it’s weird…..at the same time I’m so turned on that I’m converting.” “I can tell. I told you it’s erotic. Your cock has been throbbing rock hard against my leg for the past hour. Your infected fluids leaking from your shaft has me horned up.” Zak folded me in half and bent my legs over his shoulders. He said, “I know you want all my poison, babe,” then buried his infected cock in my hole. I whimpered with pain as Zak plowed in deep, but I was too weak and too turned on at the same time to stop. I didn’t want to stop. This demonic desire was growing in me, and I relished in the pleasure of becoming a poz cum pig, a vessel of our diseases, swapping and sharing everything together. “You want more of my demon seed, don’t you, pig?” I simply moaned with pleasure as Zak thrust in and out of my hole. My cock lay fully erect against my abdomen. “That’s it, baby, milk my poison from my cock. Take all my diseases. More of my virus is definitely in you already.” Zak plowed into me, each time his pole stiffened and stretched my hole. He pounded at my prostate repeatedly. “Fuck, Zeek, I’m so close. Here come my toxic babies.” As his shaft unloaded, recharging my cunt with his virus he said, “Take my virus, babe. I’d love to be infecting each other with AIDS seed, letting our viruses mutate, experiencing S****** disease fully.” That pushed me over the edge. My cock immediately spit ropes of poisonous cum onto my chest and face. I opened my mouth and lapped up some of my diseased spunk. Zak reached up and smeared my poz load all over my chest and abdomen while he worked his poison into my intestines. He stroked my cock lubing it with my cum before slipping from my cunt. I stayed in bed covered in and filled with infected cum and fell back to sleep. Zak canceled most of his appointments for the week. I stayed in bed, and he cared for me. We repeatedly swapped our toxic cum with each other daily. When Zak had to piss he carried me into the bathroom and drenched me in urine. By the end of the week I stunk of a mixture of sweat, piss, and cum. I began to gain my strength again and felt a bit better. My body was adjusting to its invasion and surrendered to HIV. I finally showered on Friday, washing the stench of my erotic filth down the drain. Zak returned home from his shop late in the afternoon. “Good to see you’re starting to feel better, babe. I have a surprise for you.” More to follow……..
    2 points
  10. Hi Fellas, what you are about to read is a honest true story. I normally wouldn't tell it because the other person involved is a private person and a family member, but after he read some of the other stories here he gave me permission to tell it so we can see what other readers would think. I hope you enjoy. I've known Jim since i was about 11, he and my older brother are ex-gang members from the same gang. He was always around my house and was like another member of the family. Both him and my brother went to prison for a crime they committed together, while they were locked up they both vowed to change their lives and when they got out they got their shit together. My brother went to school and now works in the medical field and Jim (whose nickname is Joker) also went to school and is now the property manager for the apartment complex he lives in. While in prison my step-sister started to write him and when he got out they got married and he stepped up to help her raise her two kids she had with another man. That was about 10 years ago, and he still looks the same to this day. 6'1 240 all lean and very defined muscle, he looks like a featherweight ufc fighter. He's mixed black & white and is very light skinned and covered with tattoos. Him and I are close like brothers, we joke around and respect one another, he knows A LOT about me and looks after me like a good older brother should (lol). When I came out to my family as a teenager, he was the only one of my brother's gang friends who didn't give me hell over it, he treated me as if it didn't matter. Him and I started having sex together last year right before my 29th birthday. It was 11 am, the kids were at school and my sister was working a double. He called me and asked if I could go get him some weed from the medical dispensary since I have a prescription and he doesn't. I told him that I just went and he could come get what I have and I'll go get more later. As a rule I never wear clothes in my home ever, and as another rule I make anyone who comes to my home strip as soon as they pass the door...no matter what and I have my reasons. There are a few people who are an exception to the rule and Jim is one of them but dont hide my own nudity from no one not even family, so he wasnt surprised when I opened the door buck-naked with a half hard cock. I gave him the weed and brought him a beer and we chatted a bit. He asked what I was up to and I told him that a friend was coming over to eat me out and fuck me because he had the day off. He grinned at me but didnt say anything, then out of no where he asked if I have enough "favors" to have good time. I stared at him wide-eyed in shock, im very open and honest about my sex life with him and other members of my family but I keep my usage of drugs very VERY private from family. He saw the shock on my face and read my mind, he told me that he was dealing on the side, and had a really good feeling that I partied and then said if I kept his secret from the family that he would keep mine. Finally coming out of shock I told him mum was the word. He pulled out his stash asked for my pipe, he loaded it and we started smoking. We blew fat clouds and talked as the time passed unnoticed when I finally got a text saying that my fuck buddy was here, normally in booty call situations Jim would leave right before but this time he made no move to leave. I'm far from shy and get off by fucking in front of others so I told him he could stay if he wanted and that I would play in the living room and he could hide out in the bedroom if he wanted, all he said was "cool" and put the pipe to his lips. My fuck buddy stripped naked as soon as he stepped in and closed the door, he knows the rules. We walked in the living and he was surprised and a little nervous to see Jim sitting on the couch, I understood his nervousness because Jim comes off very intimidating to those who dont know him. I introduced them to each other and Jim passed him the pipe as we sat down and got comfortable. My buddy asked how we knew each other and Jim who is normally quite in front of people he's just met spoke before I did and told him that he was my brother-in-law and married to my sister, he then told my buddy to smoke up so he could catch up to where we were at. Still a bit shocked but very turned on about where this might go, I did what I normally do so I turned on my big screen tv and pressed play on the bareback porn I was watching earlier, I then opened my laptop and put porn on there as well. Jim loaded the pipe again as I went down on and started sucking my fuck buddy. I sucked and slurped on his dick while him and Jim passed the pipe back and forth. My fuck buddy got into the scene and flipped me over and shoved his tongue in my ass and tongue fucked my hole like he never had before, Jim picked up my laptop and said he wanted to watch straight porn, I barely even heard him because I was moaning so loud. I totally zoned out and forgot Jim was there as my buddy lifted my legs and slid his cock in my ass. Me being a black guy, I love getting fucked my white raw cock, most of the time its the black guy fucking the white bottom so its a surprise when white guys see a masculine black man who wants to be fucked by them, they really get into it. He pounded my hole for about 20 minutes before he dumped his hot load far up my ass. I sucked my juices off his dick before I took another hit of the pipe and sat up to catch my breath. I finally came back from the post sex haze and remembered my brother-in-law was still in the room, I looked over and saw him with his hands in his shorts slowly stroking a pretty large hard on, he kept glancing between us and the girl getting pounded on the laptop. My fuck buddy got dressed, said by to Jim and I walked him to the door, when I came back into the living room Jim was taking a really big hit of the pipe, I had to admit to myself that his tina was really good. I laid back on the couch with a happy-high grin on my face and played with my cummy hole and watched the porn on the tv. Jim passed me the pipe with a grin on his face and asked if I had fun, I laughed and said "hell yeah, he filled me up good". he looked down at me playing with my hole and said that he was surprised that he didnt use a condom, I told him that I would never get fucked with a condom because there was no better feeling in the world then the feeling of someone dumping a load in you. He chatted some more, me still playing with my hole and him still stroking his dick in his shorts. We started talking about this different sexual things we like to do, when I told him that I have an obsession with sucking dick and would dare anyone to find someone who could do it better, he admitted to me that he let a couple guys suck his dick while he was prison and just recently got into swinging. I asked him if prison was the only he let a guy blow him and he said yes. I've seduced my share of straight guys so I decided to take the lead and see where it got me only hoping it would be weird after. It was starting to get hot but I decided not to turn on the air conditioner, I told him to stop being shy and get more comfortable before he started to sweat all over my furniture. He pulled off his shoes and shorts then took off his shirt only leaving on his ankle socks and boxers, I joked with him that his bulge was huge and that he must make my sister happy with it and he joked that his dick was the only reason she married him. I finally pushed away my last bit of nerve and asked him if I could see it, he grinned at me and pulled his boxers off. When I seen it my mouth instantly started to water and my ass hole twitched...he was 9 inches cut, nicely thick with a mushroom head and a heavy set of balls, I couldn't stop staring at it all I could do was say "wow", he laughed and took another hit of the pipe. The meth in my system was starting to peak and my already low inhibitions were completely lost, as he was still hitting the pipe I leaned over and took his dick into my mouth without caring about the consequences. I sucked on the head then slid it down until it was in my throat and back up again. I felt his legs relax and tasted his pre-cum starting to leak, grabbed and squeezed the base of his massive dick and swirled my tongue back up to the tip, he moaned and whispered "fuuucckk". I sat back on the couch and wiped the spit from my lips, i looked at him and said "sorry, I just couldn't help it". He laughed and admitted that after watching me and my fuck buddy go at it, he was wondering if it suck him too, I told him that I would suck his dick day or night and he could fuck me too if he wanted. He pulled out his stash and asked if I had the stuff to do hot-rails, I did and handed it to him, he made out four long fat lines and did the first two and sat back glassy eyed. I did my two lines and laid back as the tina worked its way through me, when it reached my asshole I spread my legs and started to finger my hole again. Jim said that my hole looked juicy, I said that it was and cum was the perfect lube. I felt him start to rub his fingers around my hole, I moaned and started stroking my cock. He slowly pushed two fingers inside me and said it was hot, I told him he could add another finger so he did. I was really getting into it and my hole was relaxing, I told him to add another finger, he looked at me surprised and said "wont that hurt", I told him ive had bigger and longer in me before and just to go slow at first. He stared with jaw hanging open and my hole swallowed his for fingers, after a few moments i told him to "please put your dick in me", he pulled his hand out my ass and it was covered with my fuck buddies cum deposit. His instincts took over, he smeared my cummy ass juice all over his dick and slide it all the way in until he was balls deep. We both swore in pleasure as he began to work my hole over. I have a filthy pig mouth when im spun high and a raw dick is in my ass, its like my mouth has a mind of its own. I kept chanting to give me his dick and that it was hot being fucked his dick knowing that it was the same one that fucks my sister, he must of liked hearing that because flipped me on my stomach, mounted me and started to pound me through the couch. Again my dirty mouth took over and I told him not to stop until he emptied his nuts inside me and that since we were family he was meant to give me his dick and hot load. With that he screamed "fuck yeah" and slammed one final thrust into me and emptied the contents of his balls into me. When we came down from our sex haze I got up and turned the air conditioner on and got us both something to drink, I was a little nervous that he was going to freak out and leave, but when I walked back in the living room he was laid back with his feet up on the coffee table stroking his half hard cock. He said that was the craziest this he has done and I told him I had done crazier, that I was a cum-crazed maniac that likes to get it from anyone, anywhere and that I didn't mind supplying chems and other goodies if it meant I could have a good naked time. He asked me to tell him about some of the stuff i like to get into, his dick got hard again as I told him how slept with truckers at cruise spots, how ive picked up guys who wanted to party and told him if they bring a friend and the chems will be free on me. I also told him how my favorite was to pick up homeless guys or sketchy tweakers, offer to bring them home so they can shower and clean up and have a beer or something to eat, and offer to get them high if they get naked and have a bit of fun. There was nothing funnier and entertaining then meeting a guy and his girl friend, smoking them up and helping them out, and later on when the guy is broke again and jonesing for T real back they come back to me behind their girlfriend's back and offer to do whatever if I got them high and of course I oblige. I'm not a dealer but im a heavy user and i like to get other people spun with me, but its not for nothing, I gotta get something out of it and nudity, hard cock and cum is perfect trade. Jim was rock fucking hard and said that he meets all types of people that he sells to that would fuck around but he never got into it because he didnt know them enough, he said it all sounds sketchy and very hot and that we should be partners in crime. The good thing about tina sometimes is that it blocks your inhibitions and allows you to say out loud the things you are thinking sometimes without realizing you are saying them, so when he said he wanted join me sometimes on my sexcipades I knew it was really on his mind. We fucked two more times before he had to go home and sober up a bit before the kids got home from school. I was naked and walking funny when I walked him to the door, he laughed at me but asked if I was ok, I told him I was perfect and that it was one of the best fucks ive had. I joked that I needed to be careful because im already becoming addicted to his body, he said that since he usually stops by multiple times a week to hang out, that I can expect dick from him from now on. After he left I took a shower and relived the passed two hours, I couldnt get over how in a matter of a short time how things with my brother-in-law had changed, I then mentally kicked myself that I didnt think to switch on the web cams that I have secretly well hidden to capture the family fuck session. end of pt 1 ( a lot more to cum ) (Notes: As I was writing this Jim was sitting next to me and getting his dick sucked by one of his regular customers; a str8 skater guy who has his girlfriend drive him over and wait in the car while he picks up their sack of T)
    1 point
  11. First post guys, I've been inspired by some really hot content on here and thought I'd stop being a spectator. Let me know what you think and if you want more. Tanner was destined to be an amazing athlete - that's what his coaches had always said, the boy had commitment, drive, energy and, above all else the raw physical stamina and speed needed to be a really great little athlete. He could pretty much get a scholarship for anywhere at the rate he was going and, two-weeks after his 18th birthday had colleges across the country begging him to attend. He was a 6ft tall, blond adonis: soft blue eyes, tan skin, gorgeous jawline with a dusting of dark blonde stubble - if athletics didn't want him, he could have made a fortune as a model: every girl who saw him wanted him and every boy was desperate to be him or, be in him. However, as far as Jake had got out of him, he'd only had two girlfriends in the past and never fucked - just some oral. So a tight little virgin too. I'm something of a sportsman myself well.... more of a hunter to be fair I'm 42 years old and probably in the best shape of my life. I'd packed on the muscle and my hairy chest expanded with even the slightest breath. I was built like a bear but with a body carved from stone after spending hours at the gym and on the field. I was a burly guy and, so I'd been told, a hot, daddy type. That suited me fine as I liked nothing more than dicking hot young twinks and jocks, letting them feel safe in my company before chemming up their innoncent cunts with G and Tina and fucking them full of my poz-babymakers. I'd played sports when I was young and there was something about the smell of a jock that got my juices going and, by far, my greatest conquest, was a local swimmer boy - Jake. A few years' ago I'd been at a swim-meat, scouring for talent when he was competing in his first adult competition: by farm the hottest boy in the entire place, fresh-faced 18 year old perfection.Tight, lean muscle, black hair, green eyes, big package - I had to have him. He ended up winning his competition and, that night, having chatted to him previously and asserted myself as a trust-worthy older jock type, invited him back to my room, smoked him out and fucked his tight, gold-medalled cunt into the chem stratosphere. Jake was a favourite bottom of mine from there on in and, right up until he left for college - we'd fucked a few of his school friends and swimming buddies into the poz brotherhood but, our dual hunts came to an end when he left: or that's what I thought. Tanner had applied to Jake's college and was thinking about joining their athletics programme. Jake had been 'buddied' up with the boy to try and convince him - Jake took that responsibility very seriously as soon as he saw Tanner's gorgeous body. I got a phone call from Jake that night, desperate for me to help him 'convince' Tanner to attend. Having heard Jake's description of the little 18 year old stud, I was intrigued and, when Jake mentioned Tanner was going to stay with him at his frat-house for the Easter weekend - couldn't turn down the invitation of pozzing another little jock boy. All of Jake's frat would be home for easter and we'd have his place to ourselves. More to come... Tanner would arrive on Friday and I would arrive on Saturday. Tanner and Jake would spend Saturday morning getting 'sports enemas' at Jake's local health centre ("you know" he'd told Tanner "it's super good for athletes") and then he'd drop Tanner off at the house where I'd be waiting before heading out on an 'errand' leaving me with the hot little, cleaned-out stud. I'd make him feel comfortable, get him used to my presence, spend the rest of the day getting in the boy's head before Jake returned with enough Tina to turn the boy from neg innocent to poz pig in three easy steps. I'd send Jake out to a dealer I knew in the area, a real 'good-guy' with a sweet supply of everything you'd need for a night of long-jock-dicking. He'd have everything I need for a four-day weekend of hole-wrecking. I'd phoned ahead - boys like Tanner don't come around so often; his initiation had to be special, dedicated and long. You don't just fuck a boy like Tanner, you have to ruin a boy like Tanner. "Mention my name to Steve" I said to Jake, "He'll have a kit ready for me - it'll have everything I need" "What about money?" Jake said I laughed, "Don't worry, Steve is going to get paid in other currency" I said, grinning. "Hahaha...sweet" Jake said and disappeared out the door leaving me in my web - waiting for my prey. Saturday came around, I'd flown cross-state rather than drive and got a taxi to the frat house from the airport. The boys were already out so, using the key Jake had sent me, I made myself comfortable, surveying the house for the perfect 'pozzing space'. Around mid-morning the door opened and the boys tumbled in, laughing like regular 'bros'. "Hey there" I shouted from the living room. "Ah, hey man!" Jake said warmly, coming into the room and giving me a bear-hug - fuck I'd missed how that tight torso felt against my own abs. "Hey, Tanner, this is Simon...Si this is Tanner...a hot new recruit" I caught Jake's eyes as he said the last words and smirked. "Hey dude" Tanner said, shaking my hand firmly. He was even better than Jake described - tall, muscular, ripped stud with short, cropped blond hair and piercing baby-blue eyes, thick calves and the roundest, most perfect little ass. The boy was gorgeous, hours in the gym, hours on the track...I couldn't wait for him to spend hours on all-fours. We all talked for a bit, laughed about the enemas (got our little friend talking about sex as quickly as we could) before Jake made his excuses and promptly left leaving me to relax and prep our gorgeous boy-toy. Tanner was awkward at first but, I soon got him talking, confiding in me - it was a gift really, I guess the age differential made boys think I was trustworthy. He told me about the girls back home and how they gave the worst head... "You ever let a boy suck you" I said nonchalantly, he visibly jumped "No!" He said, agitated I laught "jeez dude, fuck! It's just a dick and a mouth - do you honestly think it fucking matters?" He relaxed and, we went back and forth like that for a bit till I made an excuse to look at a picture hanging behind him. I stood directly in front of him, my cock visibly pulling at the fabric of my jeans, pretending to admire the painting. "Dude...you've got a monster..." Tanner said almost without thinking. "Oh, this" I said, forcing a bit more blood into my already firm dick. He looked up at me and, as he did, I saw a tiny window of opportunity. As we locked eyes, I grabbed his chin and softly kissed his beautiful lips. He pulled away for a moment, his chin still in my hand before once again joining my lips against his and kissing. For a boy without experience he wasn't a bad kisser - a bit hesitant but, that would change. I leaned in, lowering myself onto him, straddling him as he sat on the chair. "I've... I mean, I'm not..." he said, braking the kiss. "shhh" i said, pushing my tongue back into him as he moaned. "Don't worry" I whispered back, "we're just fooling around" "Yeah" he laughed, nervously, shifting his weight around on the chair so as not to let his erect cock touch me. "Listen dude, Jake isn't back for ages - let's just enjoy ourselves, yeah?" "Ok" Tanner said, as we kissed again and I slipped my hand up his polo to feel those stong, taught ab muscles. "Jesus" I thought "this boy is going to get so fucked" We made out for a long time, building his trust, elevating the boy's hormones - getting that consuming, teenage testosterone pumping through his veins. We'd moved to the floor and I'd managed to pull his pants and briefs down to expose that round little jock-butt. As we moaned into each other I began pushing the boy's boundaries - literally, maneuvering myself behind him as he squatted on all fours. "Time to show you what your anus can really do" I thought as I spat on my index finger and, finding his virgin tight boy hole, began pushing in. He started to squirm away from me but, I held his legs fast under mine and kept my finger pressing against his sphincter. A bit more saliva and my finger pushed past the tight walls of his outer ring, feeling it pulse and contract around my knuckle. The boy was going to be a tight ride, that was for sure (at least, at first anyway) and, as I massaged the lining of his cunt I couldn't help but loose myself in the silk lining of that glorious little boy-pussy, probing it with my finger like I was making love to that tight hole. It was almost too good; whole minutes passed before I realised I still had work to do - this boy wasn't nearly ready to become the cumdump he was made to be; in one move I whipped my finger out of his puckering hole. "That good baby boy?" I said, as his ass closed tight behind me. "Fuck yeah" he responded, "never knew it could feel that good" "It's going to get so much better" I whispered in his ear, resting my cockhead against his perfect butt as I bit his neck and ear. I felt him tense up as my cock rested against his hole: I loved the electricity that seemed to dance over his skin with the thrill of doing something 'forbidden', his breathing deep, shallow, masculine. "You thinking about getting fucked there boy?" He bit his lip and, I could tell he was still conflicted. "We totally don't have too" I said, teasing his hole with the tip of my finger. "Don't even worry, we can just fool around" I assured, picturing that perfect pink hole stretched about my hairy arm as I massaged some random, anonymous cum into the walls of his teenage, partied-out, boy-hole. "Yeah, maybe..Do you mind? Maybe we could just fool around a bit" he said, as I gently pushed my digit back into him. "...Besides" he moaned as I finger fucked him. "Jake will be home soon" My eyes darted to the clock on the wall above the chair... "8:45pm...15 minutes...Jake better be here then" I thought, as I worked that boy's hole over. There was going to come a point when I'd simply end up raping Tanner without some good ol'fashioned chemical lovin. I pulled my finger out of him and replaced it with my tongue: feeling him contract even more against the new experience: his clothed jock-body shivering in front of me as his outer ring quivered and expanded as my tongue probed deeper.
