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  1. A few years ago, when I first came out and was still discovering myself, my first visit to a sauna was also my first real breeding. I had plenty of experience with other guys and had fucked bare a few times but mostly when I was still a teen and still fooling around with guys my age or was just too in the moment to worry about condoms. I'd seen TIM porn so knew what breeding was but didn't specifically seek it out at the time - what really turned me on was the beefy tops and slutty bottoms. I worked in a restaurant and the crew would go or for few drinks after work most nights, one of the guys was a few years older than me and knew the scene well so I hung out with him whenever I could. We'd go out to the gay bars and he'd give me pointers on culture like where the best places for rough trade or underground leather bars. I think he liked showing off his experience but pretty sure he also got off on how easy it was for me to pick up since I was 20, tall good looking and eager. Late one Sunday night there was no talent at the bar so my mate says he's going to a sauna. Normally I would have let him go by himself but I was a bit drunk and a lot horny so I said I would go too. So, 10 minutes later we've paid our entry and just wearing a towel and locker key. My mate quickly points out the main features and disappears off to the glory holes. I wasn't really sure what to do so went exploring to find out where everything was and to see who was there. It was pretty quiet in the porn lounge and in the maze around the private rooms so I made my way to the basement where there was a big spa and steam room When I got to the spa there was already 2 guys there really into each other and I felt uncomfortable interrupting (how little I knew!) So had a look in the steam room instead. It was a big U-shape room and when I opened the door I immediately noticed a cute guy sitting near the door, I gave him a quick smile and quickly went in and sat down a few meters away on the same side of the room. He was about my age but hairy and a bit husky which was totally my type. He also looked nervous and neither of us was really sure what to do next. As I started to relax I noticed a guy had got up from the other side of the room and came over to sit down next to me. He was an older guy, maybe 40, I think he was mixed race or pacific islander because he was darker, waxed body and buzz cut - total beef with defined veiny muscles and big hard nipples. As he sat down he dropped his towel and pressed his thigh into mine. His cock was already hard and he stroked himself with one hand and opened my towel with the other which got me hard immediately. I went to start pulling him but he swatted my hand away and put his hands on the back of my head and pushed me down into his cock. His dick was average, about 6.5" cut with a curve but I greedily started sucking and felt him respond immediately. He kept one hand on the back of my head, holding me down and used the other hand to tweak his own nipples. I was so turned on I kept trying to get his cock and balls into my mouth at the same time and gagging which he must have liked since he was growling and I could taste pre-cum. After a few minutes he pulled me off and stood up, at first I thought he was leaving and I must have looked panicked cause he looked back and said "we ain't done yet boy" (first words we'd exchanged so far!) I went to lean forward to keep sucking him but he pushed me back, then stood in front of me, grabbed me by the knees, pushed them apart and pulled me forward at the same time so I was on my back with arse hanging off the bench and he was between my legs. I knew he wanted to fuck me so I lifted my legs and tried to line up my hole with his cock. My arse was soft and wet from all the steam and his cock was still hard and slick with spit so he pressed the head against my hole and pushed all the way in one long stroke. I gasped as he entered me and it occurred to me that he wasn't using lube or a condom but before I could think about it he was pulling out and slamming back in. He fucked harder with each stroke and as I slid back on the bench he kept pulling me forward so his balls would slap against my cheeks. As he grunted and plowed me I realised there was another guy about the same age standing next to him fucking the cute husky guy the same way. The other guy was taller, white and a muscle bear with big hairy barrel chest and belly and was grinning. They were both really aggressive and fucked hard so the husky guy and I were pushed against each other pretty quickly. I was so turned on I forgot about being nervous and as soon as we were close enough I reached out and started kissing him and rubbing his chest, he did the same and also started rubbing my cock which was leaking pre-cum everywhere. The top fucking me sorta chuckled and lifted my arse up as he slowed down for a bit then started fucking me even harder The other top was slowing down and he asked the guy fucking me "you nearly ready to swap dude, I wanna cum soon" without slowing down my guy snorted and said "I've already dumped two loads in this one, you can have him when I'm done." It took me a moment to realise what he meant but as soon as I did I wrapped my legs around his back and tried to pull him even deeper into me, he responded by grabbing my arse cheeks and forcing them apart even further while fucking me harder than ever and I started whining like a bitch on heat. After some brutal pounding he slowed down again and this time I felt him thrust deep into me and hold it while his cock spasmed and he pumped his third load into me. He finally looked me in the eye and said "now we're done boy". As he slowly pulled out there was an audible slurp and I could feel a huge glob of cum slide outta my hole and splat on the tiles. I hadn't really noticed the crowd watching us until then, but as soon as they all saw I had been bred they got really excited. He stood between my legs for a few moments and I could feel him pushing some of the cum back in my hole as it leaked out. As soon as the other top saw he was done he pulled out of the husky guy and said "all yours bro, think I opened him up a bit for you" and a few of the guys watching us laughed. As they changed places I got a better look at the other guy and his huge cock. It was about 8", torpedo straight and thick as his wrist with a massive purple head. The first guy didn't wait, he slipped straight into the cute husky boy and started jackhammering away whereas the top about to fuck me was taking his time. He slipped a few fingers in my hole, testing how lose I was and then rubbed his fat cock head up my crack, teasing me. I lifted my legs to receive him and started panting again - I wanted him in me so bad. He gripped me under the knees, lifted my legs up and open and started thrusting into me in one movement. Even though my hole was wet and stretched from the first top, this guys cock was so fat he had to force it and I felt every inch as it tore me open and couldn't stop myself crying out. My pain receiving him must have turned him on even more because I'm sure I felt his cock get even harder as he pushed it all the way in. He held it in me for a moment while he adjusted my legs and I reached forward to pull my arse cheeks apart again and said "please don't stop" he grinned and pulled all the way out really fast so I could feel my gape before he slammed right back into me and I cried out again. As I was getting punch fucked the husky guy was really enjoying his fuck and watching me cause he kept trying to kiss me and was tugging my nipples. I got totally lost in the moment, threw my head back, wrapped my legs around the top and said "fuck me daddy, fucking destroy me!" Both tops laughed and kept pounding us both. After a few minutes it felt like my hole was on fire and his breathing was getting rougher and his strokes were getting longer. I looked up at him and before I could stop myself said "cum in me daddy, please cum in me, I want your seed daddy" he was concentrating real hard so didn't really react but a moment later I felt his cock spasm in my hole and his whole body started rocking as he roared "awwwww FUCK!!!!" I felt him jerk in me a few times and knew each movement was another squirt of hot cum. As soon as he had finished cumming his cock stated to soften in me so he pulled out, still panting. I felt another big load fall out of my arse. He scooped up some of it with his fingers and wiped it back on my gaping hole, chuckling. I tried to clench so no more would escape but was so wrecked my hole felt like it was inside out. The other top finished at about the same time and once they were done with us they grabbed their towels and just walked out, cum still dripping from their cocks. Husky guy and I were just lying there, both panting from such an intense session but still horny as fuck since neither of us had cum. He leaned into me again and he kissed a bit then he asked if I wanted to go upstairs, then we grabbed our towels and got up leaving a small group of disappointed guys. It was actually really hard to walk at first, I could feel juice running down the insides of my thighs and it felt like my hole was pinching between my cheeks with every step, especially stairs. We went up to one of the private rooms - he went in first and I closed and locked the door behind us. When I turned around he was already on his back, puckered hole ready. I climbed on top and slid my cock in him without a second thought. His arse felt so soft and warm and as I lent over him to suck his nipples I could feel his furry belly and hard cock rubbing against me. I knew I wasn't going to last long and so did he cause he was panting and said "I wanna cum dude, are you close?" I replied "so close, I wanna blow in your hole" he just moaned so I started licking the head of his cock as he pulled himself and I fucked him. I tasted the pre-cum almost immediately and he started bucking his hips and crying out which was all I needed as he blew thick ropes of hot cum all over his furry chest and belly I shuddered and thrust as deep as I could and started cumming. We were both shaking a bit and moaning "oh fuck" as we orgasmed, I held my rapidly softening cock in him as long as I could while I lent forward again to lick the cum out of his fur. I know he wanted me to feed it back to him but it was so good I swallowed every drop. Eventually my soft dick fell out of his hole we kissed each other one last time and I unlocked the door and left.
    3 points
  2. I really was a "good boy" for the rest of college. I dated a few guys and slept around some, but I always used condoms. Even when I was back home and hooked up with my neighbor, Aaron, a few times we always used condoms. He was becoming a great top. I guess he much have been fucking around a lot because he made me want it every time I saw him. I went to law school after that and my whole first year was hellish with studying, etc. After my first set of finals, I went out and partied hard for two days - even missed my plane home for Christmas. LOL. When I came back for second semester, I was back on track and starting to look for 1st year summer internships. I was dating a dude at this point, but we never saw each other and weren't exclusive. He asked to fuck me bareback a bunch of times, but I always played safe. I honestly think he was into me, but I was too busy to spend much time with him and we broke it off. Over the summer, I got a summer internship at a decent sized firm and was working long, but not crushing hours and I was able to go out with some friends I'd made by hooking up and a running club and at law school. I think I also starting chatting on AOL with guys at this point, but I couldn't bring myself to just hook up with a guy I just met online. One of those times online though, I met an awesome, funny, smart guy. His name was Will. We agreed to go running one weekend. I met him and we ran. He was cute, had a great body, was my height at 6'2", was thin with a six pack from running and I was betting a hot cock. We laughed and talked as we ran. We had a great time. I agreed to meet him and his friends out later that night for a pre-party at his place and then go out to the clubs. He called me later and asked if I wanted to get dinner too. I was so excited and said yes. We shared a small dinner and then went around the corner to his friend's place. He and his boyfriend and a couple of other guys were there. He chatted and drank beers and vodka - Will and I on vodka. We stayed there for a while and then went out to the clubs. I hadn't been to a few of them and we danced and had so much fun. Will grinded on me some (not a great dancer for sure) and we made out a lot. At about 2am we left the club and went back to Will's place. We kinda talked about it and I had said yes to staying over earlier in the night. He had also said he was versatile and I said I was too, but mostly a bottom. He said, "You're ass is so hot. I bet guys always want to fuck you. I know I do." And we laughed. We got back to his place - a studio in the gay neighborhood - and we started to make out even before his door was opened. We got inside and made out a ton. The room was literally - a bed and a desk. No chairs or sofa. I did a little strip tease of him and slipped off my underwear showing him my ass. He rubbed my ass and immediately started rimming me. His tongue was so good in my ass. I was so hot for Will. I wanted him so bad. I wanted him to be my boyfriend. I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted the night to never end. Mostly, I wanted his tongue to stay in my ass forever. After a few minutes, he asked me to suck his cock and he got naked. I went to town on his hot cock. It had to be 8 or 8.5" cut. It was a perfect cock. Not to thick, but just enough to totally stretch my mouth and kinda veiny. I wanted him to like my blow job. I wanted that so much that I was so good at sucking his cock that he was going crazy. He said after a few minutes that he was going to cum. I did something I'd never done before. I didn't stop sucking him and let him cum in my mouth and I swallowed his load. He said that was so hot and that he never cums from head, but I was too good. He asked how he tasted and I said good. He said something silly about making his cum sweeter by drinking orange juice and eating bananas so guys would like the taste. We laughed and cuddled on his bed. He played with my ass some more and he gave me a good blow job, but pulled off when he could tell I was getting closer. He did this a few times, which was "edging" me and I didn't know that's what he was doing at the time. I was so hard and he was getting hard again. We made out so long that the sun was coming up. I'm not sure when it happened, but we grabbed some lube and lubed up our cocks and he fingered my ass some with it. We kept lubing our cocks to "edge" and make it hotter as we made out. Eventually I was straddling him and he was rock hard. He was lying flat on his back and his cock was rubbing against my ass as we made out. I said, "Do you want to fuck me?" He said yes and I grabbed the lube an rubbed it on his cock and my ass. He was looking up at me and I could tell he was about to tell me the condoms were in the drawer. At that moment, I did the sluttiest thing I'd ever done. I wanted Will to like me and want me so badly. I wanted that cock. I was so fucking turned on by him. I just sat on his cock. I winced at first, but I slipped his whole raw cock in my ass. He moaned and I moaned and I adjusted to his size and started to ride him. He started fucking up into me and say what a hot piece of ass I was. I was loving it. I had just put a bareback cock in my ass myself. It's not that I wasn't thinking at the time, I was thinking. I was thinking I wanted him to fuck me bareback. I wanted to feel what I'd felt with those other random guys. But, Will was special. I had just met the man of my dreams and I wanted him to bareback me. It was so fucking hot to have him inside me bareback. I rode him and he bucked up into me. After a while, he said he was getting close and I didn't stop riding him. I wanted him to cum inside me. I wanted Will's load. He said it again and I just kept going. I leaned down and kissed him as I still rode his bare cock. He then grabbed my waist and grunted so loudly and I felt his warn cum shooting inside my ass. I didn't stop riding him and I started jerking my cock until I came maybe a minute later. We made out and talked about how hot that was. He said it was the first time he'd ever topped bareback. I asked if he liked it and he said fuck yes. I said I liked it too. He and I made out and fell asleep. We woke up in the afternoon and took a shower. We agreed to meet for dinner at his place and to watch Sex and the City. I made sure to look really sexy when I went over to Will's later that night. We ordered food and made out some. I sucked his cock and swallowed his load again. Just then, the delivery guy showed up. I laughed so hard as he tried to get dressed and pay the dude. It was so funny. He put the food in his tiny kitchen, came back in and no joke, we got in a tickle fight. Next thing I know my tight jeans were coming off and I had't worn underwear because I needed to do laundry. He grabbed the lube that was still on the floor next to the bed from earlier and lubed up his cock and said, "Let's fuck." This time it felt a bit odd that he didn't ask me about a condom because he seemed like it always used them. But, all I wanted was his cock inside me and I spread my legs and he slid his cock in me slowly. I was still in my tshirt and I pulled that off as he bottomed out his cock inside me. He asked if I was ready, I said yes, fuck me. And he started to slide in and out and then long dick me and then pulled out and popped back in a few times. He slam fucked my ass for a while and I just started cumming as he fucked me. He noticed and sped up some and didn't even ask or say anything but came inside me and collapsed on me. We kissed. I had just taken a second load from Will. I wanted all his loads. I was falling for him hard. He was my perfect guy. We watched Sex in the City that night and fucked again. I rode him again that night and let him cum inside me again. Will and I went out for a few really happy months. I was always running over to his place to get his raw cock in me. I topped him a few times, but he was almost always unloading in my ass. I think I took 200 loads from him in the 6 months we dated. (Ah, youth!) Then, one day I found out he was also fucking around with his neighbor, a really bitchy asshole named Jimmy. I was so mad because I had been let into the building by a person who'd seen me there a lot. I went upstairs and realized that there were noises coming from his apartment. He was moaning and saying "keep fucking me. Don't stop." Then I heard Jimmy clearly say, "Do you want my load?" My Will, the guy I was falling in love with said, "Cum in my ass." I waited for that to stop and I was devastated. My guy was cheating on me. I knocked on the door and Will answered and saw me. He was so shocked and I started to cry. Jimmy laughed at me and Will, thank god, threw him out. We argued and fought and I pushed him and cried a lot. I couldn't believe my perfect man who I had chosen to take bareback one the first date and every fuck after and taken over 200 loads from was cheating on me. He said he cared for me a lot, but we weren't monogamous and he didn't want to be. I was so hurt. After about an hour, he held me and kissed me and wiped my tears away. I let him hold me and I leaned against him. He kissed my head and I kissed his chest. He was still only in his briefs. He rubbed my back and I kissed his chest more. I knew what I was going to do. I had to show him I was a better fuck than Jimmy. I saw him getting hard and I slipped off the bed, took off my shirts, slipped his cock out of his briefs and started sucking his cock. I gave him a great blow job. We both had a ton of mixed emotions. He couldn't concentrate on me giving him head, so he pulled me up and we kissed and made out and he took off my pants and boxers and gave me a blow job. I moaned and let him work. Then, I went down on my knees again off the bed with him on the edge of the bed and sucked him some more. I could smell the cum in him and the sex he'd just had. I saw the lube on the floor and opened it and spread it on my ass. I turned around and lowered my ass onto his cheating bare cock and rode him. After a while, he flipped my over and I was bent over the bed and he started fucking me hard. He knew I liked him buried deep in me and doing short strokes to hit my prostate. That's what he did. Soon I was cumming. He didn't stop like he usually did after I came. Instead he kept fucking me which kind of hurt at first, but I got used to it. Then he said, "Take my cum." He grunted so load and I felt him unload in my ass. I was so sad and so horny and exhausted. Will and I never made it past that last fuck. We slept together that night but I couldn't sleep. My ideal guy was cheating on me and my ass, even bareback, wasn't enough. I was devastated. I was a 6'2", blonde hair, blue eyed, really attractive guy with a toned body and a good career ahead of me that was letting a guy cum in my ass at least 5 times a week and he still didn't want me. I didn't know what to do......(until next time.)
