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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2015 in Posts

  1. I'm neg. It's a status I tried to get rid of before. I hated it. In the baths I'd let myself get fucked by anyone who wanted my hole. I've been stretched out and flooded with the toxin, but it didn't take. I was frustrated as all hell, especially because I really don't like to bottom. I'm a natural top. Domination and power-play were always what made me want to fuck. So eventually I decided to stop resisting it. I no longer try to get pozzed, and as much as I dislike it I can't gift the chasers like they want. Instead, I compromise. I get my thrills these days by watching others get pozzed. Specifically, I organize for men young and old to get injected with toxic loads. In the basement of my house we play roulette. In the centre of the bare concrete is a disc, large enough for a bottom on all fours to get down on all fours. This disc spins with a quick kick, and whatever cock pointing at the hole then fucks it. In the mind of the neg bottom, only three of the six men would fuck them, and only one of them is poz. Half the chance of not getting a poz cock, and even then there was the sizeable chance the virus wouldn't convert them. In reality, the same three fuck the bottom every time. Three HIV positive men who really don't like taking their meds. The other three stayed around to watch, eventually retreating to a corner of the room where they can fuck in a heaving pile on the floor. The three of them (good friends of mine) were neg. Outside my house, ask any of them about bareback sex and they'll throw a fistful of condoms at you. They'll talk about how bare sex is sex done wrong. Each of them leapt at the thought of watching us destroy a man's ass and seeing the toxic cum flow out of theman's ruined rosebud. At least to a degree, as afterwards each of them usually exhibited an aura of shame. Obviously I couldn't really share the view. It was an unremarkable day outside. In my basement though, I could feel the arousal in the air. The kid alternated between smiling nervously at us and looking down at his shoes. The negs were trying to goad him into small talk, but any answers he gave trailed off into awkward silence. He obviously couldn't get past the predatory stare of myself and the other three, and shyly looked away when he met our eyes. My cock was rigid, and pointed a thick, nine inch rod down my leg that jutted out from the material of my jeans. I looked around to the others. At 56, Barry was the oldest. He was as hair-covered, pot bellied a daddy as you could get. His dark grey hair was cut short, and under his neck a forest of dark hair started that left almost every part below covered.v He was invited to every one of my roulette parties for a few reasons, the most important of which was that he fucked like an animal, caring nothing at all for the comfort or pleasure of the bottom. He brutalized every ass he fucked, tearing it up and increasing the chances of his demon seed taking hold. When the kid looked his way he leered, grabbing his crotch and grinning like a shark. Rich was not long out of high school. I found him like I usually find them. I cruise these sites for a very particular type of person: one who craves risks. You'll find people like this everywhere. They throw themselves into unsavory or dangerous situations and pin all their hopes on getting out unscathed. Rich, 18 and with dark blonde hair (just long enough to grab a fistful) was a beauty of a find. In a private message he'd confessed to being fucked only a few times. Once, a rubber had ripped and he'd been filled up. He'd freaked at the time, but after getting the all-clear from the clinic he'd felt a rush unlike anything he'd known before. He hadn't taken raw cock since, and that's where I came in. I played to his sense of adventure, and a few days after making my offer, I had a message in my inbox asking me when and where. Wordless, I went to him. He looked into my eyes and I smiled. He smiled back. I cupped his balls through his jeans and squeezed hard. He yelped, and Barry laughed. "Why are you here?" I asked. He hesitated and I squeezed harder. I repeated the question. "To have...sex." His voice strained with the effort of keeping his composure. Barry crept behind and grabbed his arms, restraining him. "You're here to get fucked", he growled into the young man's ear. "You're here to get your little hole stretched and your guts fuckin' flooded." Barry flattened his tongue and licked the side of Rich's face from chin to temple. I felt the kid's dick harden through his jeans. Dean and Phil were setting things up on the disc. They placed a stool in the centre where we'd bend the little shit over. They'd looped the rope from under the disc, securing it to the centre and leaving four lengths of thin rope sticking around. Dean gave me a thumbs up and one of the negs fiddled with the video camera until it snapped into place on the tripod. It beeped, and we led Rich backwards onto the disc while we stripped him. Barry tore his shirt open, revealing a chest speckled with light hair. While Barry held him aloft I pulled the jeans from him. Once his fat cock was free it smacked against his belly and left a clear little splat of pre-cum. I grabbed it roughly and pumped it a few times. He groaned and I let go. Once naked, we pushed him down over the stool. It was knee-height, allowing his own knees to touch the metal disc and support his weight. Barry leaned down and forced his tongue through Rich's lips. It was a deep kiss, and he held the kid's jaw while yanking his hair while he probed around the young mouth. There was always something animalistic about how Barry interacted with his men. Even when kissing he looked like he was devouring them. While he kissed, Dean and Phil tied the bottom's legs and wrists to the stool. As soon as he was secure in place, Barry dropped the act. He pulled his tongue from Rich's mouth and spat in his face. The kid moaned in surprised pleasure. "I knew it", Barry chuckled, and looking at me asked "We about ready?" "Yeah...." Rich breathed. "No you're not", Barry told him. Phil and Dean joined us in a circle around the boy. The two were cousins I'd met years ago through Barry. He'd bragged to me one night over boy-ass how he'd been fucking around with two cousins that he'd gifted. I'd met them, fucked them, and now they converted men for me. Phil was 31 and Dean 36. They shared the same thick, dark hair and wide build. Neither had a belly like Barry but they were also covered in a generous covering of hair, particularly the thick forest around their chest, torso and the base of their swollen cocks. Phil's was longer and narrower than his cousin whose own cock's thickness made the bottoms wince when he pulled it out. The negs stood with us and we all stripped. Within seconds each man had his cock in hand. Rich moaned when he saw Barry standing naked in front of him. The fat cock was so close to his mouth that he flicked out his tongue and licked the tip. Barry took an exaggerated step back. "Whoa, whoa, you little dumpster. You gotta wait for the game." He nodded at me and I kicked the disc. It spun around, pink hole pointing out at us. It stopped and pointed at one of the negs next to Dean. Dean grinned at me and mouthed "close enough." He slapped his hands down hard on the cheeks, which made Rich gasp. Two perfect hand prints were left. He got to his knees and started to lick around the hole before him. He closed his eyes and savored the taste of the uncorrupted pink. He hooked his thumbs into the opening and pulled it apart to reveal a tight little circle that barely opened around his digits. "Little fucker's tight," he remarked as he forced his tongue into the opening and tasted the boy's insides while he pumped his own thick meat. He spat a few times onto the hole and worked a few fingers in. Rich squirmed and clenched tight. "This is gonna feel fuckin' awesome," Dean commented as he rose to his feet and tapped his cockhead against the thoroughly rimmed ass. I threw his some lube and he curled his lip. Dean liked to fuck naturally, meaning he preferred to use spit or cum as lube but I was impatient. He smeared a small amount onto his shaft and pushed his head back onto the asshole. He gently pushed for a moment. We all moved closer to watch it go in. The tip sank in and Rich was making wordless, sputtering sounds. It was painful for him, but this one would fight through. He'd endure the fucking out of an overblown sense of pride if nothing else. He wouldn't embarrass himself in front of us by backing out. In one slow movement Dean draped himself over Rich until his chest was on flat against the kids back. The movement drove his cock in deep, and he humped the last inch in while Rich let out more of those nonsense sounds that came from great pain and the start of pleasure that was burning bloody fire up to his bowels. Dean stayed like that for a few moments, pumping his shaft deep until he raised himself to a standing position. Again he slapped his hands down loud on the cheeks. He spread them so I could see the strained hole engulf his meat. Without any more ceremony he started to suddenly piston in and out of Rich. The air was filled with the sound of balls slapping against balls. The bio-hazard tattoo on Dean's ass animated as his ass clenched for each thrust. One of the negs opened a crate of beers. I took one and moved around Rich to see his face. Barry's cock was already there, smearing a trail of pre-cum on the clenched lips. "Suck it," he whispered. Rich opened his eyes and looked up, unsure. "You'll be getting your insides blasted with what may or may not be HIV positive cum, but you won't suck dick for a few minutes?" He opened his mouth, and Barry wasted no time in jamming his cock deep into Rich's mouth while holding Rich's head in place. Heavy gagging sounded through the room, but Barry went easy enough. We didn't know when last Rich had eaten. Now wasn't the time to find out. Dean was growling now. He sped up and slammed deep. He threw back his head and beads of sweat flew into the air. The matted hair on his chest shone with the wet of his skin while he fucked. His speed increased with the volume of his growling. The noise grew louder, and with one loud roar he drove his dick home and held it there. His face was screwed up while the orgasm rolled over him, and when it passed he opened his eyes and smiled lazily at me. He removed his dick and put three fingers into the fucked hole. He hooked them and pulled, causing the disc to spin, Barry's cock to pop out of Rich's mouth and the boy to yelp again at the sensation. While he spun Phil passed Dean a beer, which was cracked open and half-drained in a gulp. His deflating cock was slick with cum, remnants of lube and a few thin streaks of blood. Phil kissed his cousin on the mouth and winked as the disc stopped and the leaking hole pointed again to a neg who looked at the ass with burning desire. Phil took his place, walking to Rich with his cock aimed. He didn't stop walking until his pelvis was pressed against the ass and every inch had slid in without stopping. After his cousins much thicker cock he slid right in. Rich yelled out as he got impaled again, the sound cut off when Dead shoved his prick being shoved into Rich's wide-open mouth. Not surprisingly, Rich gagged at the taste of his own ass juices. "Yeah, you clean it all off." While his shaft was being cleaned, Dean leaned over and pinched both Phil's nipples hard. This illicited a throaty grunt from Phil, who slammed harder and faster into the hole. He then pulled out moved to let Barry get his dick wet again. He held Rich's head in place while he very slowly pushed in and pulled out, never removing more than half the shaft. "You havin' a good time, Hole?" Mouth full of dick, Rick nodded furiously. "Tell me you're having a good time." Who knows what the boy said then. It was lost in a mess of wet gurgling noises. "You want this man's cum?" Barry asked. Nodding head and gurgling noises. Saliva was pooling at the base of Barry's furry sack before dropping to the floor. Rich's face was red, and wet with sweat. His eyes were bloodshot from his gag reflex being tested. "Work for it. Fuck yourself against his dick." Rich did, with effort. The ropes allowed for limited movement, but that was Barry's game. He enjoyed watching these men struggle. Phil drove his cock home in three painful-looking thrusts and held himself there for a second as had Dean. Another load deposited. I heard a grunt behind me and turned to see the negs. One was on his knees blowing the other, but it was the third who'd made the noise. His cum lay in a trailing pool on the ground. Without the haze of his need to cum, his face turned from desire to disgust. He looked at the scene in the centre of the basement and covered his face before grabbing his things and leaving. Shame, I guess? I really wouldn't know anything about that. The two others stopped and looked towards the door that just slammed shut. I shrugged at them, but before I turned I saw an uncertainty there, a flash of guilt. This is really why I kept the negs around: they're hypocrites and they're not much company, but I enjoyed seeing the look of utter disgust in them, even as we do our best to corrupt them. Phil and Dean took a seat together on the battered couch I kept for between-fuck rests. Barry pulled his cock from the mouth and gripped a shoulder. He spun the boy then, positioning himself to be at the hole when it stopped. Any other day, Phil and Dean wouldn't have gone to the couch. Barry wouldn't have been so obvious in cheating, but then again there were only two of us left in the game, aside from the fuckhole. The others had realized something: if Rich had seen through the game, he didn't comment. We could be doing anything to this little fuck and he'd let us. Barry hooked a few fingers into the hole and slid them back out. He licked at the toxic cum that clung to him before reaching round and pushing the digits through the mouth. Rich sucked at the cum greedily, whimpering as he did. Barry's cock slid in with little trouble, and it started pummeling into the hole immediately. Barry grabbed Rich's hair and yanked his head so they were looking at each other. His hair-covered back heaved and was already shiny with a thin layer of sweat. Like Dean, he draped himself over the kid, bending forward until their faces were close. Instinctively, Rich opened his mouth for the kiss. Barry spat again on his face and battered the opening with the kind of fury and stamina that I've seen in no one else. Pozzing was his passion, and as such was more of a motivation to him than the actual orgasm - or so it seems such was what motivated him to keep his hips rutting. "Who has it?" Barry asked while he fucked. "Who has the virus? Do you have a guess?" Moaning in time with the thrusts, Rich just shook his head. Barry was fucking so hard I thought the stool would collapse, but it somehow held together. "It could be me, you know. These balls could be full of pure, sweet cum or they could be full of something toxic. What would you bet on?" The thrusting messed with his words. "I!...Don't!...Care!" Barry threw his head back and roared with laughter. I had to take my hand off my cock to keep from shooting. "You don't, do you? You fuckin' cumdump." Seeing that Barry was nearing the end, I moved to that sweet mouth which opened wide to accommodate me. It didn't take long. Barry still held Rich's head to the side and while I fucked his throat I looked at him looking up at me with those wet blood-shot eyes. He was a mess. Barry's final grunt turned into a guttural noise that drew out as he flooded the boy's hole. Not wanting to taint the deposits with my own neg cum, I slid my cock into the warm wet a few more times before firing rope after rope down Rich's throat. He gagged a few times before swallowing it down. I pulled out at the same time as Barry. While he went back to the mouth to get his cock cleaned off I walked to the crate and got another beer. The other negs had left, but there were two new small stains on my concrete floor. Idiots. We untied him and the others left. The job was done, and Rich held no interest for them now. "How are you feeling?" I asked. A dark look crossed his face. "I feel good...but I'm kinda scared to get tested now." I shook my head and took a swig of my beer. "You really shouldn't." He looked at me, surprised. "No?" "Nah, we're all clean. The poz guy was the one who left first." "Oh, wow," he said, and repeating himself with another 'oh,' he remarked with a smile "Well that's great!" He stayed the night. I couldn't let him leave, really. He lay with me in my bed upstairs while I fucked him through the night, keeping his ass open and the poz cum inside his ass. In the morning there was a big patch on the sheets from where the jizz had seeped from his ruined ass. It had been in there long enough, I thought. When he left, I immediately went online to one of my hookup sites. I found a promising-looking new guy and bookmarked his profile. I'd make contact after lunch. I slid the camera's memory card into the slot and started importing the video. I watched it then, flicking through to find what I wanted: a good picture of his face. I snapped the pic and pasted it into an ever-growing folder of similar pictures, faces of healthy men now converted because of me. My cock was rigid again. I reopened the browser and found the new guy's page. I smirked and started typing my message.