    1 point
  12. (This is actually a true story. It was 1983, and I was an introverted, sky, skinny kid from the East End of Louisville, the 'burbs back then. I was deeply closeted and naive, and ready to be taken advantage of. This incident began a 10 month journey into sex and hard drugs that ended with me, a gay kid from the burbs, learning how to take cock, deep throat and yes, fuck pussy to the point where I got a black junkie pregnant. It was the best summer of my life, and brought me a wonderful daughter that I never thou a guy like me could ever have.) --------------------------------------------- I was barely nineteen and had been fucked only once, by a white guy who was 30. I met him in at Blue Movies in downtown Louisville, and we went back to his place, smoked a J and he topped me. He was so small i didn't even know he had cum until he went soft. So this is what I had fantasized about ever since I saw Freddie Mercury eating grapes on the back cover of the first Queen album? It wasn't anything like I had read in "First Hand" or "Inches," my favorite wack-mags. I was sorely disappointed and wondered if I was straight after all. A few weeks later I was back in the bookstore looking to do it again, and hopefully have a better experience. I had tried dating girls over the past few weeks, which made my dad very,very happy. He loaned me his sports car, gave me a wad of cash and beamed as I drove off, conflicted. A few dates, and I could not bring myself to even kiss one of them. Was I just shy, or really a fag? I didn't know. But I knew I was horny and that is what took me to the bookstore that night. In the arcade section, I saw a big black daddy, maybe 6-2 and in good shape. He must have been pushing fifty, and I was instantly attracted to this dangerous-looking giant man. I grew up in a typical upper-middle class family, went to St. X high school, and hid the fact that I was a fag from everyone except the guys who sucked me off at the bookstores. Looking back, i know my parents knew. But what made them think that talking about how "sick" it was to be gay would somehow turn me straight, instead of just make me feel unworthy and unloved and alone? He was standing outside a booth rubbing his cock through his checked polyester pants. I could just stare. He kept rubbing, and I could see his cock grow even bigger. I was mesmerized and walked toward him. I planned to go into the booth, leave the door unlocked, and wait for him to come in. Then I was going to suck my first dick. I had it all panned, but as I went to open the door, he grabbed my hand and looked down at me and said, "You think you can handle this, boy?" I said,"I don't know. I've only been fucked once." His eyes bugged a little and he said, "I live down the street, let's go." I followed him outside and walked about 12 blocks without either of us saying a word. I was getting scared. "I thought you said you lived down the street." He stopped and put his hand on my ass. "We're walking down the street, aint we?" He said, rubbing my ass and turning me on. Here I was a skinny 19 year old white kid from a good home, getting felt up at 10PM on a public street in downtown Louisville. He nodded toward the projects. "Just over there," he said. I followed him to the entrance to his place, and walked up three steps to his front door. He opened the door and we went inside. He closed the door and locked it. Now I was really scared, and my dick shrunk quickly. I looked around. The inside was one room, with a small kitchen, and a door to what was probably a bathroom. I looked at everything, planning a way to escape. It was remarkably clean, and empty except for a tv, a mattress, a lamp, and some boxes in the corner. At this point, i was scared shitless and started to try to talk my way out of it. He came over and grabbed my ass, hard. "You're not going anywhere, baby. And you're going to love this. Get them clothes off." He released my ass and I just stood there, panicked. He walked a few steps, stopped, and with his back to me, slowly, sexily, pulled his t-shirt over his head. Oh. My. God. The sexiest, darkest back I had ever seen. My cock started hardening again. He twirled his t-shirt slowly, almost like a stripper and turned around and revealed a nice, but not chiseled chest, with a few tattoos and long, dark nipples. I stared at those long nipples, and as I was standing there in a daze, he unbuttoned his pants, unzipped, and they dropped to the floor. No underwear, just a huge cock, hanging there half hard. He turned back toward the boxes again, but stopped and turned to look at me, and as he was staring at me, his cock started getting harder and harder until it was huge and standing straight out, "See how hard you got me?" He said. "So are you gonna get naked now?" It wasn't a question. I pulled my Polo t-shirt off and kicked off my topsiders. He smiled, turned and started rummaging through a shoebox. I took off the rest of my clothes and stood there, cock hard as a rock. He turned around and had a syringe, a little foil, a lighter, a spoon, and a little baggie. "You're gonna love this shit," he said. I had only smoked weed, and just that one time. But my dick was thinking for me, and I stood there and held out my arm as he tied a shoelace around my arm. He said, "Sit down or you are gonna fall down." I sat on the mattress and he busied himself with his spoon. He after a few minutes, he put the syringe into the spoon and pulled the plunger. There was a cloudy liquid in the chamber. I held out my arm, and watched him inject me. I felt a little woozy at first, but when he took the shoelace off, the entire room suddenly started spinning and I felt the most beautiful, peaceful feeling was over me. Every muscle in my body relaxed, and I swore that I could feel my soul moving around inside my body. I even felt the space between my ribs, felt them expand and contract as I breathed. "Wow," was all I could say. "wow." "You gonna learn to love my speedballs, boy, and come back for them all the time." "Whaaa," I slurred. Why can't I talk, I thought. "Yeah," he said as he moved even closer to me. "You're fucked now." I felt him pushing me backwards on the bed and pulling my legs apart. I had no muscle control. i felt completely asleep - heavy muscles, no feeling at all, anywhere, but also feeling everything at a deeper level than ever before. I saw his cock pointing at my hole, and I just moaned,"Fuuuuuck meeeee" as his face inched closer and closer to mine until it completely filled my entire line of vision.....
    1 point
  13. Charlie & Peter (part 1) Jamie was a little surprised when he answered the door and saw his brother Charlie and his brother's friend Peter standing there with duffle bags in hand. Jamie quickly learned that their father found Charlie & Peter in bed together 69'ing in Charlie's bed. And just as their father did to Jamie when he came out, he kicked Charlie out on the street. Charlie packed his things and as he walked over to Peter's house to find him packed up and kicked out by his parents as well. The two high school seniors made a quick walk to the closest ATM and withdrew as much cash as they could before their parents could freeze their back accounts. They tried to make calls from their cell phones only to find their service were blocked. Charlie came up with a plan, to get out of their little Texas town and here they are in Tempe, Arizona at Jamie's door. After Jamie, and his roommate Miguel, welcomed then inside and heard their story Miguel began to think of how he could use these two young studs. It was only a year ago that Jamie meet Miguel and feel under his spell, was introduced to partying and willingly was pozzed by his more superior and dominating partner Miguel. Miguel stood 6' 4" with a muscular build, dark hair & eyes which were a stark contrast to Jamie's 5' 9", slim, runners build with his bond hair and blue eyes. Charlie looked a lot like his older brother while Peter was slight taller with brown hair, green eyes and a nice summer's build. Miguel excused himself and asked Jamie to join him in their bedroom leaving the two teens in the living room. Miguel shared his thoughts about using the teens as delivery boys. Jamie knew he had no choice in the matter as he watch Miguel get out a couple meth pipes and made sure both had an ample supply in the bowl. When they returned to the living room Miguel laid out the ground rules if the two teens were going to keep living their. Number one they had to do exactly as they were told, no questions asked. Number two they were going to go to work for them making deliverIes and running errands. And number three they were to start smoking with them and let things happen add they may. Miguel and Jamie light a could touches and were heating the pipes keying tnt smoke build in the bowl before slowly sucking in the white smoke before blowing it out. Miguel then instruct the teens to take the pipes and do as they had just done. Peter was the first to grab a pipe as Miguel light a touch and heated the bowl. Charlie was a little hesitant but slowly followed his friend lead as his brother headed the bowl. Peter was already sucking in the white magic while Charlie was right behind him in sucking in his own pipe. Miguel had them hit the pipe half a dozen times till he knew they were good and high. Miguel signaled Jamie to make his nice as he moved in to kiss his own brother. Miguel moved in and quickly got Peter sucking on his 8" uncut cock. The teens were to high to know what they were in for until Miguel Suggested that they move this to the bedroom. Once in the big king size bed there was enough room to allow each couple to being to move things along. Miguel watched lot of the corner of his eye as Jamie began to chow down on his brother's neg ass. Miguel already had a lounged finger inside Peter's ass and was ready to start adding some nice shards of Tina. Jamie knew he had to follow Miguel's leed and began to work some Tina into his brother's ass. Both boys complained of the burn only to be quieted by a deep kiss. As the teens were being kissed each was slowly being impaled on a raw cock. Peter was pinned to his back as Miguel's 8"chock was slowly driven inside balls deep. Jamie began to penetrate his younger brother with his own 7"cut cock as Charlie began to moan on pleasure. Soon enough both teens were being fucked slowly by each poz cock inside each of their neg holes. As the fucking progressed the teens had no clue as to the nature of the fuck since this was their first fuck. Each teen was willing enjoying their fuck. Miguel had the ability to cum while non-stop fucking. So after his first load inside Peter's neg ass he grabbed his bottom's hand, guiding it down so that Peter could feel his raw cock sliding in and out of his hole. Miguel then began fucking Peter a little harder delivering a second load while Jamie deposited his first load inside his brother. Miguel quickly pulled out of Peter abd pushed Jamie aside sup that he could now fuck Charlie while Peter was feeling very empty needing anger cock inside him. He pulled Peter over and pushed Peter's head into his crotch so that he could suck his cock clean and get it hard again. Miguel showed no mercy as he hammered away making sure he deposited a couple loads. Like he did with Peter, Miguel pulled Charlie's hand to let him feel his hard, raw cock fucking away at his ass. Charlie was shocked and worried about being fucked raw unlike Peter who accepted the raw cock fucking away inside him.
    1 point
  14. Black athletic top (34, 6'1, 170, 8.5 cut) looking for a regular white boy to breed. Must be good at taking big dick and always down to fuck. Ballsdeep34 on bbrts, hit me up!
    1 point
  15. Double Shot on The Rocks – The wind was rattling the windows as the Arctic air forced its way through the very walls of the apartment. The whole building seemed to be shaking and trembling as the remnants of last night’s storm passed over the city. My hopes for finding a hot dick to keep me warm were dashed as everyone online seemed huddled up and content to stay inside, but then the phone rang. “Hey B,” Victor said. He called everyone ‘B’, no matter what their name was. It was hard to hear him on his worthless cell phone, but I could tell he was outside and even harder to hear when he lowered his voice and said, “I got someone for you. Can we come through? He’s got a big one.” I paused before replying. I was horny, but sometimes Victor was too much. He was mostly straight, but liked to fuck ass raw when he was high and I enjoyed taking his nice 9-inch, big black cock. Victor was also a total freak into role play, verbal, and watching me get nutted up by his street friends. The problem came when he smoked too much and then he became a mess. That Victor I did not like. “Come on B, its bitch ass cold out and we need some place to lay up a few and chill, you hear me? Come on man.” My hungry ass decided for me for me, “OK, come on. About how long?” I replied. I spent the next 10 minutes getting things set up – straight gangbang porn vid playing, a big bottle of lube and some towels discreetly set by the living room chairs, an ashtray and pack Newport 100s out as Victor smoked those too. I also moved my padded storage bench around for extra seating and a handy place to get fucked on, and set a couple of incense burning by the front door so the neighbors would not smell whatever Victor planned to smoke. The phone rang, I buzzed them into the apartment building, and anxiously waited by the front door peaking through the peep hole and watching the elevator. I saw two men get off and come my way so I opened the door and let Victor in, followed by his friend. I closed the door, locked it, and Victor was already soothing his friend like one would a nervous horse at the races, “See man, told you my man B was cool. Look at that? Damn bitch taking that dick! This’ll be good man. Told you we could hang out. Got some smokes too, and plenty to drink.” I went into the living room as Victor and his friend were shaking off the cold and staring at the gangbang flick. The white girl was being pummeled in all three holes and Victor and his friend were both staring at the scene, hunger written all over the faces. “I can hang your coats up if you like,” I offered. Victor and the other guy took off their hats, coats, gloves, and even a couple of sweat shirts and sweaters and piled them up on my arms. While I made space in the closet Victor came down the hall and whispered, “Hey B, I told him you’d help us a out a little aiight? I promise man, it’ll be worth it.” I nodded, familiar with Victor’s old trick of waiting until he got inside my place before mentioning he would want a little cash for his trouble and patted my pocket where I had already counted out some $20s. Victor went on to the bathroom and I went to the living room to ask his friend what he’d like to drink. The guy just stood staring at the TV and I could tell he had already been smoking. After a moment he replied, “Rum,” so I went to the kitchen, mixed him a rum and coke, a vodka for Victor and grabbed myself a beer, which I slammed half of before delivering their drinks, slammed the rest of my beer and grabbed another. They settled into the easy chairs as I perched on the bench like a kid outside the principals’ office not sure if I was going to be punished or rewarded as Victor rambled on about the cold, the porn, and nonsense stuff, while I scoped out his friend. Victor’s friend was a bit older than me, taller, with a beard that was fairly thick and which stuck out giving him a wild look. Up close, he was a bit dusty and had a pretty strong odor like stale piss mixed with sweat, so likely a street dude. I didn’t mind and my ass twitched in anticipation. I downed the rest of my second beer, grabbed another, and quickly finished that one too. I was feeling a buzz now and when I refilled their drinks and grabbed my fourth, Victor emptied his pockets, ready to get the show on the road. I had set out a large, navy blue dinner plate I kept just for his visits. I had learned the hard way that Victor was messy and he did not pay much mind to where he set his hot pipe or ashes. Victor’s drug of choice is crack and while he smokes weed most days, it’s when he smokes crack that he most often wants my raw ass. His friend had still barely said a word since he arrived and Victor was doing enough talking for both of them. I watched their drug dance as they set out their supplies, divided up their little baggies, handed a lighter back and forth, both frantic to get to the smoke. I kept extra lighters on hand and his friend nodded in appreciation when I handed it to him and said in a deep, raspy voice, “Thanks.” Almost like a synchronized dance routine, Victor and his friend moved in unison now as they carefully put the rock in their glass pipes, flicked their lighters, and inhaled the smoke deep while turning their pipes back and forth between their finger and thumb as a smell like burning plastic filled the apartment. Victor finished his rock first, set his pipe on the plate, unzipped his jeans, fished out his dick, and started whacking hard as he talked a mile a minute, saying how wet that white girl’s pussy being fucked on TV looked, how those guys were stretching her good, how he wanted to see the close up of them fucking her in the ass. Victor then got quiet for a minute, his eyes glazed and fixed on the TV as he continued to jack his dick, his mouth silently working, but no words came out. He then stood up, his pants fells around his ankles and he looked at me and said, “Give me a $20 and you can suck my dick for me.” I looked from Victor to his friend, and his friend just continued slowly smoking, closing his eyes as he held the smoke, seemingly oblivious to all else. I reached into my pocket, pulled out a $20, set it on the table by the plate, got on my knees, opened my bottle of poppers and sniffed deep, then slowly slid my mouth down Victor’s drooling dick as he moved his hand up his body and started tweaking his left nipple. Victor was mumbling now, “Suck that cock, suck that cock,” as he pushed his hips forward, his dick sliding in and out of my lips. I would pause now and then to hit my poppers and each hit helped relax my throat, letting me take more and more of him until his balls were resting on my chin and my throat was stuffed with his 9-inch shaft. I was ready to get fucked, so I pulled back, reached around the side of the chair and grabbed the lube, squirted some on my fingers, wet my hole, hit the poppers, shifted the padded storage bench a little, then got up on it on my hands and knees with my raw hole pointed at Victor and waited. I hung my head a little and looked back as Victor inched closer, jacking his dick now, and when I felt the heat from the head close to my ass I angled my chest down, ass up, and pushed back a little. That was all the encouragement he needed as Victor pushed against my ass ring, with only what spit may have been left on his dick from me sucking him and the lube I had fingered into my hole to pave the way. I grunted, opened the poppers, and closed my eyes to enjoy the feel of his black dick starting to open me up. It didn’t take Victor long to get into a steady fuck rhythm and when the scene changed to the girl getting her ass split, he was ready and started bang my ass hard like through me, he was fucking her. “Fuck that pussy with that crack head dick,” I said, “Shoot that cum, shoot it.” Victor liked it when I talked dirty like that, but I did hold back, not knowing what his friend was really into. “UNGH..UNGH..OHH…” Victor grunted as he bred me with his first load. I arched my back, pushed my ass back, and clenched my hole to get every drop. He didn’t stop, and slowly worked his load in, pushing it deeper. I tried to turn a bit to see what his friend was doing but Victor set his hand on my lower back and said, “No, leave it in. I’m gonna cum again, damn that feels good.” I hit the poppers and Victor set to work fucking my ass and giving me load number two and his entire body stiffened and pulsed this time as he drew that load of cum from deep in his balls. Victor pulled out, grabbed the hand towel off the floor, wiped himself off and plopped back into the chair. I turned and his friend was just staring at the movie, his pants were still zipped up, and he appeared to not have noticed at all that I just took some raw dick. Victor fished around in the pile of supplies on the plate, came up empty, anxiously dug back into every pocket, then said, “Hey B, give me another $20 – that was a double shot – I need to run out a minute – and um… give me two more so I can make sure my man here is set up too. I’ll be right be back, OK?” The last part he had directed at his friend who still didn’t really react, and so Victor took that as an affirmative, took the other $20s I gave him, went to the closet, put on just his coat and stuff and stood as I unlocked the door. He paused as I asked, “Is he OK?” Victor gave me a toothy smile and nodded like a bobble head as he said, “Yeah, yeah B, he’s good. He’ll take care of you.” I locked the door, went back to the living room and shyly walked between the TV and Victor’s friend, my naked ass feeling wet with Victor’s load. I sat in the chair, asked if he wanted another drink, he shook his head no so I downed the rest of my beer and went to the kitchen to grab another and when I came back noticed he was watching me. His eyes were focused on me now like they had been the porn. I still didn’t even know his name, and as his stare became more intense and serious looking I suddenly thought, “Great, a dude who goes crazy when he gets fucked up.” He reached into his shirt pocket, dug out a baggy and dumped a few rocks onto the plate – man was holding out on his buddy Victor. As I watched, he smiled a little, filled his pipe, adjusted his position in the chair and leaned back and just as he set the pipe to his lips said in his gravely voice, “Suck my dick.” I grabbed my poppers, took a hit, and was surprised as the guy gave me a look of disapproval. Really? The man with the crack pipe is being judgmental? The poppers’ rush hit so I dismissed it, got on my knees, and fought with his zipper, which to my frustration realized would do me no good as the clasp was broken and there was no way to unzip his pants to get to the growing bulge I was seeing before my eyes. When the guy exhaled he blew the smoke at my face and I tried to breathe it in, my dick getting hard from the nastiness of the scene. The bulge in his pants was now straining the denim as I rubbed it, and he continued to smoke, this time when he exhaled he chuckled a little as I was clearly frustrated I could not suck his dick. A few minutes later, he set the hot pipe on the plate, I sat back on my haunches and hit the poppers again as I eyed him. He grabbed the Newport 100s, tapped one out, lit it, then focused his dark eyes back on me and asked, “So you like dirty dick?” I just nodded, he smiled, “You like big dick?” I nodded harder, hit the poppers, and he smiled. “Are you a hoe?” I nodded again as he placed the cigarette between his teeth, the ashes getting ready to fall off onto his shirt, which they did as he stood up, but he paid them no mind. He unbuckled the belt on his pants, let them fall to the floor and stepped closer to me to let the shadow of dick now straining against his long johns fall over my upturned face. He looked down, more ashes fell off the tip of his cigarette as he pulled the two sets of long johns he was wearing part way down his thighs and let his monster dick pop up over the waistbands. Jesus Christ his dick was huge! Victor was just over 9 and average thickness, this guy was probably 11 and real thick with a slight curve to the left and a head that looked black and blue, not pink like most dicks, and a pile of foreskin that bunched up in rows like a set of collars, making his dick even wider. It was also freaky veiny. Some dicks have one or two big veins running down the top or sides that you notice, not his, he had dozens – big and small - all of them engorged giving his dick a somewhat inhuman or unreal look. The smell is what I noticed next, strong man musk, sweaty balls, unwashed dick, stale chem piss and I reached forward to guide this tasty treat to my mouth. “So what you got for me?” he said. I bent over and spread my cheeks, showing him my glistening, just fucked hole. Nothing. “So what you got for me?” he said again. Oh, I turned, grabbed my pants off the floor, fished out a $20 and laid it on the table beside him. His dick slapped his thigh as he turned a little to look at it, a look of disgust and dissatisfaction on his face. I took out two more $20s and set those on the table too, and he said, “I got that double shot on the rocks for you, now show me that fucking hole.” I leaned forward, bent my knees a little, hoping to give him a nice view. I then stood back up so I could hit the poppers again but he snatched them out of my hand and tossed them across the floor saying, “You don’t need those.” Fuck, I did. He then grabbed my hips with his hands and with his hard dick pressed into my ass crack hobble walked me a couple steps to the left and forward to the bench. The bench shifted a bit as I bumped into it and I tried to edge toward the end so I could get up on my hands and knees with my feet dangling over the end to give him a direct view to the TV like the way Victor had fucked me. He