    3 points
  3. Becoming a Bug Chaser Note: This is pure fantasy and never happened. Maybe someday though. As I waited in the doggy style position on my bed with my ass presented towards the door I still couldn't believe I was doing this. I was supposed to be a good boy. I never did anything wrong. And most importantly, I always played safe. Why was I being so reckless? The door opened and I shivered. This was it. I heard the door shut, then came the creaking of my floor board. Before long there was a metal clang, and then finally the sound I had been dreading most. The snap of my bare ass getting smacked. "Fuck!" I screamed as the man hit me with his bare hand. "Yea the little slut likes getting his ass smacked doesn't he?" I heard a deep voice say. "Yes Sir," I screamed even though I hated it. "Please hit me again!" The man smacked me again before pulling my cheeks apart and diving his tongue into my hole. I had already loosened it with a dildo so I was able to feel his tongue actually slide inside. The man pulled away and dug his fingers into my cheeks. "Tell me what you want boy," he said. For a moment I hesitated, but then I decided to cross the line I could never go back from. "I want your poz cum up my neg pussy Sir!" I hadn't actually been sure I'd be able to say it out loud in person, so when I did I was ecstatic. I broke into a wide grin, some of the tension melting away from me. "Yea. That's pretty stupid boy," the man said before taking a quick lick of my hole, nipping it with his teeth, and inserting a finger while scratching the insides. "Why would you want toxic, dirty, virulent poz loads when you're neg? Up till now you've never let a dick touch your hole without a condom, right boy?" I took a breath, let it out, and then started reciting what I had been practicing all day in anticipation for this moment. "Because I want to be a bug chaser Sir! I want to be a cumdump for strangers and refuse no loads while looking for poz ones! I hate condoms! And I don't want to use them ever again! Please breed me! Give me your AIDS Sir! Knock me up! Corrupt me ! Convert me from a condom only, stand-up member of society into a sick, twisted, perverted, disgusting bug chasing cumdump who lets anyone fuck him!" I couldn't believe I was saying all this. It wasn't a fantasy anymore. It was real. I was getting bred for the first time by a stranger. Not just that, I had purposely looked for a poz guy with a high viral load who loved gifting bug chasers. The it hit me. I really was a officially a bug chaser. My grin didn't leave for the rest of the day. "Yea you nasty pig," the man said lining his dick with my hole. "You filthy bug chaser," I heard him spit, and then his cock started sliding into me. "You want my load, huh? You want my AIDS babies?" "Yes!" I screamed, pushing my ass into his pubes so his raw, poz dick went deeper. "I'm a sick, disgusting, twisted bug chaser! I want poz loads from strangers! Destroy my neg pussy!" "You got it boy." He started fucking me relentlessly. It felt like an hour but was probably more like fifteen minutes. The most intense fifteen minutes of my life. The man fucked me nonstop, only sliding his bare cock out for a few seconds here and there, each time sticking his fingers into my hole and scratching around. It was so painful, but I was euphoric the entire time. I was being the whore I'd always dreamed of being. Every time he'd call me a faggot, cumdump, slut, bug chaser, damaged goods, or no longer neg, I felt a sense of fulfillment I had never felt before his raw dick slid into my now condom free, neg but soon to be poz hole. And then it happened. He started speeding up, digging his fingers into my shoulders so hard I was sure he had broken the skin. "Here it comes bitch!" the man screamed. "This is it! I"m converting you! Your neg ass is getting bred for the first time with my potent poz cum! Your life is over! I felt him shoot into me, its heat melting into my body creating a craving for cum I had never known was possible. My life flashed before me: -The first time I was fucked with a condom -The guy I kicked out who tried to stealth me even though discovering that made me harder than I had ever been. -The guys I turned down online because they were poz or wouldn't play safe. -The first time I found Breeding zone, found a story about bug chasing, and shot the biggest load of my life. -Admitting to myself I wanted to be a cumdump for strangers, especially those who were poz. -The first time I talked with a guy online about wanting to take poz loads up my ass. -And finally, an hour ago when I set up this meeting with a stranger to fuck me bareback for the first time and fill me with his highly virulent poz load. The man fell on top of me, trapping me beneath him. As I lay there panting, taking in what had just happened, I started to feel guilty. I felt around to my battered hole that was still stuffed with the man's dick, needing to confirm that the intense breeding had really happened. Flinching as my fingers made contact with my hole I felt a cool, sticky goo that I smothered my fingers in. Bringing them back to my face I saw my fingers covered in pink tinged cum. I was horrified and disgusted with myself that I had willingly done something so perverse. But when I stuffed my fingers in my mouth, licked them, swallowed, and then went back for seconds, I knew the man was right about my life being over. At least my life as a responsible boy who didn't make stupid decisions, chose his sex partners selectively, and always used condoms. From that day on I'd be a whore, a cum dump, and a bug chaser.
    2 points
  4. My head hurts. I don't know why I have migraines on Sundays, but it happens about every other week, hangover probably isn't helping. I guess I fell asleep on the couch again, slept wrong, so groggy, so sore. Well, I went out last night and I guess I drank too much, I don't remember how I got home, but I'm glad I got home safe. I need to get up and move, take a piss. I noticed I fell asleep with my contacts in, it always takes a couple minutes before my eyes get a chance to reopen. I started moving my eyes while they're still closed, I started to run my hands down my face and a sharp pinch jolted me when my palm pressed on my nose. Did I get punched? I gingerly started feeling my nose. The pain made my eyes start to water so I can try looking, no bruising or blood, but I saw something silvery out of the corner of my eye. I knew something had happened. I started to roll out of the couch, my body was aching all over, my legs were a bit wobbly. I needed to get to the bathroom to see what had happened. As I was starting to straighten up, my chest and back started to itch as I slogged to the bathroom. I turned the corner and was stunned. It wasn't me in the mirror. There was this punk version of me. I saw a mostly shaved head, except for a dark red Mohawk. The shine below my nose was a thick nose ring and matching rings in my earlobes. Then it dawned on me, the itching, the soreness. Quickly I peeled off my tee shirt, and a sharp snag on my chest made me recoil in pain. After a second I was able to see the cause: my right nipple was now pierced too and a large tattoo encircled it. It took me a moment to recognize it- a biohazard symbol. I panicked, realizing my back itched too, I spun around and contorted to try seeing what was behind me. In the mirror, it was an even larger and colorful tattoo, a biohazard symbol with the word 'POZ' above it and 'whore' below it. I stood there breathless. A lot happened last night, more than just getting drunk and blacking out. The pressure in my bladder reminded me I had to piss again. I unzipped my jeans and reached to displace my briefs... I felt leather. I let my jeans drop to the floor. I was wearing a leather jock strap. I shook my head in disbelief. I still needed to pee so I pulled down the jock pouch, started to relax to urinate and then I felt some other new pressure coming from my asshole. As I stood there urinating in the toilet, I spread my legs a little and reached back with my left hand to feel the base of a butt plug. This wasn't a good sign. I pulled the jock strap all the way off and squatted down. I had to get this plug out of me. I beared down and the rubber plug started moving, and I gently pulled on it with a free hand. It got to the point that it just snapped out of me. The sudden release made my cock jump and spurt out some precum onto the leather jockstrap I just peeled off and dropped on the floor. I picked up the plug and looked at it- it was covered in thickened lightly pinkish goo. I stood back up in disbelief, dropped the plug in the sink and walked away. My hole started to clench back up and my cock was at full attention. Between my hole feeling empty and used to the plug that was inside me and a case of morning wood, I had to rub a load out, so I walked back to the living room to put some porn. I threw in my favorite gangbang flick and plopped back on the couch. As the video started loading up, I saw new dvd case on my coffee table, it had a hand-drawn biohazard sign in sharpie on it. Curious, I picked it up and opened up the case, and found a folded paper note in it. It read: "Last night you said you hated the bar whores, mostly because you wish you could be more like them. Your wish was our command. Enjoy ALL of your Gifts!" followed by another biohazard sign.
    2 points
  5. I'd taken to jogging after work only recently. Despite what usually happens in college, I'd lived a relatively healthy lifestyle. I played basketball, did a bit of swimming and didn't really party too much like a lot of my friends did. My main vice was that I guess I used my allure as a sportsman to sleep with plenty of girls. Now those days were well behind me I was doing my best to get back to a shape where I'd get some attention again. I got home and quickly ate some of the leftovers in the fridge and got into my running gear. I'd gotten bored running the same way each night so I thought I'd try another park in town. I wasn't sure whether the leftovers had been left for too long or I'd started running too quickly afterwards but it didn't take too long before I needed to start looking for a toilet block. Eventually I found one in a tucked away corner of the park. It wasn't in the best condition and the area looked a bit sketchy but I wasn't really in a position to try anywhere else. The immense sense of relief as I sat in the cubicle changed when I heard a heap of male voices entering the block. Perhaps it was a tour group or a sports team or something on a bus trip home? I heard them greeting and introducing each other, what were they doing? Shortly after, I heard muttering of "Get those clothes off", the unmistakable sound of skin slapping against skin, the gate being slammed shut and locked and my blood froze. A gay orgy was about to happen! How was I going to get out of this? I sat there scared out of my wits as voices came closer to my cubicle, and then I heard one of them. "Shit, there's someone in here!" "Fuck," I thought to myself. "Looks like we've got someone crashing our party. It's OK, you can come out. We won't bite....hard" I wiped my ass, pulled my shorts up, took a deep breath and left the cubicle. All I could see were naked male bodies, something like 10-15 of them, all over each other and all different ages & races. "God, what a fucking hottie. And a great new addition to the group." one of the guys said as he looked across at me. "Sorry guys, you don't understand. I'm straight....I'm here by accident." "Nobody's here at this time of night by accident." said one of the guys as he walked over towards me, naked and hard. I gulped nervously. "Looks like we've got a swallower!" he said to the others. Some looked over at me while the rest were more than happy keeping each other amused. A couple of the other guys stood up and walked over. "Everyone in here has to join the party" "But I don't want to..." "Like he said," said the other guy. "You don't have a choice" and they each grabbed one of my arms and pushed me to my knees. "Open your mouth" ordered the first guy that saw me. "No way!" I replied before getting a slap across the face. "You'll do exactly what we say if you want to get out of here in one piece." My wallet was removed from my shorts. "And if you tell anyone, we'll make your life hell" In a complete state of shock I opened my mouth and almost immediately the main guy's cock hit the back of my throat. I could barely breathe as I was choking on his cock and his groin pressed against my face. I had no chance to protect myself as both my arms were held. 'He's a natural," I heard him say as the other two laughed. I felt strong hands at my legs, lifting me up so that I was horizontal with the ground. When I tried to kick out, the guy facefucking me pushed hard into me, "What did I tell you about funny business?" I felt my shorts being taken off. "What a great ass he's got too" I heard one say. "I can't wait to get a piece of it." I'd never been so scared as I felt hands pawing at my ass. "You guys are so good, the four of you are like a fuckbench" and I was being held in midair, spreadeagled. The unmistakenly behind me and between my legs. "Looks like a great virgin pussy" and I felt the cold shock of lube on my ass. The only hope I had was that he had a condom on. As if reading my thoughts, the guy facefucking me said "And we only play raw too." I squirmed in the four guys' arms and was reprimanded once more. "Just ride it out bitch til we've had our fun." I felt a cockhead pressing against my ass and before I knew it, he was buried deep inside me. I gasped in shock which allowed the guy in front to push his cock further down my throat and I choked a bit. "I love it when a guy gags" That in turn must've put pressure on my ass muscles as the guy fucking me shot his load inside me within seconds. "God Bill, cumming too early again. Get him to clean it off while I get a piece of that" said the guy facefucking me. Bill pulled out and they swapped over. The guy that'd taken my throat was now about to take my ass. As Bill pulled out I felt cum dribble out of my ass and onto the floor. I felt someone positioning themselves beneath me, a skinny ill-looking guy who wouldn't have been much more than 20. "Can't let all of that beautiful cum go to waste" he said. "You're such a slut Chris", the guy ploughing my ass said. "haha, true Bruce. But unwilling sluts are so much more fun." and then he started to work my cock. Despite my best efforts and the shock I was feeling, Chris was so good my cock grew quickly in his mouth. It must've turned a lot of the guys on as I could feel cum splattering onto my back. To be honest, I had no idea what was happening. I was going through the horror of being gang raped yet also receiving the best blowjob I'd ever had. It didn't take long before I was cumming deep down Chris' throat and Bruce shot inside me shortly after. I'd taken two loads inside me and no idea how many had been shot over me. I had a sense there was plenty more to come. My hopes were raised when I was placed on the ground but they were dashed quickly when wrist ties were placed on me and I was dragged to one of the cubicles. As I looked down at myself I was shocked but not totally surprised given the treatment I'd received to see a little bit of blood running down my leg. Same for all virgins I guess. My arms were tied to the cistern and a leg tied to each side of the stall with my ass facing the door, open for all to take advantage of. I honestly lost count of the number of guys that took my ass while I was in that position. I'd become pretty deadened to the whole experience. I'd feel a pair of my hands at my hips, a cock slipping inside and they'd pound away inside me until I felt them shoot. I didn't want to turn around but I could tell from the sounds that guys were having their cocks sucked so they were ready to go once it was their turn. I'd effectively become a cumdump. I guess this had gone on for an hour or two before they decided they wanted me in a new position. I'd given up fighting by this stage and so offered little resistance when they pushed me onto the dirty floor on my back and tied my arms and legs wide in an extreme X position. Most of the time I was tagteamed while I was in that position, one guy fucking my ass and the other my throat. I took load after load down my throat, in my ass and on my body as some of the guys jerked off or pissed on me as they watched. Banging on the locked door woke me from my trance. "Big Jake must be here" one of the guys said. It didn't worry me too much, I'd been through so much already, what else could be done to me? And then I saw Big Jake. Jake was a massive black guy, easily 6ft7 and probably 300 pounds, all muscle. He took his shirt off but all I could see was the rapidly growing monster cock in his shorts, it had to be 13 inches. "Is this a new guy?" he asked. "Nah, some guy who pretended to be just passing" Bruce replied. "Has he been inducted?" "Should be, but you'll make sure of it." Bruce then turned to me. "From memory we're all poz, but Big Jake has the most toxic seed of all of us. If you weren't poz before you DEFINITELY will be once he's through with you." He lay on top of me and his massive, rock hard cock probed my hole and, given the battering it had taken through the night, he entered me pretty easily despite his incredible size. I could feel his cock pounding my prostate and I found myself grunting in time. "God I love straight pussy," Jake whispered in my ear. "And it's even better when I'm pozzing it." As I felt his cock thickening inside me I came heavily, my whole body shuddering underneath him. His load shortly joined the numerous ones I'd taken through the night and with that I finally passed out. I came to about four hours later, being shaken by a groundsman from the park. "Come on faggot, you've had your sleep. Time to go home." "I'm not a faggot..." "That's not what your chest says. Now get up, put your clothes on and go home." I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. Someone had written "POZ FAG" on my chest in permanent marker. I pulled my top back on, gingerly pulled my shorts over my aching and filled ass and made my way home, my life changed permanently.
    2 points
  6. Skate Park Pick Up - part 1 I love going to one of the local skate parks not far from a big name university on the Cali coastline. I don't skate- I spectate. During the hott summers most of the boys end up shirtless working their bodies into a sweat on the ramps and bowls. With their baggy pants that sag well passed their boxerclad butts, they all try to work themselves into sunkissed, toned Adonises wile trying to 'outman' the next. It's like watching a documentary on the posturing practices of hormonal apes- well, i guess it's the same thing,.. Either way, when I have a free afternoon, its nice to blow a couple of clouds before going to watch as young college meat (sometimes some of the local high schoolers show up but they are few and far between and easy to discern from the college boys) glisten on display in the hott Cali sun. I even sometimes take pictures (discretely!) -- or even video -- with my phone if a boy(s) is exceptional, which often happens... A Note About Me: I am in my early 30's (but could pass for mid 20's) and am a highly paid advertising/sales exec for a company you have heard of, which gives me a fair amount of spendable money and time. I have my vices for young meat and good party supplies- both of which have led to several great interactions with the local student population. College boys are so willing to trust and open up to me for some reason, and I'm not complaining. Most of them just see a friendly guy in me willing to provide. I have many stories about my own conquests of young flesh and many that other hunters like myself have told me over the years... This, 'Part 1' is the story of Jordan- one stupid, hurt soul who's life I forever changed--- It was a hot Tuesday afternoon in August. I knew the freshman were starting to fill the city in droves, bringing waves upon waves of fresh, horny meat from all over the country. Any hunter like myself knows this is the best time to pick off the easy prey- first time from home with the smallest feeling of freedom and rebellion against their former lives. I had smoked a small bowl heavily laced with T before going to the skate park that day, and was decisively horny and hunting. Upon my arrival it seemed like the usual lazy day with really nothing more than the promise of some good shirtless pics to show for my efforts. After an hour or so there was suddenly some commotion on one side of the park. One kid was literally baseballing a parking pole with his board screaming, "Fucking Bitch! Fucking Bitch! Who needs her sorry cunt?! I'll get plenty of pussy out here and then she'll see who the real COCK is!" He was a stunning piece of young man. The taut muscles of his arms and back flexed and glistened with sweat as he swung his wood against the pole ( ) He was maybe 5'8" 120lbs of lean boy, with long dark hair which covered most of his face. His skin was so white that it could almost glow in the dark. He had no piercings or tattoos which made me unsure of his age, but his rage certainly showed he was man enough to be prey. He continued to beat his board against the steel pole (making quite the scene) while a couple of other guys tried to calm him down, but this kid was not having it. He lashed out at them, telling everyone within eyesight to 'Fuck Off', throwing his board into the air and walking off towards to busstop. Anticipating a fight or something from when the commotion started, I had already turned my phone onto video and was recording as he made his way to the street. Suddenly, he spotted me- "Dude, are you recording me?!" I quickly turned my phone off and got into my car as he approached me shouting "Dude, What the Fuck?!" I tried to assure him that I had not been recording him but was watching him as I was simply texting. .... If there is interest in the story: A lot more to cum....
