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  1. My brother Tom pulled me into the dark corner "What are you doing here, Tag? I told you not to follow me." Tom seemed angry and I wasn't sure why. I knew he and his friends were going to party tonight and I usually tagged along, that was how I'd earned the nickname, Tag. So when Tom had told me I couldn't come tonight I took matters into my own hands and FaceTimed Griff, his best friend, and asked him to take me. He'd grinned a devilish grin before saying "Sure kid, I'll pick you up too. Don't tell him though, it'll be our little secret." Griff and Tom had been best friends their whole live's and I'd always been the kid brother. Things were different now though and it made be feel anxious. They were college sophomores, going to school in the city and I was still trapped in our no name town as the clocks at school ticked down my senior year. I wanted to join them in the city next year. Before they'd always let me tag along, drink beer with them and their jock bros but something shifted this year. Now, they came home less and less. When they did they kept to themselves and it was like there was a wall I couldn't get through. It was more then parties too even when Tom was home it was like his mind was elsewhere. I'd confronted Tom about it. He told me it was for my own good that I stay away from them. But now it was Christmas break and they were home, I thought maybe it would go back to normal but it didn't. The holiday was uneventful and now on December 26th they were bailing on our town and driving into the city for a party. A party I wouldn't have known about if i hadn't overhead Tom on the phone. When he got off the call I begged him to take me. "No, Tag." he said firmly. "Why? Why don't you want me around you anymore?" "I'm doing this for your own good. There must be some high school parties for you around her, go to those. Go to the movies, fuck a chick. I don't care what you do- but you aren't coming with us." Tom wanted to leave me behind again? Not a chance. The thought of being left behind was unacceptable. That's why I reached out to Griff, I had to join them. I'd had beers and pot with them before, I could handle tonight too. Whatever they were up to. Couldn't I? I was nervous waiting for Griff a block away from my house. He was going to pick me up first, hide me in the trunk of his CR-V before then going and picking up Tom for the drive into the city. The drive into the city was uneventful. Anytime Tom went to say something about the party Griff changed the conversation, almost as if he didn't want me to know what I was in for. I kept quiet in the back and Tom was oblivious to my presence. When we got there the doors opened and they got out. The doors slammed and they were gone. I was to wait until Griff came to get me. I did, slowly removing the blanket from on top of me and looking around. The street we were on looked a little sketchy, we were definitely in the city. Twenty minutes went by. Where the fuck was he? Finally the trunk door popped open and Griff led me in to an unmarked building on a city street. "This isn't like the other parties, Tag. Those were high school parties. Just remember you asked to come. I think you'll like it though. Tom didn't want this for you but I know better. I know you're one of us, you always have been." Griff explained to me as he slung an arm around my shoulder. What was he talking about? Whatever it was it made me feel good to hear him include me. We had walked up five flights. Now a door was in front of us, one of the steel doors on a track, Griff slid it open and my whole life changed... *End of Part 1... (this will be a series, a slow burn but worth the wait)
    1 point
  2. You can play, lick, tug, twist, suck, slobber my balls. But if you want to put your hands to good use, get at least 2-3 fingers up my hole!
    1 point
  3. I remember the old days of AOL. I was in a chat room when this guy hit me up who lived in trailer park. He looked the part of a trailer park redneck, scruffy, tatted, ruff. He was blunt. No hi, nothing. He sent his number and address and said come over so I can get you fucked up and fuck the hell out of your cunt. I walked in and he was fucking hot. In a matter on 10 minutes I was stripped and slammed and fucked by this nasty [banned word].
    1 point
  4. I was group fucked in my sling by my usual Buddies last night, 2 Dads and 4 Lads. The put me in the sling and strapped the stirrups round my ankles and hauled my legs up high and spread wide apart. I fucking love that - my hole was on show and I felt real vulnerable. They were all naked and hard so it wasn’t long before I had a cock deep in my arse. They lined up to fuck and seed. Me. Hamish went last cuz he’s got a massive cock and I struggle to take it but I’d been fucked so hard for over an hour and I had 5 big wet loads in me that Hamish easily forced his cock balls deep in me. Even though I’d had 5 cocks inside me Hamish was still a real tight fit and I felt every thrust as he pumped his load in me.
    1 point
  5. Message me when you want me to be at east side club and bring your friends,
    1 point
  6. Totally agree on Vault 139. I used to visit London all the time, and would attend the Naked Thursday nights. I'd actually rock up a couple of hours before the Naked part started and stay late. Haven't been for a few years, but I do remember the glory hole areas being busy. There was a dark corner at the end of the corridor next to the booths where I have a lot of good memories, mostly about being pinned into that corner and getting fucked and bred. The barrel area as I recall really came into action on the naked nights. Lot of opportunities for public fucking there, although the bar area was good for that too. One Saturday night, I got belt-whipped in public view in the bar area, before the Dom guy who whipped me turned me over to the crowd for a gang fuck. That was... actually a bit beyond wild. One of the few times I got scared about what might happen next. The belt-whipping was a totally spontaneous event, and lots of people were like wow! The staff, however, were like meh! Seen it all before. Totally unfazed. Anything can happen at Vault, and in my experience, it often did. I gotta get back there sometime soon
    1 point
  7. We all love a poz cock. But, what are your favorite toys? . Just ordered....a Stainless Steel Mesh Chastity Device Chastity Cage. . Next week, I'll order a Stainless Steel Cruel Condom. . OINK
    1 point
  8. My cock is not huge and I have been deepthroated hundreds of times by experienced cocksuckers. I am able to control ejaculating quickly and can still cum multiple times. I don't really have a preference. I have had great experiences with or without hands. I just like getting sucked off. So far, I've been lucky enough to shoot my loads and swallowed by cocksuckers. I tend to seek out older men with lots of cock sucking experience. The guys who regularly suck my cock were the ones I had observed sucking guys and I was lucky enough to be their feeder too.