was having none of that and just shoved me forward so my hands slide off the far side and I landed across the bench, arms hanging off the far side, my legs off the front, and ass poking up. I tried to get my hands back up on the edge of the bench and started to push myself up, but the guy used the weight of his body to push me back down, and as he did, a stream of ash fell off the cigarette in his mouth and cascaded down onto the carpet below my head, the embers quickly dying. With his pants still on, the crack head shuffled between my splayed legs, squatted until his dick was hovering near my open hole, then in one move dropped down onto my back with his body, leveraging his feet out a little and thrusting his dick inside me. I yelled “OW OW OW - OH FUCK THAT HURTS!” and my body tensed as I squirmed and twisted, which just let him push in deeper and made him laugh as he grabbed my shoulders to ensure he had me locked in place at both ends and started grinding his dick around, opening me up more. “White hoes get fucked rough and dirty by big black dick. Only way, the only way,” he said, his gravelly voice sounding hoarser and more raspy from the smoke of the crack pipe. He continued digging around in my ass as I moaned and squirmed, the weight of his body pressing me against the bench making it harder to breathe. Now, I do like it when I find top that can really make my hole throb, and few can, so as soon as the initial shock wore off I started to talk dirty, “Please give me that crack head dick. Open me up, fuck it rougher, come on rougher. Make me a dirty hoe for you. Make that pussy ass talk, make it wet, use Victor’s cum. Go deeper – UGHHH – fuck yeah – deeper, Jesus Christ, DON’T STOP!” This time when he laughed the half smoked cigarette fell out of his mouth onto the carpet and began to leave a burn mark, but pinned as I was I could not reach it and all thoughts that I should stop and ask him to get it and put it out were overcome by being stuffed and stretched and used. He continued to fuck me like that for a couple of minutes, then he leveraged himself up on his arms on the bench, lifting his weight off me and angling his dick up and in. Several balls-deep thrusts and I was panting like a greyhound from the force of the fuck, yet my ass was opening up for him, letting his thick dick head pierce me deeper as his rolls of foreskin sent ripples of ecstasy through my guts. His arms must have gotten tired as he did not last long in that position and eased himself back and off my body and I cried out as his dick left me vacant and needing more. “Show me you want my dirty dick,” he said, so I got my knees settled underneath me as best I could and pushed my ass back, silently begging to be filled up again and I sighed as he slid inside me once again, inch after inch of thick beef. He got on his knees behind me and started jabbing my ass ring with tight, hard thrusts, in and out of my hole and then on every 3rd or 4th one he would jam it as deep as he could, piercing me against the bench with his dick, making my gut walls stretch like Silly Putty. I was a slutty, babbling mess needing to be used and fucked and was trying to figure out how to get him deeper inside me when he stopped, “Fucking carpet’s killing my knees. God damn rug burn. Get up.” I turned as he backed away from me, kicked off his shoes, stepped out of his jeans and long johns, rubbed his balls a couple times to readjust them, and picked up his crack pipe. While he set out his supplies and got the pipe ready I picked up what was left of his now extinguished cigarette, squirted a spot of lube on the small burn mark on the carpet, set the cigarette in the ashtray and was practically jumping around needing to get his dick again. I had an idea and quickly scrambled past him, got into the easy chair he had been sitting in with my knees up on the edge, my hands on the high back, and my ass poked out. He was taller than me so the height seemed right and with the chair against the wall there was plenty of leverage, and there was one more thing. “Fuck my ass while you smoke your pipe,” I said. I turned my head to look at him and his eyes narrowed a bit, he tilted his head a little considering and asked, “So you trying to be a crack hoe huh? You think you ready? You think you can handle it?” I just braced myself in response and waited, the CLICK of the lighter, the hiss of the rock as it started to melt and his ragged breath sucking in the plastic smoke told me I would get what I wanted. He exhaled, the cloud descended around me and then he stepped behind me, his still slick dick pressed near my hole. His hands were busy, so I reached around with my right and guided his thick head to my hole and breathed out to relax my ring. As soon as he felt the warmth of my skin wrap around the tip, he flicked his lighter, inhaled, held his smoke then the crack head thrust hard into my waiting ass. That was our rhythm for the next few minutes. He would pull his dick all the way out of my sloppy guts, I would line it up to my pulsing ass ring, he would flick his lighter and heat his pipe and fills his lungs with crack smoke, then when he exhaled he would thrust as hard and deep as he could, busting my ring wide, splitting me open like a walnut. Once his rock was done, he moved his hips a little burrowing deeper, then eased back out. “Wipe it off,” he said in a smoke filled whisper. I felt around on the chair for the hand towel stuffed on the side, reached back and with one hand wiped his dick dry best I could, as well as my hole, then lined him back up on target. “Show me that crack hoe pussy, show it to me,” he ordered so I leaned my face and shoulders into the chair back, reached around with both hands and pulled my cheeks apart so he could see my hole. “Stretch it open, far as you can, time to bruise that shit up,” he now demanded. I obeyed, the feeling of my throbbing ass overriding any logic my mind wanted to put forward. His rock hard dick now shook with hunger as it nestled against my dry hole and with a nudge, firm push, and another nudge he lodged the head of his dick into my ass ring and paused. I heard the flick of the lighter again, but he did not inhale as he shifted his body pressing forward even more, half leaning over me and just as I let out the breath I was holding in anticipation I felt a searing, sharp pain on my lower back just above my ass crack and tried to scream, “WHAT THE FUCK?” A new smell hit my nose, the glass pipe clanged onto the plate as he leaned his full weight into me and said, “Now you’s marked as a true crack hoe.” The fucker had branded me with the tip of his hot, glass pipe – which I would see later left me with a droopy looking mark almost like a half circle or smile. The pain was quickly gone though as he forced his dry dick into me as far as he could and began to bang fuck me without mercy. My hole stretched, pulled, twisted, and split as he picked up the pace, his high driving him into a sexual frenzy of need and want. I could feel his dick swell and started to beg for it, “FUCK MY HOLE, TEAR IT UP, GIVE ME THAT CRACK HEAD CUM, USE THAT PUSSY, FUCK ME LIKE A HOE, FUCK IT, HARDER, DEEPER MAN, DEEPER, COME ON FUCK IT!” Just then the phone rang and I quickly realized it must be Victor coming back, but I made no move to stop his friend and his friend made no move to stop what he was doing as he was determined to get his nutt. Faster and faster he fucked me, his crack high driving him on, pounding me into submission. His breathing got more ragged, his breathe raspy, the sound of spit catching in his dry throat, then someone was pounding on my front door – crack laced cum started to explode from the black dick buried deep inside me, pushing the first two loads deeper as the third was added – the pounding on my front door got louder, more insistent and Victor began to holler, “Come on B, open up. Come on B, hey B, come on B, hey B,” bang, bang, bang. The banging continued like a high school drum line as the crack head finished shooting up my ass. His fucking slowly eased, but he did not pull out. I finally spoke up, “I better get that before the neighbors call the fucking cops,” and started to push back. He placed his hands on my hips, locked me tight against his body and with his dick still hard and deep inside me stepped back as I pushed back off the chair. I was standing up now, slightly bent, and he turned me and slut-fuck walked me towards the front door, his fingernails digging deep into my hips to ensure my steps kept time with his. Well this was new. I slid the chain back and let it drop with a clang against the frame, turned the deadbolt, and opened the door just a crack in case anyone else was in the hall as I sure as hell did not want folks seeing me like this. Victor made a move to push the door open and step in, but my fucker quickly stopped that with his left hand while with his right still gripping my hip tight, turned me to the side so I was facing the big mirror over the bathroom sink. He leaned to the left and said in a voice low and edged with more than words, “Give me the shit.” Victor started to protest, “Aw come on man, let me in, that’s not right man, I….” My fucker said again, “Give me the shit. All of it. You can come back another day and settle up however you want, but I ain’t got what I came for yet or do you want me to come out there and settle my shit with you now?” Victor’s voice got softer as he mumbled in futile protest, his jacket russled, a zipper opened, more mumbling, the sounds of plastic and more. The door closed and I could still hear Victor fussing to himself as he walked towards the elevator. The crack head slid the chain into place, the deadbolt snapped, he then looked and saw our reflection in the big sink over the mirror and slut-fuck walked me forward until I could rest my hands on the bathroom counter. He dropped a pile of stuff onto the toilet – several bags of dirty rock, some metal mesh, some other stuff I was not sure what it was, then asked, “Ready to get marked again as a crack hoe? You best be because I think tonight, you’re going to get more than a double shot.”
    1 point
  16. TRUE STORY. (My first story) This all happened within the last six hours. About a week ago, I met a guy on Grindr, and I arranged to meet him. I was quite surprised as I'm not really into younger guys. He is 22 years old, 155 cms (about 5'5") tall, slim build, completly smooth and a nice seven inch uncut cock. He told me that he is a bottom and willing to try anything, although he was safe sex only. I'm fisting bottom/vers, and enjoy bondage, piss, toy, and fist action. Giving him directions, I met him at the railway station, and as soon as he got into my car, he started sucking my cock (7" cut with a P.A), giving me an excellent blowjob. After a short drive, we arrived at my house. Stepping into the house in darkness, I told him to strip, which he did without wasting time. I then placed a hood over his head and handcuffed him from behind, ordering him to get down onto his knees and suck my cock. Bending him over and tasting his young sweet pussy, I was so hard I almost came. I love the taste of young pussy. I then replaced the hood with a leather hood which left only his mouth exposed, and had him continue sucking my cock. I had to stop him as I was close to cumming and I didn't want to blow my load down his throat, as I had other plans. I locked his cock into a cock cage, with the weight stretching his balls. Getting onto all fours, I told him, "I'm just going to open you. I'll just put the head of my cock in. I wont cum in you." I slid my cock in half way and pulled out. I need to have his hole, so I pushed all the way in, fucking him so fucking hard, feeling my balls slamming against his arse. I stopped. He turned and kissed me. Fuck, he loved kissing. I stood up and, as he was a good cocksucker, had him clean my cock. I needed a piss, so we got into the shower where I gave him all my saved-up beer piss, which he drank like a piss boi should. For a young pussy with limited experience, he was amazing. As the night went on, I put nipple clamps on him, keeping his cock secured in a cock cage. His mouth sucked my cock like there was no tomorrow. Using Crisco and clove oil, we next worked on stretching his hole to accommodate my fist, working his hole for about sixty minutes, but even after all the works, I could barely get my medium sized fist into his hungry young pussy. I thought to myself "I've gotta eat that hole," so I had him sit on my face and 'push' out, and got to enjoy the taste a freshly worked, fucked and fisted hole.......OINK OINK. I ended up fucking him and, not once, but twice, dumped a load into his young sweet pussy. Again, he turned and kissed me, his tongue searching for the back of my throat. Eventually I sucked him off and swallowed a fucking huge hot sweet load of young pussy cum. He told me he'll be back for more. - This is a true story.
    1 point
  17. I want to tell you my last fuck. It happened about two weeks ago. Now, I have a fuck machine which I used to fuck myself, two to three times, using a seven inch dildo to thrust away into my ass. One night I was very horny by my fuck machine. One night I was very horny and wanted to get a real cock in my hole, so I posted this advertisement on Craigslist: Virgin ass looking for threesome. Come and join me and my fuck machine. After about fifteen minutes I received a reply from a married man who wanted to join in. I told him I wanted to play anonymously, so I wanted to wear a blindfold. He agreed, and explained that when he arrived, he wanted to find me getting fucked by my fuck machine. I agree, gave my address and mentioned I would leave the front door unlocked. After about thirty minutes he e-mailed saying he would arrive in about five minutes, so I quickly hooked-up the fuck machine, and let it go to town on my ass. Soon enough I heard him enter the house, and he didn't waste any time shedding his clothing, 'cause in no time I felt his his cock entering my mouth. He apparently got off on the idea of my being fucked as I sucked his cock, and I felt him spread my ass-cheeks apart to admire my gaping ass lips. "Yeah, bitch, suck that ass. You like your ass pounded while you have a cock in your mouth?" he asked. "Yes," I grunted, all the while his cock was in my mouth. I sucked him for about five minutes, and then he asked if I was ready to take his cock. "Fuck, yeah" I replied. With that he switched off the fuck machine, pushed it out of the way, and slid his eight inch cock into my ass, which was gaping wide. It was wonderful. He pounded my for several minutes, causing my ass lips to gape even wider apart, and then he dumped his load all over my ass and back. He wasn't done, however, 'cause without a word he plugged the fuck machine back in, and it resumed its work in pleasuring my hole. I asked him to stick around, and if he got hard again, to take a second run at my ass. Without a word he stepped up to me, and teased my lips with his dock, not letting me to suck it, just teasing me. Naturally I was completely frustrated, and quite horny. In fact I was moaning like a bitch. I opened my mouth wide, hoping he would take the hint and slide his cock in, but he simply continued to tease me with his cock by sliding himself across my lips. When I begged for his cock. he told me "Wait a minute," and with that I heard another person entering my room. I didn't said a word. I just waited to see what would happen next. I didn't have to wait too long. The fuck machine was disconnected and a huge cock filled my ass. It seemed like it was about ten inches long, and equally thick. My ass was being torn apart and I was in agony. The other guy realized as much, 'cause he immediately push his cock to my mouth saying "Suck it, bitch." It felt like the two guys were raping me but still I liked it. The pain eventually subsided, and then changed into pleasure; one guy fucking my mouth and the other thrusting his monster cock into my ass, ripping me apart. This lasted for about fifteen minutes. Then they switched roles, in the best ass-to-mouth tradition. That night I ended-up with two ass fuckings, and one load in my mouth.
    1 point
  18. The moist heat of Tanner's seizing hole sucked Jake's cock length into him, I heard Tanner take a hit of poppers....the kid learnt quick. Jake struggled to push his last inch into Tanner, I sharply pushed the boy's ass down forcing his hole to accept Jake's entire shaft. The last inch vanished and Jake and I were balls deep in the jock. "Holy fucking shit" Jake cried, he tried to start fucking but Tanner started spasming uncontrollably down his thighs, "Wait, Jake" I said, placing my hand on his thigh to make him stop. "Just breathe boy, breathe in our cocks...you're doing so well, just breathe them in, own your cunt muscles, let them expand, let them relax...yeah?" Tanner took another hit of poppers and Jake and I literally felt his hole start to relax, his once tight ring expanding around our shafts. "Bro" Jake spoke "You're doing so fucking good...just fucking take it, you're such....uh....a fucking stud" I rubbed Tanner's sweat drenched lower back, keeping a little pressure on him so he didn't go anywhere. "Dude" Jake moaned "I can feel the heat from your open hole on my thigh...." He was right, Tanner's fucked up little cunt was in heat, an inviting warmth flowed out of his stretched muscle pussy. One more hit of poppers and I felt the familiar feeling of being milked as Tanner went to work. "Oh my God!" Jake cried as bit by bit we started grinding into the receptive boy. Tanner was struggling but taking it, I had to marvel at his resolve as he began to grind back on our pulsing shafts. "Fuck Tanner" Jake moaned, biting the kids nipples as he began fucking the boy, pulling out along my shaft as I pushed it. We worked him over like two well oiled pistons. Tanner was screaming, tears running down his cheeks, huge fucking smile on his face as I grabbed his neck for better leverage. He gurgled like a little whore under my thick grasp. Jake grabbed Tanner's hips, taking up the responsibility of keeping him put. His hole made satisfying squelching sounds, I forgot how much pre cum Jake produced. In no time our cocks were slick with it, gliding against each other as Tanner's mucus covered ass walls shuddered with pleasure. The friction was perfect for me, I could fuck a hole like this without cumming for hours. Jake wasn't so mature yet...He was getting close, squirming and shoving, moaning and writhing, jerking his dick in the heat of Tanner's beautiful little butt. He was lost and, I was happy to let him go for a while. I released Tanner from my grip, he fell forward coughing as I pulsed more blood into my dick, forcing his red raw hole to open further. Keeping my cock perfectly still, feeling Jake probe like a dog under me. "Uh....g'uh...ah....uh" he was practically screaming now. As the breath flooded back into Tanner's lungs his hole vibrated violently ... A little trick I learnt, a coughing bottom, makes fucking feel fantastic. Jake brutally shoved his dick past mine, popping it into Tanner's second hole and unleashing his virile, swimmer seed into Tanner's innermost, receptive walls. He grunted, and I felt his hot cum start flooding back around my shaft...I pulled out of Tanner...happy to let the boys have their moment. Plus, I didn't want any of the fresh seed to pour out of his wide hole. Tanner's sphincter gently closed shut on Jake's cock...sealing the cum up him. I went round to the front of the chair. Tanner was moaning gently as Jake began making love to his hole...the gentility messing with his mind as I leant down to his vibrant, youthful face... "How's that cum feel boy?" Tanner looked at me, wiped a tear from his eye, smiled evily and said "I can feel it, it feels hot but...so nice...feels fucking nice" "Good boy" I said...."cuz you're going to get a lot" As he thanked me with his eyes I let him nurse my thick, ass-warm cock in his mouth as I heard my phone vibrate from over on the other couch. I smiled...a few more loads in the boy, and the party could really begin.
    1 point
  19. Well I got it pierced last night. It feels great, it's bled a bit more than I expected and I guess I didn't realize how much I sleep on my stomach until I'd roll over and feel the little sting. I can't wait to have my first jerk, even though my piercer told me I could do it last night if I wanted I'll probably wait a day or two more. I was pierced with a 10ga but I'll wait a few months to gauge up a little. I want to thank everyone for all of the tips and advice. I can't wait until I get to put it to some use.
    1 point
  20. Jake poured a small capful of g into some soda, and handed it to me as he pulled out the points. "Hold your nose and shot this boy" I said to Tanner, lifting his moist lips off my dick. Tanner knocked the shot back and immediately sucked his gums as the flavour registered in the back of his head. I quickly guided him back to my dick as he flushed red and started to sweat a little as the g worked into his system. Jake left the toys for a moment, got behind Tanner in the chair, hoisted the boy's ass onto his lap and stuck his tongue up the boy's freshly seeded hole. Tanner moaned around my dick as Jake gave him his first, out-and-in rim job...hitting all of the boys anal buttons. It turned me on knowing Jake and Tanner were tasting me at the same time, I felt my cock start to grow again, snaking its way down Tanner's receiving gullet. To his credit, the boy never lost suction even whilst his face was buried in my crotch. Jake was list in the jock's ass, he'd come up for air every once in a while, spread the boy's cheeks further apart before diving back in, licking, kissing, and slurping on the perfectly corrupted, cherry-ripe hole. Whole minutes passed in this perfect daisy chain, each worshipping the other. All the while Tanner moaning, experiencing the pleasure of being rimmed out. Eventually, Jake came up, smiled, and indicated that we should switch. I was only too happy, the boy was close to milking another load out of me and I was close to letting him have it. We spun the boy around and Jake planted his lips on Tanner's, passing him a mouthful of my cum, sucked out his ass. Tanner looked momentarily surprised but, his cock got rock hard... "Taste it...Taste the seed that bred you" Jake said.... "Good bro!...now swallow..." Tanner did as he was told as I gently started fingering his hairless little cunt. Jake made a "syringe" action with his hand behind Tanner's head as he deep kissed him again...time for the real party to start. I got the tourniquet and points "On the chair kid" I commanded, slapping Tanner's ass hard. Jake switched out and grabbed a ball clench from our 'bag of tricks" "Dont want any accidental spillages" he grinned. Tanner looked so fucking gorgeous in the chair, like some kind of blonde God...cut glass body heaving under taught, Sun kissed skin, rivulets of sweat creeping down the crevices of his muscle. "Boy" I said "Anyone ever told you, you are perfect?" He smirked, a little slowly from the drugs I ruffled his blonde hair, bringing my hulking frame close to his, pressing my hairy chest against his hairless frame, kissing him deeply and passionately. Tasting my cum and feeling his heat. I broke the kiss, and began to whisper in his ear. "Tanner, I'm going to fuck you again..." His pecs shivered "Jake's gonna fuck you. We're gonna break you in right, get you used to cock, craving it...by the end of the night it's all you're gonna think about...that tight little jock pussy is gonna bleed with cum..." Jake began kissing Tanner's drug sensitive thighs and he moaned. "And...you're gonna love it" I continued licking his ear. "O... ok..." He breathed I smiled "First, cuz you deserve it...I'm gonna give you a shot of something, help you relax baby boy, help you on your way to realising what you were built for...what you were bred to be" "A ..." I bit his ear "Jock boy cum dump" He moaned and I tweaked one of his pink nipples. "That a consent boy" Jake bit the boy's thighs leaving an angry love bite "Yes!" He sighed "Please" "Jake's gonna clamp your boy balls, stop you from cumming till you're a man...no one wants your neg boy jock juice...ok" Jake began screwing the device on the boy and he winced as I strapped up his arm. "Ok boy..." I said...finding a pulsing vein "Here we go" Jake finished screwing the ball clamp as I shot the boy up. There was a moment of silence, I took off the tourniquet and... "F...fuck...chggghgg". The boy went into coughing overdrive as I soothed him, rubbed his back. "Ride it pup, ride it out...we'll see you on the other side." Tanner was still coughing as Jake prepped his own slam. He winked at me as he found base and let go...Jake starting coughing as Tanner came out of his fit.... "Holy fucking hell" he whispered "Holy fucking hell" His eyes were solid black and he smiled wildly as he caught sight of my semi hanging between my legs. "Want it?" I said "Fuck yes!" He cried, licking his lips.... Jake rose up between Tanner's legs. "Daddy'll be back in a minute" he said, passing me a newly packed pipe and engulfing Tanner's growing, useless cock in his mouth. Getting him hard and horny. He'd not cum with the clamp affixed. "Very good boys" I said, sitting in the opposite chair, stroking my semi and lighting up....Jake knew slamming got me off but smoking got me hard...the little fucker.