    2 points
  7. Not exactly a fantasy, but my personal thoughts: I do often play with the thought of moving to Hamburg or Berlin to meet new guys, or spending a month in LA, London or Paris just to fuck around and get to know the crowd there. But frankly I wouldn't change my attitude towards life and sex. My sex life is insanely awesome by everyday standards, but I think one has to maintain a normal life, work, have real friends, do sports. Strange as it sounds, I don't center my life around sex (even though there are times when I fuck ten guys a week, I'm not addicted to sex or get nervous if don't have any, I can have a nice and fulfilling evening in the gym as well) and I do stay away from drugs. By maintaing balance / an equilibrium and not being a depraved slut, I'm not stereotyping myself, I don't back myself into a corner sexually. I can be everything to everyone and do whatever I feel like. So in a way I am absolutely living my fantasy sex life right now - all bareback, of course. swimming pool sex party with a dozen guys 31 year old musician with an amazing ass fisting and breeding a 36 year-old mixed race bodybuilder seeding a 21-year old closeted bisexueal boy in the woods near his home hotel threesome with two poz pigs (37/38) fucking the 26 year old model type gym rat and tonight a 31 year old muscle bear cub That's just my last week. Next on the agenda is a repeat with the 21 year-old and a setting up a bareback group session / gang bang at a hotel with an old fuckbuddy of mine who's visisiting town this weekend.
    2 points
  8. Part VI I arrived at the park quite early and didn't seem to be anyone around the area at all yet. It was already a nice day out. I walked up the trail a bit looking for a good hideout and watch spot. Needed to be well hidden but also have a clear view of the trail and yet not a long ways off either as I did not think to bring binoculars until I got there. I thought of that and it would have been a lot safer even as I could really get a ways away and still watch good. It took me about a half an hour of looking to find what I thought was a good spot. Only about 10 yards off of the trail but well concealed by bushes and brush but also open enough to see well and it was where the main trail split into two so if he turned off I would still see him. I thought this is an ideal spot. I settled in and put my bag down and laid out a blanket I had brought with me and sprayed the area for bugs too. Would hate to be flailing at bugs when he came by and caught me like that. LOL I brought along a book and settled down to read and watch the trail and see who would come by and hoped this was a good day for him and I would finally get to see that huge 11" cock even if it would probably not be hard while walking along. I was sure hoping he stayed fairly well hung while limp as many would be 'growers' and look smaller so hope he was a 'shower' as well has huge. Soon I could hear someone coming and a guy came around the slight bend in the trail, but I was somewhat disappointed it was not THE guy. I took a look anyway and was pleasantly surprised a little as this guy had a pretty damn nice cock of his own. Wasn't hard but seemed to be up at least a little and looked like when up it could probably be a good 7" or a little over. Very nice I thought. He went on up the trail and it was only just a few minutes until I heard another guy coming. I was definitely surprised this time as he wasn't hard but seemed to be up some also and looked to be a bit larger than the first guy that came by. I thought, this could be a good day, at least for looking. It was starting to warm up too, so I thought, what the heck, I am well hidden, and took off my shorts and shirt and just sat back down in my jock. I had barely sat down when another guy was coming along. This guy seemed to be stroking his cock as he walked along. Very cool is all I could think of and wow, his cock definitely looked to be a good 9" long. This was really getting good I thought. That guy barely got out of sight when another one came along and this time my mouth dropped open for sure. Crazy day or what? This guy definitely was hard and looked as long as the last guy but huge around like a beer can. My mouth dropped open and all I could do was stare. As he got out of sight, I found that without thinking I had three fingers up my own butt. I was really turned on by this. This was even better in some ways than my computer where all I could see were cocks a long ways away from me. I grabbed my dildo and decided I just had to play some as I was really getting turned on by this display of cocks and my ass needed more play for sure. As I started to play by rubbing my dildo on my hole. I grabbed my lube and then rubbed a lot on the dildo and just as I was rubbing lube on and in my hole I heard another someone coming. It dawned on me that it was coming from the other direction though. I turned my head to look and the last two guys came walking down the trail together and stroking each others cocks as they walked slowly along. They got basically right in front of me and stopped for a bit and were really making out hot and heavy for a bit and I thought for sure they were going to fuck right there. Then they finally broke apart a little and walked on down the trail again. I found that again, without thinking, had my entire huge dildo buried completely in my hole and hadn't even known I had done. My hole was on fire and needing attention badly after that display. I laid down on my blanket on my back then and raised my legs up and grabbed my dildo with both hands and started ramming it in and out of my ass. God, those two guys were hot. I thought of both of those cocks doing me and then thought, what the hell, all 4 of the guys that had gone by, one after the other after the other. My cock was standing at attention for sure as I rammed my dildo into my ass faster and faster with both hands. I was so hot I could have lit a campfire, I think, with the heat I was generating. My cock was tingling and I could tell I was getting close to cumming without touching it. I had my eyes closed and then I thought of THE guy and his huge cock and hoped he didn't come by for a little bit yet as I would miss him for sure as I could not stop now. Then I felt it, not my orgasm, but a hand touching my cock and both of mine were still on my dildo. Before I could open my eyes another hand gently covered my eyes and THE voice told me to just lay still for a bit. I almost shot my load when I heard this voice. Then I felt what had to be his lips cover the head of my cock and ever so slowly my cock slipped deeper and deeper into his mouth until I felt his chin resting on my stomach. It was exquisite and all I could do to not shoot my load immediately and he seemed to sense it and eased up a little and then his hand squeezed the base of my cock to slow the feelings down a ways. Then he took it all in again and then let my cock out until just the head was encased in him and I could feel his lips so soft against the underside of the head of my cock. Fantastic. Again his head went down slowly engulfing my cock anew. Torture but oh so fine. I reached my hand out trying to get ahold of his cock but he pushed my hand up until I felt a nipple. I stroked it and pinched it and pulled on it and he was moaning in pleasure, or maybe it was me. Oh what feelings. Then I felt him take ahold of my dildo which I had almost forgotten about and started to stroke it in me in time to his mouth on my cock, in and out and in and out, oh so slowly and tantalizing. The he got faster and harder with the dildo, ramming me even faster and harder than I could do myself and his mouth sucking furiously on my cock. Then it was happening, my ass started to twitch and my cock erupted in a huge orgasm and splash after splash of cum was going down his throat. It was so intense I almost passed out and then, no more. As I came down from my high, I opened my eyes and he was just going out of sight over the hill. He stopped just for a moment and turned and waved and finally I got to see his cock and even from a distance of about 50 ft. I could tell how really huge it was. WOW I started to get up and yell for him to stop, but was just too slow and weak from my own orgasm and he was gone again. DAMN, I wanted to at least touch that cock now that I had seen it. Just too far away. Damn, damn, damn. What a tease.
    2 points
  9. We broke up just around Christmas. Just in time for winter break and I headed home to see the family and some old friends. I sent Aaron, neighbor that used to fuck me, and email saying I was coming home and he emailed back saying that he was going to Florida with his family. I was bummed out about the whole break up. It wasn't I great Christmas. I was scheduled to leave my hometown just before New Years and go back to school and party before 2nd year, 2nd semester started - the semester you land that internship which gets you your job after graduation (supposedly, it did for me). One night I heard the my neighbor's dog barking and realized that either Aaron's family had left the dog at home (unlikely) or they were back. I pulled on my coat and went outside and saw Aaron bringing in some bags. I helped him and said, "I heard the dog. What are you doing home." There was some story. Drama! His mom and dad were there and I said hey, Aaron, his dad and I grabbed some beers and they lit a fire in the family room and we all hung out for a bit. We'd been friends since our mom's met at the bus stop going to work when we were five. He and I played baseball, football, Nintendo, everything together until we had started messing around. His parents went to bed to give us time to "catch up." Aaron and I chatted about school and work, etc. We switched to bourbon (love his family's bar) and after a bit he asked about Will because I hadn't mentioned him. I told him what happened - the cheating and he saw how down I was. He kissed me and said, "Will's stupid. You're the hottest ass I ever had. Too bad you don't live here." We laughed. He started asking if I was still mostly a bottom and stuff like that. He said guys can become more versatile in relationships and I agreed but said that hadn't happened with Will. He asked if I had loved him and said I think I really had. Probably still did. We poured more booze and he told me about the guys he'd been "seeing." Eventually we kissed again. His bedroom was on the first floor so we just took our drinks and went to his room. I knew what he wanted so I took off my shirt right away and kicked off my shoes. We sat on his bed and kissed. We leaned back on the bed and made out some, but we knew he was going to fuck me so it didn't take long for us to be naked. I sucked his nice 6" cock, kinda thick, but nothing like Will's perfect cock that had filled my ass for six months. Instead of fucking, I just continued to suck his cock until he said he was close. I didn't stop sucking him and then I did something with Aaron that I'd never done in our 10 years of messing around. He came in my mouth and I swallowed his load. After his cum high ended he said, "That was so fucking hot. Did you do that with Will?" I said, "First Date." He laughed and said, "You changed for the better." We laughed hard and just hung out naked for a bit. I hadn't cum yet and Aaron asked if I wanted my ass eaten. I said, "Fuck yeah" and I spread my legs and lifted them up. He laughed and said turn over. I did and got on all 4s and he started eating my ass. He had never eaten my ass before I was loving it. He asked in between licking my ass and pushing his tongue inside past my sphincter if I had had my ass eaten before. We'd never talked about it, because we usually just fucked and did oral. I told him I had and he asked if Will was the first. I told him about Matt from that night in college (part 1). He stopped eating my ass to listen and he grabbed some lube and fingered me while I told him about the whole thing. I even told him that I'd let Matt bareback me. He wasn't shocked or disappointed. He said, "That's so hot." He asked if Will barebacked me and I told him, "Every time. Even the first time." I asked if he had barebacked guys since I knew he hadn't dated anyone seriously yet. Aaron said, "Most guys like it bareback. Just not everyone does it bareback." I said, "You didn't answer my question." He told me a few guys. I said, "Hot." He leaned in and kissed me. We kissed for a while with 3 of his fingers in my ass. He then asked if I let those guys cum in me. I said, yes. He said, "Hot. Can I bareback you?" I kissed him and said, "Yes." He immediately pulled his fingers from my ass, lubed his cock and placed it on my asshole, He started pushing in and I guess I'd gotten easier for a 6" cock to slide in my ass after getting fuck by Will's 8" cock. I moaned and let him slide all the way in. He said, "Wow man that's the fastest I've even slid into your ass." He just started sliding in and out of my ass. I let him take over and kind of pound my ass for a while and said nothing. I was moaning some, but really thinking about Will. Aaron started to jerk me off as he fucked me. My thoughts came right back to him and how good he was making me feel. He asked if he could cum in my ass and he said, "I really want to breed you." I agreed and said, "I wanted his load." He came in my ass like a flood. I was so turned on. He stopped fucking me but didn't stop jerking me off. I came like a minute later and we kissed. He said, "You should've told me that story about you getting bred years ago. it was so hot cumming in your ass." We made out and I went home, but we fucked around for a few more days before I left to go back to school. We never used condoms again. Mostly because we only ever fucked during one other time period when he came to visit me at school. After that he got a boyfriend and stayed monogamous. After I got back to school, I started to think that barebacking wasn't so bad. I just had to be careful about who I let bareback me. I'd only do it with guys I was dating or knew really well. I'd never let a trick/hookup/one night stand fuck me bareback again.
    2 points
  10. I couldn't tell what I should do. I knew I could never fuck bareback again. It was dangerous. It was wrong. People would judge me and think I was a whore and I'd never get a boyfriend if people knew because they would talk about me barebacking with guys. So, I was a "good boy." I tried hard not to hook up because I was picky, but also because I didn't want people to think any of that stuff. I didn't mess around with anyone for a few weeks. I still went out with my friends and got drunk and danced, but I was a "good boy." One night I was out dancing and I met this hot guy. Shorter than me, tight body. Probably 5'8" and just ripped - Ripped Boy. I was into him and we danced and drank and he wanted to hook up, but his friend was from out of town and single and he didn't want to hook up if his friend didn't. I thought, he is such a nice guy. I said, "Give me a second." I grabbed this cute guy and pulled him into our dancing group. I kissed him and asked his name, turns out he's a Navy Boy. I told him our dilemma and he agrees to go dance with the friend and they hit it off. Next thing I know, Navy Boy is back over to me and says, "I just felt that guy's cock and it's huge. I bottomed last night and I'm still sore. I'm not sure I should go home with him." I am so accommodating and sweet and really want to get fucked by the Ripped Boy that I say, "It's no big deal. Let's all go to Ripped Boy's place and hang out and see what happens." Navy Boy agrees. As we leave the bar I see Navy Guy is really sexy and that Ripped Boy's friend is attractive but not in Navy Boy's league. I was nervous that they wouldn't hook up and Ripped Boy and I would then not hook up. LOL. We all pile in Ripped Boy's car and his friend and Navy Boy are in the backseat. I see the friend open Navy Boy's zipper as they make out. Ripped Boy stops to get gas, Navy Boy runs inside for cigarettes and the friend says we should get condoms. Ripped Boy agrees and then Navy Boy comes back with some beer and cigarettes and Ripped Boy says let's get some booze too. So we all get in the car and hit this late night store and I run in and get some vodka. Back out and in the car. Now the Navy Boy has his shirt off in the back seat and Ripped Boy says, "You got my friend a total hottie. Thanks." Off to the house. We get inside and Ripped Boy and I go to the kitchen, make out, he plays with my ass as I make the drinks. Spilling some when he plays with my crack through my jeans. We get back to the living room and Navy Boy is in his briefs making out hard with the friend. Ripped Boy says, "No fair. You should get naked too." He grabs at my jeans as I hand the guys their drinks and put ours down. I let him undo my jeans and I am in my boxers and I take off my t shirt. I straddle Ripped Boy's lap just like Navy Boy was to his friend and make out with him. It's getting really hot and I am hard as fuck. Navy Boy and I kiss some too. Navy Boy asks loudly, "Hey, you're a bottom right?" I said yes. Ripped boy slips his hands into my boxers and rubs my asshole some. Navy Boy has finished his drink and into the kitchen we go so I can make him another one. He slips my boxers down and rubs his cock on my ass. He says, "You have a hot ass. Can I fuck you?" I said, "Sure, but I'm with Ripped Boy tonight." Navy Boy grabs some salad oil off the kitchen counter and rubs some on my crack and hole. He fingers me and says, "Please." At this point the other guys come in and the friend says, "I bet we all fuck College Boy (me) tonight." Ripped Boy walks over to me and takes the salad oil and says "Does this feel good?" I laughed and said, "Sorta." He kisses me and lubes up Navy Boys cock with the salad oil and says, "Fuck College Boy." I spread my legs and kiss Ripped Boy, not thinking of anything but how turned on I was. Next thing I know, Navy Boy's cock is slipping inside me. I moaned and then the friend kisses me and Navy Boy is resting his cock in my ass. I'm making out with Ripped Boy and the friend as Navy Boy starts to go to town on my ass. Navy Boy and the friend start kissing and the friend takes off his clothes and Ripped Boy bends me over more to suck his cock. I'm sucking his cock and Ripped Boy says to his friend, "I told you we didn't need them." I have no idea what they are talking about. I'm sucking cock and getting fucked. I'm in heaven. After a few minutes, Navy Boy tightens up and says, "I'm gonna cum." Now I realize, Navy Boy who got his ass wrecked last night by some random dude is in me bareback. I can't do anything much because he started cumming in my ass as I am still sucking cock and realizing we never used a condom. I take his load and then Navy Boy pulls out and he and the friend grab their drinks and head back to the living room. Ripped Boy is fingering my ass now as we share a drink. I am so shocked that I just let another random guy bareback me. I turned to Ripped Boy and say, "OMG! That was so slutty. I didn't know we weren't using a condom." Ripped Boy takes my hand and leads me to his bedroom. He sits me on his bed and I can feel Navy Boy's cum in my ass. He climbs on top of me and we are making out so hard. My cock is so hard because I had a load in my ass and was with this hot guy. He spreads my legs and says ur ass is still so slick from the oil and Navy Boy's cum. Blushing I say, "I'm sorry about that. I didn't know." Ripped Boy turns me over and rubs his cock on my ass crack. He says, "Do you need more lube?" I said, "No. I think I'm good." He slicks his cock up with the oil on my ass and slides his bare cock in me. I said, "Fuck that's hot." He said, "My cock in you feels really good." He fucked me good for about 10-15 minutes. Then he said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. I want your load." I took his load and he slipped out of my ass. He slapped my ass and said, "You are a hot fuck." Ripped Boy and I made out some more and fell asleep. I woke up with him fucking me early in the morning. After a while on my side, I turned on my back and spread my legs for him. I noticed his friend watching us from the doorway and stroking his cock. Ripped Boy came in my ass again and fell asleep. I got up to go to the bathroom and I came out and saw the friend on the couch in the living room stroking his cock. I asked where Navy Boy was and he said, "He went back home." I said, "Navy Boy was hot." He thanked me for hooking them up and said I was hot too. I walked over to the couch as we talked. He had a 9" cock. I said, "You have a big cock man." He said, "Too bad Navy Boy didn't want to get fucked. You looked like you like getting fucked by Navy Boy and Ripped Boy." I blushed and said, "I did." I asked me if there was lube in the bathroom and I said yes and went to get it for him. I came back and squirted some on his cock and rubbed it all over his cock. He pulled me on top of him and we kissed and I straddled him. He said, "You like cock don't you? Why don't you sit on mine." I got shy and said, "We don't have a condom." He said, "You haven't used one yet tonight." He was right. I was a cum dump for two guys already that night. I gave in and he pushed his cock against my hole as I leaned back down on it. He said, "Ride my raw cock bitch." I did. I rode him and made out with him until he was close and he said, "Take my load slut." I sat down on his cock and felt him explode in me. He just kept coming. I was so turned on I came on his chest. He loved it. I eased off him and cum for three different guys slipped out of my ass and down my thighs. I was so turned on and so scared of what I had just done. Not just one guy, I had let three different guys bareback my ass in one night and I had taken their cum. I went back to bed with Ripped Boy and fell back asleep. We got up and he drove me back to my apartment. I found out on the ride that he had a boyfriend. I was kind of shocked and said, "But you just fucked me bareback and came in my ass twice. How can you have a boyfriend?" He said that I was so hot he had to have me. I blushed and we exchanged numbers and he said, "Can I see you again when my boyfriend is out of town?" I said, "Yes." I got out of the car and he called out, "College Boy, come back." I walked back the few steps and he kissed me hard and asked if I'd let his friend fuck me too. I said yes. He said, "You're so hot," and he drove away. I went upstairs to my apartment and said I swore I'd never see him again because he was a cheater. I also swore that I'd be better about using condoms. I had to be, right? No guy wants to be boyfriends with a slut, right? I said, never again to both barebacking and seeing Ripped Boy. I did see Ripped Boy again a few times, but I made him wear condoms. He said he understood. We stopped fucking when his boyfriend figured out he was fucking me. I might have kept my promise about making Ripped Boy use condoms, but I did get barebacked again. But, that is another story.