    1 point
  9. Oh hell YES !!!!!!!!! Haute cuisine at it's finest.
    1 point
  10. Introduction: A Forbidden Desire For years, I’ve carried a secret fantasy—a desire so intense, so [banned word], that it has shaped the way I think about intimacy and connection. The idea of being converted, of surrendering completely to a poz top, has consumed my thoughts and ignited a fire deep within me. This isn’t just a passing curiosity or a fleeting fetish. It’s a lifestyle choice, a calling that I’ve felt compelled to answer. Five years ago, I stopped taking PrEP—not out of ignorance, but out of a deliberate decision to embrace the raw reality of what I’ve been longing for. The Thrill of the Chase There’s something electrifying about the chase—the anticipation, the risk, the surrender. Barebacking is more than just physical pleasure; it’s an act of trust, an exchange of power, and an invitation to experience something primal and transformative. I crave the feeling of skin on skin, the heat of raw passion, and the knowledge that every encounter brings me closer to my ultimate goal: conversion. It’s not just about the act itself—it’s about belonging to a brotherhood, becoming part of something bigger than myself. Grindr: The Hunt for My Poz Plumber Grindr has become my hunting ground—a place where fantasies collide with reality. My profile is unapologetically direct: I’m seeking poz tops who are ready to breed me raw and take me to the next level. Every conversation is a potential gateway to fulfillment. Some fizzle out; others spark something deeper. But I’m relentless in my pursuit, driven by the knowledge that somewhere out there is the man who will make my fantasy a reality. The Decision to Stop PrEP Five years ago, I made what some would call a reckless decision—but for me, it was an act of liberation. Stopping PrEP was my way of fully committing to this journey. It wasn’t easy; it required courage and conviction. But every day since then has brought me closer to the life I’ve always dreamed of living. I know the risks—I’ve studied them extensively—but they only fuel my desire further. The thought of being bred raw by a poz top is intoxicating, overwhelming, and impossible to resist. Looking Ahead I won’t stop until I find him—the man who will take me beyond fantasy into reality. Until then, I’ll keep writing about my experiences, sharing my thoughts, and connecting with others who understand what it means to crave conversion. This blog is my confession, my manifesto, and my roadmap to fulfillment. Version Française Introduction : Un Désir Interdit Depuis des années, je porte en moi un fantasme secret—un désir si intense et si tabou qu’il a façonné ma vision de l’intimité et de la connexion humaine. L’idée d’être converti, de me livrer entièrement à un top poz, consume mes pensées et allume un feu profond en moi. Ce n’est pas une simple curiosité passagère ou un fétiche éphémère. C’est un choix de vie, un appel auquel je me sens obligé de répondre. Il y a cinq ans, j’ai arrêté la PrEP—non par ignorance mais par une décision délibérée d’embrasser pleinement la réalité brute de ce que je désire depuis toujours. L’Excitation de la Chasse Il y a quelque chose d’électrisant dans la chasse—l’anticipation, le risque, l’abandon total. Le barebacking est bien plus qu’un plaisir physique ; c’est un acte de confiance, un échange de pouvoir et une invitation à vivre quelque chose de primitif et de transformateur. Je désire ressentir le contact peau contre peau, la chaleur d’une passion brute et la certitude que chaque rencontre me rapproche de mon objectif ultime : la conversion. Ce n’est pas seulement l’acte en lui-même ; c’est l’appartenance à une fraternité, devenir partie intégrante de quelque chose de plus grand que moi. Grindr : À la Recherche de Mon Plombeur Poz Grindr est devenu mon terrain de chasse—un lieu où les fantasmes se heurtent à la réalité. Mon profil est sans détour : je recherche des tops poz prêts à m’ensemencer raw et à faire de mon fantasme une réalité. Chaque conversation est une porte potentielle vers l’accomplissement. Certaines s’éteignent ; d’autres allument quelque chose de plus profond. Mais je suis implacable dans ma quête, porté par la certitude que quelque part existe l’homme qui fera basculer ma vie dans une nouvelle dimension. La Décision d’Arrêter la PrEP Il y a cinq ans, j’ai pris ce que certains qualifieraient de décision imprudente—mais pour moi, c’était un acte de libération. Arrêter la PrEP était ma façon de m’engager pleinement dans cette quête. Ce choix n’a pas été facile ; il demandait du courage et de la conviction. Mais chaque jour depuis m’a rapproché du mode de vie dont j’ai toujours rêvé. Je connais les risques—je les ai étudiés en profondeur—mais ils ne font qu’alimenter davantage mon désir. L’idée d’être ensemencé raw par un top poz est enivrante, bouleversante et irrésistible. Regarder Vers l’Avenir Je ne m’arrêterai pas tant que je ne l’aurai pas trouvé—l’homme qui me fera passer du fantasme à la réalité. En attendant ce jour-là, je continuerai d’écrire sur mes expériences, de partager mes pensées et d’échanger avec ceux qui comprennent ce que signifie désirer la conversion. Ce blog est ma confession, mon manifeste et ma feuille de route vers l’accomplissement.
    1 point
  11. Perhaps its not the same, but I enjoy sucking my top after he's bred me. I know it's insufficient, but it's the closest thing to being able to say "thank you" for a top who just gave you his load. Tasting his load and my ass on his cock is just another thing to be thankful for.