    1 point
  21. LOL. Talk about autocorrect. It's Satans seed. Not Sarah palins seed. Missed that in editing. Sorry guys Although it does have a ring to it. I wouldn't use her name intentionally in anything I write since I can't stand the woman. She's an airhead in my book.
    1 point
  22. Met up with 2 guys I know at the Rain Bow club last night and took them on for 3 hours. What I love about them is they are hung and were loaded up. They used both of my holes very well.
    1 point
  23. Matt: Damn, all these thought running through my head, my chest hurts, even after going to the gym and working out, shit I’m all keyed up, not sure if it’s the realization that I’m now very rich and can do pretty much what I want to, or the fact that in just about an hour I’ll be picking up my son from work to tell him I’m his dad. I need to get these panic attacks under control, the anxiety is making my heart race. I was all nervous and jittery when I drove over to the Lotto offices earlier in the afternoon and turned in my claim form. The receptionist was all congratulations and very consoling as she most likely was used to dealing with excited winners and bringing the back down to earth. She even had a packet of information she thought might be useful to people like me I said thank you to her and then she gave me a big hug and told me everything will turn out just fine, we both laughed, I wasn’t used to getting hugs from strangers, but I figured that was just her way of helping grounding me in reality. I left the office feeling a little less anxious and nervous. I went on a quick shopping spree, wanting to look my best for Jeremy at dinner I bout a teal dress shirt and a pair of classy black slacks to go with it. I hit the gym and did a nice workout my tension was slowly subsiding, and the eye candy looked even more appetizing today but that’s will be a story for another day, after going home and relaxing to some smooth jazz I started making plans for dinner, reciting how I was going to break the news to Jeremy that his search was over, I knew he’d have questions for me, as I certainly had lots for him. I jotted some of mine down on a note pad so I would forget them in the moment, a moment that I knew would be filled with a lot of emotion, and possibly guilt. I ironed my new nice dress shirt and checked my slacks for wrinkles, I went in and took a long steamy shower to help calm my nerves and to soothe away some of the muscle aches that were beginning to surface, due to the stress of everything, not to mention going a little overboard at the gym. I checked my watch it was 6:45 I looked in the mirror, damn I was a hot looking daddy I straightened my tie and walked out the front door, hopped in my car and drove to the mall. After parking I went inside, I knew I was looking good when I notice even some of the Twinkie boys who usually didn’t pay attention to me while strolling the mall were checking me out, I hope my bulge wasn’t too noticeable, as I had a semi from the time I exited the car. I reached A&F about a couple minutes past 7 and Jeremy was gathering his backpack and stuff as I browsed the store, he had not seen or recognized me all dressed up but had begun walking out of the store when he froze and did a double take, turning around to look at me, a big grin formed on his face and I could tell he was fighting the urge to run up to me and kiss me. I walked forward and he smiled even bigger if that was at all possible. We walked to the car I took in his beauty as we walked, this really the first time I had seen him dressed for business, retail that is. He was dressed in a form fitting A&F dress shirt and Low-rise skinny jeans which hugged his ass and package very nicely but still looked dressy, I could tell this night might get a little uncomfortable for him as his semi was already beginning to strain the fabric, it was good they were of a darker color or the wet spot might have become more evident. As we reached the car I took him in my arms and hugged him, realizing that if things went badly tonight this may be my last chance to do so, he leaned in and kissed me, there in the middle of the parking structure. I really no longer cared if anyone saw, this was my Jeremy and I was his Matt for now. We arrived at the restaurant I let the valet park the car, Jeremy thought that was cool but pretentious, but what the hell we got inside and were soon seated at a table near the back. Before exiting the car and turning it over to the valet I had reached in back and retrieved the manila envelope and had brought it to the table. I ordered a bottle of wine to celebrate us finding each other, if Jeremy only knew the implications of that statement at the time, I also ordered appetizers to start the meal J: who what did your unemployment check arrive today, you seem to be throwing money around M: well sort of, I just want this dinner to be special for you and me, it might be our last after what we have to talk about With that I slid the envelope towards Jeremy, he looked at me with a puzzled look then opened it up and took out the document with the wallet sized photo attached at the top J: um what is this, how did you get this picture, what does this all mean? He looked back and forth between the picture, the paternity document and me several times M: let me first say I never knew, I honestly never knew, secondly I never suspected until I saw that photo on your bookcase and put two and two together, as for the test, I have a friend who does that sort of thing in the lab he owns, I got yours from the strand of hair that got pulled out by the headrest. J: oh my god, I don’t know what to do I let him sit there pondering, I didn’t know what I should do either, I didn’t want to alienate him anymore in his confusion J: so what this tells me, you, you are my father M: it appears so, just take your time and let it sink in He sat there with a look of puzzlement and confusion written all over his face, then he began to smile then smirk looking over the document again looking at the picture the back at me then back to the document, he moved the picture aside revealing what was underneath, he looked back up to me and grinned J: so when did you receive this document, did you already know last night when we slept together, before you bred me in the shower Oh god, he had put It together that I knew he was my son when we had sex last night, this could be the turning point of the evening, luck be with me the hot wait staff had chosen this time to bring the appetizer breaking the tension and stalling the inevitable confession on my part M: yes I knew but I only loved you more because of it Oh my god I just said the “L” word he was going to freak out on me for sure now J: so you knew that you were holding your son in your arms and pressing your…. You knew that I was of your loin, of your flesh, and you still held me that way you still did what you did to me, with me I could tell he was upset, I think, I almost seemed like he was struggling to keep his voice down almost whispering to me his hands shaking, this night might turn into an epic disaster and I had no idea how I was going to stop it from doing so M: Jeremy I’m sorry, I guess I let lust rule me, please don’t hate me, we just found each other , please don’t let US end because I was an ass and let my emotions and my lust rule me He sat there then started picking at the fried polenta dipping it into the marinara J: Matt, I have so many questions and I’m sure your answers are only going to raise more but let me stew for a while and let’s just enjoy this really expensive meal you have ordered for us, it’s the least I can do for you right now I could feel his leg pressing harder on mine under the table as we sat and ate, the pressure getting stronger then backing off then increasing again, my cock was straining in my slacks and I was too frightened to reach down to see if Jeremy’s was doing the same. J: so dad, where do we go from here, do we go on like nothing’s changed or do we start anew and go our separate ways and send birthday cards once a year Oh fuck, I couldn’t read Jeremy, was he upset, turned on, exhilarated, then he reached below the table and squeezed my throbbing hard cock, oh shit he knew I had a hard on for him M: um that’s sort of up to you, son He went back to picking at the plate of appetizers, grinning and looking down at the photo and the document, then sliding both back in the envelope our entrees and the wine arrived, the cute waiter pouring the beverage into the glass and offering a taste before completing his service. He looked back and forth between us and smiled, I noted a hint of a tent behind his apron as he turned to leave. J: you know it’s interesting, he never stopped to card me M: he figured you were my date and that you’d be old enough given my respectable age We both laughed the started in on our meals J: so how long did you and mom date? M: what? J: mom would never talk about you, and Uncle Tony only made innuendo about your dating practices M: your uncle tony should talk, bet he never told you about the time I came to pick your mom up for dinner and she had just stepped into the shower, she always was running late and always took long showers, but there I was sitting in the kitchen and shooting the shit with tony, I’ll admit one of the reasons I kept seeing you mom was your uncle he was a hot high school jock just turned 18, well were shooting the shit and he’s rubbing his crotch right there in front of me, he always had me pegged for a gay boy you see, so he’s trying hard to prove it, we can both hear the water running upstairs and he walks over to me and whips out his cock “you like this don’t you Matt you want to suck it deep in your mouth and feel me cum on your tongue” I sucked him for a couple minutes and he shoot quickly and a huge load too boot, with his cum still on my lips and in my mouth he leaned down and kissed me tasting himself on my lips and sucking some of his cum out of my mouth ”I taste pretty good don’t I?” he returned to shooting the shit like nothing had happened offering me a soda to mask the taste and smell of his sweet cum in my mouth, bet he never told you about that Jeremy was intrigued and I could tell turned on a lot J: so answer my question how long, why’d you break it off? M: well we met in a fitness training class in the spring semester, we started going out and saw each other throughout the summer then when a member of my family was getting married I took her to the wedding in august, were we both got plastered and ended up in bed together, I never knew anything had happened just that we woke up together the next day in her bed in the hotel both doubles were messed up so I figured I had gotten cold and climbed in to get warm, your mom was always like a hot water bottle. In September she started to get too clingy and questioning about what I’d do if I got someone pregnant, with hints of marriage it sort of freaked me out so I finally came out to her and she got upset, her reaction prompted me to break it off saying we shouldn’t see or talk till she could accept me for who/what I am J: oh my god, uncle tony was right. I asked him about you when I was like ten and he blew me off by saying something like “he’s the faggot that knocked her up then split” when I asked about the guy in the photo, mom wouldn’t talk about it and when asked why she kept it she’d just say it was the best picture she had of herself as a young woman M: don’t take offence. But she was kind of homely looking most of the time, and if I remembered right she kissed like an old dog all slobbery and always had bad breath, I know I should talk about her that way, just want to know why she didn’t work out as my beard at the time J: beard? What you mean M: you know some homely girl you bring to family gatherings that keeps the relatives from asking too many question, especially if you’re still in the closet to your family J: oh I see M: so since were on the subject, you did bring it up, how is your mom, and why do you have the picture doesn’t she miss it Jeremy suddenly went sullen and tears began welling in his eyes J: mom died a little over a year ago from breast cancer, and I have the photo because I always wanted to remember her as beautiful, not sick and wasted He started crying right there in the restaurant, I reached down and squeezed his knee to let him know I was there for him, he used his napkin to wipe away the tears, J: thanks for being here, it’s been hard for me to cope with her passing. M: I’ll always be there for you till I take my final breath, now that I have begun to know you, that would be true even if you weren’t my son, we have become friends We finished our entrees before they got cold and the cute waiter came back asking about dessert J: the molten lava cake looks good, although not as good as you Did I just hear that wrong or did my son just hit on the waiter and set up for a possible proposition of out cute waiter. CW: well I’ll just bring you some molten lava cake and your check M: you didn’t J: I did, don’t know if you just been to tied up in our conversation to notice but the restaurant is pretty empty now and he has been staring at us off and on since he brought the entrees and the large puddle of precum on the front of my pants is pretty evident and has been since you told me about uncle Tony, and he has noticed and has had to readjust quite a few times under that apron The waiter brought the dessert and two spoons the fumbled around and sheepishly put the check on the table. I’ll get that for you when you’re ready, he had a big smile on his face as he turned and walked away. We dug into the molten lava cake actually feeding each other on occasion like two love struck teenagers. I picked up the check and smiled. He had given us his employee discount and had written on the top “you two are so cute together, the name is Sam, and I’m off at 10” I looked down at my watch and it was already after 10 but as I glanced over he was waiting in the wings for us. I quickly pulled out my credit card and placed it with the bill, upon setting it on the table he came over and picked it up for processing, then hurried off M: he seems a little nervous J: he seems a lot nervous, hope we didn’t scare him away M: I doubt that, you should have seen what he wrote on the check Sam came back with the charge slip for me to sign M: Sam, sorry we kept you past your shift, why don’t you take care of this and come back and join us S: I’d love too but I have to clock out and go catch my bus, it’s the last one and if I miss it I’ll have to wait till 11 for the manager to drive me home M: We’ll take you home I promise just take care of this and we’ll take care of you Sam hurried off with the charge slip, not looking at it when he left then we both heard him exclaim “holy Jesus, mother of god” I guess he just noticed the tip I left him, he hurried back to the table after handing the manager the charge slip to process S: was that a mistake? Did you intend to leave that tip? I nodded yes and he turned and gave the manager a thumbs up S: I want to thank you, and you’ll really give me a ride home I nodded yes as we began to collect out things, the front placard of my slacks was soaked through with pre-jizz as were Jeremy’s jeans, without the apron it also appeared had a sizable wet spot on the front of his slacks as well, we hurried out to the car strutting through the restaurant with an air of devil don’t care. We got to the car and piled in, belted up then took off, I didn’t bother asking Sam where he lived I just took him back to Jeremy’s J: so Sam how old are you S: just turned 18, now I can serve alcohol at the restaurant, make better pay and tips M: so you live at home? Won’t your parents wonder where you are? S: yeah I live with my Dad, my parent divorced when I was younger Sam pulled out his phone and texted something to someone then reached around Jeremy’s seat and began rubbing my son’s chest from the rear seat M: I take it this isn’t your first time being with another guy S: actually I’ve been out to my dad since I was 14 but other than the normal horsing around with my friends, noting sexual mind you I’m still rather virgin, I just saw you guys pawing each other in the restaurant and thought you wouldn’t mind J: I’m not minding one bit We laughed and exchanged small talk all the way back to Jeremy’s finding out more about Sam, turned out Sam and Jeremy went to the same junior high and high school, obviously not at the same time however Jeremy was a senior when Sam was a freshmen. S: I hope you don’t get freaked out but I have a confession, Jeremy I remember seeing you in high school and having a really hot crush on the captain of the lacrosse team that was you wasn’t it? J: oh my god yes it was, I think I remember you too the little red head that kept coming to the games and cheering us on then lurking around the locker room spying on us as we showered S: oh fuck you saw me? J: not only saw you but went home and jacked off over the possibilities of someday meeting up with you when you were older We all laughed at the situation then realizing it was a fantasy come true for both, laughed some more. I parked the car and we retreated to Jeremy’s apartment
    1 point
  24. I arrived at our meeting place early and my poz bud arrived at about the same time, so we had time to talk and do a little preparing for my arrogant fuck bud to arrive. He was going to get a lot more out of this fuck than he knew was coming. Poz guy and I talked and planned for a bit and then started to make out while awaiting my fuck buddy. I definitely wanted this guy horned up and ready when my fuck buddy got there. We started by kissing some and then, since it was going to happen anyway, got naked and were feeling each other up and stroking each others cocks. He had a lot of precum and it didn't take long before his cock was covered in it and slick and hard as a rock. His cock was about as long as my fuck buddy's, but just short of being as big around. It was a damn nice size though and I couldn't wait and dropped on my knees, and took it into my mouth. I just had to taste it and feel that nice cock throb in my throat a little. We fooled around for about ten minutes when my fuck buddy finally arrived, and his arrival was just in time, as that poz cock was starting to taste mighty good to me and my ass was starting to tingle with a need to be filled. My fuck buddy took one look at us and stripped, saying "It looks like I got here just in time. Another five minutes and I'd have had sloppy seconds." We all laughed a bit at that, but I don't think either of them really knew how close that was to the truth. My ass was ready and in need of filling. My fuck buddy and the poz guy started to kiss, and I went down to swallow my fuck buddy's beautiful cock, to prime him so he would cream my hole good. Poz guy and I traded around after a few minutes and he was swallowing that big cock while I gave some tongue-action to my fuck buddy. The three of us went back and forth several times, as my fuck buddy became increasingly worked up. Yeah, I was determined to edge him, to get him so hot that he would be ready for anything. His cock was about as hard as I could ever remember it and he was panting to plant it in me by the time I lay down and told him to hurry and do me. I was more than ready to be fucked. My fuck buddy lubed himself and my ass, and then slowly entered my hole, a little at a time, teasing me as he went by pushing in and then holding still again. Our poz bud was behind him watching and then, right on cue, commented to my fuck buddy "Damn, you've got a nice ass too," adding "Do you like to get fucked?" My fuck buddy replied "Yeah, but I only bareback with this guy." Poz guy just smiled. As my fuck bud started to finally fuck me the poz guy moved behind him more and started to play with his ass, lubing it, and loosening it up by some vigorous finger play, all the while telling my bud "I gotta play with your ass while you fuck your buddy," and encouraging him to pound my ass good and get it nice and sloppy for him. He kept whispering how hot it was to watch his big cock tear my hole up. Knowing where this was headed, I enjoyed the talk almost as much as I enjoyed being fucked. My fuck bud always took a while to cum so I knew I was in for a good ass pounding, for at least twenty minutes or maybe more. It felt good as he lifted my legs higher and higher and had them over his shoulders, holding me almost upside down as he pounded my ass. It was always a great fuck with him. I could just see the poz guy a bit behind him as he was running a finger into my fuck buddy, and then said he was going for more fingers. My fuck buddy replied "It feels great, and I can feel the tingle of your fingers against my prostate as I pound away at this hole." Soon the poz guy told him he had all four of his fingers in my fuck buddy's ass. He, in turn, was clearly enjoying the anal play, and it helped him pound me hard. The poz guy kept up a steady stream of hot talk, telling us how hot it was to watch me being fucked as he played with my fuck buddy's hole and how hot he was getting too. He also told my fuck buddy how hot his hole was, and commented it was making him really horny too, and that his cock was hard as a rock. He pushed up against my fuck buddy, and ran himself up and down the crack of his ass, and asked how he liked the feel of that. My bud told him it fell good and bet I would love that when he got done with me. The poz guy never moved back away again and kept his fingers probing deep in my fuck bud's hole while his poz cock kept up a smooth slide up and down his crack smearing lots of his precum all over my bud's ass crack and hole and slicking him up even more with the lube there also. My bud was loving the attention and was pounding my hole as hard as he ever had and we were both soon moaning our pleasure a lot. My bud then told us he was getting close and then really started going even faster and harder if that was possible. The poz guy said he was really getting horny for some too, but I don't think by now it was registering with my bud at all as he approached his orgasm. I then notice the poz guy had pulled his fingers out of my bud and had him by the hips with both hands and rubbing his cock up and down his crack faster. My bud looked my in the eyes and told me to get ready as he was going to cum. He then rammed me about three or four more time and buried his cock as deep into me as he could as he grunted out that he was cumming hard. As soon as he came to a halt in me and was cumming the poz guy all at once yelled oh hell I can't take it and rammed his cock home in my bud's hole and said he was cumming too. My fuck bud was so far gone in his orgasm it didn't register at first that the poz guy's cock was buried deep in his hole and filling him up too for a while. As my bud was finally coming down he was telling us that was about the hottest cum he had ever had and then it dawned on him that there was a cock buried in him too. He looked over his shoulder and wanted to know what the poz guy was doing anyway. He told him he was sorry but he just got too excited when my boy came in me that he rammed home in him without thinking or knowing what he was doing. He apologized. My boy told him it was ok but he was not realy happy about getting a load in him. I could tell he was some pissed but kind of shrugged it off as he got up and got dressed and like normal was out of there within just a few minutes of cumming in me. He never hung around anyway more than a few minutes. I was still laying there with my legs spread and like usual, also, after being fucked by my bud I was in another world enjoying the feeling of being fucked and filled. I didn't even notice my boy leave nor that the poz guy was still hard and telling me how hot that had been and he was still damnably horned up by that. I didn't know anything until all at once it dawned on me that my legs were up I the air again and my hole was being pounded again. I came around and looked up and was looking right into the eyes of the poz guy as he was ramming his toxic cock in me now. I yelled what the hell are you doing, I don't want pozzed, just my boy. He just smiled and said he was sorry but that session just made him too horny and he couldn't resist my hole right there in front of him. I started to tell him to get off when he all at once rammed home in me hard and moaned and I could feel his cock pulsing. I opened my mouth but nothing came out and he told me OMG that feels good and I am filling you full of my poz seed too. As he said that he leaned down and kissed me and started to pound away again and I could do nothing but thrust my ass back at him as it felt too good to stop.
    1 point
  25. Very well said, and I am against bestiality but people who have sex with animals are not animal lovers and don't care about them. A friend of mine had a Rottweiler and he was a sweet gentle beautiful friendly dog.
    1 point
  26. I can't tell you how many times I have jacked off to this.
    1 point
  27. Lol, just got hard reading that description... I am one of those who is having leaking issues from time to time... Awkward looks on the train or street. Though once picked up because of that... I also like the face of tops walking home. Tired but totally satisfied and empty balls...
    1 point
  28. damn! i blew a load hard reading this! would love to get pozzed like that!
    1 point
  29. Rented a motel last night near the seedy side of southeast Houston intending to take some hot nutt. Boy did I ever!! Posted this ad on Craigslist: FAGGOT SLUT FOR ANON BREEDING Wht bareback cumdump with big ass looking to get loaded up. Prefer Blk & Latino but open. Love anon encounters and if you have a buddy even better. Door will be ajar for you to come in, unload and bounce. >>>ABSOLUTELY NO CONDOMS!!<<< Must send a pic of your dick to be considered. Text/email only Within about 30 mins I got my first hit by text. Guy was about 30 mins away, but still wanted to come. Same thing with a guy who contracted me by email. Both wanted to come unload. Next came a hit on my kik app. And another. Kik #1: Black top, nearby looking to unload. Gave him the address and waited. about 10 mins later, I had the door open. He comes in, slid inside and started pumping away. Emptied his balls and left. 5 mins after he left, email guy shows up. Walks in and starts fucking. Literally 3 mins later, kik #2 knocks on the door. I let him in. He was into joining in and I started sucking on his fast black cock. Another 3 mins and another knock at the door. Text dude. He's into joining in as well. Turns out email guy is totally turned on by the scene and starts directing traffic on my ass. I am in pig heaven! All three have great cocks and pretty soon they each take their turns unloading deep in my slut ass. Couldn't have planned it better if I tried!