    9 points
  2. Want Some Chocolate With Sprinkles?: The thwump-thwump-thwump of Marine 1, the President’s helicopter and its two escorts, echoed down the river as it made its way to Andrews Air Force Base. I was walking home from work and approaching Banneker Overlook in Southwest, Washington, DC, where I got a great view of the three choppers flying low, appearing to weave in and out of the numerous construction cranes at the river’s edge that marked the new Wharf Development. It was another hot and blistering day in DC – the 10th in a row in the high 90s and I was anxious to get home, get out of my sweat drenched work clothes, and relax with a cold drink by the air conditioner. As I descended the other side of the Overlook, I heard the musical chimes of one of the neighborhood’s ice cream trucks, although this one sounded like it was on its last leg – off tune, missing beats, and volume that faded in and out. A nice big ice cream cone sounded really good right about then and with this heat I bet they were doing a hell of a business. I started along the sidewalk beside Maine Avenue, casually looking over the numerous tour buses that park there before venturing back out to pick up the latest flock of tourists. Near the end of the line of buses, parked by the largest shade tree on the block, was the ice cream truck I had heard earlier and I licked my lips in anticipation of a sweet treat. When I got closer I noticed a pair of boots and a pair of bare legs sticking out from the other side of the tree – legs that looked like mini-tree trunks themselves, thick, and sturdy. About 20 feet away I caught a whiff of a cigar, a strong one, and now noticed a light haze of smoke working its way around the tree and my curiosity grew. I slowed my pace, heard a manly cough, hack, then spit, a growl and “MOTHER FUCK!” repeated several times. The last one was being spat out as I rounded the tree and saw the man frantically brushing at his bare chest with his right hand while waving his left hand around with the cigar in in trying to keep his balance on the milk crate he was sitting on. He saw me standing there, let out a long, low laugh and said, “About burned my nipple off – Jesus fucking Christ – been looking forward to this cigar all damn day – now look at that, singed my chest hair right off – fucking Christ.” I smiled, not sure what to say, and watched as he settled himself back on the crate, leaned against the ice cream truck and started puffing on his cigar again. I couldn’t help but stare as at this big black man, wearing nothing but a pair of boots and basketball shorts, sitting on the side of the street like he was King Shit. His hair was cut low and tight, and he had a nice thick beard, but the rest of him seemed fairly smooth, although it was hard to tell as his skin was a rich, dark ebony and any hair would have been matted down by the sheen of sweat that covered him. The boots he had on looked about size 13 and the cum pig bottom in me started to squeal OINK OINK. My eyes started to go back up his body and stopped – his left hand was now resting on his left thigh, a gold wedding band flashing brightly as his fingers rose up and down in motion like he was playing a piano. No, not a piano, a pipe, a big, long pipe, because I watched what was clearly a monster dick started to lengthen in his shorts and I was sure any moment the head would peak out like a newborn babe. “Eyes up here,” the man said, breaking me out of my fantasy mind and embarrassing me that I got caught. “Even with those fucking shades on I can tell you eyeing my shit, so speak the fuck up. I ain’t got time for games, say what you want.” I was taken aback by his frankness and sputtered, “I uhh… ice cream… you know it’s hot as shit out here and I thought some ice cream would be good right about now.” The man continued to stroke his shaft with his fingers in rhythm to a tune only he could hear, or maybe it was in time with the hum of the ice cream truck’s motor that was running the cooler. He puffed on his cigar, grunted as he stood up, grabbed his milk crate, and walked to the back of the truck. “Well come on. I believe I got just what you’re looking for. I looked both ways up and down the sidewalk, nervous, but horny as hell and I wanted some dick, so I followed him to the back, grabbed the side, stepped up the two steps into the back of the ice cream truck and a little forward to make room for him to follow. The back door closed, locked, I quickly looked to the front and saw the back end of one of the buses. The ice cream man laughed, “Don’t worry man. You scared? Naw I didn’t think so and no one can see. Anyways, my dudes being playing cards and shit and they know better than to bother me if the truck be rocking, you understand?” I nodded, hoping I did. “Last chance – say what you want,” he ordered. It was now or never so I straightened my shoulders back a little, took off my sunglasses, looked up into his dark eyes and said, “I want to suck your dick for you, then let you fuck me hard and rough and deep and blow your load up my ass.” The ice cream truck driver coughed, blowing cigar smoke out as he laughed. He shook his head, smiled, “Fuck yeah, that’s what I’m talking about,” he said, “So you trying to be a bitch for a big dick? Get those fucking pants off and let me see whatcha working with. I’m a man who likes a big old melon ass, not some little peach shit. Hot damn! That’s right, your ass got some meat to it, bend that shit over, time for a taste test.” I finished stripping and bent forward over the ice cream cooler as the ice cream man started to paw at my ass cheeks. I rested my elbows on the cold steel of the cooler tops as he spread my cheeks open and started flicking his tongue side to side and up and down my ass crack. “Fuck me, fuck me,” I begged as his thick tongue found the edges of my hole.” He paused, inhaled deep, smacked his lips and said, “Oh fuck you bet I’m going to, but first I plan to taste all 31 flavors. Before we begin though, stand up.” I stood up, grabbed my now hard dick, and was beating it as I looked at his now naked body. OH MY GOD HIS DICK WAS HUGE! I wanted it so bad and asked him again to fuck me, but he ignored me, opened a cupboard on the other side of truck pulled out a box, then squatted down, reached in, pulled out two more boxes, stood up, then set the boxes on the other counter. He opened the first one, pulled out a leather collar and a thick chain and held it up. I tilted my head in question as he sucked on his cigar, set it back in an ashtray and said, “Bitches need to be chained up if they want to get mounted by the big dawg knot.” I shivered a little as the cold links of the chain fell down my back and he laced the leather collar around my neck. Maybe now he would fuck me. But no. He looped the end of the chain through the handle on the ice cream cooler and padlocked it, opened the other boxes and started pulling out baggies of pills, marijuana, little vials and needles, and other shit I had no idea what it was. The next box he opened he pulled several aluminum foil wrapped bunches out, set them down, gently opened one, and a stack of money peered through. He then crossed in front of me, opened the cooler door on the end, reached down, stood up and said, “Bend over.” I did, my heart almost burst with joy as I was going to get fucked, but it was not his dick that pushed at my hole. I cried out as something very fucking cold and pointy forced its way into my ass, the cold making me clench my hole did not stop him. “Cum shouldn’t be wasted,” he said, “This is one of my nuttsicles – grade A, premium black beef, nutt. And that’s hardly half of what I shoot at a time. My balls fucking put out, which is good, because I like my bitches’ asses to be dripping and sloppy.” My ass clenched and my guts shuddered from the inside out and the ice cream man just laughed. He then tossed a baggy of white powder on the cooler beside me, unwrapped one of his stacks of bills, snapped the rubberband off, slid a bill off the top and rubbed it between his hands a couple times, then rolled it into a little straw and handed it to me with the 100 mark showing. Holy fuck – if that whole stack was hundred dollar bills he must have thousands of dollars there! The ice cream man knew what I was thinking apparently as he chuckled, patted the stack and said, “What the fuck? You think I make stacks like this selling tootie fruity and fudge pops? You tripping. I got the best delivery service in town. Me and my boys sling dope, pills, juice, crack, whatever you need we got and if I don’t got it, I can get it. Cops don’t bother me none, I’m just the ice cream man you know? And on the streets, well no one fucks with me either as they know my boys and I pack firepower, but they also need what I bring to the table. See all these fucking buses? They come down here every day from New York City and shit and they sure don’t make their cash from hauling old blue haired tourists around. They haul what I need straight down 95. My shit’s the best. Now that you know the 411, snort some shit up because I’m about ready to bang you the fuck out!” I looked at the baggy, looked at him, my ass clenched. “I’ve not done shit like that in a really long long time, I mean I don’t mind if you do, but I can’t. Work and all.” The ice cream man stepped closer, his right hip pressing against my side feeling hot like a furnace. He shook his head, grabbed the baggy, handed the 100 to me and said, “You WILL snort, sip, take whatever the fuck I say. I like fucking bitches that be high and we got a few hours before I have to meet my crew and make some deliveries, so be good, obey, and do what THE FUCK I SAY!” I nodded, took the baggy and 100 and hit the powder. FUCK THAT BURNED! “Other side too,” he said and then continued, “You won’t find Tina like that any place else in the city. I got the best shit.” He held up another bag, this one full of little shards and pieces, he pulled a chunk out, reached down and pushed it into the gaping piss slit in the head of his dick. “FUCK YEAH THAT’S A GOOD BURN,” he said, as he took another and plopped it under his tongue. He then grabbed two large chunks, turned me around, and using two fingers and his thumb shoved the shards into my chilled ass. Once they were just inside my hole he used his index finger to push them in further. The ice cream man then spit on his dick, once, twice, and got it nice and slimy. He then took the bag of powder, pulled some out between his fingers and dribbled it over his wet dick. “Every big chocolate cone should have sprinkles on it, don’t you think? You like sprinkles? I want you to get down on your fucking knees and lick every sprinkle off my dick, don’t miss a one.” I had to adjust the collar and chain a little, but it was long enough so I could obey and soon I was slurping on his Tina covered dick like it was an XL Frosty at Wendys. “Let me hear you smack those lips on my meat, spit that shit up – now swallow those sprinkles – ha ha oh fuck, you got powdered lips now – good bitch cock sucker – bet that throat is nice and relaxed, you feeling the shit yet? Oh yeah, I can tell, you a greedy little cock sucker. Open your mouth, let me feel you wet the whole motha-fuckin thing. FUCK YEAH, REST MY BALLS ON YOUR CHIN – TRY SWALLOWING MY SHIT, WORK MY DICK WITH THAT THROAT!” Drool was running out the sides of my mouth and as the Tina kicked in I was hungrier than ever and wanted more. I spat his dick out, stood up, panting hard as mouth juice ran down my chin and onto my chest. I looked at him all wild eyed and he stepped back, laughed, reached into a box and pulled out a plastic bottle. “This here is my home-made lube. We’re about to set that ass on fire! Bend over and show me how you want it.” I turned around, planted my hands firmly on top of the ice cream freezer, the chill of the cold steel in sharp contrast to the blazing inferno that began to spread from the tender edges of my asshole, deeper into my guts as the ice cream man fingered me hard and rough with his homemade lube. I started to pant, what the fuck was in that shit? He dangled another baggy in front of me, “See these monster shards? I’ll plant a few more of these up, twirl it all up with my meat, and top that sunday off with some frothy whip cream and a busted cherry from that third hole!!” I started to push back and ride his fingers as he forced the shards of Tina deeper into me. Even though it felt like I was being blasted with rock salt, the high I was on overrode any common sense and told me the pain I was feeling was nothing compared to the joy to come. “YOU WANT THIS DICK? WANT MY KNOT? LET ME HEAR YOU BEG FOR IT FUCKER. BEG TO GET FUCKED, BEG TO GET USED, BEG FOR MY CHOCOLATE NUTT,” the ice cream man said. I bounced my ass around and pushed it back as far as I could while still bending over the cooler. I begged, pleaded, and was frustrated as hell as my need to get fucked was overwhelming. The only warning I had he was ready was a quick “TAKE IT BITCH,” before the ice cream man pushed against my shivering hole and punched his dick head through my first ass ring, and started banging at the second like a warrior attacking a castle’s walls. “FUCKING CHRIST – THAT SHIT IS TIGHT – NOT FOR LONG THOUGH, GOING TO LOOSEN THAT HOLE, MAKE IT FLOWER, OPEN THOSE PUSSY LIPS THEN SPRINKLE IT WITH MY LUV AND LITTLE RAIN,” the ice cream man announced as he banged my ass. “SHUT UP, I DON’T NEED TO HEAR YOU TELLING ME HOW FUCKING GOOD MY DICK FEELS. I KNOW IT DOES. BITCHES SHOULD BE SEEN AND NOT HEARD SO JUST KEEP TRYING TO GRIP DOWN ON MY DICK SO I CAN BUST THOSE WALLS OUTWITH MY BIG, BLACK CANNON!” The ice cream man fucked me hard, deep, and steady and I was fucking loving it. I was used to being verbal so it was tough having to keep my mouth shut, but the few moans and groans that escaped my Tina coated lips let him know I would take whatever he gave me. Even though I was laying face forward on the ice cream cooler, I was hot, sweating, and panting. The ice cream man was hot too and sweat poured off his thick body and dripped all over me as he continued to fuck my ass. After a while of hard fucking, he slowed his pace and said, “Fuck damn – feel that? I just gave you a bit of chem piss. That’ll kick in in oh about 2 or 3 minutes and your ass will start squirting like a porn pussy in not time. And you know what? By the times we’re through, you’re gonna walk out of here smelling like an old goat. A big old goat with nasty teeth, fucked up hooves, and shit and piss coated tail end.” He laughed hard at that, I didn’t get it but could have cared less as long as he kept fucking me. My legs were getting tired, but my ass was hungrier than ever, and I grabbed onto the cross bar on the ice cream truck wall in front of me to help keep me standing. I guess it was actually the window counter that opened as every time the ice cream man bang fucked me into the cooler, the wall would pop out a little, only staying in place by hook latches on either side, but it was enough for me to get quick little views of sunlight and the sidewalk and every now and then a glimpse of one of the bus drivers standing by the bus in front of us and looking at the ice cream truck. “READY FOR MY BLACK SYRUP? SOME CREAM IN THAT HOLE FOR THAT VANILLA SUNDAY? GONNA MAKE THAT BANA SPLIT FO SURE! I GOT IT FOR YOU – HERE IT FUCKING COMES – TAKE MY FUCKING CREAM YOU DICK HUNGRY FUCKER – OPEN THAT HOLE WIDE – GIVE IT TO ME – GIVE IT TO ME – THAT’S RIGHT – LET ME PUSH THOSE SPRINKLES INTO THOSE GUTS – AWW FUCK…AWW FUCK… HERE IT COMES…HERE IT COMES….HERE….IT….COOOMMMMESSSS…..!!!!” The shivers that ran through the ice cream truck man travelled from his dick, up and through his body, back down through his dick and into my ass and exploded out through my limbs as his cum splattered my insides. He sighed, sucked in a couple deep breaths, then pushed himself off me and ripped his dick out of my pulsing hole. I begged for him to keep fucking me but he just slapped my ass, laughed, grabbed a handful of napkins from the dispenser on the side, and wiped his face and forehead off. He then kicked the milk crate on the floor to the side, plopped down on it with a grunt, took his cigar and lit it back up and leaned back. I stood up, twisting around in my collar and chain and eyed his wet and glistening dick. I needed more – had to have more! I stepped closer to try to stroke him or suck him and he said, “Back the fuck off. I’m done. Well done with that. Time to settle up. Toss me your fucking wallet.” What? All I could think about was dick and the ache in my ass. “You deaf? Jesus Christ,” he said he got up, grabbed my pants off the floor, pulled my wallet out of the back pocket, one at a time laid out the cash I had on the counter, shook his head in disgust, then pulled out one of my credit cards. He then stepped over to the cash register, ran my card through a small reader, typed in some numbers, smiled when it dinged approved, came back, stuck the card back in my wallet, scuffed up the cash and said, “You got to pay to play and my shit – between my legs and what you fucking snorted and took up your hole – ain’t free, you feel me?” I nodded, what else could I do? Right then I would have done anything. “Get dressed and get the fuck out, I got things to do,” the ice cream man said as he unwound the chain from the cooler’s handle and released me from the collar. I rubbed my neck and practically pranced back and forth on tippy toes I was so fucking horny and high. He just smiled, laughed, and deflated me a bit when he said, “Look, you got some good ass, you was here, I was ready, it was business. Here’s my card. If you got the bank and need a delivery, I got boys who can roll through with anything on the menu – and I mean anything.” The last bit he emphasized by flapping his limp dick with his right hand. OK, I got it. I was high not stupid, so I started to get dressed as he did too. Stuffed my now empty wallet into my pants and looked at him one last time in hopes he had changed his mind. He just scowled, pointed at the back door, so I let myself out into the harsh light of the hot summer afternoon. I was standing between the back of the ice cream truck and a bus that had pulled up behind us, trying to adjust myself and feeling fucking paranoid that I not only smelled like a goat, but looked like one too, when the ice cream truck’s motor revved, spat a stream of thick acrid smoke out the tail pipe, and beeped twice in warning. I hopped up on the curb as the ice cream truck backed up a few feet, pulled out, and drove away. My scattered thoughts were interrupted as someone coughed, I turned to the left and the driver of the bus that had parked behind the ice cream truck was now standing by the bus door, leaning slightly against it as he rubbed the bulge in the front of his pants. He had on large sun glasses so I could not see his eyes and he didn’t say a word, but his fingers and the growing shadow cast by his pants was all I needed to see. “I hope you got some sprinkles,” I said as I purposely walked past him and climbed the steps up into the bus knowing my ass was ready to give him more than he bargained for.
    5 points
  3. This is a bit of a cheat. It is actually the story of my last six loads all in one session from only two separate guys. Earlier today, a guy I have been interested in and pursuing for quite awhile finally had a day off. We both had trouble sleeping last night and were texting back and forth most of the night about how horny we were. Though he's normally a bottom, he was really in the mood to top a tight hole. Considering I was in an insatiable bottom mood, that worked well. He invited me over and I got there around 6:00 AM. Even before the door was even closed his shorts were off and the entire length his cock was sliding in and out my mouth and throat. We are both exhibitionists, so it didn't bother me that we were in the living room with one of his roommates on the couch watching. Unbeknownst to me because it was behind my back, he never closed the front door either. He lives on a busy two-way street with parking on both sides and a lot of people who walking down the sidewalk, so it turned-out I was kneeling in plain view of the entire street while deep throating his eight inch uncut cock, getting it nice and wet. He had mentioned that he pre-cums buckets when he is really turned on, and I assumed he was exaggerating, but not so: as I blew him essentially in public (eight or nine people were watching from the sidewalk), he was rock hard and streaming pre-cum like it was piss. Finally, however, he shut the door and we went up to his room. Without closing the door, he threw me on my back on the bed and started sliding his thick cock up and down my ass crack. Each slide added more and more slickness to both my crack and hole. Then, with no warning, extra spit or any lube at all, he thrust balls deep into me in one fast push and bottomed out inside my ass. Without letting me acclimate to his thick uncut cock, he immediately started a vigorous pounding of my ass. He was fucking me so hard and fast that within a matter of about for or five minutes, he was already getting close. I asked him if he wanted to slow down and edge or cum now. He answered by grunting out that he edged all night and this load is mine right now. He shoved his cock as deep as he could and started throbbing and shooting what felt like a gallon of cum deep into me. This is where I found out the best thing about my friend and what led to how I spent the next eight hours. As he was done fucking that load into me and massaging my ass, I expected him to soften-up, but instead he surprised me by getting harder instead. He remarked that when he's really hot for someone, he turns into a multi-cummer who gets harder after cumming and takes longer to cum with each consecutive load. The next eight hours of the day passed without a moment where my ass was empty of a cock. The first load was the only quick load. The others were long varying fucks in many positions that ended in loads that were no less impressive than the first. The last two loads were even more interesting. At this point, he was balls-deep in me as I lay on my back and he stood at the foot of the bed. He bent over and told me to wrap my arms around his neck. I complied and he picked me up and started walking back downstairs while still thrusting in and out of me. His roommate was still on the couch, his eyes bulging, even as his his cock gave a huge twitch in his basketball shorts. "Where are you going?," the roommate asked. "We're going out into the back yard to finish fucking," my friend replied. "Mind if I tag along?" the roommate asked. Now, the roommate is a hot guy and my friend didn't mind so the three of us went out back even as I was still impaled on my friend's cock. When we arrived in the back yard I saw it was a good sized yard that was wide open, with nothing available for privacy: the fence around the yard was a four-foot chain link fence that added no privacy, and in looking at the surrounding properties, I saw they were pretty much all as open as that in which we were playing, so there was privacy at all. Placing me on my back on a picnic table in the middle of the yard, my friend continued fucking me for about ten minutes before he shot his last load (which was possibly even bigger than his earlier loads). "I think I'm done," my friend remarked, and I thought I was also, but before I got to my feet the roommate pulled-out his cock and asked "Mind if I have a turn?" His cock was even more impressive than that of my friend. It was about 9.5", uncut and thick. I looked to my friend who shrugged. In response, I lifted my legs back up and the roommate thrust into my ass just as vigorously as had my friend. In fact, while I didn't think it could possibly happen, the roommate fucked even faster and harder than my friend. Thankfully, he had been edging all day listening to me get fucked by my friend, so about ten minutes later he blew the biggest load of the day inside my hole. Needless to say I had to wear a plug to get home so their huge loads wouldn't ooze out of my hole into my shorts and onto the leather car seat.