    1 point
  12. White Wolf on the Hunt On paper or clothed, Dr. Conrad Morris and Dimitrios Argyros were vastly different men. Dimitrios hailed from a long line of Greek shipping magnates, and was educated at private schools in Switzerland, France, and England. Morris was one hundred percent WASP elite, a Choate boy, with an Ivy League medical degree and a society page mother and financier father. Whereas Dimitri was dark, even a bit swarthy, Morris was dark blonde, pink skin and with a square handsome Anglo face. Naked, though, the men appeared somewhat more similar. Morris was far less hairy, but both men had huge chests and tight abs. Conrad was built more square, like the football player he’d been, his six pack square block instead of the intense bodybuilder-level definition that made Dimitri’s waist so enchanting. In place of Dimitri’s tattoo Conrad had a gorgeously-rendered white wolf, its eyes pentagrams, its fangs opening around the toxic waste symbol right above his hard naval, and a long tongue snaking down the length of his big fat cock. His cock was slab like and rectangular, a solid ten inches in length and eight around. White as marble, it got hard as steel and stayed that way for hours. Even the most experienced men actually found his cock harder to take than Dimitri’s because it did not taper—when hard it started with perfectly shaped blunt head that was nearly immediately 8 inches around from head to shaft. His current boy—a tall, wiry 22-year-old Latino Morris had converted three years ago—still cried out every time the good doctor used the big head to batter open the boys second ring. Morris drove down the park from the large townhouse he lived in and tapped the codes for both the building and Dimitri’s private parking area. He and the other four heads of the Brotherhood chapter all had spaces, marked with stylized icons of their spiritual-animal companions. Taking the private lift up and reaching the apartment he immediately heard deep moaning and little gasps of surprise coming from one of the bathrooms. Poking his head in, he saw that Dimitri had the boy handcuffed facing towards the shower wall, on his tiptoes, while the big man milked little Timmy’s prostrate while fingerfucking the boyhole. Dimitri looked up and Conrad grinned and squeezed his hardening slab. Dimitri smiled and fingerfucked harder, eliciting little screams from the boy and Conrad left to get naked and high. Conrad went into the sex bedroom—he knew the drill—and saw that one of Dimitri’s dozens of staff had already put on fresh sheets. He stripped off his tight cashmere jogging pants and tshirt and looked at himself in the mirror. His big cock was semihard and still damp from the depths of little Julio’s glorious throat. Julio had begged for his seed, but Conrad wanted to load up the new conquest. And once the prospect of his animal side knotting and destroying the boy’s pussy was revealed had made any fuck for Julio a no go. But the gorgeous Latino had been such a good boy lately, Conrad had given Julio his Amex Platinum with instructions to spend no more than a thousand and let him choose an ample selection of party favors from daddy’s fingerprint-locked drugs safe. Folding up his clothes neatly he placed them into the drawer marked “white wolf.” He set his phone down and it chimed as if on que, and Conrad grinned as a video popped up of Julio and a blonde twink owned by another Brotherhood member doing a giant line of crystal off of the huge black cock of the bouncer at the local leather nightclub. Julio wouldn’t be getting the cock of the daddy-master he was addicted to tonight, but he was definitely getting some good dick. “Take video, little whoreboy,” Conrad texted. Conrad loaded up Dimitri’s pipe and began to slowly and languidly get high. He stroked his famously gorgeous hard cock, the big veins on his arms flexing as he stroked. Conrad was exceptionally turned on, and he felt the wolf stir, the tongue that ran from above his navel along his giant marble slab grew warm as his cock rose. Fuck, he thought, maybe the kid had a magic pussy after all. After a few minutes, he wondered what was keeping Dimitri and the hot little piece of ass. Getting up and walking towards the bathroom, he heard a sharp crack and Timmy cried out. He arrived just as Dimitri was delivering, according Timmy’s cry, belt strap number five on Timmy’s perfect white ass. “What do you say?” Dimitri said. “I am sorry, sir, please, sir,” Tommy gasped, “Please sir, it would be an honor to drink your piss.” Keeping Timmy facing away from Conrad, Dimitri cuffed the boys thin but muscular arms behind his back. Timmy knelt—Conrad could see the boys pink hole was puffy from his recent Virgin fuck—and swallowed great gulps of piss, his expression showing the taste was a struggle. Waiting until Dimitri was done, Conrad walked over, knelt, and whispered softly, “I hear you’re a dirty boy who just took several dirty toxic Greek loads.” Timmy looked back, his eyes wide with surprise to find someone else there. Then his entire face and torso turned red with embarrassment as he slowly recognized the hot older doctor from his recent visit. Dimitri took Timmy’s head off his cock, and whispered something in his ear. Still on his knees, he faced Conrad and knelt and started kissing Conrad’s huge feet, working his way up the man’s tree stalk legs. He then silently put his mouth around Conrad’s huge semi-hard cock head and looked up at the big man with his dark eyes wide. Conrad smiled, and fed the boy small mouthfuls of piss, going over so slowly, to prolong his humiliation. When his bladder was half empty, Conrad reached down and brought the boy up and standing. He uncuffed him and ordered him to turn. “Show Daddy Doc your pussy, Timmy,” Conrad growled, lifting one of the boys quite defined legs up onto the bathroom vanity. He speared the boy with the head of his cock, holding tightly onto Timmy’s tight ass as he did so. Timmy shouted, “Ow, daddy, oh fuck,” at the big stretch. Conrad delivered the rest of his piss—enough the fill the boy up—and then reaching into the sink he grabbed the buttplug Dimitri had taken out of the boy earlier and drove it up the spasming quim. Conrad picked Timmy up, and growled in his ear, “My cock is super thick and it’s gonna stretch you so good.” Timmy could feel the big slab pulsing under his ass, and he shivered. “I am going to get you high, and you’re going to beg me, like you begged your daddy Dimitri, for my toxic loads,” Conrad spoked quietly. “Is that clear, boy?” Timmy nodded, “Yes, sir, please sir, give me your toxic loads.” Reaching the bedroom, he gently laid the boy down on his back. Conrad took the boys perfect head in his head and looked into the boys dark eyes, dilated from the drugs, and he said in his deep voice, “My cock hurts like a motherfucker, especially to a relative virgin like you, so you get to be high tonight. But every Wednesday my office closes early so you’re going to be there, every week, and you’re going to get fucked with no chems. Every week, kid.” Conrad got the twink well beyond pleasantly high. Conrad needed to seed, and he needed his wolf to appear, and the higher the kid was the more likely he would be an acceptable offering to the supernatural. He stuffed several big shards of crystal up the little pink hole, driving the burning rocks around the boys little buttplug, as Timmy first screamed but soon begged to be used and stretched. He placed Timmy between himself and Dimitri, and both men kept up a constant stream of praise for the boy, his beauty, his physical perfection, his