    1 point
  30. love rimming tops if they want it i am all for it!!
    1 point
  31. (part 2) As the sun peaked through the windows as Friday dawned upon the bedroom, Charlie and Peter were sucking each other's cocks as Miguel fucked Jamie reminding him who is in charge in the relationship. Charlie and Peter were ready to crash as Miguel deposited a load inside Jamie's well used ass. Miguel left the the naked boys in bed to make arrangements for the newbies welcome into his business and family that he had always wanted. Jamie knew better then to follow him but Miguel came back to the door and motioned for him to come to the living room. Charlie and Peter had a brief discussion as they passed out about the fuck they had received. Both were not sure what to make of the raw fucking they dad received. They nth knew from health class that v they should use condoms fir fucking to prevent HIV but Peter find the raw fuck exiting where Charlie was scared. Peter told him that he shouldn't worry, at least not anymore. If Miguel and Jamie are HIV+ it's too late, they will be HIV+ soon as well. Peter's cock became very hard and he couldn't resist fucking Charlie in his state of mind. Peter climbed on Charlie's back, pinned his varms to the bed and forced himself between his legs and as he forced his hard cock inside his friend ass he whispered to him how much me had been wanting to fuck his sweet ass. Miguel explained to Jamie his plans for the evening. A party at the house with all welcomed to come fuck the newbies and seed their neg asses while they are tweaked out on nice slams am weekend long. Jamie want all the Ken in the idea until Miguel reminded him of his own welcome over a year ago, right before he told his old man he was gay. Jamie's chick began to thicken a little as Miguel noticed and said (while stroking his growing member) that he knew Jamie would be 'UP' for it. During the planning they heard Charlie's whimpers. They looked into the bedroom to see Peter fucking Charlie. Miguel commented that it looks like Charlie was going to be like his older brother, a submissive bottom. Miguel was already figuring that he'd have to effectual out later I his place one rung below his own boy Jamie. This weekend (and weekend to come) should do the trick. If not he'd lend him to his friend for a few days. Miguel cock grew stiff as he watched Peter fuck Charlie and left Jamie to carry out his instructions for that night's festivities as he went back into the bedroom and mounted Peter's ass as he was fucking Charlie. Miguel grabbed Peter's hips and rammed ask 8"if his cock in balls deep forcing Peter to collapse on top of Charlie as he pounded home his dominance into Peter's hole. He reminded both boys that they were to do as they were told or they'd be out on the street. Peter began to enjoy the fucking he was getting and tried to move a little inside Charlie's home as Miguel wasted no time and seeded the twink. He then instructed Peter to pound as hard as he could into Charlie and cum inside him. Peter wasted no time and after having Miguel fucking him came quickly. After which gee told Charlie's to clean Peter's cock off. Charlie was a little hesitant about doing this but knew he had to comply as he saw the look I'm Miguel's eyes. After Peter's cock was cleaned he told Peter he was to suck a load out of Charlie and swallow it before they were allowed to get some rest that they would need since they were going to a party this weekend. Not really knowing what he really meant about the okay, Peter began to longingly suck Charlie's cock. When Charlie finally came it was a big load to that Peter did his best to swallow down. It wasn't the fist load he had eaten (and it wasn't going to be his last).
    1 point
  32. two nights ago i had a party back at mine after the bar a few friends (girls and guy's) one girl i have been into for the last few years but something always came between anything happening . at the party i threw on some comfy clothes sweats and a hoody etc , had the girl in my bedroom and finally got the to fuck the girl i wanted, i'll be lying to say it was bareback fun but meh i was happy. a few minutes in though. our friend (female) my ex knocked at the door and basically shamed the girl i was fucking , i wasn't happy as yet another thing complicated my sex life. after hearing her cryingi was in a rage, i walked the girl home with another friend (male) , her sex drive completely dropped but as i got to her door she kissed me and gave me back my hoodie .til next time she said . this got me hard in an instant (thats the power she has over me , my friend waiting in the estate he was drunk a good bit but i just said let's go back mine for a few drinks with rest of my friends , he has a girlfriend of 8 years but he also has a bro-crush on another friend which is funny at times i never thought of him sexually still don't. on the walk home i realized my pants were like a tent . i'm just shy of 7 inches thick and uncut he was walking in front of me a swaying from side to side i was sober at this stage laughing at his walk before i knew it he stumbled back and his a hand groped my dick he had a look of shock , being the comedian i am i laughed and said that was for her, not you dude . he looked at me a little cranky and said too bad . kinda confused me but we walked on , now i'm thinking what just happened as we passed the local church he stumbled again this time grabbing it still rock hard , he said " funny how it is still hard when we left her a good 30 min's ago . i said dude " if you would like to sort it, be my guest". still grabbing it i could see his eyes light up . he jerked me threw my pants and as cars passed by we walked around the church very dark and secluded . he rolled down my pants and started sucking me off , it felt crazy good but i was thinking about the blonde i just walked away from but i did not share this . now my dick is pulsing and he knows i'm into it . when i reach for my condom pocket i realize my jeans is at home , when he seen me searching for one he smirked and said he had one . ( i am ok with bb and condom sex ) when he brought the condom out of his pocket he laughed and said it will be a tight fit . he got it on but basically covered half my dick . when i asked about lube he said it would be fine with just spit . this shocked me as i have to use lube a lot with girls. as he bent over he positioned my dick at his hole lightly guiding my dick the condom broke . he laughed and said i knew it would not last long . the condom now is on wrapped around the shaft of my dick , thinking he would try for another condom he did the opposite pushing his hole over the head of my cock .it was as if his asshole and my dick were french kissing,out came the head of my dick from my foreskin . in one thrust his hole devoured the head of my dick dry all the way to where the condom ended . in two thrusts he was balls deep , looking up the sky i was pounding away perfect motions between us , i honestly could not clap as fast with my hands the sound of his ass cheeks slapping against me . bout to cum i warned him , but with each clash of our bodies i grabbed his hips tighter knowing i was going to cum inside and even if he tried to get me out of him he had no chance . "that will be my second load tonight he said moaning" . in the space of 3 maybe 4 seconds a race of thoughts ran through my head . SECOND !!!!!!! it all made sense how he took my dick with ease . how my dick felt so wet with such little spit , i realized i had been fucking a cum soaked mess .I LOVED IT . i blew so hard and for as long my balls emptied to the stage my scrotum shrunk and actually tightened on my balls it hurt , but a good hurt on the way home he told me him and the bro-crush friend had fucked in the toilet at my house a little over an hour ago. when we arrived at the house i grabbed a few bottles and made my way to the back garden . there my newly seeded friend was all ready sitting next to his crush , i am sitting here still smiling away about it . hope you guys enjoy reading
    1 point
  33. I'm into spit, Its normally part sex for me. Lots of tops just spit on my hole and use it for lube, especially if I'm getting fucked in a public place and there is no other lube, i don't care for lube anyway and will ask tops to use spit cause I don't like the taste of lube and i always end up sucking their cock clean after they fuck me. I really like it when a guy has me on my back with his dick in my hole and he holds my mouth open then spits into it. With me, the more fluids I exchange during sex, the better! Spit, cum, piss its all good.
    1 point
  34. As a bottom, i'm a fan of cock rings although I don't wear them all the time. I've had maybe half a dozen different cock rings - some have been great, others have been crap. My current favorite is the Oxballs Nutt Sling...
    1 point
  35. This story is so hot - really like the last lines.
    1 point
  36. Part 9 Cum. Sweat. Lube. Before I came to this place, they were all things I would have said I never wanted in my mouth. Yet when I pushed my tongue into the hole of the guy in the sling, I tasted all three and thought it was the greatest thing in the world. He let out a moan as I licked at his hole, and from behind me, I heard the skinheads approval too. I felt him move in, and when his hand appeared on my head, he shoved my face in that that I was right up against the ass, penetrating it as far as my tongue would go. I'd never rimmed anyone before, but he seemed perfectly content with the way I moved my tongue and lips. “I think this kids a bit of a cum addict!” The skinhead said as he held my head still, not letting me pull away. My jaw and tongue were beginning to hurt, but I didn't stop my actions. My cock was twitching between my legs, bouncing and wanting to be used. The guy in the sling made a noise of agreement in between his general moans and whimpers. “Let's give him a bit more...” And with that, I found my head pulled away from the ass, and before I could tell what was happening, the skinheads thick, pierced cock was in my mouth. Instinct took over, though I had no idea what to do with the piercing. I danced my tongue around his dick as he shoved it right to the back of my throat. It made me gag, but that didn't stop him, he kept hold of my head and thrust repeatedly into my mouth. I sucked and licked as best I could, though I figured that most of the pleasure he was getting was from his own actions, rather than mine. I could hear him moaning above me, along with the guy in the sling. I glanced to my side briefly to see that the skinhead had several fingers inside the sling guys ass, twisting in and out, keeping the hole loose. I could also see cum still leaking out around his hole and onto the penetrating fingers. With each thrust, my throat seemed to gag more, and I was certain that I couldn't take much more of it without losing my stomach, but the skinhead seemed to be able to recognise the signs. Just as it was getting too much, he pulled out. My mouth didn't stay empty long though, as he switched his cock with his hand. As the pierced dick stabbed balls deep into the loose ass in the sling, cum-coated fingers pushed their way into my mouth. Instinctively, I continued sucking, tasting the cum and licking at the fingers. “Good fucking boy!” I heard from above, and the skinheads voice had become like a deep growl. I looked up and saw that his eyes were closed, his face screwed up, almost as if he were in pain, but the moans he made made it obvious what was happening. With one last howling moan, and an 'Oh fuck yeah!' from the guy in the sling, I saw the skinheads body convulse. I could tell that cum was pumping into into the guys ass, and even saw it as the skinhead pulled his dick out just enough that I could see his cock twitch with each pump. “Get ready for this, boy.” He said, breathless, as his fingers curled up in my hair, taking hold of my head. After he thrust into the guy a few more times, he pulled out his cock and in the same second, shoved my face back into the freshly fucked asshole. I tasted the fresh cum in my mouth and salivated. I heard moaning as the cum continued leaking into my mouth. I licked and lapped at the hole, but after a moment,I found my head pulled away again. The order to 'clean it off' came from above, and the pierced cock found its way back into my mouth, still semi-hard. I obeyed – not that I had a choice – sucking and licking clean the dick, removing all traces of cum from it. “Good boy.” I heard from the skinhead. “Good fucking boy.” Once the dick was clean again, he let me go. Only then did I notice how much of a crowd had built up around us. From where I was kneeling, it almost looked like an endless sea of guys, of all shapes and sizes, all with their cocks out, seemingly waiting for me. It was only then that I felt any amount of awareness of where I was or what I was doing, and when the skinhead held out his hand for me, what little common sense I had left kicked back in. I took his hand and let him help me up. All the action had caused my towel to slip off me, and I quickly squabbled to get it wrapped around me, though it was made impossibly difficult to actually get on properly by my now completely hard cock. I actually heard some tuts and grumbles of complaint as the skinhead led me away from the slingroom. I took one last look over my shoulder at all the horny guys that had been getting off on watching me, and for a moment, felt an almost overwhelming desire to stay.
    1 point
  37. I just lived out one of my fantasies. I have a friend that was a full on chaser. He knew I didn't have the balls to take a poz load, so we did the next best thing. We got together with a poz top, and after both of us took turns sucking him, my friend barebacked with him while he fingered me. After he bred my friend's ass, my friend bred mine while that toxic load was still in him. Turns out I got his last neg load because he ended out converting. My next fantasy to tackle is becoming a cum dump at Slammer. When I finally do it, I'll let every guy there breed me.
    1 point
  38. My biggest bareback fantasy would be to stealth and poz a guy who was in an outwardly perfect gay marriage, intended to be monogamous. I'd be friends with both guys, except that the other guy wouldn't know that his husband and I were fucking. He would be the top at home, but would bottom for me. Once he became infected, he'd finally have to tell his husband. I am always curious to discover people's hidden, repressed desires. I like to help people express those desires, so that the desires can be experienced and enjoyed. Playing with guys who "cheat" (to say that there is such a thing as "cheating" strikes me as infantile, because we don't own our boyfriends, they don't own us, and we are all attracted to multiple men) is a huge turn-on. Convincing them to bareback is even better. No, it's not a fantasy I could or would ever act on, because it would be unethical to poz someone without consent, and because I'm neg.
    1 point
  39. Okay, so one time I met a guy in the laundry room at our apartment complex. Long story short, after the whole seduction played out, we planned to meet up later that night, after my mom went to work. So around 10:00 PM or so that night, I went to his apartment. He was already a little buzzed from drinking, which of course, I didn't mind. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me, and we started kissing. As we did so, I put my hand on his crotch, which I found was starting to get stiff and grow. As we kissed, he asked "You like that?" I mumbled something, and then he asked "You want that?" Again I mumbled. Then, really quickly, he put his arms under me, picked me up, and even as he still was kissing me, took me to his room, put me on his bed, and dropped his basketball shorts. The sight of his cock flopping out and bounding on his belly was soo hot. Then he lay next to me, pulled me close, and resumed kissing me as his hands ran all over my body, pulling off my shorts in the process, and rubbing my ass. God it felt so good. His big hands on my little ass - mmmmmm. Then he pushed me around so my back was on his chest and my little buns were pressed up against his now leaking cock, as he continued to kiss my shoulders and neck. Then he reached behind himself, and I heard the familiar 'snap' of a lube bottle, and sure enough, he lubed himself and my ass, and when everything was perfect, he held me in close, and slowly pushed his hard thick cock in me, inch by inch, until he was all the way in. It felt soo good. My body, firmly in his grasp, and his thick cock deep inside my boy hole. Then the thrusting began, slowly at first, as he groaned in my ear as he kissed my earlobe. Then, finally, after a short while I felt that familiar pulsation inside my ass, and the warmth of his man juice filling me up. I lay there in his arms, so happy, so satisfied. Happily this was only the first of several times we got together.
    1 point
  40. Chapter 2 "Hello?" Paul answered curtly, annoyed that someone was calling his private line less than 6 hours into a 3-day weekend, also happening to be the exact moment he chose to start jerking off. "Hi, I mean hello, sir, um, is this Paul, excuse me, is this Mr. Bishop?" The nervous teen voice at the other end of the call confirmed Paul's suspicion that one of the students was finally using the number they'd be given to invite him to some stupid high school bash or ask for an autograph. "Who's asking?" Paul responded, trying to sound less upset than he was. "This is Daniel Jacobs, sir. I am extremely sorry to call you this late," the boy sounded mortified, which melted Paul's anger a little, especially since the 'late' call was coming at only 9 pm. "but I am fu- um, in trouble Mr. Bishop. I was at the gym this afternoon and my locker was broken into, and my backpack with my laptop was stolen, and it had all of my finished footage from my project on it. Plus, I had just come straight from the editing lab at school, so all my back up disks and equipment were in it too. My teammates are freaking out, and I, well, I don't know what to do..." Paul felt awful when he heard the quiver in the boy's voice that made it sound like he might break into tears. Thinking back, his voice made it seem that he may have ben crying before the call too, which immediately made Paul ashamed for the rude way he'd answered the call. "ok, Daniel, right?" Paul asked in his softest, most calming voice. "Yes sir." Daniel sniffed. "First, calm down and take a deep breath. can you do that for me?" Paul waited until he heard the boy do as he asked. "Good, now don't panic, remember that I have copies of everything you've finished as of mid-week this week, so all you've lost is the stuff you hadn't edited yet... you did turn in your assigned deadline work this week, didn't you?" Paul remembered that a few of the groups had been lazy about turning in stuff on time since Mr. Carson had left town, and he wondered if this boy was playing him somehow, creating a fake robbery to get an extension on the final deadline, when he or his teammates hadn't been doing the work required. "Yeah, we did Mr. Bishop, you even screened some for the class the next day cause you liked our opening sequence so much, remember?" Daniel pointed out. Paul remembered the film now, and was positive the boy was on the level, since the film was one of the best in the school, and showed an immense amount of work by the team members. All he wondered was why he couldn't remember a boy named Daniel on the team, since he had taken some extra time for them that week. "That was your film? Of course I remember it, you've all done an amazing job putting it together, I'm embarrassed to say I can't recall you being on the team Daniel." Paul admitted, hoping the boy wouldn't be more hurt than he already was. "Oh sorry sir, that's my bad, the guys call me Dingo, so does Mr. Carson." Daniel, aka Dingo, said, and suddenly it dawned on Paul who the boy on the phone was. Paul had noticed Dingo from day one and often imagined it was his ass taking Paul's raw monster cock when he was jerking off. Dingo was taller than every other student participating in the project, standing almost 6' 10" tall, but was blessed not to have awkward bone structure or off-putting facial features as a lot of giant guys do. His perfectly formed bubble butt was always wrapped in baggy bball shorts, creating many opportunities for Paul to enjoy the view of it. The sight was enhanced with strong lanky muscles, smooth pale white skin, light blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and a smile to die for. He was captain of the basketball team, nicknamed due to his miraculous vertical jump shot, and had turned down multiple full ride offers from some serious ball schools in order to pursue his dream of attending USC film school to become a director. Dingo was one of the shunning stars in the magnet program and Paul knew he had to do whatever he could to make sure the boy got his wish. "does that ring a bell Mr. Bishop?" "No one can forget you man, sorry if I was short when you answered, you caught me during.... something. Anyway, don't panic because I keep all the stuff you turn in and can easily get a copy to you this weekend Daniel, sorry, Dingo." Paul's cock was still fished out and began to harden again, imagining how grateful Daniel would be, not to mention his team, which consisted of two other young hot guys, and two somewhat attractive girls. "I like when you call me Daniel sir, it seems more professional, like it will on my films." Daniel's voice was calmer now, and his tone suggested he was relieved. "Man you stopped me from having a heart attack, or being murdered by my group. I just wish I had sent a copy to my cloud when I finished it tonight, so we didn't have to re-film the last scene and edit it all over again." "it's lucky you're ahead of schedule, I can get a copy of what I have tomorrow, and you'll have a week to finish up." Paul was stroking softly to Daniel's male team members' butts and faces floating in his mind. "I couldn't possibly put you out any more sir. I feel terrible asking you as it is, but I’d feel much worse knowing you cancelled your weekend plans to save my butt,” Daniel protested making Paul smile, and stroke harder when he mentioned his butt. “I appreciate the consideration, but based on the rest of your work, I am guessing you will use every possible second to get the ending exactly right. Besides, the only plans you’d be interrupting would be reading some screenplays my agent is sending me, since my girlfriend cancelled her visit this weekend.” Paul lied to reinforce the lie he’d fed the students on the first day about how his girlfriend would be flying out to see him on the weekends, which meant he wouldn’t have time to come to their parties or meet them for work sessions. This allowed him to gracefully decline invitations and subtly concrete the idea that he was straight as an arrow. “Are you sure you’re not just being nice? Because I could really use the extra time, since we’re all going nuts trying to find replacement equipment and schedule the actors and everything.” Daniel was giving in, and Paul was starting to precum. “I’m happy to help out anyway possible. In fact, I’ll bring over my camera and computer for you to use over the three day weekend. Then, on Tuesday, you’ll be able to finish using the school’s editing lab.” Paul said while trying to cover the growing excitement in his voice. “You gotta be the nicest movie star in the whole world Mr. Bishop,” Daniel gushed. “My crew will be on their knees tomorrow when you arrive.” That image almost made Paul explode. “What?” “We’ll get on our knees and kiss your feet or build you a shrine or something. We’ll do anything you want to make up for this, Mr. Bishop, anything!” Daniel promised. The idea of the teen boys on their knees offering anything Paul wanted was too much and made Paul cum, covering his sculpted chest, even hitting him on the chin and lips. Paul had to let the phone drop to the couch cushion at this side and bite his lip so the boy didn’t hear him groan as he came. When the orgasm subsided, Paul whipped the phone to his ear. “…there Mr. Bishop? Hello?” “I’m here Daniel, sorry, just dropped the phone for a moment. Why don’t you text me when and where you’ll be filming tomorrow and I’ll stop by with everything I have, okay?” Paul said, disguising his heavy breathing as best he could. “I will sir, Thank you so much, and have a good night.” Daniel hung up, and Paul let himself breathe normally again. After he’d cleaned up the cum running over his firm pecs and pooling between his abs, he opened his briefcase and pulled out the materials the students had turned in that week, and popped in the dvd of Daniel’s group. Watching it now, after