    3 points
  4. Just as I started to catch my breath, he leaned in and kissed me gently at first but then more aggressively—forcing his tongue deep into my mouth. At the same time he pulled my hands up over my head and pinned them down. With every action he was reinforcing his control over me—complete control. I was still pretty fuzzy from the overdose of g he had given me, so it was a lot for me to take in and process. But as he kissed me and held me down—his body heavy on top of me—I felt myself let go and give in to him. I started to kiss him back just as deeply. And I started to grind my hips up toward his cock. “That’s a good boy. You are starting to learn what you are and what you need. And daddy can give you what you need and help you become your true self. Do you understand boy?” I nodded my head slowly as he stroked by face and licked my ear. He pushed himself off of me and looked down “You are one hot fucking piece of ass, boy.” With no warning he grabbed my torso and lifted it up off the bed and over his shoulder—just as he had done with my boyfriend earlier—and started to carry me across the penthouse playroom. As he walked, he slapped my ass a few times, telling me how hot it was to fuck. “You have no idea how great that ass is. I’m not going to ever let you leave, boy. I’m just going to keep you up here fucked up getting fucked all the time. You don’t know it yet, but I’m about to change your life forever.” We finally reached wherever he was going, and he very gently set me down so that I was standing in front of him. Before I could look around he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. “I’m going to take such good care of you, boy. You have no idea how much pleasure I’m going to bring to your life. Are you ready?” I looked up into his eyes and nodded. “I want to hear you say you’re ready. Tell daddy you want to be his boy.” “Yes, daddy. I want to be your boy.” He leaned in close and cupped my chin with his hand. “Say it again, boy.” “I want to be your boy, daddy.” He started to shift his weight away from me and shake his head. “I don’t know, boy. You don’t seem like you really want it…” I threw my arms around him and buried my face in his hairy pecs, “Please, daddy, I’ll do whatever you want. Please! I need to be your boy.” I was completely overcome with terror as I thought about never being held or kissed or fucked by him again—this man who had drugged and raped me. I knew that part of it was the lingering effects of the g. But it was more than that. “I think you are ready, boy.” He walked me a few steps backward and leaned me back into a sling that was in a semiprivate alcove at the opposite end of the penthouse from the oversized bed. “This is my own little private play area—my husband can only come here when he’s invited. It’s where I like to break in my new fuck boys.” He gently lifted my legs into the sling and fastened them into cuffs and then pulled me all the way back into the sling and did the same for my right arm. The left arm he left free and pushed a rolling cart with a padded rest underneath. He stepped behind me and grabbed something from a shelf, which I realized was a blindfold as he slipped it over me eyes. “Just relax—daddy’s going to take good care of you. The only way to be my boy is to trust me completely and absolutely. There’s nothing you can do and no way to turn back now, little boy, so you need to make the choice to give yourself to me unconditionally.” I nodded as the words “Yes daddy, anything you want.” tumbled out of my mouth. “Good boy.” I could hear him doing something behind me, but my brain couldn’t make sense of what it was he could be doing. I heard and felt a chair being pulled up beside me on the side where my arm was not restrained. “Hold your arm completely still.” I felt him wipe my arm with something cold and wet—and it only then dawned on my that he was about to use a needle to inject me with something. I must have tensed up a bit because he whispered to me, “Don’t you worry boy. Daddy was a fireman for over thirty years—so he’s had extensive medical training. Just relax and learn to love being my chem boy.” As he said the last few words, let out a deep breath and tried to let go of my anxiety. I felt the smallest prick and a few seconds later I started to cough intensely and suddenly I was alive like I’ve never been before. Every nerve in my body was tingling. I started to pant and moan. And that’s when daddy slipped his hard cock back inside of me. The second he buried his thick cock all the way to the hilt I shot a load. “Fuck, yeah, boy. You like getting slammed and having daddy’s cock all the way inside you??” “YES! Please! Don’t ever stop fucking me. Please!”
    3 points
  5. I had been working with this guy for quite some time. We had both identified each other as gay, and truth be told, I thought he was drop-dead cute. Not only was he cute, he was younger and shorter than was I, and his hair was a dark ginger color, cut short at the back and sides and brushed to the side, floppy on top - just like I like it. You may know from earlier stories that I have a thing for guys with nice hair, its not so much the colour as the style and a texture. This guy's hair was thick and I imagined it was going to feel great. We had always got on well and when we were alone had a few chats about his boyfriend, who lived a long way away at a different university and they only got to see each other during the holidays. Now my cute co-worker was a bottom, and he occasionally remarked that every time his boyfriend fucked him it hurt because there was a long distance between fucks. At some point he even showed me a photograph of his boy friend's cock. To be honest it was nothing to write home about. During our conversations he also mentioned he would like to find a discreet guy to fuck him during term time so when his boyfriend was around, he could take his cock and enjoy himself. So naturally I showed him a photograph of my thick cock. The look of conflicted lust crossed his face. I could tell he was torn between getting laid and being true to his boyfriend, but I reasoned nothing however cure his horniness other than a proper cock inside him, even if the cock was poz, as was mine. Now he didn't know I was poz, and as he never brought it up, I was happy to leave it that way. Even so I had pretty much written him off as his guilt complex made it too much effort to work through. Then one night this all changed. We were at the company's Christmas party recently and a couple hours into the party we crossed paths and as I could see he had had a few drinks and was somewhat looser, I thought it a good time to see if he was still horned-up, I could even see the bulge in his trousers, so I decided to go for it. I reached under the table and gave his hard cock a squeeze which made him gasp. It was time to fuck this boy. I told him I was going to the toilet and wanted him to come so I could give him what he needed. When we got inside the toilet was empty as it was fairly late, and many of the attendees had already departed. No sooner had we entered the cubicle then he began kissing me, driving his tongue into my mouth. I buried my hand in his thick ginger hair and it felt as good as I thought it would. We turned around in the cubicle and I pushed him down so he sat on the toilet. I unzipped and got out my thick poz cock, wet with toxic pre-cum and drove it into his mouth right into his throat until he gagged. God could the boy suck cock. He took it into his mouth and throat like a depraved crazy guy. I grabbed the top of his hair and pulled him deeper onto my cock until his eyes were watering. I told him to use as much spit as possible to make my cock wet as I was going to shove it in his ass and give him what he needed. At that point he got all worried about his boyfriend but I told him that he's already been sucking me so he's already crossed the line and we weren't going anywhere till I'd emptied my balls deep in his ginger pussy. I stood him up and turned him around, reached round and undid his trousers which fell to his ankles, then dropped his boxers revealing the cutest ass you'd ever seen, he put his knees on the toilet and bent over, his ass cheeks just opened up and left his tight twitching hole exposed. I wasted no time. I lined-up my wet poz cock with his hole and in one motion drove it deep into his guts. He grunted with genuine pain. His grunt may have said 'stop', but his cock never lost its erection, so I pumped him hard, fucking him deeper and deeper with every thrust, driving into his ass so deeply that I popped into his inner ring and I held still, grabbed the top of his hair while I ran my tongue up the back of his neck. He shuddered with pleasure and then I whispered in his ear, “I'm going to shoot my poz load deep in your inner ring!” He looked at me out of the corner of his eye for a moment but nothing came out of his mouth. He just bowed his head forwards as I pounded his ass, using his head of thick hair as an anchor, I built up momentum. I could feel my balls tightening and my cock was on the brink so I drove it home just as my cock swelled and spew volley after volley of highly toxic cum deep in his guts. It crossed my mind that I was shooting so much cum it almost felt like I was pissing in his ass. Yeah, I could feel the warmth of my load surrounding my cock so I knew he was full. Pulling out, my cock was laced with cum and blood from his torn ring. It was one hell of a beautiful sight. I couldn't help the snicker with pleasure. He turned around and collapsed onto the seat, lost in thought. I thought he looked sated, as he should have been given the fuck I had given him. I noticed his hair was in a real state after the fuck and his cock was still hard. I drove my still hard cock into his mouth to clean it as he wanked himself hard. As he shot his load over the floor I pulled out his mouth bowed his head forward and shot my second poz load over that sexy ginger hair. He looked up at me totally exhausted. I pulled him up and told him to raise his trousers because I wasn't going to let him waste my poz cum: it had to stay deep in his bowels. Using my second load, I styled his hair and sent him out of the cubicle. Turning around he asked "Why?" “You didn't ask and you didn't stop me”, I replied. He looked at me and smiled, turned around and re joined the party.
    2 points
  6. This story is a work of fiction and fantasy. My first attempt at this so sorry if it's lame. Normally this would be a rough draft but I'm afraid I'll never post it because I'll be too busy revising it. anyway, enjoy! My friend had joined a motorcycle club recently and since we're very close I usually found myself attending a lot of the parties they threw and even special club members only events. I got to know a lot of the guys pretty well. They seemed to have accepted me into their inner circle. unfortunately, this group of men is only a small chapter of the whole club and being good with them DOES NOT mean you're good with everyone, which i will soon find out. my journey began when i was asked to drive some members, including my friend, up to a convention the club was having.not seeing any downside I eagerly agreed. It was quite a drive but we filled the time by smoking a few bowls and sharing stories about the best fucks we've ever had, best tits, tightest pussy; I loved hearing my friends stories because i know hes got a nice 8 in cock that looks all the bigger given the fact that he's about 5' 8" weighing in around 124. Usually I don't find myself attracted to really skinny guys but for not ever working out he's got great tone. So Chris starts his story, and i start to find it hard to concentrate on the road. I recognized it immediately. Hes talking about the time he fucked his ex in the bed she shares with her husband. I know it well because anytime we're alone with some Tina I get him to show me the videos he took of that night. Thats when I saw his beautiful circumcised rod. Sadly for me, even after getting spun Chris still doesnt see me as an option for sexual relief. Mainly because he gets the worse tina dick I've ever seen. I start to feel my jeans get tight. Chris is in the passengers seat and immediately notices, I'm too preoccupied thinking about Chris' big white cock to see him pull out his phone and send me a quick text, "need me to take care of the huge boner for you?" I would have been embarrassed if we hadn't decided to show each other our hard cocks one night to compare. I get another text, "Never mind, I've only ever touched my own dick, Idk if i could handle your girth." He had about an inch on me in length but i had him on girth. I look over at him and roll my eyes. He flashes that sexy smile as I take our last exit. A lot of the convention was extremely exclusive, so i wasnt allowed to attend any of the functions, and since i had decided to be the driver for the weekend I couldnt leave the hotel room just in case i was called for a ride. Finally, just before midnight, i get a text from Chris saying there's going to be a get together at the main clubhouse and I should go. Dying of boredom and horny from the hits of Tina I just had, I quickly left for the party. As soon as i finish my first beer I realize that Im craving some Tina pretty bad. Knowing there had to be a dealer somewhere, I start going through the house trying to find my connect. It only took me about an hour before coming across and empty room with a single solitary bag of meth sitting on the nightstand. without thinking i make my way up to it and pick it up right as 3 members walk in. Back home a misunderstanding such as this would be easy to navigate, but at this moment i was just a stranger taking what isnt mine. they're all staring at me with a mixture of anger and confusion on their faces. I put the bag down, lower my head and try to leave but the door is quickly shut and locked, and finally the silence was broken," Is it my imagination, Bud, or did we just catch this faggot trying to jack my sack?" "Ya thats what it looks like to me, travis" replied Bud. " No I..." I tried to explain myself but was cut off by the third man. "hey maybe hes that "gift" we were supposed to get for finishing our last run so quickly, you know how these club sluts love their dope before taking some cock". I could see where this was heading and while id be more than happy to service these men individually, a group situation would certainly push my limits seeing as how I've never done that sort of thing. They start to take of their shirts exposing some rather impressive torsos. I knew I might really be in danger of just getting jumped by these men, but all I could think about was Travis' arching adonis belts, Buds hard hairy chest and Brad's massive biceps. At once they all grab me and hold me down on the bed, "hey maybe the whores just mad that it hasnt gotten its fix yet, Brad how about you fix him a needle?" Brad nodded and disappeared. I was no match for the two mountains of Aryan muscle lying on top of me, but I struggled to free myself; I had never slammed meth before. Hell, I only smoke it once or twice a month. When Brad returned I had decided I shouldn’t fight him. Im a pretty big guy but I was out numbered. Slamming cant be too different from smoking can it? End of Part 1 Part 2 It can and it was. I refused to watch them inject me, I was so angry to be treated this way for now reason other than bad timing, but all that faded away when the tourniquet was pulled from my arm. I felt a rush of warmth throughout my body, I was suddenly very aware of my fuck hole and how clothed I was. As my body relaxed I could here laughter. The men had stood up leaving me to lay on the bed writhing in desire. I tried to fight it; I didn’t want to be their fuck toy for the night, but my body needed cock. Brad was the last to take his slam. I couldn’t hold it in any longer and before he could finish I just blurted out, “Please fuck me! I’ll suck your cock, lick your boots and worship you, just please don’t let me leave this room without your loads in me”. I was staring at these men- no, they weren’t men anymore, they were gods and I knew I’d do anything to please them. One by one they dropped their pants. At that point I didn’t care how hung they were, but I was thrilled to see that my new masters, already all hard as diamonds, were probably going to wreck my hole with their tools. There’s nothing I love more than big, cut, white cock. I was salivating at the sight of Brad’s fuck stick which pointed straight forward, no curvature (not unlike chris’) about 9 in from his hard torso. Bud and Travis both looked about 8 in, but it was Bud’s huge low hanging balls that brought a smile to my face. Before I knew what happened I realized they had stripped me and laid me across the bed with my head hanging off just a bit. To my delight, Brad stepped up and quickly put his cock in my mouth. He went a few inches in and started to pull out and a twinge of sadness hit me; this poor man has this beautiful meat swinging between his legs and hes so used to females being so bad at oral that his natural instinct is to hold back. Well if ever there was a position made for deep throating a cock, it’s the one I was in so when I felt him pulling out I wrapped my arms around his legs and brought him back while also bringing my off the bed a bit to show him that im not an amateur. His surprised confusion turned into pleasure as the head of his cock pushed past the back of my throat, “Holy shit y’all, look at this shit. Ive never seen my cock go so far down someones throat!” I held him there with my nose in his musky taint, massaging his cock with my throat muscles for a little while just appreciating the moans of pleasure emanating from above me, “fuck! This feels just like a tight pussy!” he exclaimed. Bud decided he wanted to try out my “pussy throat” so he and brad started taking turns with it. Travis knew a good deep throat bj would be nice but he knew exactly what he was after. Travis is what you’d call an ass man. He loves watching a tight asshole reluctantly open up around his fat white cock, a sight hes been deprived of for several weeks now since his wife left him. I felt the weight on the bed shifting and I knew he was coming up to inspect my hole. Chris sucked his finger leaving a good amount of spit on it. He looked up at his fucktoy being used by his friends, sure that with a throat so loose he cant expect his fucktoy to keep his hole tight but when he brought his finger to his sluts fuck hole he found that pushing past the outer ring was a bit harder than he expected. He grinned. The best part about anal to travis is the pain his big dick causes as he forces it in. In the past he would have to drown his cock in lube, but for this new chem pig he decided rubbing a little bit of spit on his meat would suffice. He wondered if he’d make his pig bite down on his friends cock. I presented my hole for travis and felt him explore my pussy with his finger. I started wondering if he was just gonna tease me or—I couldn’t even finish my thought due to a mixture of blinding pain and indescribable pleasure. My mouth widened in shock which allowed more of Brads cock to enter. I’ve never felt a cock move so roughly in and out of my hole and if I was sober I probably would’ve hated it, but since I was still riding the wave of my first ever slam, the pain added to the pleasure. I could hear travis enjoying my tight hole, calling me a cock hungry chem pig, I loved it. I was just a warm wet hole for these real men to fuck. I gave Travis a squeeze with my hole which sent him over the edge. He slammed his cock deep into my body, I could feel his cock pulsing, shooting streams of his straight cum deep inside my pussy. Bud finished in my mouth as Brad made his way to my hole. “fuck Travis your cums leakin out of him like crazy, how long have you been holding that shit in?” Brad asked, “ almost two fuckin weeks! Its too bad this pig doesn’t live around here or id use that pussy everyday” Travis said as he found a chair to sit on while he waits for Brad to give this chemwhore a load. Brad flipped his fuck hole over so it was on its stomach and mounted him using Travis’ cum to slide his monster deep into the warm wet hole. Once he was in he started slamming his cock in which brought yelps of pain from his fucktoy. He could feel himself bottoming out, prompting him to slam his hips harder into the pigs round hairy cheeks. He was surprised how much he enjoyed fucking another man. Something about the hair surrounding his cock as he pistons his cock in and out, the sensation of having their balls collide with each thrust, and the complete disregard for how much pain he might be feeling kinda made Brad think that he could do this again. With the drugs wearing off, Brads deep long strokes were causing more pain than pleasure but I was still hungry for loads in my pussy so I squeezed down and started fucking back. Not long after that Brad clenched my ass and planted his hot seed inside me. I smiled as I felt his load fill me up. I laid on the bed in ecstasy as they got dressed and left. Before leaving Brad spun around and tossed the sack of meth at me and I could faintly hear him ask Travis, “So who’s sack was that anyway?” followed by laughter. I never told Chris about the encounter, he wouldn’t believe me anyway. Sometimes I’ll feel really ashamed for being such a slut for tina, But then I think of Brad’s 9 inches and im reminded that I’m just a slut for big cock and I can definitely live with that.
    2 points
  7. If this little story is indeed true, my little crystal ball tells me a friendship may be soon ending. To the original poster: this is actually a sad situation on so many levels - the deceit, the lying, the sneaking around. If the "straight" brother does somehow have feelings for you, chances are he won't ever be faithful to you, which is something you said you value. You want to know how I know that? Because 1) he knows you know about the girlfriend and were still willing to have sex with him and 2) you've demonstrated that all you need is an opportunity (i.e. going to grab a movie) and you will fuck somebody as long as you think you won't get caught. You don't say how old you are, but if you are really young (<25), I can sort of understand how you might have gotten yourself into this mess, but if you are any older than that, I'm looking at you sideways because you are willing to sacrifice a deep friendship and potentially cause conflict between two brothers just to have sex. I'll end with this: if you are doing something that you don't want others to know about, or are going to great lengths to conceal it, then you probably shouldn't be doing it.
    2 points
  8. The first time I got fucked when I was a kid was bareback. I loved it. Not just the feel of the skin of his hard warm cock pumping in my ass, but the sound of him grunting as he came in me and the wet sound as he continued to fuck after he loaded my ass. I remember the feel of his cum dripping out of my hole and on my balls. Thats how I learned what it means to get fucked. When guys have tried to fuck me wearing a condom on their cock it has been awful. Its nothing like I expected or wanted. A cock with a condom on it is nothing more than a plastic dildo.