    2 points
  11. Continue of Part 1: Once safe in the car, I tried to calm him down through the space in the window- "Dude I was just sending a text while watching u walk off from that scene! You need to relax, bro- need a smoke?" I could see the wheels turning in his brain. His eyes were a warm brown and u could see the attempts of a chin strap starting to form on his face. He was torn by want and image- a true struggle for such a young man. In the end, image won out; "whatever, fag." As he walked back to where his board layed on the ground i couldn't help but admire how the sweat and sun highlit the muscles of his tapered back to his pantline. Once his board was retrieved he disapeared into the crowd and I went back to watching the young meat on display. I was watching one boy intently. Blonde hair, with a waiflike build that if not for the tattoo on his back i would have worried we was too young; but the looped tribal ink told me he was open for business. I loaded a bowl of herb i had prepared laced with Tina and was about to take a hit when there was a knock on the driver's window. I nearly jumped out of my skin but was relieved to see it was the guy with anger issues with a look of shame on his face. "Hey dude," he said through the crack in the window; "I'm sorry about earlier... If you're still offering I'd love a smoke." Outwardly and inwardly I smiled- he's mine. With my head I motioned him towards the passenger side while I took my hit. I unlocked the door and blew my smoke towards the ceiling while he climbed in. I rested the pipe on my thigh, right near my crotch as he got comfortable in the seat next to me. Out of my periphs I saw him watching the pipe in my hand. "I'm Chuck," I said as i brought the pipe up to take another hit. "Jordan," he answered as I lit the crystallized herb. "How old are ya, bro" I struggled from coughing to keep the smoke in. "20" LIAR! "I'll have to check your ID, dude, nothing personal just want to make sure you aren't a teen." He shifted in the seat to pull out a purple duct tape wallet from which he pulled an eastcoast ID. The picture was pretty dark, and it was hard to tell for sure if the kid in the picture was the same sitting next to me. I suspected a fake. Indeed first name Jordan, but the year didn't match. I again asked, "how old are you?" He sighed as he admitted to being 18, but in 2 months he would be 19. According to the ID this was true, if it was a fake he remembered the details well enough... either way, at this point I didn't much care. I handed him the pipe and watched him take that first hit of what he thought was just green. He closed his eyes an leaned his head back as the smoke started to flow into his blood. His Adam's apple stuck out like a shelf. He smoked to hand it back to me but I told him to take a few. As he sat back, relaxing and feeling the tina begin to work with the herb I asked him what was going on- who was the 'cunt' he was so pissed off over. After a couple of hits he looked at me with a tear in his eyes as he said that his girlfriend back home had gotten bored after only a week of him being away and had hooked up with two of his friends. I struggled not to laugh as I said, "You've been here a week, so how many times have you hooked up?" He turned bright pink and tried to deny it but i simply put my hand on his arm and looked him right in the eye- dude to dude. "Well," he began; "my second night here i let a dude blow me cause i was super horny and he was bitching about missing his bf back home... but that isn't cheating, and letting 2 dudes breed you is!" He pressed to justify how he wasn't wrong but she was. "I agree!" I assured him as he took another hit. He again leaned back to feel his hit, his hand with the pipe falling to his lap. Using the slightest pit of pressure, I rubbed the back of my hand against his crotch as I took the pipe from his hands. The feeling of my hand against his junk made him jump but relaxed hen he realized I was reaching for the pipe. I took my hit as he continued about how unfair pussy can be. "Well, Jordan, that was the end of the green. I have booze and something stronger at my place if you need." He couldn't resist. I slowly drove back to my second apartment- my place is grand and lush- but I never bring my hookups there. Since I could afford it, I also rented out this piece of shit apartment in a building that was probably going to be condemned in the coming years. This is where I bring my hookups. Can't rob me if you don't know were I live.... Once inside he jumped on the old ratty sofa I got at a thrift store and took a deep sigh as he let it all hang out. I asked if he wanted a drink. I brought him the beer he ordered as i went into the bedroom to get the supplies. More to come if there is interest....
    2 points
  12. Been lurking here for a long time. I finally got the courage to take that next step. Im gonna change a couple of details so that this is fictional now. The truth is much stranger than fiction, sometimes. I had a crush on my neighbor, Eric for months. And I was so sad when I found out from another friend that he was poz. Somehow, he seemed even more attractive since he was "off limits." I would never have thought I might pursue a poz guy. I guess you could say that I kinda got obsessed with him. I'd see him in the community pool. I'd see him go out for a run. I couldn't help but to notice that huge bulge and that tight body. Well, let's move things along. Eric was in his third year of law school. I was going to school part time and working part-time. I started saying hi to him as he would set out for his run. Before I knew it, we were chatting all the time. And I was probably obvious that I liked him; and I could tell by the way he looked at me that he wanted me too. Fast forward a few more months; and we are best of friends and the sexual tension is building. I fantasize about him throughout the day. I cum thinking about him before bed every night; and jack off to him in the morning. I want him. Then, I found this web site when I was searching about sex options with a poz guy. And maybe that didn't help .. or did it? One night, we are drinking and talking and I finally got the courage to tell him I wanted him to fuck me. His response wasn't at all what I expected. In short, he told me that he would prepare a contract for me to sign to make sure that I would not hold him responsible if I got pozzed. That same night, he told me that his health insurance had lapsed because he was too old to be on his parents policy. And because of a paperwork screw up, he has 90 days without coverage. In other words .. not on meds right now. And likely "very detectable" as he put it. Damn .. I was upset but also turned on. I just sorta assumed he would be undetectable. A few days later, I found the contract under my apartment door in a simple brown envelope. I opened it up and saw one of those plastic "sign here" things pointing to the signature line. As I read it, my nervousness unexpectedly began to turn from fear into anticipation. Here's how it read: I, _______________________, affirm to be of sound mind and judgement and do solemnly swear that I will not hold Eric X (last name removed for privacy), hereafter known as "the top", responsible civilly or criminally for the contraction of HIV, or any other disease or ailments that result from my consensual sex with said person. I understand that the top is currently un-medicated and has a high viral load; and that my consensual unprotected anal sex may result in the contraction of HIV. I further agree that the following activities are permissible, as described in the following vernacular language to clarify the terms of this contract: I may get fucked in the ass by the top's big cock. I will let the top shoot poz cum deep inside me. I will not ask the top to stop once my ass is penetrated with his big dick. The top can pound my ass as deep and hard as he desires. I will not try to pull away or prevent his poz cum from filling my ass. I further agree to hold an empty bottle of HIV medication in my mouth as a reminder that an un-medicated poz load will be fucked into my ass. I can not release the bottle of medication from my mouth until the top instructs me to do so. After the top cums in my ass, the bottle of said meds will be placed in my asshole to prevent poz cum from leaking out. Furthermore, the top has my explicit permission to electronically record the aforementioned sexual activities and use for his own purposes. Prior to sexual activities, I will declare, on video, that "I am a whore for poz cock. I want HIV-filled cum fucked into me." I concede that the sexual activities described above may result in personal serious illness or possibly death. By signing below, I am literally signing my life away. I fully consent to being fucked to death by big poz cock. I trembled as I read the contract. And as I read through the contract the second time, my cock became as hard as it ever had. Should I sign the contract?
    1 point
  13. Moderator's Note: The first couple of pages of this story don't have chasing in them. It only starts near the end. I've been lurking on here for a while and decided to post about my experiences slowly progressing from a safe sex only guy to a bareback slut. I don't know how many of these stories I'll post, but if y'all like them, I'll post more. I grew up in the late 80s/early 90s in New York. In my brain back then, everyone who was gay died. I tried hard to hide my sexuality. When I would lapse and mess around with a guy, it was only oral and making out. I never swallowed cum and always felt guilty afterward. Eventually Aaron, a neighbor boy, and I started trying to fuck. It hurt and we stopped most times, until one night in a not yet developed part of his subdivision he fucked me. It was safe that time and every time he fucked me after. I'd always feel guilty after Aaron and I messed around, but we always did it again until I graduated from high school. After that, we only saw each other when I was home from college. Aaron is another story. My freshman year, I didn't really fool around with guys much. I joined a fraternity, dated girls, drank and partied. In was my sophomore year when I met my first boyfriend. He was a medical student, 4 years older than me, at 23. He always topped me and he always used protection. I was also not really satisfied with our sex, but I was in love. That is, until we broke up about a year after we started dating. It was my junior year and I moved out of the fraternity house spring semester because I was tired of having a roommate. I moved in with a straight guy and finally had my own room. I hooked up with a bunch of guys and was learning to top as well as bottom. I was having a blast. I was still all about using condoms every time I fucked back then. I was very serious about only playing safe. Then I turned 21 and my friends and I started going to the gay bars to dance and drink. It's here that I should say I was 6'2", blonde, blue eyes, 185 lbs with a 30" waist and a 7.5"cut cock. I became really popular at the bars, not that I thought anything of it. I would hookup with guys and still always used protection, but the more I drank the more likely I was to get fucked that night by a guy I had just met - white, black, latino, asian, didn't matter as long as they were young and hot. One night, I was dancing on the box in jeans and a pretty tight fraternity t-shirt and this guy got on the box with me and we started grinding. We kissed and went to get a drink. We ran into friends and I learned this guy's name was Matt. We had a few drinks, danced some more, and I could feel his dick getting hard as he was grinding my ass. He said let's have another drink and talk. We went off and talked and drank some more and he turned out to be a really cool guy. Unfortunately, he wasn't a local. He was in town for work and staying with a friend for the weekend. After a while, he kissed me and his hand slipped into my pants and grabbed my ass. We made out at the bar like that for a while and then he pushed me into a darker corner and slipped his hand down the back of my pants and underwear and rubbed my hole. I moaned and I kissed him hard and asked if he wanted to get out of there. We left and went back to his friend's place a few blocks away. He had me naked as soon as we were in the door. I didn't even know if his friend was home, but I was naked and sucking Matt's cock in the living room of this apartment. He was hard and I was getting his cock wet as fuck. I wanted to make him feel good more than anything in that moment. He took his shirt off and then as he got the rest of his clothes off he told me to turn around. I got on all 4s and he ate my ass. No one had ever done that before. I was in heaven. I was moaning and pushing my ass back on Matt's tongue. He ate my ass for about 10 minutes and then he turned me over and we made out and I could taste myself on him. It was so hot. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we must've made out for 20 minutes or more. It felt like forever and I was so into it. The whole time his cock was rubbing in my ass crack and poking at my hole. I knew we should stop and get a condom but I was so turned on and I figured we wouldn't fuck yet. His cock felt so good on my ass that a spread my legs more and just then his cock slipped in my ass about halfway. I was shocked and so was he. We hadn't used any lube and he wasn't trying to penetrate me yet, but there was his cock in my ass bareback. It felt so good. I grabbed his ass and as he looked into my eyes questioningly, I said, "Don't stop. Fuck me." He started to rock his bare cock in and out of my ass. I loved it. No cock had ever felt this good in my ass, On the floor on this random guy's friend's apartment, I was getting barebacked and I loved it. I thought about stopping but I didn't want to. I knew it was dangerous, but it felt so great that I just kept kissing him and saying "Fuck Me." It didn't take long before I felt him getting close to cumming. He started tensing up and I slid my hands down his back and grabbed his ass hard. He looked at me as said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. Cum in me." and I pulled him into me as he shot his cum in my ass. I'd never felt anything like it. It felt so good that I came right after he shot his load in me. He said, "Wow that was so hot.' and he slipped his cock out of my ass. He said, let's take a shower and we did. In the shower he said, "I never thought you'd take get fucked bareback. You seem like such a good boy." I told him that was my first time bareback and he got hard immediately. He asked if I wanted his bare cock in me again. I just leaned against the shower wall and spread my legs. He lined up his cock and for the second time ever, I let a cock in me without a condom. He fucked me there until the water got cold and then we went out to the couch in the living room. He slid his bare cock in me again fucked me on the couch on the living room eight next to my jeans where I knew I had a condom in the pocket. I didn't want the condom though. I just was his bare cock. I was on all 4s and he was behind me. He was getting close again and I was jerking my cock. It's then that he said, "Tell me you want my cum." I heard a noise, but was so into getting fucked that I just said loudly, "Cum in my ass." He blew his load into my ass. I was so turned on that I was in a haze. I had just let a dude cum in me again and I loved it. After a few seconds, we looked up and there was his friend who had just seen me getting fucked and heard me begging for cum. He smiled and said, "Glad you're having fun Matt." I was so embarrassed. Matt was too, but less so than me. Matt and I slept together that night for a bit, but I couldn't sleep knowing what I'd just done and been seen doing. I left Matt my phone number and left for my own apartment. I was really freaked out, but that night and for almost a month I jerked off remembering Matt fucking me bareback and cumming in my ass. I told myself I wouldn't fuck again without condoms, but part of me knew that wasn't true.