his conversation cause him to notice much more about the boy’s bodies and performances. The film was about a family who invite a foreign exchange student into their home, never suspecting the boy is manipulating them with lies and misunderstandings, causing their secrets and insecurities to come out. He begins by getting each member of the family to confide in him, and then exposing their secrets to the others so they are all angry and untrusting of everyone but their foreign guest. He then works to corrupts the brother and sister, which the mother questions until he ‘accidentally’ leaves out his diary, explaining his deep commitment to his religion and his promise to save himself till marriage. With the father, he shows interest in his job and all the activities he loves, which the kids can’t stand, finding out the dad was once a compulsive gambler. With the parents thoroughly fooled, he bullies their teen son to sneak out to parties and clubs, making sure the parents discover and blame the son and not him. He even tries to take the blame, but they believe he is only trying to cover for the boy, which makes them even more confident that he is perfect. Meanwhile he seduces their daughter and convinces her to make love. Paul had stopped watching at this point before, since it was one of two dozen films he needed to watch, but continued now and couldn’t believe what he witnessed. In the next few scenes, the boy manages to get the mother to act on her desire for their next door neighbor, sets up the father to take up gambling again, and gets the daughter to invite over a friend for a threesome. The final scene they had edited features the son fighting with the student for getting him in trouble, but forgiving him when the foreign boy tells him he is sorry and cries over possibly losing the only friend he has in the world. When the son goes to comfort him, they end up kissing, which got Paul had as a rock once more, since the boys in the film were the two friends of Daniel’s. Before the action got good, the screen went dark, causing Paul to dive for his bag again, digging through it for a copy of the script they submitted. Skimming until he got to the shot of the boys kissing, he read on to the next scene, in which the foreign exchange student is being dropped at the airport. As he hugs each of them goodbye, he turns back and hands the Father a film he’s made of his trip. When they get home the family watches in horror as the film goes from innocent shots of scenery and touristy places, to hidden camera views of each family member engaging in salacious acts. The daughter in the threesome, the father losing $12,000 at seedy bar, the mother beginning to undress with the neighbor before the lights go out, and the son drinking, smoking pot and finally sleeping with the student. A voice over comes in, with the foreign boy explaining his film’s purpose: to show the seedy side of middle-class America, calling it “Waking from the American Dream.” When the film-within-the-film ends, it reveals a college professor watching it in his office, while the foreign boy sits across from him, interviewing for entry to a film school. The professor puts the foreign boy on the wait list, obviously upsetting him for a second, before he composes himself, thanks the professor and leaves. The professor is then seen packing up and leaving for the night, driving home and going inside, where this filming switches to a shot from outside his window. Once he kisses his wife, the professor sneaks into a desk drawer and takes a swig from a bottle. The voice over begins again “Subject hides a drinking habit from wife and faculty, corroding their relationship and impairing his ability to do his job. Our goul? To expose his deceit, dissolve his marriage, disqualify his tenure, and ensure his replacement with someone who recognizes and admits brilliant applicants. Watch his destruction in ‘Waking the American Dream, part two.’ Paul loved the rest of the script and couldn’t wait to see Daniel and his friends complete the last few scenes. He made up his mind as he drove to their film site the next morning that he’d stick around for a while and watch them get to it. When he arrived, he was happy to see they were all set up to film the scene with the family watching the film. Daniel ran out of the house with his two male teammates, who played the foreign exchange student and the son, to help carry in the equipment Paul brought, even though it all fit in one box. “Thanks again, Mr. Bishop, you’re saving our lives. By the way, these are my co-producers and two of the actors in the movie, Steve and Justin.” Paul shook their hands and let them carry in the box containing the camera, tripod and laptop. “Nice to meet you guys, and call me Paul, it feels like I’m someone’s dad when you call me Mr. Bishop.” The boys all laughed, a little more than was necessary, obviously excited to be getting some private attention from someone they thought of as famous. Justin and Steve went inside and started to set up, while Daniel and I followed and went over their schedule for the day. “We just have the one scene to film here at Steve’s house which should only take an hour or so, then we’re headed to Justin’s dad’s work which we set up last night to look like the airport in one of the hallways. Then we’ll shoot in his office, which we tried to make look like a professor’s office, before we head to my parents’ mountain house to shoot the final scene and do some reshoots around the Jacuzzi to look like a party, since we lost all the stuff we shot at the real party two weeks ago. If absolutely necessary we can finish up any reshoots or ADR on Sunday and have all day Monday to edit so we can just do the opening and closing credits on the machines at school.” Daniel was totally focused as he explained the plan, almost eliciting a chuckle from Paul if he didn’t think it would have made Daniel crazy wondering what he was doing wrong. In truth, Daniel’s attitude and vision reminded Paul of some of the directors he’d worked with back in LA. The humorous part was comparing the memories of those short, balding, hairy men, to this muscular Nordic demigod. Inside, Paul met the two girls on the team, who played the daughter and her friend, as well as being in charge of the sound and lighting. There were also two boys from the basketball team who volunteered to help by holding the boom, and operating the camera, and the actors who played the father and mother, who turned out to be Steve’s actual dad, and his Aunt who taught acting at the university an hour away. It was too bad that she didn’t have the class of the students from school, as she spent every second they weren’t filming trying to convince Paul to take a look at her reel or come speak with her class. Finally, as much as he enjoyed watching Daniel film, Paul couldn’t take any more of the woman’s incessant jabbering, and snuck out in the middle of a scene. From his rented car, Paul texted Daniel how great it looked, and to call if he needed any more help, before heading back to his rented house and spending a couple hours looking at the films from start to finish. Once he’d managed to get that done, he started feeling bored and, unable to read the screenplays from his agent, since they were on the laptop he’d left with the crew, he wandered the house looking for something to do. Finally he ended up doing laundry and drinking a cape cod made from some smooth vodka he’d been sent as a thank you from a car company for whom he’d recorded some voice over tracks for their commercials. He was about to make a second when his phone rang. “Mr. Bishop? It’s Dingo, sir.” Daniel said, sounding almost as panicked as he had the night before. “I told you to call me Paul, Daniel. What’s the problem?” Paul said, anticipating something terrible had befallen his laptop or camera. “It’s our schedule Paul, one of the actors had to run out of town for the holiday and didn’t call to tell us until about 10 minutes ago.” Daniel’s speech was getting faster as he went on. “We have sent out texts and calls to all the guys who could play him, even called a few women thinking we could make him a girl, but everyone who we can find has already been in the movie as somebody.” “Which part is it?” Paul said, wondering who they could possibly need to film that could be either sex. “A professor who interviews Bashir, our main character,” Daniel explained, “in a pivotal scene which shows the audience the point of Bashir’s behavior. He also has a few more shots in the” “I read the script,” Paul cut him off. “The Professor is crucial to your plot, can’t one of your parents play him?” “You read it? Really? What did you think?” Daniel suddenly switched gears, totally awed that Paul had taken the time to read the script. “Yes, really, and it was very well put together, but stay focused Daniel, what about a parent?” Paul smiled as he said this, enjoying the boy’s idolatry of him, but trying to stay on task. “Right, parents, no. All of our parents have been in it as teachers and neighbors and waiters and stuff and they all have little lines. We tried calling Mr. Carson, but he told us he won’t be back from visiting his Mom till Monday night or Tuesday. The guy who was playing it was a friend of my Aunt’s from her Improv troupe, but he only did it cause we were gonna pay him $100 for the afternoon of filming.” “$100 for a student film? This guy was ripping you off!” Paul got angry about the sleazy improve guy, but also over reacted a little since he had hoped Dick would be back before then so they could spend a day screwing. “Tell you what, gimme 30 minutes and I’ll provide a person to fill the role, ok?” “Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr. Bish-, I mean Paul,” Daniel answered sounding like a kid hearing he gets to go to Disney world. “Just tell whoever it is to bring a suit coat and button up shirt if he can and we’ll provide everything he needs.” “Will do,” Paul smirked, forming a plan. “No guarantees on his acting abilities though.” “No problem, any one will do,” Daniel responded, obviously splitting his focus between the call and the film crew so they’d be ready. “We can edit his scene to no lines if we have to. See you soon.” Paul pulled into the parking lot of the office 25 minutes later. He walked in, carrying a garment bag over one shoulder, running the lines in his head after memorizing them on the fly. He got off the elevator at the 9th floor as the text directed him to, and saw the high schoolers bustling around an open office door just down the hall. “Where do you want me?” Paul startled them with his question. “Anywhere you want to watch, Paul,” Daniel said, crossing to shake his hand again. “Where is the guy?” “You’re looking at him,” Paul responded, watching as each of their faces turned from shocked to ecstatic. “No shit?!?!” Justin shouted out, pushing past Daniel to Paul. “Justin!” One of the girls screamed. “Don’t say shit in front of Paul Bishop!” Paul laughed and told him not to worry about it, asking where he should get changed. Daniel directed him down the hall, giving his teammates a dirty look before showing Paul a private washroom where he could change and put on makeup. “Sorry, they’ve been super stressed since we found out all the work we have to re-do.” Daniel continued talking, sitting on an arm chair in the bathroom, showing no plans to give Paul any privacy while he got ready. “It is a huge relief knowing you’ll be doing the final scene for us Paul. If the others had known I bet they’d have stuck around to help.” “I noticed it was down to the five of you on the team, what happened to the volunteers basketball guys and Steve’s dad and Aunt?” Paul asked nonchalantly, while stripping off his shirt and shoes. “They were tired of waiting around,” Daniel turned his eyes down to avoid glaring at Paul, but occasionally snuck peeks at Paul’s tight physique. “so we figured we could finish things here and at the Professor’s house, since the scenes only feature two people, and I sent them home,” “Smart move,” Paul paused to talk just as he’d finished sliding the shirt over his bare shoulders, before unbuckling and pushing down his jeans, leaving him in white designer briefs. “You want to tell me how we will be shooting the scene?” “What? Oh yeah, sure.” The high school boy’s eye were no longer discreet as they worked over Paul’s buff legs, full package and up his cut abs. He reviewed the shooting plan, including which angles would be shot and with what lenses and angles, while Paul finally pulled on some slacks, buttoned and tucked in his light green oxford, and pulled on his grey silk suit coat. At that point, Daniel got one of the girls to come in and do Paul’s makeup(which turned into Paul giving her a lesson in proper application), while Justin ran the lines. Two hours and a dozen takes later, they’d shot the scene from 5 angles, some close up, some two-fers, and even some impressive shots from above and out the window. Overall, they all felt they’d learned a lot from Paul’s expertise, and Paul was impressed with their creativity and willingness to learn. They completed with some random footage of Paul locking up the office and going to his car (which was actually a very nice Jag owned by one of the girl’s grandfathers). From there they drove the jag onto a trailer attached to the back of Steve’s Father’s truck, which had a tripod secured in the bed to film the car’s drive to the ’professor’s house.’ Paul was amazed they had thought of something so elaborate, and was really wowed when they explained that they’d simultaneously be filming from a cell cam in a following car for the creepy footage. They drove about 45 minutes to the house, getting plenty of footage, while Paul “drove” the jag with Daniel hidden in the backseat, communicating by cell with the other two vehicles. He felt bad that the 6’10” guy had to spend the 25 minutes bent in half, but didn’t mind once he adjusted the rear view to see Daniel’s ass. At the house, they pulled the Jag off the trailer, did two shots of Paul pulling it into the drive. The final shots were all done with the cell cam, to reinforce the idea they were shot by “Bashir,” and involved nothing more than one long continuous shot of Paul walking in the house, kissing one of the girls (who wore a wig), waiting for her to leave the room, pulling out a bottle, taking a swig, pouring some into a can of coke, and sitting on the couch and drinking. Paul liked this kind of filming since it let him sit and drink over and over, especially when he found out the bottle was a real bottle of Johnny Walker Black. When they finished, and the girls ran out the door to make it back to town to meet some friends, Paul was feeling the liquor enough to make him give each one a huge hug before they left. Daniel asked Paul to watch the footage they’d shot, while he, Steve and Justin went out and took apart the set up in the truck before it got too dark. Everything he saw impressed him, some of it so much, that he pointed out specific shots to the boys when they got back in. When he finished discussing it with them, he realized it had been almost 80 minutes since they’d shot the final scene. Paul, slowly sobering, knew the boys still needed to film some of the party scenes, so he decided to get out of their hair, until he realized his street clothes, cell phone, and wallet were locked in his car, 45 away at the office building. As they set up for the party, he pointed out his situation and asked to borrow a phone to call a cab. “Oh crap Paul,” Daniel said, stepping in to apologize. “I totally forgot you didn’t drive here. Give me one second to tell the guys where to set up, and I’ll drive you back myself.” “Don’t stop working to do that,” Paul stopped him. “You guys are so close to being done, just finish the filming and I’ll catch a cab.” “A cab would take at least half an hour to get here,” Steve interjected, setting up some lights on the deck by the Jacuzzi. “and it will cost a fortune to drive you back to the office.” “Yeah, plus Rick is on his way with the party supplies,” Justin added, tossing empty solo cups into the Jacuzzi and around the deck. “He’d be happy to drive you back into town.” “Rick?” Paul asked, turning to Daniel, worried about having a strange guy acting as his chauffer, leading any number of outcomes, from benign annoying celebrity worship to crazy stalker kidnapping. “Steve’s brother who’s in town from college for the long weekend,” Daniel explained while setting up the tripod. “He has some stuff he is dropping off here for us, and agreed to stay here tonight and tomorrow night so we can stay and work without our parents around to interrupt. If you’d rather not catch a ride from some guy you’ve never met, you can take my truck and Rick can drive me down tomorrow to pick it up.” “I think I’ll wait to meet Rick,” Paul said, leaning in to Daniel. “But I might take you up on that if he’s nuts.” They laughed and Paul shed his jacked and went to the powder room to wash off his makeup. When he re-emerged, the guys were filming a party scene which looked pathetic since only Steve and Justin were in the shot. Paul stepped in, insisting Daniel join them, and then using lots of trick angles and close ups to make it look like more people. After a few short bits, Paul sniffed a cup that one of the guys had been drinking from, and recognized the smell of the Johnny Walker. “You guys really drinking?” Paul asked, stopping the boys in their tracks. They all began stuttering a response when Paul laughed. “It’s cool guys, just be careful and don’t ever tell anyone I was here when you did, okay?” The guys agreed, and they filmed a few more takes of “bashir” forcing “the son” to take shots or encouraging him to smoke some weed. They paused when the doorbell rang and Daniel went inside to show Rick to the back deck. “…traffic getting’ up her was murder Dingo,” Rick sauntered out in front of Daniel. “Took me a fuckin’ hour and 15 to get here bro. You guys start the party without me?” He laughed and turned to meet Paul’s gaze, which made his eyes grow HUGE. “Holy shit, you’re…you’re…fuck! You’re that dude from that show man!” Rick grabbed Paul’s hand and pulled him in for a bro hug, not letting go. “Fuckin’ a, these shitheads told me they had a famous teacher but you’re for real!” “Thanks man,” Paul said as he pushed Rick off, as nicely as he could. “Steve says you’re his brother Rick, right?” “Yeah man, shit!” Rick continued freakin out a little, before turning to his brother and the other two guys. “You didn’t tell me you invited Hollywood elite, or I’d have brought more shit!.” “His name is Paul Bishop, Rick,” Daniel said, trying to get Rick to calm down. “He’s been helping us finish this one thing then he’s gonna head back to town in my truck.” “Aw seriously Dingo?” Rick looked crestfallen. “You gotta stay for some a drink and smoke, Mr. Bishop.” He pulled his backpack off and brought out a pipe already loaded with weed. The boys all looked horrified, which made Paul laugh since he had no intention of stopping their fun on a holiday weekend. “I’m so sorry Paul,” Daniel quickly pushed past Rick while Steve stepped up to take the pipe and stuff it back in Rick’s bag. “No big deal guys,” Paul smiled. “In fact I would be down to smoke some before I go.” “See he’s cool,” Rick said, pulling the pipe back out and lighting it up. He took a huge hit and coughed as it came out. In a show of good faith, with one eye on the camera to be sure it was off, Paul took the pipe from him and took a hit himself, controlling it so no coughing occurred. “Gangsta!” Rick proclaimed, slapping Paul’s hand and bumping his fist while Paul passed the pipe to the others. “Lets get in the fuckin cuzzi and finish this bowl.” With that, he ditched his coat, and cap revealing a closely trimmed head of honey colored hair, around his handsome very defined bone structure. Off came the shirt, showing his ripped, though skinny chest, covered in a well groomed layer of hair, and a tattoo across his right arm of some cheesy barb wire design. Suddenly he tore down his board shorts, leaving him in some grey cotton boxer briefs, which Paul purposefully didn’t check out while Rick hopped in the water. “We still have to film some more drinking and smoking shots,” Daniel objected, when Justin and Steven began to follow suit. “Let’s film it in the Jacuzzi,” Justin shot back, stripping off his button down short sleeved shirt and undershirt to reveal a trim but undefined chest with a dusting of dark black hair leading from his belly button to his waistband. His skin was somewhere between olive and brown, leaving Paul to guess that he was of Mediterranean descent. His black slacks came down revealing dark green boxers and hairy legs. “It makes more sense that way when there are less people in the shot.” “Plus it’s fucking hot out here,” Steve argued as his polo came up over his head full of curls the same color as his brother’s. His chest was slightly thicker than rick’s but he was also defined and covered in hair, but it was less groomed and more wild, with some curl across his upper chest. His khakis hit the deck, providing a clear view of his white boxer-briefs. “You want to join us, Paul?” Daniel’s eyes turned to look at Paul, and Paul tried to gauge whether they were asking for permission to do it or permission to stop it. Unable to decide, Paul began unbuttoning his shirt and toeing off his black loafers. Daniel sighed and pulled off his ball cap, before peeling away his polo, then his white wifebeater. Paul pretended to be looking at the buttons on his shirt while check out Daniel’s tall, slim, smooth buff body. Most guys that tall are so skinny it looks painful, but Daniel obviously worked like made to have thick arms and pecs. They were still developing, but Daniel was not ashamed of them. Paul decided to be brave, and shucked his slacks, showing off his perfectly fitted white briefs, before stepping into the hot tub. All eyes fell on Daniel who loosened the belt on his jeans, sliding them down his slim but manly hairless legs. He was wearing some basketball shorts, with a slight waistband of some sort of undies peeking out above them, but he got in wearing both, to Paul’s disappointment. They passed the pipe and drank beer and whiskey while Rick admired and commented on how ripped and toned Paul was, which led to Paul describing his workout routine to them. After the second bowl was finished and they’d filmed plenty of shots of each of them drinking and smoking, Paul hopped out to put the camera far enough away to keep it from getting wet. “Damn Paul, what do you do to get your ass like that bro,” Rick said, digging through his bag for something. “Cause that shit is as round as any bitch I’ve ever seen.” The guys all laughed, and Paul hopped back in, ignoring the question. Without provocation or permission, Justin reached over and ran his hand down Paul’s abs, telling them all they had to try it. Paul was surprised when Daniel was next, letting his hand go from the nipple down to the waist of the white briefs. “That’s television abs, but feel the real deal,” Daniel flexed his stomach, and Paul and the others all took their turn. Somehow they ended up each feeling everyone else from tit to treasure trail, before Rick finally focused, reached back in his bag and pulled out a funny looking pipe and a baggie Paul figured must have been coke. “Who’s down to kick this shit up a notch,” Rick said, smiling and shaking the baggie. “You game tv star? Or too chicken shit?” “Not chicken shit, but not into coke bro,” Paul responded, “but I won’t judge if anyone else wants to.” “It’s not coke, tv.” Rick pointed to the pipe, “this is crystal. But whatever, more for me and my bros. Who wants to get spun with me?” The guys all looked at him silently. “Make up your minds,” Rick stood and stepped out of the tub, revealing the outline of a semi hard lump snaking down his right thigh to a thick head in his wet, darker undies. “but I’m loading this over on the deck lounges if anyone is up for it.” As he walked over, Paul turned to the boys expecting them to stay put. He was unprepared for Daniel to shout “wait up,” and go to follow. The other two rose to join, and Paul gave in. He was grateful for all the booze and pot, because his dick would have been hard as a rock otherwise. As it turns out, he had nothing to hide, since Justin’s boxer’s tented impressively and Steve’s white boxer briefs became see through, showing his almost fully hard 7 inch cut duck tucked across his right thigh. Daniel’s short effectively obscured anything going on his groin, but Paul figured he was probably in a similar predicament as his two hs buds. When they sat around an unlit firepit, Daniel flipped the switch, turning it on, and then pulled the extension cord on the lights they’d used to light the filming, leaving them with only