good boy obedience, alternating to how they were going to seed him, leave him open and dripping, fill him with piss and toxic cum. The entire time they plied the boy with the pipe. Timmy got his own clouds plus both of their shotguns every time until Timmy was gone into a world of dark desires. And then Conrad began the boy’s fuck. Timmy, like every man before him, found his first experience of the marble cock—which felt like someone trying to shove a pulsing, warm, pink and white four-by-four up his ass—difficult. Conrad was patient and relatively gentle, put the cock needed what the cock needed, and the wolf needed destruction. Timmy keened, groaned, and pleaded for Conrad to go slow. And Conrad patiently opened the boy until it was truly time for Timmy to learn to surrender to the needs of his top. Conrad began to push harder, to demand that his cock sink in. “Push out, boy, it will make it easier,” Conrad commanded. Conrad grinned wildly as the boy did and a inch of dick slid into the boys second hole. Timmy started a low, keening moan, and his little pink hole began creaming around the huge, big dildo-sized intruder, the boy’s ass juices mixing with lube and piss to make a foam. “Fuck, you are a little pussy aren’t you?” Conrad demanded, “First you bleed like a girl when my husband takes your cherry, and now your asspussy is coming around my big man cock?” #### Making Wolf and Dragon Little known fact: Dimitrios Argyros, MBA, and Conrad Morris, MD, have been very-happily-married since the early 1990s. Over the course of their 35-year marriage neither man has ever given up his status as a platinum gay top—meaning neither has given his ass to another man nor fucked a woman—but they have together fucked hundreds—if not thousands—of men. There was an early period when they lived together, but the animal spirits that shadow them aren’t particularly social beings and so Conrad took the huge mansion on the park while Dimitri lives in the Penthouse. They lived together as an A-list, double-top, drugs-and-leather-on-weekends-suits-during-the-week power couple for about a decade. Going out and notching up conquests at every circuit party, Provincetown weekend, LA Pride, and Russian River, Fire Island or Douglas house party they attended. They were just as striking then as they are now, their muscular bodies, handsome faces, expensive clothes, and serious dom top energy meant men and boys lined up, eager to be another notch on the storied couple’s belt. Their conquests in those days were varied—muscle bottom pigs, wiry skinny skinheads of ever color with big uncut Euro cocks, Tall and short Latinos, small- and big-dicked Asians, Black twinks, all manner of bears, manly chubs, and bearded otters, blondes (Dimitri), curly-dark-haired Jewish boys with pale skin and rosy cheeks (Conrad) and red heads (always both, with great enthusiasm)—but then they met the Crone. And the Great Stag. And their life was altered in ways neither could imagine. Visiting the Crone started as a joke. Conrad bought Dimitrios a visit to a fortune-teller on a visit to Prague. It seemed appropriate. The city was beautiful and the architecture exotic and mysterious in the night. The Crone lived up to her movie representation—down to the veil, the hoop earrings, and the clinking bracelets. But the lark soon turned dark, as the heavily-accented English cadence of the tiny withered woman transported them out of Prague, out of the human world, and into a dark wood. There, isolated from one another by the vast, old-growth European forests of Eastern Europe each of the men faced great tests. Each confronted their own lack of seriousness, their lives lived without purpose, their reflexive capitalist need for self-denial, and their inadequate pursuits of pleasure. And each regained conscious into the real world, naked, lying next to one another in their big king bed in their suite at the Four Seasons Prague. Their formerly unmarked bodies now bore the tattoos of their new spiritual guides: Conrad’s White Wolf and Dimitri’s Dragon. ### A Trademark Fuck Timmy was now truly and fully experiencing a Dr. Conrad Morris Fuck. Timmy had been fucked for the first time several hours earlier—by the massive cock of a man he regarded as a sex god, Dimitri—but he was pretty sure Conrad Morris was a damn good fuck too. The man had been patient he knew, and the first forty minutes had indeed “hurt like a motherfucker.” The thing between the man’s legs was agonizingly thick, and shaped to destroy. But then everything fell into place—his longtime sexual fantasies about Roman Gladiators, his affinity for Treasure Island porn, the drugs and magic seed the dom stud had given him—and suddenly giving the big muscle man, who was the spitting image of his high-school quarterback crush, his boypussy seemed like the most natural and important thing in the world. He knew at some level it was still painful, but now he relished the pain. He knew his pussy was meant for destruction, and that his place in the universe was to allow men like Conrad and Dimitri to destroy it. However, whenever, they chose. Conrad could see the change in the boy: the submission, the surrender. He could also, to his immense pleasure, feel it as he cock sank in balls deep into the boy’s hole. “Oh fuck, boy, that’s right,” Conrad panted, speeding up, “Take daddy’s big cock deep, let me own that boyhole.” Conrad now fucked more brutally, enjoying the way his big slab was visible through the boys tight, fat-free torso. Suddenly, Timmy began crying out, moaning, his entire body shaking as he experienced his first anal orgasm. Seeing the change, Dimitri got up from where he’d been reclining on the big leather sofa along one wall enjoying the show. He grabbed a 3/4 gram vial of crushed Tina, his pipe, and then his small bowl of crystal rocks and walked over. He handed his husband the vial and got the smoke flowing. He and Conrad took turns puffing and shotgunning—little Timmy thought the two of them making out was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen—and then Dimitri started feeding clouds to the already-high Timmy. After Timmy had puffed a bit, the need in his hole growing, Timmy began to beg, “Oh fuck, doc, oh fuck daddy, harder, need deeper.” As he began to really rail the boy, he felt the beast stir. “Teach this gorgeous little slut the Litany of the Offering ,” Conrad said, “Somebody wants to join us and fuck up this hole.” Dimitri grinned and leaned in and whispered quietly in Timmy’s ear. Timmy opened his eyes—the darkest brown of his eyes now void black—and looked directly into Conrad’s face. His expression one of intense need, he began begging, “I am your hole, fill me with your seed, I am your hole, fill me your toxic seed.” Conrad grinned, and began a series of full pull out and slam in fucks, Timmy squealing the words of the litany with each punishing thrust. Still slam-fucking the boy, Conrad opened the vial of crushed pussy powder. He recited the sacred words, proper to his beast, over the boys begging. “The white wolf is a creature of snow, and ice, his eyes shine crystal blue. The white wolf is a creature of snow and ice…”. Conrad pulled out, and in a movement he’d practiced hundreds of times over the decades, he dropped the entire vial of crystal deep in Timmy’s boyhole. Without missing a beat the huge cock, already starting its supranatural swell, plunged into Timmy, driving the big pile ahead of the blunt head. Timmy started screaming as his hole burned with fire and the cock’s new length pushed in at least a half-inch deeper than Conrad had gone before. The room