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Everything posted by loadme68

  1. Agree totally with you Caliban.
  2. you are definitely one damn, fine sexy fucker!

  3. Yes that was an extremely hot story!
  4. We are very sane just perpetually horny!
  5. Yeah. Have not had the pleasure to be gangbanged as of yet.
  6. This story gets hotter with each new installment.
  7. Keep it up. Killer story.
  8. TonyRedux, you are one interesting stud!
  9. Hmmmm, Thanks breedme420. Sound like a fun guy. Going to be in Portland this coming summer.

  10. I frankly don't care what you are to be perfectly honest. His comment was a fair one and was his opinion. By penalizing him and banning him, you have effectively censored his speech. Furthermore you have no business taking the tone of a lecturer with me or anybody else because we do not agree with you. It rather begs the question as to why you got so upset about what he said. Personally, I think human beings are quite a bit more advanced than animals.
  11. Well honestly, I don't think cam1972 picked an argument. He was stating his opinions which apparently didn't set well with others who have differing opinions. And sorry, we are not animals. Technically, we are mammals. Animal is a term used to label "any member of the kingdom Animalia, comprising multicellular organisms that have a well-defined shape and usually limited growth, can move voluntarily, actively acquire food and digest it internally, and have sensory and nervous systems that allow them to respond rapidly to stimuli: some classification schemes also include protozoa and certain other single-celled eukaryotes that have motility and animallike nutritional modes. " Further, the definition of animal goes on to use as its second definition "any such living thing other than a human being." Before we start ranting at each other maybe we should realize that others will not agree with us and have the right to state that fact.
  12. Sorry but I respectfully have to disagree.
  13. Being nasty and odiferous to others is definitely not my idea of a man. It is my idea of someone who needs to be introduced to soap, hot water and deodorant!
  14. 9.5" about 4.5" around. His partner was about the same size. They tag-teamed me and loaded my ass a number of times.
  15. There is also a great modern novel, Drood, which is really quite good.
  16. Edwin Drood was Dickens only unfinished novel. There have been many attempts to determine who the culprit was but Dickens' notes provided no answer.
  17. Loved those books and what you have up is awesome!
  18. I feel your pain. same problem here!
  19. BushPig, somehow I think you lost your virginity a long time ago! :-)
  20. any luck in your chase?

  21. Sounds like a fun time was had by all!!
  22. I thought my first time was safe but my top not only popped my cherry but he also slipped the condom off and left a big load of cum up my ass.
  23. What I would like to know is if they think all of that precum coating their hole can't include the bug. If they are.that stupid they deserve multiple loads!
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