    2 points
  9. As Skinhead left, I noticed that there was bunch of men all standing at the open doorway. I assume they must have heard the action in our stall. Will and Stefan were standing at the back of the guys. Both had an expression of lust on their faces but Stefan especially looked like he was so proud of Artur. Will later told me that there were peep holes in the stall walls. He, Artur and several men had watched as Skinhead bred us both. Will said Skinhead was a local and had an infamous reputation. I didn't know what Will meant by infamous and he wouldn't elaborate when I asked. It wasn't comfortable lying with my back on top of Artur's front so I started to get off. Before I had a chance to do so, the guys at the doorway walked in to the stall. One guy aged around 30 already had his cock out and it was rock solid. His cock was about six inches long but fairly fat. He was cut which was not common here in Amsterdam it seemed. He stood at the foot of the sling immediately in front of our two exposed asses which were now dripping with Skinhead's seed. He slid full length into me in one hard quick thrust and I knew he hadn't had time to rubber up. Fuck, it felt so good! I moaned in disappointment as he pulled his cock out of me but in the next second he rammed it back in, balls deep. As he hammered my ass, I remember thinking I was so born to take the raw cock and seed from any and every man who wanted me and I would never stop doing so. I was shocked and at the same time turned on by this realisation. Not for the first time, I wondered what Will had turned me into. After maybe two minutes, the guy pulled his cock completely out my ass, not having shot. Artur then started groaning and it was clear the cock was now entering his ass. The guy bent over and kissed me in a dirty raunchy manner as he was breeding Artur's ass. I heard shouts from the guys encouraging him to shoot into the “darker guy's ass” and “breed him”. The same voices then spoke in Dutch and German, presumably repeating the same request. It took me a few seconds before I realised that it was Will and Stefan's voices. Whether it was their encouragement or not to breed Artur, the guy's fucking got harder and faster and all of a sudden he screamed into my face “.......I am shooting my seed into your boyfriend and breeding him up...”. (Little did he know, that Artur was not my boyfriend.) He wasn't finished yet though and proceeded to hammer Artur's ass for maybe another five minutes or so before he pulled out, turned around and walked out. Not one word of thanks or 'that was good guys'. I could see another guy was moving in to have a go but I knew I had to get up. I was uncomfortable so it must have been so bad for poor Artur underneath me. As I got onto my feet the guy didn't waste any time before he was balls deep in Artur. I looked around to see his cock pull out and he was also raw. The guy was maybe 45 and had about a seven incher. Another guy moved to the head of the sling and pushed his cock into Artur's face. His cock was about seven inches but had a bend in it facing left. It was such a turn on to see Artur sucking on one cock whilst another one was breeding his ass. So many men came into the stall there wasn't much room to move around. Eventually, the guy started making fast breathing sounds and had a look of ecstasy on his face, almost an agony sort of look, and it was clear that Artur was getting another load of seed. When he pulled out, yet another guy moved between Artur's legs. He started to pull a condom onto what looked like an eight inch cock. A hand stopped him and when I looked up it was Stefan who told the guy “no condom”. Stefan told the guy that that Artur was his boyfriend and it was raw or nothing. The guy was clearly conflicted. He came to a decision and said “OK, your choice”. With that he pushed his raw cock into Artur. Whether it was the fact he was raw or not I don't know but he lasted only about 30 seconds before shooting his load balls deep in to Artur's ass. He quickly pulled out looking like he regretted going raw and he left the stall just as quick as he had shot. Seed was dripping out of Artur and pooling on the floor. I bent over and as I was licking up the seed from the floor, some guy pushed his cock into my ass. I wont bore you guys with the same details as essentially for the next 45 or 50 minutes guys after guy bred Artur and I. We were exhausted by the time Will and Stefan broke it up and took us upstairs for a drink and rest. I could feel the seed leaking from my ass and knew the wet patch on my pants would be bigger than before. As we stood drinking I noticed a good number of men nod and wink at each other whilst saying something to each other about Artur and I.
    2 points
  10. Just got home from a very fun and interesting night in Northwest DC. I have been talking to a few black guys off squirt (forgot about that site until I received email notification of messages in my account inbox). I by chance bumped into one of them last night at Cobalt. The guy is smoking hot, 20 year old hung about 8" thick University of Maryland student. I was drunk off my ass (guess 4 jager bombs, a bahama mamma, and three long islands will do that) when I boldly approached him and grabbed his crotch. Next thing I know I'm on my knees in a bathroom stall sucking his dick, after my friend I was with urged me to hookup with this guy. I was moaning very loudly, luckily the music was exceptionally loud last night lol. I easily deep throated his delicious dick, and after a few minutes he grabbed my head with both hands and started fucking my face. I for some reason started fingering him, which eventually led to him making me rim him. OMG what a great tasting ass! I was jacking off, and precumming like crazy when, after a few minutes, he made me face the wall over the toilet, pulled down my pants, and started rimming me. This went on for I think 5 minutes before he shoved poppers under my nose (I could tell they were Jungle Juice), which always makes my ass open up real good. Without warning he stands up, grabs my hips, and slides in balls deep ... no talk of status or condoms. He was not gentle, smashing my ass while holding a hand over my mouth. His first load came about 10 minutes into fucking ... damn he flooded my hole good! I wanted to stop after that, but he pinned me down, started fucking even more rough, and said, "I'll let you know when you can leave." Mmm that turned me on even more, he felt my ass open up more, and then said, "Yeah, knew you were a slut for big black dick. I'm gonna claim this yellow ass, bitch. You're gonna let me fuck you whenever, wherever I say." Haha I seem to pick out the best tops. In total he flooded my hole 5 times, and my ass was leaking cum. After the 5th load, he rimmed my ass and then made out with me, sharing some of his loads with me. That pushed me over the edge and I blew a huge load all over the bathroom floor. Haha didn't bother cleaning it up. I'll definitely be spending a lot of quality time at College Park this fall. Oh, and in his profile he has under 'Safer Sex: Always'. xD
    2 points
  11. Part 1 I knew as soon as I felt his load, the first load I had ever take, being unloaded deep inside my gut that I needed more and that my days as a total top were over. I had come to the baths, an arrogant twenty for year old, with a well built body for which I had worked hard, short cropped dark brown hair, a rather pail completion that contrasted sharply with my dark body hair and the attitude of a no-nonsense seasoned breeder. By no means was this was not my first trip to the baths. I frequently donned a skimpy towel and went in quest of a bottom to pound when the urge to empty by balls in a slut’s hole overwhelmed me. Ever sense I had come out when I was fourteen told me I was a top, and that it was my duty to dump my load into every boy with whom I played, from my first boyfriend till that night. It probably helped that I loved to see my thick seven and a half inch member disappear inside a boy’s hole, his ass lips clinging to my shaft. That night began like any of my other trips to the baths. I purchased a locker, stripped off, slung a towel around my trim waist making sure it was low enough to show off my ample pubes and then, with my key around my wrist, headed off in search of a bottom to breed. I made my way to the sling room, the easiest place to find an open hole searching for some cock, my cock stiffening as I walked listening to the groans of men all around me and breathing in the smell of sex that lingered in the air. The sling room was dimly lit, just well enough to make out where guys were but not well enough to really make out distinct faces. I dropped my towel off in a corner by the door and proceeded, my erect cock standing out in front of me, naked through the room. Multiple slings hung from the ceiling, and were arranged in a circle so that the bottom’s asses all faced out towards the walls and the bottoms could watch themselves being bred in the mirrored ceiling. After cruising past several of the bottoms I alighted upon a blonde boy about my age with his legs in the air and the slightly vacuous expression of someone who had just been fucked more then he thought possible. I walked up between his legs and started rubbing my cock head against his well fucked, dripping hole. “How many loads you have in your hole, guy?” I asked. “I lost count,” the blonde replied vaguely, suggesting "but add yours to the mix. Give me you cock man. I need you inside of me.” I didn’t need any more encouragement then that. I pressed my cock against his hole and easily slid inside. This boy was so loose and full of cum that I didn’t bother starting out slow letting him get used to my cock, but rather started pounding him as hard as I could grabbing hold of the chains that suspended the sling from the ceiling to pull him back and pound him harder. With each deep penetrating thrust the blonde let out a little whimper and would occasionally continue begging me for my load and my cock. Sweat began to run down my back as I hammered away. Just then I felt a presence behind me and then promptly two hands appeared on my hips guiding me how to plow the boy. Then a man pressed his body against my back, and leaning around me, looked at the bottom and asked “How ya doing kid? Feelin' good?” “Hell yeah,” was the bottom’s response.
    1 point
  12. Kevin was browsing through profiles on adam4adam and once again found himself staring at the hottest guy he had ever seen. The guy was six one, 145 pounds, 26 years old, white, with a smooth nine and a half inch cut cock. And he was poz. "Damn," Kevin thought, "why does he have to have HIV?" As he had done many times before, Kevin couldn't help but to click through each picture of the guy's photographs, hoping to see more of the man's gorgeous body and enormous cock, but the most memorable image was the outline of guy's huge dick underneath the guy's bathing suit. The text on his profile always caught his eye, and Kevin found himself inexplicably turned on as he read it again "I'm poz. I fuck bare. Don't message me unless you want poz jizz in your hole." The first few times Kevin had read the man's profile, the message scared and repulsed him, but increasingly he found himself somewhat aroused as he found himself wondering what it would feel like to have the huge cock filling his ass with jizz. His thoughts were interrupted when the a4a alert noise cracked through his speakers and startled him. He checked the messages. 'Oh shit', he thought, 'it's from *him*'. The following conversation followed: hungpozfucker: hey, you always look at my profile. so i thought id say hello. dont worry, you can't get pozzed just chatting with me. kevinboi22: oh. um sorry. ur hott and all, but i dont fuck guys with hiv. hungpozfucker: no worries. it's not like i would let you fuck me. i would, however, attack your ass with my huge cock, if u were willing. Kevin found that his half-way hard cock was suddenly at it's full seven inches. kevinboi22: like i said ur hott. it's just the hiv thing. ya know? i wish i could see more pics of your cock though. hungpozfucker: i don't have any more pics here. look, let's meet up, and i'll show you in real life. don't worry, i'm not gonnarape your little boi hole or anything. i'll just come over, we can chat, i'll give you a glimpse, and then i'll leave. it doesn't hurt to make new friends does it? Kevin's cock was now throbbing as he imagined this huge cock being forced into him. "uggh," he thought "i wanna see it. i want him to fuck me, but not with hiv." kevinboi22: well, i guess that's cool. i'm a little shy, just so you know. and i only want to take a look, okay? hungpozfucker: deal About an hour later, Kevin heard a knock on his door. His heart was pounding, and his cock immediately resumed it's rock-hard status as he imagined what was on the other side of the door. Kevin let his new poz 'friend' into his living room. An awkward pause followed, but then the visitor took over. "I'm Bret. I guess I'll just break the ice," he introduced himself; and then casually pulled his shorts down revealing the longest and thickest soft cock Kevin had ever seen. "Oh my God," Kevin said as his mouth dropped. "Go ahead and touch it, it's okay. You can't get nothing by just feeling it." That was all the permission Kevin needed. He quickly got on his knees and inspected the beautiful cock as he slowly caressed it and felt it harden in his hands. "How big is it?" Kevin asked. "About 9.5 inches. Probably too big to fit in your hole anyway," Bret said half-smiling to himself. Kevin's cock was throbbing again. He continued to stroke Bret's enormous piece as it got fully hard. "Why don't you give it a little kiss since you like it so much?" Bret said while smirking. Kevin was scared, but too aroused to care at this point. He starting softly kissing the massive cock in front of him from the tip to the base, and back up to the tip. "Good, now give it a french kiss," Bret instructed. Kevin hesitated for a moment, but gave in to the urge and licked his tongue around the thick headed mushroom tip. After just a couple of seconds, he decided to just give up on the "kissing" and starting to go down on Bret's cock. "That's it," Bret assured him "suck that cock you've been wanting for soo long." Kevin tried desperately to fit the entire cock in his mouth, but could barely get past half. He kept trying with all earnest. After a few minutes, he stood up to take his shirt, jeans and underwear off, while Bret finished taking the rest of his clothes off. "Get back on that cock," Bret urged him. Kevin quickly obliged and sucked as hard and far down as he could. "Oh fuck yeah, use lots of spit. Make my dick as wet as you can like you want me to fuck your ass using your spit for lube," Bret insisted. Somewhere in the back of his head, Kevin was afraid; but the fear was somehow feeding the intense arousal he felt as well. He imagined this big tool being forced into him; and all he could do was continue to suck and apply as much spit onto the cock in his mouth as possible with each lick and suck, while he slowly tugged on his own cock. "Yeah, I knew you would surrender to my cock, that's it," Bret was smiling to himself knowing that he had won his prize. "Mmmmmmm" was all Kevin could muster to say as he gobbled and slobbered all over the cock he was worshiping. "Get on all fours now," Bret demanded. Kevin was both nervous and ecstatic to hear this. He was finally gonna get the cock he wanted; and any thoughts of Bret's HIV status were completely forgotten now. "Oh god, fuck me, please!" Kevin begged. "First things first," and then Bret licked at the tight little boi hole in front of him, "I need to make sure you're nice and wet to take this." Kevin already felt an orgasm building, and nearly came just from the wonderful tongue-fuck his ass was receiving. "Are you sure you want this now?" Bret asked, confident of the answer to follow. "Yeah!" Kevin said nearly interrupting the question, " fuck my ass with your big cock!" "You're ready for your first poz cock to attack your ass?" Bret clarified. Kevin didn't care anymore. All he knew was that he needed to get fucked by this cock. "Fuck yeah! Give it to me!" Bret forced his thick headed tip into Kevin's tight hole, and with some effort had the first few inches inside. "OH MY GOD!" Kevin yelled, "it's so fucking big. Oh, fuck!" Bret continued to press until he was mostly inside. Kevin felt a pleasure unlike any he had felt before, even as his ass was stretched ever more open, and Bret's magnificent cock slid deeper into Kevin, certainly more deeply than any other cock had done so before. Kevin nearly fainted from the simultaneous pleasure and pain his ass was feeling, but after a few glides in and out, he got used to it; and then the pleasure took over and sent Kevin into pure ecstasy. "You like that huh?" Bret asked. "Oh fuck yeah" Kevin panted out. "Tell me you want me to poz your ass." Bret said as he thrust all the way into Kevin. "OH FUCK! Yeah man, poz my ass!" Kevin could barely mutter as his ass was assaulted with deep punishing thrusts. "Do what?" Bret asked. "POZ MY ASS!" Kevin answered. Bret smiled to himself. He had his new cocklover right where he wanted him. "Do what?" he asked again, smiling to himself. "POZ MY ASS" Kevin blurted even louder. Kevin was completely under Bret's control; and was trying not to cum as he felt the big cock owning him. "POZ MY ASS!" Kevin again yelled. "Okay," Bret answered, "get ready for my poz cum to explode in your ass!" Brett quickened his pace as Kevin started stroking. Brett started to unload; and Kevin felt his ass getting slippery and started shooting his cum onto the floor. Brett grabbed Kevin's waste tighter and fucked as hard and deep as he could as he unloaded into Kevin's hole. Kevin suddenly remembered Bret was poz and found himself panicked as he realized he was getting a poz load blasted into him. The panic turned into excitement; and Kevin continued to cum, shooting a huge load onto the floor as Bret continued to cum deep inside Kevin. It was the most intense orgasm Kevin ever felt, and he could not believe how much cum was being shot into him. "Oh fuck!" Kevin yelped as he felt one final jab of Bret's huge dick shove into him. "There ya go," Bret whispered. "Finally got what you wanted." Kevin felt a strange sense of relief and satisfaction. "That was fucking amazing. I never came so hard," Kevin confided. "Be careful what you wish for," Bret thought to himself. They both managed to stumble to Kevin's bed, where they then passed out from exhaustion.
    1 point
  13. Let's just file this one under fiction, okay? 'Cause I'd die if people knew what happened to me. I guess it all started a few weeks ago. I was on a4a and received a message from a hot hung dude. Let's call him Tommy. In my entire life I had never before seen so stunningly gorgeous a man, and his dick was perfection. Then I read his status: poz. Although he was amazingly good looking, I thought about it, and held-off on responding to his message. A couple of days later he messaged me again and asked if I was his type. I didn't want to be rude, so I told him I thought he was hot but I don't play with poz guys. Well, to make a long story short, he made an interesting proposition that was hard to ignore. Or maybe I couldn't ignore it because I was hard? Ehh .. who knows. To make a long story short, he ended up at my place and his dick was starting to enter me. In all honesty I was a little freaked out: a poz dick was about to enter my hole. This was definitely a first. But, I remembered Tommy's assurance that he would only 'shallow fuck' me and this was very safe. His plan was to very slowly work his fat dick into my hole and then very slowly and very gently fuck me with just the tip of his massive cock. He explained to me that it could feel better than being fucked hard and deep because all of the sensations are magnified when the top goes slow. And damn, was he right! Not only was his cock the biggest I had ever had in my ass, he also entered my ass more slowly than any big cock had ever fucked me before. When we started, I honestly thought it would hurt like hell, but he used a massive amount of lube and, true to his word, was very gentle. The problem was that it felt way to good. He didn't need to ask me. I'm sure my moans told him all he needed to hear. "How's that feeling?" he whispered into my ear. All I could do was answer with more moans and gasps. "Okay," he said, "we should probably stop now. I'm glad you enjoyed it." Then, he stopped and withdrew. Almost involuntarily I found myself pleading "Please, put it back in!" He kissed the back of my neck and replied "Gosh, I love fucking your hot bubble butt, but, I'm liking it too much," adding as he rubbed my crack with his cock, "and I'm worry you will like it too much and that I'll turn you into a chaser." I just wanted to get fucked more. II heard about bug chasers before. Those were stupid crazy people. I'm not one of them. "Please just a little more,"I pleaded. Tommy complied, saying "Okay, but I have to go just a little deeper. If I don't, I might pop out; the real difficulty is in the penetration. I have to make sure that I stay in your hole." That kinda made sense, I reasoned. I felt him slide it back in. Oh God! It felt beyond fantastic. My ass was stretching wide, but it didn't burn like most tops make me feel. "Fuck, that's deep!" I shrieked. Tommy assured me that it was only half-way in. "You're taking it well." And the brief painful jabbing sensation I had just felt was immediately replaced by a warm pleasant sensation. His pace was much quicker than the slow shallow strokes with which he had started. Now each stroke was more forceful, and brought me even more intense pleasure. Tommy whispered into my ear, "we should probably stop soon before I lose control. Unless you want a load of poz cum deep inside you." He drove his cock deeper into me as if to emphasize how far he was invading my hole at that point. The rational part of my brain told me that I needed to stop, but, it felt so wonderful. My orgasm was building. And I didn't want the pleasure to stop. All I could do was moan in response. Tommy tried to remind me that I was making a bad decision. "I can tell you're loving this, but, if you don't tell me to stop, I'll blast my poz cum inside your ass. Is that what you really want?" He then picked up his pace as if he knew the answer I couldn't say aloud. Oh my god. Why didn't I say stop? Was it because it felt amazing? Or did I maybe want a poz load in me? Wait, am I a bug chaser? Tommy was pounding me hard and deep now. I felt his balls slap against my taint. The sensations were overwhelming. I couldn't think straight. No, I'm not a bug chaser. But, fuck .. it felt so good! I just wanted him to keep fucking me. That's all. When I heard my voice demand he 'Fuck me', somehow it seemed like someone else had given the order. He paused for a moment. "Oh, you love this big dick inside you huh?" Why was he teasing me now. "Yes, fuck me!" I blurted out. My orgasm was so close. I needed him to continue. I pulled at his legs to show the urgency I felt. He slowly resumed pace and gave me one final warning "this big poz dick is gonna give you AIDS," as his pace picked-up. Oh fuck! Oh fuck! He was assailing my hole. I felt my balls tighten and I could feel his dick grow tight. My hole was being destroyed with each thrust, but I couldn't let it end. I couldn't believe the words that came out of my mouth as I started to jerk my cock, "I don't care! Fuck me! Fuck me!" I was so close to cumming. A voice in the back of my head was telling me "you're becoming a chaser." Or wait, did Tommy say that? I couldn't think clearly. But, all I could say before I came was "shoot your poz cum in me! Give me AIDS!" I felt a his cock twitch and pumping, and even as he did, another voice in the back of my head was telling me 'he's shooting poz cum into your ass'. And I didn't care. In fact, I loved it and blurted out "Yes! Fuck yes!" just as I shot my own load into my stomach. I could still feel Tommy pulsating inside my as as I shot more cum than I ever had in my life. Tommy collapsed beside me. As the seconds passed I came to reality. Holy shit, what I had I done?