went immediately black as night, the lights and candles extinguished. The eyes of Conrad’s wolf tattoo glowed bright blue, the pentagrams worked into them pulsing uncomfortably warm. Conrad felt the swelling increase, as his cock slowly lengthened and the base started bulging. Timmy was going to be fortunate tonight—if his cock swelled slowly, it would make what was to come easier to bear. Conrad continued to fuck the boy, each thrust in to the boys molten depths going deeper, and each time by the time he pulled out his cock was thicker and the big swelling ball that grew at the base of his cock was larger. Conrad plunged in again, and started just fucking the base of his cock in and out, each pull stretching the boys outer ring like a growing set of anal beads, each stretch bigger than the last. Conrad couldn’t believe how good it felt—not as sweet as a hole during the sex ritual, but just off of that by a fraction. Timmy was begging for the fuck, begging for the load, begging Conrad to stop, crying out, moaning, and yelling, “Fuck me daddy, harder, punish my pussy, it’s what I neeeeed.” This last cry came as the beast fully revealed itself, the cock growing twice as fast with each punishing fuck of the gaping boycunt and the long tongue wrapped around the giant burned hot. Conrad looked down—and brought his cock out—his cock was probably thirteen inches now, and he estimated eleven around, the ball at the base swollen to fourteen inches in circumference. His cock remained gorgeous, shaped in its nearly angular beauty, pink and white and alive. Hard it never really looked real—he agreed with those who said looked a bit like a big dildo—but swollen to this size, and with the bulging base, it looked like something from a fist fuckers dildo fantasies. And this dildo was covered in a thick layer of slightly pink pussy cream. And this living dildo needed to fuck. And so fuck he did, pillaging Timmy’s hole for a solid thirty more minutes. Timmy was gaping and sometimes struggling, but Dimitri was looking out for Timmy, dropping shards into his gash for Conrad to drive in and whispering in his ear while feeding him the pipe. The boy stopped struggling, and just started moaning and grunting quietly—when he suddenly opened his eyes and looked Conrad square in the face. “I am your hole, feed me that seed, please daddy, feed me the seed.” At that moment the big cock swelled, and Conrad could actually see the bulge in Timmy’s abdomen get bigger, and Cobrad erupted, his cock spewing first several gigantic pent-up-spurts of his own semen, and the big cock sputtered for a split second and then the thick, heavy cream of supernatural semen erupted. Conrad kept brutally fucking, making sure that the heavy cream coated his still spurting tool. He plunged out and plunged in again, stopping with his cock positioned so the ball at the base was in Timmy’s hole at the widest point. Over the next few minutes, with each squirt of come, his cock continued to swell and the ball grew by another inch and a half in diameter. Timmy was both screaming and experience a rolling series of assgasms. Dimitri, from long experience, was holding the boy’s legs back and keeping his body in place. For Timmy, the big swelling cock was like getting punched in the gut with every thrust. But his desire to be dominated, to take the load, and the growing euphoria of his second dose of supernatural sperm was feeding his need for destruction. However, when Conrad paused and Timmy felt the final stretch by the ball at the base of the giant cock, he went completely silent; His mouth open in a silent howl. Dimitri grinned and bit the boys ear. Conrad was not generally any where near as mean or sadistic as Dimitri could be, but he loved to punish hole in very particular ways. Conrad’s friends were convinced that Conrad owned one of every single enema tool or inflatable ever made, and most of them were huge and could be used with great brutality. Conrad’s dominant maleness was currently locked into battle with the will-to-self-preservation of a very high, very small in stature, and very hungry natural pussy boy. Timmy’s eyes were pleading, his ass involuntarily trying to push the giant intruder out. But no one-hundred-pound eighteen-year-old twink could match physical strength with a giant muscle fucker, especially when the boy was not fighting the man, but himself. With great clarity, like a lightswitch click, both men saw Timmy submit yet again. This time even more completely and fully. His eyes closed, lashes wet with tears, his head lolled back as he moaned out, “Fuck me daddy, please, hurt me.” Conrad kept the stretch for about thirty more seconds as Dimitri whispered, “Now that’s a good boy.” Then Conrad popped the supernaturally giant cock into the boy and positioned himself on his toes over his prey with his bulging arms holding the boy captive, his cock able to penetrate the boy to its fullest depth. Conrad plundered and pillaged the boy, fucking hard and fast, popping his huge tool out and driving it in to its new pussy-crushing depth. Each time he was entered, Timmy spasmed and groaned, but he no longer shouted. Instead, he moaned and keened as he rode the pleasure/pain journey Conrad was guiding him on, silently weeping in relief to have finally accepted his true role in the world. Conrad fucked him until Timmy started showing his rosebud. Conrad pulled out, reached into the big bowl of crystal rocks and selected a large one. He placed the big rock in the huge piss hole of his expanded cock and drove it in deep. Timmy cried out and Conrad commanded, “Bear down, use your hole to suckle on daddy’s giant tree then push out hard.” Conrad sighed as Timmy groaned, his entire hole suddenly reminded of the size of the supernatural cock. When Conrad felt the amazing suckle of Timmy milking his cock shift to the opening of the hard push out, and he drove his cock in just a smidge tighter and let loose a giant stream of mixed pent-up chempiss, leftover toxic man cum, and supernatural sperm. Timmy cried out at the burn, but then he started begging, “Oh fuck daddy that burns so good, use me as your urinal daddy, please daddy stretch me.” In all, after Conrad’s wolfy orgasm, Timmy was fucked for another ninety minutes by his daddy doctor’s oversized cock. In all, Conrad had been inside the boy for nearly two and a half hours of constant, dominating bliss. Dimitri was getting justifiably restless for his turn, and he started preparing for the next stage. He made sure the there was an adequate supply of both crushed Tina and rocks at the ready and rifled around in drawers gathering cuffs and jocks and other paraphernalia. While Conrad continued fucking, Dimitri loaded up the pipe and he and Conrad smoked. “Getting impatient, old man,” Conrad teased. Dimitri grinned and said, “Losing your self-control old man, can’t stop? I told you it was one sweet hole.” Right as Dimitri said that Timmy went into another anal orgasm and Conrad’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, “Top twenty fucks of my life, maybe top ten,” he breathed out, his smile ecstatic, “Okay, top five, what a hole.” Dimitri grinned and then leaned into towards Timmy’s head, reaching across, he locked a wide leather collar trimmed in red around the spun out boys neck. He turned Timmy’s head towards his own and the boy opened his eyes and looked into the man’s handsome face, his eyes black but adoring. “Timmy you weren’t top five for me baby,” Dimitri said, “No, you’ve got the best boypussy I’ve ever had. And I am going to ravish that pussy every day for the rest of my life.”
