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Everything posted by BannedWord

  1. And I was just starting to think that balding paunchy guys in their late-50's somehow became "the new black". 🤣😂 You're right though. Life evolves, as do our relationships or the types of relationships we cultivate. Rather than fucking a bunch of randos, do we just want the deeper connection of a more select few who actually get to know our inner-most selves and can reach that place deep down that switches on something else that piques us?
  2. "So...where are you from?" Read my screen name and Google mate, you'll figure it out. 🤣 I was thinking of the usual suspect names, such as HughJanus, HughGRection, LouBriccant, or MikeOxmall since any post has our location if listed. I've used 3 of those 4 to crash Zoom calls. 🤣😂
  3. You bought the ticket when you made the decision to fuck once again and you got the result, whether desired or not, but I'll agree with ErosWired that the child deserves to be brought up in a loving family unit if at all possible. One question I'll ask: You mentioned she's had affairs, and since you didn't state the timing or proximity information, do you know for certain that the child is yours? If so, congratulations. If not, you have some other decisions. I'll diverge from ErosWired's view in one key area, your mileage may vary. I grew up in a two parent household, and it was far from perfect. It was very dysfunctional. Devoid of affection between the parents, and distant from the extended family. A dad who was king of the two-beer-buzz and had difficulty in keeping a job, let alone a career. A mother who was an alcoholic. Pretty fractured. Might I have been better off with one parent? In a way I was since the other parent was off and rarely every a presence in my life, even if he was physically there. The only glue keeping that relationship together was me, and when I went off to college, things fell apart very quickly. In the end, mom was mom and still is after two failed marriages and fractured relationships of all kinds, and dad never really understood how to be truly close to his wife or kid and just kept as far away as possible. If you're going to be a family, be a family. Rather than having to stay together for the sake of the kid, be an actual lasting presence in the child's life. Be the person that you needed as a kid, whether you and your girl cohabitate or not. Just having two parents in a home is convenient but doesn't always result in the right things happening. Good luck in your decisions.
  4. I guess that depends on the definition of which interferes with the other. Regular life activities should include sex. Great sex. Lots of satisfyingly orgasmic, sticky, sweaty, lustful sex. But we've all been through COVID and lockdowns and the strange environment we're all existing in. For me, that means my business has more work than reasonable (I'm now turning away clients), and the simple reasons are (a) there are more jobs in my field than people to fill them, (b) my clients have requirements that aren't going away, (c) someone needs to take up the slack so here I am working full-time for 2-3 clients, and (d) ok, the money's really good especially in a recession. But the reality is that you can have a lot of money and no time. You can't fuck money and time is fleeting. ☹️ Enjoy it as much as possible (or more) while the time is still there.
  5. Bingo! Thanks @Romiguy. Do I recall a follow-up story to it? @Hotrawbutt4u, am I imagining things, or did you start a follow-up?
  6. Trying to locate a fairly recent story, but I think it was removed. The first part of it was about a guy whose wife cheated on him, and he could look at their home security cameras to see. Meanwhile, he ended up in a hotel room taking an anon load who invited him to meet later at a bath house on bug night where he's converted into a Poz pig. the story had a later fork into him trying to get revenge on his cheating wife. Was that removed, or is it still here and I just can't find it?
  7. OMG yes. Exceptionally so. It was always a feeling of being more pleasure than I could handle, and then slowly I adjusted into it where I just relaxed and embraced the sensations. And that usually led to starting right in again. Since I adjusted, I've had a couple cock suckers make me lose the ability to stand and I told them to go as much as they wanted. Led to a very quick recovery.
  8. I worked for an organization some years ago -- one which I'm happy not to work for today -- where the CIO was attempting to explain to his head of development (an over-educated but otherwise dim female who'd been promoted beyond her capability) how to realign tasks and responsibilities that would be shifting across organizations. He decided that he needed to use the old baseball analogy. That's right. He used pitchers and catchers. And she had a large Excel sheet that outlined who was pitching and who was catching. This became her cause celebre and she was going around to everyone in the group outlining who was pitching and who was catching. It became, for a few of us, nearly impossible to restrain hysterical laughter because she was absolutely clueless on any double-entendre behind the phrase. As soon as she was out of ear shot, people would use an affected tone to ask, "Are you pitching or are you catching?" Definitely not a politically correct environment or really committed to 'pride'. To this day, when the TV sports comes on and announces Grapefruit League ball here in Florida and when pitchers and catchers report, I'm unable to not think of that situation...and not laugh in hysterics.
  9. Androgynous Switch-hitting AC/DC Bi Swings both ways Ok, some of those might be offensive and not as charitable or descriptive.
  10. But keep in mind your viewpoint: You're a bottom. If it were about just looks, and you had the 20 y/o Twink bottom or the 50+ bottom and you were the top, that point of view might be a little different. I totally agree with you on this one. I've started finding that, apparently, baldi 50-somethings with a slight paunch and "daddy-type" looks are hot to certain of those in the 20-something set. Who knew! Though it doesn't mean that I'd avail myself of it -- some of them can be really thirsty.