    1 point
  14. I love sex outdoors but until recently I didn't know of any places to cruise near my house. I was on Squirt one day when I found a cruising spot not 15 minutes from where I live. I figured I had nothing to lose so I slipped on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and headed out. It was around noon and it was a sunny day. I found the place, a small park below a hill, but wasn't too optimistic as it looked to be a family spot. Then I saw the parking lot mentioned on Squirt: four cars were in the lot, one empty, and the other three were occupied by older guys. Again, I wasn't feeling too optimistic. Still I got out of my car and headed along an expanse of lawn. I had no idea where I was going so I headed for a nearby grove of trees. I didn't see anyone in the grove, in fact, there didn't seem to be anyone in it at all, but I noticed a position where I would have a good view of the parking lot, and I figured from that vantage point I could see if anyone was coming. Then I saw another grove of trees on the hill so I headed up there. It was a short walk and not steep at all. Once again, no one was there but me. I did find condom wrappers and a couple of used rubbers though so I knew this must be the spot from Squirt. I was heading back down when I saw a young Latin guy leaning on a tree in the grove bordering the lawn. He had a tight blue tee shirt on and jeans that even from a distance looked hot on him. He noticed me coming down so I turned around and went back up the hill. I leaned against a tree more at the bottom of the hill and soon he came up the trail. He looked to be about 20 and not too tall, probably 5'6" but very toned. He rubbed the front of his jeans as he walked by me. Jackpot! I watched him go to the top of the hill and pulled my cock out of my pants, stroking to get it hard. Once he was at the top of the hill he turned around and flashed me a huge dick. Even from a distance I knew I had to have it. He motioned for me to come to him. My shorts were loose so I had to hold them up to keep them from falling off as I approached him. His cock had to be a full 8" and very thick. We stroked each other for a bit then I stepped out of my shorts which had fallen to the ground, got on my knees and took him in my mouth. His cock was leaking an enormous amount of precum, so I licked it from his slit, enjoying the sweetness on my tongue. He put his hand on the back of my head and pushed me down on him. His cock pushed against the back of my throat as he face fucked me. I pulled his jeans down and cupped his tight ass as he pumped my face faster. I had to have him up my ass. I found a condom in my pocket and lubed my ass with the lube I had brought as he kept face fucking me. I looked up at him with his cock in my mouth and then took the condom out of its wrapper and slowly slid it over his monster cock. I turned around with my knees still on my shorts and felt him get behind me and slowly push his cock past my sphincter, delving slowly in to my gut. He was now fucking me faster, driving my hole to ecstasy. I told him I wanted to feel his cum on my hole. "Take the condom off and cum on my hole," I grunted. He pulled out, stripped-off the condom off as I had asked, and slid back in. 'What the fuck,' I thought, 'this guy is barebacking me'. He grunted and pumped faster, then pushed hard and I felt his cock throb against my hole. He wasn't cumming on my hole, he was cumming in my hole. I was so horned up I couldn't tell him to stop. He kept his cock buried deep in my hole as almost the last drop of cum pushed inside me. He pulled out and slapped my ass. He said something in Spanish, then slid a finger in to me. A cum covered finger was soon in my mouth. Eventually he helped me to my feet, even as his jeans were still around his knees. I saw jizz dripping from his cock so I dropped back down and cleaned him up, tasting his salty cum mixed with the taste of my ass. He pulled his pants up and headed back towards the bottom of the hill, leaving me half naked and cum filled. I was pleased I had found the place and was also pleased I hadn't yet cum, as I was hoping someone else would come along.
    1 point
  15. Hi, I'm Adam. I'm 20, am in good shape, have a seven inch uncut cock and I'm gay. I was about to attend classes at the university, and allthough the student accommodations were overall fine, somehow the dorm rooms didn't feel all that private, so I found myself looking around, scouring the newspapers for a cheap but decent place to rent. After some searching I found an advertisement for a room to rent that looked interesting, so I telephoned the listed number. The guy who answered the telephone indicated he was the landlord and that the room was still available, so I went over to take a look. The building was neat and tidy, and it turned-out the room for rent was fantastic, but Dan, the landlord, who showed me around, and who sported a goatee and bulging chest muscles and calves was even hotter! I was very satisfied with the room, and so Dan and I went to the lounge where we talked at length. He was wearing shorts that were quite revealing, and I couldn't stop staring at his meat which was to one side of his shorts. After some small talk we agreed that I would rent the room and Dan said I could move in the following week. Back at the dorm all I could think of was Dan's muscles, and his dick encased in those shorts. Mmmmmmm. Wanking myself silly, I soon drifted off to sleep. As the week went by I packed my stuff and on the designed day headed over to my landlord. When I arrived Dan answered the door, greeted me, all the while covered in sweat, remarking "Sorry, I was working out, buddy." I just couldn't stop staring at the masculinity of the guy. Finally I managed to brake off my stare and headed to my room to put in my stuff. I heaved a sigh of relief as I shut the door, but honestly the image of Dan kept coming to mind. i settled in comfortably, but after a few days I found myself watching TV when Dan entered the room, wearing the skimpiest pair of shorts yet: they were very tight and his cock was bulging. "Adam, is everything okay?" he asked. I stammered yes, but couldn't take my eyes off his crotch. As I stood up to go out, for some reason I fell backwards. Dan grabbed me asking "Whoa, steady there, boy. Are you sure you're okay?"
    1 point
  16. My regular Daddy is 50 years old, married with kids. One day he messaged me, suggesting we meet at lunch. I'm 26, and had been pretty horny all day so I agreed. I met up with him and we engaged in small talk for 30 minutes or so. Then he asked if I wanted to go to one of his construction sites to check out progress. Of course I agreed. As we pulled up to the site I saw about five Mexican laborers working on the ground level of the building. My Daddy showed me around the building and took me to the second floor where he pushed me up against the wall and pulled my shorts down, spit on his finger and shoved it up my ass. It felt good being forced to obey him and surrender to his will. Of course I knew what was coming next. The head of his cock pushed its way through my asshole and filling that empty void with his hot cock. For some 15 minutes he plowed me hard and deep and then, when he was about to cum, he began to pull-out. This time, however, I had other plans for his load. "No," I responded, as I did my best to prevent him from withdrawing. The hunger in his eyes grew wide and excited as he buried himself deep in my ass, pumping his daddy seed deep into me. I don't what I find hotter: the fact that I had been fucked at a construction site or the walk of shame through the workers who obviously knew I was there to get fucked. Either way I was a happy and horny cum dump as I typed this story, especially as I felt his seed leaking out of my ass.
    1 point
  17. First time writing. Let me know what you think. Any thoughts or critiques. Also if you wanna see something in the story let me know and I will see if I can work it in. ________________________________________________________________________________________ “Oh, yeah gonna shoot this poz load in that fucking sloppy hole.” So announced the latest top as his cock throbbed in my once tight hole and with his announcement I felt another load added to the flood of cum in my ass. He shuddered and dripped sweat onto my smooth chest. My eyes rolled back in my back and all I could do was moan in my popper haze. At this point I had been in the sling for about four hours, and had taken eight loads. During this entire period my Owner stood behind me, encouraging the men who penetrated my ass, feeding me poppers and steadying the sling. I felt so slutty and wondered about how I had come to this point in my life. The next top stepped up, furry as all hell and tatted up and made eye contact as he slid his raw cock into my abused hole. As he did so, I hoarsely moaned "Fuck, yes, more please.” ****2 weeks prior*** I had just graduated college and was home working at one of those job that we've all taken, simply to earn some money. I had just broken it off with my girlfriend since we lived too far away to bother with trying to keep a relationship going after college. I wasn’t really worried though I was always good at finding girls to fuck. I’m Italian-Sicilian, 6 ft , 185 pounds, and have the pale skin and black hair all over to prove it. In fact, I have a great manly dense coating of fur all over my well toned pecs, abs, and leg as well as super dense pit fur. I love to smell my pits after a workout and jack off while still wearing my boxers. Oh yeah. My cock is eight inches, uncut and thick, and it drools like a faucet when I get hard. I jerk off at least three times daily, just to remain sane. I was super horny coming home from a workout one night and was passing the adult bookstore in my town and thought I would stop in and pick up some porn as a jerk-off aid. I parked my car around the back so that people wouldn’t see it, and made my way in. Once in the store, I began looking at the various dvds for sale and drifted over to the toy section, where I saw a huge cabinet filled with different types of lube and bottle labeled as 'Aromas'. “Need help?” a deep voice asked. I turned around and less than a foot away stood the sales associate. He was about 6'2", 225 pounds, was apparently as hairy as was I, and had a scruffy, good looking face. His tight black shirt and jean showed that he was also thick with muscle. I felt some how small standing there in just my tank top and basket ball shorts. “Ummmmm, I was wondering what these little bottle are for?" ’ “Those are poppers, son. They make ya super horny and relaxed. Do you want some?” “Well I am always super horny but sure, I guess so.” He reached around and unlocked the case and handed me a bottle and quietly commented "Here try these. They're my favorite.” I went to reach in my shorts and he just shook his head and said he would cover me and suggested I try 'em in the back video area before I left. I was so horny I decided to take him up on his suggestion. My cock tented against the material of my jock as I made my into the video area at the rear of the store. It was dark back there as lit only by a couple red lights. There were two banks of booths, five on each side and a cluster of larger booths in the middle. Not liking to be constrained I made my way to one of the booths. Once in I feed a five dollar bill into the machine, I fished-out my cock. Of course it was hard and leaking from the earlier exchange as some straight porn booted up on screen. My mind returned to the sales guy and wondered why he had made me nervous and hard all at the same time. I put those thought out of my head as I unscrewed the bottle and tried my first hit of poppers. The smell turned me off at first but then the rush hit me. My hand paused on my cock as my face turned flush and my breathing increased. I felt my self getting even harder and sweat broke out on my skin. My mind focused only on my cock and the feelings of how horny I was. A moan escaped my lips and I closed my eyes as a large drop of precum slicked the head of my cock as I jerked myself. I am not sure how long that lasted but when I opened my eyes the guy from the sales floor was standing in the door to the booth. Fuck I had forgotten to slide the latch. “Seems like you enjoyed those. Why not take another hit? I'll help you out.” He was staring directly into my eyes and for some reason I nodded slightly. He moved towards me and lifted my hand holding the bottle to my nose and told me to inhale deeply. I am not sure why I followed his orders so readily but I did. He moved the bottle over to my other nostril and, in his deep, almost hypnotic voice, said “Again. boy.” I did so twice more. My head was swimming as his hands roamed down my body, pulled my cock out, and took me all the way down his warm mouth, occasionally licking around the head of my cock, cleaning up all my precum in the process. Then he roughly pulled my shorts, leaving my bare, jock clad ass pressed up against the wall. I was sweaty like a horse and the smell drifted up from my pits and mixed with the smell of the poppers and my cock got even hard from this guy sucking me off. I was starting to come down from the effects when the guy pressed the bottle back to my nose and sent me off again. I would barely think all that was on my mind was how horny I was and how I wanted to feel more. After several minutes of pleasuring my cock, the guy reached-up, and slid two fingers in my mouth. I supposed he wanted to keep my groans to a minimum, but he in fact only seemed to make me horny. His fingers tasted salty and I loved it. “Fuck you are hot. I wanna make you mine and mark you up. Let's see how that hole of yours is.” He encouraged me to take several more hits, and then gestured for me to turn around. He spread my furry ass and dove right in, licking at my hole. I had never had anyone do that before and it felt amazing. My back arched and I pushed back into his wet tongue, loving the sensation of having my hole eaten out, loving the sensation of his facial hair rubbing roughly against my ass as his soft wet tongue darted into my hole. My hand went right to my cock and started jerking it fast. The guy wouldn't have any of that, however, and grabbed my hand, and restrained me, saying quietly, "Not yet, boy. I wanna make you beg to shoot.” I had never been called boy before but it triggered something in me and I moaned. Suddenly the guy stood up and turned me back around. “Stay here I will be right back” he said and left me standing in the booth high on poppers and panting. He came back in a minute with something in his hand. Sinking to the ground he took my cock back in his mouth and sucked me hard and fast. He held the bottle back to my nose and I took 4 more hit while he gave me the best blow job I had ever received. 10 shots came out of my cock as I came. Between the intense orgasm and the poppers my head was spinning as the guy swallowed and suck at my shrinking cock. I was sweaty and panting when I felt something being pressed around my cock and heard a click. “There we go all locked away, that should make sure you come back again next week” “What?!?!” looking down I saw my cock encased in a plastic tube that only left my balls exposed. I looked at the guy with confusion. “What you thought this was only going to be about you. If you want that taken off be here again next week same time and we will see what we can do. And expect to return the favor for what I just did and then same. If you don’t see me up from just say you need to see The Boss, when you get here. Have a fun week” I was dumbstruck. Before an hour ago I had never tried poppers or had a guy suck me off. Now I had shot my load and my cock was locked in this thing. Thinking about the blow job I felt myself start to get hard and felt pain as it pressed against the plastic. In a daze I tucked my now caged cock back in my jock pulled my shorts up and drove home.
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  18. Has Lucas Entertainment gone completely bareback now? I just watched a vid in which Toby Dutch got gangbanged by six guys, including the Visconti triplets (are they gay or gay-for-pay?). Fucking hot anyway with cum oozing out of his ass.
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  19. Got hit on by a 22 year old on Grindr today. Home alone while mom and dad were at church. Went over and this amazingly hot man, 6'3", 175, tanned, built and hung like a moose was standing there in the entry hall naked. Smiled put his arm around my shoulder and said, Damn daddy, I need to get off real bad. We went to his room, he laid down and I got undressed and between his legs. I sucked him awhile and he pulled me into a 69 and sucked my dick. I got rock hard but MAN, these 22 year old hardons are like fuckin STEEL! He was so tall he moved up and got between my legs and spat on my hole. Fingered it and said, Can I poke your butt a little? Oh hell yeah... he got up got behind me and spat some more on his hands and lubed my hole. Pushed in slow... I had to slow him down. He was VERY long, maybe a good 9 or 10 inches - not super thick though so it was an amazing feeling. I could feel it way up in my ass and he started fucking me like we were old friends. 10 or 15 minutes and I was about to bust when he started grunting. Grabbed my own meat and stroked off just about the same time he was cumming. Felt a couple of squirts and he pulled out hopped up and sprayed my face too! BONUS! We both laughed - got a proper intro and took a shower. Fucked me again in the shower and didn't pull out this time. I still have his boys swimming around in my hole. I fucking loved it.