    1 point
  13. Hey ya'll! This is a fictionalized version of a story I posted on a different site that is a true story. The only fictional part of this story is just the guy's status and the Part 2 Bait. Otherwise, enjoy the story of me finally taking my dream Cock. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember the first time I saw him. I was 18 and it was my first time in an adult book store. I was checking out the theater in the back and he was working the desk. He stood at probably 6'3 above my 5'9 and probably 40 years my senior. He was thin as I looked up at him and felt myself getting hard despite myself. I was still exploring my sexuality but I knew in that moment that I had a thing for Older guys. Not just a few years. Daddies. Grandpas. I paid my fee and he smiled at me as I hastily rushed to the back. I sat in the theater and pulled out my now hard cock and started stroking it as I watched the gay porn on screen. It was only a few moments later that I heard someone say 'You Suck?' from over my shoulder. As I turned to say 'Huh?' a meaty hand found my head and shortly after I was forced onto a short, rubber covered cock with my open mouth. The roughness and suddenness took me by surprise and thats all it took for this guy. Four pumps in and the condom swelled in my mouth and he pulled his cock free and pulled up his pants and left. I was trying to figure out what just happened as my brain caught up with my body and I looked down at my wet, slowly deflating cock. Looks like we both nutted quick. Nervously I tried to clean up but it was useless but I remembered the bathroom right across from the theater so I checked the hallway was empty then darted across, not thinking of the clear view the front desk had of my bare bubble butt as I did. I tried my best to clean up but just ended up soaking my shorts so I tried to dry off as best as possible. As I emerged from the bathroom I locked eyes with the Old guy at the desk and he just smiled at me and winked. I felt my cock getting hard and I was embarrassed enough as it is, so I sprinted out to my car and took off. About a year or so of experimentation with Craigslist, I finally found myself back at the store and as I walked in to my delight and horror, the old man was there at the desk. The smile he gave me was wide and the way his eyes locked with me said he recognized me. The last time I came in during a quiet midafternoon but today was different. Today was 'Gay' day and it was late in the evening and a lot busier. I nervously hustled into the back as his voice followed me with a 'Welcome Back.' I could feel his eyes on my ass as I entered the theater and was immediately hit with the smell of cum and sex and sweat as I saw men lining the walls jerking various sized cocks. There were several guys eagerly sucking or bouncing on the various cocks and so I found a seat off in the corner and slowly prepared myself. I decided to strip down completely as I saw several naked guys and I didn't want to cum all over my shorts again. A few guys quickly surrounded me and I found myself getting throat punched by a huge black cock. Hands wandered my body until fingers found my ass and I panicked. I was still a virgin and wasn't sure I wanted to bottom. I had myself convinced I was a total top who just liked sucking cock. Upon my protests, guys quickly moved away towards the guys more willing to let them fuck. I sucked a few cocks but I quickly realized I was just the appetizer there while they waited for one of the holes to open for the main course. I was a bit dejected but I had told myself I wanted to get at least one load of cum before I left. I waited and waited and slowly the sounds around me slowed and the cocks stopped coming and I was all alone. I sighed and decided to just jerk off to the porn and leave once I came. As I was stroking myself I heard the door open and a light appeared. "Store's Closed" He said as he started walking closer. God he was so tall as I looked at the light now illuminating my naked body. "Oh I'm Sorry, I'll go!" I said as I bent over to scramble for my clothes and then I heard a jingle above me. "I didn't say you had to go." I swore the voice came from the large cockhead pointed directly at me as I looked back up. He had to be about 9 in, decently thick, covered with swelled up veins that pulsed with a virality you don't expect for someone his age. My jaw dropped instinctually and he slowly slid his cock deep into my throat, past my gag reflex, and despite my throat trying to force him out, he just slid in until his balls rested on my chin. As he slowly pulled out I gasped for air, but instead of pulling away I filled my throat with his cock again as soon as my lungs were filled again. Over and over his balls slapped against my chin as I stared up at his wrinkled old face. Why did I find him so hot? Even before I found out he was so big, I would've probably submitted anyway. After a few minutes I felt him pull me up and bend me over in front of the screen where a twink was getting railed by an older man. I looked up at what would be my fate and was worried. "Condom Please!" I blurted out. That's not what I meant to say? I meant to say 'No, I'm not a bottom' but that just came out instead. I'll try again. "Please be gentle, I'm a virgin." WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?! I just heard him grumble something as I heard the tearing of the condom wrapper. I felt his lubed fingers probing at my hole and then he was fingering me. I won't act like I enjoyed it. I didn't at the time. He was being kind of rough with me and I still wasn't used to the sensation. Soon though his fingers withdrew and I felt the rubbery condom tip pushing against me. I tried to relax but as his thick head pushed in more I screamed out and pulled away. "I can't. I'm sorry." I said, falling to my knees. "You're too big. I'm too tight." "It's the condom. Wanna try without?" I shook my head and he sighed. "Blue balls again I guess." As he pulled the condom off I felt a great shame and I plunged forward and took him into my throat and a I used his cock to face fuck me until he grabbed my hair and plunged into my throat, releasing a torrent off cum down my throat. There it was. What I had come for. He was gentle and patient afterwards and gave me time to fix myself up before he escorted me out. We shared platitudes about it being fun and doing it again but I was nervous. I got what I wanted but still felt unsatisfied and that scared me. It scared me enough I avoided really doing much other then getting my own dick sucked or occasionally stopping at a glory hole. I didn't go back to the store though. Not until about 7 years later. I was in my mid 20's and I found myself back at that video store. The other one I went to regularly had gotten raided by the cops and so I found myself here. I walked in and didn't realize I was holding my breath until I released it in disappointment at seeing the man behind the counter. Some young dude. Of course hes not here. It's been years he's probably retired by now. I paid my fee, went back but after hours of waiting with only 1 homeless guy asking me to pay him for a shot at his ass, I left dejected. I had intended to go in looking for any cock I could but I left realizing I secretly just wanted 1. A few more years passed and as my 30th birthday came, I couldn't help thinking about the guy. I had tried bottoming a few times now with a few other guys and while most ended poorly, one ended with me learning the magic of Poppers for a bottom and I rode that cock like it was a rodeo bull. It made me want to try again but with the cock I had been having dreams/nightmares about for years. I tried the store a few times for a month but never saw the other guy. I wasn't sure if he didn't work there anymore or I just had bad luck missing him on my days off. Then one night I sat surfing Sniffies after being told about it by a fuck buddy. I found the blip for the store and I had an Idea. I