    1 point
  14. The next few entries are going to cover my very recent trip to Berlin. I stayed in Schoneberg for 5 night, I'm typing this as I've just got back my ass and cock are still tender and the memories are still fresh. I fly in to Berlin during the day and get to my apartment in less than an hour, it's a nice apartment with a great price, at first I couldn't believe it but I booked through ebab(a breedingzone user's suggestion) the week before I flew to Berlin I looked through both recon and bbrt to make up a top-do fucklist, I can now say that I never met one person from that list. I decided to take it easy for the first night so I looked at some of the tamer gay restaurants and bars in schoneberg. I came across one place that had a few people scattered throughout the bar, I sit up at the bar and politely ask "Sprechen Sie Englisch?" "A liddle?" the barman replies, he is very slim twinkish type who through some conversation, learned that he was from Prague and a singer, I casually asked him about the places in the surrounding area. "Well Toms is good for drinking and sex downstairs, there's New Action, next to that is the Bull, but don't go there, it's nasty. Everyone has AIDS" I can't get across tone in text form but if you could hear the disgust in his voice when he mentioned The Bull and his facial expression it might make you as uncomfortable as I was. Here's a guy who has no idea who he is talking to in Berlin, in the gay area and he says something like that to a stranger. One of his many favourite songs come on the radio and he begins to clap dance and wave his arms about while singing alone, putting on his own little show for the uninterested patrons, who seem like they've seen it all before. I finish my drink, and leave. I walk down to Cafe Heile Welt and head inside, it's a swank fancy bar, chilled out and full of guys and girls. The bar is full but there are some seats close by. As I sip on my third beer, I look around to see what kind of folk drinks here, seems to be the kind of folk who just out of the office, not exactly people I relate to. Then some older Italian gentleman at the bar raises his glass to toast me, I raise mine in return. We start talking, and he offers me a drink. After a while he leans in and start kissing, then he works his way to my neck(which I love) I grab at his crotch and he has a fat piece, he tell me to follow him to the toilet. He gets up and leaves. I get up after him, and as I walk in he is pissing into the urinal. He looks surprised that I followed him, maybe I misheard him. He shakes the last few drops of piss from his dick, it's a nice size, and looks semi-erect. He gives me a look and then looks down at his cock. I squat down and start sucking, I can taste the few drops of beer that leak out of his slit onto my tongue, and swallow him down to the balls, he pushes my head into his groin so hard that he stumbles back a little when my weight leans forward, he pulls his cock out, the only thing connecting us is the thick string of spit from my lips to his dick. "Would you like to finish your drink and come to mine?" "Yes please" I answer. I wasnt exactly searching for sex on the first night, but hey, I was ready for it. "Do you have poppers?" "I can get some" We walk up the street and he runs into a bar called Schuene to get poppers. I wait outside, as the door swings back open I can see from a glance that the place is a lot sleazier that the bars Ive seen so far. What lay ahead? I wondered. We get back to his nice apartment, and strip off and kiss, I suck his cock some more, as it grows I realise exactly what I'm in for. Oh dear. He puts me in the doggy position, a position I've never been most comfortable being fucked in for some reason, always makes me feel like I need to pee, but I go with it. Luckily he applies lube first, then slowly pushes it in, which catches my breath. Prior to this I hadn't been fucked for a month or two. It slid in and stayed deep for a while until my ass adjusted to it's girth, then he begins to fuck. Before long my legs are over my head and he's drilling my stretched hole. No mention of a condom and I didn't even go to the Bull, so much for that barman's skewed sense of how sex works. I moan in pleasure, "Do you want poppers?" I had totally forgotten about the poppers, was having too much fun. I take a deep hit from the freshly opened bottle, woah these are strong. I feel the thumping of my heart rate increasing. He starts to drive down harder, I feel his balls slapping my ass. So hot! I grip his hips and pull him into me, and deep and hard as I can. He spins me over onto my stomach, slams his cock into me all the way, wraps one arm around my neck and opens the poppers. Holding them under my nose as he grinds away inside me. The strength of the poppers is making me foggy and I begin to fade. He slams harder and faster as I go limp, my hole finally gives away and takes his pounding with no resistance. He moans, groans, and grunts and shoots ones right up into my guts. I pass out with exhaustion and popper rush. I feel tingling in my legs and come to. He pushes his fingers up into my hole, and then his knuckles really working his cum up in there. I turn around and kiss him then squeeze the last few drops of cum from his cock into my mouth. We sleep, go for brunch the next day and exchange numbers... By the time I got back to my apartment it was nearly evening, which meant it was time to get ready for a night out on the town. I wanted to check out TOM's, so I get ready and head out at about 10PM. I enter the club, there is a bar to my right and coat check to my left, there are a handful of people sitting at the bar and one of two guys on the benches opposite. I perch myself on the barstool and grab a beer. One or two overly confident scantily dressed guys pace the bar area cruising for someone to take downstairs into the darkroom. Two Arabs sitting next to me at the bar strike up a conversation with me. They are both thin and approx early thirties. One guy takes a shine to me and tells me all about himself, I'm not too interested and try to look for some other dudes while being polite. He tells me his fetish is feet and guys stomping food and making him(as a slave) eat it from the sole of their shoe. "To each his own" I thought. It's a relatively safe fetish compared to some of the activities I've gotten up too. "Can I lick your feet please?" he asks me. "Aaah it's not really my thing, I'm more bottom" at this point I'm ready to check out another section of the bar. He keeps pleading with me to just try it, then his friend also asks. There is only so many times I can say no, so I tell him just a few minutes. His face lights up. "Ok let me take you to the dark rooms". The dark rooms in Tom's are, well, dark. A pitch black maze, with audible groans and slapping and rutting going on. This gets me hard immediately. I have no interest in the guy I'm with or the kink he's into, but my imagination is running wild with the thoughts of sex I could be having. He leads me into a seated area and I take a seat. He then squats down and grabs my right foot and takes a large lick of the sole of my boot. God only knows what I've been stepping in down here, this guy is doing something I simply couldn't. But he's really getting into it, I push my left foot against his crotch to feel a hard lump. He then pulls off my boot and smells inside, all the while pushing my other foot harder against his dick. He then presses my (white) socked foot against his face and breathes in deep, just like he is taking a hit of poppers. I start to get into it, and I'm becoming aroused. He opens up wide and swallows all of my toes, pushes on my heel to get my foot deep in his mouth and makes himself gag on my foot. The idea of wet socks for the rest of the night is loosing appeal to me. So I tell him to take them off, he does this with pleasure. I then get the most awesome tongue bath I've every had, never experienced this before but woah, it's a hot feeling. After drenching both my feet in his saliva, I'm feeling horny as fuck. So I grab his head and bury it in my crotch, grinding on his mouth and nose and just generally humping his face. Before things can get interesting, his friend finds him and complains he's bored. At this point both men start arguing in a very camp annoying way. "Fuck this" I think, I'm going to The Bull. The Bull is a 5 minute walk from TOM's, I buy a bottle of Rush from behind the bar and make my way down. I get there and it seems from the outside like a very nondescript bar. My heart starts to thump, it's a similar feeling to that I got before I entered my first gay bar in New York. How far I've come since those days, what a difference a year makes, huh? I build up the courage and enter the bar. It's a small bar, dive like, with different porn playing on each TV all bareback, all raunchy. I check my coat in and buy an energy drink. I've had enough beer and need my energy up. There was about 3 people at the bar, so I went straight ahead to the back room. It had an area where people slept, I later learned this bar stays open 24/7 so people can nap off the alcohol or whatever other chemicals were coursing through their veins. There was a fuck bench, a sling, and a benched area all around with guys sitting jerking off. I walk around the backroom advertising myself to those who look like tops. One older muscled guy see's me and calls me over, he is sitting down playing with his soft cock, fully nude. I stand in front of him and he pulls up my t-shirt and kisses my stomach. Then forces me down to his crotch and slowly positions my face in between his balls and inner thigh. I begin to kiss him. Then move to his balls, they are nicely scented low hangers, I swallow both and look up to see his face, he nods in approval then pushes his soft cock in with both balls, so his genitals are resting deep in my mouth. I fondle everything with my tongue, and feel his cock swelling, I then work his cock. He likes me swallowing it deep, which I love also. When I eventually come up for air I get a whack across the face, and he pushes my head back down on to his cock and thrusts like hell. His dick is still only semi-erect so it's easy to take down my throat, it feels nice as it's large but soft. I come up for air and met with another hard smack across the face. He speaks something in German, "Ich spreche kein deutsch" I tell him, "You like?" he asks in a deep manly voice. I nod "yes". He turns me around so I'm facing away from him, then bends me over. He pushes his semi-hard cock against my hole, I try to push out to allow him to enter me, it bends against my hole then eventually pops in. He begins to fuck his soft dick into me deep and rough. He is quite aggressive, I start to wonder if it's because of his lack of erection. His eyes seem a little spaced, I wouldn't be surprised if he had taken something. This seems like the kind of place, plus at this stage it's early morning, and all the freaks are out He pulls out and makes me suck him again. I do my very best to make him grow inside my mouth but it isn't happening. I feel two hands take me from behind as I'm working this soft cock. The person takes off all my clothes, then penetrates me with two fingers. The cock in my mouth is swelling again. He flips me around, and jams it in again, there is a large black guy in front of me wagging his cock. I swallow it down like a good boy. I try to concentrate on both giving good head and squeezing his friends cock with my hole. I get a few hard spankings from both guys as I do my thing. I take a huff from my bottle of rush. I start to realise the sleaziness of the situation, it drives me wild, I love being used, and think of the mentality of the tops using me. It turns me on further. The white guy pulls out and his cock is still only semi erect. He shoves my head down to take care of it. I then feel the black dude at my back door, his dick really hurts going in, I take another large hit, I feel his dick press against my bladder, it's uncomfortable. I'm taken away from the sitting soft German by the large black guy. He throws me in the sling. Then enters me slow. I take another hit, I feel pretty high. He grunts and groans as his dick slams against my insides. I feel like my inner organs are being shifted around, I really want him to stop but don't want to pussy out. "This is what you wanted" I tell myself, "This is why you came to Berlin, so take it!" As I'm being skewered by this big black man he sticks his fingers in my mouth and grips my jaw, like a handle, and fires off like he's about to cum. He cums, groans and collapses on top of me. He pats me on the face to indicate a job well down. As his dick leaves my holes I feel some of the cum seep out and down my back, between me and the sling. I reach under to feel some and smell it, it's a strong cummy smell. As the black guy leaves a filthy looking skinhead parks himself right at my hole at the base of the sling. He slaps my open hole with his fat cock, it's not as large as the black guys, which makes me happy, as I get a break. This guy looks fucked, jaw is gurning, glassy eyes, piercings on his face, tattoos, very sleazy, very hot. He has a large metal cock ring at the base of his cock and balls. He slides his dick in with ease. It makes me tingle, I take another hit of poppers. My heart thumps in sync with the loud dance music(I guess that's why they play it) without hesitation he penetrates me deep, pushes against my ass hard, I feel the metal ring enter me, it's so fucking hot. He fucks away, balls slapping, he's dripping sweat on me, this guy is high and loving being inside my ass, and I'm loving it too. He pulls me into him, and we make-out, he tongues me deep. He grips both hands around my throat and squeezes. I get tunnel vision, sound becomes distorted. I wake up in the sling. The skinhead is fucking me like crazy whilst pushing down hard on my stomach, I feel the stinging pain that I have to pee. He's trying to get me to piss myself. But I simply can't. I ask him to stop, he does. "Would you like to go to my apartment?" he asks me in a strong German accent. I accept the invite. I pick up my clothes from the dirty floor, and get dressed, we head out into the daylight, it's blinding, the skinhead is dressed entirely in leather, he looks like a comic book character. I'm very turned on. He brings me back to his place. The more I'm with him, the more I notice how incredibly high he is. We get back to his and I strip off, he throws me on his couch and pushes my legs behind my head. He enters me dry, no lube, no prep. Slowly pushing himself deeper into me until it reached the cold metal of his cock ring. After some fucking, he takes his dick out, and presses both of his large smooth balls against my hole, he tries sitting down so they will go in. I push out hard to open my hole, some more of the black guy's cum pours out "Oh yaaah geile!" his balls slide into my ass. The feeling is incredible, it brings me directly back to new york during the meth binge. Only I'm not on meth, and I don't want to be either, I've achieve that level of horniness without the use of drugs. He fucks me for an hour or so more, as deep and as hard as possible, my hole has totally submitted it just craves cock hard fast deep. We both collapse on the couch in a sweaty pile. "Did you cum?" I ask, expecting the answer to be no on the count of the drugs. He smiles, "Three times". Hell yeah. Just what I needed to hear. I'm tingling and exhausted, I fall asleep for a few hours and wake up covered by a blanket with him sitting next to me watching TV. What a nice dude, for such a sleaze ball(like myself lol) He gives me his PlanetRomeo handle and I get stepping, it's a surprisingly short walk back to my apartment, I'm spent. I get into the shower and push out a healthy load of cum. I'm on cloud 9, I've decided I need to be here. This was a nice introduction to The Bull but the best was yet to come. "Ich liebe Berlin!"