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  20. Quick note: My work schedule, always in flux, continues to be unpredictable. Will now be on the road for the next two days.... will be back late Wednesday and will push to get the last few chapters ready and posted. Just four "chapters" left, so I expect the story should be wrapped up by the end of the weekend at the very latest. Ok... onward! Part 10: Four Letter Word Scott Michael was calling but Scott ignored his phone. He was nearly at Viktor’s house and Scott didn’t feel like talking to Michael right now. He had dreamt about Viktor all night. The model’s body wrapped around his. Holding him. That smooth chest pressed against his back. Lips caressing his neck. Warm breath on his ear. Hard cock pressing against his ass. Had he ever disliked the Romanian? The thought seemed so alien to him now. Scott glanced at his reflection in a car window as he walked by. He had come from work and was still in his suit, although he had pulled off his tie. He thought his dark hair and ‘not quite shaven’ look made his blue-grey eyes stand out even more. He had always felt his eyes were his best feature. He rang the bell and Viktor opened the door. The model was bare chested. His nipples just starting to harden in the cold air. His chest smooth and hairless except for the treasure trail leading down from his bellybutton. The model wore a pair of old jeans — worn in all the right places to highlight his crotch. If anything, however, the gorgeous model looked even more pale, more ill, than the day before. “You should be laying down. You look like you are still not feeling well.” Scott chided with a smile as put the bag of groceries in the kitchen. “I picked up a few things for you. More cold & flu medicine, some juice, bottled water, and a little treat. The store had some Christmas chocolates so I picked up a few.” Viktor started to speak but Scott cut him off. “I know, I know… you don’t normally eat chocolate. But you aren’t feeling well and need a little treat. I also picked up some groceries and thought I could make you some chicken noodle soup for dinner.” “Scott you are being so kind. You don’t need to do all this.” “Nonsense. I want to do it.” Viktor: Guilt washed over the young model. He liked this new Scott, He was so much sweeter than the old Scott. But he knew that — if he had not tricked the other man into the ritual and the bargain — Scott would never be doing this. Scott was just a puppet being toyed with by forces he didn’t even know existed. I’m hardly an innocent. He thought. I’ve used guys just as much as Michael has. But this this is something different, something new. To knowingly infect someone with HIV, potentially with AIDS itself, just feels evil. Can I bring myself to do it? But then again, Viktor admitted, he wasn’t going to force Scott to do anything. Even if Zburător — Sebastian he corrected himself — had done something to lead Scott to this point, Scott surely still had his freedom to choose. There must be something in him that had always found Viktor attractive, right? And, despite still feeling ill, it wasn’t exactly going to be a chore for Viktor either. Scott might be just a few years older, but he was a very attractive man. If the other man hadn’t gone out of his way to be such a prick over the last six months, Viktor might have even made a pass at him before this. He was getting ahead of himself though. He didn’t have a plan as such. Look good. Be good company. See what happened. And, if an opportunity presented itself, he would complete his bargain with Zburător. Scott: Scott sat on the couch next to Viktor. The dishes were washed, the kitchen was clean, and the model had seemed to enjoy the soup. Scott was running out of excuses to stay. But he didn’t want to leave. “Thank you, Scott. That was very good.” The Romanian said. He had put on a white t-shirt for dinner but it was tight enough that it showed his chest off to good advantage. The couch wasn’t small but the two men found themselves sitting close together. Their legs gently touching. Scott put his hand on Viktor’s knee and, like he had done the night before, found himself leaving it there. Viktor didn’t complain. He stretched a little and then rested his arm on the back of the couch. Behind Scott’s shoulders. His legs spread ever so slightly. One leg touching up against Scott’s leg. Scott heart beat a little faster. And allowed his body to lean into Viktor’s a bit more. The arm around shoulders moved a little closer. Scott let his head rest against Viktor. He raised his other arm to the white clad chest. Feeling the muscles through the t-shirt. Tracing the nipples with his fingers. Waiting for Viktor to stop him. But Viktor said nothing. He didn’t push Scott away. He did nothing except, perhaps, for holding Scott just a little closer to him. Scott’s lips replaced his fingers on Viktor’s nipples. Caressing them. He couldn’t see Viktor from this angle, he was afraid to look, but he could feel warm breath on his neck as the other man looked down at him. Emboldened, the hand on the model’s knee moved slowly up his thigh. Resting on the satisfying hardness waiting for him there. The palm pressed gently against that hardness. Felt it throb in response. Fingers fumbling with the jeans, opening them. Sliding inside, desperate to touch their prize. Wrapping around the hard shaft. Stroking. Lips kissing their way down. Feeling the well-developed abs. Lower. Sliding off the couch to kneel before the beautiful man. Thrilled when Viktor lifted enough to allow him to slide the jeans down. Lowering his face to the crotch, barely covered now with only a pair of briefs. Revelling in the tastes and smells of masculinity. “Scott…” “Please… “ Voice pleading. “Please don’t tell me to stop.” Silence. Lips dragged along the shape of the hardness through the briefs. Fingers curling around the waistband. Pulling them down. The manhood, free now, as beautiful as the man himself. Basking in the sight of it. Eight fantastic inches. Thick. Hard as a metal bar. Foreskin drawn back but still covering the head. Perfection. The cock slid between his lips, the salty tang of precum just increasing the craving. Deeper. Back of the mouth. Deeper. Into his throat. Saliva dripping down his chin. Scott unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the side. Viktor: Watching as Scott worked his dick, Viktor felt a thrill. He had been an object of lust before but he had never felt as in control of another man as he did right now. Power. Authority. Domination. Like a drug that overwhelmed his senses. Scott was clearly very experienced but seemed lost in his lust. And Viktor himself was nearly as unbridled. He wanted Scott as much as the other man wanted him. And not just lust. Something much more real that that. Was this Zburător’s doing? He wasn’t sure. And he couldn't make himself care. Scott’s mouth was amazing but Viktor needed more. They both did. He needed Scott to be his. Completely. Scott: Viktor gently pushed him off his cock. Scott looked up at the Romanian like a child that lost its candy. He wanted that dick. He couldn’t explain it. He just needed it. Why was Viktor taking it away? But the model stood from his seat on the couch and leaned forward. Kissed him. And Scott felt himself melt into the kiss. Tongues intertwining. Viktor’s hands under his arms. Lifting him. Hands exploring Scott’s body. Chest. Nipples. Abs. Cock. Gently stoking while Scott rested his head on on his friend’s shoulder. His breath heavy. Those hands sliding to Scott’s back. And down. Gripping his ass through his slacks. No words. No discussion. No argument. The Romanian knew what he wanted. He knew Scott would give it to him. And he was right. Viktor took his hand and led him towards the bedroom. Undressing him. Pausing only to touch. To caress. To stroke. And they were both naked. A gentle guiding push and Scott was on laying on the bed. Face down. Victor’s mouth and tongue working his hole. The only sounds the working of Viktor’s tongue, their breathing, and Scott’s moans. “Scottie.” The Romanian cooed as he slipped forward to rest on Scott’s back. “I have to tell you something.” He paused, as if waiting, but Scott said nothing. “I’m positive, Scottie, I’ve got HIV.” Scott’s breath caught in his chest. But still he could stay nothing. “I want to be inside of you so bad, to fuck you, to make you mine. But I don’t want to hurt you.” Scott could breath. He wanted this as well. He wanted that cock deep inside him. But he was terrified. He was on the edge of a precipice. Ahead of him was the void. But behind him, if he turned away, was a lifetime of regret. He couldn’t face that. Scott’s legs parted. Opening the way. And Viktor’s cock, hard and ready pressed deep into Scott’s crack. Lips kissing Scott’s shoulders and neck. The uncut cock touching Scott’s hole. Viktor pushing his cock forward. Scott pushing his ass back into the fuck. And Scott’s hole opened. Willingly accepted Viktor’s hard dick. Precum and Scott’s own saliva the only lube. Scott winced a bit in discomfort but this felt so right. So natural. “I’m inside you, Scottie. You feel so wonderful.” Scott found his voice. “So do you, baby. You feel perfect inside me.” Words lost again. Just motion. Viktor’s gentle thrusts. Scott’s eager ass raising to meet them. Two bodies locked together. Becoming one. Something neither man had ever really felt before. Something emotional, almost spiritual, that made the physical sensation even more breathtaking. The thrusts growing harder as the two bodies bucked together. Falling quickly into a natural rhythm. Scott’s neck turned to kiss Viktor’s lips. Viktor with one arm wrapped under Scott and around his chest. As if to hold them together… as if Scott would ever let them move apart. Viktor: Body aching, muscles tight, but Viktor didn’t care. His body coated with sweat, both his and Scottie’s. His breath ragged. His ballsack drawing up. The telltale signs. He pulled his lips away from Scott’s mouth. “I’m close… I’m going to cum…. do you want me to pull out?” Scott: Fear. The last moment to stop. To step away from that void, that abyss, to return to safer ground. But… no. “Please, don’t stop. I love you, Viktor. I want it… please… cum inside me.” And he meant it. With all his heart. “Here is comes, Scottie. I’ll always be part of you.” And Viktor’s body convulsed above him. Filling him with seed. With cum. With HIV positive cum. Viktor: They were linked now. His DNA was in Scott’s body. His virus. Viktor’s body gave way, his muscles relaxing in the afterglow, his weight resting on Scott’s back. “I love you too, Scottie.” Viktor whispered. He wondered when he had come to love the other man. But it was true. He had meant to seduce the other man but had seduced himself as well. “Will you always be mine?” “Always.” Scott sighed. And they both drifted off into a deep sleep as Viktor held Scott tight in his arms.
    1 point
  21. I love this story...keep going please! It is so realistic in your description of being at a chem party. i went to one a couple of years ago and my party piece was to go into a chem hole for the first time,after smoking T,snorting/booty bumping K and snorting M and MDMA!!!! It was ffun!!! I shall have to visit Glasgow again as this puts a completely different spin on the city!!
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  22. My Ass Fucked and Bred Buddy fucking me and breeding my hole http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=bjnu8-G404-
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  23. An old business contact came through town today and called me up. I'd known him and his wife and worked at the same company. I'd blown him a few times in the past, but nothing too heavy. Went to his hotel and sucked his fat uncut cock (God I love Hispanic dick) while he sat on the sofa with his legs spread. I love his smell and rubbing my face in his crotch. He was prepared and had some lube which he leaned over and applied to my hole, fingering my ass and opening me up. He just pulled out of my mouth and without a word pushed me over the sofa. Got behind me and rubbed his hard cock up and down my crack and just made me beg for his meat. God it hurt at first but by the time he was balls deep, rubbing up against my back and breathing like a dog fucking his bitch,,, my hole was responsive and he made me cum all over the front of the sofa just from fucking my hole. I guess it was too much for him and he unloaded in my ass. Took me three hours before I left. Two more loads in my hole and a big fucking smile on my face. I was really happy to find out he would be a monthly visitor... new territory for us both.
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  24. Agree. Agree. Agree! If one hates cheaters, they don't help them out. Period. "Had to spend the rest of the night with his load up my ass."..... Sounds like it was a real burden to bear... If it bothers you that bad, then..... Why are you doing it? You lost me there. But as bbzh said, you'll be the one who loses in the end if it continues. Things always come out. This will too.
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  25. @Jessiesboy: I think you should stop having sex with the guy. I know it's hot and fun, but if this comes to light, you are probably going to harm your relationship with your friend. I think I would be very upset if I knew my friend was having sex with my brother right under my nose, particularly if my brother self-identified as a heterosexual. That's a total breach of trust and you know it. Come clean and tell your friend or stop fucking his brother. It's really that simple. I'm not so worried about the girl in all this and I'm not so troubled by your concern about cheating. You clearly don't have as big a problem with it as you suggest, since if you did, you wouldn't be in this situation to start with. Some dicks really are off limits. And your best friend's brother's dick is one of those. Any questions?
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  26. If I were you, and I have been, I would leave well enough alone. I wouldn't tell his brother. He has to live with his brother, you don't. You don't want your feelings of guilt to create a situation that would make you feel better but cost two brothers their relationship. Leave it to him to tell his brother. Cheating is a moral judgement. If it makes you feel bad about yourself you shouldn't do it. On the other hand, it is him who is cheating, not you. If he is using this girlfriend as a front to hide his true homosexual orientation, that is not something you should feel bad about. That is on him. You should just keep quiet and enjoy what you are getting from him. Unless it makes you feel bad, then you should not. It sounds pretty hot. Often the fact that something is forbidden is what makes it seem so hot. Ask your self if you would be so into this if it was out in the open? Would he still turn you on?
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  27. Took my thickest cock ever - 6.5" around, a nice 7" long uncut Puerto Rican dick. We met on Craigslist and agreed he would cum to me. I waited blindfolded in my living room, on my hands and knees as we agreed with my ass facing the door so it would be the first thing he saw when he walked in. The door opened, there was a bit of rustling as he stripped down, then I felt his hand running up and down the crack of my ass. The click of a lube cap, then I felt the cold gel on my hole, his finger slipping inside to make sure I was ready. I was NOT ready for his girth! It was the best combination of pain and pleasure I have ever felt. I was being split open (I'm pretty tight), and it hurt like hell, but my pleasure sensors just couldn't get enough of the feeling of being so stuffed with cock. He just kept pushing, never hesitating or slowing down to be gentle. He just kept sliding into my ass until his balls touched mine. Then he started thrusting and everything went hazy. I was so caught up in the pleasure I felt that I think I even started drooling. The noises I could hear myself making sounded like they came from a wild animal. Before long he drove it deep and I felt his cock jerking as he spilled his load into my guts. He slid out, much to my disappointment, and I heard him dress and leave. Never saw his face but I hope to feel him inside me again. My largest plug is holding his load in as I type this. Can't wait to pull it out and lick it off later. Maybe I'll see if I can get him to come back and add to the mess in my hole later tonight!
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  28. Part 6: Draining Michael: Michael sat, alone. His fingers tapping the desk. In the three weeks since Halloween, since that late night encounter in the park, he had not hooked up once. On Halloween night he told himself it was just a fluke. For a few days after that, he convinced himself it was just a dry spell. Now he was worried. Tonight, again, he had sat alone in a club and not one man had tried to catch his eye. Hell, as far as he could tell not one man had given him more than a glance. And he was horny. Well. He was always horny. But he seemed even more so recently. It had taken a few days but he had managed to drag himself back into the gym. But he was just going through the motions. He just didn’t seem to have much energy. He stood. Walked into the bedroom and opened the dresser by the bed. He pulled out the scrap of paper. The paper with a phone number written on it. Seb’s number. It wasn’t the first time he had thought about calling. But he was horny tonight. Very horny. He picked up the phone. Dialled. Listened to the phone ring at the other end. Again. Again. He was about to hang up when the line picked up. “Hello?” “Hey, Seb. This is Michael. From… um.. from Halloween.” “Michael. Good to hear from you. I was just thinking of you.” “Just wondering what you are up to tonight.” “Not much. Looking for mischief.” “Mischief sounds fun. Come over, we can make some.” “Give me your address.” Michael did. After he hung up, he sat on the bed looking at the phone. The truth was he wasn’t that excited to hook up with Seb again. And he wasn’t sure why. The guy had given what was probably the best blowjob Michael had ever received. And Michael had face-fucked too many guys to count. But if Michael had not been so horny, and Seb had not been so clear about wanting to get fucked, Michael would not have called. Twenty minutes later and the doorbell rang. Michael took a deep sigh, put on his best smile, and opened the door. Seb slipped inside. The door was barely closed and Seb had his lips pressed to Michael’s. Despite his reluctance for the encounter, Michael found himself kissing back. His tongue parting the other man’s lips and into his mouth. Tongues intertwining. Cocks hard. Shirts tossed. Belts unfastened. Jeans discarded. Bodies together. Hands groping. Breath ragged. Both men were only in their underwear. Seb gently pushed Michael back to lean against a wall, then slowly dropped to his knees. His lips now focused on the bulge in Michael’s briefs. Michael looked down at the other man, so focused on his cock, and - for the first time in weeks - felt almost like his normal self. Michael watched as the other man, clad only in a black jockstrap, worshipped his dick. Seb’s mouth caressed the hard cock. His tongue tracing it’s shape. His saliva seeping through the thin fabric of the briefs. His fingers sliding them down and off. His mouth returning to the hard cock. His hot, wet mouth engulfing the head. Fuck! This felt so good. But Michael was not looking for another blow job. He reached down and pulled the older man up and turned him towards the bedroom. Seb did not protest. Their lips found each other again. Bodies sinking down to the bed. Michael on his back. His dick - hard, aching - like a dagger growing from his crotch. Seb straddled Michael’s hips. A knee to either side. His ass sinking slowly. His hole touching the tip of the cock beneath him. His eyes locked with Michael’s. And he slowly slid down. Impaling himself. Michael smiled. The slut hadn’t even mentioned a condom. Michael didn’t care; he needed this fuck. His eyes rolled back in his head. Seb’s tight ring gripped him as it descended. He had fucked raw before — it was the bottom’s job to take reasonable precautions after all. And, truth be told, Seb’s ass was amazing. The last thing Michael wanted was the condom blocking this sensation. Seb slid up and down on the hard shaft. Slowly sinking deeper each time he descended. His hole flexed, sending shivers of pleasure through Michael’s body. His eyes looked on Michael’s face, his every expression. Speeding up his motions to increase intensity and then slowing to prolong Michael’s pleasure. Michael felt his groin press against the older man’s groin. The bastard had taken all 10 inches without breaking a sweat and didn’t even pause for a breath. Seb still hovered above and rode Michael’s cock at his own pace. Michael wanted to shift position, to get control of the situation. To get Seb on all fours so he could mount him and remind him who was top. But he could’t seem to get the leverage. Or even bring himself to say anything. So he was trapped, barely able to move, while the other man rode him at his own pace and in near complete control of the fuck. The best Michael could manage was to grip the other’s hips to try to control the pace. Michael hadn’t been in another man’s ass in weeks. He wanted to cum. But Seb kept slowing down every time he got close. It was so frustrating. But Michael couldn’t really complain. Seb’s hole was as talented as his throat had been in the park toilet. And he knew how to work Michael’s cock. The motions, the sensations, the rhythms became almost hypnotic. Seb moving up and down. Michael’s cock sliding in and out. Pressure to cum building, then ebbing, then building. But every second sent new pleasures reverberating through Michael’s body. And still they fucked. Michael’s muscles relaxed even as the sensations continued. Their eyes were locked and Michael couldn’t bring himself to look away. He didn’t even notice himself stop trying to roll Seb over onto all fours. Time had no meaning. Just his cock, the other man’s hole, the euphoria, and the eyes. Michael didn’t even notice as his muscles tightened, as his balls drew up, as his breath grew ragged, as his hands instinctively clenched. Then his dick erupted inside the ravenous hole. As the first wave of his orgasm hit, he was suddenly aware of everything again. His hips bucked up to drive his cock deeper. Wave after wave. His cum gushing. Three weeks worth of sexual frustration poured out into the tight hole. Filling it, making it slick. Michael’s body shuddered. Every nerve in his body tingled. His muscles reverberated as if an explosion had been set off in a confined space. His mouth open in a silent moan. His muscles so tight they were cramping. Then, suddenly, relaxed. He sank bank into the bed. Unable to move. Exhausted. Drained. But Seb didn’t stop. The older man kept riding. Not letting Michael’s cock grow soft. Working his hole up and down the shaft. Shifting in subtle ways. Slightly different positions. His hole clenching one moment — gripping tight - and the next relaxed and open. Sinking balls deep, raising just off the tip. Back down. Again and again. Always in control. Always controlling every motion. Michael’s cock was feeling sore. He wanted to stop but couldn’t seem to form the words. And so the fuck continued. Michael felt the frenzy building this time. He was going to cum again. Building. Building. Building. And then…. Rapture. If anything his second orgasm was more intense than his first. He ached. Every muscle screaming for this to stop. His cock sore from the friction. Had he been able to think, perhaps he would have wondered why he was so drained after only cumming twice. Just a few months ago he had hooked up with a hot Aussie couple and had fucked each of them three or four times. But the thought never even occurred to him. And still Seb didn’t stop. Still riding. Still working. Determined. Merciless. His attention focused on Michael like a laser. Michael managed to glance at the clock. Oh fuck. They had been going non-stop for nearly two and a half hours. His cock ached, the skin raw. Every time Seb moved it was waves of pain now that shuddered around his body. A strange sound filled the room. A low moan. Whining. Wretched. Pathetic. With effort, Michael looked around but there were only the two of them there. And it wasn’t coming from Seb. No. It was coming from somewhere deep within himself. No! It wasn’t possible. He couldn’t make a sound like that. But he was. Seb was still watching him. Smiling. But there was something venomous in that smile. Something triumphant. “Give me what I want.” Seb said. The first words either of them had said in hours. “Succumb. Surrender.” Michael couldn’t reply. He just looked up with that pitiful moan still emanating from within him. “Can you feel it?” Seb asked without pausing his motions. “Can you feel yourself ebbing? Fading? Doesn’t it feel good? Don’t you just want to submit to it. Find where it leads you? A whole new experience for you?” And Michael could feel it. The room was dimming. His vision growing dark. But his cock still hard. Rearing towards another orgasm. Oh fuck. Almost there again. Oh. Fuck! So close. OH! FUCK! Here it comes! Michael never even felt his dick erupt for the third time. The darkness descended. He never felt his cum erupt over and over again. And over. And over.