asked if anyone knew the tall old guy who worked there. I explained I wasn't sure if he was still working there but I was always attracted to him and wanted to see if anyone knew him. It was a long shot, and ultimately it didn't turn up much but a lot of other guys agreeing with me until finally someone responded with 'He still works there. Not sure the days though.' It was enough for me and I quickly flipped over to the google page for the store and punched the call button. "Hello, thank you for calling Books N Movies for Adults." "Hi, sorry to bother you but I am back in town for a visit and I remember there used to be a guy there who gave me great recommendations on the newest films. Was wondering if he still worked there and if so what days?" I described him and apologized for not knowing his name. The guy on the line almost seemed overeager to tell me 'No problem, he is actually working tomorrow night, check back then I am sure he would love to hear from an old customer.' I thanked him and hung up and jerked off to the thought of his huge cock. The next day arrived and I was eagerly awaiting the opening time before I snatched up the phone and called. His raspy voice was noticeable immediately but I tried to play it cool and made the same inquiry as I had the night before, with a little emphasis on Recommendation, hoping he would get the euphemism. The smile in his voice said he did as he said he had hoped to see me again one day. I asked if it was okay if I came by for a recommendation around closing time and he said that would be perfect. As 11pm crept closer I found myself at the door of the shop. The parking lot was mostly dead but as I opened the door I saw another man at the counter talking with the man I had dreamt of for over a decade. Nervously not wanting to get him in trouble, I wandered the store but every time I met his eyes I could tell... He recognized me. "IS there anything I can help you with?" I nervously looked up as they both smiled at me. "Uh yes I was here for those recommendations?" "Ah yes. It's already playing in the back if you want to head in. Did you need anything else before I close the till?" I purchased some lube and poppers in preparation and then shuffled back, both men smiling knowingly after me. I found myself in the familiar theater and I stripped down and prepared myself. The wait felt like forever but soon I heard the door open and close and as he walked down the aisle he found me bent over right in front of the screen like he had me last time. This time he stripped completely as he stepped toward me, cock hard and pointing like a deadly weapon at me face. My jaw dropped and I slowly slid it deep into my throat as I looked up into his eyes. "I knew you would be back eventually" He said as he thrust his cockhead past my tonsils and began to rape my throat. I gagged and choked but he kept slowly plunging it in and out. For 15 minutes I gave the most sensual blowjob of my life. Alternating between fucking my throat with his cock and licking and kissing his body. His stomach, his thighs, his nipples. I was never this intimate with men, but here I was worshipping this man until finally he grabbed my hair and pulled me for a kiss. "You're gonna take my cock tonight." He said, breaking the kiss. "Yes I will sir." There was no resistance at all in my mind this time. "No condom. My Raw cock inside you." I repeated the words after him, practically begging as I added on the 'Daddy' at the end. I hit the poppers as I felt his cockhead pushing past my ring and groaned as he forcefully, but slowly, pushed his cock into me. My mind flashed blank and I soon just found myself bouncing back and forth as I was being pounded against the stage under the screen. This time, I looked up and saw the twink getting railed and thought 'He wishes he was me right now.' As I stared at the screen he grabbed my throat and pulled me up as he slammed into me. I felt his cock pulsing and he whispered. "You like that Slut? You like Daddy's huge cock in you? I wondered when you would be back. Part of me knew you would." I figured he was done as he held me close to him for a minute, whispering dirty taunts into my ear. I felt him start to pull out and almost wept that it was over but I didn't have time as my face was slammed back forward as he bent me over again and proceeded to pound into me again. Harder and faster then before. How the hell did this guy have so much stamina?! I hit the poppers again to ease the strain a bit and soon found myself screaming as he lifted me from the ground and began assaulting my ass brutally. "Yes Fuck! Yes! Rape me! Kill me with that huge cock! Oh my fucking god!" It was in that moment I was happy for the place I was being bred at because anywhere else would have resulted in a noise complaint for sure. The assault lasted about 5 minutes until he unceremoniously pulled out with a PLOP! and dropped me to the ground. As I looked back, he shoved his cock into my mouth. "Suck me. I need a break." I did the only thing I could do and obliged this God of a man as he wiped sweat from his brow. I couldn't believe this guy hadn't cum yet and his cock was still rock hard. I hoped I could go like that when I am his age. After a few minutes of head, he lifted me up and laid me on my back on the stage. This time as he looked into my eyes, he slammed his cock into my hole. I had tightened back up a bit and so it hurt but also it felt amazing as his cock slammed my prostate on the first plunge. I clung to him as we both worked together, him pounding into me as I bounced on him to the best of my ability. I was in heaven and I didn't want to come back. Soon enough though, his pace increased and he began to growl in my ear. In my position hugging his chest, I could feel what I hadn't up until now. The heavy stream of cum pouring from my cock that was now pooling up on my stomach as he let out a roar and slammed into me three final times before holding his pulsating cock deep inside me. "That's right you fucking whore. Take that Poz cum inside you. Feel me fill you up with my Toxic seed!" My eyes widened hearing the words as my cock convulsed even more as I emptied my balls all over our connected bodies. We sat there making out as his cock slowly softened and slid out of me. I felt a dollop of cum ooze out of me as my ass instinctually closed up like it had a mind of its own and that mind was set on savoring every drop. "Oh jesus. Oh Fuck. I can- I can't believe I just let you shoot a load up my ass! I've wanted that for so long! Wait did you say Poz?" I am sure I looked like a love drunk whore as I looked up at him before my eyes got wide at his reply. "Three." He smirked, pulling his pants on. "I'm sorry?" I asked, not understanding at first. "Three Loads. I shot three poz loads inside you. You were so tight and it was like your ass was milking my cock the whole time. Only reason I went soft at this point is I think I'm out of cum." I blinked up at him as I reached back and felt just how sloppy and wet my hole was. Without thinking, I swirled as much of the cum as I could together... And then plunged my finger back in, ensuring it all stayed there. "Thank you..." He just grinned at me as he pulled on his shirt. "Hurry up and clean yourself up. I still gotta finish closing shop." I quickly got dressed, keeping my ass tight to keep his cum in, and soon found myself in the front of the store again, nervously smiling at him. While I was worried about the revelation of his status, I have never had sex with a man that was so hot and intimate. In that moment I resigned myself to what I was now. "So any chance you might brew up another load for me tonight? Maybe we can go to your place?" I looked at him hopefully. "Can't. I'm Married." He said as he unlocked the door for me. "But I'm sure once I smooth things over with him, he will want to breed you too." He smiled at me as he closed the door behind me and I rushed off to my car, load settling into me and a grin on my face.