    1 point
  15. I love going to Palm Springs. You see, once a year some friends - anywhere between 5 and 7 of us - rent a house with a pool for a long weekend. It’s never the same group of people and usually there's at least one person I don’t know at the start of the 4 days. This time I did know everyone, just not very well…. yet. The reason these Palm Springs weekends are so great is because there’s inevitably going to be sex involved. In years past there was lots of drugs as well. But it seems that, as we ‘mature’ that party aspect has gradually knocked down to alcohol and coke. Man, I miss Tina! And sex too, for that matter. I’ve been celibate for about a year with no boyfriend or regular hook-ups. At just 5’6” I had put on an extra 15lbs from drinking. Now 15lbs probably doesn’t sound like much, but to a late 30-something living in gay West Hollywood, CA — an extra 15lbs that’s not muscle might as well classify you as obese. But over the last few months I’ve been taking care of myself, doing the P90X, and gotten into shape. Which was needed for such a naked weekend…. where I was determined to take some loads. Lots of loads! My best friend's BF (Jake) had organized the weekend. Jake and Chad (my friend of 20 years) have a very open and adventurous relationship. I don’t know many of the details but when your friend of a couple decades starts wearing a chain and padlock around his neck out in public, you get an idea that something new and different is happening at home. The other couple was Ryan and Ken. Ryan and I use to be best buds, wing-men, and trouble-makers. Ryan is an ass hole, but I was always able to deal with his snide remarks. He first introduced me to all sorts of fun drugs, including tina. Thank you, Ryan!!! His bf, Ken, is also an ass hole - which is why I stopped hanging around with them. One asshole I could handle, two was too much. (I’ve been known to hold a grudge). But this weekend I was determined to let the past stay in the past and make nice. Because, actually, I knew that Ken had been good for Ryan. When they first started dating, I heard from a reliable source who said of Ken, “Once a nasty BB cum-pig, always a nasty BB cum-pig.” Which should have made me like him a lot! (he’s a bottom, though). Ryan and I had fooled around every now and again back when we hung out more. Even having smoked crystal together, Ryan would always insist on using condoms… which I hated. But his cock was amazing so I took it. I’d never seen a half-cut dick before. Ryan joked that he was circumcised as a baby, but his Mom was too lazy to take care of him so some foreskin grew back. It was long, smooth, and thick - with the little skin covering the head. And dark(ish). Ryan is Italian by decent and has a few of the features. A darker dick was one of them which turned me on so much just because it was different. Now on PrEP, I knew that Ken's piggy tendencies had rubbed off on my former friend and he was playing raw. Make no mistake, I was hoping to hop a ride on his bare fuck stick finally. Anyway the first day was fine. We all swam naked in the pool and hung out. David and Nathan are the last two I haven’t told you about yet. Not a couple but a couple of hot twinks! Nathan is very thin and tall with a huge dick — because all tall skinny white guys have monster cocks, apparently. All I knew of Nathan, really, was that he was shocked one time when he found out that a friend of ours did tina. You know, shocked in the way a young and naive “good boy” would be. Being so young and naive I just made some assumptions about his sexual tendencies -- and they bored me. David was the person I knew the least about but wanted the most. A chiseled frame on a cocky boy’s body, David had been flirtatious and slutty all day. David was a GoGo boy by night and a flight attendant by day. I know he’s hooked up in the past with Jake (our host) and Chad (my friend of 20 years). Chad said that the entire time they were all fucking around, David kept asking to take pictures. A hot, sexy exhibitionist. Nice! As night fell — remember, there are no hard core drugs anywhere just alcohol and coke — talk turns to harder stuff. Thankfully, the crew wants more. I’m relieved. Being a flight attendant must have it’s perks because David happens to know someone in town who may be able to hook us up. Talk then turns to what to order. The two couples are only really interested in E. David turns to me and whispers, “I’d rather get Tina and really fuck around.” (did I mention that we were all casually naked hanging out by the pool and that sorta talk makes me instantly hard?) “OMG, I haven’t done that in so long,” I replied but sounding incredibly anxious. “Wanna go in with me?” he asked to which I devilishly replied “you’re gonna turn me into a cum pig. Are you ready for that?” He was. For a change of scenery, the two couples left to go to Hunters, the local bar. David and I stayed back to call his dealer friend and wait for the package. Since everyone except us were going to roll, we said we’d also get the house cleaned up and ready for a fun night. To my surprise, Nathan stayed back with us but scampered off to shower. Finally alone and away from the condescending judgment of the others, David and I begin to have a more frank and open discussion about our devilish plot. “I love doing Tina so much better - it makes me an insatiable sex machine,” David admits to which I agreed. “How do you do it? Smoke, rail or slam?” “Well I haven’t done anything in years,” I confess. “But I’ve mostly only smoked before.” “Never slammed,” David asked me curiously? “Well once,” I admitted. "But it was years ago!” “Well, hopefully my guy will bring a pipe for you, otherwise you’re in for a trip with me,” he smirked. I was really starting to like this stud. “You need Leather!” he exclaimed and grabbed my arm pulling me to his room. I knew David was into some leather accessories from his GoGo pics. For me, eh - take it, leave it, whatever. Inside his room, David tosses an Atlantis Events duffle bag up on the bed. I didn’t know he’d been on an Atlantis cruise before. Guess there’s lots I don’t know about him. Inside the duffle was all sorts of fun leather treats. I’m fitted with one of his harness and a leather jock. The harness is awesome! Since I’ve been getting myself back in-shape, this new accessory really accentuates my body. “So I’m really into nasty pig sex when I slam,” David blurts out. “I do it all the time around the country where people don’t really know me and I can let loose. But in LA, around my friends, I keep it to myself. You know.” And I did know. I understood all too well how cliquish and judgmental WeHo fags could be. Especially couples. So I reassured David that my inner slut whore would be released right along side of his. We pop a couple of Cialis to stay hard. “So what exactly do you get into when you party?” I had to know. “Everything!” he said. My ripped little GoGo boy was trying on different harnesses himself while standing there in a tiny little jockstrap that was strained to contain his meat. “Fucking and taking photos and videos are hot. I’m also turned on by watersports!” This intrigued me to no end as I wanted to dabble in piss play, but never really found someone into it. My fantasy is to have someone piss in my hole. Amazing! “I just hope my mouth doesn’t get me into trouble with the others because I’m very verbal as well,” David continued. “There’s something about POZ talk, especially to someone who’s neg, that turns me on when I play.” *Ding Dong* We opened the front door to David’s friend, Steve. A well-build guy in his mid 40’s - which is young for Palm Springs. Steve had salt & pepper hair and broad shoulders - the kind you want to swing from. He was extremely nice. As a businessman, I’m sure he WOULD be nice with the amount we were buying from him that night. Standing around the kitchen island, we chit-chat about the weekend as Steve begins to lay out his wears. This guy came prepared! Not only did he have everything in-stock that we wanted, he also came with all the necessary tools one would need; including a pipe and torch and a couple of fresh needles. Wasting no time, and anxious for us to sample his inventory, Steve began filling the pipe without needing any guidance from us. And then enters Nathan. Fresh from his shower, the skinny twink walks out naked. What few pubes he had before the shower are now gone and he is smooth as a baby from the face down. His cock sways between his legs as he walks and looks even larger now - even though it’s soft. “Yea! Goodies! What do we have?” Nathan asked with a boyish excitement. “All the exctacy and tina you boys can play with,” chimed Steve very happy with his business offering. “Yea, so here's the deal - Sam and I are going to PNP and be a couple of slutty boys tonight,” explained David who was teasing young Nathan’s nipples. “Well I want to be a slutty boy too!” Nathan exclaimed in protest like a young boy telling his older brother that he can do anything the older boys can do. My jaw nearly hit the floor. Steve had already lit up the pipe and had taken a hit. I guess it was technically still his drugs even though a wad of cash was still sitting on the table. But here’s where my night started to change…. Because Nathan - the innocent, naive boy - grabbed the pipe and drew out a huge puff of the magical white smoke. And with a confidence of youth and knowing he’s cute, he then shot-gunned David who was now completely fingering little Nathan’s hole. “This is going to be fun,” said David exhaling a massive white cloud. We dimmed the lights and moved over to the couches. I threw on some porn as the boys all did another hit off the pipe. Finally it was my turn. “We’re going to do some very bad things with you tonight, Nathan.” “Oh good!” the boy exclaimed as he grabbed hold of David’s harness to hoist his little boy body on top of the GoGo muscle stud to grind up against his jock. Steve motioned to have me join him back in the kitchen. “Now I brought needles, saline, and a booty syringe - it’s all here and it’s all yours. Do you have any questions?” Excited and thrilled at what I knew was happening - and the euphoria of having a couple of great hits of tina in me after all these years, I did have a concern for Steve. “David and I - for sure - are going to slam but I’ve only done it once and I don’t know about him. Can you stay to help us with our first?” I asked thinking Steve was looking to leave. He was not - just still proud of the various level of prepared he was — which we were not. Collecting the required supplies and moving back to the couch, Nathan is now sucking on David’s cock. A long 7 to 8’ shaft with a huge mushroom head. I couldn’t wait to feel it deep inside me. Nathan is fascinated with the tools of our trade and is gazing at the two needles. This boy is much more forward than I expected him to be. “Do you want to slam with us?” David asks Nathan. “Do you want me to fuck you deep while you’re flying so high? You want to be a nasty cum pig like Sam and me?” David is fingering Nathan’s hairless and perfect boy hole whispering this to him like a seductive temptress. The boy’s eyes are so big and wanting but all he can do is smile a huge grin and nod yes as he stares at the needles being prepared. “You want to take all of our loads up your kunt like a good little bitch? Take our POZ cum deep inside of you?” “Fuck Yea” the boy exclaimed, now riding on David’s finger and dry-humping his muscular chest with a rock-hard cock that I wanted as well. “Infect me!” he exclaimed with joy. I nearly fell over. “Oh you want our POZ cum in you, is that it? You like the idea of taking toxic seed you little slut?” David said after licking two fingers and pressing them in Nathan’s ass. He really did like POZ talk. “Oh Fuck Yea!” said Nathan. “Give me all of it! Fill me with your loaded cum!” “Open your mouth,” David ordered before spitting in Nathan’s mouth which he then closed with a devilish grin and a happy moan. Now I may not know what I’m doing when it comes to injecting - but David looked to be a pro. He tightened a strap around his arm and found a good vein to poke with the fresh needle Steve and I had prepared. Drawing back the blood into the syringe, he was focussed for a guy who was already high from smoking. And the look on Nathan’s face was of a boy in heat. “Do it! Put that crystal in your arm,” whispered Nathan. I had seriously underestimated this boy! A couple of good coughs and David stood up whipped off his jockstrap and began playing with his very hard cock thanks to the boner pills we’d taken. “Now you guys,” he said pointing to us. Because we only had the two needles (we didn’t expect needing more than that) and because David and I are both poz, I grabbed his dirty needle and passed it to Steve to refill for me. Pointing to the unused one I said, “there, that one is ready to go, Nathan, but let Steve here help you with it.” “No,” he said with a calmness and a certainty. “You first and then I want to use the same needle.” This got David, who was now obviously high, unbelievably excited. He grabbed the boy’s head, “you want my toxic seed and toxic blood?” This was said with such excitement and glee but also with a perverted and sadistic tone. David immediately kissed Nathan deep before the boy could answer his question. But after a deep lip lock Nathan shot him that boyish grin that tells you ‘I’m cute and I always get what I want’. “Fuck Yes!” “Charge me up and fuck me up! All of you!” “Fuck! You nasty cum dump, bug chasing slut!” David exclaimed with excitement. He really did get off on this talk. I did too. This was the night I needed! I watched in amazement and excitement as the needle was poked into my arm. Steve was very precise and careful. Nathan had plopped next to me standing on his knees on the couch to watch the show. His massive dick pressed against my shoulder so he could lean over closer to watch as the blood was pulled from my arm to mix with the crystal solution. It entered my mostly slam-virgin body and Steve released the strap to let the drugs rush through my body. The sensation was warm and exciting. I coughed and stood up to touch David’s perfect pecs. I then turned to kiss Nathan. “You ARE going to fuck me with your massive cock tonight,” I said to him with a playful confidence. Now my inner cum-slut personality was emerging! Yea! “As long as you promise to fuck me with your poz cock,” he replied. As Steve began to prepare the last slam in the same needle, David had the brilliant idea to go grab the booty bump syringe. Nathan’s attention was now fully on Steve as he worked. “And I want you to mix some of Sam and David’s charged blood in with my injection,” he ordered. “Are you certain, boy?” Steve asked. Perfect -- the friendly neighborhood drug dealer was now the moral center of this horny group. “Yea, Nathan - that may be too much,” I was able to say trying to also be a little good. “It’s fine. I’m on PrEP anyway. Aren’t you and David undetectable?” he asked. We both were and Nathan assured us that it would be fine. “I’m a bug chaser but I’ve got a huge start and am not completely stupid. I take precautions so I can play hard and slutty like I like. But the idea of chasing is a HUGE turn on for me.” Steve took the needle and pulled out some blood from David’s arm. To stop the trickle of blood from his vein, David licked it from himself. Hot, I thought. My blood was next. Steve then shook the continues of this now pink needle and asked one more time to be sure. The boy was sure. With the same preseason and care, Steve drew back some of Nathan’s blood to mix with ours and began sliding it in. After the strap was released from his arm, the boy’s head thrust back and he squealed with excitement. “Somebody fuck me!” he said. And of course, David obliged. Steve had removed his shirt by now and he returned to his glass pipe to blow more smoke. As Nathan and David were now fucking on the couch, my ass needed some major attention. Getting Steve out of the rest of his clothes was easy. He wasn’t wearing underwear. His dick was also huge and uncut. There's nothing better than the feel of an uncut cock sliding raw inside your ass. I can feel the foreskin sliding back and forth in my hole. Remembering the sensation get's me over the moon so I lay back on the other side of the couch and raise my legs, silently ordering this hot, solid man to come and abuse me. He walked over, bent down and spit a huge glob of spit onto my hole and then slid his 8” shaft into my very hungry hole. “Oh Fuck Yea Man!” I grunted at him. "Fuck me good! Pound me with that cock. I need to feel it in me." “Oh - so there’s more than one slutty cum whore in the house is that it?” he asked me. “Oh fuck yea! I'm the original cum dump. That little trashy fuck, Nathan, isn’t going to get ALL the raw loads tonight!” I protested in a very deep and slutty voice that's half serious but half joking. I then open my mouth wide and Steve happily spits down my throat as he’s pounding my ass next to my tall slutty counterpart. After a few minutes, the two tops swap and my chiseled and hot GoGo boy has his fat mushroom head in my ass. "You like that, you little fuck pig?" "Fuck yea I do!" David's sex talk is turning me on so hard. "We're going to charge up that hot little boy hole good tonight," he says as he's in me. "Yea!" I exclaim. "And piss in my hole!" I couldn't believe the words escaped my lips so easily. "You wanna take my piss? You want to be my urinal? Want me to fill up your hole so it's soaking wet?" he asked. All I could do was grunt my Yes and excitement. "Turn me into a piss pig tonight," I begged. With that, David pulled down my chin and spit in my mouth before dismounting me. Tapping Steve on the shoulder he was all, "come on - we're moving this show." He grabbed the un-used booty bump (we hadn't gotten to it yet) and we all walked outside. "Sam wants to be a piss pig - who besides me can help with that?" David asked looking squarely at Nathan. "Yea, I could piss on him," he replied. "No... IN him. We're gong to fill up his guts and turn him in a wet, tripping toilet," said David. "And if you do a good job, you'll get a prize," he said to the boy waving a full booty bump in his face. On a blanket in the grass I laid down excited for the new experience. Nathan came down and hovered over me with his rock-hard cock at the entrance of my ass. "You want my piss in your ass don't you slut?" Nathan had now taken up a very dominant position as the commanding top. And I did. I did want his huge tool to douce me with his piss. It was over 8" and really thick. Maybe even thicker than Steve's. And I couldn’t wait to feel it. Nathan raised up and grabbed his cock. He stood still for a moment concentrating. Then I felt a couple of light splashes against my ass. Another moment and then the stream came. He maneuvered his cock to spray piss on my hard dick and stomach before guiding it into my hole. The sensation was incredible! The warmth was filling my gut really fast - which I hadn’t anticipated. He still wasn’t all the way in me - just the head of his cock. But the fluid was filling me up. “Yes! Fuck your piss up in me!” I said. “Take my piss you filthy slut.” Nathan had really done a 180 and was now commanding my obedience.
    1 point
  16. hey anyone in the spokane/CDA area? looking to swap toxic jizz with guys, or poz a neg hole or.... ??
    1 point
  17. I just returned from one of the local bookstores here in Dallas in which I found a few Mexicans standing around talking, and a skinny white guy who passed me and didn't even look my way, so i went in a room and left the door cracked-open, dropped some money in the machine, dropped my pants down, and watched the screen, my pre-lubed ass facing the door. Within a short length of time the door opened and then closed. Turning around, I found the skinny white guy I had seen in the hallway. He looked a little scruffy and smelled like alcohol, but he got on his knees and began sucking my cock. After a few minutes I went down on my knees and began sucking his cock. Although generally he didn't look very clean, his cock was clean and shaved, about seven inches, cut. After lubing-up his cock with spit, I stood-up, turned around and guided his cock into my lubed hole. He never said a word, but just gripped my hips and fucked me. After a few minutes he said "I'm gonna cum," so I reached back, grabbed his ass and pulled him closer. When he came he went quiet, so at least at first i couldn't tell if he actually came. After a minute or so, he pulled out, pulled-up his pants, and left the cubicle, without saying a word. I slid a finger in my hole and confirmed he had blown his load in my ass. After that I went back out into the hallway and saw a couple of Mexicans standing against the wall, one of whom kept looking at me so I went into a booth and left the door cracked. He took the hint and followed me, and upon entering the booth he began sucking on my nipples which I absolutely love, grinding his body against mine at the same time. Reaching down, I pulled-out his five inch cock, and as I sucked him, he took a hold of my head and face-fucked me, doing so for about five minutes, until he blew his load into my throat. I could distinctly feel about five sprays of cum sliding down my throat. He didn't release my head until he had finished nutting. Then he pulled-up his pants and left. After that it was kinda quiet so I went home with the load in my hole. Need less to say, I had a good time.
    1 point
  18. Fucking brilliant
    1 point
  19. I totally love the anonymous sex, If i'm being honest i will choose it every time over a date made online, no bullshitting around about stats & all that crap, sometimes online i get questions asked like really the most dumb & i'm thinking to myself Man i'm not looking to marry you only a fuck thats all. Maybe it is selfish sex i'm not quite sure but it's 100% more satisfying. Nowadays i go for anonymous sex more & more, the less crap that comes out of there mouth in my point of view is better.
    1 point
  20. Brand new on here. Just checking things out. Furry cub bottom in Tampa always looking for new friends and tops.
    1 point
  21. I question if BBRT should even have "Negative" as an option. It's not a dating site. It's a hook up site. And if you are willing to bareback with strangers, your negative status doesn't mean a whole lot unless you met the guy in the lobby of the clinic where you both just got negative results - or you are wiling to show a guy your recent test results when they walk through the door. Like FelchingPisser I too am worried when people say they "Don't Care" or are "Not Sure". Give me a poz guy on meds who is regularly seeing a doctor any day over these guys who are walking around with any and every thing and claiming to be drug and disease free. And I'll go one step further...somebody should develop an app for poz guys on meds. I really hate that poz guys have to be mixed in with guys who clearly don't give a shit about their health. They dirty the pool we play in. How's that for reverse discrimination? LOL.
    1 point
  22. Interesting--for I avoid the "do not care" and "not sure" people, too. But I would rather know right up front that they aren't taking care of themselves. I don't use the other sites you mentioned. The choices strike me as pretty archaic for 2015.
    1 point
  23. Awesome story guy. I have not been to a bathhouse or sauna yet. I hope my first time goes like this story for me too. No questions asked, no condoms, and no talk about status. Just doing it, like it should be!!
    1 point
  24. Phew at least there seems to be consensus here. Neg/neg serosorting doesn't make sense when you're going to a bareback orgy. I guess the decision is more fear-driven than anything else. I understand their desire to stay neg, but they're so mistaken. I really liked the approach taken by the app Hornet last year, when they added "Negative: on PrEP" and "Positive: undetectable". I hope more mainstream sites follow suit, like Grindr. In my opinion, BBRT can keep "Ask me", but they should absolutely get rid of "Do not care" and "Not sure".
    1 point
  25. Paris theater last night. One of the sleaziest places in Portland. Went into the "gay" area, took off all my clothes and just bent over the railing. Some older guy came over and started fingering my hole while he jerked off. I coiuld tell by his breathing he was about to cum so I told him to shove it in me. he did. i waited there bent over the railing leaking for about an hour and got one more load
    1 point
  26. Loaded up by a neighbour while both of our boyfriends were out at work. He's about 30, ex-military, and has a nice 7 incher. He didn't last too long, but he did leave a nice load.