    1 point
  29. I have a mystery man that comes in to my dark place finds me blindfolded and Breends me. I knew he is Also blindfolded as he has told me. Such a fucking hot scene. Plus he has a thick cock that feels so good stretching me
    1 point
  30. Yeah.... I am SO fucking tired of posts on tumblr saying the bottom is the faggot while the top is "straight", an "alpha-male" or that a bottom should feel honored that the top wants to fuck him. Pisses me off as well. If it's consensual play, ok. But some have a mindset that all bottoms are inferior. Fuck that. It takes a man to take it up the ass and own it.
    1 point
  31. Undetectable guys are the new safe sex. Your chances of catching HIV from an Undetectable Bottom is zero. If you want to stay negative you should only fuck Undetectable bottoms and negative guys on PreP. http://www.hivplusmag.com/treatment/2015/07/23/breakthrough-study-shows-zero-hiv-transmissions-when-undetectable#.VdSHLOaGXeM.facebook.com
    1 point
  32. Part 1: A Seance for Halloween Viktor: “Oh come on. What are you two afraid of?” Viktor laughed. Scott was scowling but Viktor found the expression almost comical on that pretty face. But he looked to Michael for a decision. He always did. Scott’s dark hair was arrayed playfully above his seductive blue-grey eyes. His square jaw covered with stubble that was always just over a one day growth… but never a beard. Tonight he wore a grey t-shirt with a couple buttons at the collar. Buttons that had been carefully left unfastened allowing a tantalising glimpse of his muscular chest. Yes. Scott was a handsome man… strange then that he had set himself firmly in Michael Christian’s orbit. To be near Michael was to be in his shadow. His entourage. Looking at Michael your eyes never knew where to land. His blond hair cascading over his forehead led you to his eyes. Blue eyes. Blue like a clear sky just before dusk. Smooth kissable lips. Cheekbones you would swear you could swing from and an angular jaw that guided your eyes down to his chest. His body relentless perfection. Tall, strong, tanned, toned. But no one part overpowering the rest. Everything in balance. He was 28 years old but was often mistaken for younger. And his cock. Oh fuck yes! His cock. Michael had a truly impressive member. 10 inches, uncut, and thick. A cock that Michael, a total top who wouldn’t even suck a dick, enjoyed using and using often. Michael had fucked every beautiful man who had measured up to his high standards. Except Scott of course. Viktor liked to tease Scott about it. How big the cock was. How great it felt inside his ass. Not that Viktor had felt it in awhile. Viktor had given himself completely to Michael. And Michael had used him until he grew bored then moved on. And that, perhaps, was what had led to this night. Michael sighed. “Fine. Whatever.” “Excellent. It is Halloween. We must have seance!” Viktor’s Romanian accent was strong, off putting to some, but he liked how it set him apart. It had brought him some resentment and persecution from time to time… but it made him exotic to others. He even played it up when it suited him. Like now. He lit the three candles he had waiting on his small round coffee table. He had made the candles himself. Just the way he had been taught. While he was lighting the candles he carefully pricked his finger on the sewing needle he had tucked under one of the candles. He made sure he stood in a way that the other two men could not see what he was doing and dropped a single drop of blood into the flame on each candle. Nana had always said that black magic need blood to target properly. A precise process to obtain the precise result he wanted. He turned of the lights; the room fell dark except for the three candles. He gestured for Michael and Scott to join him on the floor. The three men each sat facing each other around the small coffee table with the three candles in the middle. “We must to hold hands.” Viktor said. Scott: Scott sighed. He really didn’t want to hold Viktor’s hand but took it. Best just to get this over with. It was Halloween and Scott just wanted to get to the club: a club where friends were waiting and - more importantly - a club that was surely already pulsing with sweaty muscular men grinding away with each other under the influence of massive amounts of alcohol. No one would be wearing costumes, it wasn’t that kind of club. In fact, the guys would be wearing as little as possible. Scott had never liked Viktor. But then, to be fair, he never liked any of Michael’s tricks. Viktor had caught Michael’s eye in a club six months ago and Michael had fucked him a few times. That should have been the end of it… but Viktor had somehow managed to worm his way into their small group of friends despite Scott’s best efforts. ‘The trick that won’t go away’ as Scott called him. It wasn’t that Viktor was ugly. Far from it. You didn’t get attention from Michael Christian by being ugly. A model, Viktor had the lean build of a swimmer. His hair was just long enough to be unruly without being truly unkempt. His lips full and wide. His face smooth — perhaps a touch androgynous — the small scattering of moles on his left cheek only emphasised the allure. He carried himself in such a way that, when you first met him, you might think him naive. Until you looked in his eyes. Viktor’s eyes were not quite amber, not quite brown. But were piercing, cold, and calculating. There was nothing innocent in those eyes. Scott had thought about his reaction to Viktor. No. It wasn’t his looks. Scott didn’t like Viktor because he guarded their little circle of friends jealously. Or, truth be told, he guarded Michael jealously. Viktor had latched on to Michael but for Michael it had only been sex. After the novelty wore off, he had grown bored. He had long since moved on in the seemingly endless succession of beautiful men who tumbled into his bed. Not that Scott had ever been one of those men. He and Michael had never “hooked up”. Michael always said he didn’t want to ruin their friendship. The only glimpse of Michael’s infamous cock was sneaking glances in the showers at the gym. Michael: Michael hid a smile and watched Scott take Viktor’s hand reluctantly. Part of the reason he let Viktor hang around was to watch him annoy Scott. Michael liked Scott. He was a great guy and probably his best friend… but it was so fun to watch Scott get frustrated. He knew that Scott wanted him, idealised him. Yet he had always resisted. Sure, Scott was a hot piece of ass. But a hot piece of ass that wouldn’t want to be just a one night stand. Michael really did value Scott’s friendship but he didn’t love him. He would never be able to give Scott what he really wanted. Fucking him would kill their friendship. So he kept his friend close. But always at arm’s distance. Viktor had closed his eyes and was chanting. “Spirits of the underworld. Hear my voice. …” He continued on and on but Michael wasn’t really paying too much attention. Nothing was happening, of course. This kind of thing was just a bunch of superstition. A collection of old wives tales and fairy tales used to keep children in line. Michael had thought it might be fun (after all, it was Halloween) but he was starting to regret his decision. After a few minutes, Viktor opened his eyes. “I think is better if I do in Romanian. I can do just like my Nana taught me.” He didn’t wait for a reply. He simply closed his eyes and resumed his chanting, this time in Romanian. Michael listed to the unknown language rolling off Viktor’s tongue and wondered absently what he was saying. Viktor: Viktor began the ceremony for real now. This was, of course, not a mere seance. But he had no intention for the other two men to know that. Despite having spent so much time with his Nana, watching her and learning the old ways, he was nervous. He had never done anything like what he was about to do. He wasn’t sure Nana would have approved. ”Spiritele din lumea interlopa, auzi glasul meu. Deschis de văl între lumi, alaturi de noi aici.” (Spirits of the underworld, hear my voice. Open the veil between worlds, join us here.) “Deschideţi porţile iadului. Trimite-mi care zboara, cunoscut ca Zburător.” (Open the gates of hell. Send me He Who Flies, known as Zburător.) He continued for several minutes, rambling on. Nothing was happening. He was sure he was doing this right…. what was wrong? Michael: Michael shivered. The room had gradually grown darker, colder. Odd. He hadn’t seen Viktor turn down the heat. He was feeling a little light headed. He wondered if Viktor had put some sort of drug in the candles that they were breathing in as the candles burned. He wouldn’t put it past the dumbass. He wondered again what Viktor was droning on about. This had long since lost its appeal. Viktor: Viktor’s voice raised slightly. He was pleading now. He knew he was out of his depth but this had to work… he had studied and prepared for this night for so long. “Da-mi un semn ca esti aici.” (Give me a sign that you are here.) He felt something and his breath caught in his chest. He had been touched between the shoulder blades by a finger. A finger as cold as ice. Oh fuck. It had worked. He wasn’t sure if he should be relieved or terrified. Both. “Am fost nedreptățit. Acest om mi- a folosit și aruncat pe mine deoparte.” (I have been wronged. This man has used me and then thrown me aside.) He tilted his head slightly, almost imperceptibly, to Michael. “Ajutoare mă în obținerea răzbunare mea. Luați departe ceea ce el comori mai presus de toate: Predominanța. Vointa. Rezolva.” (Aid me in my revenge. Take away what he treasures over all: Dominance. Will. Resolve.) “Celălalt mă tratează cu dispreț. La departe ura lui și înlocuiți-l cu pofta. Dă -mi-l. Pentru a satisface dorințele mele.” (The other treats me with contempt. Take his hatred and replace it with lust. Give him to me. To satisfy my desires.) He nodded slightly towards Scott. “Știu că există un cost. Voi plăti costul de bunăvoie. Vei face cum am întrebat? Dă-mi un semn.” (I know there is a cost. I will pay it willingly. Will you do as I have asked? Give me a sign.) Viktor felt the icy touch on his back move. It slowly traced down his spine coming to rest just above his buttocks. He felt cold air on his ear, cold like death. A whisper so quiet no one else could hear. “Este dat.” (It is given.) Viktor smiled. “Contractul a fost făcut.” (The contract is made.) Scott: Scott was trying not to cough. The smoke from these candles was getting to him. Making his throat burn. Viktor’s eyes were still closed but he said, in english. “Repeat after me….The contract is made.” Contract? What contract? Scott looked to Michael but his friend just shrugged. Eager to end this nonsense, however, they repeated the phrase. “The contract is made.” Scott could see that Michael was out of patience. Excellent. He would put a fast stop to this now and they could get to the club. “Ok… we go to club now.” Viktor smiled and was already standing up. Scott stood up. “Wait. That was it? What a fucking waste of time.” Viktor just smiled. “Time will tell. Time will tell.”
    1 point
  33. Ugly daddies usually have the best loads and are the best breeders..
    1 point
  34. I've said it before and I'll say it again... Why should we be ashamed if it's a natural thing to do? I'm proud to please the man I'm having sex with. It brings me incredible pleasure. No shame here. No reason for it. Takes a man to please a man.
    1 point
  35. There is a famous story By Larry Niven (of Discworld fame) called "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex) that explains Superman's problems finding a suitable mate - http://www.rawbw.com/~svw/superman.html My favorite lines: Ejaculation of semen is entirely involuntary in the human male, and in all other forms of terrestrial life. It would be unreasonable to assume otherwise for a kryptonian. But with kryptonian muscles behind it, Kal-El's semen would emerge with the muzzle velocity of a machine gun bullet. (*One can imagine that the Kent home in Smallville was riddled with holes during Superboy's puberty. And why did Lana Lang never notice that?*)" That all said, when I was a kid I had a huge crush on "Captain Future".
    1 point
  36. We wandered around the basement, but couldn't see Stefan and Artur. Will said they were probably in a stall or the dark room and, if he knew Stefan, he'd have some guy or guys breeding Artur. As we both fancied another drink, we went upstairs to find Stefan and Artur in the bar. In English, presumably so Artur couldn't understand, Will said he was surprised that they were not in the basement getting Artur bred. Stefan said that Artur was freaked and wouldn't let anyone breed him. I could see the disappointment in his face and it was clear that he got off sharing his boyfriend's asses as much as Will does. Will was sympathetic and said it will take more time but he was sure Artur would come around as he had after all taken our loads earlier. Stefan said he hoped so. After finishing another round of beers, Will spoke in German to Artur, who hesitated and then followed Will downstairs. I must admit I felt a twinge of jealousy as I wondered if Will was going to breed Artur and kiss him. I saw an opportunity though to ask Stefan about Will. He was open and appeared to be honest. He told me that he had known Will 20 years. Will and Stefan had never fucked safe. I asked about Will's previous boyfriends and how long the relationships had lasted. Apparently, Will had had two serious relationships each lasting a number of years, but I was the first he had lived with. Stefan said that I was by far the youngest boyfriend Will had ever had as they were usually nearer Will's age. I was worried about that last revelation, and wondered whether it meant I was just a short term breeding fling. I asked why Will's previous relationships had broken up and Stefan replied it was always for the same reasons. I was filled with dread, before he went on to say that Will's boyfriends got tired of Will sharing their asses out to other guys. He said they wanted Will all to themselves. My face must have shown some expression of concern, as Stefan bent over and kissed my lightly. He said that Will had told him that he had fallen for me big time and he had never felt the same way about anyone else. I looked at Stefan and didn't detect any bullshit. Stefan said for me not to worry and that our conversation had never happened. Stefan asked if I wanted to do something that would turn Will on, so of course I said yes. He told me to wait there and he went over the the bar and spoke to the barkeep. When he came back I saw that he had a permanent marker pen. Stefan told me to join him in the corner so the guys couldn't see what was happening. As I followed him I felt intrigued. Stefan stood with his back to the corner and told me to turn my back to him and face the room. I thought fuck, he is going to breed me here but it didn't seem the place where guys fucked in the open. Instead, Stefan pulled my tea shirt over the front of my head so that it was around my throat. He then used the marker pen to write something on my back. A minute later he told me to pull the tea shirt back. After returning the pen, Stefan explained that the barkeep said the ink also reflected ultra violet as they use it on posters in the basement. I asked what he had written, but Stefan wouldn't say. He said that Will would tell me. At that, he suggested we go downstairs to the basement to find Will and Artur. When we got there, Stefan told me to take off my tea shirt, just as Will had earlier. We wandered around and numerous men winked or stroked their cocks as they read what was written on my back. I was dying to know what Stefan had written. We found Will and Artur standing watching a group of men fuck near the raised platform. Will shook his head slightly at Stefan which I took to indicate that Artur hadn't done anything. Stefan told me to turn around so that Will could see my back. I did so, then turned back to look at Will. He had the same sort of look that he has when he is about to breed some ass. A look of intense sexual excitement and determination. His hand went to his crotch and he squeezed his bone. He said to “ Stefan fucking horny - you perv.” I was desperate to know what was written on my back. Will grinned and told me. It said “Raw Breed Me” with an arrow pointing down to the crack of my ass. (I had been wearing low cut pants so they exposed the top part of my ass crack.) Will said that even though the lighting was subdued, the writing glowed like a Christmas decoration, thanks to the ultra violet lights. He left Stefan and Artur and had me walk all round the basement clearly with the intention of letting all the men see what was written on my back. At one part of the basement there was a bit more room and it faced onto one of the corridors with stalls down one side. Will's back was against the wall and he told me to pull my pants down. He did the same. He then pulled me towards him and kissed me so deep and long. My back and ass was exposed. I don't know whether it was the writing on my back, my body and ass or the kissing, but it got a lot of attention. So many hands were feeling me from behind. I felt a face at my ass and hands pull my cheeks apart. Then I felt a tongue licking and entering my ass ring. I was in ecstasy. The tonguing stopped and I think it was the same guy that then stood up and pushed his cock through my ass cheeks. I felt his cock head at my ass hole then he pushed into me balls deep. I groaned in pleasure as the guy started fucking me and at the same time Will was kissing me. Will's hands went to my ass and pulled my cheeks apart so that the guy could get even further into me. He stopped kissing briefly to whisper in my ear that the guy was raw. Will then reached past me and pulled the guys body against me even closer. The guy was by now slamming his cock into me so deep and hard. Will shouted to him “shoot your seed into my boyfriend – breed him!”. Will was kissing and supporting me as the the guy's thrusts went wild. He was hammering his raw cock into me so hard. It wasn't long before he screamed that he was cumming and I felt his cock make shorter more intense thrusts into me as he unloaded. He held against me and I used my ass muscles to squeeze his cock and milk out the last of his seed. Doing this made me realise for the first time that I had become a greedy slut for seed. As he pulled out I felt cum running down my legs. He must have given me a huge load as up to then I had normally been able to keep it in me when the cock withdrew. Not two seconds later I felt another cock at my ass. He started to push into me and I could feel it was a fat rock hard one. The guy grunted like an animal as he fucked me. I again felt Will's hand check the cock out and he whispered it was also raw. Will wiped up the seed running down my legs with his hand and rubbed it onto his cock. Unfortunately because Will is so much taller than me we couldn't grind our cocks together whilst standing up. It meant that his cock was rubbing against my chest nipple height whilst he kissed me and the guy fucked my ass. Like before the guy didn't last for long, before I felt his thrusts into me getting frantic and his breathing wild. Suddenly he was shooting in my ass. Will was groaned in ecstasy as he knew what was happening. Short story. In 20 minutes or so nine men raw fucked me one after another in that same position. Each time Will told them to shoot and breed me. The seed was running down my legs and later when I pulled up my pants, they were soaked with it. (A bit embarrassing to be standing in the bars with a big dark wet patch but I had no choice.) Stefan told us that he and Artur had watched and he was encouraged as Artur jacked himself the entire time. To be continued if you guys want to hear more. Let me know as I'm not sure if this is boring for you.