    1 point
  14. Part 9 Breathing heavily from the intense fuck I'd just given Ryan I pressed against his strong sweat-covered back, riding the high of the most enjoyable physical pleasures I'd ever known, reveling in the feel of my cock (still hard!!) inside his muscled chute coated with the warmth of my own cum spewed into him. But besides the physical sensations, I was aware of a different kind of reveling and enjoyment. A feeling, an attitude, bordering on getting turned on more and more by all the raw uninhibited mansex. Cheating on my wife but not just cheating like I know husbands do all the time, but cheating on her with other MEN and quickly feeling the need to have more of it. And more of the smoke - Tina, Drew had called it. It made all the dirty sex and unfaithfulness to my wedding vows somehow more exciting and seductive. And I had to admit I liked those thoughts and feelings! Starting to come down from my cum high I also became aware of another feeling that I was beginning to enjoy. The feel of Kevin's wet cockhead rubbing teasingly across my sweaty pucker, along with the feel of his tongue, lips and teeth nipping at the sensitive skin on the side of my neck. I moaned, louder than I realized until after the fact, recognizing at the same instant that all 3 of us had lost ourselves in our own sex play and forgetting all about Drew temporarily. That thought had just crossed my mind when I heard, “Whoa! What do we have here?!”, Then, “Hey Daddy Justin. Looks like you've been having a fun time!” I lifted my head from Ryan's shoulder and opened my eyes. Standing right next to me was Drew. Still naked, still hard and still making me want him again. And holding a nicely loaded glass pipe and lighter in one hand. Before I could even gather my thoughts to say anything, Drew said, “Here Daddy have some more fuck smoke. I know you've already had some today if you're playing with these two pigs! Haha! And I know you want more. I remember how much you liked it last week at my place,” he said in a low sexy voice. He placed the stem between my lips and started heating the contents and I immediately started drawing in the thick white smoke without hesitation. The smoke and clouds that Drew had introduced me to a week ago I naturally connected in my mind to all the forbidden and “wrong” and exciting things I did with him then and that I had been doing with Ryan and Kevin today. I wanted as much of the smoke as I could get if it meant more of all the hot sex these studs had shown me so far. Keeping his eyes locked on mine as I continued inhaling, Drew spoke to Ryan, whose ass was still filled with my hard cock. “So, cuz, how'd you like getting fucked by my sexy Daddy Justin? Knows how to use an ass pretty good for a beginner doesn't he?” Drew smiled at me as he said the last words and I felt my cock twitch inside Ryan's wet hole. Ryan clamped his ass muscles tight around my cock as Drew put the pipe stem to his lips and lit it for him. After blowing out a huge white cloud Ryan said, “Aw hell yeah cuz! His cock is made for fucking ass! And he dumped a big load of his married cum in my guts! I could feel every shot!” Ryan looked at me and said seductively, “You can fuck me anytime you want to, daddy. And breed me every time.” Drew put the pipe back at my lips and smiled at me as he answered Ryan. “Tell me about it bro! He filled me up with THREE fucking loads last week and I felt all of them. Three hot thick loads of his daddy cheating married party cum!! It was fucking perfect!” Looking at Drew's face I exhaled a thick cloud of the sweet smoke directly at his hard dick and as if I'd done it all my life my mouth followed the path of the cloud and for the first time in a week I had Drew's wet steel-hard dick in my mouth again! I moaned in satisfaction as I tasted his flesh and juices once more. I felt Drew's fingers stroking my hair and the side of my face as he pushed himself deeper towards my throat. “Aw fuck yeah daddy! I fucking love your mouth! Suck my big hard dick daddy. You like sucking your son's cock? The cock that you make so hard for you by letting me know how much you want it?” Caught up in the moment and my mind and cock being led by the Tina, I didn't even give any thought to the subliminal manipulation Drew was working on my mind and life-long ideals of right and wrong and morality. My focus was totally on pleasing the young stud who now had his cock in my throat and who wanted to be my son. I would do whatever I could to please my sexy son. Sliding my mouth off of his spit-covered cock I looked into Drew's eyes. “Fuck yeah son! Daddy loves sucking and tasting my boy's meat and dick juices. I want to make you feel so so good son!” Kevin, who at some point during all this time had finally released his hold on me pulled my face toward his and wordlessly pressed his lips against mine, followed by his tongue and the lungful of the smoke he had obviously just inhaled. I sucked the smoke in hungrily, sucking on his tongue as we ground our hard cocks against each other. Breaking the sloppy kiss, my body and mind and dick at a height of excitement and lust I'd never reached before, I looked at the 3 spun naked masculine men around me and spoke in a voice thick with smoke and raw animal hunger. “Damn guys! You are the hottest sexiest and wildest I couldn't have even imagined! You make me want to do everything we can with each other. I want to make all of you feel as fucking good as you make me feel.” I stopped my gaze on Drew and reaching out to stroke his hard young cock I said, “And I want to please you son any way I can. Daddy wants to make his son feel better than he ever has.” Drew pulled me tight against his toned hard smooth flesh. I felt both of his strong hands grab my muscled butt and knead my asscheeks as he licked my lips. He pulled back from my face just enough to let us look into each other's eyes. His were dark and enticing and seemed to be filled with a burning need. “I know what would really make me feel better than anything else Daddy.” Playing with his hard nips I answered, “What son? Daddy wants you to have it.” I felt Drew's hands tighten their grip on my butt. “I want to fuck you Daddy. I want to be the one to take your virginity. I want you to feel the hard cock that you and mom made pushing inside your cherry married ass and hear you beg for your own son's cum. Will you do that for me Daddy? Please?!!” My cock throbbed almost to the point of hurting when he said this. Oh fuck! I said to myself. (to be continued)
    1 point
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