  11. You wouldn't have been alone in having to look that up. It's why I threw some of those terms into this. The flammatory reference you made caused me to think about someone I and some friends know who has an almost militant insistence that everyone should automatically understand everything about the LGBTQIA+++ community and terms. Since perhaps I have more of a foot outside the space, I challenged them on why those outside the community should even care. It's their cause and it's up to them to help educate non-LGBTQ's on "why" certain things matter. It took a bit and forcing them to see outside their limited circle to understand how off-putting their approach could seem. For the vast majority of people, terms like demisexual, non-binary and others can seem...well...not relatable. Not even all LGTBQIA+++ people understand them after all. 😃 My friend? They'll get over it.
  12. There's an argument to be made for whether labels should exist or are truly relevant. Gay, straight, CIS Gender, Transgender, bisexual, sapiosexual, demisexual, asexual, polyamorous, non-binary, queer, gender-fluid...and that's only scratching the surface, and new descriptors are being added daily. It's frankly so damn confusing to most of the world outside the LGTBQIA+ diaspora that it can become like trying to define the difference between why there are hundreds of kinds of pepper and what those are. Some would say it's "jumped the shark". Here is the point I'll make: Just who is that label for? Is it to make you feel better about trying to define yourself into a small and compartmentalized box that helps explain your very complex being to others who may not even be concerned? Or is it trying to rationalize who you are to yourself? In the end, the people who don't know you likely don't care either. So don't do this for them. And perhaps don't even try doing it for yourself because you might even find your own self-definitions to change more fluidly than you think. But we have no one to whom we need to affirm our lives and our perception of self other than ourselves. Do you like women sexually? Do you like men sexually? Both? Transgendered people? Walruses? Great. (I'm kidding about the walruses, but whatever floats your boat and doesn't harm you or the walrus) You like who you like. I'd argue that the need to label that is an archaic concept seeking approval to be your authentic self from people whose opinion should perhaps play a very limited role in what makes you happy.
  13. @ErosWired - I had this long answer composed that roughly decomposed the individual components on risk pricing, or why a 'certain percentage' is luck and other pieces of it resolve back to actuarial sciences, statistics, hedging strategies and mitigation or costs inherent in acceptance when risk avoidance isn't feasible. Bottom-line: You're not wrong. Here's what I'd say: It's not all "luck" though a good portion is. For the OP's concern, it's a matter of an industry looking at loss experience and deciding that rejecting a policy is probably a wise financial decision. They wouldn't want to bet on the same person dying twice, and he's still alive after the first payout. On the other side of it, check out Andrew Ross Sorkin's book "Too Big To Fail" to read the background on AIG and how supremely they fucked up Credit Default Swaps by not following basic risk management.
  14. Anytime. You can tell me a lot more about certain things 😉 and all I can do is explain what I know about others. Tons of things I know I can learn from you about your experiences. Think of how insurance companies work in the simplest possible manner: Your auto policy. If you have an accident, generally your rates increase because they infer you're an accident-prone driver, regardless of you being at fault. If you don't like that, you shop for a new policy and...oh, the new insurance company knows you had an accident? How'd they know that? They share data. No surprise there. There are petabytes of information about each one of us. And...oh, we expanded that willingly on platforms like Facebook by telling them what we watch, what we like, what we buy, who we support politically, what music we prefer, even how we'll respond to certain stories and the results are a gold mine to companies who want that data or media companies that want to capitalize on that. No. That's not being paranoid or conspiracy theorist.
  15. Oh boy. Please excuse this going a 'little' off track, but I think this might be helpful. Insurance companies generally don't make money on your policy. They make their money by shrewdly investing that money to get the investment income. In the early 90's, it wasn't uncommon for insurers to invest the premium dollars and get well over a 15% return if they were doing their job even minimally.. One company I worked for had an expense ratio of 103% -- meaning for every $1.00 of premium collected, they were paying out $1.03 between liabilities, payouts, and the overheard of policy servicing and claims payment/litigation. So if you say how can they survive paying out more than they collect, it's their investments that fills the deficit. The job of the insurance company is to maximize profits for their shareholders or mutual owners. To do this, they employ legal teams to litigate claims and pay as little as possible or challenge how much they pay for something like a bumper repair. Don't even mention liability payouts. Many times, they end up paying anyway (I had a suit against a company who insisted they'd rather pay attorneys than me, they eventually paid both and much more to the attorneys). There are a couple of pertinent stories also about why they choose to select certain people and refuse others. Let's use Florida. We have hurricanes. If a big one hits, it could wipe out an insurer who insured too many houses in the state that would be affected. Florida has a state-run company as a result to make sure all Florida homeowners can get coverage. But why else don't you over-insure or get over-exposed? Look up the story of AIG -- they provided insurance against most of the credit default swaps before the 2008 housing crash and no one inside looked closely at what they were doing. Hope that begins to answer. The deck always need to be stacked in favor of the house in that business as the level of loss can be devastating if you calculate that risk wrong. AIG is an example of doing it wrong and what can happen: $185 billion in bailouts, and all of us paid for that.