    1 point
  37. After that first weekend, Will got very busy with work. He told me that the project he was working on had encountered a problem and it meant he would have to spend lots more time to finish it than he expected. He said he had to go back to the Netherlands in five weeks as his business there needed him. This meant he ended up spending almost 12 hours a day at work. I was sick in the pit of my stomach at the thought that I'd not not see Will again after that time. I had fallen for him big time. Not only would I miss Will himself, but I would miss the way he made me feel when he hammered his huge raw cock into me followed by what he called his seed. I dreaded the day he would leave me empty, in all senses of the word. Over the next few weeks I obsessed about him leaving, but I never told Will how I felt in case he thought I was just a weak small boy. Will was so busy that we never went out to any bars or clubs and none of his friends came to visit again. I loved having himself all to myself. During this time I not only worried about what I would do when he left but I was also freaking in my head about having taken Will's raw cock and seed so many times and that of Alan and Mike's as well as so many other men that night in the fuck club. When Will fucked me he talking disgustingly about how they had all bred me and how much it turned him on. He hammered my ass so hard when he talked about it. I knew it was the thing that turned him on but I was conflicted by how it made me feel, the risks, and what it said about my relationship with Will. The dreaded week came so quickly when Will was to leave. Two days before his departure he stunned me into silence by suddenly asking me to live with him in Amsterdam. Although I was silent, whilst Will stared at me, I realised that there was only ever going to be one reply. I said yes, I would love to live with him if he really meant it. Will took me there and then and we had the most passionate sex yet. I think that was maybe the first time Will truly made love to me as opposed to just breeding me. The next day was frantic as I needed to get a passport and I ended up waiting in a queue for hours to get an emergency issue one. I lived with my older brother who was never interested in me or what I got up to so I knew I would not be missed. I visited his place, my former home of five years, packed up my things and left a note to say I had gone to live in Amsterdam. We flew to Amsterdam, flying another new experience that Will had introduced me to. His apartment was amazing and I realised then that Will was not short of a dollar, or in his case, a Euro or two. Will showed me around Amsterdam and I loved the city. It was seedy and beautiful all at the same time. I had never been to another country so that in itself was amazing. For the first few nights when Will fucked me, he became increasingly descriptive about needing to see me take another guy's raw cock and seed. On the Thursday night he said that two friends of his were popping over from Berlin to meet me. They were to stay three nights over the weekend and they would sleep in one of the spare bedrooms. Will said that Stefan was a old friend of his who, as he put it, had done a lot together. I knew he meant sex, although he didn't say that. Will said he had not met Stefan's new boyfriend although he had seen photos. Stefan's boy friend was called Artur. Although Stefan could speak German and English, Artur could only speak German. About lunch time on Friday, Stefan and Artur arrived. Will got up to let them into the apartment whilst I waited in the lounge feeing nervous. I suspected that Stefan and Artur were only visiting to fuck me and knowing Will's interests, they would be breeding me. A moment later Will led Stefan and Artur into the lounge. Stefan was 41 maybe 6'.1 and looked in good shape. Although his jeans were not that tight I could see the shape of a long cock going down the front of the left pants leg. It was obvious he wasn't wearing undies and he had a big cock. I was surprised with Artur as I expected another older guy but as it turned out he was only 19, about 5.7 in height and very slim. He looked far younger than the way I felt I looked. I could see Will looking him over and then I noticed Stefan doing the same with me. Will introduced us all and Stefan came over and give me what I thought was going to be a European greeting kiss. Instead he grabbed me and kissed me on the lips pushing his tongue into my mouth. His left hand was on the back of my head holding me against him and he put his right hand down the back of my pants and felt my ass. His fingers went to my ass hole and then one pushed into me. At the same time I could feel his cock stiffen against me. When I looked up I could see Will doing something similar to Artur. Seeing Will do this I was torn. On the one hand I felt a bit of jealousy but on the other I was turned on. The moment passed and Will suggested they unpack and get relaxed. It was clear that Stefan knew his way around the apartment as he led Artur to the bigger of the spare bedrooms. Whilst they sorted themselves out, Will got some drinks and snacks ready and he came over to me and kissed me deeply. He said he couldn't wait to see me take Stefan's raw cock and seed and wanted me to watch as he bred Artur. He said he'd done this in the past with previous boyfriends of his and Stefan. Maybe 15 minutes later Stefan and Artur joined us. They had both changed and were only wearing shorts. Stefan was in good shape and he had a lovely firm chest and a trail of chest hair down to his shorts. Like Will, he was a Man's man. I could see the head of his cock hanging below the shorts. I couldn't take my eyes away from it. Artur had a slim smooth body, just like mine although he was taller than me. I couldn't tell if he had big cock or a hot ass. The conversation was difficult as I could only speak English and Artur could only speak German. Even though no one had mentioned sex, there was a sexual excitement in the air. Will said to me that he wanted Artur and I to kiss and have some fun whilst he and Stefan watched. Stefan presumably said the same thing in German as Artur looked at me and came over to where I was sitting. We both started kissing each and I felt myself bone up in a second. Artur was obviously more experienced than I and I could sense him leading me. He took his shorts off and I saw his cock for the first time. It was rock solid and maybe 5 inches uncut. He had shaved his pubes and pits and when I felt his ass it was a firm little bubble like mine. Between us, Artur and I took my clothes off and we stood kissing and grinding our boned cocks against each other. I looked over and noticed that Will and Stefan were now naked, boned solid and slowly stroking as they enjoyed the show. As you know Will is 10inches uncut and maybe 7inches round. His cock leaks like a faucet and it has bulging veins when he is boned. Artur's cock looked delicious. He was maybe 8.5 or 9 inches but very fat, much thicker than a beer can. He had the most enormous nuts I had ever seen up to that point. There was a metal silver ring around the balls and cock. His cock had a thick silver ring through the head. Will told me later they were called PA's Will told me to suck Artur's cock and something was said in German. I got down and licked the head of his cock. He moaned and I took him all in my mouth until I could feel his smooth balls on my chin. I moved back and forwards and at the same time Artur began thrusting into my mouth. We lay on the floor and 69'd each other, sucking our cocks at the same time. All the time I could hear encouragement in English and hear German spoken. Stefan passed some poppers and told us both to sniff deeply. As ever with poppers it makes me wild and it did the same to Artur. Will told me to put my head though Artur's legs and lick and eat his ass hole. He said to get it wet enough for cock. Artur did the same to me and we ate each others asses for what seemed like ages. Apart from the younger guy in the fuck club, Artur was the youngest I had sex with. It was good but no where as hot as with Will. Will told me to get on my knees and kiss Artur who also got on his knees. Will told us both to sniff as much poppers in us as we could take. I was flying and kissing Artur when all of a sudden I felt something against the crack of my ass. It was Stefan's cock. He leaned over my back and whispered into my ears that he was going to breed me. Somehow in a German accent it sounded exciting and dirty. I was still flying on the popper rush when I felt Stefan's finger push some lube into me. In no time I felt his fat raw cock head at my ass. He grabbed my waist and slowly pushed in. He was obviously savouring the look and feel of entering me as he went so very slow. I am used to Will's huge cock but I still gasped with the pain and pleasure of such a fat cock. I saw movement from the left and it was Will heading towards Artur. He got behind him and slid his dripping cock against Artur's ass. Will has a look that comes over his face when he's about to breed ass. It's hard to describe other than say its a look of determination. As I moaned from the intrusion of Stefan's cock, Artur suddenly kissed me differently and I knew that Will had started to enter him. Stefan and Will started fucking us both. They spoke in German the entire time but I did hear them say breed and my name in the quick sucession. They started getting faster and faster until all four of us were yelling with pleasure. After maybe 5 or 10 minutes something was said in German and both Will and Stefan pulled out. They got up and swapped positions. Will said in English that we was going to fuck Artur's ass juices into my ass with his cock and Stefan would do the same to Artur. Will slid into me from behind and whilst I was kissing Artur I could see that Stefan started fucking him. This went on for a bit then more German was spoken. Stefan and Will again swapped. I again heard the word breed and my name. Stefan said in English that he was so close and get ready for his seed. I could feel the pace of his fucking increase and he got faster and faster. All of a sudden he pushed in deep, held still, and yelled take it as I felt his already fat cock swell as he shot his seed into me. I looked up at Will and his face was like the lust of an animal as he watched and heard what Stefan was doing to me. He yelled to Artur that he was coming too and I felt Artur push against me as he tried to support himself against Will's thrusting. After a few minutes Will and Stefan pulled out of us. They said in English and then presumably the same thing in German that they wanted to see Artur and I fucked each other in their seed. Artur got up quickly and it was clear he wanted to go first. He had me sit on the edge of the sofa and he held my legs up over his shoulders. He slid in me whilst Will and Stefan sat on the floor either side of us, their faces maybe only six inches from Artur's raw cock and my ass. They spoke in German and even I could tell them were encourgaing Artur to shoot in me. Will passed us both a bottle of poppers and has us sniff them deep. Artur started yelling something in German and he shot into my ass. Without any rest Stefan pulled up Artur and moved him onto the sofa so he duplicated the position I had just been in. Stefan then guided my raw cock into Artur's ass until I was balls deep in his boyfriend. It was only the second time I had ever topped and boy did it feel good on my cock. Artur's ass was tiny and he gripped and milked my cock. I could feel Will's seed smooth the way. I fucked for maybe 3 or 4 minutes and then felt the tightness of my nuts increase and I knew I was about to shoot. Will can tell when I am getting close and in hushed almost whispered tone he told me to breed Artur. His and Stefan's face were almost licking distance from my cock hammering Artur's ass. I could no longer hold off and I shot volley after volley of seed into him. I fell on top of Artur as I tried to get my breath back. It finished with a four way kiss and Stefan and Will telling us how good Artur and I had been. The weekend was wild guys, not only did we fuck in all sorts of combinations but Will and Stefan took us to a bareback party saying that Artur and I would be the prime attraction. I will tell you more about what happened another time. Are you guys enjoying me telling you what happend? Let me know. It will encourage me to tell you more
    1 point
  38. I have in a number of clubs before. Toilets in hard on, London, where I swallowed and showered in a hot skinhead's piss. The best though was in the darkroom at XXL in London; I was blowing a hot leather bear when he said he needed a piss break and started to pull away. Before he could pull away completely I grabbed the back of his legs, sucked his cock on deep and just looked up at him, not saying a word. He looked down at me, smiled a dirty knowing smile then slowly started to piss down my throat. I didn't miss a drop. When he finished pissing I went back to sucking his hot cock and got rewarded for all my hard work. Good times
    1 point
  39. Too bad I am over 42. They will not have my €€€€ then,
    1 point
  40. I've already posted this elsewhere but one Friday night of a Labor Day weekend in New Orleans, I sucked cocks all night in a bar called Rawhide. I was wearing nothing but cowboy boots, jeans. Bar was PACKED w/shirtless men. 100 degrees. Around 2 am, crowd changed from gay accountants on vacation to local New Orleans ghetto thugs. I didn't stop. I kept going till 5 am. I lost count in the upper 20s. I begged men "Cum on my face and my tits!" And they did. My beard got saturated; it slid down my neck, between my tits, down my happy trail, puddled in my belly button, stopped when the trail of cocksnot hit the top of my pubes. I walked around bar showing off, little ropes dangling off my beard as I stood in line to piss or order a beer. Had to walk 10 blocks back to hotel, thru hotel lobby. That was Friday night. Went back Sat. afternoon... Sat. night... Sun. afternoon... Sun. night... Did a few less each time but must've done 60 that weekend. Crack hos can't do that many cocks. And yes, I bent over and got fucked a few times that weekend too ... without turning around to see what they looked like.
    1 point
  41. I back up on gloryholes to get fucked. No clue who fucks me. Had to explain that to some bitch in the public clinic who wanted the names of my sex partners.
    1 point
  42. According to the website: "Agelimit during the summer to 35 and under; after Summer the age limit is 42" Apparently voted No.1 in France....by whom?
    1 point
  43. Part 4 Tony was much more gentle with me then I had been with the blonde who was taking yet another cock in the sling next to me. He slid his cock slowly but steadily in and out my hole making sure I felt every inch sliding through my recently virginal hole occasionally flexing his did as it reached one of the extremes causing me to whimper like a bitch in heat. My hole burned as it stretched to accommodate his cock but there was pleasure there too, and a hunger that could not be denied; and as he slowly built up the pace the pain ebbed away and all that was left was the pleasure. “For a total top boy, you’re sure handling my cock well for your first time.” “Thank you.” “But now it’s time for the real fucking.” He grabbed hold of the chains for the sling and slammed his cock balls deep into me. I cried out in lust and joy. From my left I heard the blonde boy giggle and call some sort of encouragement to Tony even as he was being emailed on another cock. I looked up into the mirror above me and saw Tony’s fat cock vanishing into my hole over and over again my sphincter clinging to his cock as he pulled out. I couldn’t believe how good it felt, I wanted him to never stop. I had been horny before but this was different, being horny is being in need of a release this was a hunger a hunger for something I had never craved before: cum. “Fuck me, oh Jesus fuck me,” I cried as his cock hammered in and out of my hole. Sweat dripped from Tony’s muscular hair covered torso on to mine and I felt my eyes rolling in to the back of my head. “You ready for my load boy?” “Yes, fill my hole with your cum!” “Good answer.” Tony sank his cock balls deep in me once more and held fast to my hips as he grunted and his cock bucked inside of me spraying his load all over my guts. I could feel his cock pumping inside of me emptying his balls. My hole was flooded with a magical warmth that I never wanted to be without again. I was no longer a top, hell I wasn’t sure in that moment that I was even versatile, for that night at least I was a bottom. As he slid his cock from my hole my mind was consumed with one though: I need more cock. Four thick fingers were quickly slid into my hole, replacing Tony’s cock. He smiled as he twisted them around in my now wide-open hole. “ How do you feel boy?” “Amazing.” “How does your hole feel?” “I never thought it could feel this good.” “And my load?” “Perfect.” “You want more cock don’t you boy? You want to spend the night like this little bitch take load after load in your stretched out cunt?” “Yes.” “Right answer. He Chris, wanna try out my new fuck hole?”
    1 point
  44. Part 2 I could feel the man’s chest hair against my back, and a considerable bulge nestling between my flexing ass cheeks, he kissed my neck. “You enjoying my boy’s hole?” “He’s got a sweet ass,” I replied as I continued to pound the blonde mercilessly. The man moved his hands from my hips to tweak my nipples as he whispered in my ear, “Two weeks ago this hot bottom was a condoms only bitch, now he’s begging for loads. You know what did that?” “What?” “One thick load from my cock.” He pulled me tight to him and used his hand to turn my face to the side. I caught a glimpse of a strong handsome scruffy face before he planted a rough kiss on my lips. I kissed him back. One of his hands remained at my chin keeping my face turned to his as the other roved over my young furry body, and all the while I kept pounding my meat into the whimpering bottom before me. Eventually his hands returned to my hips and he broke away from the kiss. I studied his dark eyes and strong jaw as best I could looking over my shoulder. “Don’t cum in him yet,” he commanded, “I want to make sure you give him a nice big load.” With that he sunk to his knees behind me and his hands moved from my hips to my ass. As I continued to fuck his boy he spread my ass cheeks a little and licked up my crack. Though I was strictly a top at the time I had been rimmed a few times before and I knew that it felt amazing. Maybe that’s why I let him spread my ass and start working my hole open as only a top can, or perhaps it was because this man seemed to for some reason give off an air that made you want to please him. I bottomed out in the boy and leaned forward allowing him to spread my cheeks a little further and as I rocked my cock of the bottom I felt his tongue for the first time slip past my sphincter. Noting had ever been up my ass not even my little finger, and so I gasped with astonishment as I felt this man’s tongue dart inside of me for moment. I had always thought that it would hurt to have something inside of my ass but the tip of his tongue had felt like heaven, it was intoxicating. I slowed down my fucking of the blonde still impaled on my cock and stuck my ass out a little further allowing the man behind me better access to my hole. He gripped my ass cheeks tightly and spread my hole, his tongue making more and more regular forays into my hole. I whimpered. His tongue felt so good pressing into my hole, I acted on instinct not knowing the change that was coming over me as I let go of the sling chains and grabbed my own ass cheeks trying give the mad kneeling behind me still better access. The bottom I was now practically laying on top of with my cock still buried in his cum dripping hole smiled at me and leaned up a little bit to kiss me. “Tony eats ass better then anyone, doesn’t he?” I just gasped in response as something new pressed against my hole. The bottom wrapped his arms around me pulling me tight to his smooth chest as I felt my hole being further invaded, the mad behind me was sliding his index finger inside of my virgin hole. The words “I’m a top,” formed in my head but died on my lips as his finger began to slide slowly in and out of my hole. “He’s fingering you isn’t he?” “Yes,” I gasped. “Do you want him to stop?” “No.” “Have you ever had anything inside your hole before?” “No, I’m a virgin.” “Do you want more?” “Yes.” “Right answer boy,” Tony replied pulling his mouth off my hole for a moment. “You want Tony to stuff another finger in your hole?” I paused for a moment relishing the feeling of his one finger sliding in and out of my hole but not sure if I could handle another, but as his finger slid back inside my cock gave a powerful throb and the blonde boy laughed a little. “Your cock seems to have just answered for you. Stretch him out Tony, this boy’s not just a top any more.”
    1 point
  45. I am 6"...I think I am average at best. I cum while being fucked I am a bitch.
    1 point
  46. hell yeah...that's what us bottoms want, to know our places! I know I am not a man in bed, just a bottom pussy slut boy. I know my tops are the ones with the real balls. I let them know while they are pounding that they are the men and I am just a boy!
    1 point
  47. Bttm sluts need to know their place. Between a man's legs. Obey. Take our seed.
    1 point
  48. I have an average dick and luv to bottom, but also enjoy fucking, felching, etc., too. My rule of thumb is the man w/ the biggest dick is the top :-)
    1 point
  49. This is me! A lot of the time when I get fucked my dick will stay totally limp and soft, bouncing and flailing around as I get slammed hard. I enjoy the submission/humiliation aspect of it. It reminds me that I was not meant to fuck - I was meant to GET fucked!
    1 point
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