some inside lights bleeding through the glass doors and the fire light. Steve sat next to Rick on the porch swing, with Justin on a lounge chair next to them, so Paul took a seat next to Daniel on the other lounge he’d turned sideways so they could both face the fire. Daniel seemed even bigger when they were almost naked and sitting in low light, making Paul feel as though he couldn’t speak without leaning all the way into the center over the pit for the others to hear and see him. Rick had poured a good size pile of little crystals into the clear glass in his hand, and lit it before inhaling, waiting for the rocks to melt. When he finally had them smoking, he inhaled long and deep, and told Steve to open his mouth, kissing his brother and shotgunning the smoke into his lungs. “Jesus,” Justin said shouting but at half the volume. “Nice tongue action, fags.” “Fuck you lesbo,” Steve said, punching Justin’s bicep. His voice also low, as if dimming the lights lowered the volume as well. “It saves smoke, haven’t you ever shot gunned before?” Justin shook his head, so Steve lit the pipe and motioned for Justin to do the same thing he’d done. Their shotgun had much less contact, proving Rick and Steve had more experience doing it and didn’t mind sharing a little spit if it meant a bigger hit. Justin took a hit, which Steve had to light for him, and coughed before he could turn to either Steve or Daniel with a shotgun, blowing out stiff clouds of white smoke. He handed Daniel the pipe, and Daniel hit it like a pro, no need to have Rick or Steve show him how. He didn’t offer to shotgun Justin or Paul, instead blowing a steady white stream straight across the fire to Steve’s place on the swing. He handed Paul the pipe, who handed it to Rick without taking a hit. “Come on Paul,” Daniel said, breaking the smoke silence. “Let us get you high. It’s the least we can do after all the ways you saved our asses today.” “Thanks but you gotta remember how many people watch me like a hawk,” Paul put up his hands as Rick tried to pass it back to him. “If you guys try this shit, you only have to hide it from your parents. If I try it, I have to hide it from the world.” “No one here is gonna tell anyone,” Daniel said, grabing the pipe from Rick and taking the lighter to the round end. “We could all lose our futures at college, not to mention go to jail, if we did. Just do it tonight.” Before Paul could refuse again, Daniel put the stem to Paul’s lips and told him to inhale. As if he was a dog, he did it without thought, inhaling until his lungs were so full he thought he’d burst, when Daniel moved the pipe away and told him to exhale, placing his full pink lips just a hair from Paul’s. Paul shot gunned into Daniel’s mouth, desperate to follow the smoke with his tongue, but holding back instead to pull back and watch as Daniel repeated the exhale with a load as big as the one he’d taken first hand. “Fucking epic man,” Rick added, taking a huge hit and then turning and shot-gunning it into Paul’s mouth, but making full contact with their lips. After that they kept the circle going, sometimes shot-gunning, sometimes not. Paul lost track of how many hits he took, and began aching for the pipe to be back in his mouth. They decided to return to the hot tub after Rick loaded the pipe for the third time. When they stood to walk over, Daniel, Steve and Justin started a tweaker conversation about the film, but Rick grabbed Paul and held him back to keep smoking. They took some hits and Paul asked Rick what got him into Crystal. “Tina is the preferred name,” Rick said, lighting another rock in the bowl. “I started about a year ago after I joined this frat at school. Some of the guys sold it on the side to make some dough, so I tried it out. That’s how I ended up fucking around with dudes too.” Paul coughed. “*coughcough* you *cough*…you’re gay?” “Nah bro,” Rick said taking another hit. “I just fuck around with guys sometimes when I get spun. Gay dudes get the best shit. Steve knows I suck dick sometimes or cornhole the occasional fag to get some good shit. I had to ride this huge ass cock last week to get my hands on this stuff, but my bro doesn’t know I’ve done that, ok man?” Paul Nodded, and took another big hit, shot gunning with Rick, and letting Rick kiss him a little after. “He also don’t know I let his drama teacher, Mr. Carson, use my holes sometimes. That dude fucks like it’s his job, and gets the best shit I’ve ever smoked.” Rick was openly stroking his cock through his wet boxer-briefs when he wasn’t smoking, and Paul could feel his own hard cock expanding inside his white briefs. He couldn’t tell if he was hardening from watching the 20-yr-old next to him or because his regular fuck buddy was a perverted tweaking top who traded drugs for straight ass. “Damn Rick, aren’t you freaked someone will find out?” Paul said pulling back from a shotgun that had gone from smoke to making out. “Sometimes, so I always make sure the dudes I play with have as much to lose or more than I do. Plus I’ve gotten used to taking big cocks when I party, and I am not sure I wanna give it up. Speaking of which, once the jailbait goes inside to edit their film, I’d trade my left nut to have your big ass dick in my hole in the Jacuzzi.” Paul jumped a little as Rick began stroking his cock through his white briefs. It took no time at all for Paul to double check they couldn’t be seen from the hot tub, before he returned the favor, reaching into the grey boxer brief pouch to stroke Rick’s 7 cut inches. Rick moaned softly, reaching his other hand around and under the waistband to grope Paul’s cheeks, with the rare swipe of a finger in between to tease his hole. Paul grunted each time the finger made contact, and Rick smiled, working Paul’s briefs down below his stiff, dripping hard 8 inches, and under his bubble butt. Paul returned the favor and moved both hands around to finger Rick in earnest. Rick let Paul slide his finger all the way in, but took the hint to only tease the outer ring when he tried to reciprocate and Paul’s cheeks squeezed shut. So on they went before Paul went for another hit and Rick pulled his hands away and reached to the bag of tina on the swing. “You wanna get really high and fuck like nothing you’ve ever tried,” Rick whispered, opening the baggie and fishing out two larger crystals. “Just slide this up your ass and wait for it to melt. It’s called a booty bump.” Paul watched with anticipation as Rick returned his finger to Paul’s rear, this time pushing the shard of tina past the sphincter and deep inside on the first shove. Paul whimpered, but willed himself to stay put. Rick handed him a shard of equal size and Paul repeated the action, only getting a moan of pleasure from Rick. Once they were sure the crystals were in place they went back to stroking one another and smoking the bowls. After about five more minutes, Paul forgot to stroke the dick and instead began rubbing Rick’s chest and ass between hits. This led to the two of them sinking back onto the swing and feeling each other all over and making out. They started to get in position for Rick to lay back and get fucked, when they heard a splash of people getting out of the water, and hurried to get their underwear back on all the way before Steve rounded the corner. “Stop boring Paul with stories of your glory days in the high school musicals,” Steve told his brother. “and come share the goods with the group.” Rick and Paul got up to head back, and Paul was pleasantly surprised to find his cock had gone soft, as had Rick’s. He remarked on it and Rick told him Tina sometimes did that, but not to worry, it would get hard later when it needed to. They went back to the Jacuzzi and hopped in, Rick loading a new bowl and passing it around. He also provided a bottle of ghb that each of them took a small amount of. For a while they just sat in the hot tub and chatted about the film before somebody questioned why Daniel didn’t just play the professor, since he hadn’t acted in the film at all. “You know Dingo can’t be on screen man,” Steve said after a big hit. “We don’t have a wide-angle lens.” This got laughter from Justin and Rick, and a confused look from Paul. “You know why he’s called Dingo, right tv star?” Rick said, shot gunning with Paul, before Paul shook his head yes. “Not the bullshit basketball reason, but the real reason?” “It’s cause he’s got a Dingo in his shorts and that thing will drag you in and devour you whole if you get it angry!” Steve interrupted, and He, Justin and Rick all erupted in even louder laughs, which Paul couldn’t help but join in on. Daniel was even chuckling. “You gotta see it Paul,” Justin said, “go on and whip it out for Paul, Dingo.” “Nah man, no one wants to see that shit,” Daniel scoffed and splashed Justin. “I do,” Rick volunteered. “I’ve been hearing about this shit for years and you never prove it. I bet he’s got an apple dick, you know, big dick, no stem.” This got a laugh from all of us, which didn’t last long. “Oh yeah bitch?” Daniel stood up and pulled down his shorts revealing a pair of Joe boxer bikini briefs with a bulge running half way down his extra long thigh. “Meet the dingo!’ With that, he pulled the side of the bikini’s away and out sprung a good nine inch uncut pink cock, that even soft was as thick as a can of soup. The entire group went quiet, while Daniel smiled, lifted it up, smacked Rick across the cheek and lips, tucked it back in and sat down. The laughter that followed made each of the almost hyperventilate, and when they’d calmed down, it was decided they’d better go inside. Rick stopped Paul again, and they each took another, bigger slug off the bottle of g before following the teens. Once they were out of the pool, Daniel tossed towels to each of them and directed Steve, Rick and Justin to use the downstairs showers while he showed Paul to the master bath and used the other upstairs shower himself. Paul was incredibly frustrated that he wasn’t going to get to use Rick’s hole yet, but he consoled himself by stripping nude and climbing into the hot steam shower, sitting down on the stone bench, and jerking himself to hardness, while working a finger in his tight ass. Frustratingly, he found his dick didn’t want to get all the way hard, his head was spinning from the ghb and his butt was hungry for more than just his finger. Hoping out of the shower, Paul toweled off and swerved into the attached Master bedroom, going through drawers and closets before discovering a black dildo about 8 inches long and pretty wide. He ran back to the bathroom, poured oil over it and moved onto the bed. Stroking his stiffening cock, he lowered his hole over the wide dick but couldn’t get his hole to open enough to take it. He cursed slightly, imagining Dick Carson named below him and tried again, still with no luck. He added more oil, and tried a third time, just as Daniel burst in with a pair of shorts for Paul to wear. The shock caused Paul to lose his balance and fall, impaling himself on the first four inches of cock, causing him to scream. Daniel began to apologize, but instead of leaving, he turned around, locked the bedroom door and walked over to wear Paul had fallen back on the bed and was groaning. “I prayed for your ass Mr. Bishop.” Daniel said before grabbing Paul’s legs and folding them back over his torso till his knees hit the bedspread next to his ears. “AAAAhhhh, dammit Daniel, that hurt, what are you doing?” Paul whimpered, trying to move away but with no leverage to go anywhere. “I’m gonna help get this thing out, so don’t move sir.” Daniel put his body over Paul’s holding his legs back, freeing his hands to take the oil from next to them on the bed, and reach down to start pulling out the big black dildo. Paul started to scream again so Daniel covered his mouth with his own, forcing his lips to meet and meld with Paul’s. “There now it’s almost…OUT!” The head popped out and for a moment Paul floated between consciousness and passing out. When his senses returned he looked down to the space between his legs and Daniel’s impossibly long torso to view the same monstrous cock he’d seen in the hot tub, now four inches longer, red as the devil and pulsing with each heart beat. “Oh God,” Paul cried, sure that he would die if Daniel fucked him with that beast. “You can’t do this to me Daniel. You’ll kill me. Please I’m not gay and I’ve never been fucked.” “Mr. Bishop, right now I don’t care.” Daniel moved his crotch forward until the dick head smeared the oil against the hole. “I’ve never been inside anyone before. Not a mouth, not a pussy, nothing. So tonight you’re taking all of me, and I’m sorry. Try to relax, they say it makes it easier.” The next thing Paul felt was the thick cock of a high school boy as the head worked past his sphincter and inched up and up until it reached the second barrier. With a grunt and a thrust, Daniel pushed past that one too, causing Paul to pass out. That relaxed his hole just a little more allowing Daniel to continue until almost all of daniel’s cock was inside Paul’s butt. Just as he felt his big balls and light layer of blonde pubes rub against Paul’s ass, someone knocked on the door. “Hey Paul, you in there man?” Rick called from the hallway. “He’s still in the bathroom Rick,” Daniel called out. “We’re just discussing the film. How about going down to the family room and turning on some music or something till we are ready to join you dudes?” “Sounds good man,” Rick said, heading to the stairs. Daniel looked down to see Paul coming to below him, making his anal cavity start to twitch and tighten. Paul opened his eyes just as the loud music began to float up to them on the bed. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Bishop.” Daniel repeated one last time before slowly removing his cock all the way except for the head and then pushing it back in. At first it was as if Paul was being pulled apart and pushed into a tiny ball at the same time, pain overloading his nerves until he could no longer struggle. Once he gave in, he began experiencing something like the start of an orgasm, but not just in his cock, but everywhere in his groin and ass. Two minutes and some faster thrusts and the orgasm was building. Two more minutes and Paul was throwing his head back as ass-gasm after ass-gasm racked his toned, perfect form. It took less than ten minutes before Daniel lost all control, made half a dozen powerful fucks and realized what was happening. “Sorry Mr. Bishop, but I can’t hold it, I gotta shoot. I gotta shoot. I’m…I’M…FUCK!” The cum rocketed so hard out of Daniel’s dick that, combined with the pulsing of his shaft against Paul’s prostate, and the teen abs rubbing his dick, Paul had a real orgasm and sprayed them both, all over. It seemed to take hours and be done in seconds at the same time, but neither pulled apart when it was finished. They kissed and Daniel released Paul’s hands, which let Paul feeling the body above his. He was still spinning from the tina and G, but managed one coherent word. “More.” Paul whispered before grasping Daniel’s butt cheeks and pulling his hips against him. Daniel obliged, taking 15 minutes the second time, and enjoying the extra lube his first load offered him. Paul was overwhelmed and passed out when Daniel had orgasm number two. So Daniel pulled a blanket over Paul’s well-used, chiseled body, shining from pools of cum in the dim light from the bathroom. Daniel got off the bed, put on his shorts and went downstairs to join his pals. When Paul awoke in the dark room, he felt the tongue pressing against his hole, and happily discovered it had retightened. He wanted to reach for Daniel and pull him back up to fuck him some more, but something had his hands pinned. He moved against the restraints, realizing they were hands. “Shit, he’s waking up,” Rick whispered from behind his head. “If you wanna lose that cherry bro, you better put it in now.” Paul panicked as Steven popped into the beam of light provided by the bathroom, and winced as he felt the boy ram in all seven thick cut inches at once. His hole may have had some lube from Daniel’s cum, and was stretched by it as well, but it was still new to this experience and fought and grasped the dick at each opportunity. He felt something burning along the dick, and realized it burned the same way when he’d had a booty bump before on the deck. Steven didn’t use any of the gentle thrusts Daniel had used, instead he was full throttle from the start. It only took five minutes before he added his load to Paul’s ass, but it felt like an eternity to Paul who was now much more aware and knew that his mouth was stuffed full of something to keep him quiet. Steven sweat and huffed and he pulled away, replaced by Justin almost before Paul could take a breath. Just had a shorter dick, around 6 inches, also cut, but it was as thick as Daniel’s. He power fucked Paul just as Steven did, but he’d go all the way in and out each time, making Paul scream into his gag everytime the thick brown head of his dick slammed back into the asshole. Luckily Justin was the fastest yet, breeding Paul after three minutes. When he finished, he slapped Paul and laughed. Paul had very little fight left, which worked out well for Rick. Rick had his brother come hold Paul’s hands while he used his 7 and a half inch cut cock to make love to Paul’s hole. Paul began to enjoy the fuck so much that his cock got hard again. “Get your mouth on his dick little bro,” Rick ordered, grabbing his brother’s curls and forcing his head down to Paul’s cock. “Ew, no way Ricky,” Steve fought and pulled as much as he could while his brother held him by his hair. “that shit if for faggots.” “You want me to show Mom and Dad the pictures of you getting sucked by that boy from your film class? Then you suck his dick and swallow his cum.” Rick’s blackmail did the trick, and Paul’s cock grew in the boy’s mouth. Some thrusts from behind and a little tongue and Paul began shooting down the boy’s throat. Rick followed right behind him, pumping load four into Paul before collapsing on his brother’s head and making his bro lick his cock clean. They argued about something as they left the room, Justin snickering and following after our into the dim hallway. A sound came from the opposite corner and Paul focused enough to lift his head. He could just make out a form in a chair, holding something with a blinking red light. As the form stood up, Paul could see it had to be Daniel based on the height and frame. As Daniel stepped into the light from the bathroom, the thing in his hand was revealed as a camera. “Sorry to do this, but it is my insurance that you won’t tell anyone what we did once you leave.” Daniel explained as he set the camera on the dresser by the bed. “I didn’t mean to force myself on you like that, but I to have that ass, you understand?” “You can’t keep that tape, you have to destroy it,” Paul sat up, and felt woozy still. They must have given him more ghb as well as the booty bumps. “I can’t Paul. It’s my insurance.” Daniel lit the pipe and put it to Paul’s lips. As upset as he was, he was desperate for the high like before, so he took a giant hit, and didn’t fight Daniel as he kissed him and sucked down the smoke too. “Not just insurance that you won’t tell, but insurance that I will get to do it again.” Paul heard the last part too late, as Daniel pushed him back, turned him onto his stomach and pinned his hands before inserting his cock once more. Paul screamed and screwed his eyes shut for the first few thrusts, opening them to find Rick holding the pipe for him to smoke. As Daniel took his time and raped Paul in every position he could, Rick kept Paul busy with either the pipe or his dick in Paul’s mouth. When the sun started to peek in through the curtains, Daniel had shot twice more inside his ass, and Rick had cum once in his mouth and once all over his face, all on camera. Paul tried to think of a way out of this without ruining his career or destroying his reputation, but kept coming up empty handed and asking for more tina. Coming soon Chapter 3: Dick Carson returns, The films are screened, Paul goes back to Hollywood
    1 point
  41. A couple of weeks ago I had to go and pick up an item of furniture I had bought on a well known auction site. I had been working long hours all week and the guy I was buying it from was busy at the weekend so the only time he could make it was early on Saturday morning. I needed to pick up the item as I bought it as a present for someone and had to take it that night. I was tired after a long and difficult week at work and when Saturday morning came I really didn't want to get up. In order to get there at the arranged time I had to leave about 6.30am. I was really tired and also quite horny. I thought about having a quick wank but reluctantly decided I didn't have time and would have to wait until I got home again. The seller's house was about an hour and a half away and I made good progress and got there on time. The guy who came to the door was late twenties, early thirties, dark haired, glasses, rather geeky looking but somehow quite attractive. He was wearing trackie bottoms and a T shirt. I was still feeling really horny and could not help checking out his arse as he bent over to help me lift the piece of furniture. As he bent down his T shirt rode up and I saw the top of his pants. Suddenly I realised he had caught me looking and I turned away. We carried the piece of furniture out to the car and he helped me load it into the boot . At one point he was bent over the boot of the car and I was just behind him. He pushed back and suddenly I was pressed up against his arse. I already had a semi and I could feel my cock hardening into a full erection. He didn't object and I pushed my cock gently against his trackie clad arse. He pushed back again and I pushed harder. It was really horny but I still didn't really think anything was going to come of it. Then he asked me if I wanted to come in for a while. He led me into the house, through the living room and into the kitchen at the back. He put his finger over his lips and pointed upstairs. I realised that probably meant he had a partner sleeping upstairs and somehow that made the whole experience even hornier. He said to wait a minute and disappeared upstairs. He came back down and almost immediately pulled me towards him. In no time we both had our cocks out and we were kissing and wanking each other off. Soon he was down sucking my cock and I was starting to feel even hornier. I could easily have let him suck me until I unloaded in his mouth but after a while he stood up. It was my turn and I got down on my knees and pullled his trackies and pants down. His cock sprang out and I began to suck him off. I was wanking and close to coming but I really wanted to lick his arse and so I motioned to him to turn round. To my delight he turned round, pulled his pants right down and bent over, pushing his fit arse into my face. I pulled his cheeks apart and pushed my tongue right up his hairy arsehole. I rimmed him for ages and he was really getting into it, wanking and pushing his arse back into my face. He turned his head round and whispered "fuck me". I didn't need telling twice. I stood up and began to rub the head of my cock over his arsehole. He reached down into his pocket andal I thought he was going to produce a condom. It was actually a small sachet of lube and he opened it and rubbed some onto his arse. Then he bent over again and repeated "fuck me". I pushed the head of my cock against his arsehole and it slid right up him. He grunted and I began to fuck him slowly. I was so horny. I began to fuck him a bit harder and he pushed back against me. Just as I was getting close to coming he suddenly froze. He pulled off my cock and stood up. I hadn't heard anything but he stood listening for a minute and then relaxed. Without a word he pulled his pants down again and bent over. I didn't want to risk being interrupted again so I pushed my cock back up him and began to fuck. It wasn't long before I felt myself beginning to come. There are few things I enjoy more than spunking my load up a fit lad's arse and before long I was shooting what felt like a massive load right up him. When I finished coming he stood up and I saw that he had also come. He pulled up his pants, kissed me and said "cheers mate". It was a totally unexpected and very horny experience - all the more horny as I'm pretty sure he dropped his pants and took a load up his arse while his boyfriend was asleep upstairs.
    1 point
  42. Just because we're all twisted pigs, here's a picture of me immediately after doing my biggest-ever slam just a few hours ago.
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  43. Oh I definitely like to fuck a hot hole and look down and see red on my cock as I pump in and out !!! Total turn on !!