    1 point
  27. Back when I was negative I always carried condoms and would require a top to use one to fuck me. But I also set myself up to get barebacked without admitting it to myself. I'd go into a booth in a bookstore arcade with my hole already lubed and when I squatted to suck the top's cock, I'd lower my jeans. I loved it when they'd bend forward and feel my lubed hole. It was an invitation for them to fuck me, and more than a few took me up on it. I remember how exciting it was when a top would suddenly pull me up, turn me around and shove his erection into my prepared cumhole. My natural submissiveness would take over and I'd take their load without objection. I got ten times more pleasure out of getting it raw and getting bred than if they'd used a condom. I remember the first time I put my bare, pre-lubed hole up to a gloryhole. I was sucking the cock of a really good-looking man, and I desperately wanted his cum. He pulled his cock out of the hole and I looked through. He was putting his cock away, apparently he just wanted a little fluffing. In desperation I whipped around and pushed my bare butt up to the gloryhole. That did the trick. He pushed his cock into me and thrust twice, then grunted as he pumped me full of the load I wanted so badly. I told myself I wouldn't do that again. But I did.
    1 point
  28. still my uncle whore me out...somtimes he call a hooker and he start to fuck her while i've been watched i love it
    1 point
  29. Part 6 After the two days of partying the two grabbed a bite to eat before crashing. Logan woke up not feeling very well. 'The gifter' knew he had done his job knowing that this was most likely the fuck flu. Logan had no clue thinking that he needed a slam to feel better and being one not to disappoint he fixed a slam for his sick boy and administered the slam. The drugs did make Logan feel a little better as he quickly asked to be fucked. 'The gifter' knew he didn't have much time since he had a client to see for 'the boss', but he couldn't resist. He fucked Logan right up until he had to leave. 'The boss' seeing Logan high told 'the gifter' to take Logan with him on his job. For the first time in over a week was dressed and left the house to start working. They reached the party, made their delivery and joined the party. Logan was still a little high as he got on his knees and began sucking random cocks as the party goers began to get high. Slams were fixed for Logan and The gifter'. Before Logan knew what was going on he was higher than before and on all fours getting fucked at burg end and loving it. 'The gifter' was doing his job servicing his clients. Compared to what Logan had been through to this point the night he spent working (if they called it work getting high and fucked) was mild and only lasted one night. In the morning they returned to the house, where Logan tried to eat some food with no luck. Logan had the full blown fuck flu! After Logan recovered from the fuck flu he was properly tagged with a tattoo as property of 'the boss'. He was completely hooked on Tina and had become good at not only preparing a point but at administering as well administering his own slam. On top of everything Logan and The gifter' became very close and spent all their free time together. One night when they were all alone they decided to slam each other at the same time. The only difference was that The gifter' was to get the stronger slam and Logan a milder slam do that he will be able to top. 'The gifter' sucked Logan's cock to it's full harness, threw his legs back and guided Logan's cock inside his hole. They then administered slams to each other right before Logan began fucking him right before the tourniquets were pulled off. 'The gifter' coughed out hard as Logan pounded away. Logan was so used to Tina and slamming the he didn't cough but surly felt a mild rush as he worked to his first orgasm in weeks. With the Tina I his body as he began to feel his balls beginning to boil he knew he wouldn't last that long. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until he couldn't hold back any longer. Logan began to moan as he reached the point of no return and screamed out as he shot a huge load inside 'the gifter's' ass. 'The gifter' leaned up and kissed Logan thanking him for the recharge. 'The boss' and his followers came into the bedroom. They quickly gave both teens fresh slams sending 'the gifter' into a high he never had experienced before and sending Logan into orbit to join 'the gifter'. They then spent the next few days using the boys.
    1 point
  30. well fuck daddy, I am HARD now
    1 point
  31. I LOVED being whored out by my brother when I was 13, 14 and 15! I counted on him to get as many guys as possible to breed my hungry hole!
    1 point
  32. Went to the bathhouse around the end of the workday. Wasn't that busy but I parked myself in the sling in the dark room anyway. One old fat guy bred me then two younger tweakers bred me after that. Just 3 pretty standard pump and dumps pretty much in a row.
    1 point
  33. Part 2 "Pete wants you nice and relaxed, and as I'm his friend you need to do as you're told. Drop ya shorts for me and spread those legs." I looked at Steve, his face covered with dark stubble, his neck thick and strong. He's playing with his cock through his shorts, I can see the bulge quite clearly, like me he's obviously not wearing underwear. My eyes catch his again and he just raises he's eyebrows and looks down to my shorts. Well I know Pete has paid a lot of money to get me here and this is obviously the start of me doing as I'm told. So I undo the tie holding my shorts up and push them down, I hadn't realised just how hard I'd gotten and my cock springs out, my PA just peeking out the end of my foreskin. I spread my legs as wide as I can, my shorts tight around my ankles. "Step out of one leg for me, shift your ass forward on the seat and spread those legs wide". I do as I'm told and now my hole is exposed right on the edge of the seat and I realise why the seat was pushed so far back when I got in the car, this was obviously planned. Steve slides his finger in his mouth and covers it with spit. Leaning over he reaches between my legs and finds my hole through the hair and rubs the spit around, I can feel my hole relax and then he just slides right in, his finger opening me up a little before he slides a second one in. Slowly he pulls his fingers out and grabs the bag of T, fuck I know what's coming. He opens the bag, spit on his fingers again and reaches in, he rummages around and next thing I know he's showing me two big shards on his index finger, he smiles and reaches down between my legs. "Spread your cheeks for me, don't wanna drop this shit". I do as I'm told and with both hands pull my cheeks apart. I can feel his middle finger finding my hole and then his other finger pushes the crystals inside me. As his finger swirls around inside me I suddenly start to feel the burn. His second finger joins the first and he's stirring around in my guts and I know the stuff is dissolving inside me, I can feel the warmth and then I feel it start to spread. I throw my head back against the seat and close my eyes, not sure how long I stayed like that but I'm enjoying a nice gentle rush sweeping over my entire body. Steve seemed to be enjoying my hole, another finger goes in and now he's really stretching me. I lift my legs up, one foot against the door the other on the centre console, Steve pulls out and gets another shard then brings his hand under my leg and quickly he's pushing back inside me, stirring the third shard around inside me. My groans fill the car and I want more now, I need more than just his fingers. Devastated he pulls out, leans back and looks over at me and smiles "Petes gonna love your hole" He's got his cock out now and he's holding it and beckoning me to it with his eyes. Leaning over I take hold of it and admire it for a while, cut as to be expected, and there's a single drop of precum which I quickly lick off with a swipe of my tongue, tastes sweet. I can't wait anymore and I open my lips slightly and try to take as much in my mouth as I can. By now the Tina is flowing through my body and I'm hungry for it, my whole body craves cock, I don't just want it, I need it. I begin to suck his cock with all the skills I can, using my tongue and the roof of my mouth to stimulate the head and Steve is moaning, I think I'm doing well. Letting his cock free I look up at him and ask him to fuck me, well not so much ask as beg. "With time boy but not now, Pete will be your first not me, so suck my cock". With that he pushes my head back down on his cock, well if he won't fuck me I'm sure as hell gonna get his load in my mouth. I didn't have to wait long, I can hear him moaning louder, his cock seems to get even harder so I pick up my pace desperate for that taste. With an animal like groan I feel his cock pulse as glob after glob of creamy cum fills my mouth, eagerly I swallow it all down savouring the taste. Steve pushes me away and tucks his cock back in his shorts. "Well done, get yaself sorted and let's go see Pete". Reluctantly I pull my shorts back up and shift myself back on the seat. My head swimming with thoughts of what just happened and that craving for cock. Steve starts the engine and without saying a word pulls back out onto the road and heads around the edge of town and we start to climb a little. This is obviously a good neighbourhood, houses stand way back from the road behind gates, giving a sense of mystery to who lives there. I'm assuming this is just part of my tour of the sites, so I just relax and gaze out the window at the passing houses. Steve suddenly slows the car and swings the car round and pulls up in front of a pair of big heavy wooden gates, he punches a number into a little keypad on a pole, and silently the gates swing open revealing a long driveway leading to single story house that looks like something out of a movie - surely this isn't Petes place ?
    1 point
  34. willing to host during the day in the village area to watch someone get bred.
    1 point
  35. Why, may I ask do you love white male pussy so much?
    1 point
  36. If memory serves me correct the safe sex Orgies were Tuesdays and Thursdays and Tuesday was cheaper entry donation. I had met Tony on the Tuesday at my first Orgy experience where he fucked me hard, fed me poppers and whored me out. He was a little an older thin Italian American with white hair and a deep tan. I was given his number from the orgy guy and we enchained texts and he offered to pay my entry and buy me a drink before hand at next week's orgy. I was up for this but I wanted to go to the Thursday one also. Thursday's orgy was fun but hard to remember any details that would have been note worthy. It kind of blends in with the first one in my memory. I do remember some guy being a little too eager when I was sniffing poppers in the sling and pulling me by the legs, causing the poppers to spill up my nose. That was unpleasant. I also remember the orgy guy and I talking about music, and him offering me as many bottles of poppers as I liked(which was very nice of him) he had them stored in his fridge. Before I knew it a week had gone by and I had a date with Tony. We had arranged to meet in a bar called American Whiskey just down the road from the venue. He was dressed up very nice in a suit, I immediately became aware of how under dressed I was. He bought me a drink and offered me food but I wasn't hungry. I loose all appetite when I know sex is coming. We talked about each other for a little while, nothing of note. Although he did mention he went to college with David Byrne which I thought was cool as I'm a fan of Talking Heads. After a drink or two the conversation got a little more sexual. He mentioned about doing this again, but instead of going to an orgy, he would bring me back to his where his friend would be waiting to join us, and asked me if I'd wear a butt plug. I told him I would. We finished our drinks and head to the orgy guy's place. When we arrived I noticed the alcohol had seemed to affect Tony more than it did me, this surprised me because we only had two whiskeys. Yet he seemed a little drunk, and louder than usual. We got undressed and he brought me downstairs. He repeated the routine he had put me through the week before, giving me poppers before slowly deep throating his dick, only to become more aggressive as he pumped my throat. He then led me to the sling, with my legs up and spread apart wide, he jams his dick deep and begins rabbit fucking my hole, I take it with ease and clench my hole tight like I know he likes. He applies very generous amounts of lube which starts to make a mess. I sense he does this on purpose to give the feeling of a loose sloppy hole, something that I definitely don't have even at my most fucked. He often says things like "you like me fucking that sloppy hole puppy?". He gets off on the small crowd that's gathered in the sling room. I'm offered a cock or two to keep me pacified, hands begin to grope at me again. This starts to really turn me on, and combined with the poppers I start to really feel like a piece of handled meat. However, in slight contrast to last time, where Tony was offering me up to strangers, he seems strangely possessive of me this time around, at times he'd move guys out of the way, or not give people their turn with me. I get the sense that because he paid me in and bought me drinks that I'm his toy to use, and he's not willing to share me. I don't mind being his fuck toy but I'm in no mood to exclude others from the fun. After all this is an orgy. I slide up on the sling and hang my head off the back, some guy drops his big hairy balls in my mouth. I suck on them for a while before I'm pulled away and back to Tony to be used some more. "Do you ever go bare?" he asks. I remember that he had already asked me this in the bar. Was this a question for the room? "Yeah sometimes" I answer. "Do you mind if I go in without a condom?" This wasn't asked at the bar. (Let it be known the topic of sti's did come up and he said he was clear and hiv negative and I told him the same) "eh, ok." "Fuck yeah! I can pull out if you want." I didn't reply to this. At this point Tony peels off his condom and drops it on the floor(a big no no at the orgy guy's place), he then applies even more lube to my already over lubes asshole and slides his cock in and out of me like a slip'n'slide. "Yeah, this is so fucking hot. Skin on skin, you like that?" he really ramped up the dirty talk at this point as he continued to plow my ass at such an angle that it was giving me tingles. He'd stop every once in a while to refill both his nose and mine with a strong hit of poppers. I'm feeling very sleazy at this point. Tony is putting on his fuck machine show and using me as his sex doll, guys are jerking it watching me, and some slapping me with their cocks, waiting for their next turn for my mouth to be free. Although I don't want that to sound too conceited, they were also enjoying each others company, I was in no way being gangbanged(my ultimate fantasy) Tony was being too greedy for that to materialise. Tony was becoming louder and more aggressive with his fucking, which had been going on for quite some time, I was a little worried about hogging the sling. Tony didn't care though, he was way too busy showing everyone what a slut I was and what a stud he was, pounding my ass harder and harder than ever, balls slapping off of me, every so often thumping my chest or putting his hand on my throat to simulate strangling. "Who's your fucking Daddy!?" he yells. This must've been heard upstairs. "You" coyly reply. "Louder!" he demands. There is no way I'm shouting it. "You are" I say with a little more gusto. "Tell them I'm your Daddy!" I don't reply. He gets frustrated, and pounds me three times BAM BAM BAM as hard as he can. "Fucking cunt!" He pulls his dick out and leaves the room, breathing heavily. Is he really angry, is this for real? I watch him as he heads up the stairs, my feeling is that he didn't cum. I go to stand up from being in the sling. It reckon a combination of lack of food that day, heavy amount of poppers(my lips were blue) and the two whiskeys finally kicking in all had a hand in what happened. The second I stood up I got extremely light headed and saw black, next went my legs. Two men grabbed me before I fell and dragged me about 4 feet out of the room towards the stairs. Bent over I rested both hands on one of the bottom steps, trying to regain my composure when all of a sudden I feel a man grab my hips and push his dick into me balls deep and begin to fuck my half limp body. This was one of the men who stopped me from falling. This hurt bad, I politely took the pain. His dick was very hard and going in at an awkward angle. He kept trying to angle his cock to a position that felt the most pleasurable to him, whatever part of my hole felt good rubbing against his dick head. Before long my light headed-ness was becoming too much and I had to ask him to give me a moment. I slowly made my way upstairs to find Tony had left. I got a glass of water and sat down on the bed where two guy were 69ing. An older stocky man with salt and pepper hair walked up to me and took my water. He then moved me over on the bed and with all his strength flipped me onto my stomach. This was done in a very rough and sexy way. He forces his dick into my ass, it's very wide and only barely fits, with some discomfort. He still hasn't said anything to me at this point. He fucks in long deep and sharp thrusts, before pulling out and feeling my whole and then his cock. "Ugh damn condom. Are you clean?" How I hate that question with its insensitive wording. "..yeah.." before I can ask him anything or even finish my sentence he has snapped off the condom and began fucking me bare. Not permission needed it seemed, who is this guy. Who ever he was he was about to get rough. He pushes my head down on the bed putting all of his body weight on me and continues to fuck deep and hard, it gets very painful, and I can help but moan. He gets me in a full nelson and rails my hole hard and deep. It becomes unbearable and I need a break. "Hold on" I tell him as I try to get up to my hands and knees. This isn't happening, he doesn't lay off. I push back against him "give me a second", he doesn't listen. He continues to drive his fat cock into me deep "Ugh fuck" Now I'm really struggling to try get him off of me but he's much stronger and seems to be getting off on this. I wasn't at the time. I've never been in a situation where I've thought "I'm being raped" and although I wasn't frightened or worried in any real way, I did want the guy off of me and he wouldn't stop. I understood what he was getting out of it, but if it had been someone a little less open minded he might have got into some trouble for what he was or wasn't doing. "He's struggling" he lets out in a strained voice to some man standing over us. This seems odd. I stop resisting in the hop he'll be finished soon. "I'm coming" he says before he lets out a loud moan and shoots a fresh load up into me and milks the rest onto my hole, before pushing it in one more time. He climbs off and slaps me on my back, which is covered in his sweat. "Woo you were amazing! Fuck that was great!" He says with a smile on his face. His tone is extremely friendly, and this might sound odd to read but he praised me in a way that seemed as if I was acting in a scene with him "you were great" that kind of aroma to it. Whereas I was genuinely trying to get him off of me. If you ever have had a rape fantasy, seek this guy out. I felt unsure about this guy cumming in me. I lay on the bed barely able to move after the exhausting impromptu wrestling match. As I catch my breath they forceful fucker walks back over to me and kisses the side of my face, bites my ear and asks "So do you like older men?" "Mmm hmm" I exhale. "You're a very sexy boy, do you mind if my friend fucks you" "Sure, why not" I say sarcastically really feeling the strain at this point. I climb to all fours, the friend of his was the guy watching me struggle as I was fucked minutes before. He is roughly in his 60's , bit of a belly, large cock. He slowly fucks me doggy style for about five minutes, never changing the pace, not making a noise very methodical and unemotional before letting out a grunt to indicate he had cum. He pulls his cock out and I turn around to see to my shock he hadn't been wearing a condom. "What's going on?" I thought, this is supposed to be safe sex night and I've taken three loads. Two without my permission and one without my knowledge. I felt too nervous and embarrassed to ask him his status or mention that I thought he was wearing a condom. So I just left it, and went to get dressed. I felt odd about those last two guys, and I was physically exhausted, so I was ready to leave. I saw the first guy who bred me eating out someone's ass. He spots me fully dressed and gets up and makes his way towards me smiling. "You're leaving? Come here" He raps his arm around me and gives me a forceful hug. Then, with his mouth still dripping in assjuice and spit, he forces his tongue down my throat. I feel like whatever life that hasn't been squeezed out of me will be sucked out via my face by this guy. Even the orgy guy comments on how over eager he was with me, and he must've seen it all with the amount of orgies he's hosted. I go to grab a slice of pizza, but it has been too soon since sex and I can't swallow it. As I sit there staring at my wasted slice, I get a text from a guy I have been talking to for two months. He lets me know about a few days that he has become available to finally meet me that are also good for me. As well, he is ready to introduce me to chemsex and can supply the righT chemistry for our session. I'm nervous and very excited, my time in NYC is coming to an end, but with one week before I fly home, I decide I'm going to end it with a bang!