  16. An enclosed or canopied space with shops, stalls, or cubicles on either side. Although I know we all know it as a place where games are normally played and all sorts of computer generated music emerges from each machine. I also get the reference to ABS but only seen that seldom used. Usually in 'trying to class up the joint'.
  17. Provided you can actually 'see' them. I'm blind as a rat normally, let alone in the dark, so I wonder if that can be my excuse. (just kidding)
  18. I'm pretty certain that I know the actual reason. Insurance companies keep a record of all claims and payouts, and they can share that information with other carriers or in a central database. For instance, I had a couple of Homeowners Claims (one due to hurricane) and other people have had accidents. The insurance companies certainly know about those when they underwrite your policy and the result is that they either write the policy, deny the policy, or write it at a much higher premium due to the risk. In your case, they probably have your information from having sold that policy and the reasons, and it made its way into an underwriting database. A lot of companies lost a ton of money on Viatical settlements because people began outliving the expected payouts (remember to thank Greg Louganis, kids). Anyhow, the information is out there for any and all payouts on insurance, and though I don't know the life side of the business in that case, the property/casualty side of the insurance business keeps that information and considers it in underwriting decisions for a varied number of years. It would make sense that the life side of the business would do this as well. You'd only ever expect a death payout once per person.
  19. I got the notification on that post, and got the same web page message. Checked the notifications that said there were responses, and when I clicked those...presto, same message page. So I go back and reverse the steps to look for the thread and it's gone. So I surmised quickly that the thread was removed. Perhaps because it went off topic, perhaps because there were some comments I provided as a response on Second Amendment and some banter on those that was accurate but unappreciated (remember, I'm the conservative guy here who's a legal gun owner). At least that was my guess. Either way, admittedly it went off the original trajectory. Didn't see a penalty or message indicating I'd run afoul of acceptable use, so I abandoned it being on my posts and just figured the thread had "jumped the shark" and a Mod decided it ran its course. 😄
  20. Thank you for clarifying the topic, the stance, and the full-transparency of what occurred.
  21. You guys are actually both in S. FL, though a bit of a commute. Maybe you should discuss it over some great sex. 😂
  22. My experience was limited to places in/around Philly, and I discovered the Adonis when I was around 25-26. Was cool because it had a couple of levels before you got back into the actual dark room. There were benches along a couple of sides, a bit of a maze, and some dark booths, and a couple of times I did get to see someone ass up on the fuck bench and could adjust enough that you could see the action, which was hot to watch before deciding if you wanted to join in. Because the light was incredibly dim (after about 30 minutes, you could adjust to the light level and see some stuff by the fuck bench but nowhere else), it was a great compromise -- you could remain in total darkness and have your fun, or be in say 20 lumens of light and watch. Dudes who turned on iPhone lights were a total nuisance. Once you adjust to the darkness, those things can be blinding and people got really pissed off about that. The other was guys that were overly aggressive or annoying by cutting in to your action -- like pulling another bottom out of the way while you're fucking them so he can give you oral (Like WTF is that? If I'm breeding some dude, I don't want to get pulled out so some guy can just blow me. Geez!). Mostly though, people knew why they were there and what you wanted. I was the rutter, ad Hntnhole would like to phrase it, and I just fucked a lot of holes or dropped my load down someone's throat if they were very orally gifted (very few have done it for me). If there was something in the TPA area of Florida, I'd love to make it a habit again.
  23. I'd tend to agree, Bootman, unless there was some other behavior afoot or under investigation (say involving minors, etc.). Otherwise, you're right that it's pretty doubtful someone would be all that interested in 2 or more people of consenting age doing...well...that.
  24. Joining this a bit late. I sold a house in NY a few years ago that I had a security camera set in so that I could see if the front door was triggered. My real estate agent wanted to have kittens about that since she didn't want her clients recorded or viewed. Meanwhile, I'm 1,200 miles away so I had to do the same looking as you cited that security systems were exempted, she didn't want to believe it (I ended up changing agents later, another agent sold the property). I had to tell her point blank that anyone coming or going was captured and she should advise clients or other agents, but that I'd refrain from spying while they were touring the house. The situation is obviously different than spying on someone who has a right to privacy in their own home or who doesn't consent to being recorded doing kinky shit. But there are enough cases, and a few voyeur landlords, who have been caught spying on neighbors or tenants that have been criminally charged for invasion of privacy. But I'm sure there are other uses, such as spy cams by an investigator to surveil a suspect when contracted by a lessor or tenant (watch any episode of Cheaters for examples of those videos).
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