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Everything posted by cam1972

  1. Well this all just became very interesting. I'm all for skipping that step. You're a sexy fucker, sleazy_Brit_Boy. NLbear...... All sorts of mental pictures popped in my head while reading your post. And damn...... Are they hot. But I have to say I'm always in the mood.
  2. I've said many times that we are a hypocritical community. We scream for tolerance from everyone else and demand not to be judged yet we are so intolerant and judgmental when it comes to other gay men. Or people in general. We could afford to be more caring. That said, I agree with you on handling the situation with a message to the incredibly rude guest. Yes, don't be rude, but I do think he needs to get the message across..... Then again, this guy sounds like the type that doesn't give a damn what the other person thinks. Who knows... I just want to know when your app is going to be made available. Sounds like an incredible idea to me. I know I would use it. Hopefully someone takes the idea and runs with it.
  3. One side effect I forgot to mention that I have.... Ringing in my ears and loss of hearing until the poppers wear off. Doesn't always happen. Usually after heavy use.
  4. I kind of enjoy the kaleidoscope of colors. When they start to fade, that's my cue to hit the bottle again. And again.... And again.
  5. The spots I see tend to change colors. I've seen red, blue, orange, yellow, and sometimes it is black... I had read that if you experience these, there is less of a chance of getting the headache. I don't know if that is fact, but I have never had a headache after any length of use.
  6. I experience symptoms such as a very hard cock, a throbbing sensation in my cock, loss of inhibitions and 10 times out of 10, end up with a pool of cum on my stomach. But seriously.. Sometimes I get a cough not unlike the cough I have after smoking a lot. But it goes away within a few hours. Some guys I've been with won't use them because of headaches. I've never had that problem.
  7. Search Video DownloadHelper on your computer. It will install on your search bar and will allow you to download videos from any site.
  8. Yeah.... I am SO fucking tired of posts on tumblr saying the bottom is the faggot while the top is "straight", an "alpha-male" or that a bottom should feel honored that the top wants to fuck him. Pisses me off as well. If it's consensual play, ok. But some have a mindset that all bottoms are inferior. Fuck that. It takes a man to take it up the ass and own it.
  9. Is it bad of me to smile and find joy in seeing the tables turned by this comment? On tumblr, I see post after post after post about how the bottom is only there to be used. That's all we are good for. This is the first time I've seen it said about the top. While I am the type for mutual gratification, I am happy to see bottoms stand up for themselves and say we are so much more than just a hole to be used. This thread makes me proud. Damn proud.
  10. I've said it before and I'll say it again... Why should we be ashamed if it's a natural thing to do? I'm proud to please the man I'm having sex with. It brings me incredible pleasure. No shame here. No reason for it. Takes a man to please a man.
  11. I'll swallow a load, but only if he refuses to come in my ass. I do love the taste of cum and precum, but like someone else said, I feel like I've done a better job of pleasing if I get him off in my ass. And I can still taste his cum when I suck him after dumping his load. But either way, don't waste the seed.
  12. I must say..... In reading your posts you've started...... Your threads read like a transcript to a movie. A bad, outlandishly unbelievable movie............................ Your stories change. In one thread, you said you had two brothers you thought were gay. The next thread, you say you have three brothers you think are gay. You've back peddled in this thread about knowing the identity of the stalker. One post, you said with certainty that you do. After being asked about it, you said you think you do.... Which is it? I respectfully say I'm doubting your credibility here. If I am wrong, I'll own it. But I don't think I am.
  13. If you are in a Dom/sub relationship, I would imagine that choice is taken from you. But if it's not that kind of relationship, no means no. If he's not man enough to show his face, he has no right to expect you to show yours. We should NOT always do what the top wants. Unless that is the understanding in the fuck session or relationship.
  14. I don't believe he was meaning that your ex is the stalker but more that he is the one feeding your stalker the information and putting him up to this. I may be wrong, but I think that is what he meant.