    1 point
  44. His face was looming closer and closer as I felt his enormous piece of meat nudging at my hole. It might have been whatever was in that syringe, or it might have been how hot I was for this huge, dangerous man, but all I could see were his two eyes almost floating above me, giant black pools of liquid that seemed to have no bottom. "Yeah, you're fucked now," I heard from a distance. It echoed a few times in my head. I felt myself rolling a bit, kind of like when you're on a raft out in the ocean. Suddenly a little nauseous, I closed my eyes to try to gather myself, but that just increased all of the sensations I was feeling, both good and not-so-good. I had that delicious free floating feeling, while at the same time I also felt like I was about to vomit. I felt my eyes rolling as I tried to get a grip when suddenly I felt my hole expand involuntarily. He felt it too, and he shoved a few inches of his meat inside me. I was surprised that there was no pain - I guess the speedball was taking care of that. Instinctively, I lifted my legs, wrapped them as far around him as they would go, and then dug in. I literally fucked my ass onto the rest of his cock, swallowing it all with my ass in one swift motion. Again, no pain at all, just sensation of skin-on-skin, of his cock sliding deeper into me. I could feel every vein, every crease of my ass, bump and nuance of his cock as I quickly slid down on it all the way to the root. In my high, I could actually visualize what it looked like as the head of his cock split me open and buried deeper in me than anyone, or anything, had ever been. As I hit the base with my ass, those floating eyes looked surprised for a second, then rolled up into his head as he let out a long moan. "Yessssssss, baby, that's it. Take that cock all the way. Show me how bad you want it. You a natural baby. We gonna turn you out good." I tried to ask him what that meant but I was still unable to manage anything other than a garble of sounds. "You feeling it, aren't you?" he said. Again, it was not a question. "Yeah, I got you. You gonna get used to this real quick, and so am I." With that, he started to withdraw his cock - a process that seemed to last for fifteen minutes, though in real-time it might have must been two or three seconds. He then spit on his hand, rubbed it on his dick, and then slowly slide back into me. This time, it seemed smoother, no veins or bumps. He repeated that process five or six times - I lost count in the growing euphoria - and on each downstroke, I would shiver as his cock bumped into and ran along my prostrate. Then he got to work. All at once, he pulled out completely, and then shoved the entire length back into me. This time, I felt it. Not enough heroin on the planet could have dulled that pain. My legs shot out straight, every muscle straining, but I was only able to yelp weakly. My ability to speak was still caught in the swirling vortex of the drugs, and I could see the words I wanted to say swirling around over my head. I tried to grab them, but they stayed out of reach. Then, most blinding pain as he yanked it out and whipped it back in with even greater force. On the third stroke, pulled out, grabbed a handful of Crisco ("When did he get that?" I weakly thought, "And why didn't I see it swirling around up there with all my words?") and rubbed it all over his cock, then shoved it back in again. This time, other than he stabbing sensation of his length, there was no pain - only intense pleasure as he massaged my prostrate on his trip to my center. He held his cock in me and leaned down again, my legs once again instinctively wrapping around him. His mouth leaned down to mine, and I felt his warm lips touch mine. His breath was surprisingly sweet, and the feel of his tongue as it entered my mouth was velvety smooth. I sucked on his tongue like it was a cock, and he fucked my mouth with it. It was then that I noticed that his hips were moving again, now in perfect rhythm with the tongue that was moving in and out of my mouth. That amazing floating feeling of perfection had returned, and I finally started enjoying that rolling sensation. I was able to envision every cell of my body, each and every one being filled on an assembly line with exquisite pleasure - the sensation of being fucked properly for the first time - and then returned to my body with a tingle of joy. My hips started moving to meet his thrusts. I wanted - no, needed - that cock in me as deep as it would go. On each downstroke, I wiggled my ass to try to get a few extra centimeters in me, and then as he withdrew, I concentrated on relaxing every muscle in my ass to make for a smooth, easy withdrawal. Then he would press back in again, and the friction from his invading cock became the center of the universe until he hit bottom. Then my wiggle and his gasp. Faster and faster it went, his tempo increasing, and my hips bouncing up off the bed to rise up and meet him. He was pounding me now, but I was pounding him back - my heels digging into him every bit as much as his cock was digging into me. All I could focus on was the need to feel him inside me, as deep as possible. I felt him biting into my shoulder, then licking my neck, then his tongue all over my ear, then gripping my head and holding it while he shoved his tongue in my mouth - all during the time that we were fucking each other, hard. I needed him deeper, and deeper, and never felt so full and fulfilled as when he hit bottom. On each downstroke, that instinctive wiggle I gave caused him to shudder just a little. He was fucking harder and harder, and I was taking every thrust like a cheap bathhouse whore. Then he buried his face in my neck, sped up even more, started moaning, "Oooh, baby, ooooh baby, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah....." Even as inexperienced as I was, I knew what that meant. His hips kept moving faster and faster, sending me into the stratosphere, and then he gave one last thrust inward and held it. At that second, I finally managed to lock my ankles together and wiggled the last inch of his cock into me even further, and that did it. He let out a long groan, and I could feel his cock jetting his cum into me, spurt after heavy spurt. He kept moaning, "Yeah....yeah...." with each spurt, his baritone voice low and tickling every inch of me. It seemed to go on for hours, but I know it could not have been that long. Still, I counted at least fourteen pumps from his balls into my guts before he finally let out a long breath. He laid on top of me for an unnaturally long period of time. He was absently licking my neck or rubbing my sides, and then the most amazing thing happened - I felt his hips move again, felt his cock withdraw, and then felt him slowly spear back into me. He had not gone soft and fallen out of me like I expected. Instead, he was embarking on a second fuck, just minutes after filling me with his seed. I let out a long moan, and involuntarily burst loose with my own orgasm on his third stroke. I shook against him as he held his cock deep inside me, moving it back and forth only by a few inches, "Yeah, baby. Cum on my dick. That's it. Show me how much you love it. Keep cumming! Yeah! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" Every time he said it, I would cry out and another volley of cum would rise out of the depth of my soul, shoot through my balls at lightning speed, and get ejected from the tip of my cock, bathing us both in buckets of my cum. I never came so much or so hard in my life, my head uncontrollably moving back and forth and the most animalistic noises coming from my throat. Was I really making those sounds? We fucked our way to another climax for each of us, this one for me being far less intense but still incredible. As the last bit of my cum splattered onto his chest, he move down again, those huge black eyes once again filling my vision, and he rubbed our bodies together, using my cum as a lubricant. He gave me a tender kiss or two, and then just laid on top of me. My legs finally unhooked from around him, fell to our sides, and we both drifted off to sleep. I have no idea how long we slept, but we were both awakened by a bright bolt of light coming from the outside door as it burst open. I heard a young, female voice saying "Daddy, Momma sent me over to get my....." I craned my head to see a coltish girl, maybe my age or younger, standing in the front doorway. Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor as she stopped mid-sentence. The man on top of me was still snoring heavily as I tried to get out from underneath him, panicked and no longer able to breathe because of his heavy weight on top of me. But I couldn't get him off me and he was not waking up nearly quickly enough!
    1 point
  45. I just texted him to see when he wanted it installed. He might be working so it's easier to text him. I'll see what happens
    1 point
  46. Real nice. We were just at Sawmill for a couple of days - BF got plenty of loads in his hole, and on the trail one guy bred his ass while I bred a hot hairy muscle stud and told my BF to take it up his ass so I could stick my cock into his cummy fuckhole. Hot time.
    1 point
  47. i love getting slamming on meth..the story was like it happend too me..but i never fuck, always been a cumdrophole
    1 point
  48. i would love to be pozzed and then start converting others kinkydawg u ae re fucking hot
    1 point
  49. Drugged and Forced to be a Male Prostitute (Part 3) “OK boys, Tyler has your work assignments for the night. Remember, cash up front and we know how much you will be getting for each of your John’s.” The boys left the room leaving Kyle on his knees in front of Rickey. “We need to get you ready for the party tomorrow night. Your ass will bring a nice price with you being fresh meat.” Tyler came up stairs after giving the working boys their assignments for the night. They then took Kyle into one of the bedroom that they used as their party room. This room was well equipped with a couple slings and a fuck bench. Along one wall were a number of dildos of various shapes and sizes and an assortment of butt plugs. The opposite wall had ropes, chains and other restraints some of which Kyle had never seen before. There were a couple of flat panel TV’s hanging in two of the corner’s of the room playing bareback porn. They put Kyle in the sling and placed his wrists and ankles in restraints. He had a perfect view of the TV’s from where he lay. Rickey told him, “You’ll spend the rest of the night here watching porn. The hunger to be fucked will grow in side you all night until you beg to be fucked. Then you will be left here long after that point to think about your purpose here and how you will serve us.” Kyle was given a small slam. Kyle felt a hunger and a need to be fucked at any end. All he knew was that he needed cock in side him as he watches the porn on the screen. He noticed that the guys getting fucked in the porn looked familiar. Then he recognized them as Jim, Bob and David. Every hour either Rickey or Tyler came into the room and gave Kyle some G laced water to drink and a small slam to keep the hunger of being fucked within him. After almost 6 hours of mini-slams and G Kyle was begging to be fucked. When the roommates came in to give Kyle his next “dose” they knew he was almost theirs. They ignored him as he drank down the water and took his slam without protest. After the roommates left the teen Rickey commented, “It won’t be long until he is hooked on meth.” Tyler added, “Yeah, and raw cock and cum.” The roommate continued to give Kyle the same doses over the entire night and as daylight began to fill the apartment they entered the room to find a docile boy ready to submit. Kyle pleaded, “Please, I need to be fucked. I can’t take it any more. I need cock in me. I need to suck cock.” Rickey asked, “Kyle are you ready to go to work for us?” Kyle didn’t even hesitate, “Yes sir, I will work for you as long as I get fucked right now.” Tyler said, “Very well then.” Rickey pulled a very large dildo off the wall, “If you can take this down to the base we will let you out of the sling to rest up for tonight’s festivities.” The dildo was a horse cock dildo, 13” long and 8” around. “Please give it to me.” Rickey and Tyler began to apply generous amounts of Crisco to the dildo and Kyle’s ass. Tyler commented on how loose Kyle’s hole felt and that this might not be much of a challenge. The tip slipped in easily, but then they had some resistance as the dildo began to slide in side Kyle’s hole. Rickey and Tyler were experienced enough to manage this resistance and put a bottle of poppers beneath Kyle’s nose telling him to breath in deep. As the poppers took effect the resistance faded and before they knew it, half of it was in side the teen. Now they had the internal ring to negotiate. Again they gave Kyle the poppers as the dildo was turned and wiggled past the internal ring. It took some doing but it finally “popped” through and after a good 45 minutes of work the dildo was down to the base. The roommates fucked the teen with this dildo for a good 10 minutes insuring that his in sides were opening up. Rickey praised his new working boy, “Very good Kyle. Now you’re ready for a fist.” In his drugged up hazed he was a little perplexed. He thought to himself, ‘A fist? Why the hell would anyone want a fist put into their ass?’ Before he knew what was happening the dildo was quickly pulled from his hole. He felt so empty, still having a need to be filled. Tyler began to finger Kyle’s loose and sloppy hole. And before Kyle knew what was going on, he had Tyler’s fist inside his rectum. He felt full again, but he had no clue as to how full he’d get as Tyler began to work his fist deeper in side his hole. Kyle had no view to see what was going on until he realized that the activities were on the TV screen above them. He watched with disbelief as Tyler’s forearm sunk into him down to the elbow. Rickey let Kyle know, “We’ve always needed a special boy for some of our special clients. I think you will work out well.” Kyle leaned his head back and enjoyed the fisting he was getting. Then Tyler pulled his fist from Kyle’s hole and his restraints were untied from the chains. They took Kyle to an open space on the floor and attached his ankles and wrists together. His ankles were attached to the floor and his wrists were attached to a rope suspended from a beam over head. His arms were stretched up over his head. What Kyle didn’t know was that as Tyler fisted him he also administered a generous booty bump that would make his ass even more hungry for cock. Rickey then asked, “How badly do you want to be fucked?” “Please, I need to be fucked.” “What will you do to get cock in you boy?” “I’ll do any thing you want me to do, please fuck me!” “Gag him Ty.” Tyler placed a ball gag in Kyle’s mouth as Rickey pulled a paddle off the wall. He then began to smack Kyle in the ass over and over again as he hung there. “Remember boy, you said you would do anything, and this is what we need a boy who we can pimp out to out leather clientele.” Kyle took a good smacking for nearly 15 minutes. He wasn’t able to stand up as he was hanging by his wrists. After a few more minute of smacking his ass, they knew Kyle had had enough. They lowered him down and moved him over to the fuck bench where they each fucked another load into his well stretched ass. Tyler said, “Let’s go boy, we need to get you cleaned up and let you rest up before tonight’s events” as they led Kyle to the shower up stairs. It wasn’t a regular tub style shower. It looked more like the kind you’d find in a looker room with a couple shower heads along one wall. Rickey told Kyle to get on his knees and open his mouth. He then placed his soft dick in Kyle’s mouth. Kyle thought he was going to suck Rickey’s cock when Rickey told him, “Don’t think about sucking my cock. I am going to give you something to drink.” Rickey then began to piss into Kyle’s open mouth, “Do the best you can to swallow as much of my piss. It is an honor to get to drink a guy’s piss.” Kyle did his best, although some spilled out of his mouth, he drank most of it down. Then Tyler stepped up and placed his soft cock in Kyle’s mouth and gave him his piss. Kyle did better with Tyler’s piss then he did with Rickey’s. “Hey Rick, he’s a fast learner.” “He sure is. Now let’s get him cleaned up and fed so he can rest up for tonight.” They then had Kyle shower off and helped him with a shower shot to douche out his stretched out hole. They then gave escorted him down stairs and fed him. Kyle was still horny, but as least he as fed and cleaned up. They all sat down in the living room to watch some TV. As the T and G in Kyle system wore off he fell asleep and slept all afternoon. When he woke it was starting to get dark out. The working boy’s were back and they nudged Kyle to get up and ready for the guests. The 4 hustlers headed up stairs. They all stripped down and went into the play room where Rickey and Tyler were waiting. Each one was given a couple pills, one was am ecstasy and there were a couple Cialis to keep the boys rock hard and horny for the guests. Then each boy was given his slam to start the night off. Jim, Bob and David wondered off to different parts of the room to wait. After Kyle got his slam he was helped into the sling and given some extra Cialis. The roommates told the boys that Kyle was to be in the sling all night. Anyone one wanting to seed his ass had to pay extra since he was new to the crew. As the night went on Kyle took loads from all the gusts. He was fucked by old, fat trolls, young hotties, big dick black guys, harry Latinos. All in all he took at least a load from every customer there. It’s know known how many of the guys there were poz or neg all he knew was that he was getting what he wanted, cock and cum in his ass. In his drugged up haze Kyle knew he found his place as a male prostitute.
    1 point
  50. Drugged and Forced to be a Male Prostitute (Part 2) Kyle was taking his second load of poz cum of the afternoon and he was loving it. He knew from that point on he was gay. Over the next few hours he would take more loads from the 2 studs who had shown him how wonderful gay sax could be. All his life he would jerk off trying to think of a hot chick from school or a sexy super model. But now he knew his true self, his real sexual desires were being satisfied. Tyler was fucking Kyle when he said to Rickey, “This bitch is gona bring in some good cash.” “Hell yea Ty, once we get him built up a bit he’ll be a good addition to our coral.” “Look’s like he needs another slam.” “Yea, you’re right Ty. I’ll go get him one, I think he’ll be ready for the ‘DP’ after that.” “Right, I’ll flip on my back,” Tyler picked Kyle up and flipped over on his back without pulling out of their fuck toy. “That’s it, just rock back and forth a little while Rickey get’s you a little something to keep you feeling good.” Rickey returned and promptly gave Kyle another slam, this one stronger then the first. Kyle couldn’t sit up any more and laid down on Tyler’s chest immediately after the removal of the tourniquet as the drugs moved through his body. “OH FUCK!” escaped Kyle’s mouth as he lay on Tyler’s chest. Rickey didn’t waste any time and crawled up behind the drugged teen and slid his cock in along side his buddy’s as a louder “OH FUCK!” came from the drugged up boy. Kyle never knew his as could stretch that far, but as he accommodated the 2 cocks within him he felt an immense pleasure deep in side. Rickey and Tyler set about fucking into Kyle with such animalistic vigor the 2 studs knew that the teen would not escape their grasps as their new commodity. Kyle could only moan as he took the hard fucking of 2 cocks at the same time. Tyler and Rickey had an ability to sustain themselves when they double fucked a willing cunt and Kyle was no exception. Kyle took the simultaneous pounding for well over an hour before they shot their loads. Rickey was first (and in his position it was easier for him) to pound away at Kyle’s well stretched ass. There were a couple times he pulled out to the tip and rammed back in their new boy. He looked into Tyler’s eyes as he shot his load. Once Tyler felt his buddy’s cock spasm his thrusting picked up and he shot his load. The 3 sweaty body’s lay upon the bed as they each collected their breath. Tyler’s cock slipped out first followed by Rickey puling out. They pushed Kyle on his back and took a good size dildo to the boy’s hole, making sure to work their poz jism deeper into the drugged up boy. They were satisfied that their DNA was working its way within Kyle’s blood stream when they saw a red tinge on the end of the dildo. The dildo was removed and a large butt plug replaced it within the teen’s gapping hole. Rickey leaned in close to Kyle and told him, “You’ve been a good boy so far, but now it’s time to learn to suck cock and swallow cum. The rest of our ‘crew’ will be here soon and you will suck each one of them off.” Tyler added, “I’m sure they will love the opportunity to cum down your throat.” A naked Kyle was helped down to the living room as Rickey and Tyler pulled their cargo shorts and shorts back on. They made Kyle drink Gatorade (laced with G), as he watched bareback porn on the 60” plasma as they made sure he did not stroke his semi-hard cock. They could tell that the Viagra he took was not working as well as he was slowly getting Tina dick. Tyler commented, “Another good slam and he’ll be as limp as a wet noodle” as he went to administer a third slam to the drugged up fuck toy. “There ya go boy, you feeling good?” Kyle was in heaven. He had never done drugs before, not even a beer, and now he had been given 3 slams of crystal meth. All he could doo was nod yes as he was in a drugged up haze. His semi hard erection had become a shriveled up 2” boy clit, but he was horny as fuck. Kyle begged, “Please fuck me, I need to be fucked, please.” He was left, not allow to touch himself as he waited. Soon a couple young guys came through the door. They looked to be no older then Kyle, 18, if that. There was Jim, Bob and David. They almost had the same build as Kyle except for the fact that these three were a bit more muscular. The three were told “Kyle here is your new ‘brother’ and he wants to learn how to give a proper blow job. You will each get your reward once he has swallowed each and ever load you can give him. And remember, you can’t fuck him. We’ll be watching.” Jim was the first boy that they brought into the stables. He was a former high school wrestle and used to be straight when they drugged and thought him the joys of gay sex. After his indoctrination Jim broke up with his pregnant girlfriend and went to work for the roommates. There were a couple of boys after Jim, but one ran off with a ‘John’ and the other got killed. Then Bob was easily recruited into the stables. His father kicked him out after discovering he was gay and a drug user. He easily fit in with working as one of their male whores. The last one was David, he was a lonely gay boy in Chicago and found acceptance from the group. He was resistant at first to working for them, but after converting and testing poz he knew he had no place to go. Rickey and Tyler promised to take care of him. The 2 roommates did take care of their boys. They gave them a place to live, clothes, food, gym memberships and most important thing of all, AIDS medication. The three escorted Kyle up to one of the other bedrooms. The only furniture in this room was a couple mattresses on the floor and a dimly lit lamp in the corner. There was also a night vision camera in one of the corners so that the roommates could watch the three teach Kyle to suck cock. Jim said, “If you listen to us and do as we tell you, you will have no problem sucking any size cock into your throat, and with Bob’s length you might even get his cum to bypass your mouth and go directly down your throat.” Jim was first, by seniority, and dropped his shorts. He pulled Kyle’s head into his crotch. “Just lick it for now, lick from my balls to the tip of my cock.” Kyle began to work his tongue all over Jim’s cock and balls. And with the T and G in him he was really getting into this. It didn’t take long for Jim to get hard. Then Jim told his cock sucker, “Open your mouth and suck it in, and remember to watch your teeth. No ‘John’ likes his dick scraped by a boys teeth when he’s getting sucked.” Kyle did just as he was told, and he was sucking his first cock. “Oh yea, that’s it. Work my pole with that mouth of yours.” Jim hadn’t been allowed to cum on almost a week and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He grabbed Kyle's head to make sure that he wouldn’t pull off, looked down at Kyle and told him, “Make sure you show the camera the cum in your mouth before you swallow ever drop.” Jim then began to pant as Kyle felt his cock thicken in his mouth, then “OH YEAH!” Jim shouted out as he fired a weeks worth of cum into Kyle’s mouth. Jim made sure that Kyle showed his open mouth to the camera so that their pimps could see the fresh cum in his mouth before he swallowed it down. Kyle didn’t have much time to catch his breath as David pulled Kyle between his legs. David grabbed his cock sucker’s head and forced the length of his tool to the back of his throat. With Jim at his side, Kyle was coached on how to breathe, work his tongue and his mouth on a cock to give the best blow job known. David just sat back as his balls boiled to overflow and soon Kyle was eating his second load of cum. Kyle finished to look up at Bob stroking a massive 9” cock, bigger then what the roommates had. Kyle was trying to figure out how he’d get that in his mouth when Jim encouraged him, “Just remember what I told you about breathing through your nose and to relax.” Kyle crawled on his knees over to Bob and began by licking his balls. Bob kept stroking as Kyle worked his tongue up the shaft to the tip as Bob moved his hand to the back of Kyle’s head. Rickey and Tyler watched on the group on the plasma knowing that this was going to be a brutal face fuck. Kyle was not prepared for Bob’s cock. He thrusted his massive 9” deep into Kyle’s throat. Since their working boys aren’t allowed to fuck, this is Bob’s way of working out his frustrations. Kyle’s eyes welled up with tears as his throat took a rough fucking similar to that his ass took earlier. With Jim’s instructions and encouragement and his own determination, Kyle was able to accommodate the cock in his throat. Bob was one to take a long time no matter when he shot last. He was a brutal top that was turned into a whore bottom. When he got this rare chance to use his dick, he made the most of it. Kyle quickly learned to relax his throat as Bob rammed his shaft in and out of his mouth. Kyle did his best to put up with the face fucking and just as his jaw began to get sore he felt the cock in his throat began to swell then spasms as Bob was delivering his load directly into his gut. Bob pulled back a bit to give Kyle the last few spurts before smacking him across the face with his still hard cock. “I fucking wish I could breed this bitch! I’m still fucking hard.” Just as Bob finished talking the bedroom door opened up and in walked Rickey and Tyler. Rickey asked, “Nice job boys, you think this bitch will be ready to work the party tomorrow night?” “I’m sure with some personal tutoring I can have him ready Boss”, Bob was quick to say. But he knew he had no chance of fucking the new kid. The boys were there to be fucked and to suck the various guys who paid their way into the party. “OK boys, Tyler has your work assignments for the night. Remember, cash up front and we know how much you will be getting for each of your John’s.” The boys left the room leaving Kyle on his knees in front of Rickey.
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