    1 point
  37. I had been told on a handful of occasions throughout my stay in New York City about a bar known as The Eagle in the Chelsea are of Manhattan. "You've got to go to The Eagle" "You'll get what you want in The Eagle" "You've never been to The Eagle?" and so on. I was told it was a leather bar. Which at first put me off going, I'm not exactly a gay scene member. I'm a pretty regular bisexual guy who's interested in the world of kink without being a regular participant. Besides the only leather I had with me were a pair of regular boots. The idea I had in mind was leather ass-less chaps with a hardness and gay policeman's hat. I wasn't about to dress up as a member of the village people just to get into a club. After I was enlightened to what the place was actually like, I thought it was worth going. "Maybe on a quiet night" I thought, that way I wouldn't be bombarded with too much to process and I'd be more comfortable sat at the bar. I decided to go on a Monday. If I had checked their website in advanced I would have found out that Monday was actually foot fetish night. Now I'm pretty neutral when it comes to this fetish but if I had of know I probably would've went on another night. I head to the bar which opened at 9pm and made my way upstairs. On the quiet nights only the upstairs section of the three storey bar was open. I was greeted by a shirtless barman who looked like Chuck Lidell(ufc fighter) and ordered a drink. He was friendly and welcoming and very open from the get go, he explained to me why there was foot fetish videos on the TV screen, and two guys tickling each other in the corner. I felt a little embarrassed, he asked me about my type as he saw that none of the 9 patrons were talking to me. I told him I was into older guys. "You'd like my friend Kurt, he might be here later" "Cool" I thought. I observed as the barman played cupid with people sitting at the bar, those he knew previously and those he just met. He seemed to enjoy this, but was in no way forced like the barman at Stonewall. He was a really cool barman, didn't pretend to like anyone he didn't like but wasn't rude either. If he wasn't a bottom I'd be very keen to let him fuck me. I wasn't his type anyway, he was more into Latin guys. Speaking of which. A midget parks himself next to me on a stool at the bar. Is midget correct term? Dwarf maybe? Anyway he was about 4 feet tall, Latino, very confident. He immediately struck up a conversation with me. I was the only Irish guy he had ever met. We made some small talk and for whatever reason he wanted to show me some leather harness he bought. He had a picture on his phone. As he flicked through the pics of this unimpressive harness, in a very obviously deliberate move he "accidentally" brought up a picture of his dick(which to be honest was impressive given his size) "Oops, I didn't mean to show you that.....what do ya think?" "Very impressive" I answered smiling. I for just a second contemplated having sex with this guy, just so I could say I was fucked by a midget(dwarf ) however he was being a little overbearing and I soon became uninterested. He got up to use to toilet and never came back. In his place, sat an older black guy who worked just down the street and was just popping in for an after-work drink. He was friendly and interesting and we seemed to be getting on. "Can I swap shoe with you?" "What?!" This was an odd request. Then I remembered where I was. "Just for a few minutes" I hesitantly obliged, it seemed to give him a lot of pleasure. A German man in full leather(pants, boots, and harness) sat beside me, he had a strong BO. Not a bad smell, but a strong smell of sweat, quite nice actually. He joined in on our conversation and filled me with compliments. He leaned in for a kiss, as we were kissing a felt a hand slide down the back of my jeans and grab my ass. I thought it was the German but it was the black guy, I guess he wanted a feel. He then pulls me in for a kiss. The German shoves both his hands up my shirt and feels his way around. "You taste great" says the black guy. His hand sliding further down to the point where I'm sitting on it. His finger pushes into my hole. We all go in for a triple kiss, I'm getting horny. "Come with me" says the German. and takes me by the hand to the toilets. For whatever reason the black dude didn't follow us. Inside the toilets were two older leather guys, one taking a piss into the other guy's glass. He then taps his dick on the rim of the glass making sure every last drop had gone in. Without hesitation, the leather sub knocks back the entire glass of piss. "You find that horny" enquired the German. "Yeah it's hot" I replied. He pulled me into a cubical and shut the door. "Get down" I squat in front of his leather pants in the piss soaked cubical. He pulls out a bottle of poppers and takes a huff. He then feeds me some. The club music begins to pound heavier as does my heartbeat. He pulls out a semi erect penis with a large Prince Albert through the head I place it in my mouth and taste the metal. He pushes his semi soft cock down the back of my throat with gentle thrusts. The feeling of the metal sliding down my throat is new to me and very pleasurable. I take it down and swallow, massaging the head with each gulp. His crotch smells as good and strong as the rest of him, and the high from the poppers heighten this. I feel his cock harden with my lips. He puts the bottle under my nose again "Breath deep" I get nice and light headed, he begins to fuck my throat as he sniffs back the poppers. I see people in the corner of my eye looking in. It gets me going. I start to gag on his cock as he fucks harder and harder, I sense he is close to blowing his load down my throat. I pull back but he pushes my head against the cubical wall so I have nowhere to go. He fills my mouth with his cum, it tastes great. "Open" I open to show him his load. He spits in my mouth and slaps me on the cheek, I swallow it all down. As we leave the cubical and old man grabs me by the arm "I was watching you in there. You're a dirty little boy" This was all done in a very creepy way, that made me feel kind of intimidated, he was really grabbing my arm tight. "Let go of him" said the German guy. and he brought me back to my seat. As I got back to my seat I was scolded by the barman. "You should've let me know you were going to the bathroom, here I held your drink. Next time tell me. Anybody could've put something in there" Oops. I was very impressed that he cared enough to hold my drink and give me a lecture. Luckily(or unluckily depending on your fantasy) I wasn't spiked. "Anyway, Kurt is here, he's at the end of the bar" I excuse myself and head down to see Kurt. He's about 6 feet tall. Wearing jeans large black boots and a sleeveless shirt. He had a bald head and a goatee. Fitting my type(or one of my types) perfectly. Right away we got on great, I felt immediately comfortable around him, and his Texas charm was working wonders. We had a few drinks and he invited me back to his place. The barman looked over and said "See I told ya" he had certainly done his job as cupid well. Just as the place was filling up we decided to leave. Kurt took me to his place in Hell's Kitchen and up to the apartments rooftop. We took in the view and he offered me some weed, I accepted and he gave me a blow back from his joint. This let to a few minutes of passionate kissing. He was probably the best kisser I've ever been with(boy or girl) he knew his way around a mouth, his lips were soft and beard felt great. After a few minutes of swapping spit we moved downstairs to his bedroom. We both undress. "You've got a great ass" he remarks, I thank him. "I'd love to rape that!" "You can" I reply. I feel his body, he is in great shape. His dick is very long. I comment on the size of his penis and he tells me not to worry. "I'll go slow at first" I suck his dick for some time he loves it. Then he parks me on all fours in front of him. He taps my hole with his large dick. "Breath" I take deep breaths as he pushes his dick into me. I feel a shock and push forward, bashing my head off of the headboard. We both laugh before he gives my head a gentle kiss. He is such a cool guy it really makes me want to please him. "Lay on your back" He grabs my ankles and stretches my legs apart, he plunges his dick down in one go, it takes the breath from me but I have nowhere to go. So I take the shock, he begins to fuck. "Yeah exactly like that, fuck your boy hole" He is getting me extremely horny "Fuck me, that's so big" I tell him. "Yeah? You like me raping your ass boy?" I feels so good I can barely answer. "I can tie you up and just rape your hole all day long. If you scream I'll shove my sock in your mouth....Or maybe something else" With that he pulls out and straddles my chest. Pulls my head up by my hair and jams his cock down my throat. I gag a lot and start to drool over his cock. He then buries it back into my hole and fucks. He leans in so my legs are over my head, wraps his arms around me and tongues my mouth and he pounds my hole. This angle is extremely sexy and I can feel his dick pushing through my second ring, it feels amazing. He then turns me around and pounds me from behind, still penetrating my second ring balls deep in my ass. "Im about to cum boy" His speed picks up and I start to loose my breath. "You want my load?" "Yes Sir!" I bellow out. He shoots in me deep, balls deep right into my guts. It makes me hot how deep his dick is in me. "Your turn to cum" "That's ok" I reply, sensing that he might be tired from his machine like fucking. "No way. I'm not the only one having fun tonight" If I could marry that man I would. Where are these kind of tops in Ireland? "Come here" He places me on top on him straddling, with his large dick still in my ass. I grind it deep as I jerk on my dick. It doesn't take much wanking until I blow a huge load on his hairy chest, I collapse, sweaty and exhausted. He pulls my face towards him and makes me lick the sweat and cum from his chest. "Now that's hot" he says calmly. I fall asleep in his arms. He woke me in the morning, fucked another load into me and sent me on my way. We got to know each other before I left and met a few more times, he was one of the nicer guys I met in the states and is the kind of guy I'd do anything sexually with. Those kind of guys are hard to come by, especially at home. Makes me glad I listen to the advice and finally went to the Eagle. My first time there was a resounding success and pretty soon I became a semi regular. Hope anyone who reads this enjoys it. Sorry this entry didn't come sooner. Still trying to come to terms with my recent diagnosis and events surrounding it. So some days it's hard to write about my experiences as I just don't have the energy, I may be a little depressed. Pretty soon I will report on the meeting I believe got me infected, which will be hard given that it has come to light that the guy knew he was positive and told me otherwise. But I think it's the most important part of my stay there, so it's coming up soon. Thanks for reading
    1 point
  38. Congrats! There's such a rush to it, almost like losing your virginity all over again!
    1 point
  39. Great story. Love that he got his tattoo to celebrate joining the club. He definitely earned it. I hope he wears it proudly.
    1 point
  40. After being fucked stiff by two guys in my first ever sling experience, I decided to stretch my leg and go back upstairs. I had been at the orgy for an hour at this point and it had filled up quite a bit. Lots of fleshy bodies brushing against each other, hands cupping me, grabbing an ass cheek, pinching a nipple. Sitting on the bed in the tall Texan who introduced me to the sling and his monster cock. He smiles at me and says "Hi". Behind him are two guys fucking, if you had asked me a year, heck three months before, I never thought I'd see this scene in real life. Let alone be a part of it. I walk over to him, and he sits me on his lap. This man, this huge man, makes me feel so small, so calm, like a little boy. I just want him to pick me up and cradle me. "So where are you from?" He asks, like we are at a bar and he wants a quick fuck. Only he has already fucked me. He was genuinely interested. He had just previously cum and fed me out of a condom, so maybe he was waiting to build up another load and was simply making small talk. Either way, I had this man's attention, I was sitting on his lap, and it felt great. We talked about each other, what we did, why we were here, all while he methodically rubbed my arms, rubbed my legs, cracked my fingers and toes, before standing me up and bear hugging me. Pop goes my back, it feels amazing. Is this guy a chiropractor? "Ok cutie, I'm gonna take a leak" he says as he walks off to the bathroom. If I was half the slut on the outside that I am on the inside I would've offered my mouth as a urinal. But I prefer the top to instigate the activities. So I sat and watched as two younger dudes fuck on the bed. I lay back next to them to relax, it's big enough so I don't have to join in. "You wanna get fucked!" barks out a demanding voice. I sit up to see an older(late 50's guessing) Italian American top, with white hair, thin, tanned, and serious looking. This is Tony, and he becomes my orgy tour guide for the night, and two other times I go there. "Yeah sure" I reply, turn over to doggy position, and wait to be penetrated. An ample amount of lube is applied to my already opened hole. "Oh fuck that feels so good, puppy" Puppy? That's new, his dick is nowhere near the size of Texas' but that's fine because it allows his to slam rougher. And rough is how he likes it. Tony starts slamming my hole with reckless abandon he comments on the noise it makes, the slapping, he's very verbal. "Who owns your fuckin hole?" "You do" I say, half embarrassed, I was never good at dirty talk. "Yeah puppy, take that fuckin cock" I noticed in the times since I was first fucked by Tony, that he looks around to see if anyone is watching. He is a pure exhibitionist, loves to put on a show, if nobody is looking, he'll smack my ass hard to draw people's attention to our fucking. "I love fucking your sloppy hole puppy" With the lube combined the speed and size of his thrusts he pops out of my ass a few times, smacks both cheeks at once, grabs his cock and roughly jams it back in. Surprisingly non of this hurts, it feels great, I'm being fucked like a sex toy. "Squeeze daddy's cock with your hole boy" This is something I can do well, I've been in situations where I've jerked a guy off into me with just my ass, pushing and clenching until he came. Feels great for me, and them too apparently. Tony loves it. He brings me back downstairs after we soak the bed sheets in our sweat. We head to the benched area where he sits down with me kneeling in front of him. He rests both his feet on my shoulders, and peels off his condom. He lets out a deep exhale as he milks his dick. "Come here" I lean in closer to his cock. He opens a bottle of poppers, he must have taken from upstairs. Blocking one of my nostrils and holding the bottle under the other he tells me to breath in. And again. And again. I feel the "tha-thump tha-thump tha-thump" of my heart racing. He puts his cock head against my lips "Open" I open and suck on his head. "Swallow it down, slowly." I comply and take it down to the balls slowly "Hold it there." I hold it down, for nearly a minute, I can barely hold my breath any longer. I spit his cock out and gasp for air. "Good puppy!" He rubs me under the ears like a dog, as a stray foot rubs up and down my back. I turn around to see another man(dad type) sitting in a folding chair with his cock in his hand and a smile on his face. I crawl over on my hands and knees until my face meets his rather hairy crotch. I open my mouth with my tongue out, like the puppy I've been called, and he bends his cock down to touch the tip of my tongue. I close around his head. Before I begin to swallow, Tony stands over me, almost straddling me like a horse. He pinches my nostril and gives me another hit of poppers. I take a huge hit, I feel very dirty. All those videos I'd masturbate to, I was now the subject of all that porn, everything was heightened, the smells the feel the taste of a strangers precum. I became very aware of how sleazy my situation had become. I throat this guys cock, Tony grabs my hair to pull me off the dick, then pushes me back down, over and over. Tony uses my skull to please this Daddy. He's very forward, arrogant even, but it somehow works. He pulls me off of the daddy dick and jams his piece down my throat, then back to the daddy's then back to him. By this time my throat was well lubricated and stretched and was taking these rather rough throat pokes with easy, I could even stick my tongue out to taste the balls. I hear Tony say "You want to fuck this hole? Stand up Puppy" I stand up and bend over, my mouth still wrapped around the Daddy's dick. Tony had whored me out to a random dick. I didn't turn around to see who it belonged to, but it was big and it hurt. Felt like I had to pee again, but I was a very good boy and I took it until my legs went numb. I noticed a small crowd had gathered to watch, for a moment I became the centre piece. A young slim Asian guy crawls between my legs and attempts to suck my dripping dick. This begins to ruin the fucker's rhythm and distracts me, so I gently push him away. I feel more hands groping than a few. Eventually the dick slides out of my gaping sloppy hole, I turn to see who it is but they are already too far gone. Whoever it was had a nice muscular ass. The night sort of fizzled out, and I decided it was time to leave. As I was getting dressed the orgy guy hands me Tony's number per Tony's request. I take it and hit the streets. When the cool night air hit me I start to feel the burn, as much fun as I was having I forgot how much I was put through the ringer. I felt exhausted. I text Tony to thank him for a great fuck. He replies "You're so fucking cute, would love to meet you again. Let me buy you a drink and I'll pay your entry fee next week" I'm impressed that he knew I was going to attend again. It's something I could definitely get used to. What I didn't know is that my second "safe sex" orgy would end up with cum up my ass...
    1 point
  41. I never ask. In fact, I love taking poz loads. And when the load is unmedicated - even better. Being on PrEP lets me be a bug chaser indefinitely. And if the numbers role against me and I get knocked up by a Truvada-resistant strain - I'm OK with that too... If that happens then it was just meant to be.
    1 point
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