  15. I've had better sex while being fucked by smaller cocks than I have with 8.5. I think the idea that all bottoms should have small cocks is a ridiculous thought. IMO. Just as ridiculous as the thought that all tops should be hung like horses. Size of cock does not dictate what desire an individual has. If he has 8 inches and likes to take it up the ass, that's his call. He has 4 1/2 and wants to top? Who are we to tell him he should be a bottom? I'm average but love to bottom. And top on occasion. It's been said several times but.... All cock is good cock. Definitely agreed.
  16. The stalker told him that he was going to kill him while his dad was visiting. His dad doesn't want to kill him. I do agree with NLbear tho. Staying in touch with police is important. The good thing is they have first hand knowledge of what is happening. You know they believe you.
  17. My number one argument when told by "condom police" that gay men should always use protection. If heterosexuals can go raw, we sure as hell can. Equality, right?
  18. I'm a condom nazi. Nazis want to destroy what they hate. I hate condoms.
  19. This... This is why guys get frustrated with you. You post as tho you are ASKING FOR ADVICE (emphasis, not yelling), when in truth you are actually just wanting to "vent". By doing so, you waste a lot of guys' time and emotional involvement in your situation. Because you really don't want the advice. It's obvious you don't because you continue on the same (self destructive) path every single time. If you want to vent, vent. But don't post it as asking for advice. Put the subject title "Vent #1,648" or something like that. Then guys will know not to waste their time giving you advice you don't really want. If they want, they can commiserate with you. Others that don't can skip the party.
  20. I just went back and read your posts about your boyfriend. You've asked if he is a bully (established that he is), have stated that your sex life with him is less than desirable and not frequent at all, and.... You have stated that he has not been forthcoming about being online when he actually has been. That's a lie by omission. So.... You HAVE caught him not being truthful. Degrading comments, partying, doesn't want to have sex with you much, not being totally honest with you...... I'm saying this with all the kindness I have within me: I'm sorry but just because your mother stayed with an asshole (your words) doesn't give you an excuse to do so. You say you just wish he wouldn't need drugs to be the person you want him to be... He doesn't need drugs to be a bully, or not have sex with you, or degrade you... So drugs really aren't the issue. HE is. And part of the trouble lies within you. You let him do this. And as long as you let him, you'll be miserable and be right back here posting more about how bad it is to be with your boyfriend. And.. To be honest.. I don't think anyone wants to see that. I just wonder how bad it has to become before you leave. Either you enjoy being miserable or.... You don't get attention from him so you post on here to get attention... Either way, no way to live life. Because eventually, no one is going to pay attention on here either. Losttop, I think you feel you don't deserve better. May even deal with depression... But he's not worth another minute of your time. Do yourself a favor and leave. You are wasting your life away staying with someone who doesn't give two shits about you. You will never look back and say "I wish I would have taken more abuse from him." But you WILL look back and say "I wish I would have left him sooner." He's just too much drama. As someone else said, stop posting and start packing. Please.
  21. Poppers To Go uses PayPal. So no bank issues. And no shipping charges. Unless you want faster shipping. Cheaper than 4poppers and the product is much better.
  22. I'm not sure it's advice that you are wanting, given the many times we've given you advice and you ignored it. Or maybe it's not the advice you've hoped to hear. Either way, it's a waste of everyone's time (including yours) to keep posting on here about your situation. By now, you should know what everyone is going to say. Almost 100% if not 100% have told you to leave him from the very first time you posted about him. In my opinion, life is too damn short to live with someone you resent. But you are choosing time and again to stay with him. Until you are truly ready to give him up, we can give all the advice we can give, but unless you take it to heart and act on it, it does as much good as a folded up umbrella in a rainstorm. Kindly said... You need to wake up and realize he is not the one for you and get the fuck out of dodge. But I dont believe you are ready to do that. So I'm really not sure why you keep asking. Except to vent as you said before. You can only do that for so long before people stop caring. Leave him or learn to deal with it. Those are your two options. Can't change a zebra's stripes.
  23. This. This says everything that needs to be said about this entire situation.
  24. I'm one of those that had cancer due to having HIV. Being tired everyday, having neuropathy and a myriad of other side effects doesn't make me long for the old days. And... Given the ignorance I experience every time I tell a gay guy I'm poz.... Still feels like the old days. Have a conversation with one of those. The feeling of being a threat will come back quickly. Lol
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